Notice For Publication. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, April '.fifth, 1907. Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of CoiipreNi of June a, 1878, entitled "An act for t'e sale oi timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by art of August 4, 1892, Fred McTimnionds, of Dallas, county of Polk, State of Oretton, has thiB day riled in this office his sworn statement No. 7:s9, for the pur chase of the East of Northeast i of Section No. 30 in Township No. 9 South, Kanpre No. 7 West, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone tnao tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before RuRiBter and Ke ' ceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 10th day of Julv. lyo7. He names as witnesses: J. P. McElfresh, of uentraua, Washington : l. I . llckey. ol cen trails, Washington; A. Maybec, of Kocca, Ore gon nova Mcrimmonas. ol Fails tlty. Oregon Any and all persons cliiimiug adversely the above-described lands are requested to rile thtir claims in this oltice on or before said Kith day of Jiny, iu. ALGERNON 8. UKKSSER, Register. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Thomas I'earce deceased has filed Mb final account in said trust and the Honorablet'ounty Court fur Polk Conn ly, Oregon, has appointed the 8th day of August, i'mi, at me hour oi iu . m. as tne date lor Hear ing the same. All persons interested are hereby notified to appear at the Court House in Dallas, Oregon, on the date above named and tile their objections if any there be to said account. WILLIAM T. PEARi:E, Administrator, Notice to Creditors. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. United States Land Otlice, Portland, Oregon, May 27. llJ07. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to ail the Public Land Suites by act of August 4, 1892, Herbert L. Toney, of Dallas, county of Pc'k, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this otiice his sworn statement No. 74:18, for the purchase of the Lot No. 4 of Section No. 30, in Township No. 8 South, Range No. 7 West, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its limber or stone than for agricultural pnroses, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk at Dallas, Oregon, on Thursday, the liiih day of Auvust, 1907. He names as witnesses: F. A. Elliott, of New berg, Oregon; W. V. Fuller, of Dallas, Oregon; (J. W. Riggs, of Mabel, Oregon; 11. M. Riggs, of Mabel, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this otlice on or before said 15lh day of August, 1907. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of John Campbell, deceased by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk county, ana nas quauneu. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same d uly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at her residence near uaiiston, in saut county oi folk, witniu six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published July 9, P07. MAKtiAKfcT D. C AM i'liKI.L, Administratrix of the estate of John Campbell, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, Department No. i. Thomas E. Caulield, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret Murray Caulield, Defendant, Summons. In the Name of the State of Oreiron : You a.e hereby required to appear and answer the com nlitiiit fili-d mraiiiat vtm in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the first nublication of this summons, lo-wit: On the Jtith dav of August. 1907. and if roil fail so to appear and answer the said complaint. t le nlaintitl will a Holy to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit: Kor decree of divorce dissoh iug the bonds of matrimony now existing between film and yourself and for such further and other relief as mav te eounaoie You are hereby further notified that this sum mons is served upon yon by publication thereof in the "Polk County Observer," a newspaper published seini-weekly at the City of Dallas in Polk County, Oregon, pursuant to the order f the Honorable William Calloway, Judge of this court, made this fifth day of July, 1907, and this summons was first utibliblied on the 9th day of July, 1907. Attorneys for Plaintiff. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE S, 1878. United Slates Land Otlice, Portland, Oregon, April M, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Statesof California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Ijtnd States by act of August 4, 1892, John L. Coudron, of Airlie, county of Polk State of Oregon, has this day filed in this otlice ins sworn statement mo, 7390, for ine purcnase of the s. w. ft oi s. vv. i ol section No. is, in Township No. 9 8., Range No. 6 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before County Clerk of Polk County, at his ohioe at Dallas, on Monday, the loth day of Julv. 1907. He names as witnesses: J. G. VanOrsdel,of lianas, Oregon; Jesse lost, of Airiie, Oregon John Kau, of Falls City, Oregon ; William Yost, ol Airue, Oregon Summons. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aoove-ai'scnoea lanas are requested to nie tneir claims in this office on or before said loth day ouuiy, lao?. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of tne estate of Thomas Orton, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and hag qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his place of business in Willamina, Yamhill County, Ore gon, or at the otlice of the County clerk of Polk County, in Dallas, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published July 2, 1907. PAUL FUNDMAN, Administrator of the estate Thomas, Orton, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned nas oeen amy appointed administrator of the estate of Elisa Day, deceased, by the County lor rout county the Court of the State of Oregon and has aualifled. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the game duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his place of uusiuess in niiiamina, lumnui uounty, Ore gon, or at the otlice of the County Clerk of Polk County, in Dallas, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no ice. Dated and first published June 2,r, 1907. PAUL FUNDMAN, Administrator of the estate of Eliza Day, deceased. OBCar Hayter, Attorney. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, Department No. 2. C. I). Chorpeniug, Plaintiff, vs. Alta Chorpen ing, Defendant, Summons. To Alta Chorpeniug, the above-named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and suit, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: On or before the 20th day of August, 19U7; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for a decree as prayed for in the said complaint, to-wit, that the marriage contract now and heretofore exist ing between the plaintiif and the defendant be dissolved and annulled; and that the plaintiif may have such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet wtth equity and good conscience. This summons, by order of the Hon. Ed F. Coad, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, made at Chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on tne Btn day of Julv. 1907. is served upon you by publication thereof, for a period of six consecutive and successive weeks immediately prior to the 20th dav of August. 1907, in the "Polk County Observer." a news paper of general circulation, published weekly at Dallas, in said County. The date of the first publication of this summons is July 9, 1907. u u. BKOW.N, Attorney for Plaintiff. SKIM MILK FOB LAYERS. Tests Which Indicate That It Greatly Increases Egg Production. The department of agriculture has received a report from the West Vir ginia experiment station of a test made to determine the value of skim milk as against water for wetting a feed mash, says American Poultry Journal. In the first test, which covered 122 days, twenty-two heu9 fed skim milk laid 3,244 eggs as compared with 090 eggs laid by the tweuty-two hens fed mash wet with water. In the first period of the second test sixty tieus fed the skim milk ration laid 802 eggs In thirty-seven days as compared with 632 eggs laid by a sim ilar lot fed no skim milk. In the sec ond period the rations were reversed. The chickens fed skim milk laid 1,220 eggs In fifty-six dys as compared with 97S In the case of the lot fed no skim milk. Iu both experiments more eggs were produced when skim milk was substituted for water for moistening the mash. Tinder the conditions prevailing In these experiments and with eggs sell ing for 20 or 25 cents per dozen the skim milk used for moistening the mash had a feeding value of from Vi to 2 cents per quart. In these trials 802 quarts of skim milk were fed, re sulting in an increase In the egg pro ductlon of 702 eggs. Q00D WORK Done Dally in Dallas. No its Notice For Publication. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Mary Kiley, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to prtseut the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his place of business iu Willamina. Viimhili County, Ore gon, or at the otlice of the County Clerk of Polk County, in Dallas, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published Julv 2, 1907. PAUL FUNDMAN, Administrator of the estate of Mary Kiley, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to whom it may con cern, that the undersigned has this dav been duly apiiointed administrator of the estate of Francis Kueher, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of Polk County, Oregon. All parties in debted to said estate are hereby notified to call at once and make settlement with the under signed and all parties having claims against said estate are hereby not I lied to present the same duly verified to the undersigned, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at DallaB. Polk County, Oregon, this 21st day of May, 1W7. EDWARD KUCHER, Administrator. Sibley Eakin, Attys. for estate. Administrator's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue and In pursuance of an order of the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Polk County, sitting in probate, made and entered of record in said Court on the.trd day of June, P.I07, in the matter of the estate of Ann Sylvester, deceased, direct ing the undersigned, as administrator of said estate, to sell the real property of said estate, hereinafter described, wholly, at private sale, for cash, in the manner prescribed by law, the undersigned as such administrator will, from and after Wednesday, the 10th day of July, 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at the law oltice of Oscar Hayter, in the City of Dallas, in said County, proceed to sell the said real property wholly, at private sale, for cash in hand on day of sale, in accordance with the said order of sale and in the manner prescribed by law, subject to confirmation oy said County Court; said real property being particularly described as follows, to wit: The South half of the Donation Land Claim of Lambert McTimmonds and Ann McTim monds, his wife, Notification No. 52X9, Claim No. 44, being parts of Sections 10, 11, li and 15, in Township 9 South, of Kange 6 West of the Willamette Meiidian, in Polk County, State of Oregon, containing 320.27 acres. Dated this 11th day of June, 1907. J. D. 8MITH, Administrator of the estate of Ann Sylvester, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Legal blanks at this office. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land Oflice, Portland, Oregon. May 31,1907. Notice is hereby given that in comDliiince with the provisions of the act of Cnneress of June a, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tne Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Martha E. Bagley, of Portland, county of Multnomah. State of Oreenn. has thia day tiled in this otlice her sworn statement No. 7443, lor tne purcnase ol the West of N. w. -a oi ecu. nu. iu m juwiismp ino. o a., Kange no. o nest, ana will oner proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its limoer tnan for agricultural ourDoses. and lo establish her claim to said land before Register una neceiverai roruaiid, Oregon, on Tuesday, tut? litu uay oi cepicmuer, 1:11. She names as witnesses: William J. South well, of talis City, Oregon; Ferris A. Lucas, of Falls City, Oregon; Kuymond F. Marquis, of roniaiid, Oregon; John H. Bagley, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this oflice on or belore said 17th day n( U.. I Hut. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Chicken Chatter. Increase the profits by decreasing the number of old bens. Well managed poultry Is preferable to farm crops In that poultry will pro duce an income at all times or tne year. Do not despise well bred poultry. territory has ever been noted for noultrv products unless well bred fowls were the rule. Get rid of some of the many roosters that are now worrying the hens to no uood purpose. They are deadheads and eat up the profit of the flock, By raising standard bred poultry one will be able to sell stock and eggs for breeding purposes and get much better prices than when selling eggs and fowls for food only. Hunt up private customers and agree to sell them strictly fresh eggs: then do It. A good price should be secured, and the payment will be made In cash Instead of groceries. Farmer Vinoent's Hen Sayings. Grit makes gritty hens. Gritty hens are the ones that pay. If the earth under your henhouse is naturally damp, put In a floor. If dry and gravelly, dirt floors are all right. Any broken panes of glass lu your houses? Better put good panes lu. Roup often gets In at the window, and so do other kinds of disease. Mate your fowls about a month be fore the time for setting. Keep only mnle ' birds that are as nearly perfect in all points as possible. If you use an incubator, don't try to save money by buying poor oil. That Is the cause of hosts of failures. Farm Journal. How's This! We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Seward foi any case of Cutarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P J. CHENEY & CO. , Props ., Toledo, O. We the undemigned, have known F. J. Che ney for the last 16 years, and believe him per fectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. West a Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O W ald i no, Kinnan&Makvim, Wholesale Drug- fists, Toledo, O. 'a Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 76c. per bottle. Bold by all Jruearnsts. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Another Way to Put It. "A shining example of private virtue and an exalted teacher of good and honest government" Is the description of Robert Toombs of Georgia given In "The Brother's War." Toombs was a prominent character for many years before the war and served In the two houses of congress about fifteen years. He was afterward secretary of st;ite in the Confederate government. He had a wit and a fineness of ex pression, says the author, which made his phrases and repartee widely quoted and made him the delight of apprecia tive audiences. A rival candidate, really conspicuous and celebr.ited for hi.s little ability, iu a stump debate p!o.-g?d the people that If they scud Lim to congress he would new:- leave hl.-t post during a se.-wio:) ta attend the courts, as he uu ;us;'y charv.I Toombs with habitually 'lo,'"Z- Tamil b disposed of this fling y c.iero'y x.'ying: " should emisidor which will hurt '.p dis-rict the more, bis '1- e In ur my occaion !( lv!fK " constant pres- I absence from "Don'ts" For Buff Cochin Breeders. Don't breed a cockerel that shows red on wing bows. Don't breed from pullets showing white In undercolor of neck. Don't breed from the birds that feather and develop slowly, as such birds will greatly reduce the vitality and early maturity tendency of the flock. Legal blanks at this oflice. 1 71 6 -war The effect of malaria lasts a long time. You catch cold easily or become run down because of the after effects of malaria. Strengthen yourself with Scott's Emulsion. It builds new blood and tones up your nervous system. ALL DRUGGISTS : BOc. AND $1.00. O 0 0 0 0 To Cure Egg Eating. There Is a remedy for egg eating which In two years of careful reading of poultry magazines I do not remem ber having seen given, says a writer In Farm-Poultry. It costs nothing and certainly beats some of the barbarous methods I have seen recommended to a standstill. When your hens get to eating their eggs go to a bakery, hotel or boarding house and ask them to save you a lot of eggshells. Feed all your hens will eat and a few over, and If It doesn't stop the trouble then it will be the first case I ever heard of where It failed. Beans For Poultry. It Is an accepted fact throughout many sections of the country that poultry will not eat beans. Many of the New York farmers state that It Is utterly useless to try to teach poultry to eat beans of any kind unless they are broken Into small pieces or cooked, as is often done for the hogs. Nothing could be better for poultry than beans If tliey can be Induced to eat them. We are somewhat surprised, says the Feather, to notice that a western writ er states that poultry In "his locality Is largely fed upon dry beans. Cut Green Bone. Green bone Is the- cheapest and most Important feed you can give laying hens about twice each week. Give them all they will eat. About all It costs Is the labor of grinding, and there are many good mills on the mar ket that do the work satisfactorily. Your local butcher will give you as many bones as you want to grind, and your hens will thank you for them. Selecting the Breed. Select your breed for the special pur pose it Is kept for. If there is no defi nite purpose, study the matter over carefully until It is known What kind of poultry will net the best returns. Everyfarmer should get Into the pure bred poultry class. The attractiveness of the flock will result In better care. In addition to the natural Inbred supe riority of the standard bred fowl. ' Temperature In the Incubator. The variation of a few degrees in th temperature during the hatching period wHl not affect the hatch or the chicks after they are hatched. The tempera ture in the Incubator should be kept as near 103 degrees as possible until the eggs start to pip, when the heat should be Increased to 104 or 105. Tainted Bona Products. Bone meal and pulverized bone that smells bad are not fit for food and should be burled. Beef scraps have a disagreeable odor, but are not InJ.irl ons. Bone meal Is practically odorlew. 00000000000000000000000000 KILE.THE COUCH and CURE the LUfJCS WITH Or. ill Lid DiscoiJCiy LDS Trial So nie Free D ALL THROAT a ft I !' a TL'SLTS. GUARANTEED BATlSFACiOiii OH MONEY HEUNBEB. 1 n Jennings Lodge, iNo. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. G. L. Hawkins, W. M. J. C. Hayter, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R A. M.. stated convocation, First First and third Fridays of each month. Oscar Hayter, H. P. U. S. Grant, Sec. lUaomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated A meetings feecond and fourth TueS' days ol each month. Mrs. Maggik Hayter, W. M. Mrs. Libbie Muir, Sec. A7 the and llllistletoe Circle, No. 33, W. C. VAmeet8 in their Hall, in Woodman building every second fourth Wednesday. Mrs. Helen Ureenwood, u. N. Mrs. Nei.lik Tavom, Clerk Ttfun-iv pvitw reader has heard of Tlnan'a IviilnPV Pills. Their eood work still continues, and our oitistene are con stantly adding endorsement by pubho testimony. No better proof of merit ha had the exoerience of friends aud neighbors. Read this case: Mrs. N. Swaggert, of 819 Garden St. Pendleton, Ore., says: "Both my hns band and myself have used Doan's Kid ney Pills with most gratifying results . . . . Mr. Swaggert was troubled quite severely with his back and kidneys for a lone time, and nothing ever helped him as Doan's Kidney Pills have. 1 have known of the healing and curative Dower of this remedy for some time, and found that a few doses would quick ly remove any lameness or pain in the hnk i-iuiaimI lv kid ne v derangement. I am iflad to help make Doan's Kidney Pills better known to all afllicted with backache or kidney trouble." For eale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Coal is beig Ashland. prospected for near Foley's Honey and Tar affords immed iate relief to astlui sufferers in the worst stages ami if taken iu time will effect a cure. Belt A Cherrmgton, Dal las; M. L. Thompson, tails City. All the Observer, news in the Twice-a-week LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Woodmen of the World. fallas Camp, No. 209, meets in t hall in the Woodman building e Tuesday evening. B. M. Guy C. C. W. G. their very Vassai.l, Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees. Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second and Fourth' Thursdays of each month in I. O. O. F.hall. Mark Hayter, 8. K. Com. I. N. Woods. R. K. Liiac i live, cno. z, l,. u. i. fli., meets -on Second and Fourth Thursday after noon of each month. Mrs. Kittie N. Miller, L. C. Mrs. Ro8k, R. K. raternal Union of America ijouge mo. 144 Meets nurd Tuesday "ni dilnit irwtrttti W.J. Waqner.'f. M. Mhs. 8. E. Morrison, Sec. Knights of Pythias IIIIarmion Lodge, No. 96, K. of P. Meets everv Mondav evenlnor in W. O. W. building. Visiting Kuights uie welcome. M. A. Ford, C. C. G. L. Hawkins, K. of It. S. A. 0. U. W. ffe Union Lodge, No. 36 Meets First 4v mnnth- H. L. Fenton, M. W. John E. Smith, Fin. Crystal Lodge, No. First and Third month. Mas. C. 50, D. of H., meets Wednesday of each G. Coad, C. of II. Mrs. Ed. F. Coad, Fin. United Artisans. Assembly No. 46-meets First and Third TnocrU-, nf ...k . . i. . " v..j cavil UJU11LU. Willis Simokton, M. A. I. 0. O. F. Friendship Lodge. No. 6. meets . j every Saturday evening in I. O.O. F.Hall, 8 W. L. Sokhrkx, N. G. W. A. Atses, Rec.Sec. TkaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets "Second and Fourth Mondav of aih month. W. A. Ayres, CP. A. W. Teats, Scribe. nimira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meets "the first and third Wednesdava f each month. Miss Mabel Holmes. N. G. Miss Ollie Howe For Sale. One 2i-liorse power, jaoketcd Uni versal engine, burns straw, coal or wood ; one 32x54 Inch, large cylinder, separator and clover-hullcr combined, together with two large round water tanks, each with pumps ana nose; cook-wagon, furnished with cook stove and cooking utensils; wagon racks and everything ready for the field. Although this machine has only thrashed about 59 days and when not In use has been well housed and Is In fine shape, I will sell the whole outfit for much less than half its first cost, as I have given up farming. , JAMES ELLIOTT. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL High Service and Low Rates C. W. NIXON, Proprietor, ' Corvoltfs, Oregon. WIN" yu need W. J. STOWE, Truck Elian, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS. ORROrvN Sec. Lincoln Annuity Union Oregon Assembly, No. 54. Meets evjry Friday at 8 p. m. at I. O. O. F. Ilall. Visiting neighbors welcome Marie E. Sheltoo, Speaker. Lydia Campbell, Clerk. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT- nn mMter how" ,badthe we&ther You cannot afford to be without a TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT ,0R SLICKER When you buy look for the SIGN OF THE FISH M MM j wn co aottoH u t : CO LTO T0.0MTO CAN BALI Mm KO?H0Ul en A fnn!)h r.v a..11 la rw.rnn 11 til. Lr l: nit 1 lu. I i- u liikii 1 1 1 K.v . i. , . . Hyufom id a combination of tubon aud ci IU 1 Mlk;!l 1'uiHt ii 1. .1. I., .ulH 1 i . . . in tuuei tu iiiuuio goou I U' all II Ballard's Horehound Svn -n fl IRFs C0UGHS COLDS, BRONCH'r lUKIp WHOOPING COUGH? ri L'S AND ALL PULMONARY DlsVsRs Up Cured of a Chronic Cough. J. IT. Kills, Butte, Mont., write; "r chorrfullu J m,ml'd'H llorohouiii Byrm, to all pj, wit li chronic coughs. I nulfered lor voars wii h V WJ toujrh which would last all winter. Ballard's W 'r,,,ii? Synii elected uu immediate and permanent cur"." "d 25c, 50c and $1.00. Ballard Snow Liniment Co. 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOtlls mo a M'l Mf'ht1" tan"' Sold and Recommended by STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY COFFEE TEA SPICES BAKING P0WQER , EXTRACTS j JUST RIGHT CLOSSET&DEVERS PORT LAN D, 0RE.J Cut Glassware Silverware Your friends are getting married; give them a handsome, high-grade present Also a full line of OPTICAL GOODS C. H. MORRIS Jeweler Stafrin ii " Jeweler l One door west of Stafrin Drtiff Co. 1 M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS OREGON W. V. FULLER. REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specialty If you have patented lands or relinquishments to sell, list earaowitu me. Office in Crider Building Dallas, Oregon MAGAZINE READERS S1.50 tjror $1.00 yea SURSXT MAGAZINE bcautifullyilltutnted.good itorirt and articles ibout Cauforni uul all 111. Fit Wot. CAMERA CRAFT deroted nek month to Ine n. tulic reproduction oi the bat work ol tnuteut and proleuioul photographers. ROAD 01 A THOUSAND W0HDE8J a book of 75 pages, containing 120 colored photographs of n ht picturesque spots ia California and Uregoa. Total . All for . , . Address all orders to SUBSET MAGAZINE Flood Building Sin Frtndics . $3-25 $1.50 fli 1 VJl tfef Thia signature la on every box of the genuine Laxative BromO'Quinine TaMeu the iwmedy that curea a cold In ue ilaT DfWitt's LI The famous little dKIav U .A lvo f i. V 1 I II .--V" S 5AFI 6h buy from Factor Direct. Therefore on prlcea are lowest LOCK CO ST. PonTt.oMO.oaa, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whuopiug Cough. J Sallowness Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark skin becomes fascinating when delicately soft, unJers.rad with the radiant glow which indi cates a healthy, active skin. Robert ine keeps the skin refined in quality, keeps pores freefrom doghigwastt and stimulates the tiny capilluriesto contribute the color wtiicli charmsin blonde and brunette alike. Rohtrt ine is certain protection npinst tan, sunburn and freckles if applied be fore exposure to sun or wind. Spreads like an imperceptible sheen of gauze over skin sui face, forming i shield stimulating and preserving i delicate, lustrous beauty. dlipm Drutila WUJI fir t fru umfh V4 i ROBEBTil $2. 00 Pays 101 the GlBSERVtK ana tne weeiuy urcgumaH onovear. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. Cirp THE KEW IDEA PI THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE Firi C0U6H SYRUP ,aEMC30DYS MMIW nlOfJEYllM w " - r LJ Ll Mores the Bowels tJ Best for Children Lj LJ fled ClavtV Blossom on Every Battle E 1 itfcwrn am For Sals by Druggists. SALEM, PAIJ.S CITY 5t WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. TIMH TA1ILH No. 2 IIFl'ECTIVK PKnUUARY 1, 190T. No. T No. O No. 1 1 No 1 No. a No. n . , Pa. & Paw,. 4 ITeitrht Freight Freight Freigrht Freig-ht Freight A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. 7:15 11: 10 8:20 Lv. . 7:34 No Stop 3:39 Ar. 7:38 No Stop 8:43 Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. . 7:43 No Stop 3:48 Ar. 6:00 9:00 1:30 7:55 11:50 4:00 Ar. 6:30 9:30 2:00 - Ar. STATIONS DALLAS TEATS GILLIAMS BRIDGEPORT FALLS CITY BLACK ROCK Tralna Will Stop on Sltfnal Only. No Aaient. Daily Except Sunday. No. 8 No. 4 No. n NO. 8 NO. 10 No. 18 pSght Freight ?&ft Freight Freight Freight A. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. r. M. Ar. 9:30 1:45 8:15 Ar. No Stop No Stop No Stop Ar. 9:02 No Stop 4:47 Ar. 8:57 No Stop 4:42 Ar. ; Ar. Ar. Lv. 8:45 1:00 4:30 8:30 11:46 Lv. ;- j . 7:45 . UM SchtduL Subject to Chanfe Without K.uM. roceries and Provisions IUE carry all the leading brands of Canned " Goods, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in season. .-. Crockery and Queen's Ware. SIMONTON & SCOTT, gy"". 0r- OSFIELD OLD STAND .,M4. 60 YEARS VEXPIENCE A rtirailftNB I WT. AS- Scietiiinc Jibf rears four montls,l. "0,u ' .,fl, f "'J 9 f 36lQroa(rTfrvus Kr.DCil Offlo 63 BhJl let id ac The new laxativc that does not .grips cr nauseate. Pleasant to taKc. J 1IMSJ Cures Stomach and Livxr Laxative Frnit Svruo chronxcons For Sale by BELT & CHEEEIIIGTOIJ, Dallas, and THOMPSON, Falls City.