Polk County Observer legal blank? at this office. Welch's Grape Juice at Howe's. For lots in Ellis Addition, see H. O. Campbell. Real estate that's all. V-norsdel Barham. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary public; typewriting. Miss Dora Roy spent the week visit ing friends in Portland. R. D. Cooper, of Independence, was a Dallas visitor this week. For the best cigars and freshest candies, call on Horace Webster. W. H. Muscott, the Falls City gro cer, made a visit to Dalla?, Tuesday. Miss Helen Dairy triple, of Sulem, la visiting relatives and friends in Dallas. Ralph Adams sells furniture and stoves on the installment plan. Your credit is good. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent od well-Improved farms. Siblev & Eakin. John Olin, the brick and concrete contractor, went to Portland, Tuesday, to spend the Fourth. Patronize the new barber shop on Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, guarantees first-class work. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cooper, of Al bany, spent the Fourth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cosper. Lots In Levens' Third Addition are selling fast lots, $250; $100 cash; time on balance. H. O. Campbell. The neatest Ice Cream parlors In town and good service guaranteed. Give us a trial. Ellis' Confectionery. E. Smallwood, until recently a res ident of Dallas, has moved his family from North Yakima to their old home in Arcadia, Nebraska. If you love your wife, don't ask her to cook a Sunday dinner these hot days. Take dinner at Dallas Hotel home cooking, white help. Roscoe Ballantyne, an employe of the Home Telephone Company, and his brother, Victor Ballantyne, of Se attle, are spending the week with their parents. W. R. Ellis, agent for Dally Ore gonian and Eveulng Telegram. Have a daily paper delivered at your house by the week, month or year. No extra charge for delivery. The best soft-wheat flour manufac tured Id the Willamette Yalley is turned out by the Dallas flouring mill. Don't take anyone's word for it, but try a sack and be convinced. Hugh Black came down from his claim on the headwaters of Salmon river, to assist in Ellis & Keyt's store over the Fourth. He will return to his claim next week for the summer. Dr. C. A. Mock, returning from a visit to L. C. Koser's farm near Rick reall, brought in with him a piece of a cherry limb fourteen inches in length, on which 92 fine Royal Ann cherries were counted. Dr. Mock said that this was sot a notable exception to the rule In' Mr. Koser's orchard, and he intends . to return with' a camera and procure photographs, so that all who see may believe. Remarkable Reduction on Seasonable Garments All our Ladies' Tailor-made Suits and Jacltets reduced from 25 to 50 per cent. Take note of price reductions as given below and come this week for the greatest Bargains ever offered in ready-to-wear garments. :-: Ladies Shirt Waist Suits in Percale, Chambrays and Duck, $3.50 values at $2.50 Ladies' Tailor Made Suits in all the new styles of the Season, $15 to $25 values at from $8 to $16.50 Ladies' Jackets in Tan Coverts and fancy mixtures our regular $8.50 goods at $4.95 Ladies' Jackets, former prices $10, at $6. THE A Reliable Place to Trade. I. 0. 0. F. Building DALLAS, OREGON Igal Blanks for sale At tM.' m w?rg?,orthBt fl8h,n p We can sell your real estate. Van Orsdfx & Barham. County Commissioner, John Teal was In Dallas, Wednesday. ' The Observer office wants the print log you are particular about Professor W. I. Reynolds attended Mo6ndaay! CDVenti0n ln Salem Professor William Parker, of Port land, was in Dniina business. O. 0. Arnold, of Brooks, and C p Gates, of St Johns, spent the Fourth iu isauas. Cooking like mother's. That is what you got at the Dallas Hotel-all white help. Colosseum Rink, Saturday night. Skating from 8 to 11, with band In attendance. Frank Butler, Justice of the Peace of Falls City, was a business visitor in Dallas, Tuesday. Roy Hawkins, of Independence, visited at the home of his father, Hon. G. L. Hawkins, this week. I have on display a nice assortment of "Spaldiog's" sporting goods. All guaranteed. W. R. Ellis. Will Hubbard has moved from Portland to Dallas, and will reside in the Poling house on Church street. We have Just received a shipment of handsome and serviceable deeor ated Chlnaware. You are invited to call and examine it Boyd & Son, Corner Grocery. Talk about your breakfast foods, A thousand you can see ; I would not have them as a gift But would have Rocky Mountain Tea. Belt & Cherrlngton. The meetings at the Christian Tab ernacle will be resumed on Saturday nignt Dr. Martin will preach at that time. Don't miss a service from this time on. The meetings are growing In Interest every day. I have secured competent help and am prepared to do all kinds of quick repairing work. Horse shoeing a specialty. Bring your work to my blacksmith shop, next to Lee Smith's Cyclery. Cal Hutton. tf Friday morning's train coupled on two extra cars for the accommodation of the throng of people making their exodus after the celebration. From their conversation and geneal good nature, it was evident that not one went away dissatisfied. Belt & Cherrington's drug store was decorated for the celebration in a most unique and comical manner. The show window was laid off in a mini ature baseball field, with bleachers and diamond. A grotesque band of brownies was placed In the field and little erandstand. each labeled with the name of the Derson it was supposed to represent A toy auto was stationed on the side lines witn a brownie at tne steering wheel, supposed to represent R. E. Williams and his new runabout The poses of the various figures were laughable take-offs on tne persons they were intended to represent, and the display provoked smiles from everyone who observed it during the celebration. BEE HIVE Olympic flour at Howe's. Legal blanks at this office. Swetiand & Son's Famous Ice Cream at Ellis.' Come and list with the hustlers. VanOrsdel & Barham. Skating Saturday night, at the Col osseum Rink, from 8 to li. Mrs. M. J. Cosper returned this week from an extended visit In Portland. Clarence Wirtz came up from Port land, yesterday, to visit hisold friends in Dallas. Miss Laura Ransom, of Pittsburg, Pa., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. VanOrsdel. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grover, of McMinnville, visited their daughter, Mrs. H. L. Toney this week. Mrs. Emma Belt, of Portland, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Black. O. 0. Hodson and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Warren, of McMinnville. at tended the celebration in Dallas. Mrs. A. L. Shreve and children, of Stayton, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hubbard. Mrs. S. T. Nicklin and Mrs. Wil liam Campbell, of McMinnville, have been visiting their cousin, Senator U. S. Loughary. Mrs. H. E. Koser, of Portland, and her sister, Mrs. Anna Greene, of Pitts burg, Pa., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Simonton. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist ; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. A. H. Collins, of Suver, was pre vented from attending the pioneer reunion by injuries received ln a run away last week. He is not seriously hurt Donald Lewis, of Eugene, and E. S. Evenden, an instructor in the training department of the Monmouth Normal, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Collins this week. The Dallas-Salem stage now arrives In Dallas daily at 3 p. m., connecting with the 3:20 passenger train for Falls City; also connects with the northbound train at Derry. tf George Scott received news from Monmouth yesterday that Miss Nellie Johnson who has been ill for a long time, owing to a relapse after the per formance of an operation, is in a very critical condition, not haviog been able to take a mouthful of nourish ment for seventeen days. Miss Belle Elliot has returned to the home of her parents, Mr." and Mrs. James Elliot to spend the summer vacation. Miss Elliot has been teach ing school at Deep River, Wash., near Astoria, since the time of her gradua tion from the Normal School at Mon mouth. Saturday night of this week will be the last time this summer that the devotees of the roller skate will have the chance to indulge in their favorite sport Kerslake & White announce that they will close the rink for the season after that date. All who desire to enjoy one more good evening of skating should be sure to attend. The band will play and no admission will be charged. STORE SUMMER EXCURSION RATES Special Rates and Train Service to Newport For Season of 1907 on C. & E. Railroad. Hotels, resorts and attractions at Newport are now open for the season, and indications all point to this famous Oregon "Coast Resort" being more popular this season than ever before. A decided Innovation, bound to be a source cf great satis ion to and add greatly to the popularity of this fast-coming only "Oregon Coast Resort" will be the opening on July 3rd of the "Newport Theutre," for the summer season by a "High class Stock Company," made up of some of the best Stock actors on the Coast to include various members of the well known "Baker Theatre Stock Com pany," of Portland. A series of the best stock plays available will be pro duced during the season with frequent change of bill. About July 1st, there will be opened to the public one of the largest and best equipped Skating Rinks in the Northwest, containing 12,000 square feet of floor space. The rink will be open continuously day and eveninf, except during bathing hours. These two attractions will divide honors with visitors in filling a long felt want for some place to while away the evenings after the close of outdoor attractions. This Company, as well as the South ern Pacific Company and Oregon Rail road & Navigation Company, have now on sale season tickets to Newport from all points in Oregon at greatly reduced rates. These tickets can be purchased daily and are good for re turn until October 10th, 1907. In addition to season tickets, this Company and the . Southern Pacific Company have placed on Bale at re duced rates popular week-end three day tickets, good from Saturday to Monday, for the benefit of those who cannot advantageously use season tickets, but who desire to make fre quent short interval trips to the "Beach during" the season. This Company will also, commenc ing Sunday, June 16, provide special "Sunday Excursion" trains from Al bany to Newport and return, and have on sale one-day excursion tickets at reduced rates for this train. Passengers holding season or three day tickets mentioned, can travel going or returning on Sunday Excur sion trains. For information relative to rates, trains, etc., see tariffs on file at sta tions for public inspection, or refer to any agent of Corvallls& Eastern R. R. Company, Southern Pacific Company or Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. GFO. F. NEVINS, General Passenger Agent. Hood Craven made a business visit to Portland today. Miss Lela Hayes, of McMinnville, has been visiting her friend, Miss Hazel Hollister. Ray Craven has finished a success ful sale for S. M. Daniel, of Mon mouth, and has gone to Newberg to put on another. Mrs. William Bridwoll, of the Mon mouth Hotel, is dangerously ill, and grave doubts are entertained as to the possibility of her recovery. The Kleppin Bhow, which has been playing in Dallas for the past three days with indifferent success, struck the big tent this morning and pre pared to move into other fields. Guy Francis Is the only Dallas boy who was Injured by firecracker explo sion, so far as we have heard. The lad was painfully burned over his left eye, but It is not probable that any permanent injury will result Ben Hayden was in Dallas attend ing the pioneer reunion, Wednesday, and made the statement to some of his friends that he hoped he would never be too old to come to Dallas to attend a pioneer picnic or a Democratic con vention. Calls promptly answered day or night. R. L. CHAPMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR - EMBALMER DALLAS, - OREGON. . Bell Phono 103 Mutual Phone 1306 COMER GROCERY Located ln the Wagner corner We carry a full line of Staple Fancy Groceries The Best that money can buy. Also a nice line of Candles, Cigars and Tobacco Highest market price paid for produce E. BOYD & SON Phones : Bell 63, Mutual 314. WANTED. LOGGING ..TEAMS.. Contract for day work. Good show. Fir and Tine. Address Three Pines Timber Co. 612 ContmeriM- L'flg Fot uUiij g or Grants Pass J i ii i ,. i mi.ii ii I, mr v9vvii'vv9vvwvvvrv9-f-wt ... i -July 6th we will celebrate our 4th Great Surprise Sale Don't miss this sale as it will be the Greatest Money Saver of the Season. In this sale we will offer Ladies' Waists, Suits and Skirts Boys' Waists and Wash Suits In these sales we will always pay a Surprise Price for Produce, and will sell you goods at prices that cannot be duplicated. We have just increased our stock of Ladies' and Children's Shoes $1,000, making it by far the most complete and popular priced stock to be found. New Fall line Men's Hats just in. They are the latest. Legal blanks at this office. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH Railway. FROM INDEPENDENCE. FOB DALLAS. ft- 1 V C I nana InananTunOA cf R f 1 V. R !00 a. m.; lv. Monmouth, 6:15 . m.; ar. Dallas, 0:40 a. m. Train No. 69 ' Lave Independence, dally, n ok a. m.: lv. Monmouth. 11:20 a. m.: ar. lal- laa, 11:45 a. in. Train No. 71. Leave Independence, oaiiy, 6:15 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 6:30 p. m.; ar. Dallas, t:oo p. in, rOK AIBLIE. ry . j .. Ta et r .... ia Tnilnruindpnnp. daily. j mill au. wi. i i. . r 1 '. 7:30a.m.:lv. Monmouth. 7:40 a. m.: ar. Alrlle, 8:1E a. m. Train No. 72. Leave Independence, dally, 8:30 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 3:50 p. m.; ar. Alrlie, 4:25 p. m. FOR MONMOUTH ONLY. Leave Independence, daily, 2:15 p.m. FROM DALLAS. FOR 1NOKPKNDENC8. in l VTA f . 1 I.i 1 In H.1u nr RnndftV. 8:S0a. m.; lv. Monmouth, 11:00 a.m.; ar. Inde pendence, 9:15 a. m. Train No. 100. Lv. Dallna, Sunday oniy, o:oo a. m.j ar. Independence, 7:20 a. m. Train No. 6. Leave Dallab, dully, 1 p. m. ; lv Monmouth, 1:25 p. m.; ar. Independence, 1 :I0 p. m. (This trnin connects at Monmouth lor Alr lie.) m i- vt -a i nn.. rtiiiuu ri-ilv 7'.1f n. m. : lv. Monmouth, 8 p.m.; ar. Independence, 8:15 p. m. ftlU-n AlKIjIH. Trnin No. 07. Leave Alrlle, dnily, 9 a. m.; lv. Monmouth, 9; 35 a. m.; ar. Indeiwndenee, 9:50 a. m. (This train connects ai Moninoum wr Dallas.) mo t i i.iu nllw R'(V", n m ' lv. Monmouth, 6:40 p.m.; ar. Independence, 5:55 p. m. FROM MONMOUTH OBLI. Leaves Monmouth for Independence, dully, at 2.50 p. m. The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "01ds",the best Gaso line Engine in the market. Just the thing for Wood Sawing, Pumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. Ed. Diddle, Agent Dallas, uregon. STAMPING IN OW is the time to get your Stamping done. We are prepared to do all kinds of STAMPING, such as : : : EMBROIDERY HATS, CENTER PIECES, DOILIES, PILLOW TOPS, SHIRT WAISTS, CORSET COVERS. Bring us your goods and we will stamp it at a reasonable price. W. H. ROY CO. The China and Notion Store Dallas, - Oregon. HOLL18TERS Hscky fJSauntsii! Tea Nuggets A Eny Uedlola for Eaiy Feopl. Brings Golden H-lt and Eenewed Vigor. A. rp clflo tor Constipation, Indirection, Live nd Kidney Trouble. I'implea, Eczema, Impure blood, Bad Breath, fclusruteh Boweln, Headneha and Backache. It's Kocky -fountain Tea in tab let form, W cents a bo. Genuine matle by IiuturrcB Dauo Co-finr, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN KUCGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE IILLtks COUCE3 AND CURE the LUNC3 w,th Dr. Ib j o L a i L- w m w J y wOLDS Trial Botti free 1 9 m rv ao.Tamcx.Tm'Eigs. GUARANTEED SATI3FACX0S1 T? , 5 r . 4 1 ) f V V Department Store FALLS CITY, OREGON The Merchant Prince of the Willamette Valley. The Entire Town of Falls City Celebrated July 4th at Dallas $ (7- Another Large Shipm OF Iron Beds Just Arrived We can show you the newest pat terns and styles and at prices that are very low as these beds were bought at Eastern Factory and shipped at car rates You are Invited to Call and Look at Them Chapman's Largest Stock on West Side. Wake Up! Come and See Us We have some good things to show you. SHOES OF ALL KINDS At the Right Prices. a) f'3 5 Ml 3 t"9 Thi Dallas Shoe SakvMi 'Vtv. iVa av av LUCHIAMUTE TIE CO. ALL KINDS OF Rough Lumber $10. Per Thousand Can also furnish FINE MAPLE LUMBER Mill three milea west of Airlie On Pedeo Road BROWN a LINK W Early Oiscra The famous littla pills. NO TRUST HERE But your Credit is good Furniture and Stoves sold on the INSTALLMENT FLAN WE sell to you cheaper and on better terms than you can obtain elsewhere. RALPH ADAL2S THE ANTMHUST MAN r ? 4 Get Wise! Store, Mrs fJ;.55nori mAi' !-A- r "V; v m VANORSDEL BARHAM Must have more Farms and City Property to sell. We are turning away men every day for want of places to suit. Perhaps yours would. Come and list with us. We can selL We are making up a new list to be sent Enst. Get yours in on this. Will sell on small commission. Boe us. J. C. VanOrsdel and A. J. B-rham Dallas, - Oregon TH ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KEKKEDY'S LAXATIVE K2::EYTAH M Cl Bleasoa u Boatj B4 ra Inn Bwiis , fa Vi fi$ n B : iS ft f, 05 ft V I 1 an f H Ci i o; f r ( . 6"j