Notice For Publication. 1776 Q RAN D 4TH OF ATION and PIONEER REUNION JKm&if ihirfT ftmm 1 1 an Oregon WEDNESDAY. JULY 3. The Eighteenth Annual Reunion of the Polk County Pioneer Association will be held in the City Park. Annual Address by Hon. TILMON FORD, of Salem Handsome Prizes to the Oldest Pioneers. Open Air Banquet at Noon GRAND CONCERT IN COURTHOUSE SQUARE AT NIGHT THURSDAY, JULY 4 HISTORICAL PAGEANT AND CIVIC PARADE Oration by Hon. H. L. BENSON, of Klamath Falls 3 MUSIC BY THREE BRASS BANDS BASE BALL TEAMS BIG FREE GAMES BOTH DAYS. 3 Games, Races and Sports of AHKinds For Valuable Prizes. Fi n H f O IS C A Magnificent Pyrotechnic Display at Night, Consisting of I Kn VV vr IV IV Z5 - Beautiful Illuminations and Costly Set Pieces. GRAND BALL AT COLOSSEUM RINK. SPECIAL TRAINS AND LOW FARES ON ALL RAl ROADS. A LAKENFELDER COCKEREl A Typical Specimen of a Valuable but Little Understood Breed. There bag been during the last few years a good deal of discussion as to the origin of the Lakenfelder (also spelled Lakenrelder) fowl. By some It Is asserted that this bird was devel oped hi the middle districts of France by repeated crosses of what are now known aji Blue Andalusians and Black Jiinorcas with the common fowls of the section, much as the Khode Island Re4s were the result of constant Intro-dat-tkms of BuS Cochin and the old f&arvgtal blood. The more reasonable rlew. bowerer. Is that the Lakenfelder Is really the native fowl of lU-lium. Eot bo matter where he came from originally, it is certain that he deserves TV ' fa '':T'.'r &r ---- - LAKENFELDER COCKF.ltl.L. to be more highly regarded in this country, where he is Just beginning to make his merits known. In body the Lakenfelder Is long, with a .flue car cass and flesh of exceptionally delicate quality. Some Lakenf elders (at least those which have not been enervated by too close Inbreeding for feather) have proved to be as good layers as the very best strains of Leghorns, which are generally regarded as "egg machines." The Lakenfelder is hardy to a degree and bears confinement ex ceedingly well, although he Is also an excellent forager and n comparatively small eater. The Lakenfelder does well in a warm climate, but ought to be particularly valuable as a farm chicken iu the cold er portions of the country, for be really seems to be almost iinixTvious to cold, the hens laying very nearly as well in winter as In summer when they are properly bred fjr vgg production. The Good Old Cochin. We lire pleased t- notice that many writers are ivmki;; 1 at U t V.o old ('(chiv.s a :l ini'iitifniii; them most valuable for producing market poultry, s:.ys the Fe.:t!ier. !ne writer states he yet f ters several hundred of tl:.- old Yellow Cochins of the kind that lay so many e?;;s. Another states he uses Cartridge Cochins exclu sively for the production of winter egs and dressed poultry for market, always canonizing the cockerels and gaining a good profit from their sale In Jauuary. Many persons are pleased to admit the Cochin fowls as valuable for market producing stock. There was a time when the Cochins stood at the head of the list for market poultry and eggs. Too many feathers and too much cultivation along nonutility lines made a change In them. Wheat For the Helm. We are glad to notice that the agri cultural press throughout the country has taken up the cry of more wheat and less corn for laying hens, says the Feather. So soon as the people through out the country learn that corn will not produce many eggs during the winter months and that wheat will produce a profitable egg yield the more pleased will they be with the results of egg production from their hens. Too much corn assures an empty egg basket. Tlenry of wheat bids fair for a profita ble egg production. Pork Scraps For Poultry. Pork ncraps are reli bed by poultry, brt are not generally considered as satisfactory as beef scrap. However, thpy analyse about the same, except tbjt the pork scrap contains rather more fat. Pork cracklings and beef cracklings should have about the same feeding value. They are not as rich In protein as prepared scrap, but can be used as a substitute for a scrap with quite satisfactory results. Early Maturity or Rhode Inland Red. March 21, 1900, I hatched ten chick ens, Khode Island Reds, says a corre spondent. One died March 23. Five of thti balance tore cockerels and began crowing June 11. One pullet developed leg weakness, and I had her put out of he suffering. Another developed to about four and a half pounds and laM her first egg July 18. Pure coffees, spices, Jams and can dles will henceforth command a con siderably higher price than has been asked for the adulterated concoction of which they have heretofore formed but a Eniall part. It Is quite likely, how ever, that the shoddy, adulterated product will suffer a corresponding slump In price. Late official estimates of the value of crops raised In the United States dur ing the year passed show that hay was third iu the list, with a value of $000, 000,000; wheat fourth, with a value of $150,000,000; oats fifth, with $300,000, 0CO; potatoes sixth, with a yield of 300,000,000 bushels, valued at $150,000. 000. Itiee stands twelfth In order, with a yield of 770,000,000 pounds, valued at $18,000,000. A number of western county superin tendents of schools have obtained long time leases on their Jobs by Inaugurat ing corn growing contests among the pupils of the different school districts In their counties. These contests, which usually wind up with an exhibit of the corn grown, have not only help ed to vitalize and add interest to school work, but have resulted In a distinct gain to the agricultural Interests of the communities In which they have teen held. All the news in the Twice-a-week Observer. fhn signature is on every bo of the cesutat Laxative Bfomo-Qunime Tweu Um. wiuvl Uiti rare eM la CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Life When a Suf ferer Shows You the Cure. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary disorders, lameness, headaches, languor, why allow themselves to be come chronic invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to use, btcauBCMt gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, cure your self now, before diabetes, dropsy or Bright's disease sets in. Mrs. L. Ilodson, of 717 Aura St., Pendleton, Ore., says: "I just as en thusiastically endorse Poan's . Kidney Pills today as I did nearly three years ago. They relieved uie of kidney trouble which had bothered me for a consider able time. There was aching pains across the small of my back and down through my kidneys, which were aggra vated by colds which settled in the back and loins and caused an awful lameness. This was my condition when I began taking Poan's Kidney Pills. This rem edy banished the backache and pains through the loins, regulated the kidney secretions and removed every symptom of the trouble. From that day to this there has been no recurrence, and I give Doan's Kidney Pills all the credit. I consider them to be the best kidney remedy procurable and recommend them whenever the occasion arises." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbnm Co., Buffalo, JT. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans and take no other. Notice For Publication. United States Land Office, 1'ortlHinl. Oregon, , April 'iith, 1907. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the proviMoim of the act of emigres of June X, 1S7X. entitled "An act for fie sale of I uinuer mmiH in me states of California, Oregon, Neviidaand Washington Territory," as extended ; to all the t'nhlic Uuid States by act of August '4. ISW. Fred MeTiminonds. of Dallas, county of i folk. Slate of Oregon, has thhtriav filert in i.hi : ottice bin sworn matcment No. 7:te9, for the pur j chase of the Kast of Northeast of Section -u. ovui iiinunuip run. noun), Mange Wo. 7 West, and will oiler proof to show that Uie land Bought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Rugiater and Re ceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Itith day of July, 1IRI7. Ite names as witnesses: J. P. McElfresh, of Centralia, Washington; P. T. Dickev, of en tralia, Washington; A. Maybee, of ftocca, Ore gon; Floyd MeTiminonds, of Falls Citv, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aliove-described lands are requested to file their claims in this ottice on or before said itith day of July, 1907. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL High Service and Low Rates C. W. NIXON, Proprietor, Corvallis, Oregon. MAKE EVERY DAY mm 1:3 COUNT- no matter how' bad the weather: You c&nnot afford to be without a TOWER'S V7ATERFROOI OILED sun .,0X SLICKER When you buy looK for the SIGN OF THE FISH Notice For Publication. Tl M HER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. tinted States Laud Olliee, Portland. Oregon, ., ., , , , May 27, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lauds in the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Hnbliu Land States' by act of August 4, 1892, Herbert L. Touev, of Dallas, county of Polk, Slate of Oregon, has this day filed in this ottice his sworn statement No. 7438, for the-purchase of the Lot No. 4 of Section No. :iu, in Township No. 9 South, Range No. 7 West, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the County Clerk at Dallas, Oregon, on Thursday, the I6ih day of Aunust, 1907. Ite names as witnesses: F A. Elliott, of New berg, Oregon: W. V. Fuller, of Dallas, Oregon; O V. Kiggs.of Mabel, Oregon; H. M. Riggs, of Mabel, Oregon; Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this ottice on or beioresuid 15th day of August, 19U7. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undesigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Eliza Day, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby uotified to present the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersiguod, at his place of business in Willamina, Yamhill County, Ore gon, or at the office of the County Clerk of Polk County, in Dallas, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no ice. Dated and first published Jnne 25, 1907 PAIL FLNDMAN, Administrator of the estate of Eliza Day, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to whom it may con cern that the undersigned has this day been appointed administratrix of the estate of Perry Conner, late a resident of Poik Couutv. Oregon deceased, by order of the Hon. County Court of Polk county, Oregon. All persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the under signed within six months from the date hereof and all persons owing said estato are hereby notified to call and make immediate settlement of the same. Dated at Dalian. Poik Connty, Oregon, this first day ol May, 19H7. MARY O. CONNER, Administratrix of the estate of o,,, . . ferry Conner, deceased. . Sibley i Eakin, Attys. W. J. STOW10, Trucknian, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rate DALLAS, nRrnom TIMUER LAND, ACT JUNK , 1878. U'1U United Slates Land Olllco, Portland, Oregon, April W, 1907. Notice II hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress o June 8 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of iliXr la mis in the Statesof California, Oregon. Nevada a d Washington Territory,; as extern ed il rill tl." Public Land State, by act ol August 4. 1S John b. Condron, of Alrliu. county o( Polk, State of Oregon, ha. thi. day filed in this oltice his .worn statement No. 7H90. for the purchase of the 8 W '-iof 8. W. ot Section No. 18, in To vuHhip Wo. 9 8., Knge No 6 West and will otter proof to .how that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or ' n tf-n 'r asrsa'd a . County, at ma omce a ubii. i - 'lVWSsses: J. G. V.nOrsdel.of Dallas Oregon; Jesse Yost, of Airlie, Oregon; Vol ? Kau of Fulls City, Oregon; William Yost, 0AuymV"l'rp"'ron olalminir nrtverMdy th above-dcscribeil lauds aro reiiuesled to tl their claims in this oltice on or before Said loth day of July, 191)7. o niM.-uuk-n ALUriltlWll n, 4". " 1 , Register. Administrator's 5ale. v.ti I. lmin that, liv virtue lltld ill pursuance of an order of the County t ourt of : .. Li. ,1- o.tllr I 'nun! v ailtf ni in Uie PIRlli Ol Win"", ,v.i " . ......... ... probate, made and entered of record in said Court on the;lrd day oi June, 11KI7. in the matier of the estate of Ann Sylvester, deceased, direct- . .i I...ut.....l ..u Kl mtid estate, to sell the real property ol said estate, neieiuiiiier uescnueu, imnj, . Dm..-, for cash, in the manner prescrltied by law, the ...iiurtiiiTtiMtl an uiii'h administrator will, from .. I..?.. u.tu.. il... Illlli ilavnt lnU HHI7 at the hour of ten o'clock a. tn. of said day, at i the law ottice of Oscar tiayier, in mo i.ity oi l. ..II.... U..!.)!....!. h,...u. Inbll lllM Uuiil mil inn, III Bniu jwii ii i y v ... . . ..... real propeny wuony, ai prnaie saie, ioi i-hbu hi hand on day of sulc. in accordance with the said order of sale and in the manner prescribed by law. BUbject to continuation oy sain county I'.mrt. Bulif iipoiuirtv liHliiur linrtifililar v descriiied us follows, to wit: The South hull ol the Donation l.anu Claim of Lambert MeTiminonds and Ann McTim monds, his wife, Notification No. 5.'N9, Claim No. 44, being parts of Sections 10, II, li and to, in Township 9 South, oi Range fi West of the VVillainetle Meiidian, in I'olk Coiiniy, Slate of Oregon, containing ;)20.'J7 acres. Dated this tun day oi .lime, i!i07. J. D. SMITH, Administrator of the estate of Ami Sylvebtcr, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney, il t M- X ii m Even our, - Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to whom it may con cern, that the undersigned has this day been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Francis Kucher, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of Polk County, Oregon. All parties in debted to said estate are hereby not I lied to call at onco and make settlement with the under signed and alt- parties having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned, within six mouths from the date hereof. Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, this '.lst day of May, 1907. tun Anil MJClifcK, Administrator. Sibley & Eakin, Attys. for estate. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. as executrix of the estate of William Mel). Turner, deceased, has tiled her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Saturday, the 29th day of June, 1907, at the hour of ten o clock in the fore noon of said day, at the Court room of said County Court, in the City of Dallas, Oregon, has oeeu appointea ny sain court as uie time ana ilace for the hearing of objections to the said lnal account and tho settlement thereof. MARY J. TURNER, Executrix of the estate of Wm. McD. Turner, deceased.' G. O. llolman, Attorney. 1, H " onLLHiiuo 5 NOW i will do. A CONVINCING proop oi tne wortti ot ono who has RHEUMATISM, CUTS, SPRAINS STirc CURE of a medicine la (ho onroa u a. burns, neuralgia AND ALL PAINS. w""ACrLU MUSCLti 'or? will USED 5N0W LINIMENT 10 YEARS V. L. Settle, Richmond, Mo., writes "'in , , certify that I have ud your h tow L .', tn,, ' ' yoars for rheutna ism, neuralgia, la m Lack ' Cn and In every case it has rondorod ii i mrl i, i ' ' and satisf action." , "umodmUj roliof Avoid all Substitutes. Three Sizes 25c 5(fc ti nn BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO gQO-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold and Recommended by STAFRIN DRUQ COMPANY r COFFEE TEA SPICES BAKING POWOfR eXTIUCTS JUST RIGHT m l ou'iinniii iiii iw ..... . im-nni CLOSSETADEVERS, PORTLAND. 0REJJ jewery w i w Cut Glassware Silverware Your friends are getting married ; give them a handsome, high-grade present. Also a full line of OPTICAL C00DS C. H. MORRIS Jeweler One door west of Stafrln Drug Co. "Lmi.'" Early Risers " The famous little oil! M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, WilBon Block DALLAS OREGON W. V. FULLER. REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specilaty If you have patented lands or relinquishments to sell, list eamewith me. MAGAZIIB READERS " SUBSET MAGAZINE beautifully illustrated, good ttoriei and irticlei about 1 II th Far Wot. lonei and article! about California and t50 year CAMERA CRAFT devoted each month to the ar. tittle reproduction of the bat $1,00 work of amateur and profeuional , ,m photographer!. ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDESS book of 75 pegei, containinj 120 colored photographi ol fin 17 e picturesque ipoti in GlifornU and Oregon. - Total .. . $3.25 All for ... . $1.50 AddreM all orders to SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood Building San Fnodic Office in Crider Building Dallas. Oreg'on f.,,1 t": 3 J 1 Tiff t You buy from Factory Direct. Therefore our prices are lowect. ' SI. POMTkANtVOaX Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Collin, Croup and Wliuoplng Cough. 4 yl ballowness Tram w to to Dusky loauiy A dark skin becomes faorii:ati:ig when dclii-ately soft, uni!rtird with the radiant glow wliicii inJi eaten ahealthy, active skin. Robert. ine keeps tlie skin rctined in quality, keeps porcsfrcefroinclogpingwiitt ami stiimibtes the tiny cajiiluriesto contribute thecolorwliicliolurmsiii blonde and brunette alike. Rokrt ine is. certain protection apiinst tan, tunburti and freckles if ajolicj I fore exposure to sun nr wind. Spreads likean imperreptilile slitcr. of gauze over sk in si : fare, funning 1 shield stiimi'atiiif' and pr serving a .elirate, lustrous beauty. fir 4 Tm Mtifti 0 i!V- I G 00 v&ys Ior the GtiSERVER J) Z, 4 and the Weekly Oregoolan ono yea r. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Orsebver must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. VJjy THE NEW IDEA, ri LJ L-2 Mores the Bowels ; " Lj3 ' THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE OCl C0U6H SYRUP fjpg MM M I r-v II 'IP V AND a I If I IL & 11 01 Best for Chlldrea LJ For Sale by Druggists. M Rett Clover Bloisom on Cvet Bullle ttircnia HAIJM,.FAIXS CITY & WJSTKRN RAIIAVAY COMPANY. I TIMK TAIlUi No. 3 EFFECTIVE FK1 IK IJAUY 1, IOOT. Traint WU1 Stop Siinal Only. No Aent. Dally Except Sunday. No. T No. 9 No. 11 No 1 No. a No. n jf o. ft No. No. O Freight Freight Freight Flight Freight 'FrriK STATIONS g. Freight PFreiglft A. M. A. M. P.M. A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P.M. P.M. 715 11U0 3:20 Lv. DALLAS Ar. 8:30 1:45 5:15 7:34 No Stop 3:39 Ar. TEATS Ar. No Stop No Stop No Stop 7:38 No Stop 3:43 Ar. 'GILLIAMS Ar. 9:02 No Stop 4:47 Lv. Lv. Lv. 7:43 No Stop 8:48 Ar. BRIDGEPORT Ar. 8:67 No Stop 4:42 6:00 9:00 1:30 7:55 11:50 4 00 Ar. FALLS CITY Lv. 8:45 1:00 4:30 6:30 9 30 Ar. 'BLACK ROCK Lv. No. 8 Freight A. M Ar. 8:30 7:45 Xo. Nj -Freight A. M Ar. 11:45 11:00 No. IS Freiubt P. M. Ar. 4:15 3:30 Schedul. Subject to CbanKe Without en Groceries and Provisions WE carry all the leading brands of Canned " Goods, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in season. , Crockery and Queen's Ware. SIMONTON & SCOTT, Qaiiks, 0. OfiFIELD OLD 8TAND k.MM. 60 YEARS' f EXPeRle" X TBot MRK 4 nrsiGNi n(Ilngww"-.-Ir-wbJ- ' VV.r,,ua'l..-n"'i ..J! 351 " 'iT anvntio mileatr ?Lti'.'i' Stenra DIM. ",4j. The new Laxative 0770 Curcs that docs not erips I 1 O I 111 1 1 Stomach and Liver cr nauseate. j r r troubtc.a Pleasant to laEe. 12X31176 rflllt SjfOp Chronic Constn. For Sale by BELT is CHERRINGT0N, Dallas, and II. THOMPSON, Falls