Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBIigHKH. Published Weekly nd Semi -Weekly at 11.50 per Year. 8trlctlv in Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, APRIL 23, 1907 The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. Do Yon Open Your Mouth Tike a ycmt;s bird and gulp down what ever food or cioO.ioine may be offered you? Or, do you want to know something of the composition and character of that which you take in'. your stomach whether as food or medicine? Most intelligent and sensible peopla now-a-dajs insist on knowing what they employ whether as food or as medicine. Dr. Pierce believes they have a perfect right to iixfvf upon such knowledge. So he publishesbttodcast and on each bottle wragper, whaOITS"tediclries are made of andveesJjpnSer-eall! This he feels he can vNJ Iford to do fyfjinse, the more the insrrtHlL'nts of which his medicines TO VOTE ON NORMALS. Professor A. F. Campbell, writing to the Oregon School Journal from Monmouth, saj-s : "The legislature for 1907 has come and gone. It made provision for sup port of the old Normal, but fixed it so that the Governor felt obliged to veto the bill. We were greatly disappointed but are not discouraged, for the vital fact still remains that we are, just as much as ever, a Normal school of the state of Oregon, though the important matter of securing funds for the next two years has been postponed to the next session. We feel sure that we can find patriotic citizens who will temporarily supply this deficiency, after next July, as we have already found those who will finance the iusti tution until that time. "While we feel reasonably sure of our finances, as matters now stand we will be compelled to go to Salem bien nially and beg for appropriations, and hear it said that Normal schools debauch the politics of the state. As we fall under the stigma of this hard accusation, we want the system elim inated from politics. To accomplish this a bill will be initiated to place the names of each of the existing Normal schools before the people at the next general election, so that they may say how many and what schools they want. All the Normal schools are anxious to have the matter finally settled in this fair manner. . "In the meantime, the old bell will call to the students of the 0. S. N. S. just as usual our classes will be graduated just as they have been for the past twenty-five years and the Bummer school will furnish a pleas ant and profitable retreat for those who desire to spend the vacation in study." are made arr studiedand understood tho more will t'.ieir superior curative virtues" be afTlircfated,'""' For the cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses, Irrerularltles and derangements, giving rise to frequent headaches, back ache, drageinpr-down pain or distress iu lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, ofttimes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness. Dr. 1'ierces favorite Prescription is a most efficient remedy. It is equally effective in curing painful periods, in giving strength to nursing mothers and in preparing the system of the expectant mother for baby's coming, thus rendering childbirth safe and com- i paratively painless. The "Favorite Pre scription" N a most potent, strengthening tonic to the general system and to the organs disti"ctly feminine in particular. It is also a soothing and invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, sp:tsius. chorea or St. Vitus s dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and organic dis eases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical authorities of all the several schools of practice, recommend each of the several Ingredients ot winrti "Favorite Prescription is made for t'e cure of theiii ;e:ises for which it isclain d to be a cure. You mav read what they sayor yourself by sending a postal card request for a 'free laaiklet of extracts rrom the leailing authorities, to Dr. K. V. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel and Surirical In stitute. H u f Kilo. N. Y.. and it will coma to jou by return post. Fir Wood Wanted. From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Co. Roller Skates. Winslow, Richardson, Chicago and Henlev Roller Skates at Lee Smith's cyclery. . Hay For Sale. Loose vetch hav for sale. R. T, Pierce, Pnone 61, Rickreall line, tf Notice For Publication. Hay For Sale. For snle. clean vetch and grain, or grain hay. W. C. Lewis, Rickreall; Bell Thone GO. tf. BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon. Organ For Sale. Good organ for sale at a bargain. Inquire here. tf For Sale. A square Fisher piano, sold cheap. Inquire of Mrs. M. Peck, Dallas, Ore gon, or at this office. 4-16-1 mo To Rent. acres, li miles Sixty City. Easy terms, Falls City, Or. R. from Falls M. Wonderly, tf The new editor of the McMinnville Reporter starts out by swiping items from the Observeb, thus proviug him self to be a man of keen discernment and good judgment one who knows a good thing when he sees it. Up in mis snop, we give credit ror news taken from other papers, but we hasten to assure our brother that he is welcome to any of our items after we are through with them, credit or no credit. Furniture Bargains. As I am preparing to move to Port land, I will sell at a bargain one couch, two kitchen tables, one first class double-burner Gasoline stove, and other small household articles. Call at the house aud see them. Mrs. Emma Belt. tf The Beaver State Herald, published by Timothy Brownhill at Gresham, Oregon, is now printed in 7-column folio form. The Herald is a welcome visitor to our exchange table each week, and it is pleasing to note that Brother Brownhill is enjoying the prosperity merited by the excellence of his paper. The Herald stands boldly and fearlessly for all that is best in the home and community, and the splendid support accorded him speaks well for the moral standard of his hometown. DALLAS GIRL WINS Miss Maude Robertson Successful Over All Candidates In Evening Telegram Contest. Miss Maude Robertson is the winner of the Evening Telegram contest in this district. The news of her victory was wired from Portland to W. R Ellis, the local agent for theTelegram, this morning. As a result of this vote, the young lady v. ill bea member of the party of young women that the big eveulng daily will send to the Jamestown Exposition. Miss Ro'tiert son is a popular girl in Dallas, and 6he is being kept busy today acknowledging the congratulationsof her many friends. Her sister, Miss Nora Robertson, was the winner of the St Louis Exposition contest in Dallas in 1904. Wagner Corner Sold. Wagner Brothers, the well-known blacksmiths and machinists, sold their lot and building at the corner of Main and Oak streets to Ray & Stoner, of Dallas, and E. J. Boyd, of Coburg, this week. The price paid for the property was not made public. Wagner Brothers will continue to occupy the building until further notice, and invite all of their old patrons to call and see them when in need of any work in their line. Dry Slabwood For Sale. The Willamette Valley Lumber Company has some fine dry slab wood for sale cheap ; also 16-inch slabs and block wood. Eggs For Hatching. Eggs for hatching from thorough bred stock: S. C. R. I. Reds, $1.50 per setting of 15 ; White Wyandottes, $2 per setting of 15. B. I. Ferguson, Salem R. F. D. 2. tf. A Bargain. We have for sale about 75,000 feet of second-class rough lumber, all sizes, at $6 per 1000. Vooet Lumber Co., Falls City, Or. 4-23-10t Wagon For Sale. Good 3 farm wagon for snle. Mark Hayter, Dallus, Or. Dr. Horsemen, Attention! The imported German Coach stallion "Albon" will make the season of 1907 at the Fanners' Feed Shed in Dallas. Terms, $10, $15 and $20. W. H. Mc Daniel is prepared to furnish pasture for mares. HUBBARD & McDANIEL, tf Dallas, Oregon. If Do You Want To Sell? you want to sell your timber claim, and sell it quick, see B. Gild ner. He has connections that has enabled him to buy every claim so far offered for sale at a reasonable figure. He does not want options, but will buy your claim if you desire to sell. Call on him, or write him at Dallas. For Sale. One 24-horse power, jacketed Uni versal etigine, burns straw, coal or wood ; one 32x54 inch, large cylinder, separator and clover-huller combined, together with two large round water tanks, each with pumps and hose; cook-wagon, furnished with cook stove and cooking utensils; wagon racks and everything ready for the field. Although this machine has only thrashed about 59 days and when not in use has been well housed and is in floe shape, I will sell the whole outfit for much less than half its first cost, as I have given up farming. JAMES ELLIOTT. M no m e wu y u a Impure or effete matters accumulated in the blood during the winter cause in the spring such disfiguring and painful troubles as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also weakness, loss of appetite, that tired feeling. The best medicine to take is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the blood, and effects permanent cures by giving healthy functional activity to the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin. SarsatabS ara Hood 8arararilla ia chocolated tablet form. They hmrt iitrntK-ally th aaoi. eurativ. propartiw aa to liquid form. V-esi'os arrurac y of lt.. -.nv-iit-ur, wnomjr, no ksa by evaporation, Dreakaf. or wa&air. pity oi iir man. t - -i - Mrs. L. Bickford. Goosville. N. H.. ?: Every sprinr I u completely prontrat, ruu down, from dypepia and that tired ft-W-inr. Hut I hay ftind Hood's iamaranlia beips me from tbe Ert dove, completely II Af .(.-,.. 1 f . nT r.lYttTinrfv if na 1 1 T v.. i. fiuouio., Liowctii. aiaaa. restores irm-u urwiu wu aviusiu. Gcakaxteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. No. 324. Brick For Sale. Thirty thousand second-hand brick for sale cheap. Inquire of Willamette Valley Co., Dallas. Clover Seed Red Clover seed for sale at 11 cents per pound. Bridwell & Craven, Mop mouth, Oregon. 4-10-tf. Seed Potatoes For Sale. Karly and late seed potatoes for sale. E. N. Branson, on Lyle place. 4-12-4t Shakes For Sale. Shakes for sale at Pedee mill, on good county road. Inquire of J. V. Ronco at the mill. tf For Sale. Early Vermont seed potatoes, $1 per bushel. Apply to W. P. Miller, Dallas, Oregon. tf. For Sale. First-class stump puller and 300 feet of cable, all in good condition, for sale at a bargain. J. W. Corser, Dallas Hotel. tf Oak Posts For Sale. White oak posts forsale. Cochrane & Black, Mutual phone Black 54. tf For hale. Good seven room house for sale ; opposite Hour mill ; good outbuildings. Inquire of Frank Fuchs at premises. 4-19 2t TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1HT8 failed Slate Land Olllee, Tort land, Oregon, March 11, l!H7. Notice li lierebv given that in compliance with the provisions of Hie act of Coiigrreaa of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for the sale oi liinher land in the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1392, John H. Dart, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has una uay tiled in this oflice his sworn statement No. 7U8, for the purchase of the Kast of the Last K of Section No. , in Township No. 8 South, Range No. 7 West, and will otter proof to ahow that the land sought ia more valuable for in timber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said land before the lii-iriuturaiid fteceiver at Portland. Oregon, on Ll,i...t.,u .luhth fl.OAl UlV. 1IM17. ii.. nuuifui an witneiiaes: hciward T. Watta, of Portland, Oregon ; Charles V. Ehuian, of Port land, Oregon; tieorge n.. oarreii, oi rorunim iiruunii' John M. Knead, of Portland. Oreeon. iwymi ail wmiiii 4-lnlinln? adversely the above-describetl lamia are requeued to tile their claims in this office on or before said 27th day of Mav PJ07 ' ' ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Id j. ''! v lit Notice For Publication. WHEAT 70 CENTS. We are offering 70 cents per bushel for good wheat delivered at the Dallas flouring mill, tf SWEENEY BROS. Legal blanks at this office. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, Department No. 2. George F. Long, PlaiutitV, v. Jane M. Long, Defendant. To June M. Long, the above-named defendant: in tne name of tne stale of Oregon, l ou are ?rebv reouired to anueur and answer the com- ilrtint tiled against you in the above-entitled hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above-entitlei! Court and suit within six weeks from the date of the lirst publication of this summons, to wit: On or before the tali day of June, 1!M7; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to said Court for a decree as prayed for in suid complaint, to-wil: That the marriage contract now and Heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever annulled and dissolved; that it be adjudged and decreed that the defendant has and shall have no interest, estate, claim or title of any kind or nature whatsoever, either at lnw or in equity, in or to any real property now or hereafter owned by plaintilf, and that plaintiff may have such other relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons, by an order of the Hon. Ed. F. Coad, County Judge of Polk County, Oregon, made at chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the 22d day of April, 1!H)7, is served upon you by the fiublication thereof not less than once a week or six consecutive weeks immediately prior to the 6th dy of June, 1!K)7, iu the "Polk County Observer, a weekly newspaper of general cir cnlalion published in said County of Polk. The date of tbe tirst publication of this summons is April 211,1907. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney for Plaiutitf. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. In the matter of the estate of John Vernon, deceased, Serepla J. Vernon, executrix. To whom it may concern, Serepla J. Vernon, executrix above named has filed her final ac count as such executrix, with the cierk of the alxive named court, and said court has fixed May 1m, 1U07, for hearing any objections to the aauie. Said hearing will be had at the usual place for holding court, in the Court House at Dallas, Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock a. in. o' said day. SEREPTA J. VERNON, Executrix. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Amasa J. CroBiar, deceased, by the County Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for Polk County, and has qnalillcd. All persons having claims against the an 1,1 estate are hereby nolitied to present the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the uudcraigned, at his residence near lloiiewcll, in Yamhill County, Oregon, or at the office of ihcConnly Clerk of Polk County, in Dallas, Oregon, within six months from tho uaic in mis nonce. Dated and lirst published April 2, 1907 NATHANIEL CROSIAR, Administrator of the eatate of Amasa J. Crosiar, deceased. Address: K. K. D No. 1, Amity, Oregon. scar Hayter, Attorney. Summons. In the Ciirnit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. John W. Eakin, "Trustee." Plaintiff, v. W. D, nneaidon, Kaymond I. Wheal. Ion. Krancis W Wheaidon, William K. Whealdon, Isaac B W healdon, Daniel (). Whealdon, Elizabeth M n ueaiuuii, jumi n. n neaiuou and ijirk P healdon. Defendant. To W. D. Whealdon, Raymond J. Whealdon. Krancis W. Whealdon, William K. Whealdon, 1'imiuuu, I'anieiu. vt neaiuon. Eliza beth M. W healdon, John R. Whealdon and Lark P. Whealdon, the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby reauired to annoar .,.1 answer the complaint tiled against you in the xwicciuiiini sun in me aoove named court, within six weeks from the date of the tirst pub lication of ibis summons upon you, and if you fail so to appear and answer the plaintiff will take a judgment and decree against vou and each of you a prayed for iu hi said complaint, to-wit: for the sum of Iiou.O) with interest there on since the 7th dy ot .Ny, at the rate of even per cent per annum, leas the sum of 4 ou paid thereon April 27, 1-at), and for the further sum of iO00 attorneys fee and for costs and dis bursement: and thai the mortgage mentioned in plaiutitr complain on ihe following de scribed real property, to-wit: Lota 2 and 3 of Sec. also beginning at the 8. E. corner of the Frederick Shoemaker D. L. C. No. 82, and run ning thence Sooth 14 27 cli.: thence West 1 it ch. to '4 mile line running North and South through Sec. 36; thence North 14.27 cha ; thence tasi i n ens. to tne place ol berimim. con taining in all . .f acre more or less ail sitnat in T.SS. R.tW. Will. Mer, Polk Comity, Oregon, be foreclosed and said premise sold by the Sheritr of PU County in the manner provided by law and the proceeds applied to the payment of the amonnt found due plaintirt as aforeaaid. 1 nia summons is published for a period of six week iu the "Polk County Observer." by onler i of Hon. Ed. F. Coad. Judge of tbe County Court ! oi roi t ouniy, uregon, mane at t hamberin aid County on the 4ih dr of April. l'7. and date of first publication will he April &. l'T.and tbe date of the last publication will be en the 17th day of May, 117. Slr.LtY A EAKIX. Attorneys for Plaintiff. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 8, 1878. I' lilted Stales Lund Office, Portland, Oregi n, .March 26, 19U7. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S, ls78, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands in the state of California, ore- gun. Nevada, and asiilnglon Territory, a extended to all the Public Laud State by act of August 4, 1892, Carl S. Graves, of Dailas, county of Polk, Stale of Oregon, has this day tiled in this olllee his sworn statement No. 7:n;l, torthe purchHseof the S. ii of S. Js of N. W. N. J of H. W.'4, N. Uof S ofS. W.lior Sec No. IU iu T. No. 7 8.. R. No. 6W.. aud will oiler proof to ahow that the land sought is more valuable for ita timber than for agri cultural purposes, ami to establish his claim to said laud belore the County Clerk at Dallas, Oregon, ou Monday, the 1 7 Hi lay of June. P.hiT, He name as witnesses: t. r. 1:011 tee, 01 DHllas, Oregon; W. t Tillotson, of liuell, Oregon; K. . Hinshaw, of DullaB, Oregon; M. A. Coulee, of Hnell, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to tile their liiimsin this office on or belt re said 17th day of June, 1907. Al.Ur.K,UH II. ltir..HB.R, Register. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that by an onler ol Ihe Honorable William Wallowa), Judge of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon in and fur folk County. mae at Chambers at McMinn ville. Oregon. 011 the 1Mb day of March. 191-7. iu a certain suit then pending iu said Court, in which K. A. Meyer is planum and r. J. utarer is defendant, t he SitM plaint ill', E. A. Meyer, was duly apiointed rtceiver of all the co partnership proiieily, aasctg and effect of the said E. A. Meyer and K. J. Oberer, partuera doing business al Polk County, Oregon, under the lirm name and style of Oberer-Meyer Lum ber Company, and that the said ptaiiitilt has duly qualified and entered upon Ihe discharge of his duties as such receiver. All persons having claims against the laid plaintiff and said defendant asparnerN as afore said are hereby notified to forthwith present Ihe fame, duly verified, to the gnid receiver at Kails City, Polk County, Btate of Oregon, for adjustment and settlement. Lated and lirst published March 19, 1907. fc. A. Mr.ir.rt, Receiver aforesaid. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is lierebv eiven that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate 01 Andrew Klggs, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are heieby nolitied to present the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his law office 111 the city of Dallas, in said county, within six mourns 1 rum tne date 01 this notice. Dated and liist published March 29, 1907. OSCAR HAYTER, Administrator of the estate of Andrew Riggs, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is heieby given that the undersigned as administratrix of the estate of William Ruble, deceased, has tiled her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Potk County, and that Saturday, the 27lh day of April, 1907 at the hour of ten o'clock in the foienoon of said di.y, at the Court room of the said County Court, in the City of Dallas, Ore gon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objection to tne sain nuai account and the settlement there. of. RUTH RUBLE, Administratrix of the estate of William Ruble, deceased. ' Oscar Hayter. Attorney. Dated and first published March 29,1907. Notice to Creditors. Notice is lierebv given that the iinderaio-ned has been duly appointed executor of the eatate of Martha Ann Brown, deceased, by the County i wiiiiwiHicoLMcuiurefiMi, ior roiK Liounty, and has aualilied. All persons having claims aeainat the said estate are hereby notified to present the aame (inly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his iesldencein said County within six months from the date 01 tnis notice. Dated and first published March 29, 1907. ALVIN RAY BROWN, Executor of the estate of Martha Ann Brown, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice. In the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon, for Polk County. i.ucy t. Buchanan, Plaiutitr, v. John F Buchanan, improperly impleaded herein as i Buchanan, Defendant. To John F. Buchanan, the above-named de- lemiBiu. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON 1 on are hereby uutilied that on the 6th day of February, 19U7, the plaintiff' in ibe above-en- titled cause, whose name is now Lucy K. Rowell tiled in the above-entitled Court and cause her written application to said Court, In due form 01 mw, ior ine rtstoraiion 01 the following de scribed part of the record of said Court in said uii.se. which is ancgea 10 nave been lost or de-stroyed. The summons, the Sheriff Indorsement thereon, showing the date of delivery thereof to him for service, the Sheriff's return thereon, the affidavit for an order for publication of sum mons, the order of the Judge of said Court ,. ,vm, wicimTuc mane uy publication of summon and by mailing a copy of the com plaint ami summons to the defendant, the proof of the mailing of such copies, and the proui 01 me piiDiicauon of summon. Also thai said plaintiff- ha applied to said Court for an onler and decree amending and correcting the decree of said Court given aud made in said suit on tbe ;tli ilav ol 1 1,,-. and entered and recorded at page 125 of volume iu 01 tne journal oi said court, nunc pro tunc a of the Atb day of June. 1895. so that the name ol the plaintiff in aiiid suit shall apiar therein as Lucy E. Buchanan and the name of the de fendant shall appear therein as John F. Buch anan, and so that the said decree shall state siionuimiany mat tne said defendant has been duly served with the summons in said suit and has failed to answer the eomnlamt ihn., shall further state and declare that the mar'rlare contract existing between the pin in tiff and the ucicuuniii in sum suit is lorever annulled dis solved snd held for naueht. You are therefore notified and reonired to ap pear and answer the said application within si irom ineaateoi me first publication of this noiice, to-wit: On or before the 4th day of May, 117; and if yon fail so to answer, for "TV p'aiiniu ami applicant afore said wtll apply to said Court for an order and decree restoring the part of the record in said suit w hich hai been lost or destroyed and cor recting and amending the decree given, made aud entered therein June 5, l,s95, as petitioned and prayed for in the said application, and aa Hereinbefore particularly mentioned. This notice, by order of said Court mJe at Dallas in said County on the 21st day of March 19o7, aud bearing date of that d.r u arvt on you by the publication thereof once a week for six eonsremive weeks immediately prior to the4th day of May, 19u7, in the "Polk County t ibserver.- week ly newstwper of general circu lation published in said l onnlv nl Pi.llr TK- d.ite of the first publication ot this notice ia OSCAR HAYTER. Attorney for thi Plaintiff and Applicant aforesaid. WJ O Rush for New Clothes will soon tf P everybody will want everything right aw L your selection now, while there is vef ) e time to please yourself thoroughly and Vf season's wear out of your suit. . a SMART HATS. The Spring styles are particularly attractive We have several new shades and shapes that very swell. au COLLARS AND CUFFS We want the Collar trade of the man that an predates good Collars. We sell no other sort. SPRING HOSIERY We're ready for the Spring, trade with new and handsome effects in Men's Hosiery. some WICHAELS-STCRN riNC CLOTHING saaa.ua. araaa as LATEST SPRING SHIRTS Men of taste will appreciate our handsome Shirts the moment they clap their eyes on them. Made of beautiful fabrics and in new Spring patterns. The New Negligees are ready, and a finer line we've never seen. Every one of them has a "Worth More" Appearance. All our Prices are Just RIGHT. - Uglow Clothing House Notice ol FinI Settlement. Cure Colds, Croup sad U houpiug Cough. Notice Is herehy giyen that the nnden.ii,nH a administratrix of the estate of Horace ti Hawley, deceased, has riled her final eo..,,,.i i the County Court of the Suteof Oree.,n forPniir County, and that Saturday, the 41 n day of May, 1;. at the hour of one o'clock in the aiierniuMi of said day, at the Court room of the mdfooiiiTCoiiM.ln the ci:y of I -anas, tire goo, hav bevn appointed by the Jndee of said Court as the lime aud place for the bearing of objection to the said final account aiui the settlement tliereof 1 EMILY J. MrKINXON. . , Administratrix a foresaid. .V. L. Boiler, Attorney. MILL STREET. LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS , as j s . a DALLAS, OREGON It is not Economy To do the family washing at home. When you figure up the-cost of water, soap, starch, extra fire and time, and most of all the mess and trouble that it makes, and compare it with our price of 6 cents a pound, washed, starched and dried and 25 cents a dozen for flat pieces, you will see that you can't afford to wash at home. Send your washing to the Dallas Steam Laundry Phones: Mutual, 197, Bell, 203 The Dallas Harness Shop Is in shape to sell Harness and Horse Goods at lowest Prices. Call and get prices and save money. Plush Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. F.SALFICKY J. A. aLynch's Barber Stop on flairi Street We have installed FOUR CHAIRS and are now prepared to SHAVE YOU in quicker time than ever before. The c C U S April 29 Will be the leading feature of amusement for the season. Bring the whole family in and fit them out in New Togs for the event. We have the largest, and finest line of Wash Goods ever shown in the town. fa W New Belts, Belt Buckles, Combs and everything in the Notion line. Fiintstone ana If unu Uliutd. IIC tilt! lJJUIII.S HIT 1.1 M .1 II I IU . iYJ.tf.1 LVJ a. New Plaids and Checks in Silk Waisting at 75c Lining Satins, guaranteed for two seasons, one " yard wide - - ' : $1.25 I ft k ft ft ft m - " ' . - ' : . : ' ... $ Is arriving daily new cuts, weaves and patterns at prices that will please you. V tf tf tf tf tf tf it are agents for the Julia Marlow, Packard lines. V! -V? V! V7 Shirt Ties, Collars, Hosiery and everything new to put you in readiness for the CIRCUS. V y tf I1 tf