SUMMER EXCURSION RATES WE HAVE FOR- LUNCH EON Special Rates and Train service Newport For Season of l07 on C. & E. Railroad. to Fine Cream Cheese 20c Fine Swiss Cheese... 30c Cream Brick Cheese .....30c McLaren's Club Cheese 15c Just in Barrel Heinz's Sweet Mixed Pickles, something fine. Boiled Ham every day. Fresh barrel of Queen Olives. Grape Juice, the finest on the market. Crider Grocery Dallas, - - Oregon Administrator's Notice. Notice to Creditors. Kntire U herebv riven to whom it may con pern, that the umlersiirurd hiis been duly pointed administrator of the estate of Manlou tiny, deceased, dy me non. iuiiiy Court of Volt Comity, Oreeon. All parties in debted to said estate are hereby notified to call at oiiee and make settlement with the under signed and all parties harlne claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verihed to the undersigned, witnin nix months from the date hereof. Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, this 26th day of July, iw,. B. M. GUV. Administrator. Sibley A Eakin, Attys. or estate. Notice to Creditors. Notiee is hereby elveirthat the unr'ersieiied hns been dnlv aunointed administrator of the estate of Peter Heeler, aeeeasea, Dy inu uouniy Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and lias Qualified. All persons havinar claims arainst the said estate are hereby notitied to present the same duly verified, togetherwith the (.roper vouchers to tne undersigned, si ins place oi TIntols. resorts aud attractions at Newport are now open for the season, Ami indications all point to this famous Oregon "Coast Resort" being more popular this season than ever before. A decided Innovation, bound to be a source of great satisfaction to visitors and add greatly to the popularity tf this fast-coming only "Oregon Coast Resort," was the opening on July 3rd of the "Newport Theatre," for the summer season by a "High class Stock Company," made up of some of the best Stock actors on the Coast, to include various members of the well known "Baker Theatre Stock Com- Danv. 'ot I'ortianu. a series oi iue best stock plays available will be pro duced duriug the season with frequent change of bill. About July 1st, there was opened to the publio one of the largest ana best eauioDed SkatiDf? Rinks in the Northwest, containing 12,000 square feet of floor space. v The rink will be open continuously ay ana evening, except during bathing hours These two attractions will divide honors with visitors in filling a long felt want for some place to while away thfrpfir. la the undersigned, at business in Willainina. Yamhill County. Ore- tha evuninrrci nftor t.h olnse of outdoor ...... ... jiwm tl.u f 'rum tw fluvlr r,i P.. lb County, iii Dallas, Oregon, within six months Notice is herebv eiven that the nnderslKned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Marv Kilev. deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for I'ulk County, and has qualilied. All persons havine claims atrainst the said estate are hereby notified to prtsent the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his place of business in Wll lamina, lamina county, u re- eon, or at the otiice of the County Clerk of eoiu County, in Dallas, Oregon, withiu six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published July 2, 1907. PAUL FUNDMAN. Administrator of the estate pf Mary Kiley, aeeeasea. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. from the date ni this notice. Dated and first published July '23, 1907. PAUL FUNDMAN, Administrator of the estate of Peter Wheeler, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of John Campbell, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and has qualified. Ail persons having claims against tne said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, together with tbe proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at her residence near Ballston. in said County of Polk, within six months froc? the date of this notice. Dated aud first published July 9, 1907. MARGARKT D. CAMPBELL, Administratrix of the estate of John Campbell, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice of Final. Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of tne estate of Thomas Orton, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and has qualilied. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his place of business in v mamma, lammii county, Ore gon, or at the otiice of the County Clerk of Polk County, in Dallas, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published July 2, 1907. PAUL FUNDMAN, Administrator of the estate Thomas, Orton, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Summons. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. as administrator of the estate of Ann Sylvester, deceased, has filed his final account in the County court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Saturday, the 31st day of August, 1907. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of tbe saw uouniy court in tne city of Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. J. D. SMITH, Administrator of the estate of Ann Sylvester, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attornev. Dated and first published August 2, 1907. " Notice For Publication. In the Circuit Court of the State of. Oregon, ior i'oik i;outuy, uepariment no. i. O. D. Chorpening, Plaintiff, vs. Alta Chorpen iiiK, Defendant, Summons. To Alta Chorpening, the above-named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby reunired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and suit, within six weeks from the iate of the first publication ol this summons, to-wit On or before the 20th day of August, 1907; ana If yon fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for a decree as prayea for in tne snia complaint, to-wlt, that the marriage contract now and heretofore exist ing between the plaintiff and the defendant lie dissolved and annulled; and that the plaintitl may have Buch other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet with equity and good conscience. This summons, by order of the Hon. Ed F. Coad, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, made at Chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the Utli day of July, 1907, is served upon you by publication thereof, lor a period of six consecutive and successive we immediately prior to the 20th day of August, 1907, in the "Polk County Observer," a news paper oi general circulation, published weekly at Dallas, in said County. The date of the first publication of this summons is July 9, 1907, L. D. BKOWN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Portland, Oregon, August 3. 1907. Notice is hereby given that Adna 11. Phelns. of Hoskins, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in sup port, oi nig claim, viz: Homestead Jfintry No. 14276 made on July 8, 1902, for the Northeast quarter of Heetion 20, Township 9 south, Range 7 west, and that aid proof will be made before the Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas, Oregon, on September 14. 1907. He names the following witnesses to nrnve his continuous residence uuon. and cultivation of, the land, viz: William McLaughlin, of Falls City, Oregon; R Russell, of Falls City, Oregon; I . Jones, of Kails City, Oregon; T. E. Phelps, of runs niy, uregou. AtAiEKNO-N S. DKESSEK, Register. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State nf Orngnn for Polk County, Department No. 2. Thomas E. Caulield, Plaintiff, vs. Margaaet murray i.nuneiu, ieieuoani, summons. lo the above named defendant, Margaret .viuirny luuueiu; in tne Name of the state of Oregon : You herebv reuuired to a linear and answer th ,m. Plaint filed against vou in the above entiil.wi court and cause within six weeks from the first TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land Office, Portland, .Oregon, June 1. 1907. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber fnttds In the States of California, Ore gon, isevaua, ana astuiigton Territory, as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, William W. Chappell, of Falls City, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this uay niea in mis omee nis sworn statement No 7463, lor the purchase of the N. V, of the 8. W. Section No. 10. in Townbhip No. 8 S. of Range No. 8 W., and will oiler proof to show that tbe land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone man ior agricultural purposes, and t establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ollice, at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, the 20th day of September, 1907. He names as witnesses: William J. South well, of Falls Citv. Oregon: Rov McMnrnhv. of Falls City, Oregon; George Bagley.of Portland, uregon; r. a. iucas, or runs city, Oregon; C. Kramer, of Falls City, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this otiice on or before said 20th day of oepiemoer, iw, ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. publication of this summons, to-wit: Oh the 26th day of August, 1907, and if you fail so to appear and answer the said eomiih.ini the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce dissolving, the hnndu of matrimony now existing between him and yourself and for inch further and other relief as may be equitable Vou are hereby further notified that this sum mons is served upon you by publication thereof in the "Polk County Observer," a newspaper attractions. This Company, as well as the South em Pacific Company and Oregon Rail road & Navigation Company, have now on sale season tickets to Newport from all points in Oregon at greatly reduced rates. These tickets can be purchased daily and are good for re turn until October 10th, 1907.. In addition to season tickets, this Company and the Southern Pacific Company have placed on sale at rc ducea rates popular weeK-ena tnree day tickets, good from Saturday to Monday, for the benefit of those who cannot advantageously use season tickets, bat who desire to make fre quent short Interval trips to the "Beach" during the season. lnis Company will also, commenc ing Sunday, J une 16, provide special "Sunday Excursion" trains from Al bany to Newport and return, and have on sale one-day excursion tickets at reduced rates for this train. Passengers holding season or three- day tickets mentioned, can travel l J n i n i going or returning on aunuay Hixcur sion trains. lor information relative to rates, trains, etc., see tan lis on file at sta tions for public inspection, or refer to any agent orJorvallis bastern li. K. Company, Southern Pacific Company or uregon itauroaa a .Navigation fjompany. uu'u. a: .KEVINS, General Passenger Agent. The alcohol potato, a variety which contains about four times the alcohol producing capacity of the ordinary va riety and which was discovered by Professor Hansen on one of his recent tours of exploration, is to be distrib uted among a number of experlmeut stations where it can be grown under conditions which will injure its rapid multiplication, from which points It will later be given a more general dis tribution. If the denatured alcohol bill Is altered so as to permit of tbe estab lishment of smaller plants than at present allowed, this new potato will ne a most valuable addition to our present list of alcohol producing plants and will exert a potent Influence on heating and motor power problems. published gumi-weekly at the City of Dallas in Polk County, Oregon, pursuant to the order of tbe Honorable William Galloway. Judge of this TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 8, 1878. United States Land Ollice, Portland, Oregon, May 31, l'.K)7. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tne Public Laud States by act of August 4, i8u, Aiarina li. uagiey, of Portland, court, made this fifth day of July, 1907, and this summons was first published on the 9th day of CARSON & CNNON. Attorneys for Plaintitl'. How's This! TTe offer One Iluiit'.red Dollar Reward foi ir.y case of Catarrh that cannot be cared bj -luii s uatarrn (jure. F J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undesigned, have known F. J. Che ney tor the last IS years, and believe him per- I fcctly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. West Trpax, Wholesale Dreggfsts, Toledo, O. W aiding, KiNNiN&Miavia, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, o. Bin s aiarrn (jure is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mnmua mi rf l)ru snrist. Testimonials ire. Hall's Family Fills are the best. Teacher's Examinations. Notice Is herebv eiven that thn m:t, for the purchase of the West X of N. W. i of Sec. No. 10 in Township No. 8 8., Range No. 8 West, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought i is more valuable for its ' timber than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, tbe 17lh day of September, 1907. fche names as witnesses: William J.South well, of Falls City, Oregon ; Ferris A. Lucas, of Falls City, Oreuon; Raymond F. Marquis, of Portland, Oregon; John "H. Bagley, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons' claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this ollice on or belore said 17th day of September, 1907. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, . Register. Notice For Publication. County SuperintendentofPolk County will hold the regular examination of county of Multnomah state of Oregon, has this applicants for state and county papers day tiled in this otiice her sworn statement No. y. ., wUii,j (mu i -ivaima, uieguu, as I0110W8 : FOR STATE PAPERS Commencing Wednesdaj', August 14 at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, August 17, at 4 p. m. Weduesday Penmanship, history, spelling, physical geography, reading, psychology. , Thursday Written arithmetic, the ory of teaching,, grammar, bookkeep ing, physics, civil government. Friday-Physiology, geography, composition, algebra. Saturday -Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, 8choolIaw. FOR COUNTY PAPERS Commencing Wednesday, August H at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Friday, August 16, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wed nesd ay Pe n m a n sh i p, h is tory, orthography, reading. Thursday Written Arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday Geography, school law, ciyil government H. C. SEYMOUR, County School Sup't. CW Early Risers The famous littlo pill. " TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Laud Otiice, Portland. Oregon, May 27, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1K78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land Slates" by set of August 4, 1892, Herbert L. Tonev, of Dallas, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this otiice his sworn statement No. 74H8, for the purchase of the Lot No. 4 of Section No. 30, in Township No. 9 South, Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and lo establish his claim to said laud before the County Clerk at Dallas, Oregon, on Thursday, the I5ih day of August, 1907. He names as witnesses: F. A. Elliott, of New berf, Oregon ; W. V. Fuller, of Dallas, Oregon; ;. H . Riggs, of Mabel, Oregon; H. M. Riggs, of Mabel, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or belore sail l;(n day of August, 1907. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. With the toughest and poorest of six Inch fence boards costing from $24 to $30 per thousand feet, depending souits- what upon locality, the question of a future lumber supply for the construc tion of the rougher farm buildings be comes one of ever Increasing Interest and Importance. Where a rapid grow ing and good trunked tree Is desired, one from which lumber can be sawed at the end of twenty-two to twenty-six years, the cottonwood cannot b3 sur passed. It does especially well on wet soils and makes a good showing on all but the driest. Twenty-five years from now a ten acre grove of cattonwoods set tnis spring and given proper care ought to be worth close to $8,000. It takes faith to sow for so distant a reap ing as this, but it is beyond question worth while. KILL the COUGH and CURE the LUNGS WTH CJciv Discovery rnn mahmiia run t ;x1JrV, . .oe $ioa PBica OLDS Trial Bottle Free AMD ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED 8 ATIS FACTORY Vli JSOIfET REFUNDED. Educate Your Daughters at SALEM In addition to its natural attractions, thischarming city has the advantage of being one of the principal and best developed towns in theWillam ette Valley, and the state capital Young Ladies J r.':ceive education at this school, therefore, may receive not only s. thorough education from books, and the accomplishments resulting from in struction in art, needlework, domestic science and music, and association with their instructors, but they also acquire a poise and culture in manner due to privileges of observation and environ ment which Salem, more than any other city in Oreg-on, affords. Complete cost for tuition, board, etc., is only $40 per half session of ten weeks. Music, two lessons a week, per half session, $15. Send today far new announcement. Academy & Sacred Heart Salem, Oregon CURE YOUR KIDNEYS Why will people continue to suffer the aaoniea of kidney complaint, bockache, urinarv disorders, lameness, headaches, languor, Why allow themselves to be come chronic invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? Poan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to use. becfluse it irives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, cure your self now. before diabetes, dropsy or P.rixht'B disease sets in. Mrs. L. Hodson, of 717 Aura St. Pendleton, Ore., says: "I just as en thusiastically endorse Doan'a Kidney Pills today as I did nearly three yesre ago. xnev relieved moot Kianey irouuiu which had bothered me for a consider able time. There was aching pains across the small of my back and down through my kidneys, which were aggra vated by colds which settled in the back and loins and caused an awful lameness. This was my condition when I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. Tis rem edy banished the backache and pains through the loins, regulated the kidney secretions and removed every symptom of the trouble, From that day to this there has been no recurrence, and I give Doan's Kidney Pills all the credit. 1 consider them to be the best kidney remedy procurable and recommend them whenever the occasion arises," For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,soie agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans and take no other. HOLLiSTER'3 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Msdlolns for Easy Peopls. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A sMclflo for Constipation. Imllcestlon. Live and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Kccnin, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, HlupRish lloirels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky jdountain Tea In tab let form. 85 cents a box. Genuine made bv Holuster Deuo Company, Madison, Wis. 90LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Cut Glassware Silverware Your friends are getting married; give them a handsome, high-grade present. Also ft full line of OPTICAL GOODS C. H. MORRIS Jeweler Ono door west of Stafrin Drug Co. it 1 sV ' Even our ii a i as i i rv i mum i It s f LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, .No. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. G. L. Hawkins, W. M. J. C. Havtkr, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, First First aud third Fridays of each month. Oscar Hayter, H. P. U. S. Grant, Sec. fA aomi Chapter, No. 22, 0. E. 8., stated 4meetings Second and Fourth Tues days of each month. Mrs. Maggik Hayter, W. M. Mrs. Liiibik Muir, Sec. Woodmen of the World. allas Camp, No. 209, meets i hall in tbe Woodman huildin Tuesday evening. A. Longneckkr, C. W.U. in their ir every Vassall, Clerk. istletoe Circle, No. 33, W. C. 7?., meets in their Hall, in the Woodman building everv second and fourth Wednesday. Mrs. Greenwood, G. Nt Mrs. Nellie Tatom, Clerk. VAN0RSDEL $ BARIIAM j. Must have more Farms and City Property to sell. We are turning away men every day for want of places to , suit. Perhaps yours would. Come and list with us. We can sell. We are making up a new list to be sent Eaht. Get yours in ou this. Will sell on small commission. See us. C. VanOrsdel and A. J. Barhara Dallas, - .Oregon I iiliru!i!!Th;. wmao. A CONVINCING PROOF of the worth of a medicine is the cures if ono who has used Ballard's Snow i iELBj! an ect( C f T D V RHEUMATISM, CUTS, SPRains 5 that H fj LU Kh BURNS. NEURALQIA 'mM?!: STIFF JoJ1 AND ALL PAINS. MUSCl$ USED SNOW LINIMENT 10 YEAPS V. L. .Settle, Richmond, Mo., writer n, . certify that I have used your K now L fnim lbl la years for rheumatism, SeuralirilT k flmff'or uu in every case ic lias rendered immH T' eS and sat sfWlnn "uvhu immediato rnliJ and satisfaction Avoid all Substitutes. Three RJo - . . BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO OCCIDENTAL HOTEL High Service and Low Rates C. W. NIXON, Proprietor, Corvcllis, Oregon. W. J. STOWE, Truck man, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable raft's. Sold and Recommended by STAFRIN DRUO COMPANY COFFEE TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT ' CLOSSET&DEVERSl PORTLAND. ORE. J DALLAS. Knights of the Maccabees. Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second and Fourth Thursdays of each month in I. O. 0. F.hall. Mark Hayter, 8. K. Com. I. N. Woods. E. K. Twilae Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M., meets "on Second and Fourth Thursday after- noon of each month. Mrs. Kittie N. Miller, L. C. Mrs. Rosa Fidler, R. K. Fraternal Union of America Ijodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday of each month. W. J. Wagnkr, F. M. Mas. S. E. Morrison, Sec. Knights of Pythias iyi armion Lodge, No. 96, K. of P. J,A Meets even Mondav eveninr? in W. O. W. building. Visiting Knights are welcome. W. H. Roy, C. C. H. L. Toxey, K. of E. S. MAKE EVERY DAT COUNT- nn niAttpi how' , bad the weather: You cannot afford to be without a TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT ,OR SLICKER When you buy looK for the 5ICN OF THE FISH j rewea co Boston u i 1H CANACX.N CO LTD TQfO.TO CAN rhta signature is on every box of the genuin Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold Id M flaT W Early Risers The famous little oKIs. MAGAZINE HEADERS SCTSET MAGAZINE beautifully illustrated, good torie and article aboul'Camornia and all tha Far Wert. CAMERA CSAFT devoted Men month to the ar tistic reproduction ol the bed work of amateur and professional photographers. ROAD OF A THOUSAND W0NDESS a book of 75 pages, containing LJ colored photographs ot Q.g and Oregon. $1.50 rear $1.00 year Total $3.25 $1.50 All for . . . . Address all orders to SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood Building San Francisco TIMBER-LANDS FULLER ELLIOTT Don't fail to call or write if you m have timber to sell. ' "m Office in Crider Building Dallas, a. 0nriM M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS OREGON fc. i You u y from Pacton Direct. Therefore our ices arc lowest. 6k LOZKCC 3"" ST. PoilTuwaDM Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whuoping Cough. !21 1 BVl -2L Sallowness Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark skin becomes Uciiutini; when delicately soft, un,lcrswaj with the radiant glow wliich imli catesahealthy, active skin. Robert ine keeps the skin refined in quality, keeps pores freefrom clog pir.gwastt and stimulates the tiny capillarieito contribute thecolorwhichcharrmin blonde and brunette alike. Robert ine is certain protection against tan, unburn and freckles if applied be fore exposure to sun or wind. Spreads like an imperceptible sheen of gauze overskin surface, forming shield stimulating and preserving I delicate, lustrous beauty. AlhtmrDntiUnSIAT fir flu tmpU rf ROBERTfiit 1st $2 nf! Pays tor the OBSERVER and trie weeKiy vreguuum one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observes must be paid up to date. - Subscribe now. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIYE rir? THE NEW IDEA rj O LJI tbe Bowels r , n U '773 i A. 0. U. W. C Union Lodge. No. 35 Meets First nuu iuiiu , cuircauBV 01 eaco month. H. L. Fknton.M. W. -John E. Smith, Fin fTrystai uxige, jno. do, l). of h.. meets tirst and Third Wednesday of moniD. Mrs. C. G. Coad, C. of II. Mrs. Ed. F. Coad, Fin. United -Artisans. AMembly No. 46 meets FiMt WlIXIS SlMONTON, M. A. and I. O. O. F. Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets - tevery baturday evening in I. kj. j. c. nan. W. L. Sokhrrn, N. G. W. A. Ayrks, Rec.Sec. IjaCreolc Encampment, No. 20, meets month. W. A. Ayrks, C. P. A. W. Tiats, Scrihe. n Indira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meets - -me nrsi anU third Wetlnesdava of earn monin. Miss Evangelise Hart, N. G. Mr. Clarice Sorhrsn, Sec. Lincoln Annuity Union Oregon Assembly. No. 54. rr eyry Friday at 8 p. m. at I. O. O. F nail. lslting neighbors weleomev Fbed R. Rich, Speaker. Lydia Campbell, Clerk. Best for Children For Sale by Druggists. 3U6H SYRUP Red CIotoT BIsssan m Every Bottlt L-J am SALEM, FATXS CITY K WKSTERN RAILWAY TI.METAllLENo.3 KF1ECTIVE PKimCARY 1, lOOT. COMPANY. No. T No. O No. 1 1 No J No. 3 No. n No- a No. 4 No. fl No. 8 No. 0 WW W'W' STATI0NS fe Fr.l.rhtW Freight Flight M- A- M- p- M. A. M. A. M. P.M. M. P.M. P.M. A. M. A. M. 7:15 11:10 i 8:20 Lv. DALLAS Ar. 9:30 '1:46 6:15 7:34 No Stop 8:39 Ar. TEATS .'. Ar. No Stop No Stop No Stop 7:38 No Stop 8:43 Ar. GILLIAMS Ar. 9:02 No Stop 4:47 Lv. Lv. Lv. 7:43 No Stop 8:48 Ar. 'BRIDGEPORT Ar. 8:67 No Stop 4:42 Ar. Ar. 6:00 9:00 1:30 7:65 11:60 4:00 Ar. FALLS CITY Lv. 8:45 1:00 4:30 8:30 11:41 6:30 I 9:30 I 2:00 Ar. 'BLACK ROCK Lv. 7:45 HM No. IS Freight P.M. Ar. 4:1S S 30 Train. Will Stop on Signal 0ly. No Ai.nt., E.p, Sdy. Sch.dal. SoW.rt t. Chang. Groceries and Provisions t , WE carry all the leading brands of Canned 8 " Goods, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also 1"H a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in season. Crockery and Queen's Ware. SlMONTON & SCOTT, PagaJOre. .At .al4. 60 YEAR f ' EXPERIENCE Ml 4 ii,.AMtlon ts pro b b 1 f r' Y, . t r, s H on' iTt'f reo. Oldert ajrawj , Co. Ill LU I S, vmritLU ULO STAND iy i .ra mm nm Ahanitmelrlll'"tr;v,amL T 1 CuresJacVacnc Corrects Irregularities Do not risk bavin or uisvz ii win cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not - beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. For Sale by BELT & CIIERRINGT0N, Dallas, and II. THOMPSON, Falls City-