polk County Observer Ealpb Butler went to Portland today. Rev. M. J- Ballantyne preached in Portland, Sunday. F H. Pepper made a business visit w Portland today. Frank Coad was a business visitor to Falls City yesteraay. j H. Hollister went to Portland, Sunday afternoon, on business. Dr C. A. Mock attended the Chau tauqtia'at Gladstone Park yesterday. Miss Ada Byers, of Independence, Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. W. Howell. Dr.L. PfandhoefiT, Of Falls City, was a business visitor in Dallas yes terday. Mrs. N. W. Sager and her children returned yesterday frcm a short stay at Newport. Miss May Anderson, of Minneapolis, is a g'?8t at the home of Mr and Mrs. L. Gerllnger, Jr. ' Miss Bessie Davis returned to Port land, Sunday, after a visit with her Bister, Mrs. G. N.-Cherrlngton. C. H. Morris went to Portland today to attend the meeting of the directors of the Mutual Telephone Company. The Rev. I. N. Mulkey, of Bethel, visited at the home of E. Boyd, Sun day. " U.S. Grant is preparing to lay a cement sidewalk around his residence and in front of the property of Monroe Miller. C. L. Starr, the newly elected Secre tary of the State Board of Normal Re gents, was a business visitor to Port land yesterday. - Walter L. Tooze Jr. returned Satur day, from the East, where he has been attending school, and went on to Falls City the same day. Miss Hallie Reynolds returned to Portland today, after a short visit at the home of her parents, Prof, and Mrs. W. I. Reynolds. Fred Olin, Laurence AldricU,Chaun cey L. Crider, Floyd Myers and Julius Essig went to Ocean Park yesterday for a two week's stay. Twenty Italian and Greek laborers passed through Dallas yesterday, on their way to Falls City, where they will work for the Spaulding Lumber Company. A. MoMann, of Petoskey, Mich., an agent for Cobb & Mitchell.a Michigan lumber firm, went to Falls City yester day to attend to some business for the company he represents. A special train will be run from Mc Minnville next Sunday, so that the people of that town may attend the last of Dr. S. M. Martin's evangelistic services. Walter Lyon, secretary of the MarshMd Chamber of Commerce, arrived on Coos Bay Tuesday evening on the steamer Breakwater. Mr. Lyon will immediately take up his new duties. Marshfleld Times. Judge J. E. Sibley left for Seattle yesterday where he will attend the head camp of the Woodmen of the World. Mrs. Sibley is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bronson, at Lewisville, during his absence. Remarkable Reduction on Seasonable Garments All our Ladies' Tailor-made Suits and JacKets reduced from 25 to 50 per cent. Take note of price reductions as given below and come this week for the greatest Bargains ever offered in ready-to-wear garments. :-: Ladies Shirt Waist Suits in Percale, Chambrays and Duck, $3.50 values at $2.50 Ladies' Tailor Made Suits in all the new styles of the Season, $15 to $25 values at from $8 to $16.50 Ladies' Jackets in Tan Coverts and fancy mixtures ouk regular $8.50 goods at $4.95 Ladies' Jackets, f ormer prices $10, at $6. gl'.I Clover Leaf nH o.-.j.. . twine at Guy Brokers Clover Leaf and Standard Binder twine at Guy Brothers. Clover Leaf and Standard ' Binder twine at Guy Brothers. viSnA Gerltneer- ' Poland, is visiting her sons in Dallas. John Kan, of Pedee was a business visitor in Dallas, yesterday. C 0 Tennis returned Sunday from a two days visit in Portland. Mrs. HenrySavery hasbeen visiting her fnend, Miss Bessie Clanfield, at Salt Creek. Florence Palmer is working in the store of W.R. Howe while be Is away on a fishing trip. Hon. U. S. Loughary, M. D. Ellis and C. G. Coad have returned from their trip to Salmon River and the coast. They report good fishing and plenty of it. A Carload Of hrimetnno . - .u.jWwuv wi use during the hop drying season has been lately received by R. E. Williams, and is being unloaded at the ware house today. A. M. Dalrymple and family returned to Salem yesterday, from a visit In Dallas and Falls City. Laird Woods accomnantprl thAm hn will spend a few davs nisitino. in Salem. C. Rlsser has ratainnrl Ma rl,l u.m w.u nww en awning, complying with the re- mitKamnnfn . I t . nuiiomcuw ui me oruinance oy sus pending it from above with steel rods, preparatory to the removal of the nnsta from under it. W. F. C. Krull. head auditor for the Eilers Piano House, spent Sundav In Portland. He returned yesterday to assist in the closing-out sale of pianos at tne Harris jewelry store. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Coates, ol Lewlston. Idaho. on Tuesday, July 9. The infant lived only one day, dying on July 10. Mrs. Coates was formerly Miss Evangeline Klrkpatrick, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Gunderson and P. A. Finseth returned yesterday from their claims on the Siletz. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith and Miss Eva Smith, who accompanied the party, will remain on their claims during the remainder of the summer. James A. Hall, of Peterborough, On tario, was a guest at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott yester day. Mr. Hall is Sheriff of Peterbor ough county, an office he has filled al most continuously for 25 years. He and Mr. Elliott have been life-long friends and greatly enjoyed their visit yesterday. Mr. Hall will visit his married daughter in Portland before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Simonton, Mrs. Alice Dempsey and her daughter, Fan nie, visited the farm of Mrs. A. K. Wilson near Eola, Sunday. Mr. Simonton reports that Mrs. Wilson has an excellent and productive fruit farm. Five acres of strawberries cleared a handsome profit from the Salem cannery in June, and their en tire crop of Royal Anne cherries has been sold to the same company at 5 cents a pound. Forty acres of Italian prunes have also been contracted at the rate of 5 cents a pound. no- BEE HIVE A Reliable Place to Trade. .... . DALLAS, OREGON T , ' "' ' i -m .n n m B.F. Smith. of Lewisviiln lain tnn today. Miss Bertha Collins is visiting in Portland. Harry Dunn has opened a cigar store in Newport. Miss Inez Allen, of Oak Grove, visited In Dallas today. T. C. Stockwell arrived home from Newport yesterday afternoon. Frank Gilliam, of Pedee, was in Dallas this morning on business. Walter Spaulding, a son of Charles K. Spaulding, is visiting in Dallas. M. M. Jones, of Monmouth, was a business visitor In Dallas this week. Miss Bobbie McCallon is visiting in Sheridan, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Michalec. George Conkey. a well-known Inde pendence merchant, was a visitor in Dallas, Sunday. N. L. Guy, W. L. Soehren, W. R. Howe and Robert Howe went to the Siletz, Saturday, for a vacation fish ing trip. Miss Mabel Carmen, of Davton. South Dakota, and Miss Helen Row- cliffe, of Portland, visited friends in Dallas, Saturday. The Rev. C. T. Whittlesey, of New port, formerly instructor of Greek and Latin in Dallas College, was a visitor in Dallas, Saturday. Miss Florence Palmer, Miss Beatrice Benson and Nevin Palmer spent a most enjoyable picnic with friends at Black Rock, Sunday. Allen Prime and family, from Furnas County, Nebraska, are visit ing at the home of Mr. Prime's sister, Mrs. A. C. Corbin. They will soon go to Southern California, where they purpose to locate If the country is suitable. The Observer job printing depart ment is crowded with orders, but by running the presses early and late we are managing to deliver the work on time. Nearly a ton of paper stock has been reoeived for this department in the last few days. Judge Samuel R. Artman, of Leb anon, Indiana, a prohibition orator of National reputation, will speak In the First Christian Church in Salem, Fri day evening, July 19, at 8 o'clock. Many of the prominent temperance workers in Polk county are making arrangements to drive over and bear him. In these days the reporter must put his pencil to paper and write ye another volume of the book of Exodus. This is not, however, the Exodus of the Old Testament, but the modern book, which is issued annually, and runs somewhat like this : "Mrs. Jones went to the beach today ;" "Mr. Smith is spending his vacation in the mountains," and so on ad infinitum. B. A. Teats was in town yesterday from a period of timber cruising on the head of Mill Creek. He says that he has seen some remarkably fine sec tions of railroad land in that locality, much of it cruising between 10 and 12 million feet. The notices, however, have in some places been posted wrongly, and in other places either not posted or removed. If this is the case, those interested in the railroad land claims should look into the mat ter. STORE 1 ' ' I , . , : . , , , WILL IMPROVE STREETS Dallas Council Prepares to Purchase Rock Crusher and Street Roller. Carrying out the wishes of the people of Dallas as expressed at the annual city election, the Council is preparing to purchase a rock-ei usher and begin a general improvement of the streets of the city. At a meeting of the board last night, the Auditor was instructed to notify manufacturine concerns dealing in road-maktug maehiueiy that the Council will, at its next regular meeting on August S, take up the matter of the purchase of a rock- crusher and street roller. City Attorney Hayter reported that a satisfactory price on a quarry site had been made by the Boise heirs and that the deed would be executed and turned over to the city in a few days. Other businebs was transacted by the Council as follows: The Street Commissioner was ordered to have certain unsanitary places in the rear of buildings and in the streets and allejs cleaned up at once. The City Treasurer was authorized to take up a warrant for $75 held by D. J. Riley. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance to cover plumb ing inspection in the city. The Marshal was instructed to pre serve order among the hoodlums at the "Tongues of Fire" camp meeting. Councilman Stafrln was granted leave-of-absence for three regular, meetings of the council. Legal blanks at this office. Welch's Grape J uice at Howe's. S wetland & Son's Famous Ice Cream at Ellis.' For lots in Ellis Addition, see H. G. Campbell. . Real estate that's all. Vanorsdel & Barham. L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary Public; typewriting. Come and list with the hustlers. VanOrsdel & Barham. For the best cigars and freshest candies, call on Horace Webster. The stage fare between Dallas and Salem has been reduced to 60 cents. Attorney Webster Holmes, of Salem, is a business visitor in Dallas today. John L. Condron, the Pedee sawmill man, was a county seat visitor yesterday. Eighty-nine acres of line fruit land for sale ; price, $2000. N. G. Harris, Dallas. 7-16-4t Money of private parties to loan at 8 per cent on well-improved farms. Sibley & Eakin. Refined and particular people find the Dallas Hotel an ideal hostelry. White help only. Patronize the new barber shop on Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, guarantees first-class work. Lots in Levens' Third Addition are selling fast lots, $250; $100 cash; time on balance. H. G. Campbell. The neatest Ice Cream parlors in town and good service guaranteed. Give us a trial. Ellis' Confectionery. County Clerk Smith issued license to wed to George T. Giaves, of Black Rock, and Lottie Miller, of Buena Vista, today. Inviting rooms, broad and shady verandas and inviting hammocks and seats at the Dallas Hotel. The com fort of guests is our study. C. N. McArthur came up from Port land, Saturday night, and drovedown to Rlckreall, Sunday, to look after his extensive farming interests. B. Gildner is p from Portland on a business visit today. He has just returned from an extended trip through Idaho and British Columbia. W. R. Ellis, agent for Daily Ore gonian and Evening Telegram. Have a daily paper delivered at your house by the week, month or year. No extra charge for delivery. The best soft-wheat flour manufac tured In the Willamette Valley is turned out by the Dallas flouring mill. Don't take anyone's word for it, but try a sack and be convinced. A blind musician attracted a crowd on Main street this afternoon. By aid of mouth, hands and feet, he succeeded in producing fairly creditable music on a harmonica, reed organ and drum. C. L. Hubbard and Thomas Wright have moved their stave-bolt camp to the McDougall timber east of town, having finished their work on Dr. Hayter's ranch between Dallas and Salt Creek. I have secured competent help and am prepared to do all kinds of quick repairing work. Horse shoeing a specialty. Bring your work to my blacksmith shop, next to Lee Smith's Cyclery. Cal Huttou. tf Legal Blanks for sale at this office. Everything for that fishing trip at W. R. Ellis.' . We can sell your real estate. Vajt Obsdel & Barham. Ralph Adams sells furniture and stoves on the installment plan. Your credit is good. Several five and ten acre lots, cloe to town, for sale at a bargain. N. G. Habbis. Mutual phone. ' 7-16-4t The new Krys-Tol glass at Howe's is selling fast Come In and see it before the fine pieces are gone. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up. stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. The Dallas-Salem stage now arrives in Dallas daily at 3 p. m., connecting with the 3:20 passenger train for Falls City; also connects with the northbound train at Derry. tf W . ; ; We lead the greatest market on earth. Our Black Rock store is now fully established aud our demand for these two great stores for vegetables, hay, eggs and butter, is enormously large. Falls City is on the map to stay as the greatest market for Farmers' Produce in Polk county. To sell to us or to buy of us means to make money and to save it. Our Regular Saturday Surprise Sale. You will get Sugar and Children's suits at the lowest prices. Don't forget the date. P99 Olympic flour at Howe's. Legal blanks at this office. I have on display a nice assortment of "Spalding's" sporting goods. All guaranteed. W. R. Ellis. Just the thing to take when you go camping. What? Violet Selfraising Pancake Flour. Where? Why at the Corner Grocery of course. Bottd &Son. Mr. HOP MAN! The Oregon Fire Relief Asso ciation, of McMinnville, saved the Hop Growers of Polk County $1100 in premiums last year. Hava you been insuring in a stock company? Then why don't you insure in the Homk Mutual this year and save money? Communicate with VV. P. DYKE, Dallas, Agent for Polk County. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH Railway. FROM INDEPENDENCE. rOR DALLAS. Train No. 65. Leave Independence dally, 6:00 .m.; lv. JJomaouth,6:15 a. m.;ar. Dallas, 6:40 a.m. Train No. 09. Leave Independence, dally, 11:05a, in.; lv. Monmouth, 11:20 a.m.; ar. Dal las, 11:45 a. m. Train No. 71. Leave Independence, daily, 6:15 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 6:30 p. m.j ar. Dallas, 6:55 p.m. ' , , FOB AIItLIK. i Train No. 66. Leave Independence, dally, 7:30 a. m.; lv. Monmouth, 7:40 a. m.; ar. Alrlle, S:V. a.m. Train No. 72. Leave Independence, daily, 8:30 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 8:50 p. m.i ar. Alrlle, 4:25 p. m. , FOB MONMOUTH ONLY. Leave Independence, daily, 2:15 p. m. FROM DALLAS. FOB INDKNSNDKNCE. Train No. 64. Leave Dallas, dally ex. Sunday, 8:30a.m.: !v. Monmouth, :00.m.; ar. Inde pendence, 9:15 a. m. Train No. 100. Lv. Dallas. Sunday only, 6:55 a. m.; ar. Independence, 7:20 a. in. Train No. 6. Leave Dallat., dully, 1 p. m. ; lv. Monmouth, 1:25 p.m.: ar. ludeii(ionce,l:4pp. in. (This train connects at Monmouth for Air lie.) Train No. 70. Leave Dallas, daily, 7:85 p. m.j lv. Monmouth, 8 p. m.; ar. Independence, 8:15 P- m' FROM AIRLIE. Train No. 67. Leave Alrlle, dully, 9 a. m. ; lv. Monmouth, 9:85 a. m.i ar. Independence, 9:50 a. m. (This train couneets at Monmouth tor Dallas.) Train No. 1n. Leave Alrlle, daily, 6:05 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 5:40 p.m.; ar. Independence, 5:55 p. m. FROM MONMOUTH ONLY, Leaves Monmouth for Independence, daily, at 2.50 p. m. The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine In the market. J ust the thing for Wood Rawing, Pumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. .. Ed. Diddle, Agent Dallas, Oregon. STAMPING OW is the time to get your Stamping done. We are prepared to do all kinds of STAMPING, such as : : : EMBROIDERY HATS, CENTER PIECES, DOILIES, PILLOW TOPS, SHIRT WAISTS, CORSET COVERS. Bring us your goods and we will stamp it at a reasonable price. W. H. HOY Q CO. Dallas, - Oregon. 1 99999W-f """" " 1 1 y 1 t f t Great Denote OF FALLS CITY, OREGON WILL BUY AT HIGHEST PRICES PAID 100 tons good Cheat hay 100 tons good Timothy hay 5000 dozen eggs 5000 rolls farmers' butter and vegetables of all kinds SATURDAY, JULY 3 REFRIGERATORS LEFT WE OFFER THESE AT WHOLESALE COST $16 Refrigerator at ' . jjj 1 2.20 $15 Refrigerator at $10 Refrigerator at Chapman's Largest Stock 9 AAViAAA,lA?AAAA Ar im r! It) (S3 m - its m h 52 Woke Up! Come and See Us We have some good things to show you. SHOES OF ALL KINDS At the Right Prices. k -3t. Ms lha Dallas Shoe it ssi.V 4A.i .v.j AA v aw' LUCK1AMUTE TIE CO. ALL KINDS OP Rough Lumber $10. Per Thousand Can also furnish FINE MAPLE LUMBER Mill three miles west of Airlie On Pedee Road BROWN H LINK TO.' Early Risers Tho famous little pU!t NO TRUST HERE But your Credit is good Furniture and Stoves sold on the INSTALLMENT PLAN WE sell to you cheaper and on better terms than you can obtain elsewhere. RALPH ADAMS i .THE ANTI f 1 1 kJf : Ft MT art W W 20 ONLY- $ 11 .65 $7.90 on West Side. A Get Wise! Store, Mrs- PJ;S&nor' nvoi ivj . VANORSDEL Q BARHAM Must have more Farms and City Property to sell. We are turning away men every day for want of places to suit Perhaps yours would. Come and list with us. We can sell. We are making up a new list to be sent East, (lot yours In on this. Will sell on small commission. See us. J. C. VanOrsdel and A. J. Earharft Dallas, - Oregon THK ORIGINAL LAXATIVC COUGH SYRUP KENEDY'S LAXATIVE KO HE WAH tei Ctorer BImmkb and Bcaey M Imry Bl! - TRUST HAH CfJ f j 01 n (18 f f k fi t, f H (15 k i ( t. 4 I J 1 GJ c t t Km ' v