Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, July 30, 1907, Image 4

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Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to whom it my con
cern, that the undersigned hits been
duly appointed adminiotrHior of the estate of
Mill) Ion Guy, deceased, by the Hon. County
('curt of l'olk County, Oregon. AH parties in
debted to said estate are hereby notified to call
at once and make settlement with the under
signed and all parties having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to present the
same duly verified to the undersigned, within
six months from the date hereof. .
Dated at Dallas. Folk County, Oregon, this
;!titn day of July, 17.
B. M. GUY,
Sibley 4 Eakin, Attys. lor estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
fur Folk Couuly. Department No. 2.
Thomas K. Caulield, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret
Murray Cantield, Defendant, Summons.
In the Name of the slate of Oregon: You are
hereby rwiitired to apper and answer the com
plaint tiled against rou in the alove entitled
court and cause within six weeks from the first
publication of this summons, to-wit:
On the '-'oi h dsy of August, VX. and If you
full so to appear and answer the said complaint,
the plaintiit will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in his complaint, to wit:
For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between him and
yourself and for such further and other relief f
may be equitable
You are hereby further notified that this sum
mons is served upon yon by publication thereof
in the '"Polk County Observer," a newspaper
published semi-weekly at the City of Dalian in
Polk County, Oregon, pursuant to the order of
the Honorable Willism (jalloway. Judge of this
court, made this fifth day of July, 1;. and this
summons was first pubiUhed on the 9th day of
July, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff".
aim A
lAi Lk I!
The wise housewife will got the chil
dren's summer sewing done before the
rush of taouseeleanlng ami garden
planting comes on.
Notice For Publication.
I' n i ted Stales 1-atid Odiee,
Portland, Oregon,
June I -J, 1Ai7.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1j7S, enliiled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as i termed
extended to ail me ruuuc utixj mius oy act (
oi AnguM s. issr.", iinaia n , v nappe", oi ran
A crop rotation which Includes noth
ing but oats and corn is what may be
an agricultural two- legged
stool. It needs a third leg, clover, to
city, eonnty of Polk, state of treson, has this j complete its underpinning, and make
for the purchase of the N.S of the s.v.t4j this Arm and Bubstalal and remove
taction No. 10. in Township) So S.oi Range No, : the likelihood of a collapse and prOS
s tV and will offer proof to show that the land .M ri
sviught is more valuable for iis timber or stone j iranon.
than for agricultural purpose, ainl l establish I
his claim to said land before the Register and j .vhM n . lute,m tit. nntrlrtir thp
Keceiverof Ihisorhce.at rVrllamJ, Oregon, on nUe U may Seem like putting tue
Friday, the iih day of September. i.i7. ; cart before the horse, there Is many a
ne names as wunossea: iiunam j. wuin- . nnlJ Imnmvo ,miahlorMv
well, of Falls CitT.Ormon: Rot McMorrhv. of i 018 u w" COUld Improve COUSIlleraUiy
Kalis City. Oregon : oeorse bagley.of Portland, !
Oregon; F. A. I.uims. of talis City, Oregon
Kramer, of hails CUT. Orecon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aoove-aesenoeo isuusare rejuetieo iu me lueir
elsims in this otlice on or before said Mh day of
September, 19U7.
In Belgium ii!s:t;ber: "T t!i.-" t'tit'.jol
clergy cannot bo o;lai::o I un,!;
have taken a course in a.i a-ri-iCii.uiti
college. This enables the priests whil
moving In and out anions their parish
ioners, ministering to their spiritun
and Intellectual needs, also to glvt
them sound and helpful advice and
suggestions touching their asriculturn
operations. The requirement would
thus seem to be a most commendable
one, drawing pastor and people nearer
together, giving them a community of
Interests and without question result
lng in materially raising the standard
of excellence in agricultural opera
One of the anomalies of our econom
ic development is to be found in the
fact that while merchants and manu
facturers are jealous to keep to them
selves special methods which they have
found profitable and helpful In their
business, farmers manifest an entire
willingness to tell their fellow farmers
the methods by which they have pro
duced bumper yields of grain or corn
or grown the big hog or steer In the
shortest possible time. With the farm
er there seem to be no trade secrets
or special processes, and whenever he
discovers it better method for doing
this or that he seems perfectly willing
to tell his neighbors about It.
The tree which produces the Braill
nut, quite commonly known as nigger
toe, grows to the height of from fifty
to eighty feet, is majestic In appear
ance and yet one of the most curious
in the world. The fruit resembles the
cocoanut and is about the size of a
child's head, the shell containing from
twelve to twenty of the three corner
ed nuts. To secure the nuts as they
appear on the market the shells have
to be opened. During the ripening sea
son it is dangerous to go beneath the
trees, as the shells fall with a force
sufficient to knock down a full grown
man. In picking up the fruit the na
tives bold wooden shields over their
Agricultural Department Trying U
Stop Their Destruction by Autos.
Automobiles, in addition to becotu
lng nliuost as deadly as trolley cars
are ruining the roads of the country
says a Washlngtou special dispatch tc
the New York World. It Is the besl
ronds aud those on which the most
money has beeu speut that are being
ruined, as it ouly Is on these that tht
llUtdlllohilistS gO,
The problem Is a serious one. and
Logan W. Page, director of publk
rofuls of the department of agriculture.
Is making au Investigation of the sub
ject. The roadmaking exports of his
bureau nre experimenting with al!
sorts of material in the hope of finding
something that will prevent the ronds
from "raveling."
Director Page In dlscusslug this prob
lem before the committee on expend!
tures in the department of agriculture
lUitdo this significant statement:
"One of the most difficult problems
Dnmsnn rh hnv. an.l irlrl to road which road builders have to meet now
.r.wi hooka and then discuss tliem with is due h the greatly increased automo
them. School is not the onlv place for j bile traffic. It Is affecting most tlx
the mental develoDment of the child. ' 8 '" slH1,t llle larost 8U,nf
or moupy ou ineir ronus, uecause luej
have the greatest number of automo
biles on them. With an ideally con
strut ted stone road the qualities of tht
rock should be so adjusted to the traf
flc to which It is subjected that jusl
enough flue dust Is worn off to cement
the larger fragments together.
"The automobile does not wear ofl
auy fine dust. The wind and raiu art
taking away the original binder aud
that derived from the Iron tired ve
hicles that go over it. The automobile
loosens the surface of the road.
"These heavy machines going at his!)
speed create a vacuum behind them
which sucks up the dust and throws It
lit the air and looseus the roadbed, and
it soon ravels,' as the road buildei
calls it gets loose and goes to pieces.
It Is the most expensive roads that are
thus affected."
The bureau has decided that If these
macadam or stoue roads are to be per
patient the surface must be treated
with some material that will keep the
dust down and preserve It as a cement
to bind the road. Experiments have
been made with oils which have an as
phnltum basis, aud It has been found
that with an asphaltum base of 30 pei
cent and over they help some. Crude
tar and other materials have been used
but nothing quite satisfactory has yel
been found.
Done Dally In Dallas.
It Is none too early now to sow the
seeds for the early pansles. If the lit
tle plants come on qujte rapidly they
may be transplanted" Into a larger box
before being set In the opeu ground,
which may be dons as soon as the
g rou mi Is warm.
upon the methods of farming which
he is now following by buying a ma
nure spreader first and then purchas
ing stock sufficient to justify keeping
and using it.
Our bed of rosebushes never came
through the winter In better shape than
when a drift covered the bed from De
cember to the 1st of April, most of the
time to the depth of three feet. Under
these conditions the American Beauty,
Kalserln Victoria and Meteor came
through the winter nicely.
The sowing of a portion of the acre
age of oats to an early maturing va
riety not only lengthens the time dur
ing which cutting can be seasonably
done, but the early variety Is espe
cially adapted to sowing with clover,
the early removal of the crop enabling
the clover to get an early and vigorous
One year with another, It Is the man
who gets his seed in early who gets
not only the largest but the best ma
tured crop of corn. The late planted
corn may do Just as well if the sea
son is long enough, but this Is a very
uncertain speculation. There Is, as a
rule, less damage to fear from the May
than from the September frost.
Nearly every reader has heard o(
Doan's Kidney Pills. Their good work
still continues, and our citizens are con
stantly adding endorsement by public
testimony. No better proof of merit
can be nau man mo cspcntnvc
friends and neighbors. Read this case:
Mrs. N. Swaggert, of 819 Garden St.,
Pendleton. Ore., says: "Both my hue-
band and myself have uned Poan's Kid
ney Pills with most gratifying results
Mr. Swaggert was troubled quite
severely with his back and kidneys for a
long time, and nothing ever helped him
as Doan's Kidney Pills have. I lave
known of the healing and curative
power of tnis remedy for some time,
and found that a few doses would quick
ly remove any lameness or pain in the
hilc caused bv kiilnev derangement. I
am glad to help make Poan's Kidney
Pills better known to all afflicted with
backache or kidney trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Bust Modiolus for Easy People.
Brings Oolilsa Ha!th and Kraewed Vigor.
1 nnix-Ifta frr OinfltllMtiotl. Iuilltrestiou. l.lve
Ftl.xiil. Biul Breath. Hluufrmh Dowels. Headache
and Backache. It's Kooky Mountain Tea In tab
lot form, 83 cents a box. Genuine made by
Uollibter DRl'O Com pant, Madison, Wis.
AH the news
in the Twine-a-week
Masonic Calendar.
l Cut Glassware
Your friends are getting
married; give them a
handsome, high-grado
Also a full line of
One door west of Htufiln
Drug Co.
1 1
Must have more Farms and
City Property to soli. We
are turning away men every
day for want of places to
suit, Perhaps yours would.
Come and list with us. Wo
can sell. We are mnkjng ,
up a new list to lie sent East.
Got yours in on tliK vVill
sell on small commission.
See us.
J. C. VanOrsdel and A. J. Bat-ham
Dallas, - Oregon,
Grandfathers knew wi, ,
win ao.
of the worth of a medicine is the cure., it
V. L. Settle, Richmond Mo Ln EARS
certify that I have 1? U to
years for rheumatism, neuralS la ?1ntlot tB
and In every cane it has rendered i m TJ?'
and satisfaction." . ' "niuedmte tt;i, .-
Avoid all Substitutes. Three Size, m
' S00.SO2 North Second Street. ST L0 J1S n
Sold, and "Recommended by
On the theory that it Is the age rath
er than the size of the tomato plant
that exterminates the time of Its bear
ing, a good many gardeners give the
seed a very early start, often trans
planting several times before setting
the planis In the opeu ground. Often
when such plants are ready to put out
blossoms are already set, with the re
sult that very early fruit la produced.
There is no work ou the farm that
for the next eight weeks ought to take
precedence of that involved in properly
testing and selecting the seed corn and
in cleaning oats and other grains that
may be desired for seed. Where grass
seed is purchased that has been ship-
ed In, It is well to send a sample to
the state experiment station for exam
ination before it is sown. Such Inspec
tion will disclose whether there are
seeds of noxious and troublesome
weeds present, in which ease other
seed can be purchased.
A frame tilted bo as to give the win
dow sash a slant toward the sun and
filled with eight inches of green horse
manure, thoroughly soaked, and three
or four Inches of rich and mellow earth
placed on top of this after It has be
gun to beat furnishes all the equipment
that la necessary for the family sup
ply of early radlahea and lettuce and for
the starting of the early cabbage, to
mato and other plants that may be de
elred. After the seeds are planted the
bed should b watered frequently and
the sash taken off for a short time dur
ing the warm days after the plants get
well started. While beat U needed for
the forcing of the plants. It is an easy
matter to generate too much for their
Lest development.
A very small patch of ground devot
ed to the growing of rasnberries will if
properly tended produce more fnnt
than la needed for the family consump
tion. A speaker at a recent farmers'
Institute declared that, aside from the
work of picking, one day's work a year
was all that be devoted to such n
patch. The ground should be thor
oughly fertilized and made mellow,
riants should be set in rows six feet
' apart and about three feet apart In the
row. The terminal shoots of the new
canes should be snipped off when they
are about three and a half feet high.
This not only makes a stalkler bush,
but greatly multiplies the lateral
shoots, which will be In bearing next
season. Where the patch is not large
the easiest way to handle it Is to give
the entire surface of the ground a
heavy mulching of straw. This not
only serves to keep down the weeds,
but keeps the soil cool and moist
well Of black varieties the Nemaha
and Older are very satisfactory. The
former will need covering in northern
latitudes, while the latter is perfectly
hardy. Among the reds the Columbia
and Philadelphia are standard, while
with eastern market gardeners the
Cuthbert Is an especial favorite. The
red raspberries are, as a rule, tendar
and should be given winter coveriag.
The "wauted" sign still hangs out
for a type of alfalfa that will stand
the rigorous winters which, as a rule,
prevail north of latitude 41.5 degrees.
It Is to be hoped that the Siberian va
riety discovered by Professor Hansen
will satisfy the need, but it is still too
early to make a reliable prediction. A
hardy alfalfa of the type referred to
would be an almost inestimable boon
to the northern states, many of which
are suffering severely from a short
sighted, soil robbing system of agricul
ture, which the growing of alfalft
would tend in a large measure to remedy.
The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
railroad is this spring conducting a
seed oat special over it main lines, the
aim of the enterprise being much the
same .as that of the seed corn specials
which were sent out by a number of
roads the past two years. The train In
question 1 in charge of Professor
Holden of the Iowa experiment station.
j who will not only take up the question
or the best varieties of oats for given
localities, but also the sclentitk- han
dling of the seed oats to prevent smut
and other fungous diseases. The train
has orders to stop at all points where
interest has been manifested In the
matter sufficient to result In the filing
of a request to that effect with the of
ficials of the road at headquarters.
While the matter of seed corn may be
of paramount interest from the finan
cial point of view, there is little ques
tion that the total yield of oats over
the country as a whole is reduced an
nually by millions of bushels simply as
a result of carelessness In the selection
and proper treatment of the seed used.
Bow's This!
TVe offer One Hundred Dollar Reward fat
any rue of Catarrh that cannot b cart4 hj
Ball' Catarrh Cure.
F J.CHESET CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the nndenigned, hare knows P. J, Che
Bey for the laat 1 yean, and beliere him per
fectly honorable la nil bniinesa trasnactkai
and financially able to carry oat any obliga
tion made br their Ann.
Wbst Tar x.'WholefwJe Drnrrfcta. Toledo. Q.
nxm JdAarm, w aoleeal Drue-
. TtM), O. !
CC?" E-rfy Hlscra
Withdrawal of Rural Free Deliver)
Service"Where Highways Are Bad.
Five rural free delivery routes In
Michigan have been discontinued, and
it Is announced that the government
will look more carefully to the enforce
ment of Its rule regarding the roads
over which rural free delivery Is es
tablishetl, says the Motor News. Tlw
present requirement is: "itoads trav
ersed shall be kept in good condition
Jennings Lodge, Jo. 9, stated
communications, Second and
Fourth Fridays of each month
G. L. Hawkins, W. M.
J. C. Haytkr, See.
Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R.
A. M., stated convocation, Firsl
First and third Fridays of each
Oscar Haytkr, II. P.
U. S. Grant, Sec.
Haomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated
meetings Second and Fourth Tues
days of each month,
s Mrs. Maggik Hayter, W. M.
Mrs. Libbik Mitir, Sec.
Woodmen of the World.
Dallas Camp, No. 209, meets in their
u 1 1 : .. i. . nr. 3 . . m i
and unobstructed by gates. There must 1,1 "'"an nuuunm every
. . . . . Tuesday evening.
High Service
: and
Low Rates
W. NIXON, Proprietor,
Corvollis, Oregon.
Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable
be no unliridged creeks or streams not
fordablc at any season of the year."
In many cases the residents along
proposed routes have made improve
ments that enable them to obtain rural
delivery service, but sometimes the
efforts to keep up the roads are re
laxed. But the government has de
cided that unless the roads traversed
by the carriers are properly maintained
the service will be withdrawn.
The postoflice department now calls
i n Hie carriers for reports on the roads
and will stop the service where the
highways In question are bad. The
Sri.S)73. rural delivery carriers now em
ployed cover 803.303 miles daily, and
It is unreasonable to expect them to
contend with neglected roads or to
work for communities lacking the en
terprise to keep their common high
ways in decent shape.
If a route is discontinued the lnhs.b
Itnnts themselves avIII be to blame, foi
If alive to their own Interests and
their duty to the public they would
Rive thoir roads vigorous and constant
attention. The idea that a route once
authorized is necessarily permanent is
a mistake. Advice on the best. road
tret hods is supplied by the agricultural
departments, and a neighborhood that
loses its rural delivery must itself bear
the discredit for so unpleasant and hu
miliating an event.
W. G. Vasball, Clerk.
istletoe Circle, No. 33, W. C. A7.,
meets in their Hall, in the
Woodman building every' second and
fourth Wednesday.
Mrs. IIki.kn Greenwood, G. N.
Mrs. Nkllik Tavom, Clerk.
Illinois Farmer For Better Roadways.
A movement is on foot among the
farmers of southern Illinois to this
year begin the building of hard rock
roads, something after the style of
highway adatnantizlng used in parts
of Kentucky and Tennessee, says a
special dispatch from Cariul, 111., to
the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Under
a state provision made feasible by the
hard roads commission the penal Insti
tutions of the state are required to
fur:ilsb rock to all township commis
sioners who apply. By having the con
victs crush the rock, which abounds
in many parts of the state, the hard
roads commission hopes to facilitate
and hasten the Improvement of tht
highways of the state, particularly in
southern Illinois.
Oiled Roads In Kentucky.
lu Fayette county, Ky., more than
100 miles of roads are said to have
ben treated with asphalt base oil.
sa.vs the Municipal Journal and En
gineer. Macadam roads built five and
six years ago are smoother and bardei
today than when first completed, and
nol a penny has lieen spent on the
roiidways for repair. The county
Judge states that the average cost pel
year per mile for repairs of the Tate
Creek pike had been $15 and that all
of this money had been expended in
keeping the drains open and c!en.
Xot a pound of metal had been added
In raur years. An application of oil
when the rosd was completed and orw
thereafter had produced tbw result
Hall Catarrm Co re M taien laUntHy.icUii
directly span the biood and mnootu nrtaoae oj
th tTten. Price, 74e. per botUa. Ovid If ef
Irtuntita. aiaekti tree.
Hail's Family puis are t&t beet.
Knights of the Maccabees.
jr. Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second
rf: and Fourth Thursdays of each
VLT month in I. O. O. F.hall.
Mark Hayter, 8. K. Com.
I. N. Woods. R. K.
ljilac Hive, No. 28, L. 0. T. M., meets
uon Second and Fourth Thursday after
noon of each month.
Mrs. Kittie N. Miller, L. C.
Mrs. Ross Fidi.er, R. K.
Fraternal Union of America
Iwodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday
of each month.
W. J. Wagner, F. M.
Mrs. S. E. Morrison. Sec.
Knights of Pythias
lyjARMioN Lodge, No. 96, K. of P.
4fA Meets every Monday evening in
W. O. W. building. Visiting Kaights
are welcome.
M. A. Ford, C. C.
G. L. Hawkins, K. of R. S.
A. 0. U. W.
no mattpf hnw'
bad the weather;
You cannot
afford to be
without a
When you buy
look for the
cHo4N CO tro tooto Can
tiusi mom
fvHi lan u. uke; " j
beautifully iiiuttrated. good itorin
and articloi about California and
all th. Far West.
devoted each month to the ir
tiitic reproduction oi the bent
work oi amateur and proiewional
a book of 75 psgei, containing
120 colored photograph of $0.75
pictureique ipoU in California
and Urcgon.
a year
a year
. $3-25
All for . . .
Addrew all order to
subset' magazime
Flood Building San Francuco
Don't fail to cull or write If yon ban
have timber to sell. 1 IMie
Office in Crider Building
Dai.lah, . . 0
teueher of
Studio, Itoom No. 2, Wilson Block
fhia signature i on every box of the genu in
Laxative Bromo-Quinine tmou,-
lbs ruined y that I'lirfa n cold Id m ilav
ET.T.S.. r5
The famous little Dlila. .
buv from Factor
Direct. Therefore our
prices are lowest
IS 3 si. Ponn.AMB,Ofl.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cure Cold. Croup aud Whuuping Cough.
Sallowness Trans! jrr
to Dusky Bsauiy
A dark skin becomes (asciialimj
when delicately suft, imdns,kaJ
with the radiant fdotv wl.i li uSi
catesaheahhy, active skin. IUm
trie keeps the skin refined in quality,
keeps porcsfrec from chiii.givasie
and stimulates the tiny rapilLtriesto
contribute thecolorwhicli ilarmslp
blonde and brunettealike, Robert,
ine is certain protection against tan,
unburn and freckles if applied be
fore exposure to sun or wind.
Spreads like an1inperi'rti:dr sheen
of gauze overskin surface, formings
shield stimulating and preservings
delicate, lustrous beautf.
firsfm unfit 1
1 1 n
Moves the Bowels I j
rwA m nil ii (Saf
Best for Children LJ LJ Bed Ctowr Btwiom on Etery Bottle Q
For Sale by Druggists.
4? Union Lodge, No. 36 Meets First
if jS and Third Wednesday of each
H. L. Fb.nton.M. W,
John K. Smith, Fin.
rystal Lodge, No. 50, D. of h., meets
Firet and Third Wednesday of each
Mrs. C. G. Coad, C. of H.
Mrs. Ed. F. Coad, Fin.
United Artisans.
TTtaemblv No. 40 meets Firnt
"Third Tuesday of each month.
Willis Simonton, M. A.
I. 0. 0. F.
V Friendship Lodjre, No. 6, meets
every Saturday evening in I.
O. 0. F. Hall.
W. A. Atkks, RecSec.
Train Will Stop oa Signal Only. N Agent. Daily Except Sunday.
No.T No. O No. It No 1 No. a No. n No. Si No. 4 No. fl No. 8 No. 10 No. 1
Freight Freight Freight FrSrt Frirtt h STATIONS Pilf Freight Ph&t FreigM Frttfrt Freight
A.t U. .A. M. P.M. A, ,M. A. M. P.M. ., j - A. M. P.M. P.M. A. M. A. M. -.!
7:15 11:10 3:20 Lv. DALLAS ' Ar. 9:30 1:46 5:15
7:34 No Stop 3:39 Ar. 'TEATS Ar. No Stop No Stop No Stop '
7:38 No Stop 3:43 Ar. GILLIAMS Ar. 9:02 No Stop 4 47
i Ar '
Lv. Lv. Lv. 7:43 No Stop 3:48 Ar. BRIDGEPORT Ar. 8:67 No Stop 4 42 Ar. Ar. 1
6100 9:09 1:30 7:55 11:50 : 4:00 : Ar. FALIS CITY Lv. 8:45 1:00 4 30 8:30 11 45 4 15
6:30 W 2:"0 . Ar. 'BLACK ROCK Lv. ; . 7:45 j UW
Subject t.Ch.Wih."irt-
Groceries and Pr o visions
m CURE the LUMC3
w,th Dr. ling's
Jov; DIseoycry
of Can ni il
LsaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets
"Second and Fourth Monday of each
W. A. Avres, C. P.
A. W. Tsats. Sen tie.
Ainjira ixxige, ao. zo, n. of K., meets ! t
I ho first an,) li,:.l W 1 ,l
..... uuu ii ni iirmiityu OI
earh month.
Miss Evangelise Hart, N. G.
Mrs. Clasiob Soehren, Sec.
U7E carry all the leading brands 'c
Uoods, Coflecs. Teas and -Snices. Also
a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in .
Crockery and Queen's Ware
SIMONTON & SCOTT, gfo 0re-
Lincoln Annuity Union
OrrgoD Assembly, No. 54. MVvt '
evjry Friday at 8 p. m. at I. O. C) F 1
Hall. Visiting neighbors welcome
Fred R. Kich, Speaker. j
i LydiafuupUrll, Clerk.
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