Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 14, 1907, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
Published Weekly and Semi - Weekly at
1.60 per Year. Strictly iu Advance.
DALLA8, OREGON, JUN 14 1907.
The way to build up Dallas ts to pat
ronize Dallas people.
Dallas has never done much adver
Maine through the medium of
pamphlets, circulars and write-ups in
special editions of newspapers pos
sibly not as much as it should have
done. But it has done something of
infinitely more importance and bene
fit it has provided employment for
every laboring man coming this way
in search of work. The Dallas idea
has been that while it is well for a
town to advertise its resources and
advantages, no permanent growth
and prosperity can be reached unless
employment is provided for the labor
ing man. If we would hold the
stranger and homeseeker when he
comes among us, we must offer him
some inducement to stay. Advertising
has Its value in attracting the atten
tion of the homeseeker and investor,
but its value ends there. The rest will
depend upon the town itself. Dallas
owes its rapid growth and substantial
prosperity to the fact that its business
men have never overlooked or ne
glected an opportunity to secure an
industry that would increase the
monthly payroll and develop the sur
rounding country.
The man who comes to Dallas
soliciting money for a write-up of the
town may be surprised at the seeming
indifference of the business men to
the merits of his scheme, but let him
approach these same business men
with a proposal to establish some
industry here that will Increase the
monthly payroll and he will be more
. surprised to see how quickly they will
begin to sit up and take notice.
uood Service and Low Rates on
All Railroads Centering in
It seems peculiar to us outsiders to
see the Oregonian taking no stand in
the late city election. It would seem
as if they wanted to see Dr. Lane
elected mayor, but were afraid to say
so. Machine politics is a spellbinder,
The foregoing paragraph was
printed in Tuesday's Portland Journal
and incorrectly credited to the Obser
ver. No such editorial was ever
printed in the Observer, and it in no
way reflects the sentiments of this
paper. The matter is of small
moment, and is worth only these few
words of explanation.
Special trains and low rates have
been granted by all railroads center
ins: in Dallas for the big Fourth of
July celebration. I. N. Woods, of the
transportation committee, reported
yesterday that President Ilirschberg,
of the Independence Motor Company,
had secured permission from the
Southern Pacific Company to run an
excursion train from McMinnville to
Dallas on the morning of the Fourth.
This train will run by way of Inde
pendence and will accommodate the
people of Amity, McCoy and Derry.
The train will leave McMinnville at
7:15 a. m., and arrive In Dallas at
9:25 a. m. Returning, it will leave
Dallas at 7 :35 p. m. The fare for the
round trip will be as follows: From
McMinnville, $1.50; Whiteson, $1.30;
Amity, $1.25; McCoy, $1.00; Derry, 75
A train will leave Airlie at 8:15
a. m.. and returning, win leave .uauas
at 9 p. m. Fare for the round trip, 85
The Dallas and Falls City railroad
will maintain the regular day sched
ules on July 3 and 4, and will run a
special train on the night of the 4th,
leaving Dallas at 10 :30 o'clock. This
train will accommodato all who desire
to remain at night and witness the big
display or fireworks. A round-trip
rate of 50 cents will be made by the
Manager Hirschberg, of the Inde
pendence & Monmouth Motor Com
pany, will run the three day trains on
the regular schedule and will also
furnish a special train at night for
those who may wish to stop over for
the fireworks and ball.
It will be seen from the foregoing
schedules that the committee on trans
portation has not been idle. The
enterprising and patriotic spirit of the
railroad managers in providing such
excellent train service is greatly
appreciated, and a record-breaking
crowd is now assured.
Dr. Havter. Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon
Oak Posts For Sale.
White oak posts for sale. Cochrane
& Black. Mutual phone .Black 54. tf
Shakes For Sale.
Shakes for sale at Tedee mill, on
eood countv road. Inquire of J. V.
Ronco at the mill. tf
Fir Wood Wanted.
From 200 to 600 cords of dry fir wood
wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City
& Western Railway Co.
Horses For Sale.
Three good work horses, one log
ging team. Peter Kdrre, Bell phone,
Independence, Or. 6-ll-2t
Girl Wanted.
Wanted, at Dallas Steam Laundry,
good steady girl to learn starching.
A fine place for the right party. 5-21-2t
Fine Program Is Arranged
June 28-29 at Independence
The wholesalers of the United States
have advanced the price of cotton
thread to 67 cents for a dozen spools,
and the retail merchants have found
it necessary to raise the price to six
cents a spool. The big cotton trust is
treading on mighty dangerous
ground. Man, the poor sucker, will
stand for almost any amount of extor
tion the big combinations may seem
fit to heap upon him, but when the
foolish manipulators of the thread
trust make it no longer possible for
the women folk to buy one spool of
O. N. T. for five cents, or six for a
quarter, they are inviting trouble with
a capital T.
New Time Schedule.
A change in time of arrival of the
S. P. passenger trains took place on
the West Side line last Sunday. The
passenger now arrives at Inde
pendence at 10 Ai a. in., fifteen minutes
earlier than the old schedule. Return
ing from Corvallis, it arrives here at
1:55 p. m. The time of departure of
the morning motor to Dallas has been
changed accordingly. No other
change in time will be made on the
motor line for the present. The
morning passenger out of Portland
now departs from the metropolis at
7 a. m. Independence West Side.
Ballston is the only town in Polk
county not represented in the Obser
ver's list of correspondence. We
would like very much to have a
weekly news letter from that thriving
community, so as to have every pre
cinct in the county represented. No
other paper in Oregon has anything
like as thorough neighborhood news
service as the Observer, and the
pleasing part of it is that ibis depart
ment was established only five months
ago. Who will write us from Ballston?
Legal blanks at this office.
Independence horsemen are making
active preparations for their summer
race meeting, to be held Friday and
Saturday, June 28 and 29. The busi
ness men of Independence are offering
liberal financial encouragement and
$500 in prizes will be hung up for the
several events. The program for the
two days is as follows :
1 Polk county harness race three
in five, mile heats; purse $100. Open
to all harness horses owned in Polk
county at present date, June 6.
2 Running J mile dash; purse
3 Running -f mile dash; purse
1 Two-year old harness race ; purse
$50. 2 in 3.
2 Running, i mile -dash; purse,
3 Running, I mile dash; purse
4 Boys' pony race: purse $10.
special prizes.
First and second prizes will be
offered for the following : Best saddle
horse, lady rider; best double driving
team ; best draft team, 3,000 pounds or
better. Parade to determine winners
will take place Saturday, June 29.
Entry blanks may be had upon
application to B. F. Jones, secretary
of the Independence Driving Club.
A Bargain.
We have for sale about 75,000 feet of
second-class rough lumber, all sizes,
at $C per 1000. Voqet Lumber Co.,
Falls City, Or. 4-23-16t
Separator For Sale.
For sale, Russell "Cyclone" Separa
tor, size 36-56, equipped with blower;
new drive belt; used 5 years; in good
repair. Will sell very cheap; a rare
bargain. Address this office. tf
TThat Do They Cure?
The ahovo ftuortion is oium -
eern hi a Dr. ttuiw's two loading mJi
Yf.rnlui,Lii., Mnrtinal Discovery" and
"Favorite I rt'iicniHiuii. ,. . M
The aiwww to that -Golden Medical g
Discovery " s most powm
, wTmirilicr. and tonic or Invlgorntor
Xi ,..,.i.,.iiiiv favorably in a cura
tive way upon all the mucous Hnlim sur
faces, as of the nasal passages, throat
I kui tma stomach, bowols and
bladder-curl ns a large percent, of caUr
.v.oi uV..i ii..t in. r Aim ilisMast; affects tl0
nasal pJasws, the fhat, larynx, bron
chia, stomachs as catarNyil dyspepsia),
bowels (as rauVUSiirN J'"7
uterus or other ptflvlc orgaT hyen in
tho chron'c jjz uWrnMvp tf'"8 "' 'I"'
She came down three steps at a time
and sailed into the office like a whirl
wind, says an exchange. She waited
for no ceremony but asked: "Is this
the printin' office?" "Yes madam,"
"I wanttostop my paper." "All right
madam." "Stop it right away, too,
"It's stopped, we replied, making a
blue line through her husband's name
on the subscription list. "Mebbe that
will learn you some hoas sense and
how to do the square thing next time,
and not to slight people just because
they are poor. If some rich stuck up
folks happen to have a bald-headed,
knock-kneed, cross-eyed brat born to
'em, you're in an awful hurry to put
it in the paper and make it an angel,
but when poor people have a baby you
can't say a word about it, even if it is
the prettiest child borned. This ort to
be a lesson to every paper in Oregon,"
and she went out of the office as mad
as a wet hen.
DoWitt's Salvo
Fop Piles. Burns, Sores.
IP it Snug C-DdoouDOirs
Impure or effete matters accumulated
in the blood during the winter cause in the
spring such disfiguring and painful troubles
as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also
weakness, loss of appetite, that tired feeling.
The best medicine to take is Hood's
Sarsaparilla, w hich thoroughly cleanses the
blood, and effects permanent cures by giving
healthy functional activity to the stomach,
liver, kidneys, bowels and skin.
SamatabS r Hood Srririll In
rW-oi&UKi iitS it-t form. 1 hy fc.ve ulcnticliy
tie mm. enmiive properti. th. liquid form,
loi'itt tnurtr!F of dost., ctmvenifQC, ftonnnmy,
no l s h .v.vximtion. lnvnkmr, or leakage.
Mr. L. BiokfoH. Gossviile, N. H.. ys:
"Every vpringr I ws completely prostrated,
run down, from dyspepsia nd that tired fwl
Ing. But I have found Hood's Uiarsaparilla
i of UrWcus or promptly of n Ir mail. helps me from the Hrst So, completely
' i H-M Co.. LtII. Mass. restore sooU health and atreimitt."
Gcakaxteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. No. S24.
Wood Notice.
Bids will be received to be opened
Tuesday, June 25, 1907, for 25 cords
4-foot oak grub cordwood; also 5
cords, 4-foot body fir cordwood, to be
delivered at Public School, Dallas, on
or before August 1, 1007.
School Dist. No. 2.
J"'l.'vnrltP PrrycHDttnn'l? dvlwj
ia i'infrful vut nentTv actum invigorate
i ,.ni orwt nnrvinn. For weak worn-
UK ins 1 1 1 uiini " ,
out, over-worKed women no mutter what
has caustia uio oraiK-uuii,
Prescription "will be found most ofltictivo
In buiidinsf ud the strength, n 'guistui g
the womanly functions, subduing puin
and hrinirina about a healthy, vigorous
condition of the whole system. .
a K.,i r jriioul ir wrung each bottle
giving tho forraultcof both medicines and
quoting what scores of eminent mod-u-iiiwn
works are consul tea
by physician's of all the schools of practice
as guides in proscribing, say of eae.i in
gredient entering into uieso muuiiiy
flwj urnnlu nrillsn iM'StOWIHl On tllO
several Ingredients entering Into Doctor
Pierce's medicines by such writers should
Piirht. than ftnv amount ol
nnn - itroh visional testimonials, because
such men are writing for the guidance ol
their medical brethren and know wnereoi
thev speak.
Both medicines are non-alcoholic, non
aAxmt mid imt.il. 11 111) ImmitUl 11UUII
forming drugs, being composed of glyceric
extracts of tlio roots of native, American
nipri;pinH.i fiiret, nlnnts Thev are both
sold bv dealers in medicine. You can't
afford to accent as a substitute for one of
these medicines of known composition,
nnv cnornr. rwwtriim
t)r. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated,
easv to take as candy, regulato and itt-
Tigorato stomach, liver a.d bowols.
f ;K I-
The Spri
m ann-
QPLENDID Time to pick it
KJ RllRri fnr Mow Plfl, .
,w 1UW1CS W1U
everybody will want evprvT,'n. i
vour selection now 1 away. Mab
mere is vpf nl i
time to please yourself thoroughly and I J y of
season's wear out of your suit. a
The Spring styles are particularly attract
We have several new shades and shapes that
very swell. are
We want the Collar trade of the man that an.
predates good Collars. We sell no other sort.
We're ready for the Spring trade with
new and handsome effects in Men's Hosiery,
fine clothing
MlOHHtU, artKH a CO.
Horsemen, AttentionI
The imported German Coach stallion
'Albon" will make the season of 1907
at the Farmers' Feed Shed in Dallas.
Terms, $10, $10 and $20. W. H. Mc-
Daniel is prepared to furnish pasture
for mares.
tf Dallas, Oregon.
For Sale.
For sale, Maple Grove store build
ing, with one acre more or less, good
garden spot. On Luckiamute river.
between Airlie and Lewisville. Good
location on Pedee and Dallas road.
Main building, 30 by 50; store room,
12 by 60; five living rooms, woodshed
and good well. For sale by owner,
A. H. Baldwin, care of D. N. Turner,
Airlie, Oregon. 4-28-lt
Extra Good Slabwood,
Hereafter we will sell slabwood of
improved quality, by carefully select
ing it to suit the customer. Small or
large wood in lengths from one foot
up. We will also supply farmers
with wood. Call and see the different
grades of wood we handle. Place your
orders early, so that you may be bet
ter able to select the quality of wood
you want. W. D. Mathews, Dallas,
Oregon. 5-28-tf
Until further notice, the Willamette
Valley Lumber. Company will sell
slabwood at the following prices :
Slabwood, green, $1.25 per cord at
Slabwood, dry, $1.50 per cord at the
short wood.
2 foot Wood, $1.50 per cord at mill.
10-inch Block Wood, $1.75 per load
16-inch Kindling, dry, $2 per load
For Sale.
Good cook stove and a few other s Men of taste will appreciate our handsome Shirts the moment tW i
household articles for sale by Miss ,r , - , ,.,,. , . . ' viar "KHT
resi- ees uii uiem. iviciue ui ueauuxiu launcs ana in new Spring patterns
dence of A
Shreve. Inquire at
J. Martin. -14-lt
S New Nee-liees are readv. and a finer line weVs never seen Tr. Ai
m a a - r - uiv vile Ui Mela
:i Vino n WT i4-lrt A rvi-fcrto-wri vi All Dwiaah T..X TITriTTm
t Notice to Farmers.
As we are preparing to leave Eickre
all, we request all farmers having
wheat and flour accounts at the mill
to call at once and make settlement, as
we wish to close our books Immedi
ately. Please attend to this matter
without delay.
6-ll-3t Rickreaix Milling Co.
IE Uglw
Timber. Lands.
Highest prices paid for relinquish- MILL STREET,
ments ; locations made, timber cruised
and estimated on - the Siletz and
tributary country. Options taken on
patented land. J. B. McMillan, Box It IS IlOt JllCOllOITlV
201, Falls City, Oregon. 6-10 8t
For Sa,e- To do the family washing
One 24-horse power, jacketed Unl- af home. When von ficnire
iroranl aimlna Knrna o-tuur ai1 I 7 O
wood ; one 32x54 inch, large cylinder, UP the COSt 01 Water, SOap,
separator and clover-huller combined, starch, extra fire and time,
K wci witb 'P3P! ?Z IZ and most of all the mess and
cook-wagon, furnished with cook stove trouble that it makes, and
and cooking utensils; wagon racks compare it with OW price of
and evprvthmfr rpnnv fnr t.h ApIH a r
j 0 j i n j. i tj
Although this machine has only o utiiius a pouilU, wasneu,
thrashed about 59 days and when not starched and dried and 25
In use has been well housed and is in nani. n jA,sn n.
fine shape. I will sell the whole outfit rwuo " y,
for much less than half its first cost, yOU Will See that VOU Can't
as I have given up farming. " offnrrf tn wash af homo
bena your wasnmsr to tne
juows J nisi
I V. m m m
Weotfer One Hundred Dollars ewrd foj llllInC TPAIT1 I llinflrif
Phones: Mutual, 197, Bell, 203
Dallas Harness
Is in shape to sell Harness
and Horse Goods at lowest
Prices. Call and get prices
and save money.
Plush Robes, Blankets,
Whips, Etc. .
toss ib. eotttfH and liMlsluntft
J. A. Lynch's
Barber Shop
riain Street
We have installed
and are now prepared to
in quicker time than ever
before. -
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cared bj
iiall's Catarrh Cure.
F J. CHENEY & CO., Propt., Toledo, O.
We the uirdeisigned. have known F. J. Che
ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per- '''
lectly honorable in all business transaction!
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm.
Waldinq, Kinnan & Makvim, Wholasal Drug-
West Tbcax, Wholesale Drugtrlsts, Toledo, O.
directly upon the blood and mncous aurfacea of
a Catarrh Cure i taken Internally, actiai
Bold by ail
the system. Price, 75c. per bottle.
uroeKist. Testimonial ire.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough.
Under new management
Big Sample Room. Strictly White Help.
Special Accommodations
for Commercial Men.
RATES: $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 per Day
Electricity for Lighting
Is only expensive to people who are
wasteful and careless. To you, who
are naturally careful, it does not "
come high.
It Is economical because it can be quickly turned off wnen not needed
With gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let light burn when
rTiowS? I" some homes
the electric light bills amount to only one or two dollars per month
lou can probably get some kind of artificial light for less money
than electric light, but does it save you anything when it limits op
portunities for work and recreation-ruins your eyesight-smokes
your wails-mars decorations and increases household work You
could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without vour "menls
but it wouldn't be economy. It is not so much what you save bu?
how you save that counts. 1 '
IwL!ETSE yALLEJ C0- RATES-Kesidence on mTSt
vr$TVFw rnplf11' &&tPT moilth' 16c"P 50c- RATES FOR
HLSES-2oc per drop and 6c per Kilowatt up to 10 drops
over 10 drops 20c per drop and 5o per Kilowatt up to 40 drops ; over 40
drops 17Jc per drop and 5c per Kilowatt A drop figures I6cp or less
For power rates apply at the office. We are alwayl ready to explain
the "ins and outs'5 of the lighting proposition to you! call on us or
phone to us, we are never to busy to talk business. or
Willamette Valley Company
E.W. KEARNS, Manager for Dallas.
Office i on Mil street, Just north of the Court House. Thonea Bell 421
I .
We have some very nice new patterns, but
they came in late, so we had to mark them
VERY CHEAP. They range in price from
60c, for a nice new design in Nottingham,
to $5.00 for the best Brussels Net. Come
in and see them as we have the best bar
gains ever offered in the city.
Shirt Waists Long Gloves
Summer Underwear
Lace Hose White Oxfords
Just the thing for hot weather.
Men?s and Boy's Clothing that is made right
and at the right prices too.
Agency for Pacllard
and Flintstone Shoes.
s? r?r rr jvtt
V; uu-v u