Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, August 02, 1907, Image 4

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    i :
Administrator's Notice.
Notice ia hereby given to whom it may con
cern, that the undersigned h8 been
duly appointed adminiptruior of the estate ol
Mali Ion Guy, deceased, by the Hon. County
Court of Polk County, Oreeon. All parties in
debted to laid estate are hereby notified to call
at once and make settlement with the under
ia;ned and all parties bavins; claims against
said estate are hereby notified to present the
same duly verified to the undersigned, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, this
26th day of July, 17.
B. M. GUY,
Sibley & Eakln, Attys. for estate.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed administrator of the
estate of Peter Wheeler, deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County,
and has qualified.
All persons having claims against the said
estate are hereby notified to present the same
duly verified, together with the proper vouchers
therefor, to the undersigned, at his place of
business u Willamina, Yamhill County, Ore
gon, or at the ottice of the County Clerk of Polk
Countv, in Dallas, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated and first published July 23, 1907.
Administrator of the estate
of Peter Wheeler, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
"Regular as the Sun"
is an expression as okl as the race. No
doubt the rising and setting of the sun is
the most regular pertornance in me uni
verse, utiless it is the action of the liver
and bowels when regulated with t'r
King's New Life pills. Guaranteed by
Belt and Cherrington, Druggist. 25c.
' A shaft will be sunk in the supposed
coal and petroleum field southwest of
flay Fever and Summer Colds
Victims of hay fever will experience
great benefit by taking to!ey 8 Honey
and Tar. as it stODB difficult breathing
immediately and heals the inflamed air
naaanirps. and even It it snoulil lau to
cure vou it will give instant relief
The genuine is in a yellow package-
Belt & Cherrington, Dallas; and M. 1
Thompson, Falls City.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Polk County. Department No. 2.
Thomas K. Caufield, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret
Murray Caufield, Defendant, summons.
In the Name of the state of Oregon: ou are
hxrehv reouired to a linear and answer the com
ij.im Hlut airainat i on in the abot'e entitled
conn and cause within six weeks from the first
publication of this summons, to-wii:
On the itsth day of August, 19U7, and If you
f i I an tii inoeir and answer the said complaint
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
ciemanuea in nis compiaiui. io-n.
For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between him and
yourself and for such further and other relief as
may tie equnaoie
You are hereby further notified that this sum
mons is served upon you by publication thereof
iu the "Polk County Observer," a newspaper
ublished semi-weekly at the City of Dallas In
y, Oregon, pursuant to ine omer uj
the Honorable William Galloway, Judge of this
court, made this fifth day ol July, law, ana mis
summons was first published on the 9th day of
July, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Portland, Oregon,
June 12, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provinions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1892, William W. Chappell, of Falls
City, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this
day filed in this office his sworn statement No.
7453, for the purchase of the N. of the S. W.
Section No. 10, in Township No. 8 S. of Range No.
8 W., and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office, at Portland, Oregon, on
Friday, the 20tn day of septemDer, iwi.
He names as witnesses: Williuin J. South
well, of Falls City, Oregon : Roy McMurphy, of
Falls City. Oregon: George Baeley.of Portland
Oregon; F. A. Luciis, of Falls City, Oregon; C
Kramer, of Falls Citv. Oreiron.
Any snd all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 20th day of
September, 190.
.Why Fret and Worry
when your child has a severe cold,
need not fear pneumonia or other
monary diseases. Keep supplied
Ballard's llorehonnd Syrup a positive
cure for Colds, Coughs, V hooping cough
and Bronchitis. Mrs. Hall, of Sioux
rails, a. D. writes: I have used your
wonderful Ballard s Horehonnd syrop,
on my children for five years. Its re
suits have been wonderful. Sold bv
Stafrin Drug Co.
Medford will hold a fruit street
carnival August 5 to 10.
Children in Fain
never cry as do children who are suf
fering from hunger. Soch is the cause
of all baby's who cry and are treated for
eicknes?, when they really are suffering
from hunger. This is caused from their
food not being assimilated but devoured
by worms. A few doses of White's
Cream Vermifuge will cause them to
cease crying and begin to thrive at once.
Give it a trial. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co.
A Mill Creek man brought to The
Dalles a 34-pound pumpkin.
Endorsed by the County.
"The roost popular remedy in Otsego
County, and the best friend of my fami
ly," writes Win. M. Dietz, editor and
publisher of the Otsego Journal, Uil
bertsville, N. Y., "is Dr. King's New
Discovery. It has proved to be an in
fallible cure for coughs and colds, mak
ing short work of the worst of them. I
believe it to be the most valuable pre
scription known for Lnng and Throat
diseasee." Guaranteed to never dis
appoint the taker, by Belt and Cherring
ton's Drug store . Price 50c and fl.00.
Four crops of alfalfa will be
from some fields around Echo
If you have kidney and bladder trouble
and do not use Foley's Kidney Cure,
you will have only yourself to blame for
results, 88 It positively cures all forms of
kidney and bladder "diseases. Belt &
Cherrington, Dallas; and M. L. Thomp
son, Falls City.
The peach crop in Lane county and
southern Oregon will be light, and
prices out of sight.
Ten Years in Bed
"For ten vears I was confined to in
bed with disease of mv kidneys," writes
K. A. Gray. J. P. of Oakville. Ind.
was so severe that 1 could not move part
of the time. I consulted the very best
medical skill available, but could get no
relief until Folev's Kidney Cure was
recommended to me. It has been
Godsend tome." Belt & Cherrihgton
Dallas; and M. L.Thompson, Falls City
From only a part of a blackberry
Datch near Milton 100. crates were
picked in one day.
What a New Jersey Editor Says
M. T. Lvnch, Editor of the Phillips-
bure. N. J.. Daily Post, writes: "I have
used many kinds of medicines for coughs
and colds in my family nut never any
thing so good as Foley's Honey and Tar.
I cannot say too much in praise or it.'
Belt & Cherrington, Dallas; and M. L
Thompson, Falls City.
It i3 just being discovered that
wheat, oats and other grains will grow
well around Coos bay.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is sold under
a positive guarantee to cure constipation,
sick headache, stomach trouble, or any
form of indigestion. If it fails, the
manufacturers refund your money
What more can anv one do. Belt &
Cherrington, Dallas; and M. L. Thomp
son, tails City.
Sufficient stock, over $53,000, has
been subscribed to insure the con
struction of a condensed milk factory
at Albany.
How's Tfcfs!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fof
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F J. CHENEY & CO. , Props . , Toledo, O.
VTe the undcisigned, have known F. J. Che
ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry oat any obliga
tions made by their firm.
West a Tbuax. Wholesale Drueeists. Toledo. O.
Waij3i.no, Kinhas & Mabvix, Wholesale Drag-
fisis, xoieao, u.
s Catarrh Cure ia taken internally. ctin
directly npon the blood and mucosa aurfacea ol
the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Bold by aU
Dru arista. Testimonials tre.
Hall's Family puis are the beat.
A McMinnville man shows 110
cherries on a limb six inches long.
The Limit of Life.
The most eminent medical scientists
are unanimous in the conclusion that
the generally accepted limitation of hu
man life is many years" below the at
tainment possible with the advanced
knowledge of which the race is now
possessed. The critical period, that de
termines its duration, stems to be be
tween W auJ 60; the proper care of the
body during this decade cannot be too
strongly urged ; carelessness then being
fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper
after 50 is Electric Bitters, the scientific
tonic medicine that revitalizes, every or
gan of the body. Guaranteed by "Belt
and Cherrington Druggists. 50e.
The new Klamath Falls mill will
make one hundred barrels of flour a
day. .
"Everybody Should Know"
says C. G. Hays, a prominent business
man of Bluff, Mo., that Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve is the quickest and surest
healing salve ever applied to a sore,
burn or wound, or to a case of piles. I've
usea it ana fcnow what 1 tn talking
about." Guaranteed by Belt and Cher
rington, Druggists. 25c.'
To S. A. Houser, M. A. Allen, Nettie
B. Hutton, J. G. VanOrsdel, H. D.
Landon, Ida M. Ullrey, J. L.Blodgett,
J. J. Weiss, John H. Frakes. Joan
Rowell, M. O. Smith, B. Smith, C. T.
Stockton, H. B. Plummer, trustee,
Wm. Livermore, Lulu Springsteen,
Fannie Brown, E. M. Dorosife, Isaac
S. Ramsey, W. H. F. Manston, E. B.
Winslow, Eugene Hayter, guardian,
Fred H. Coad, Thomas Williams, C. J.
Guy, estate H. A. Ellis, deceased ; J. V.
Konco, Clara Kinney, D. A. Coovert,
L. M. Coovert, J. J. Wiseman, M. B.
Young, Wm. Eckhardt, Willis Simon-
ton, E. W. Matheney, V. Fink, W. J.
Coy, Weldon Black, J. A. Lawrensen,
M. Manston. Eugene Bverlev. Warren
Friok. Ella J. Hubbard, Eliza Shultz,
Hugh G. Black, Marcus A. Embree,
Caroline Baum, O. P. Chase, Julius
Essig, W. L. Soehren, Nancy Brown,
H. G. Campbell. J. H. Hart, Chas. A.
Bennett, J. M. Campbell, W. C. Brown,
A. J. Hastings, School District No. 2,
Polk County, Oregon, A. F. Toner,
EL C. Kirkpatrick, MattieSyron, Cbas.
A. Black, Washington National
Building & Loan Association, M.
Hayter, Aramanda Frazier, Oscar
Hayter, Henrietta Knowles, J. D. Mc
Donald, Ann Kersey, W. J. Stowe,
E. M. Smith, J. L. Brown, Matilla
Brown, J. A. McDevitt, E. J. Smith,!
s-uas Orchard, R. E. Williams. A. J.
Biddlo, H. V. Gates, Dan P. StoufTer,
Loretta Campbell, Anna Craven, Al
mona R. Brown, estate E. P. Gwinn,
deceased ; estate M. L. Bobbins, de
ceased; Lucy A. Bobbins, Martha B.
Stafrin. I. N. Woods, Eva Woods, M.
E. Holman, W. H. McDanlel, Trustees
Presbyterian Church, L. H. Davis, S.
Carter, A. G. Bradley, J. W. Bell, C.
V. Bell, Sarah M. Greenwood, Robert
Hatton, Alice M. Frakes, Valentine
Fisher, Nancy C. Fowler, Blanche
Eakin, I. M. Palmer, C. L. Crider,
Sam R. Kennedy, Ellen Collins,
J. L. Collins, P. S. Green
wood, J. M. Pollock, Lillian Lawren
sen, Augusta Gorhke, Clara Burson,
J. W. Caldwell, W. G. Campbell
Emma Dunn. Edward Dunn, E. N.
Hall, Susan N. Miller, Conrad Stafrin
Trustees Christian Church, C. H,
Morris, W. S. Cary, Etta P. Hall
N. J. Frink. Wm. Tatom, B. H. Grant,
F. J. Chapman, A. M. Miller, U. S.
Grant, Nellie Grant, J. W. Crider,
Anna Clark, Mary Ciinghan. Electa
Hughes, Wm. McIIardy, W. J. Atchi
son, C. E. Shaw, Tracey Staats, M. E,
Collins, F. M. Collins, J. R. Hubbard,
Agnes Campbell, H. M. Roop, M. J,
Ballantyne, W. A. Ayres, N. A. Ayres,
J. S. Etkins, Oliver Stump, J. M.
Grant, Wm. Faull, Charles Bilyeu,
Mary . A. Muscott, Isaac Hughes,
White Sewing Machine Company,
Marv Hushes. W. I. Reynolds, Ella
B. Cutler, John Stein feldt, M. C.
Syron, John Wolf, Abel Uglow,
Charles L. Barnes, Eugene Byerley,
Cora McAllister, W. A. Hanor, A. J.
Crowther, City of Dallas, Alameda S.
Fuller, R. E. Williams, trustees of Bap
tist Church, Rachel Hawkins, Sarah
Syron, S. J. Richmond, B. D. Fidler,
estate Samuel Coad, deceased, H. L.
Fenton, F. E. Fisher, U. S. Loughary,
Lucy E. Rowell, E. W. Kearns:
You and each of you are nereby noti
fied that the City Council of the City
of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, con
templates the passage of an ordinance
establishing a grade on those certain
parts of those certain streets and parts
of streets in said city, described as fol
lows, to-wit : The intersection of Court
and Ellis streets ; the intersection of
Court and Lewis streets ; all that part
of Washington street from and includ
ing Ellis street to and including Main
street; all that part of Washington
street from and including Lewis street
to and including the county road at
the east end of said street; all of Clay
street, except its intersection with Jef
ferson street ; all of Ash street; all
that part of Maple street from and in
cluding Hayter street to the county
road at the west end of said street; all
that part of Maple street from and in
cluding Main street to and including
the county road at the east end of said
street; all that part of Birch street
from and including Hayter street to
the county road at the west end of said
street; all that part of Birch street
from and including Lyle street to and
including the county road at the east
end of said street: all that part of
Cherry street from arrd including
Hayter street to the county road at the
west end of said street ; all that part
of Cherry street from and including
Lewis street to and including the
county road at the east end of said
street; all of Hill street; all of Brown
street ; all of Stump street ; all of Ellis
street; all of Hayter street south of
Court street; all that part of Levens
street from and including Washington
street to and including Ash street; all
that part of Church street from and
including Washington street to and
Including Ash street ; all that part of
Main street from and including
Washington street to and including
Maple street; all that part of Jefferson
street from and including Ash street
to and including Maple street ; all that
part of Shelton street from and
including Clay street to and including
Maple street; all that part of Lyle
street from and including Clay street
to and including Birch street; all that
part of Lewis street from and including
Court street to and including Cherry
street; all that part of the county road
running North and South, one
block east from Lewis street, from
and including Washington street
to and including Cherry street; all in
the said city of Dallas. You are
further notified that the city council
of the said city of Dallas will sit at
the council chamber in said city on
the 5tb day of August, A. D. 1307, at
7 30 o'clock in the evening, to hear
and determine objections and remon
strances Uj the pa.agfr of said ordinance-
fr ftZihil'.b a grade oo said
i I'- z 1 tfr!J tertinaboTe
"l ti"r! ; at. -J ihiX :;;jhr.r owners,
Why will peoplecontinue to suffer the
agonies of kidney complaint, backache,
urinary disorders, lameness, headaches,
languor, Why allow themselves to be
come chronic invalids, when a certain
cure is offered them?
Doan'e Kidney Pilla is the remedy to
nse, because it gives to the kidneys the
help they need to perform their worn.
If you have any, even one, of the
symptoms of kidney diseases, cure your
self now, before diabetes, dropsy or
Bright's disease sets in.
Mrs. L. "Hodson, of 717 Aura St.,
Pendleton, Ore., says: "I just as en
thusiastically endorse Down's Kitiney
Pills today as I did nearly three years
ago. The v relieved me of kulney trouble
which hnd bothered me for a consider
able time. There was aching pains
across the small of my back and down
through my kidneys, which were aggra
vated by colds which settled in the back
and loins and caused an awful lameness.
This was my condition when I began
taking Doan's Kidney Pills. This rem
edy banished the backache and pains
through the loins.regulated the kidney
secretions and removed every symptom
of the trouble. From that day to this
there has been no recurrence, and I give
Doan's Kidney Pills all the credit. I
consider them to be the best kidney
remedy procurable and recommend
them whenever the occasion arises,"
Forsaleby all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,soIe
agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doans and
take no other.
I Jewelry i
Cut Glassware
Your friends are getting
married; give them ft
handsome, high-grade
Also a full line of.
One door west of
Drug Co.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medioina for Easy Peopls.
Brings Golden Health and Renewod Vigor.
A spec! flo for Constipation. Inillceitloii. Live
and Xidnoy Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impura
Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish IJoivels, Headache
and Bnckache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab
lot form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by
Houjbter Daua Company, Madison, Wis.
Masonic Calendar.
Jennings Lodge, .No. 9, stated
communications, Second and
Fourth Fridays of each month.
G. L. Hawkins, W. M.
J. C. Haytkr, Sec.
Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R.
A. M., stated convocation, First
First and third Fridays of each
Oscar Haytkr, H. P.
U. 8. Grant, Sec.
jA aomi Chapter, No. 22, 0. E. S., stated
(meetings Second and Fourth Tues
day of each month.
Mrs. Maggie Haytkr, YV. M.
Mrs. Libbib Muir, Sec.
Woodmen of the World.
tallas Camp, No. 209,
''hall in the Woodman
Stuff n II
Must have more Farms and
City Property to sell. Wo
areturningavvay men every
day for want of places to
suit. Perhaps yours would.
Come and list with us. Wo
can sell. We are making
upa new list tobepentEiiht.
Get yours in on this. vVill
sell on small commission.
Hee us.
C. VanOrsdel and A. J. Barham
Dallas, - Oregon
ven our
Grandfathers ,
will do.
of the worth of a medicine is ih
ono who has used Ballard's Snow I iill ?an effect tw
RHEUMATISM, CUTS spainjc0Ws tht
V.. L. Settle. Hln.hTi nr. . ..
certify that I have used you Snw ifnlm"'-
, years for rheumatism, neuralgia iamBm?nt,,0f te
and in every case it has rendered ll !
and satisfaction." iC"rea Immediate m,
Avoid all Substitutes. Th ci
saoso2 Nnri. c..n.j c... 11 vu.
fcw,,u we, ST. Lfillic u
High Service
Low Rates
C. W. NIXON, Proprietor,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable
meets in their
man building every
Tuesday evening.
A. Long.vkokkr, C. C.
W. Q. Vassall, Clerk.
Mistletoe Circle, No. 33, W. C. W,
,Ameets in their Hall, in the
Woodman building every Hecond and
fourth Wednesday.
Mrs. Helen Ureenwood, G..N.
Mas. Nellie Tavom, Clerk
Knights of the Maccabees.
f:, Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second
ana fourtu inursdavs of each
month in I, O. O.F.hall.
Mark Hayter, S, K. Com.
I. N. Woods. R. K.
Tjilac Hive, No. 28, L. 0. T. M., nieete
,-on Second and Fourth Thursday after-
noon of each month.
Mrs. Kittie N. Miller, L. C.
Mrs. Rose Fidler, R. K.
Fraternal Union of America
Tjodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday
of each month.
W. J. Wagner, F. M.
Mrs. S. E. Morrison, Sec.
Knights of Pythias
IUTarmion Lodge, No. 96, K. of P.
4fA Meets every Monday evening in
W. O. W. building. Visiting Knights
are welcome.
W. H. Roy, C. C.
H. L. To.ney, K. of R. S.
A. 0. U. W.
L nion Lodee, No. 35 Meets First
V':fz and third
of each
L. Fextox, M. W.
Johx E. Smith, Fin
Barham, W. H. Boal D. Boa!, C. Aj vJ ?Vf ?'-:4 ia it?' 7
r.ice, u tr. Jtnekson, George W. Mc
Bue, G. F. McBee, A. B. Bennett, M. JL
Dougan, E. R. Cutler, John Sfc'-ltc!
v.'.i iX jtiil yi iUvx aiid : n"r,th
Qryrtal Lodge, No. 50, D. of h., meets
rirstand Third Wednesday of each
One Burns real estate man sold
$185,000 worth of land during the past
Men Past Sixty In Danger.
More than half of mankind over sixty
years of age suffer from kidney and blad
der disorders, usually enlargement of
prostate glands. This is both painful
a nd dai.gerous, and Foley's Kidney Core
should be taken at the first sign of dan
ger, as it corrects irregularities and has
cured many old men of this disease.
Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rockport, Mo.,
writes: I suffered with enlarged prostate
gl.ind and kidney trouble for years and
after taking two bottles of Foley's Kid
ney Cure I feel than I have for twenty
yi-ars, although I am row 91 years old."
U -It & Cherrington, Dallas,"and M. L.
Thompson, Falls City.
All the news
In the Twice-a-week
Morgan Ellis, estate John Ellis.
deceased, Matilda Seth. Geo. K. Mo
Cormick. E. W. Hinshaw, Gorge E.
Cutler, WalvrS liens, S. E. Bless: eg,
J. H. Fryer. Frank Cummins, Nellie
Jacobson, Merton G. Ellis, Minnie
Mitchell, Dallas City Bank, P. F.
Bowser. Albert W. Brown, H. T. But
ler, Miles Davis, Carl fellers, Mary E.
iserg, George Howies, Eliza Shelton.
A. X. Hadley, T. J. Colson, F. T.
Brigam. G. W. McCallum, Ed Rich
ard?, H. M. Peebles, H. J. Peebles,
Fred Haroer, J. H. 8avery, Charles
B. McCracken, Martha Thompson,
J. N. Lynn, F. H. Wells, B. F. Wells,
J. M. Lynn, Cora V. Tufts, W. W.
Wood, C. C. Wood, Lucy Richards,
Arthur Darling, L. Ludwig,
F. Ludwig, Emma Ludwig, M,
Hayter, Maggie Hayter, Geo
W. Myer, A. G. Cutler, Mary A.
Cutler, Mary A. Graham, A. Shultz, F.
M. Splawn, Wm. Livermore.Joel Shaw,
V. E. Holmes, M. F. Martin, estate Asa
Shreve, deceased ; George Whitehorn,
N. L. Guy, C. J. Guy, Agnes B. Camp
bell, estataM. Guy, deceased: Viola
Morton, May Farley, Arthur Starr,
Ollie V. Cook, Oregon & California
Railroad Company, M. Elliott, Ed
oriltifcioe 3uU:Utar id end!
ti.w'A vi&i. Raid ar&A
j propvsd to t uUitd by sAid
ordiLac-w on 4H .trs will bei
efetablkh'1 a'jcordir.g u the eurvey
as3 plats of tL .&siiz now on file
the offce of the auditor and police
judge of said city of Dalla.
Done by order of the city council of
the city of Dallas made on the 15th
day of July, A. D. 1J07.
Witness my hand and the cGklal
seal of the City of Dallas, this ICtd
day of July, A. D. 1307.
(Seal; Auditor and Police Judge
of the City of Dallas, Oregon.
31as. C. G. Coad, C. of H.
Mas. Ed. F. Coad, Fin.
United Artisans.
y,j rTwembly 43 meets First and
jn i "IhirdToesday of each month.
v, aim bmoxTOjr, M. A.
I. 0. 0. F.
nn mtter hnw'
bad the weather
You cannot
afford to be
without a
"When you buy
looK for the
t K CAM. CM. N CO kT. TCWOro Can
ry 'tow
fhia signature is on every box of the gonulns
Laxative BromoQuinine Taweu
the rmnody that cum n cold la n la
Early Risers
The famous little dIIIs.
Sold and Recommended by
beautifully illuitreted. good rtorir
and articlo about California and
all th Fat Wot.
devoted aach noath to the ar
lutie reproductioa of the bett
work of amateur and profewional
book of 75 page, containing
UU colored photograph! ot $0.75
and (Jregoa.
All for
Addren all ordert to
Flood Building San Francuco
Don't fail to call or write If you h
have timber to sell. 3 m
Office in Crider Building
You buy from Factor)
,iirect. mereroreour
prices are lowest
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Wtnwping Cough.
teaclier ot
Ktmlio, K00111 No. 2, Wilson Block
Sallowness Traasiorir.U
to Ducky Eiaiiiy
A d;irk skin lietoiiics fan-inlim
when di-lii-ately soft, uu.iirinJ
with the radiant glow wU'h inJi
catesahcalthy, active skin. Mrl
ine keens the skin rcfineil in quality,
keeps pores free from clo;iri! gwaste
and stimulates the tiny rajiilLrieilo
contribute the color which chirmiiti
blonde and brunette alike. RiVrt
ine is certain protection apinst un,
unburn and freckles if apjilird be
fore exposure to sun or
Spreads like an imperceptible sheen
of gauze over sk in su 1 face, f orminj!
shield stimulating and preserving 1
delicate, lustrousbcauty.
nn Pays to' the observer
ana the weewy uregumu
one year. Iu ordertotake
advantage of thfs liberal offer, your
subscription to the Obsebveb must be
paid up to date. Subscribe now.
L . 1
LJLJ Moves the Bowels lHJ
Li i f J
Best for Children LJ LJ utSMVmmmiaiWt U m
For Sale by Druggists.
No. T No. O No. 11 No 1 No. a No. B No. 8 No. 4 No. O
. . . . , . Pass. & ra.it. & CT A TIAMO Pasa. & Pass. It
Freight Freisrht Freiitht FreiKht Freight Freight OlAllUJNa Freight Freight Freight
A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M.
7:15 11:10 8:20 Lv. DALLAS Ar. 9:30 1:45 5:15
( 7:34 No Stop 3:39 Ar. "TEATS Ar. No Stop No Stop No Stop
7:38 No Stop 3:43 Ar. GILLIAMS Ar. 9:02 No Stop 4 47
Lv. Lv. Lv. 7:43 No Stop 8:48 Ar. "BRIDGEPORT Ar. 8:67 No Stop 4:42
6:00 9:00 -1:30 7:55 11:50 4:00 Ar. FALLS CITY Lv. 8:45 100 ' 4:30
6:30 9:30 2 00 Ar. 'BLACK ROCK Lv.
TraJm Will Stop oa Signal Only. No Atnt. Bally Excost Sonday.
No. 8
A. M.
No. 10
A M.
axd CURE the LUfiCO
U y Li U
tot A- m. .
olds T-Si?ri
Friendship Lodjje, Xo. 6, meeta
. - every Saturday evening in I.
O. O. F. Hall. 8
W. L. SoEHBiw, N. G.
W. A. Arsns, Eec.Sec.
TaCrer.le Encampment, So. 20, meets
"Second and Fourth Monday of each
W. A. Avbe, C. P.
A. W. Tbats, IScribe.
rt Iruira Lodge, No. 26, 1), of R.t meet
"the first and ttiird Wednesdays of
each month.
' Mrss EvixGiust'IlAHT, N. G.
Mas. Clakicb SoEitags, Sec.
.Lincoln Annuity Union
J7 FClday P- m. at I. O. O. F.
HalK V isitini? nei bora welcome.
1 rjj n. iiicH, speaker.
Lydia CatnpU'll, Clerk.
Groceries and Provisions
WE carry all the leading brands of Canned
" Goods, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also
a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in
season. .-. Crockery and Queen's Ware.
SIMONTON & SCOTT, gjjfo 0re-
,11111, 60 YEARS'
ToidC I
4' Dt'5N'.,
r a.
EIS1: r et WeonHdentW-, nuPf
Anyono wMI Ml"
tent trea.
A rtandfon;
......1 & wyi,gu
:3. -
tchVtoJJIZ .
wm cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not
- wwjrwwu iiic reacn 01 medicine. No medicine can do more.
For Sale by BELT & CHERRINGTON, Dallas, and II. THOMPSON, F
Tin not nSK