Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, May 17, 1907, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
PublUhed Weekly and Semi -Weekly at
11.50 per Year. Strictly in Advance.
DALLAS, OREGON, Mat 17, 1907
The way to build up Dallas ts to pat-
ronize Dallas people.
Wheat, 75 cents a bushel at the
Dallas flouring milt.
Lloyd Launer is ill at his home,
being threatened with appendicitis.
Hoo H. V. Gates was up from
Hillsboroon a business visit, Wed
nesday. Mrs. T. B. Eowell and son, George,
are down from Eastern Washington
on a visit, r
The new Boyd grocery store, at the
corner of Main and Oak streets, will
open for business tomorrow.
Captain W. H. Cadle, a recent ar
rival from Tennessee, has purchased
a part or the Holt WcUaniei rarni
near Bickreall.
President E. D. Ressier, of the Ore
gon State Normal School at Mon
inouth, writes in the April number
of the Normal School Courier as
follows : '
"Naturally, old students and friends
of the Oregon State Normal School
are inquiring what hopes and plans
for the future are cherished for the
old school. The last legislature's ap
propriation of thirty thousand dollars
for maintenance was the same as that
of two years ago. The Governor's
veto of that bill places us in the posi
tion of two years ago after the refer
endum was filed, with this difference.
Then the question was submitted to
the people at the next general election ;
now our appeal cannot be made until
the next session of the Legislature,
which will be.in 1909. Since the last
appropriation was exhausted by Jan
uary 1, 1907, the school must borrow
the necessary funds until the Legis
lature of 1909 can come to its relief.
"The Board of Regents has author
ized the work to be continued with
money borrowed at the local banks on
the cred it of the f acu Ity, the i n st r uctors
giving their individual notes with
their claims for salary as collateral.
This is the same plan adopted two
years ago and successfully carried
' out If some plan can be devised
whereby the faculty will not be obliged
to carry the entire burden, it will
greatly assist the work for next year.
While they have confldenoe in the
future of the school and believe that
the next Legislature will make an
appropriation to pay these claims,
nevertheless they would appreciate
assistance in assuming the risk.
"Thus the future conduct of the
school is assured until the next session
of the Legislature. In the meantime,
as described fully elsewhere in this
issue, the friends of the institution
have decided to place the matter
directly before the people in the form
. . , T
Dr. Hayter. Dentist Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon.
Milch Cow For Sale.
For sale, good milch cow,
and kind.
Inquire at this office, tf
Oak Posts For Sale.
White oak posts for sale. Cochrane
& Black, Mutual phone Black 54. tf
If Ycu Read Tills
Tt till! hn tj lonrn that the loading mdl
nil writers &ni teachers of all the several
tu'hools of practice recommend, In th
strongest terms possible, each and every
ingredient ottering Into the composition
of Dr. Tierc es Gulden Medical Discovery
for the euro of weak stomach, dyspepsia,
,tnmni'li "liver coniDlaint.'
torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel
affections, ii nd all catarrhal diseases of
whatever repion, name or naiure. jh. ia
also a spec I lie' remedy for all such chronic
or long standing cases of catarrhal affec
tions and tueir resultants, as oroncmu",
throat and lung disease (except consump
;..., ..,, v.n, -mi. i) with severe eoucrhs. I
i- .w.f an tr.Ki fur acute colds and coughs,
but for Iiiiocrins, or chronic cases it is
esDecially eilieacious in producing per
fect euros. It contains lilack Cherry Dane,
n.vM,.r. soul roiiL liioodroot. Stone root,
Mandrake root and Queen's root -all of
...i, t..v, r.mlii' . v nrr.isikl as remeuies lor
till k W..;a.. J I- " , ,
all the above mentioned affection bysucn
ical writers and teachers as
Prof. Barthi low. of Jefferson Med. Coir
lege: Prof. Hare,?! the Univ. of Pa.;
Prof. Finleir-S4agwood, M. D., of Iten
nett Md. tcUege, Chicago; Prof. John
Klnir. M. IC. of Cincinnati ; Prof. John
M. ScudderfM. D.. of Cincinnati ; Prof.
FAwin MflaJe. M. D.. of Hahnemann
Med. Csf!tt- Chicago, and scores of
othersexfiiiy eminent in their several
30 prac
llllt Hi)
l.A riu r II
idoraement worj
TjOoT'lfii Medical riacpvery '' is tr.e
drtiiftU To- liko purnosf
such in-7cT''''7 p".yi.mrnt. worlH
rmre"U)anhjILimaiiiJ teU
tnhl;js. Tlyenpublicity of its formula
Clover Seed.
Red Clover seed for 6aie at 11 cents
per pound. Bridwell & Craven, Mod-
mouth, Oregon. 4-10-tf.
Shakes For Sale.
Shakes for sale at Tedee mill. on
good county road. Inquire of J. V.
Ronco at the mill. tf
Brick For Sale.
Thirty thousand second-hand brick
for sale cheap. Inquire of Willamette
Valley Co., Dallas.
For Sale.
First-class stump puller and 300 feet
of cable, all in good condition, for sale
at a bargain, J. W. Corser, Dallas
Hotel. tf
For Sale or Service.
For sale or service, a thoroughbred
Poland China boar. R. T. Pierce,
two miles east of Dallas. tf
Lost, between David Seth's resi
dence and Fuller's barn, a heavy
buggy robe. Finder will please leave
at this office and receive pay for trou
ble, tf
Six months old dog; color light yel
low; partly white face; white ring
around neck ; tip of tail white. Write
to Chris Hanson, or leave dog at Col-
of an initiative bill, which will result lins' feed shed. Last seen
in a decision of the question whether on Saturday, May 11
or not the State of Oregon will make
Monmouth a permanent State Normal
School and give it adequate financial
According to an opinion rendered
by Attorney General Crawford in
answer to an inquiry from C. L. Mc
Xary, assistant district attorney for
Marion county, grocers or other store
men have no right under the law to
bare in stock and dispense poisons
such as arsenic or any preparation
containing a quantity of poison such
as spray formulas recommended by
the county fruit inspector. The attor
ney general says : "I am of the opin
ion that only registered pharmacists
are authorized under the law to have
in stock and dispense Doisona. al
though such poisons may be used for
other than medicinal purposes."
Wool Wanted.
I am in the market for wool, and
will pay the top market price. Farmers
having wool to sell are requested to
call and see me before disposing of
their product elsewhere.
Dallas, Oregon.
Notice to Contractors.
The Monmouth Evaporating and
Canning Co. will let by contract to
the lowest bidder the brick work for a
two-furnace Evaporator. Bids will be
opened on May 25, 1907. Specifications
furnished on application.
6-7-4t Secretary.
Governor Chamberlain, after hav
in investigated the facts in the contro
versy between the Oregon sheepmen
and those from the state of Washing
ton, has issued a proclamation declar
ing a state of quarantine against the
states of Washington, Nevada and
California, and thereby prohibits the
importation of sheep from those states
into Oregon except under such restric
itons as the board of sheep commis
sioners may prescribe.
Albany and McMinnvllIe, not to be
outdone by their neighbor towns in
the Willamette Valley, will establish
free libraries and public reading
rooms. The people of these two towns
will find that they never made a better
investment Dallas established a free
library about three years ago, and
now the people wonder how they ever
got along without it before.
Cornelius Hughes celebrated his 73d
birthday, Tuesday. He is the pioneer
business man of Dallas, having been
in business here continuously since the
early 'COs.
The Carnation Club will give the
last dancing party of the season In
the Woodman Hall tomorrow night
The Dallas orchestra of seven pieces
will furnish music.
Wood Notice.
Bids will be received to be opened
Tuesday, June 25, 1907, for 25 cords
4-foot oak grub cordwood; also 25
cords, 4-foot body fir cordwood, to be
delivered at Public School, Dallas, on
or before August 1, 1907.
School Dist. No. 2.
For Sale.
One 24-horse power, jacketed Uni
versal engine, burns straw, coal or
wood ; one 32x54 Inch, large cylinder,
separator and clover-huller combined,
together with two large round water
tanks, each with pumps and hose;
cook-wagon, furnished with cook stove
and cooking utensils; wagon racks
and everything ready for the field.
Although this machine has only
thrashed about 59 days and when not
in use has been well housed and is in
fine shape, I will sell the whole outfit
for much less than half its first cost,
as I have given up farming.
Bocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Buy Udloln for Euiy Feopl.
Brings Qoldsa Health and Beaewed Vigor.
A speclflo for Constipation, Indirection, I.Wa
nd Kidney Troubles, Pimplea, Eeremi. IinDura
Blood, Bad Breath, Slupirigh Bowels, Headache
ana eacicarne. it itocity alountaln Tea In tab
let form, 8ft cent a box. Genuine made by
Hoixihtir Drco Company, Madison, Wig.
Spoiling; Gyil0s3BIifii
The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
is the best because it does the most good.
While it makes the blood pure, fresh
and lively, it tones the stomach to bet
ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu
lates the kidneys and liver, gives new
brain, nerve and digestive strength.
An unequaled list of cures 40,366 tes
timonials in two years proves its merit.
8 8 r 8 tabs For ihoeewfco prefer medWne
h) UuM lora. Hood Srapnll U now pal op
in rhorUti tablet railed Saruiabc as well as
in Hie uual liquid form. Samatabs have identi
cally the sane earauve pruperues as th liquid
form, beaities arurarj of done, convenience, efon.
omj, there being no loss by evaporation, break
Ijf. PT l-f-Lta br j rag iciiiui or sent by mati.
c l. aoua it, ioweii, jsaaa.
w t i tucT. rtfw; run iruHr&iiLV 01 lis niuri,.--
. t iiiihlishfv formula will
show that "Golden Medical Discovery
contains no poisonous, harmful or habi.-iormin&driK-s
and no alcoholchemically
Dure, tripie-renneo giyccimo itiur
instead. Glycerine is entirely unobjec
tionable and "besides is a most useful a sent
in the cure of ail stomach as well as bron
chial, throat and Inns affections. There
is the hishost medical authority for if
in all such caso. The - Discovery " is
a concentrated glyceric extract of native,
medicinal roots and is safe and relialv.
A booklet of extracts from emim;;:,
u.edical authorities, endorsing its ingre
dients mailed free on request. Address
l)t. K. V. Tierce, Uullalo, N. Y.
Legal blanks at this office.
Wagon For Sale.
Good 3 farm wagon for sale,
Mark Hayter, Dallas, Or.
Gee, M tiould Street, rtonebam.
In years experience l nave never
Ccakasteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906,
Mrs. J. 1".
stesa.. Bars: '
know a Hood's Sarsaparilla to fall, for sprinf
humors and as a general blood puriner; it cure
erofnia. ectema : baa im equal s a t"
spnisf medH-ine. It (ires me genuine sui ac
tion to say this."
No. S21.
Hay For Sale.
For sale, clean vetch and grain, or
prain hay. W.C.Lewis, Eickreall;
Bell Phone CG. tf.
Fir Wood Wanted.
From 200 to 500 cords of dry fi r wood
wanted. Apply toJSalern, Falls City
& Western Railway Co.
A Bargain.
We have for sale about 75,000 feet of
second-class rough lumber, all sizes,
at $6 per 1000. Voget Lumber Co.,
Falls City, Or. 4-23-lGt
Dry Slabwood For Sale.
The Willamette Valley Lumber
Company has some fine dry slab wood
for sale cheap ; also 16-inch slabs and
block wood.
Help Wanted.
Wanted: Intelligent persons of
both sexes to engage in remunerative
business; all or part of their lime
with responsible house. Salary guar
anteed. Address this office.
Notice For Publication.
mlted 8taU Laud OlHce,
fortlsnd, Oregon,
.March U, l!U7.
Notice i hereby givn tlit in compliance
with the provision of the act of Congress of
imie :l l,sk entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lumls in the Statesof California, vrvgou,
i.. ...i ivoolitnirlim Territory. " as ex
tended to all the Public Land SUte by act of
AiiRiist , IBM, John H. Dnrt.oi forusnu. couiuy
of Multnomah, State of Oregon, lis thU chjy
tiled Jn this office hi iworn statement No.
Ul hue
8 South,
to show
that the land sought is more valuable for it
timber or tone man ior agriciuvurai im io
and to establish his claim to said lsud before the
11.1 uir anil Kmtuver at roriianu, ureKuii, vu
it...w1., lh Amv nf MflV. 1K7.
h. n,ini,w'aa witneHSea: Kdward T. Watt, of
D.lH llr.,inn I'liarlt'S K. ktllllHIl. Ol fort'
land, Oregon; tieorge K. Barrett, of Portland,
Oregon; John M. Snean, oi roruanu, un-juu.
Any and all iwrsons claiming adversely the
.i,,u..dnrihMi lam), ,rp rmTM'stpi to tile tnelr
claim in this ollleeonor before KHid27lb day of
tiled Jn this office hi sworn suhmd
7U8, for the purehase of the East W of
14 of Section No. , in Township No. I
Range No. 7 West. aid will oiler proof
Notice For Publication.
Eggs For Hatching.
Eggs for hatching from thorough
bred stock: S. C. K. I. Reds, $1.50
per setting of 15 ; White Wyandottes,
$2 per setting of 15. B. I. Ferguson,
Salem R. F. D. 2. tf.
To Whom It May Concern.
This is to certify that I. N. Ridge
way is no longer local salesman for
our company, and any orders placed
with him will not be filled with our
stock. Oregon Nursery Company.
Horsemen, Attention!
The imported German Coach stallion
"Albon" will make the season of 1907
at the Farmers' Feed Shed in Dallas.
Terms, $10, $15 and $20. W. H. Mc
Daniel is prepared to furnish pasture
for mares.
tf Dallas, Oregon.
Do You Want To Sell?
you want to sell your timber
claim, and sell it quick, see B. Gild
ner. He has connections that has
enabled him to buy every claim so far
offered for sale at a reasonable figure.
He does not want options, but will buy
your claim if you desire to sell. Call
on him, or write him at Dallas.
and CURE the LUNGS
w Or. ICing's
Now Discovery
0UGHS and
60c & $1.00
Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Polk County, Department No. 2.
George K. Long, Plaintift; v. Jane M. Long,
To Jane M. Long, the above-named defendant:
in me name 01 me male ol uregon. You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you iu the above-entitled
ourt and suit within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this summons, to ii
On or before the )th day of June, Mii; and if
you fail so to answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff w ill apply to aid Court for a decree sa
prayed for iu said complaint, lo-wit: That the
marria.ee cou tract now and berelofore existing
between, plaintiff and defendant be lorpvpr
annulled and dissolved: that it besdjudped snd
decreed that the defendant has and shall hare
no interest, estate, claim or title of any kind or
nature whatsoever, either at law or in equity,
in or to anv real property now or hereafter
owned by plaintitf, and that piaiutitl may have
such other relief as to the Court may uteni just
and equitable.
This summons, by an order of the Hon. Ed. F.
Coad, County Juilge of Polk County, Oreiron,
made at nsmbers at Dallas. Ureeon, on the M
day of April, 1K07, is served upon you by the
r six consecutive weeks immediately prior to
the 6th day of June, liKiT, ia the "Polk County
Observer, a weekly uewspsjaT of general cir
culation rPt-'ii'hed in said County of Tola. The
date of the tirst publication oi this summons is
April Si, ia7.
wiAH n.iiiin.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
United States I-and Otliee,
Portland, Ort'gt n,
March 26, 1907.
Notice is hereby eiven that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, lJi8, entitled "Au act for the i-aleof
timber lands in the States of California, Ore-
KW..I, U'uahintrton TprriLorv ." as
extended to all the Public Land States by act of
AUKUt 4, 1S92, Carl 8. Graves, of Dallas,
county of Polk, Slate oi Oregon, nas tnis
day tiled iu this ollice his sworn statement No,
713, lorthe pnrchnseof the 8. ,i of 8. of N. W.
i, N. W of 8. W. i, N. J, of B.U, of 8. W. i of Sec
No. lb in T. No. 7 S.. R. No. 6 W.. and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to
said land before the County Clerk
Dallas, Oregon, on Monday, the lth
day of June, HH17.
He names as witnesses: O. P. Coulee, of
Dallas, Oregon; W. F. Tillotson, of buell,
Oregon; E. V. Hmshuw, of Dallas, Oregon;
Jl, A. con lee, oi hueii, Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile their
laims in this ollice on or belt re said Mb. day
of June, l'.H)7. '
AiiUr.KAON li. UKr.asr.K,
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon
r Polk County.
In the matter of tne estate oi jonn vernon.
deceased, serepta J. Vernon, executrix.
To whom it may concern, serepta J. vernon.
executrix above named has filed her tinal ac
count as such executrix, with the clerk of the
above named court, and said court haa fixed
May is, hiUi, for hearing any objections to the
Said hearing will be had at the usual place
for holding court, iu the Court House at Dallas,
Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock a. in. o' said
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to whom it may con
cern, that the undersigned has this day been
pointed administratrix of the estate of Perry
louiier, late a resident of Polk County, Oregon,
eceased, by order of the Hon. County Court of
Polk County, Oregon. All persons holding
aims against suid estate are hereby notified to
present the same, duly veritied, to the under
signed, within six months from the date hereof.
nd ail persons owing saw estate are hereby
otitied to call and make immediate settlement
of the same.
Dated at Dallas. Vtr.k County, Oregon, this
rst day of May, 1907.
Administratrix of the estate of
ferry Conner, deceased.
Sibley & Eakin, Attys.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Portland. Oregon,
April 25th. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
une a, is.H, entitled "An act for tie sale of
niber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
evadaand Washington Territory-," as extended
an the rubiic i.aua states by act of August
1892, Fred McTimmonds. of Dallas, county of
folk, blate oi OreKtui, has this aav hied in this
othce his sworn statement No. 7389. for the pur
chase of ihe East V7 of Northeast i of Section
no. 6U in lownsuip on, 9 nouin, tiange io. v
West, and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
nis claim to said land before Register and Re
ceiver at Portland, Oregon, ou Tuesday, the 16th
dav of Julv, 1907.
He names as witnesses: J. P. McElfrcBh, of
Centralia, Washington; D. T. Dickey, of Cen
tralis, Washington; A. Maybee, of Roccu, Ore
gon; Floyd McTimmonds, of Falls City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claims in this ollice on or before said 10th day of
juiy, iiui,
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Ollice,
Portland, Oregon,
April 26, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Statesof California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of August 4.
1S92, John L. Condron, of Airlie. countv of Polk,
State of Oregon, has this dav tiled in this oilice
his sworn statement No. 7390, for the purchase
ortne. w.jioi o. w.Ji 01 section no. 18, in
Township No, 9 S., Range No. 6 West and
will oiler proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before County Clerk of Polk
County, at his office at Dallas, ou Monday, the
Vithday of Julv, 1907.
He names as witnesses: J. G. VanOrsdel, of
uanas, uregon; jesse lost, oi Airue, Oregon;
John Kau, of Falls City, Oregon; William Yost,
of Airlte, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this otliee on or before said 15th day
of July, 1907.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that fie nnderslgned.
as executor of the estate of Lambert McTim
monds, deceased, has tiled his tinal account in
the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for
Polk County, and that Saturday, the 2Tth day of
May, 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, at the Court room of said
County Court, in the City of Dallas. Oregon, has
wtu niMKiimeu uy saiu touri as tne time ana
plsce for the hearing of objections to the said
final account and the settlement thereof.
Joseph l. McTimmonds,
Executor of the estate of Lam
bert McTimmonds, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
Dated and first published April 26. 1907.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
John W. Eakin, "Trustee," Plaintiff, vs. W D
Whealdon, Raymond I. Whealdon, Francis W.
Whealdon, William K. Whealdon, Isaac B.
healdon, Daniel G. Whealdon, Elizabeth M.
Whealdon, John R. Whealdon and Lark P
Whealdon, Defendants.
To W. D. Whealdon, Raymond J. Whealdon.
Francis W. Whealdon, William K. Whealdon,
Isaac B. Whealdon, Dauiel G. Whealdon. Elisa
beth M. Whealdon, John R. Whealdon and Lark
P. Vi healdon, the above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
autwer the complaint filed against yon in the
above entitled suit in the above named Court
within six weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons upon yon, and if you
fail so to appear and answer the plaintift will
take a judgment and decree against yon and
each of you as prayed for iu his said complaint,
to-wit: for the sum of liOO.OOwith interest there
on Biuee the 7th day of May, 1904, at the rate of
seven per cent per annum, leas the sum of l.'l 00
paid thereon April 27, 190S, and for the further
sum of M U0 attorneys fee and for costs and dis
bursements: and that the mortgage mentioned
in plaiiitid's complaint on the following de
scribed real property, to-wit: Lota 2 and S of
Sec. 36, also beginning at the 8. E. corner of the
Frederick Shnemaker D. L. C. No. 82, and run
ning thence South 14.27 eha.; thence West I 17
ehs. to4 mile line running North and South
through Sec. 36; thence North 14.27 chs.; thence
East 1 17 chs. to the plsce of beginning, con
taining in ali 'J.h6acre more or less all situate in
T. 6 S. R. 6 W. Will. Mer , Polk Couniy.oregon. be
foreclosed and said premises s,,ld bv the Sheriff
of Polk County in the manner provided bv law
and the proceeds applied to the payment of the
amount found due plaintiff an aforesaid.
This summons is published for a period of six
weeks in Ihe "Poik County Observer," by order
of Hon. Ed. F. Coad. Judge of the County Court
of Polk county, Oregon, made at Chambers in
S.i)d lounti on the th dr of tnril l .v:
oaUMi! first publication will be April 5.1907, and
,.,7 u.ic in me msi puuucauon win be on the
17lh dav of May, 1907.
Attorneys ior Plaintiff.
ft !
1 li TT "
g mm
nnf fL . r. 1
O Rush for New Clothes will L
everybody will want everything right aLVVnd
your selection now. while tVi
time to please yourself thoroughly and IS ni
season's wear out of your suit.
Kt.a fun
- The Spring styles are particularly attractive
it v vc ccyum new oiiuues una shapes that
very swell.
We want the Collar trade of the man that an
predates good Collars. We sell no other sort.
We're ready for the Spring trade with
new and handsome effects in Men's Hosiery.
fine clothing
- Mwaaiia, srsan ea.
Men of taste will appreciate our handsome Shirts the moment they clap their
eyes on them. ... Made of beautiful fabrics and in new Spring patterns. The
New Negligees are ready, and a finer line we've never seen. Every one of them
has a "Worth More" Appearance. All our Prices are Just RIGHT.
It is not Economy
To do the family washing
at home. When you figure
up the cost of water, soap,
starch, extra fire and time,
and most of all the mess and
trouble that it makes, and
compare it with our price of
6. cents a pound, washed,
starched and dried and 25
cents a dozen for flat pieces,
you will see that you can't
afford to wash at home.
Send your washing to the
Dallas Steam Laundry
Phones: MuJual, 197, Bell, 203
Dallas Harness
Is in shape to sell Harness
and Horse Goods at lowest
Prices. Call and get prices
and save money.
Plush Robes, Blankets,
Whips, Etc.
top tix9 eoutfla IXlhalslUItfa'
J. A. Lynch Y
Barber Shop
riain Street
We have installed
and are now prepared to
in quicker time than ever
' before.
Shirt Waists
Skirts and Suits
Men's & Boys'
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