Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, F.DITOn AND PUBLISHffiR Published Weekly and Semi Weekly at 11.60 per Year. Strictly in Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, JCNK 7, 1907. The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. SECOND APPLE SHOW. Encouraged by the success of last year's apple show, the members of the Polk County Horticultural Society met in Dallas last Saturday afternoon and decided to hold another show next Fall, No date was set for the exhi bition, as the arrangements will be left entirely to a committee of five members and the time for holding the show will be decided upon later In the season. The committee appointed to take charge of the arrangements con sists of the following orchardists: Peter Kurre, of Independence, chair man ; N. M. Grant and J. B. Nunn, of Dallas; B. I. Ferguson, of Eola, and N, F. Gregg, of Ballston. The action of the apple growers in deciding to hold another annual exhi bition will be heartily indorsed by the farmers of the county. The show last Fall, while in the nature of an experiment, proved highly successful, and the apple industry in Polk county was greatly stimulated. The exhibit proved more eloquently than any words that apples as fine as any in the world can be grown in the Wil lamette Valley, when intelligent care is exercised in cultivating the orchards and handling the fruit. The show also encouraged the farmers to clean up their old orchards by vigorous spraying and pruning. The apples marketed last winter were of better quality and commanded a higher price than for many years past, and the farmers who had taken the pains to produce fruit of such excellent quality had the satisfaction of being able to add neat sums to their respective bank accounts. The old, neglected orchards that have so long been a disgrace to the Willamette Valley are rapidly disap pearing, and apple growing is taking its rightful place among the wealth producing industries of Oregon. In this change for better conditions, the annual apple shows held in various portions of the state are playing an important part. FUNDS FOR FOURTH Dallas Business Men Contribute $1100 For Big Celebration. The "vertical system" of writing has been abolished by the school text book commissioners, and the "semi slant,"' a style equally senseless, adopted. The Fourth of July celebration fund in Dallas will reach the handsome sum of $1100. The canvass of the business district for subscriptions has been completed and something over $1000 has been pledged. The amount to be donated by the city from the license fund will not fall short of $50, and It is expected that at least as much more will be realized from vol untary subscriptions and miscella neous sources. With this handsome amouDt of money at hand, the com mittees will be able to arrange for the greatest and best two days' celebra tion ever held in Polk county. The members of the various com mittees held a meeting Wednesday night and transacted much business of importance. Each committco was apportioned the amount of money needed In carrying out its work, and plans for the celebration were dis cussed at length. No definite details of the two days' program can be given for a few days, but it is already settled that there will be three brass bands in attendance, and that a grand open-air concert will be given on the evening of July 3. Three of the best baseball teams in the valley will contest for champion ship honors, and there will be races and sports galore. The plug-ugly parade will be headed by its own brass band and will furnish plenty of amusement for old and young, The display of fireworks on the night of the Fourth will surpass all former exhibitions of the kind. Other attrac tions that are now being considered by the committees are a balloon ascen sion, barbecue, etc. It Is hardly necessary to add that all of the entertainment features of the big two days' celebration and pio neer reunion will be free to the public. Dallas, following her time-honored custom of making all attractions free on public days, has subscribed the money needed in providing two solid days of fun and amusement, and everything will be as free as the water that flows. The liberality of the busi ness men and the splendid work of the finance committee have made it possible for Dallas to entertain the good people of Polk and adjoining counties as they have never been entertained before on a National hoi iday. BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drugstore. Dallas. Oregon Cows For Sale. Two good milch cows II. C. Dimick, Dallas. for sale, 6-4-tf Girl Wanted. Girl wanted for general housework in small family. Apply here. Oak Posts For Sale. White oak posts forsale. Cochrane & Black, Mutual phone Black 54. tf Hay For Sale. For sale, clean vetch and grain, or grain hay. W. C. Lewis, Itickreall Bell Phone 66. tf. Shakes For Sale. Shakes for sale at Pedee mill, on good county road. Inquire of J. V. Kosco at the mill. tf Fir Wood Wanted. From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Co. Girl Wanted. Wanted, at Dallas Steam Laundry, good steady girl to learn starching. A fine place for the right party. 5-21-2t Dry Slabwood For Sale. The Willamette Valley Lumber Company has some fine dry slab wood for sale cheap ; also 16-inch slabs und block wood. One hundred and eighty-two cor porations and individual members of the alleged Pacific Coast furniture combine have been indicted by the Federal Grand Jury on a charge of violating the Sherman anti-trust- law. Furniture dealers in nearly every town in the Northwest are included in the list. The indicted merchants do not appear to be greatly worried, although if each were given the max imum fine the Government would have enough money on hand to pay off the National debt. WILL BUILD STEEL BRIDGE County Court Lets Contract For New Structure at Falls City to Walla Walla Contractors. The contract for the construction of a steel bridge across the Luckiamute river in Falls City was awarded to P. S. Easterday & Company, or Walla Walla, yesterday afternoon. The con tract price is $4600. Judge Coad said last night that the demand for steel bridges had become so urgent in various parts of the county that the Court decided to adopt the system by building the first steel structure at Falls City. It is the intention of the Court to gradually do away with the old wooden bridges by replacing them with steel as they wear out. The expense will not fall heavily upon the taxpayers in any one year, by pursuing this policy, ami the improvements will be of a permanent character and prove eco nomical In the long run. T. R. Crook, the man who was hurt while running a clod roller on the Caufleld farm near Bickreall last Thursday, was in town Wednesday. His many friends will be glad to learn that his injuries were not nearly so serious as reported. Janitor Resigns. A. M. Trent, who for two years has acceptably filled the position of jan itor at the Courthouse, tendered his resignation yesterday afternoon. The resignation was accepted, to take effect June 15. Mr. Trent will engage in other work after that date. His resignation reads as follows: "i nereoy tender my resignation as janitor and care-taker of the Court House and Couit House grounds in Polk County, such resignation to take effect on the 15th of June, 1907. In this connection I beg to express to the remaining members of the Board which appointed me to this position my thanks for the many acts of kind ness and courtesy shown me during the time of my employment by the County. A. M. TRENT." SUNDAY DINNER Dallas Hotel, Sunday, June 9 MENU. RELISHES. Sweet Pickles. SOUP. Mock Turtle. Baked Chinook Salmon, Brown Sauce. ENTREES. Stewed Chicken with Dumplings. Veal Coquette3-Green Peas. Home-made Sausage-Country Gravy. Fruit Punch. ' ROASTS. Prime Ribs of Beef, Brown gravy. Lamb with Dressing. Pork with Apple Sauce. Stuffed young chicken. VEGETABLES. Steamed and Mashed Potatoes. Asparagus in Cream. Salad-Lettuce. DESSERT. Apple and Peach Pie-a'Ia Mode. Lemon Pie, Strawberry Shortcake. Colosseum Skating Rink. THIS WEEK'S PROGRAM. Tuesday evening session 7 :30 p. m. to 10 p. m. Band. Thursday evening session 7:30 p. ra. to 10 p. m. Band. Saturday afternoon session 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. ; evening session 7 :30 p. m. to 10 p. m. until midnight Band. A Bargain. We have for sale about 75,000 feet of second-class rough lumber, all sizes, at $6 per 1000. Voget Lumber Co., Falls City, Or. 4-23-16t Scrap Lumber For Sale. Good opportunity to buy scrap lum ber very cheap for a few days. W. D. Mathews, Dallas, Or. C-4-2t Curoa Roman's Weaknesses. iv,. ,of.. in that boon to weak, nervoua. ... n.. wnmwi known as Dr. PloicVi -uiii.' -- . ..v. !.. fVnui-rt iir.nm. 1) . John Fyfo ouo of the Editorial Staff of TliK Eclktic Mkdical Kkvikw y of Unicorn rout (Uclonlas DUAtxi) wliioa is one of tho chief Ingredients of the ta vorite Prescription " : . . .i,i,.h invariably ets tnter- ..i:..,.r. niBkcS for noniiiil ac- "," ?, Vntire rewuUoctive wlem. mS"wh"$r more fully answTn. the .bore pu. M ' ' '" wtth wMth I am '"".K. " " ", 7r.mt some Indication Krint Dr. Fyf further suvs: Indications ''The following are Rnioim tho ieff t... ii..ImiiIs (Unicorn root), l aid 1I1UK atiwiio " ' . . , . or achlnif In the back, wnn ivucurruira SonMwcaW condltlofh of the reproducu,, oreans of omvn. mcntJt depression and lr- tWXlalA'll Blliri-liiwiiiv .It.. Kit If r the r;proA tle wsnns of women; constant sensation A neat pn me region ui !,j,Jr..JFi.l.... -,T. t.a renrrulurtlve SVStetll pTrioMWrfroui or accompanying an Knos&fl condition of the dliresttve oreans iSd JSjfomic '" hlood) Tahiti drawn iensjtyons in the extreme lower part of the uS'm !f of the abovo symptoms KTrffTrnnruU Dr. Heree's J ayjarltg I- eiiUSol Wlilcil la unicorn ruvk, vi Aiciuuia, and tho medical properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Uoldtm Seal root, another prominent inRredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prnf V infetr Ellinewood. M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It Is an Important remedy In disorders of the womb. In all catarrhal conditions and tfeneral enfeeblenient. It Is useful." Prof. John M. scuaaer, ai. u., mm ui Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : n in rointion to Its cpneral effects on the system, there is tin medicine in use about which Uterc itsuch utuei-al unanimity of opinion. It Is univenutlly resraidcd as the tonic useful in all debilitated states." , T Prof. It. Bartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal : nVninnhirt in ntnrino homorrhatre. menof rharria (lloodliitr) and comtestlve dynuienor rhtpa (painful menstruation)." Dr. fierce s I avorite rrescripiion taiin !ly represents all the above named in- gralients anu cures me aiseasea ior wuicu they are recommended. Wagon For Sale. Good 3 farm wagon for sale. Mark Hayter, Dallas, Or. Dr. Separator For Sale. For sale, Russell "Cyclone" Separa tor, size 36-56, equipped with blower; new drive belt; used 5 years; in good repair. Will sell very cheap; a rare bargain. Address this office. tf To Whom It May Concern. This is to certify that I. N. Ridge way is no longer local salesman for our compaoy, and any orders placed with him will not be filled with our stock. Orkgon Nursery Company. 5-3-9t Wood Notice. Bids will be received to be opened Tuesday, June 25, 1907, for 25 cords 4-foot oak grub cordwood ; also 25 cords, 4-foot body far cordwood, to be delivered at Public School, Dallas, on or before August 1, 1907. H. G. CAMPBELL, Clerk, School Dist. No. 2. Horsemen, Attentionl The imported German Coach stallion "Albon" will make the season of 1907 at the Farmers' Feed Shed in Dallas. Terms, $10, $15 and $20. W. H. Mc- Damel is prepared to furnish pasture for mares. HUBBARD & McDANIEL, tf Dallas, Oregon. Timber Lands. Highest prices paid for relinquish ments ; locations made, timber cruised and estimated on the Siletz and tributary country. Options taken on patented land. J. B. McMillan, Box 201, Falls City, Oregon. 6-10 8t. Ready l r Yow prrng 31 3 8 -' Iff The gp: set in QPLENDID Time to nick it Rush for New Clothes will soon everybody will'want evervtv,; :J your selection now, while there is Make time 10 piease yourselt thorouMw n ' Kai season's wear out of vour suit g a foil and SMART HATS. The Spring styles are particularly attractive We have several new shades and shapes that very swell. " ' ire COLLARS AND CUFFS. We want the Collar trade of the man that an. predates good Collars. We sell no other sort. SPIUNG HOSIERY We're ready for the Spring trade with new and handsome effects in Men's Hosiery. some Michaels-stern fine clothing MicHncLa, awM em. LATEST SPRING SHIRTS Men of taste will appreciate our handsome Shirts the moment they clap their eyes on them. Made of beautiful fabrics and in new Sprint mttpr n, I New Negligees are ready, and a finer line we've never seen. Every one of them has a "Worth More Appearance. All our Prices are Just RIGHT. Notice to Contractors and Builders. Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Directors of School District No. 67, Polk county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids until 7 o'clock p. in., June 10, 1907, for building an annex to the schoolhouse in said dis trict, according to plans and specif! cations on file at the offices of District Clerk J. C. Talbott and Director Ira Mehrling, and at the office of Archi tect F. H. Morrison in Dallas. The directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. For Sale. One 24-horse power, jacketed Unl versal engine, burns straw, coal or wood ; one 32x54 inch, large cylinder, separator and clover-huller combined, together with two large round water tanks, each with pumps and hose; cook-wagon, furnished with cook stove and cooking utensils; wagon racks and everything ready for the field. Although this machine has only thrashed about 59 days and when not in use has been well housed and is in fine shape, I will sell the whole outfit for much less than half its first cost, as I have given up farming. JAMES ELLIOTT. For Sale. For sale, Maple Grove store build ing, with one acre more or less, good garden spot. On Luckiamute river, between Airlie and Lewisville. Good location on Pedee and, Dallas road. Main building, 30 by 50; store room, 12 by 50; five living rooms, woodshed and good welk For sale by owner, A. H. Baldwin, care of D. N. Turner, Airlie, Oregon. 4-28-4t How's This! T7e offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foj any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bj idairs catarrh (Jure. F J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactioni and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. w bst stkuax, w noiesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WiLDiNG, KiKNAN&MAaviic, Wholesale Drug Hairs Catarrh Care it taken internally. actioi snrraceso Bold by U gists, Toledo, O. i s uatarrn (Jure Is taken IntenmIW sfn directly npon the blood and mnconi surfaces of tne system, race, 76c. per bottle, Drurtriste. Testimonial tren. Hall's Family Fills are the best. WHEN IN DALLAS GO TO THE DALLAS HOTEL Under new management Big Sample Room. Strictly White Help. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men. RATES: $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 per Day o) 2) (DJ Needs purifying and your whoJe system renovating in the spring, as pimples, boils, eruptions, loss of appetite and that tired feeling annually prove. nooas sarsapanila is the most enective medicine ever devised for the complete purification of the blood and the complete renovation of the whole system. It will make you feel better, look better, eat and sleep better and give you the best possible preparation for the hot days of summer, as over 40,000 people have testified in the last two years. Today buy and begin to take food's Sarsapacilla Usual form, liquid, or In tablet form, called Sarsatabs, 100 Doses $1. Gi'araxteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. No. 324. Electricity for Lighting Is only expensive to people who are wasteful and careless. To yon, who are naturally careful, it does not come high. It is economical because it can be quickly turned off wnen not needed ith gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let light burn when not needed to save bother of lighting and adjusting. In some homes the electric light bills amouot to only one or two dollars per month You can probably get some kind of artificial light for less money than electric light, but does it save you anvthing when it limits op portunities for work and recreation ruins your eyesight smokes your walls mars decorations and increases household work. You could probably Bave a dollar tomorrow by going without your "meals but it wouldn't be economy. It is not so much what you save but how you save that counts. WILLAMETTE VALLEY CO. RATES-Eesidence on meters, per BUSINESS HOUSES 25c per drop and 5cperKilowatt up to 10 drops- uci iu ihul suu per uiuujiuu tc per Jtwiowatt i ID to 40 rirnna nnr in uiuia ii jc ti uiuj) uu iw ttuowait a arop ngures I6cp or less For power rates apply at the office. We are always ready to explain the "ins and outs'1 of the lighting proposition to you, call on us or phone to us, we are never to busy to talk business. Willamette Valley Company E. W. K EARNS, Manager for Dallas. Ofllee on Mill street, just north of the Court House. Phones Bell 421 Mutual 1297. iihe UglOW Clothing Hons MILL STREET, LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS j DALLAS, OREGON It is not Economy To do the family washing at home. When you figure up the cost of water, soap, starch, extra fire and time, and most of all the mess and trouble that it makes, and compare it with our price of 6 cents a pound, washed, starched and dried and 25 cents a dozen for flat pieces, you will see that you can't afford to wash at home. Send your washing to the Dallas Steam Laundry Phones: Mutual, 197, Bell, 203 Dallas Harness Shop Is in shape to sell Harness and Horse Goods at lowest Prices. Call and get prices and save money. Plush Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. F. SALFICKY FOLEYSHOIJETlffi top tfe GOttgit tn4 HIalatf J. A. Lynch's Barber Shop on flain Street We have installed FOUR CHAIRS and are now prepared to SHAVE .YOU in quicker time than ever before. s It Lace Curtains to is (IS as ( as as m m v. f 7 V7 We have some very nice new patterns, but they came in late, so we had to mark them VERY CHEAP. They range in price from -60c, for a nice new design in Nottingham, to $5.00 for the best Brussels Net. Come in and see them as we have the best bar gains ever offered in the city. Shirt Waists Long Gloves Summer Underwear Lace Hose White Oxfords Just the thing for hot weather. Men's and Boy's Clothing that is made right and at the right prices too. Ag'ency for Pacllard and Flintstone Shoes. maf Q yj ! XT U .12 II il A tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf 'tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf g tf tf J. . .s. ' ! lb I .. Sfc- J n? s? -C "C n? lr mi - 5 7Zr . . '0 r