Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, July 30, 1907, Image 1

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    t i
See US about your
Clover Leaf
. ' Standard
All kinds of
Mica, Hub and Derhokes
Axle Grease in 1, 3 and
10-pound packages.
Arctic Cup Grease.
Cylinder and Engine Oils
To every person buying one
gallon or over of our Special
Machine Castor Oil at 40oa
gallon, we will give free of
charge one of our Machine
Oilers (if you ask for it).
All kinds of Engine
Packings, Oil Cups and
Detroit Lubricators,
Globe Valves and Engine
A full line of
Plumbing Goods
Paints and Oils
Camp Stools,
Wagon Covers,.
CotS and .
Camp Stoves
Everything to go' camp
ing comfortably.
Also the Best Line of
in the city, i . )
We are selling elegant
New - -;
today cheaper than ever.
We will not be undersold
on new furniture.
The store where you al
ways get your moneys
Former Dallas Boy Shot in Leg In
Woods Near Portland.
As the resultof the action of hunters
on the outskirts of the city, indiscrimi
nately shooting at small game with
out regard for lives of passing people.
Ross Elklns, an employe of Sherman,
Clay & Co., was struck In the leg by a
spent bullet Thursday while walklug
near Tremont station on the Mount
Scott car line.
Dr. Georcre H. StrnwhrM
whose country home Elkins was
bound, brought the wounded man to
the city and removed the bullet. The
wound although painful is not
"iucu as serious, several persons
have natrowlv eseanerl hin ohrt
f- O DUUk iu
the same vicinity and the county
..-Uti.t 111 ( . ... J
ouiuuuu win DeasKea to detail a peace
oracer to arrest the b hooters PnrtianH
Special Rates and Train Service to
Newport For Season of 1907
on C. & E. Railroad.
Hotels, resorts and attractions at
Newport are now open for the season.
and Indications all point to this
famous Oregon "Coast Resort" being
more popular this season than ever
A decided Innovation, bound to be a
source of great satisfaction to visitors
and add greatly to the popularity of
this fast-coming only "Oregon Coast
Resort,"" was the opening on July
3rd of the "Newport Theatre," for the
summer season by a "High class
Stock Company," made up of some of
the best Stock actors on the Coast, to
include various members of the well
known "Baker Theatre Stock Com
pany," of Portland. A series of the
best stock plays available will be pro
duced during the season with frequent
change of bill.
About July 1st, there was opened
to the public one of the largest and
best equipped Skating Rinks in the
Northwest, containing 12,000 square
feet of floor space. The rink will be
open continuously day and evening,
except during bathing hours.
These two attractions will divide
honors with visitors in Ailing a long
felt want for some place to while away
the evenings after the close of outdoor
This Company, as well as the South
ern Pacific Company and Oregon Rail
road & Navigation Company, have
now on sale season tickets to Newport
from all points In Oregon at greatly
reduced rates." These tickets can be
purchased daily and are good for re
turn until October 10th, 1907.
In addition to season tickets, this
Company and the Southern Pacific
Company have placed on sale at re
duced rates popular week-end three
day tickets, good from Saturday to
Monday, for the benefit of those who
cannot advantageously use season
tickets, but who desire to make fre
quent short Interval trips to the
"Beach during" the season.
This Company will also, commenc
ing Sunday, June 16, provide special
"Sunday Excursion" trains from Al
bany to Newport and return, and have
on sale one-day excursion tickets at
reduced rates for this train.
Passengers holding season or three
day tickets mentioned, can travel
going or returning on Sunday Excur
sion trains.
For information relative to rates,
trains, etc., see tariffs on file at sta
tions for public inspection, or refer to
any agent of Corvallis& Eastern R. R.
Company, Southern Pacific Company
or Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company. Qpo. F. NEVINS,
; . General Passenger Agent.
A fresh line of Gunther's fine
candies. Stafrin Drug Company.
Smiib's Ground Spices, purest and
strongest made. Stafrin Drug Com
pany. , , - ...
: Tt flows like electricity through your
veins; it does the work. If you are
wasting away, take Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35 cents, lea or au:
lets. Belt & Cherrington.
It is reported that the champion
basketball team or AlasKa is arrang
ing a series of games to be played in
Oregon some time next winter.
Having won the championship of
Alaska, the young men now propose
to make a tour of the states. Loveis
ofthe sport in Dallas will De .ou-
to see the1 "Esquimaux m- -y
College team. . '
The VenTss sawmill at Win lock,
Washington, is being negotiated for
L f shuttle capitalists, tne
DV LJ v '
pre paid to be above $500,000. It
L,i hv the Prescott, Veness
Company several years ago. they
being former resiaenis i
,mo,f, llev. and It has a capacity
of 100,000 feet of lumberdally, employs
110 men and Its mommy pay. .
110,000. A. Prescott, of Salem, was
one of Its former owners. Mr. eness
lived in Independence for some time,
and has recently purchased a. reel
"nce in Ported and will erec, a
commodious dwelling thereon.-Salem
Statesman : "
Legal blanks at this office.
Items of Interest From the Records
In the County Offices.
Estate of Mahlon Guy, deceased
-bond approved ; Robert Howe, James
Howe and H. G. Campbell appointed
Estate of Ann Sylvester, deceased
sale of real estate approved.
Estate of John Campbell, deceased
inventory filed and approved.
Estate of L. E. Palmer, deceased
report of sale of personal property set
for hearing August 14. Same order in
estate of William P. Palmer.
Guardianship of Hayes heirs peti
tion to sell real estate set for hearing
September 2.
Estate of M. W. Stewart, deceased
final account set for hearing August
31, at 1 p. in.
Edward Burns to J C Cannoy, 6C
acres, 1 7 s, r 8 w, $4600.
M J Wells et ux to Walter F Wiles,
47 acres, 1 10 s, r 4 w, $10.
George Boyer to E A Babcock, 43
acres, 1 6 s, r 4 w, $1800.
J C Hoyt to Louise Joohimsen, 39
acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $1300.
W L Gilson to W E Bancroft, lots
In Falls City, $100.
Polk County Bank to A B Westfall,
lots in Monmouth, $200.
ESchindleret ux to Mary Hortense
Kimball and G W Holcomb, 51 acres,
1 7 s, r 3 w, $2r)00.
; Eugene Brown to C II Webber, 160
acres, 1 7 s, r 6 w, $1.
S A Lackey et ux to W R Hlnshaw,
land in 1 8 s, r 6 w, $750.
W H Riggs to ft E Collins, lots in
Independence, $850.
GM Humphreys to E G Erickson,
43 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $550.
L M Humphreys to E G Erickson,
50 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $900.
C T Humphreys to E G Erickson, 43
acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $550.
W H Besecker et ux to J M Wilson,
40 acres, 1 7 and 8 s, r 6 w, $3500.
Mahala E Hinsha w to R E Williams,
40 acres, 1 8 s, r 7 w, $750.
Effle Richardson toM A Richardson,
one-half int lots In Independence, $50.
F E Messner to Frank Sherwood, 8
acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w. $400.
Mrs C A Taylor to James A and
Dick Taylor, 190 acres, t 9 s, r 6 w, $1.
Cornelia A Taylor to LUlieM Taylor,
42 acres, 1 9 s, r 6 w, $1.
Cornelia A Taylor to Lola M
Nichols, 54 acres, 1 9 s, r 6 w, $1.
Cornelia A Taylor to Mollle J Marks,
40 acres, 1 9 8, r 0 w, $1.
L L Woods et ux to William Fuqua,
lots in Paikers, $137.
Ed Richmond et ux to R E Williams,
40 acres, 1 7 s, r ejv, $500.
D C Saling et ux to Orin Reynolds,
lots In Ballston, $250.
A fresh line of Gunther's fine
candies. Stafrin Drug Company.
The secret of fashionable beauty. I
asked the question of a beauty special
ist In order to be round, rosy and
very stylish,' take Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35cents,Teaortablets.
Belt & Cherrington.
Mrs. Robert Howe Delightfully
Entertains Neighbor at After
noon Tea.
A Grandmothers Tea Party was
given by Mrs. Robert Howe at her
home, Saturday afternoon, to which
were Invited Grandmothers Eliza Em
mons. Martha Cosper, M. Guy, R. C.
Craven, Catherine Richter, James
Elliott, Harriet Veazie, Nancy Brown,
A Shultz. Eliza Powell, M. E. Hallock,
Chapin, Berry, Aldrich, Anna Coad,
Butler, Williams, Lawrenson, james
TTnwp Palmer. Martin. McDevitt, Hill,
J. D. Smith, Fowler, Cobb and Gaynor.
F.ach cruest was requested to write
anme smart or funny saying of her
grandchildren, to be read as a part of
the afternoon's entenainmeni, sou
thcrp was no lack of evidance of the
brightness of the younger generation.
mrf-fnahloned music followed, ren
dered by old-fashioned voices that
have sung the lullaby over and over
again, soothing to sleep the grand
children so dearly loved by these same
A delightful luncheon was served at
6 o'clock. At each plate was placed a
little souvenir, to serve as a reminder
of the very pleasant gathering and
above all as a remembrance of Grand-
ijj That hacking
WlM Because your system is wnauucu
l' J your powers of resistance weakened.
Take Scoffs EmaUtcn.
strengthens your entire system.
2 Ifcontains Cod Liver OJand Hypophosphitesso
2 prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest
Polk County Will Have No Display
at State Fair This Year.
The county exhibits at the Oregon
State Fair In Salem are always inter
esting, and a big advertising feature
for the sections represented. This
year six counties will exhibit, as
follows : Marlon, Benton, Lane, Linn,
Clatsop and Multnomah. The last
two have never been represented
before. The county courts of Mult
nomah and Clatsop counties have
each appropriated $1000 to provide for
an adequate display. j
Marion county will exhibit, but she
will not compete for the prize. The
outside counties say that Marion has
an advantage in being near the fair.
Accordingly she will withdraw and
the other contestants will all have an
equal chance.
Individual farm displays will also
be a prominent feature in the pavilion.
Two entries have already been made:
Mrs. F. A. Wolf of Falls City and
W. H. Hulbert of Albany. The first
prize in this division is $100 in cash
and a $75 Studebaker wagon, donated
by that house, while the second
premium will be $50 in cash and a $C5
Iowa Cream Separator, donated by
the Mitchell, Lewis &Staver Company.
Squib's Ground Spices, purest and
strongest made. Stafrin Drug Com
To S. A. Houser, M. A. Allen, Nettle
B. Hutton, J. G. VanOrsdel, H. D.
Landon, Ida M. Ullrey, J. L. Blodgett,
J. J. Weiss, John H. Frakes, Joan
Rowell, M. O. Smith, B. Smith, C. T.
Stockton, H. B. Plummer, trustee,
Wm. Livermore, Lulu Springsteen,
Fannie Brown, E. M. Dornsife, Isaac
S. Ramsey, W. H. F. Manston, R. B.
Win slow, Eugene Hayter, guardian,
Fred H. Coad, Thomas Williams, C. J.
Guy, estate H. A. Ellis, deceased ; J. V.
Ronco, Clara Kinney, D. A. Coovert,
L. M. Coovert, J. J. Wiseman, M. B.
Young, Wm. Eckhardt, WlllisSimon-
ton, E. W. Matheney, V. Fink, W. J.
Coy, Weldon Black, J. A. Lawrepsen,
M. Manston, Eugene Byerley, Warren
Frink, Ella J. Hubbard, Eliza Shultz,
Hugh G. Black, Marcus A. Embree,
Caroline Baum, O. P. Chase, Julius
Esslg, W. L. Soehren, Nancy Brown,
H. G. Campbell, J. H. Hart. Chas. A.
Bennett, J. M. Campbell, W. C. Brown,
A. J. Hastings, School District No. 2,
Polk County, Oregon, A. F. Toner,
E. C. Kirk patrick, MattleSyron, Chas.
A, Black, Washington National
Building & Loan Association, M.
Hayter, Aramanda Frazier, Oscar
Hayter, Henrietta Knowles, J. D. Mc
Donald, Ann Kersey, W. J. Stowe,
E. M. .Smith, J. L. Brown, Matilda
Brown. J. A. McDevitt, E. J. Smith,
Silas Orchard, R. E. Williams, A. J.
Barhara, W. H. Boals, D. Boala, C. A.
Rice, E. G. Erickson, George W. Mc
Bee, G. F. McBee, A. B. Bennett, M. A.
Dougan, E. R. Cutler, John Shelton,
Morgan Ellis, estate John Ellis,
deceased, Matilda Seth, Geo. K. Mc-
Cormick, E. W. Hlnshaw, George E.
Cutler, Walter Sellers, S. E. Blessing,
J. H. Fryer. Frank Cummins, Nellie
Jacobson, Merton G. Ellis, Minnie
Mitchell, Dallas City Bank, P. F.
Bowser, Albert W. Brown, H. T. But
ler, Miles Davis, Carl Sellers, Mary E.
Berg, George Bowles, Eliza Shelton,
A. N. Hadley. T. J. Colson, F. T.
Brigam, G. W. McCallum, Ed Rich
ard?, H. M. Peebles, H. J. Peebles,
Fred Harner, J. H. Savery, Charles
B. McCracken, Martha Thompson,
J. N. Lynn, F. H. Wells, B. F. Wells,
J. M. Lynn, Cora V. Tufts, W. W.
Wood, C. C. Wood, Lucy Richards,
Arthur Darling, L. Ludwig,
F. Ludwig, Emma Ludwig, M.
Hayter, Maggie Hayter, Geo
W. Myer, A. G. Cutler. Mary A.
Cutler, Mary A. Graham, A. Shultz, F.
M. Splawn, Wm. Llvermore,Joel Shaw,
V. E. Holmes, M. F. Martin, estate Asa
Shreve, deceased ; George Whitehorn,
N. L. Guy, C. J. Guy, Agnes B. Camp
bell, estate M. Guy, deceased : Viola
Morton, May "Farley, Arthur Starr,
Ollie V. Cook, Oregon & California
Railroad Company, M. Elliott, Ed
Biddle, H. V. Gates, Dan P. Stouffer,
Loretta Campbell, Anna Craven, Al
mona R. Brown, estate E. P. G win n,
deceased ; estate M.'L. Bobbins, de
ceased; Lucy A. Robbins, Martha B.
Stafrin. I. N. Woods, Eva Woods, M.
E. Hoiman, W. H. McDaniel, Trustees
Presbyterian Church, L. H. Davis, S.
Carter, A. G. Bradley, J. W. Bell, C.
V. Bell, 8arah M. Greenwood, Robert
Hatton, Alice M. Frakes, Valentine
Fisher, Nancy C. Fowler, Blanche
Eskin, I. M. Palmer, C. L. Crlder,
Sam B, Kennedy, Ellen Collins,
cough continue '
. i --,1
JULY 30, 1907.
J. L. C0IH09, P. S. Own-
wood, J. M. Pollock, Lillian Lawren-
sen, Augusta Gorhke, Clara Burson,
J. JV. Caldwell, W. O. Campbell,
Emma Dunn, Edward Dunn, E. N.
Hall, Susan N. Miller, Conrad Stafrin,
Trustees Christian Church, C. II.
Morris, W. S. Cary, Etta P. nail,
N. J. Frink. Wm. Tatom, B. H. Grant,
F. J. Chapman, A. M. Miller, U. S.
Grant, Nellie Grant, J. W. Crlder,
Anna Clark, Mary Clinghan, Electa
Hughes, Wm. McHardy, W. J. Atchi
son, C. E. Shaw, Tracey Staats, M. E.
Collins, F. M. Collins, J. R. Hubbard,
Agnes Campbell, H. M. Roop, M. J.
Ballantyne, W. A. Ayres, N. A. Ayres,
J. S. Eikins, Oliver Stump, J. M.
Grant, Wm. Faull, Charles Bilyeu,
Mary A. Muscott, Isaac Hughes,
White -Sewing Machine Company,
Mary Hughes, W. I. Reynolds, Ella
B. Cutler, John Steinfeldt, M. C.
Syron, . John Wolf, Abel Uglow,
Charles L. Barnes, Eugene Byerley,
Cora McAllister, W. A. Hanor, A. J.
Crowther, City of Dallas, Alameda S.
Fuller, R. E. Williams, trustees of Bap
tist Church, Rachel Hawkins, Sarah
Syron, S. J. Richmond, B. D. Fidler,
estate Samuel Coad, deceased, H. L.
Fenton, F. E. Fisher, U. S. Loughary,
Lucy E. Rowell, E. W. Kearns:
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that the City Council of the City
of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, con
templates the passage of an ordinance
establishing a grade on those certain
parts of those certain streets and parts
of streets in said city, described as fol
lows, to-wit : The Intersection of Court
and Ellis streets ; the intersection of
Court and Lewis Btreets; all that part
of Washington street from and Includ
ing Ellis street to and including Main
street; all that part of Washington
street from and including Lewis street
to and including the county road at
the east end of said street; all of Clay
street, except its Intersection with Jef
ferson street ; all of Ash street ; all
that part of Maple street from and in
cluding Hayter street to the county
road at the west end of said street ; all
that part of Maple street from and in
cluding Main street to and Including
the county road at the east end of said
street; all that part of Birch street
from and including Hayter street to
the county road at the west end of said
street ; all that part of Birch street
from and including Lyle street to and
including the county road at the east
end of said street; all that part of
Cherry street from and including
Hayter street to the county road at the
west end of said street ; all that part
of Cherry street from and including
Lewis street to and Including the
county road at the east end of said
street; all of Hill street; all of Brown
street; all of Stump street; all of Ellis
street; all of Hayter street south of
Court street; all that part of Levens
street from and including Washington
street to and including Ash street; all
that part of Church street from and
including Washington street to and
including Ash street; all that part of
Main street from and Including
Washington street to and Including
Maple street; all that part of Jefferson
street from and including Ash street
to and Including Maple street; all that
part of Shelton street from and
Including Clay street to and Including
Maple street; all that part of Lyle
street from and Including Clay street
to and Including Birch street; all that
part of Lewis street from and Including
Court street to and Including Cherry
street; all that part of the county road
running North and South, one
block east from Lewis street, from
and Including Washington street
to and Including Cherry street; all in
the said city of Dallas. You are
further notified that the city council
of the said city of Dallas will sit at
the council chamber la said city on
the 5th day of August, A. D. 1907, at
7:30 o'clock in the evening, to hear
and determine objections and remon
strances to the passage of said ordi
nance to establish a grade on said
parts of said streets hereinabove
named ; and that all property owners,
and other persons In interest, may
attend at said time and place and
show cause. If any there be, why said
ordinance establishing said grade
should not be passed. Said grade
proposed to be established by said
ordinance on said streets will be
established according to the surveys
and plats of the same now on file in
the office of the auditor and police
judge of said city of Dallas.
Done by order of the city council of
the city of Dallas, made on the 15th
day of July, A. D. 1907.
Witness my hand and the ofQclal
seal of the City of Dallas, this ICtn
day of July, A. D. 1907.
(Seal) Auditor and Police Judge
of the City of Dallas, Oregon.
A fresh line of Ounther's fine
candles. Stafrin Drug Company.
Squib's Ground Spices, purest and
strongest made. Stafrin Drug Com
Oh! my stomach's a very uncertain
I suffered the torment that costlveness
But now I am happy, normal and free,
A miracle wrought by Holllater's
Rocky Mountain Tea. Belt & Cher-rlngton.
On High Grade, new style
' We have decided to close out our entire line
of 1907 Oxfords to make room for fall goods.
The prices these shoes are offered at will
appeal to your judgment as money savings.
All are of extra good value and the correct
$3, $3.25 and $3.50 Patent kid, both in new style
button and Blucher cut, correct heels and toes,
SALlS PRICE, $2.63
$2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 values in Vici and Patent, both
button and Blucher, all styles of toes,
All our $1.50 white canvas
at -
Don't forget that all our shoes are of extra good
value at the regular price and in this sale they are
great money savers. 4 Yours for shoes,
Just Arrived" Our
See them in our
windows. Come
in and let us price
them to you. All
new patterns and
the price is right.
Come and see for
The China and Notion Store
Dallas, - Oregon.
Oscar Hayter,
Upstairs In Campbell building, Mill St
The only reliable set or Abstracts Is
Polk county, Offlce on Court fit.
En. F. Coad,
Office la Courthouse
Calls promptly answered day or night
11 Phono 103 tfulutl Phone 1308
Don't Pay
r us
When you can get a Kitchen Treasure or
for.. Ytu,w
Camp Stoves ....... $1.23
In fact everything so much cheaper
than elsewhere that it will pay you to
get our prices.
Tents For Sale or Rent
New and Second-Hand Goods
NO. 23
Oxfords go in this sale
N. L. Butler,
Office over Dallas City Bank.
Office in Cooper Building.
J. L. Collins
Main Street, Near Postofflce
Attorney at Law
Notary Public; Abstracts
Mill Street opposite Uglow Bldg.
Office over Wilson's 1 tug Store
Graduate Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dr. S. T. D0N0H0E
Graduate University of California
Office In Uglow Bldg. Both Phones
Uglow Building, Rooms 7 and 8.
Mutual Phone Main 36. Bell Phone
Main 611.
Graduate American School of Osteo
pathy, Kirksvllle, Mo.
Chronic Diseases and Deseasea of
Women and Children a Specialty.