Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, April 12, 1907, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
Published Weekly and Semi -Weekly
11.50 per Year. Strlctlv In Advance.
The way to build up Dalas ts,to pat
ronise Dallas people.
Dr. Hayter. Dentist Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dullas. Oregon.
Wagon For Sale.
Good 3J farm wagon for sale.
Mark Hatter, Dallas, Or.
Herman Mctzger Secures Four
Thousand Fleeces at Sodavllle
at 29 !-4 Cents.
In inaugurating the movement for
the referendum on the Freeman com
pulsory pass law, the executive com
naitlee of the Oregon State Orange
takes occasion to pay its respects to
the reeeut Legislature in the following
caustic paragraph :
"The entire couDtry has grown
heartilv tired of the pass evil and at
our last biennial election the people
of Oregon expressed their opinion of
the matter in no uncertain terms by a
very large majority which they gave
in favor of the initiative anti-pass
bill. Through the unfortunate omis
sion of the enacting clause this biit
failed to become a law and the legis
lature took advantage of this circum
stance and passed a law in direct
opposition to the expressed will of the
people. This is vicious legislation if
we hare ever had such in this state. It
is an insult to the intelligence of the
voters of the state as in effect by this
act the legislature has said to the
people that they did not know what
they wanted. There can, however, be
no question of the people's desire in
the matter and the legislature should
have considered itself in duty bound to
respect their wishes and should have
taken steps to correct and complete
their work rather than to have taken
advantage of the opportunity to throw
it down."
For Sale or Rent.
Six room house, good outbuildings
and four acres, in South Dallas.
quire of F. M. Jackson. tf,
A prominent authority on advertis
ing says that many a local editor by
hia attitude in approaching mer
chants encourages them to treat him
more as an object of charity than as a
fellow business man. Unfortun
ately, this statement is true, but the
publisher who conducts bis affairs in
a dignified, business-like way, treats
his customers with the courtesy due
from one business man to another,
and devotes his attention to making
his paper all that a local paper should
be, need never fear the competition of
the man who goes out and begs for
business. The average merchant is
quick to discriminate between the
paper that is winning on its merits
and the paper that is existing by the
charity graft alone. The merchant
who carries good goods and sells them
at right prices never finds it necessary
to peddle them from house to house,
or to appeal to people to buy them on
the ground that he needs the money.
Neither does the publisher who has
something really worth selling ever
find it necessary to beg for business
or hawk his wares in the street In
the printing business, as in all other
lines of legitimate business, merit
alone will win.
Pioneer Jurist Passes Away
His Home In Salem, at Age
of 88 Years.
Judge R. P. Boise died at his home
in Salem at 2 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon afternoon, after about ten
days of illness of stomach and kidney
troubles. Ills death was not unex
pected to the members of the family,
nearly all of whom were present.
Judge Boise was a native of Blan
ford, Mass., and was born July 9,
1819. lie wa9 educated In tho public
schools, read law, taught school ia
Missouri, returned to Massachusetts
to practice law, came to Oregon In
1851, and located at Portland. He
held the offices of prosecuting attor
ney, code commissioner, member of
the constitutional conveution, circuit
judge and supreme judge. He became
a resident of Salem in 1857, and had
served on boards of regents of several
colleges. He was a prominent mem
ber of the Oregon State Grange.
He is survived by hia aged wife and
four children R. P. Boise, Jr., and
Miss Maria Boise, of Salem; W. L.
Boise, of Portland, and Fisher Boise,
of Dallas.
Est For Sale.
Full-blooded S. C. White Leghorn
eggs, SO cents for 15, J. E. Miller,
Rlckreall. 3t
Shakes For Sale.
Shakes for sale at Pedee mill, on
food countv road. Inquire of J. V.
Ron co at the mill.
For Sale.
Early Vermont seed potatoes, f 1 per
bushel. AdpIv to W. P. Miller!
Dallas, Oregon. tf.
Eggs For Sale.
Full-blood Buff Leghorn eggs for
sale at f 1 per setting. E. M. .Smith,
Dallas, Or.
Hay For Sale.
For sale, clean vetch and grain, or
grain hay. W. C. Lewis, Rickreall;
Bell Phone 66. tf.
Brick For Sale.
Thirty thousand second hand brick
for sale cheap. Inquire of Willamette
Valley Co., Dallas.
Clover Seed.
Red Clover seed for sale at 1 1 cents
per pound. Brld well & Craven, Mon
mouth, Oregon.
Seed Potatoes For Sale.
Early and late seed potatoes for
sale. E. X. Branson, on Lyle place.
4 12-
Flr Wood Wanted.
From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood
wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City
& Western Railway Co.
For dale or Trade.
2-year-old colt for sale or will take
good Jersey cow in exchange.
G. E. Lawrence, Dallas, Or.
It Phone Pioneer 54.
For Sale.
Household furniture for sale. Call
at once at home of J. M. Pollock, Mill
street Dallas, Oregon. Must be sold
this week. 4-9-2t
Roller Skates.
WInslow, Richardson, Chicago and
Henley Roller Skates at Lee Smith's
cyclery. .
Hay For Sale.
Loose vetch hay for sale. R. T.
Pierce, Phone 61, Rickreall line, tf
Organ For Sale.
Good organ for sale at a
nqnlre here.
To Rent.
Sixty acres, lj miles from Falls
City. Easy terms. R. M. Wosderly.
Falls City, Or. tf
All parties owing C. F.
Company after May 1 may
pay costs.
IIpid &
expect to
The Observer wants live correspon
dents at Ballston and Pedee. Write
ns for further Information.
Dry Slabwood For Sale.
The Willamette Valley Lumbei
Company has some fine dry slab wood
for sale cheap; also 16-inch slabs and
lock wood.
Eggs For Hatching.
Eggs for hatching from thorough
bred stock: S. O. R. I. Reds, $1.50
per setting of 15; White Wyaudottes,
$2 per setting of 15. B. I. Ferguson,
Salem R. F. D. 2. tf.
Horsemen, Attention!
The imported German Coach stallion
"Alhon" will make the season of 1907
at the Farmers' Feed Shed in Dallas.
Terms, tlO, $15 and $20. W. H. Mc-
Danle) Is prepared to furnish pasture
for mares.
tf Dallas, Oregon.
The first mohair pool sale of the
season occurred at Sodavllle Tuesday.
Four thousand fleeces, amounting to
12,000 or 14,000 pounds, were sold at
auction. The successful bidder was
Herman Metzger, of Portland, whose
bid of 29J cents a pound secured the
The next pool sale will be held at
Sclo on April 23. when some 20,000
pounds will be offered. Sales will
later occur at Silverton, Sublimity,
Dallas, Lebanon and other points In
the goatraislng section. Compar
atively little shearing has been done
as yet owing to the bad weather.
Some of the growers who sheared too
early have lost their goats as a re
sult Oregonian.
Fine Chance to Make Big Money With
Small Investment,
I will teach you how to do all kinds
of optical work scientifically, viz:
Test eyes, fit all kinds of glasses, and
do all kinds' of prescription work, and
will sell you a complete canvassing
outfit Address, Edward Smith, Box
263, or Mutual Phone 1209, Dallas, Or.
Notice For Publication.
I' tilted Statea Land Oflice,
Portland, Oregon,
Marvh II, I'JtW.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June :i, 1S7K, entitled "An act for the ale of
limber lamia In the Statea of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," at ex
tended to all Ihe Public Land Hletea by act of
August 4, 182, JohnH. Ihtrt, of Portland, county
of Multnomah, State of Oregon, haa thia day
tile! In this oflice hia aworn statement No.
U1. for the purchase of the Kaal J of the r-aal
VL of Section No. . In Township No. 8 Sooth,
Kanee No. 7 West, and will oner proof to ah
that the land (ought ia more valuable for lia
Umber or atone than tor agricultural purposea,
and lo establish hie claim to said land before the
Register and Keceivet at Portland, Oregon on
Monday, the .Tth day of May. UW7.
He names a witnesses: hdward T. Walla, of
Portland. Oregon; Charlea F. Khinau, of Port-
Uud, Oregon; oeorge B.. oarren. oi rni,
Oregon: John M. Snead.of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deecribed lands are requested to tile I heir
claims in tins oltice on or beloresaid '27th day of
Ma),iyo,. .,r'Lvwo rturaalTB
Notice to Creditors.
Nolice Is hereby given that the nndersiiMied
baa beea duly appointed administrator of Ihe
estate of Aulas J. t roaiar, rteccaseu. iiy me
County Court of the Stfile o( Oregon, (or Polk
Comity, and haa qualitied.
All persona havlnc nanus agaiust me sum
eMate are hereby nolitied to present the aame
duly verified, together with the uro,-r vouchers
therefor, to the undersigned, at his residence
near Hopewell, in i sin In II (omity, Oregon, or
at toe office of the County Clerk of Polk County,
iu Dallas. Oregon, wilhiu six months from tho
date of tbia notice.
baled and first published April 2. 1107.
AdtuiuiMiator of the estate of
Amata J. Crosiar, deceased.
Address: R. K. l No. 1, Amity, Oregon.
Owar Hayter, Attorney.
Notice For Publication.
I niled States l-alid Oltice,
Portland, Oreg n,
March 2K, IHU7.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
ith the provisions of the act of Congress of
June :, 178, entitled "An act for the sale of
liuiber lands in the Htatea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land Statea by act of
August 4, 192. Carl 8. iiraves, of Dallas,
county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this
day tiled in this oltice his sworn statement No.
7.A3, tonne pnrchaiseoi the a. 'A oi s. !i of N. vt .
.,, N. C of 8. W. V: N. ol S.Uof S. W. Wot See
No. lo in T. No. 7 S.. R. No. 6 W.. and will
otter proof lo show that the laud sought is more
valuable for its timber than for agri
cultural purposes, and toestablish hia claim to
said In na oelore the County Clerk
at Dallas, Oregon, on Monday, the 17th
dav of June, 1MI7.
He names as witneea: . p. Coulee, of
Dallas, Oregon; W. P. Tillotson. of Buell,
Oregon; E. W. Hinshaw, of Dallas, Oregon;
M. A. Con lee, of rlnell, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deacri bed lands are requested to (ile Iheir
claimain this oltice on or before said 17th dav
of June, 1907.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for
Polk county. Department No. 2.
Hertha H. Woodin, Plaintiff, vs. Leon A.
Wood in, Defendant, Summons.
To Ijeon A. Woodin, Defendant:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, yon are
herebv required to apear and answer the eom
laii Hied aasinst vou iu the above entitled
court and cause within six weeks from the first
publication of this summons, to wit, on Mie20th
day of April. I AIT, and li you fail so to appear
and answer the sxid complaint, the plaintiff
will antilv to the court for the relief demanded
in her complaint, to wit: For a decree of
divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between her aud yourself, and also per
mitting the plaintiff to resume her maiden or
former name. Bertha H. Hubbard, and for such
further and other relief as may be equitable.
You are hereby further uoiiried that this sum
mons is served upon yon by publication thereof
in the "Polk County Observer," newspaer
published weekly at the city of Dallas. In Polk
county, Oregon,' pursuant lo the Older of the
Honirahle Cieorae H. Burnett, judge of this
court, made this .tilh day of December, 19C6, and
this summons was tire I published on the 8th
day of March, l'.WT.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice la herebv given that by an order ol the
Honorable William allowa). Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for
Polk County, tnai'e at Chambers at Mi'Mimi
ville, Oregou, on the 1Mb day oi March, 1SP7, iu
a certain suit then pending In said Court, in
which E. A. Meyer is plaintiffand P. J. Otarer
ia defendant, Ihe said plaintiff, E. A. Meyer,
was duly appointed rtceiver of all the co
partnership propeity, asaeta and effects of the
said E. A. Meyer and P. J. Oberer. partners
doing business at Polk County, Oregon, under
the tirm name and style ol Oberer-Jieyer Lum
ber Company, and that the said plaintitt has
duly qualified aud entered upon the discharge
of his duties as such receiver.
All persona having claims against the said
plaintiffand said defendant as partners as a fore
said are hereby nolitied to forthwith present
Hie tame, din v verified, to tne sain receiver at
Kails City. Polk County, State of Oregon, for
adjustment and settlement.
l-atea ami nrst puousneo aiarcn i, iwi.
Receiver aforesaid.
Oscar Hayler, Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon for
Polk Conntv.
John W. Eakin. "Trustee." Plaintiff, vs. W. D.
Whealdon, Raymond J. Whealdon, Francis W.
Whealilon, William K. Wheuldon, Isaac B
Whealdon, Daniel O. Whealdon, Elixalieth M.
nneaiaon, John k. vtneaidou and Ijirli p.
Whealdon, Defendants.
To vt.l). Whealdon. Kavmond J. Whealdon.
Francis V. Whealdon, William K. Whealdon,
saac B. w healdou. Daniel G. Whealdon. Eliza
beth M. Whealdon, John R. Whealdon and Lark
, wnealdon, the above named defendants.
Jn the name of the State of On-eon. vou and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
answer me complaint nieu against you in tne
above entitled suit in the above named Court,
within six weeks from the date of the first pnb-
iiraiiuu oi iuib uiiiuioiis upon you, hihi ii you
fail so to annear and answer the Dlaintili will
take a lodgment and decree against vou and
each of you as prayed for in his said complaint.
ior i ne sum oi aiuu.uuwun interest inere
on since the 7th day oi May, la(M, at the rite of
seven percent per annum, less the sum of 24 uo
paid thereon April 27, 1UU, and for the further
sum ol (iO.OO attorneys fees and for costs and dis
bursements: and that the mortKare mentioned
in plaintiffs complain on the following de
scribed real property, to-wit: Lots 2 and 3 of
Sec. :I6, also beginniua at the 8. E. corner nf the
rreuertcg shoemaker D. 1.. C. No. 82, and run
ning thence South 14.27 phi.; thence West 1.17
ns. to .'4 nine Hue running North and South
h rough Sec. 36; thence North H.27 chi.: thence
Kast 1 17 chs. to the ulace ol berinninc. run.
taming in all. ft.li6 acre more or lessall ail'iute in
r.es. K.ti w. will. Mer, Polk County, Oregon, be
ureeiim.ii aim asm premises soul uy me Slier in
if Polk County in the manner urovided bv law
nid the proceeds at, idled to the navmeiit of tbo
amount found due iilnintirt'aa aforesaid.'
1 lila summons la published for a ueriod of all
weeks in the "Polk Couiitv Observer." bv onlr
of Hon. Ed. F. (dad. Judge of the County Court
of Polk County, Oregou, made at Charabera iu
said County on the 4th day of April, 1W07, and
late oi nrat publication will be April 5, 1H07, and
he dale of the last publication will be on the
I7lh day of May, lyo7.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Oak Street Sewer Notice.
For Sale.
One 24-horse power, Jacketed Unl
versai engine, burns straw, coal or
wood ; one 32x54 inch, large cylinder,
separator and clover-huller combined.
together with two large round water
tanks, each with pumps and hose;
oook-wagon, furnished with cook stove
and cooking utensils; wagon racks
and everything ready for the field
Although this machine has only
thrashed about 59 days and when not
in use has been well housed and is in
fine shape, I will sell the whole outfit
for much less than half its first cost
as I have given up farming.
The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
is the best because it does the most good.
While it makes the blood pure, fresh
and lively, it tones the stomach to bet
ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu
lates the kidneys and liver, gives new
brain, nerve and digestive strength.
An unequaled list of cures 40,366 tes
timonials in two years proves its merit.
? aj rt m ta b f Tot thoaa who prafar soadlrlB
In Uuivt iorm, llood s Srpanlla ia bow pot ap
la tlioniatJ tablets railed areataba. aa well aa
In tna usual liquid torm. rarins hav Klanu
raily the as at ruraliv truirtMS a tha liquid
form, besides awuraey of dosa, Mn ww, rva-
..-. ) ! 11 n m. 1 ... It. aviuorauon. break
a, or Usaiaga. bold by droggiau or an by maiL
C. 1. Uovni Co., U)Wil, M
Ccaeaxteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 50, 1906.
Mrs. J. T, 0. tt troutd r-u-ast, -totsaham,
laM.. says: "la li yaars tiparics- I ha-ra a.f
kaowa Hoo4's fearaar-anUa to fad. fur sprinf
amors and aa a ca-xrai blood umiier; It rart
arrofaia. w-tvnui i baa x aqoal as a re--iu
iprtii aaadx-inav It ciraa Baa caauioa euj ac
tios 10 aay tbia.
No. C2I.
To I). C. Crlder. H. L. Oilier t'mma IU.lt
l.anra Siefarth, M. M. Kills, B. II. McCalluii,
Heater Butler, KlUabelh f. Holman, T. J. t'her
rinton, K. L. t'bapman, E. C. Kirk Patrick. J. K.
Klcliler, r . J. turner, W. J. Wagner, W. E
Burns, K. R. Tiittle, I. V. I.vnch, J. A. Lynch
Emma Ray, J. 1. and L. P. Smith, 1. P. Yoakum,
Mabel Yoakum, K. E. Williams. E. V. and E O
Dalton, Anny and J. H. Dunn, Mary J. Wairner'
Clara Keid, 1. E. and K. J. Smith, W. J. W hile
Prank Kerslake, K. A. Sliles, c. H. Chapman
Dallas City Bank, a cttritoration. Addle Maifere
Mary K Nit-s, 1). M. and Ella J. Metier, UCre
ole Academic Institute, a coriairatbui, Frank
J. and Jennie Coad, t II. and Jennie K. Coa.l,
and to any and all other iersons own ins real
properly situate within the hereinafter de
scribed limits in the City of Dallas, Oregon:
Notice is hereby given, that tbe City Council
ol the l ily of Dallaa, Oret-on. contemplates the
pasaaaeof an ordinance providing for and re
quiring the construction of a sewer in Oak
street in aaid City, commencing at the West
end of said street ami running iheiiceettsl along
said street to a point near the east end thereof
and thence Soulheaxteily to connect with the
present newer on Mill street at the intersection
of Mill i.t reel and Lyle street; That such sewer
will be constructed of vitritied sewer pipe laid
at approximately thedepth of four feet below
the general level of the ground where anch
sewer is to be laid, at the time and in the man
ner lo be hereafter more particularly preacrioed
by such Ordinance and the plans and specifi
cation! approved by the City Council ol saiil
That tbe coat of aneb. aewer will be assessed to
ihe real property to la benefltu-d trereby, ami
wiium me uiiuis ueacnoeo aa lonows. low it:
(I) The half ol all the blocks or parrel of
ground facing, a bolting upon or adjacent to
botn the North side and the South si ie of said
Oak street beginning at Leveni street and run
ning east along aaid Oak street to the Eat end
theieof. (2) That lot or lota or parcel of ground
laifeetln width, situate on the W eat aide of
Levens alrcet and described aa beginning at a
point feet Weat and 247 feet North fn.ra the
intersection of the center linea of Oak and
Lerena streets, and running thence South at a
width of ISO feel to a point IHO feet South and 40
feet Weat from the Inleniection of the center
linea of Oak and Levens at ret-la. all In the City
of Dallas, Oregon: That tbe City Council of
aaid City will ait In Ihe lonnril Chamber in
aid City on Monday, the l.ah dav of April.
1M07, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening-, and at aaid
time and place will hear and determine objec
tiona and remonstrances lo the naxaare ol ,-)
ordinauce, and tbe construction of six-h sewer
if any there be: and that aii owners of real
property situate ami lying within the herein
above described limits, and all other persona in
interest, may attend at aaid time and olace and
show cause, if any tbey have, why such sewer
shook! not be constructed.
Done bv order ol tbe Cilv Council of tho ('tea
of Dallaa, Oregon, made and entered on the 1st
day of April, h)7.
V itnea mv hand and the aoal of the rv.T of
Dallaa, I his 2nd day of April, 17.
fseaij iA r. smi rrtR,
Andilor aud Police Judge.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed administrator ol the
estate of Andrew Kiggs, deceased, by the
County Court of the stale of Oregon, for Polk
county, ana naaqiiatinca.
All iH-n-ons having claims against the said
estate are heieby nolitied lo present the same
duly verified, together with tbe proper vonciierg
Miereior, to me uuuersigueu, av ilia law onice
iu the City of Dallas, in said County, within
six uiontiiB in. in me dale or mis notice.
Duled aud liisl published March 29, 1907.
Administrator of the entate ol
Andrew Kiggs, deceased.
J H r' j X1 -
'i , ;' i 7
f.1- J 1
..iV-i .,-5i,'i I
oi M-i-'T 1
'-i. '
1 n
OPLENDID Time to pick it
everybody will want pvprvfv,? 1
j viinig iibrnt awnv nr.i
your selection now, while there is vet ni e
time to please yourself thoroughly and get f f i!
season s wear out of your suit. uil
The Spring styles are particularly attractive
We have several new shades and shapes that
very swell. are
We want the Collar trade of the man that ap
preciates good Collars. We sell no other sort.
We're ready for the Spring trade with
new and handsome effects in Men's Hosiery.
SJaviitut liaaat twt aaatMW
taaaraa. at . ,
I Men of taste will appreciate our handsome Shirts the moment they clap their
eyes on them. Made of beautiful fabrics and in new Spring patterns. The
New Negligees are ready, and a finer line we've never seen. Every one of them
has a "Worth More" Appearance. All our Prices are Just RIGHT.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hetehy Riven that the niidersitrm-d,
as aitminisirainx of the estate of William
Ruble, deceaM-d, has tiled her final account in
the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Folk County, and that Sutnrday, the 27th day
of April, IM07 at the hour of ten o'clock in the
foieiioou of said di.y, at the Court room of the
aaid Coanty Court, "in the City of Dallas, Ore
rou, has been appointed by aaid Court as the
time and place for the hearing of objections to
me saiu llual account and the settlement there
Administratrix nf the estate of
William Ruble, deceased.
Oscar Hayter. Attorney.
Dated and Ural published March 29,1907.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned
haa been duly appointed executor ol the estate
of Martha Ann brown, deceased, by tbe County
court of llie State of Oregou, for Polk County,
aim ubs ijiiaiiueu.
All persons haviur claims against the said
esiitie are nereoy nonneft to present the same
duly verified, together with the proper vouchers
therefor, lo the undersigned, at his lesldencein
said County within aix months from the date
ol tn Is nolice.
Dated and first published March 29, 1907.
Executor of the estate of
Martha Ann Brown, deceased.
Owar Hayter, Attorney.
).. tMwi iuiil d WUWQll llWlltW.J
Cures Colds, Croup and tt twopicg Cough.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon,
mr ruik t uillliy.
Lucy K. Buchanan. Plaintitt', ?. John F.
Buchanan, improperly impleaded herein aa J,
Buchanan, Defendant.
To John F. Buchanan, the above-named de-
Yon are hereby notified that on the 6th dav
of February, 1907, the plaintitt' In the above-en-
titieu cause, wnoaeuaine la now Lucy E. Roweil
hlea in the above-entitled Court and cause her
wniien application to said uourt, in due form
of law, tor the rtsloration of the following de
scribed part ol the record of said Court iu said
cause, which is alleged to have been loat or de-
si royea.
The summons, the HherltTs Indorsement
thereon, showing the date of delivery thereof to
him for service, the KheritTs return thereon, the
aiiiiiavii ior an onier lor publication of sum
mons. the order of the Jndae of aaid rvmpt
directing that service be made by publication
of Minimum aud by mulling a copy of the com
plaint and summons to tbe defendant, the
proof of the mailing of such copies, and tbe
prooi oi me publication ol summons.
Also inal sam plaintitt haa applied to laid
Court for an order aud deeree amending and
correcting the decree of said Court riven and
maile in aaid suit on the flh day of June, lwtt,
aud entered aud recorded at page 125 of volume
10 of the journal of said Court, nunc pro tunc
as of the 5lh day of June, 1895, so thai the name
ui nit; piauum iu BHiti ami ana 1 1 appear therein
aa Lucy K. btichauan and the name of the de
fendant shall appear therein aa John F. Hnch.
auan. and so that the aaid decree shall stale
aiitiaiiiia:iy inn me aaiii aelendant baa been
duly served with the summons in said suit ami
haa failed to answer tbe comnlaint iiioroin .,..1
shall further state and declare that the marriare
contract exi-sting between the plaintitt' and the
ufriTitinu. iu niu tun ia lorever aunuileo dis
solved and held for naught.
iou amiieremre noiuiea ana reontred to ap
pear and answer the aaid application within
six weeas iroui ineuaieoi tne Ural publication
of this notice, to-wit: On or before the 4th dsy
oi May. mi. ; and if yon fall so lo answer, for
waiiiinereoi, me piainun and applicant afore
said will aiu.lv to said Court for an iml.r .,..1
decree rotorlnr the nart of the record in al.i
suit which ha, leen loat or deatroyed and cor
recting aud amendiug the deeree given, made
aim rnwrru mereiu June a, IN), aa peliltoned
and prayed lor in the said application, and aa
hereinbefore particularly mentioned.
Thia notice, by order of saia Court made at
Dallas in said County on the 21st day of March
1j7. and bearing date of that day, ia served no
on you by the publication thereof once a week
for aix consecutive weeks immediately prior to
the 4th day of May. Ii7, in tbe "Polk County
obaerver,1 a weekly newnraiperof general circu
lation published in said County of Polk The
date of ihe tiral publication of thia nolice la
March 22 19U7.
Attorney for Ihi Plaintiff
and Applicant aforeaald.
Notice ol Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the andemianed,
as administratrix of the entate of Horace O
Hawley, deeraani. has riled her tinal account in
the Ci.unly I'onrt ol tne Suteof Oregon, tit Polk
Comity. al that innlay. tbe 4ih day of
May. 11.. at the hour of one o'clock in the
arnuon of said day, al the t oort room of the
aaid loonty Coort, in the Cilv of Ia)laa, Ore
gon, has bern apKinled bv lite Judae of aail
i.nrt a the lime and place for tbe -bearing of
ot.jnoi,a to ihe aaid final ceeonnt and the
SrUlemeDl thereof
v , ., . Adiiil&Hratrix alonsaid.
N. U Butler, Attorney.
It is not Economy
To do the family washing
at home. When you figure
up the cost of water, soap,
starch, extra fire and time,
and most of all the mess and
trouble that it makes, and
compare it with our price of
6 cents a pound, washed,
starched and dried and 25
cents a dozen for flat pieces,
you will see that you can't
afford to wash at home.
Send your washing to the
Dallas Steam Laundry
Phones: Mutual. 197, Bell, 203
Dallas Harness
Is in shape to sell Harness
and Horse Goods at lowest
Prices. Call and get prices
and save money.
Plush Robes, Blankets,
- Whips, Etc.
tops tkxm oontfla anal latattlalani
J. A. Lynch's
Barber Shop
Tlain Street
We have installed
and are now prepared to
in quicker time than ever
Va V-T W
f t.y.ia...,
All of the new , creations and
weaves in Wash Goods, latest pat
terns in Suitings, in fact everything
that it takes to make up the latest
Spring customs.
New Clothing and some more of
those Famous FLINTSTONE and
PACKARD SHOES for the men.
Lflw) ell
. ... .s
S7 J N? V :