Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHKR. Published Weekly and Semi - Weekly at $1.50 per Year. Strictlv In Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, May 21,1907 The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. CREAMERY MEETING. A co-operative creamery aud cheese factory In Dallas, so long advocated bv the Observer cromlses soon to become a reality. The farmers of the surrounding country have taken the enterprise in hand and have called a meeting for Satur day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, la Brown's HalL All persons interested in the establishment of a creamery or a cheese factory, or both, are requested to be Dresent and take part in the deliberations. The Observer is highly gratified to see the farmers take the initiative in establishing such an industry, as it is upon their co-operation and sup port that the success of the enterprise will most largely depend, when once gotten under way. Such an enterprise, properly man aged, cannot fail to yield profitable returns. It will be a benefit, not only to the farmers, but to Dallas aa well, and it is certain that the business men will be glad to aid in any way possible in placing the enterprise on a sound financial basis. Here's success to the farmers' co-operative creamery. Buys New Automobile. Finding his small 8-horse-power runabout inadequate to the demands of his business, Bert Dennis this week purchased a 16-horse Iteo touring car for use on thetwioe-a-day run between Dallas and Salem. The new '"bubble' is a beauty, and is the smoothest run ning machine ever brought to Folk county. The steepest hills between Dallas and Salem , are climbed with ease, and the entire run can be made on high gear. The machine is guar anteed to run 35 miles an hour on smooth, level road. Mr. Dennis is building up an excellent business on his new automobile route, often find ing it difficult to accommodate all the passengers desiring to make the trip between the two cities. A ride in his new touring car is a luxury, and he will doubtless have all the business he can handle for the remainder of the summer. Emmett D. Cosper has opened a grocery store at Long Beach, Wash ington. J. C. Cockerham, of Buell, was a passenger to Portland on yesterday's afternoon train. Every few days some property -owner in Dallas tears down his old. unsightly yard fence, and by sodoing, .removes his town just that much farther from the crossroads village class. Prosperity everywhere. An Albany bank's deposits have reached 1,000,000 and are still growing. The passing of the million dollar mark was cele brated by a dinner, to which all of the bankers in the city were invited. RITSTIMFSS T Of! AT 51. Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon Women VTho Wear 'Well. It is astonishing how great a change a fow years uf married lifo often make In the appearance and disposition of many women. Tho freshness, tho rharm, the brilliance vanish like tho bloom from a poach which la rudely handled. The matron Is on!v a dim shadow, a faint echo of the charming maiden. There era two reasons for this change, Ignorance and neglect Few young; women appreciate the shock to tho system " through tho change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect to deal with the unpleasant pehlc drains and weak nesses which too-often come with mar riage and motherhood, not understandin; that this secret drain is robbing thechcci of its freshness aud the form of It fiill'liess. As surely as tho general health suffer wlicn there Is derivnKement of the health of the delicate womJlrlorgans, so surely wheTthcse organs anSNjftablished In healVh theYoce amytAlhtoupo witness to the Tact In fN?T0d comem5S Nearly a. rnillien women have found health and INDEPENDENCE & M0NMOU1II Railway. ar. Dal Ion, 6:40 Independence, tiany, , m.; IV. Monmonin, n :-. .. ar. Alrlie, Girl Wanted. Girl wanted for general housework in small family. Apply here. Separator For Sale. For sale, Russell "Cyclone" Separa tor, size 36-56, equipped with blower ; new drive belt; used 5 years; in good repair. Will sell very cheap ; a rare bargain. Address this office. tf Girl Wanted. Wanted, at Dallas Steam Laundry, good steady girl to learn starching. A fine place for the right party. 5-21-2t Milch Cow For Sale. First-class Jersey milch cow for sale; will be fresh in a few days. R. B. Cabpenteb, Dallas, Or. tf Milch Cow For Sale. For sale, good milch cow, gentle and kind. Inquire at this office, tf A dispatch from Roseburg says that Congressman Hawley declares him self opposed to another term for Presi dent Roosevelt. Mr. Hawley need not worry himself about second terms for others. He will have all he can do in getting a second term for himself. Work on the numerous concrete sidewalks in Dallas has been temporarily suspended, pending the arrival of another carload of cement. If the movement to replace lumber with concrete keeps on growing, the local dealers will soon be ordering cement by the trainload instead of by the carload. Twenty silver cups and as many diplomas have been ordered as premiums to be awarded at the Salem Cherry Fair to be held July 10. Fifteen of the cups cost $10 each, and five, $3 each. Second premiums will be diplomas. The Polk County cherry growers will go after these cups in earnest, and hope to bring home a goodly number of them. Dallas has good public buildings; an abundant supply of pure, mountain water ; an excellent system of sewers ; a well-equipped fire department; one of the largest electric light and power plants in the state, and more feet of concrete sidewalk than any town of -equal population in the Northwest. Now, if the city council will only build good rock streets to withstand the heavy and rapidly increasing traffic, theie will remain little to be desired in the way of public improvements. LECTURES ON PHRENOLOGY Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis Begins Engagement In Christian Church Tomorrow Night. Mrs. Jeun Morris Ellis, the phrenol ogist, will begin a series of lectures in the Christian Church tomorrow night She comes highly recommended as an entertaining speaker and a skilled phrenologist Speaking of her engagement in Corvallls, the Gazette says : "Mrs. Ellis Is a pleasing and con vincing speaker and keeps her .audience interested from start to finish. After the lecture on 'Love, Courtship and Marriage,' she exam arained the heads of two young ladies, reading their dispositions and char acters with considerable skill, after which she went into the audience and selected two young men who were, she declared, suited to the young ladies and would make Ideal husbands for them. This practical match-making created much merriment "Mrs. Ellis met with splendid suc cess here, and her lectures are well worth hearing." Oak Posts For Sale. White oak posts forsale. Cochrane & Black, Mutual phone Black 54. tf Clover Seed. Red Clover seed for sale at 11 cents per pound. Bridwell & Craven, Mod mouth, Oregon. 4-10-tf. Shakes For Sale. Shakes for sale at Pedee mill, on good county road. Inquire of J. V. Ronoo at the mill. tf Brick For Sale. Thirty thousand second-hand brick forsale cheap. Inquire of Willamette Valley Co., Dallas. Lost. Six months old dog; color light yel low; partly white face; white ring around neck ; tip of tail white. Write to Chris Hanson, or leave dog at Col lins' feed shed. Last seen in Dallas on Saturday, May 11. it Wool Wanted. I am in the market for wool, and will pay the top market price. Farmers having wool to sell are requested to call and see me before disposing of their product elsewhere. H. L. FENTON, Dallas, Oregon. Notice to Contractors. The Monmouth Evaporating and Canning Co. will let by contract to the lowest bidder the brick work for a two-furnace Evaporator. Bids will be opened on May 25, 1907. Specifications furnished on application. P. O. POWELL, 5-7-4t Secretary. Wood Notice. Bids will be received to be opened Tuesday, June 25, 1907, Tor 25 cords 4-foot oak grub cordwood; also 25 cords, 4-foot body fir cordwood, to be delivered at Public School, Dallas, on or before August 1, 1907. H. G. CAMPBELL, i - Clerk, School Dist No. 2. The cantata, "A Day in the Woods, will be given on May 30 instead of May 31. HOLLiSTCR'S r:cky Maintain Tea f.'iiste A Busy Mtdisrh for Eoiy Ttcf.t. Brfnyi GaUa Elt tai Bnvd V'.gv. X rclflo for Constipation, Iollsittoo, LIt and Ki.lDor Trouble, l'itiiplem. Eczema, Impur fclood, fin,! Brea'h, Plupirnh Dowel, He4eha and lilroh. 1ft P-vky aloucUiu Tea in lao !t form, as wni a bor. Grnuioe maUa by Hjujith Dblvq Compajit, ftladiaoa, Wia. CCLEL! KUCGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE For Sale. One 24-horse power, jacketed Uni versal engine, burns straw, coal or wood ; one 32x54 inch, large cylinder, separator and clover-huller combined, together with two large round water tanks, each with pumps and hose; cook-wagon, furnished with cook stove and cooking utensils; wagon racks and everything ready for the field. Although this machine has only thrashed about 59 days and when not In use has been well housed and is in fine shape, I will sell the whole outfit for much less than half its first cost as I have given up farming. JAMES ELLIOTT. The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine in the market Just the thing Ifor Wood Sawing, Pumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for fanners' purposes. Ed.' Diddle, Agent ha ppi nt'ss in the tisn of jlr, l'ir-rre's Pp. vo'ri te 1 i-t-y-ri ptipn. It makes weak wom en strong ami sick women well. Ingredi ents on lab)'! -contains no alcohol oi harmful habit - forming drug9. Made wholly of those native, American, meUic Inul roots most hiuhlv recommended H leading mistical authorities of ail the sev eral schools or practice lor tne cure oi woman's neruliar ailments. v For nursing mothers.or for those broken- down in hcaith bv too frcoucnt bearing of children, uiso lor mo expectant mothers, to prepare too system for tho comiiiir of baby and making its advent easy and almost puinuv?, uicro is no medicine quite so good as "ravorite Prescription." I can do no harm in any condition of the system. It is a most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine nicely adapted to woman's delicate system by a physician of I urge experience in the treat ment of woman s peculiar inlnients. Dr. Pierce niav be consulted by letter Tree or charge. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Invalids' Ilctel and Surgical Institute, jiunaio, jm. x. FROM INDEPENDENCE. FOB DALLAS. Train Kn. 65. Leave Independence daily. 6:00 I. ni.; lv. Monmouth, 0:lo a. m a. in. Train No. 89 Leave Inde 11:0.1 a lag. 11:45 a. in. r v., 7i Tj.va TmlenenrienRe. dully 6:1ft p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 6::W p. m.; ar. Dalian, 6:55 p. ui, FOR AIKLIR. Train No. 66. Leave Independence, dally. 7:80 a. in.: lv. Monmouth, 7M0 a. n 8:la. m. Train No. 72. Leave Independence, dully, 3:30 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, a;ou p. m p. in. FOR MONMOUTH ONLY. Leave Independence, daily, 2:15 p. m, t'KOM DALLAS. FOR INDKPKNDKNCB. Train No. M. Leave Dallaa, daily ex. Sunday, 8::a. m.: lv. MoiinioiUU, :uua. m pendeuce, 9:15 a. m. Train No. 100. Lv. Palliis. Sunday oniy, u:o a. in.; ar. Independence, 7:J0a. m. Train No. 6, Leave Dallao, daily, lp.m.: IV Monmouth, 1:25 p. in.; ar. Independence, 1 :W p. m. (This train connects at Monmouui ior Air-lie.) Train No. 70. Leave Dallas, dally, 7:35 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 8 p.m.; ar. Independence, 8:1S p. m. 1 r,r,-tr lint IV Train No. 67. Leave Alrlle, daily, 9 a. m.; lv. Monmouth, 9:85 a. m.; ar. Independence, v:r a. m. (This tram connects ai jmouiuuuiu iur Dallas.) Train No. 73. Leave Airlle, dally, 5:05 p. m.; lv. Moumouth, 5:40 p.m.; ar. Independence, 5:55 p. in. FROM MONMOUTH ONLY. Leaves Monmouth for Independence, daily, at 2.50 p. m. ar. Airlie, 4: '.'5 Notice For Publication. Legal blankaat this office. Wagon For Sale. Good 3 farm wagon for sale. Mark Hayter, Dallas, Or. Dr. Hay For Sale. For sale, clean vetch and grain, or grain hay. W. C. Lewis, Rickrcall ; Bell Fhone CG. tf. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. United States Laud Otlice, Portland, Oregon, March 11, 1!K)7. Notice is herebv (riven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and ashlneton lerritorv. as ex tended to all the Public Land Slates by act of August 4, 1S92, John II. Dart, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day Kiel in Ibis otlice his sworn statement No. 7148, for the purchase of the East U of the East $ oi section io. , in lowniinip no. a aonio, Range No. 7 West, and will oiler proof to show that the land soukIu is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hue claim to said laud before the Kegister and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Mondav. the 27th dav of Mav. 1K7. He names as witnesses: Edward T. Watts, of Portland. Oregon ; Charles p. human, oi port- land, Oregon; lieorge E. Barrett, of Portland Oregon: John M. Snead.ot Portland. Oregon Any ana an persons claiming adversely tne above-described lauds are requested to file their claims in this otlice on or beloresaid 27th day of may, ivu. ALAiUKKWi B. UKESSfcK, Register. 3 eady Ww Ym ,3f'fl w .11 My, f s I n n pick it out U uh frNew Clothes will soon everybody will want everything rfeht vour selection nnw whu 1, . time to please yourself thoroughly ari Vntyof season's wear out of your suit. g a 1 The Rnn',. set m and 1 SMART HATS. The Spring styles are particularly ouaucs ana snapes that very swell. are COLLARS AND CUFFS We want the Collar trade of the wan that ap- preciates good Collars. We sell no other sort. SPRING HOSIERY We're ready for the Spring trade with new and handsome effects in Men's Hosiery', some umiim um at na ww m MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING ia. wnnu c. Fir Wood Wanted. From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Co. Horse Wanted. Horse wanted ; gentle to work double and single aud to ride. G. D. Robin son, Dallas, Oregon. Jt Notice For Publication. A Bargain. We have for sale about 75,000 feet of second-class rough lumber, nil sizes, at $6 per 1000. Voget Lumber Co., Falls City, Or. 4-23-lGt Dry Slabwood For Sale. The Willamette Valley Lumber Company has some fine dry slab wood for sale cheap ; also 16-inch slabs and block wood. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregc n, March 20. 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "Au act for the sale of limber laiulu in the States of California, Ore iron, Nevada, ana Wasnineton Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Carl 8. Graves, of Dallas, county of Polk. State of tireeon. lias this day filed in this ntrk-e his sworn statement No. 7S13, tor the purchase of the 8. lA of 8. M of N. W 4 N. i of S. W. J N. W of 8. 'AoiS. W. k of Sec So. 1U in T. No. 7 8.. K. Kb. 6 W.. and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber than for arri- cultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to saia iMita Deiore the County Clerk at Dallas, Oregon, on Monday, the 17th day olJuue, l!r7. He names as witnestes: O. P. Coulee, of LMiias, uregon; w. Tiiiotson, of Buell Oregon; .. V. Hinshtiw, of Dallas, Oregon; M. A. Coulee, of Buell. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this otlice on or before said 17th day ui uiie, I'jvt. ALGERNON I), DRESSER, Register. Eggs For Hatching. Eggs for hatching from thorough bred stock: S. C. R. L Heds, $1.50 per setting of 15 ; WThite Wyandottes, $2 per setting of 15. B. I. Ferguson, Salem R. F. D. 2. tf. Notice For Publication. To Whom It May Concern. This is to certify that I. N. Ridge- way is no longer local salesman for our company, and any orders placed witn mm win not oe mien witn our stock. Orkgon Nursery Company. 5-3-9t Horsemen, Attention I The imported German Coach stallion "Albon will make the season of 1907 at the Farmers' Feed Shed in Dallas. Terms, $10, $15 and $20. W. H. Mc- Daniel is prepared to furnish pasture for mares. HUBBARD & McDANIEL, tf ' Dallas, Oregon. United States Land Office, Portland. Oregon, April 25th. 1907. Notice Is hereby given that in comnlianca with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S, 1878, entitled "An act for fiesaleot timber ianda in the States of California, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Pnblic Laud States bv act of Aueuat 4, 1892, Fred McTimmonds. of Dallas, county of run, Diaie oi uregon, naa tins aay tiled in this office hi sworn statement No. 7389, for the pur chase of the East ,i of Northeast of Section No. 30 in Township No. 9 South, Range No. 7 West, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before Register and Re ceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 16th dHy of Jul v, 1907. He names as witnesses: J. P. McElfresh, of uMiiraiia, vvasningtou; u. i. Dicltey, of Cen tralis. Washington: A. Alavbee. of Rncc. Om. gon; Floyd McTimmomli. of Falls City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are reouested to file thMr claims in this oliice on or before said ltith dy of .July, ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. Do You Want To Sell? If you want to sell your timber claim, and sell it quick, see B. Gild- ner. He has connections that has enabled him to buy every claim so far offpred for sale at a reasonable figure. He does not want options, but will buy your claim if you desire to sell. Call on him, or write him at Dallas. KILLths cough and CURE the LUNGS TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, .. .. . . April 26, 1907. fiotice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Slatesof California, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended wp hii me ruoiic i,ana Ntates by act of August 4. Is92, John L. Condron, of Airlie, countv of Polk Slate of Oregon, hus this dav tiled In this olhce his sworn statement No. 7390. for the iuirih.i. W 1." ... .1 ,1. 1 j - . .t . c o. .i . y. ui o. vi . y. oi section r.o. 18. In lownship No. 9 8., Rttnge No. 6 West and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita timhernr unn. ih.n in. agricultural purposes, and to establish his umini lusaiu lana oeiore county Clerk of Polk County, at his oni,e at Dallaa, on Monday, the Uth day of July, 1907. tie names aa witnesses: J. G. VanOntdel, of Dallas. Oregon: Jchka Vn.t nf niii , . John Kau, of Falla City, Oregon; William Yost! of Airlie, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advercely the nbed lands are requested to tile their day WITH r. im s flow Discovery F0RU nui',CU( lUTtl 1HIII1N HIM mi claims in this office on or before said Kith of July, 19U7. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. rONSUMPTION 0UGHS and OLDS Price 60c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Administrator's Notice. mee is hereby given that fie nndernln1 am fvuKiil... ,. , . I. . . . . . . . ' j . ui jjiinoeri Mcnin- iit'iniH. uweafltHi. nan n mi aia n. .A...n... t.. the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Saturday, the 'i.th day of -May, 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- "i muu UBV. B( llle I'onrt mnm ,f ..4,1 County Ciurt, in the City of Dallas. Oreeon. ha Deeu apnointed by said Court aa the lime and place for the hearing of objection to the said hual account and the settlement thereof jo&tt-M j,. MCTIMMONDS, Executor of the estate of Lam- . bert McTimmonds, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated aud first Dublished April 26. 1907. Notice is hereby given to whom It cern, that the undersigned has thi duv i,,. Ju'y appointed admihistr.nor of the estate of r..,i. r.tr, urt-vusea, oy tne Hon. Countv Court of Polk t ounty, Oregon. All parties in debted to said estate are hereby notified to call ...iic.u.imuic R-tuemem with the under MKIItTTJ kiiu II said estate are Summons. , Jultl 9,ircilit Conrt of ,ne State of Oregon, for Polk County, Department No. 2. Oeorge F. Louir. Plaintiff i.A i rw.f,,.i. ' 2lst dsy of May. lmi; EDWARD KCCHER, ... , Administrator. Sibley & Eakin, Atlya. for esUte. Administrator's Notice. parlies havine claims arainst T.Ju"e M' L"nR- theabove-name.1 defendant: hrrebv notiHtnt in iir.M n,. . in tne name of the Stale of linvci. vm .. same duly verilied to the undersigned, within l!f reDJ,l,lir! U' "PPar and answer the com six mouths from the date hereof. plaint hied against yon in the above-en til Iwl . i "J'"'". .Polk County. Oregon, this Ufth.w . n ',th.1" Mx ,ro the date oi tun lunimoiiit, u wit: On or before the t.th day of June, 1907 and tf you fail o to iniwor Inr u... l . i .u. Klf ,pPiy "ld Court for decree aa prayed for in said complaint, lo-wii: That the marnase contract now and heretofore existing between pla muff anil rl..Un.i., C. Till' .? annulled and riiaaolvnl th.i v. , , i decreed that the defendant has and 'shed have u...,rrai, ramie, claim or title of any kind or nature whatsoever, either at law or in equity in or to an. rm nmn. l.V ;. y' owned by pl.iuum Ind that pi.inUff ml, ." Thi summons, by an order of the Hon. Ed F Coad, County JutKe of Polk County. Oregon . "finN',r Ills, Orecou. on the d ; day pf April, lyu7. u wved noon you by the publication thereof not le than once a VeTk i'mII! J of J Ul'e.1'i. tne -Polk County OI.rver,'aw.k!newsra!T of general or cinauon pnhii(,heo: in saw loamy of Polk The l? puUi!-Uun 04 th sarnmo.,. U OS'AR HAYTER. Attorney Iur Piaintiir. Notice ia hereby given to whom it may con cern, that the undersigned baa th),iw ",""V ""'""ni. ui uie eaiaie ot Perrv Cornier, late a resident of Polk County. Oregon deceased, by order of the Hon. County Court of Polk Countv. Oretron. All r,r... " an-ainai aaia estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the under signed, within six months from the date hereof snd all persons oing in it etaie are hrrebv noiiried U call and make immediate settlement of the same. Dated at r!l. Polk Coauty, Oregon. thU first day of May. 17. ' MARY O CONNER, Administratrix of the estate of Terry Conner, deceased. fciUry A Eakiu, Atlya. LATEST SPRING SHIRTS Men of taste will appreciate our handsome Shirts the moment they clap their eyes on them. Made of beautiful fabrics and in new Spring patterns. The New Negligees are ready, and a finer line we've never seen. Every one of them has a "Worth More" Appearance. All our Prices are Just RIGHT. Mm Uglow Cloihing House MILL STREET. LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS . j a DALLAS, OSECCH It is not Economy To do the family washing at home. When you figure up the cost of water, soap, starch, extra fire and time, and most of all the mess and trouble that it makes, and compare it with our price of 6 cents a pound, washed, starched and dried and 25 cents a dozen for flat pieces, you will see that you can't afford to wash at home. Send your washing, to the Dallas Steam Laundry Phones: Mutual. 197, Bell, 203 Iho Dallas Harness Shop Is in shape to sell Harness and Horse Goods at lowest Prices. Call and get prices and save money. Plush Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. F. SALFICKY (tosi ttim oovtftk fend Hafelalantf J. A. LynchY Darker Shop on flain Street We have installed FOUR CHAIRS and are now prepared to SHAVE YOU in quicker time than ever before. as : (IS (,S (is m (& (is (IS (IS (IS (IS (IS I Skirts and Suits V? :NEW: Shirt Waists Underskirts Kimonas iSi JX SI Men's & Boys' Clothine S HatsCaps and Shoes In fact we have everything that it takes to make up your complete Spring outfit at cii li A L i! 11 ? ? g ( 0' C i' 9 il c ." .s. .s ' & . , - r