Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, July 23, 1907, Image 3

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    polk County Observer
B M. Guy wa8 a QJCt'an(J vlbitor
yiss Madel Holmes vlsitod In Cor
vallis. Sunday.
g j; Rose and family moved from
Dallas' to Airlie last week.
F H. Morrison returned Sunday
from a business visit In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Coad visited
relatives in McMinnville, Sunday.
Mrs. Mamie Johnson went to Falls
City, Monday, for a few days' visit.
Miss Lulu Dempsny has returned
from a several weeks stay in Portland.
Miss RolxTtii Mi-Oallon returned
Saturday from a visit nmong friends
in Sheridan.
jtr. and Mrs. Prank Krslake
returned Sunday from a pleasant trip
to Mount Hood.
Miss Ellen Johnson, of Portland,
waa 8 guest at the home or Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Soehren last week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Casey and daughter
Helen, left Monday morning for a
visit with relatives at Woodburn and
F. S. Ramsey went to Portland, Mon
day, where he will meet Mrs. Ramsey
aa she returns from a visit in
Mr. and Mrs. George Hagood and
Miss Maggie Bowles left yesterday for
an outing at the beach at Garibaldi,
Tillamook county.
Mrs. T. W. Johnson, of Portland,
returned to her home Monday, after a
short visit at the country home of
Mrs. Anna Farley.
jj c. Koser will shortly go to Port
land for treatment by an oculist. The
injury received a short time ago af
fected his eyes bo that he fears loss of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graves, and son,
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Campbell and son,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hollister and
family spent Sunday picnicing on
Teal's Creek.
Miss Ella Kimball returned to her
work in Meier & Frank's store in
Portland, Monday, after a short visit
with her sister, Josie, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Faull.
V. J. White and Ralph Carter have
returned from the Siletz whither, at
the last minute, they shaped the course
of their vacation trip, although their
previous intention had been to go to
Newport. Mr. Carter went immediate
ly to Portland for a short visit.
8. W. Miles, of Polk county, returned
Saturday from Lane county, where ha
bought 1G0 acres of land near Eugene,
so that he can send his children to the
State University. His place Is on the
Si unlaw stage road, five miles west of
town. For the past two years Mr. Miles
has sent his children to the Salem
high school. Salem Journal.
L. Gerhnger Jr. has received from
at Walla
Miss Josenha Hnlmoo
viBld friends in DBaST'
w7rh7'aFa118 City mercha"t.
was a county seat visitor, Saturday -
viSr E8ie.L-tc1'". of Dayton, is
visiting her friend Miss Myrta Carter
of Portland, are visiting her father
Thomas Elliott.
Miss Rose Bronken has returned
f rom a visit at the home of her mother
Mrs. George Kerr, in Astoria.
Dr E. E. Goucher, a prominent
physician of McMinnville, was a busi
ness visitor in Dallas. Friday.
F B Hastings, formerly a" resident
of Smlthfleld, orders the Observer
seni 10 ins new address
Walla, Wash.
H. Hirschberg, the well-known Inde
pendence banker, made a run over to
Dallas in his fine new Cadillac auto
mobile Friday evening.
F. C. Haueis, a Falls City drygoods
merchant, passed through Dallas,
Saturday, on his way home from a
business trip to Portland.
Hon. D. L Keyt, of Penydale,
attended the annual meeting of the
bonrd of directors of the Dallas City
Bank, Saturday afternoon.
A fire in the timber near Bridge 13,
a short distance east of Black Rock
is making life in that region very
unpleasant, although no Immediate
danger to the town is apprehended.
Lloyd Launer returned to Dallas,
Sunday, from a long trip through
British Columbia and Eastern Wash
ington. He has been traveling In the
employment of a Portland company.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lynch went to
Ocean Park, Monday, for a short
vacation. They will make no one
place their headquarters, but will
wander about as the fancy strikes
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Attig left Dallas
for Seattle today. Mr. Attig was in
the employ of the Willamette Valley
Lumber Company, and Mrs. Attig was
a stenographer in the office of Sibley
& Eakin.
Carey L. Howe came up from Port
land in his big touring car, Sunday,
to view the route for the cars that are
to pass through Dallas in the endur
ance run next Saturday. Misses Ollie
Howe and Effle Brown accompanied
hltnon the return trip to Portland,
where they will visit friends for two
John Walling, of Lincoln, says that
often during the cherry season, he
saw on the streets of Salem, a line of
wagons more than tour blocks in
length, each waiting for Its turn to
unload at the cannery. Farmers
would sometimes get Into town at 7
o'clock in the morning and wait until
5 o'cloek in the afternoon before they
could get a chance to unload. This
being the case, what will happen when
the fruit industry has grown still
larger, as it Inevitably must? There
the locomotive works at Lima, Ohio, a j is room for a dozen canneries In Polk
new engine which will be put In opera-! County and there is going to be a
tion between Black Rock and Falls j demand for them before many years
City, This machine like engine No. 4, have passed, The thing to do now is
Is driven by a rotary shaft Instead of to get them built and ready to take
the usual stvle of piston rod. It is one care of the flood of fruit, whicn, accora-
of the largest and most powerful
engines that has ever been brought in
to Dallas.
ing to all indications, is going to In
undate the Willamette valley within
the next three years.
The gymnasium of Dallas College
is under process of re-roofing.
J. H. Flower, the Falls City lawyer,
was a business visitor in Dallas yester
day. George Douglass, a Seattle real
estate agent, visited in Rickreall over
Ed Dunn is driving the Dallas
Salem stage while J. J. Fidler and
family are taking a short vacation at
the coast.
Since newspapers can no longer be
mailed to Canada at the socond-class
rate, the price of the Observer to sub
scribers in that country will hereafter
be $2.50 a year.
Claud A. Dunn, C. C. Albright and
R. B. Fisher have incorporated the
Havana Cigar Company, of Portland.
ine capital stock is $8000. Mr. Dunn
has opened a branch store in Newport.
Mayor A. B. Muir, Hon. George L.
Hawkins, Oscar Hayter and J. C.
Hayter went to Independence. Satur
day night, where they attended a meet
ing ot the Lyon Lodge, No. 29. A. F.&
A. M.
The following officers were installed
at the meeting of the I. O. O. F. Satur
day evening: W. L. Soehren, N. G. ;
E. M. Smith, V. G. ; W. A. Ayres, sec
retary ; N. L. Guy, treas. ; F. Manston,
warden; F. J. Chapman, conductor;
Horatio Morrison, I. G. ; F. J. Coad,
R. S. N. G. ; R. R. Hill, L. S. N. G.
The first white raspberries ever seen
by this scribe were presented to us by
Richard Forbes, a weathly farmer of
Cedarville, last Saturday. They are
about the same size as the Cuthbert
but a much finer flavor, though not as
good a shipper or as attractive in
appearance as the latter. Qresham
Dr. O. D. Butler Is rapidly recovering
from the effectsofthe injuries received
in a recent automobile accident, in
which his right forearm was badly
shattered by a blow from the starting
crank. He has already partially
regained the use of his hand and is
confident that no permanent injury
will result from the accident.
William J. Keeney, of Kent, Sher
man county, was a Dallas visitor,
Saturday. Mr. Keeney has been visit
ing in Falls City for a short time,
having come down to the Willamette
Valley after harvest hands. Crops
are looking fine around Kent, and
but for the lack of men the farmers
and wheat growers would be happy
Mrs. Mildred JMiiott ana ntue son,
Jack, are visiting at the home of
Thomas Elliott. Mrs. Elliott has pur
chased a nice borne in the suburbs of
Brownsville and will set out 25 acres
in fruit trees and berries. While her
orchard is growing, she will continue
to work at the millinery trade in Port
land, for which city she will leave next
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Savery returned
Sunday, from attending the celebration
of the 40tb anninersary of Mr. and
Mrs. R.C. Remington's wedding. Anec
dotes of the early days made merry
the moments of this pleasant gather
ing, and a rich feast was served. Many
friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs.
Remington were present to congrat
ulate the old couple, and partake of
their erood cheer, in celebration of the
happy anniversary.
Remarkable Reduction on
Seasonable Garments
All our Ladies' Tailor-made Suits and JacKets
reduced from 25 to 50 per cent.
Take note of price reductions as given below
and come this week for the greatest Bargains
ever offered in ready-to-wear garments. :-:
Ladies Shirt Waist Suits in Percale, Chambrays and
Duck, $3.50 values at $2.50
Ladies' Tailor Made Suits in all the new styles of the
Season, $15 to $25 values at from $8 to $16.50
Ladies' Jackets in Tan Coverts and fancy mixtures
our regular $8.50 goods at $4.95
Ladies' Jackets, former prices $10, at $6.
L 0. 0. F. Building,
A Reliable Place to Trade.
Frank Kerslake left for Salmon
River this morning.
Miss Cecil Blessing went to Albany,
Friday, to visit her sister, Mrs. George
Mr., and Mrs. Walter Williams, of
Falls City, were visitors in Dallas
over Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Craven have re
turned from Newberg, where he has
been conducting a sale.
Miss Retta Campbell returned from
Seattle and loomed work In F. S.
Ramsey's store yesterday.
O. N. Risjord, of St. Johns, was in
Dallas, Monday. He will move lo
this city in the near future.
Walter Youug came from Portland
today to visit his brother, Wesley, who j
is suffering from consumption.
Mrs. Joe Bernardl and son, Fred,
went toDalIa8this morning to remain
over Sunday. Salem Journal.
Miles Davis has been verv ill with
the quinsy for abcut a week, but is
now able to be back at nis work.
Mrs. James Boydston went, to East
ern Oregon yesterday with her son.
Ray, to visit her brother, W. T. Shaw,
Henry Gertz, of Salt Creek, was hurt
Monday by the overturning of a hay
wagon. Owing to a spinal injury he is
helpless at present, but his condition
is not otherwise serious.
J. C. Nendel, a prominent hop
grower of the Airlle district, is a
business visitor in Dallas today. He
reports bright prospects for a good
crop in his neighborhood.
Charles Boydston visited in Mc
Minnville, Sunday. Mr. Boydston
says he has been engaged to catch for
the Sheridan nine in the Yamhill
County League for the remainder of
the season.
E. W. Fuller brought August Ris-
ser s party of campers back from
Siletz bay, Tuesday. The boys enjoyed
their outing, and point with pride to
the remains of a four-foot shark,
which creature they succeeded In
killing during their stay.
The report of Superintendent H. C.
Seymour to the state department of
public instruction shows that the
number of persons of school age in
Polk county is 3931 ;teachers employed,
108, of whom 31 are men and 77
women ; number of districts. C5
schoolhouses, 67 ; average number ot
months taught, GJ.
Olympic flour at Howe's.
I have on display a nice assortment
of "Spalding's" sporting goods. All
guaranteed. W. R. Ellis.
Just the thing to take when you go
camping. What? Violet Selfraising
Pancake Flour. Where? Why at the
Corner Grocery of course. Boyd
& Son.
Welch's Grape Juice at Howe's. .
S wetland & Son's Famous Ice Cream
at Ellis.'
Real estate that's all. Vanorsdel
& Barham.
L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary
Public; typewriting.
Ralph Adams sells furniture for
less than trust stores.
Come and list with -the hustlers.
VanOrsdel & Barham.
For the best cigars and freshest
candies, call on Horace Webster.
The stage fare between Dallas and
Salem has been reduced to 50 cents.
Eighty-nine acres of fine fruit land
for sale ; price, $2000. N. G. Harbis,
Dallas. 7-16-4t
Money of private parties to loan at
6 per cent on well-improved farms.
Siblei & Eakin.
Refined and particular people find
the Dallas Hotel an ideal hostelry.
White help only.
Patronize the new barber shop on
Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor,
guarantees first-class work.
The neatest Ice Cream parlors in
... i
town and good service guaranteed.
Give us a trial. Ellis' Confectionery.
Inviting rooms, broad and shady
verandas and inviting hammocks and
seats at the Dallas Hotel. The com
fort of guests Is our study.
W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore-
gonian and Evening Telegram. Have
a daily paper delivered at your house
hv the week, month or year, jno etra
charge for delivery.
The best soft-wheat flour manufac
tured In the Willamette Valley is
turned out by the Dallas flouring
mill. Don't take anyone's word for
it, but try a sack and be convinced
We will henceforth have our office at
Horace Webster's confectionery store
and customers can leave rush orders
fnr all trades of slab-wood at that
place in the future. W. D.Matthews,
T have secured competent help and
am prepared to do all kinds of quick
repairing work. Horse shoeing a
specialty. Bring your work to my
blacksmith shop, next to Lee Smith's
Cyclery. Cal Hutton. tf
Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
Everything for that fishing trip at
W. R. Ellis.
We can sell your real estate. Van
Qbsdel&Babham. Several five and ten acre lots, close
to town, for sale at a bargain. N. fl.
Habris. Mutual phone. 7-lC-4t
The new Krys-Tol glass nt Howe's
is Belling fast. Come la and see it
before the fine pieces are gone.
Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate
of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up
stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12
and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone
The Dallas-Salem stage now arrives-;
in Dallas daily at 3 p. m., connecting
with the 3:20 passenger train for
Falls City; also connects with the
northlxiund train at Perry, tf
- -- - -
In the face of the rising market to have a store
in your midst that is not compelled to take ad
vantage of any advance prices. Our staple goods
wpro p bough early, therefore ve are able to
sell at the same old prices and still make our
regular profit.
Fall Goods are ariving daily.
Advance line of Eastern Shoes
now in.
On account of early shipments of our Eastern
Goods we are now closing out all lines of Summer
Entire line of Straw Hats Must Go. Hats as
low as 5 cents. , .
They are money makers for you.
W alter
Falls City,
The Oregon Fire Relief Asso
ciation, of McMinnville, saved
the Hop Growers of Polk County
$1100 in premiums last year.
Have you been Insuring in a
stock company? Then why don't
you insure in the Home Mutual
this year and save money?
Communicate with
W. P. DYKE, Dallas,
Agent for Polk County.
Rough Lumber
$10. Per Thousand
Can also furnish
Mill three miles west of girlie
On Pedee Road
Train No. Ofl. Leave Independence dally, 6:00
a. m.i lv. Monmouiii,u:ioa. m,
a. m.
Train No. C9 I,cnve Independence, dally,
11:115 a. m.i lv. Monmouth, 11 :W a. m,
laa, 11:45 u. m.
Train No. 71. wave Independence,
6:15 p. m.; lv. Mouinoutn, b:.K) p
U:N p. in,
Train No. 66. Leave Independence, daily,
7:30 a. m.;lv. Monmouth, T.i a. m.i ar
8:16 a. in.
Traill No. 72. Leave Independence, dully, 8:30
p. m. ; lv. Monmouin, a;ou v. w., "
p. in.
Leave Independence, dally, 2:15 p, m.
Train No. 64. Leave Dallaa, daily ex. Hunday
8:150a. m.; lv. Monmouth, :00.m.; ar. Hide
uendence. :! a. m.
Train No. 100. Lv. Dallin. Sunday only, 0:55
a. m.i ar. Independence, 7 :! a. in.
t,.i wo Ax lnve Dnl!ah. daily. 1p.m.: 1 v
Monmouth, 1:25 p. m.i ar. Independence, 1 :10 p.
m. (This train connecti at Monmouth for Alr-
Train No. 70. Leave Dallaa, dally, 7:35 p. m.;
lv. Monmouth, 8 p. m.; ar.
Train No. . i.ave Airue, uuujr, . ;
Monmouth, 9:35 a. m.i ar. Independence, 9:50
a. m. (Thia train connects at Monmoum mi
Truin No. 73. Leave Airlle, dally, 5:05 p. m.i
lv. Monmouth, 5:40 p.m.; ar. Independence,
5:65 p. m.
Leaves Monmouth for Independence, dally, at
2.50 p. m.
ar. Da'l-
, m.; ar. Dallas,
Independence, 8:15
$16 Refrigerator at
$15 Refrigerator at
$10 Refrigerator at
Largest Stock on West Side.
yv! ffw MrA4' yv vv rA
Wake Up!
Come and See Us
' We have some good things
to show you.
Get Wise!
At the Right Prices.
The Olds Gasoline Engines
I handle the "Olds" the beet Gaso
line Engine in the market. J ust the
thing for Wood Sawing, Pumping
Si-raying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc.
Come and See the best gaso
line engine made for farmers'
Ed. Diddle, Agent
Dallas, Oregon.
T5i Dallas Shoe Store, Mrsior'
AA V .V'
tri Clara BImmhi sni Boner Bm sa Every Brills
Tkt fl-
'Just Arrived" Our
See them in our
windows. Come
in and let us price
them to you. All
new patterns and
the price is right.
Come and see for
The China and Notion Store
Dallas, - Oregon.
One 8-foot "
Two Fanning Mills, completi
One 12-inch Rock Island Plo
One 12-inch J. I. Case Plow
One 14-inch John Deere Fo
One Single Shovel Plow
One Imperial Potato Digger
One 4J-foot Washington We
One il Barrell " "
Three Buggy Poles, complete
Th rPP 4 4 Shafts. "
Two 18-inch Lawn Mowers 3
One New Century 12-foot Patent Gate 10
" " " 10-foot Swinging Gate 7
" " 31-foot "
Twelve Hay Slings
$95 00
. 57 00
. 12 50
. 11 50
. 10 00
. 11 00
. 12 00
. 13 75
. 2 25
8 00
. 47 50
. 7 50
. 22 50 1
. 4 50 J
5 001
3 50 1
. 3 251
. 10 00 J
7 00 I
3 29 !
. '
i i