Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Published Weekly smd Semi Weekly J1.50 per Year. Strictly in Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, March 29, 1907 The wayto build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. county can meet and discuss this very Important matter? JAMES ELLIOTT. OPPOSES SPECIAL SHOWS James Elliott Would Combine All Exhibits In One Big County Fair. DALLAS, Or., March 25-(To the Editor.) I see by one of your late issues that we are to have a special Cherry Show in the near future. Oood for Polk county and Dallas! It may be news to you, Mr. Editor, but from what I have heard I expect we will soon have a special Cat Show and possibly a few jackrabbits, just to make the thing look a little more spicy and humbug the people a little longer. Barnum said we American people liked to be humbugged. I have no doubt, Mr. Editor, but you will find fault with this rabbit proposition and say it will bo impos sible for us to compete with several other counties, as there are counties in Oregon that can produce 10 jack rabbits to our one. Well, you know, this can be . very easily fixed, as we can call this special cat and rabbit show just about the time wo hold our annual Qoat Show, right in midwin ter when the roads and weather are at their worst. By this plan we can advertise our special show open to all comers and beat every state in the Union. I have been wondering for a long time how long will the people of Ore gon allow themselves to be hum bugged by these special shows, and also at the way our agricultural interests are being crippled at our State Fair, where we ought to have one of the finest exhibitions In the United States every year. Our State Fair has become little more than a gambling den a place to demoralize the youth of our fair state and have on exhibition a class of horses that Oregon has little or no use for. Strange to Say, the people allow these demoralizers to run our State Fair at a time of the year to suit themselves, just when a great portion of our farmers are in the midst of their hop and prune harvest and many of them are not through their grain harvest and hauling. Hundreds of dollars of the prize money are set aside for these things they call horses, while we hayseeds may possibly get $2.50 for a fine draft stallion, brood mare, or blooded bull, any one of which is worth more to the state of Oregon than all the race horses that have been at the State Fair for the last 25 years. Fine encouragement for an agricultural fairl I think it is high time for us citizens of old Polk county to wake up and attend to our own business business that we ought to have attended to years ago, the neglect of which Is losing us thousands of dollars each year. Many of us think these special shows do us much good. I certainly think they do.just to a limited few ;but, for every $10 they bring to the county, a good, well-arranged County Fair held here every year some time in the last half of October would in a very few years add more than $1000 each year instead of $10 as it now is. Why do we allow this kind or man agement to go along from year to year, when we have a county that has in it everything to make a Nation? Why don't we use a little bit of common sense, go to work and buy about eight or ten acres in a central place in the county and hold a County Fair each year? Such a location should have good railroad facilities and water works, both of which are vitally essential to a first-class fair ground. The ground Is right here, almost In side the corporate limits of Dallas, where we could have a good grand stand on an elevated site in the center of the tract, with sheds all around the edges of the grounds and a driveway Immediately inside these sheds. On thlsdtlveway we could show how our heavy draft horses move when hitched to a wagon; thon our carriage horses in harness, our single buggy horses and rigs, and our saddle horses and riders. Inside of this enclosure we could have a plot of ground for judg ing our show animals. We would also have a very large building where we could display all kinds of farm machinery, farm pro ducts, ladies' needlework, butter, bread, and other farm products. I tell you boys, twenty years from now some of you will feel awfully sorry that you did not go into partnership with that girl that took first prize for bread. You would Dever have known what dyspepsia was, had you been smart enough to make the trade. This Mr. Editor, is only a very Bmall description of what we can do right in this county. We have every thing here, and In sight, and I think the time is ripe now. There Is cer tainly nothing wanting but the will. I see there is to be a Horse Show la Dillas next Saturday. Why can we not get together and secure some large hall where all the citizens of Toifc The Observer desires to lend its heartiest indorsement to Mr. Elliott's advocacy of a County Fair, and we believe that a large majority of the people of Polk county are strongly in favor of such an enterprise. Senti ment in favor of an annual County Fair has been growing steadily for many years, stimulated largely by the success of the goat shows, poultry ex hibits, apple fairs, and other indus trial exhibitions, and all that is needed to get the enterprise under way is for a few enterprising farmers and busi ness men to take the lead, The people will be found ready and anxious to do their part. While indorsing Mr. Elliott's views on the County Fair question, the Observer can not tolerate for a moment his assertion that the people are being humbugged by the goat shows, apple fairs, and other special shows. Mr. Elliott Is an enterprising farmer and a consclen tious citizen, but he is clearly in the wrong when he attempts to build up a County Fair by belittling the work of the men who have made these special shows such a valuable factor In the development of Polk county. The Goat show alone has done more to advertise Polk county In every state in the Union than all other agencies combined, and it has also built up and strengthened an industry that not only brings thousands of dollars to the pockets of tho farmers each year but is of . more value than all other agencies In clearing tho waste lands and preparing them for profitable cul tivation. The Apple Show, held in Dallas last Fall, did more to quicken interest in fruit-growing than could have been accomplished by talk In rorty years, wnne tne exnioit was small, it demonstrated the fact that Polk county is capable of producing apples equal to the best in the world, where care and intelligence is exer cised in handling the orchards, and the farmers went home with a deter mination to produce better fruit in future by trimming and spraying their long neglected trees and convert ing into a source of profit one portion of the farming industry, that for many years had yielded them no rev enue whatever. The Poultry Shows have added to the wealth of tho county and the benefits of the School Child ren b industrial f air last lull were great beyond measure. The Observer believes that Polk county will have a County Fair, and that soon; but if such an enterprise is established, it will be because these special shows have paved the way for it by educat ing people to the value of the greater exhibition. The promoters of the Goat Show aud other special show are the strongest advocates of ; County Fair and stand ready to do their full share in getting the project under way. Let us have the County Fair, but let us continue to encourage and support the smaller shows until such time as the people shall see fit to combine them all in one big exhibit. "Words of Praise Tor the several ingredients of which 1 ': Pierce's mtxiicinia aro composed, its givei. by leaders in all the several Si'lK'! ot Medicine, should have far mom weight than any amount of non-professional tes timonials. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion has thk badge of honesty on every bottle-wrapper, in a full list of all Its in gredients printed In plain English. If you are an invalid woman and suffer from frequent headache, backache, gnaw ing distr?) la stomach, periodical pains, disagremWe, catarrhal, pelvic draiij, draggingdown distress In low er abdomer. or pelvj?, perhaps dark spots or specks dancing before the eyes, faint spell and kindled syraetoms caused by female weak ness, owthir derangement of the femlnl ns organs, ytJ can not do better than tako Dr. PiereB Favorite Prescription. The hpoital, surgeon's knife and opera ting taliimay be avoided by the tjmcly use of W'avorite Prescription" in such cases, Thereby the obnoxious ex ami n at Ions gnTfiL'il'irn. tntj? pf liie" famfly physician enn be avoided and a thoro.iikh . . I.. - , i ,1 ml Jii c -r....- . i w i.i ... . r . cmif.se or sncccssim iremntein cameu u'ii. lOauijXjJiCi4i "t'avoritu Presentation " I composed ol the very best nnt.ive medicinal roots Known to medical science for the cur of woman's peculiar ailments, contains no aicoiioi ana no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from " Favorite Prescription; " It will not perform mira cles; It will not dlsolve or cure tumors. No medicine will. It will do as much to establish vigorous health In most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to women as any medicine can, it must do given fair cnanee by perseverance in Its use for a reasonable length of time. You can't-ailnm liiurtwili n, sei-rnx nos trum as i sa ostitute to- Ulh -f"""'y Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond ence 18 Buaraeu a sacreuiy secret hiiu womanly confidences are protected b nrofBSsional privacy. Address Dr. II Pierce, lJuffalo, X. V. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant 1 'el lets Uie uest laxative and regulator of the bowels. Thev invigorate stomach, liver and boveln. One a laxative j two or tnree a cathartic. Easy to take as candy. Express Wagon For Sale. Second band light express wagon and single harness for sale cheap. Address Ed Smith, Box 2G3, Dallas. Phone Mutual No. 1200. tf. Eggs For Hatching. Eggs for hatching from thorough bred stock: S. C. R. I. Red $1.50 per setting of 15 ; White Wyandottes, $2 per setting of 15. B. I. Ferguson, Salem R. F. 1). 2. tf. For Sale. Five room house, In good repair, two largo lots ana Darn in uanas. Good terms. Apply at this office. For bale. 180 acres of land, fine grain, stock and Boyle, Dallas. for fruit, dairying. C. W. 3-19-4t. Extra Special Values in Men's r I Suits and Overcoats. s ft is 1 I VI lit Fir Wood Wanted. From 200 to 500 cord3 of dry fir wood wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Co. Eggs For Sale. Full-blooded S. C. White Leghorn ocrars. 00 cenw ior iu, o. iu. iiuin. Rickreall. 3t RITST1SIT7SS I Cr A T 5 Dr. llayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store.. Dallas. Oregon. For Sale. Two good milch cows for sale; also, a set of second-hand harness. D. A. Critohi.ow, Dallas. Fine Chance to Make Big Money With Small Investment. I will teach you how to do all kinds of optical work scientiucaiiy, viz: Test eyes, fit all kinds or glasses, and do all kinds of prescription work, and will soil you a complete canvassing nnifH. Address. EdwarU Smitn, isox 2C3. or Mutual Phone 1209, Dallas, Or. 4t i Are to be had here every day in the week values that are ri unmatchable. You will find upon investigating that our J prices are appreciably lower than other stores ask for the 4U same class garments and that our style assortment is larger. But it is not the saving of money that should interest you in our offering of MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING , .. , As much as its snappy, original style, superior hand-tailoring I and excellent fit all of which will convince you beyond I question that this noted clothing is the peer of the best to- order-made garments. Come see the distinctive styles and exclusive fabrics we offer in I Men's and Young Men's Winter Suits at ft $12 to $30. Single and double-breasted Sacks of approved fashion in ultra or conservative cut, made of beautifully patterned ft worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres; fully worth $15 to $35. MICH AELS-STERI FINE CLOTHINO MICHAIU, 8TKRN 4 Cfc ffMHtia, tt Fine Pup For dale. For sale, one fine male puppy; half Scotch collie and half Australian shepherd : only $3. M. A. Coni.ee, Buell, Or; phone Mutual Mill Shakes For Sale. Shakes for sale at Pedee mill, on good county road. Inquire of J. V. Ronco at the mill. tf Horsemen, Attentlonl The imported German Coach 9tallion "Albon" will mako the season of 1907 at tho Fanners' Feed Shed in Dallas. Terms, $10, $15 and $20. W. H. Mc Daniel is prepared to furnish pasture for mares. HUBBARD & McDANIEL, tf Dallas, Oregon men s ana loung men s uvercoats at $12 to $20. i PAJAMAS The man who discards night shirts for Pajamas, is glad, as a rule he rmflMiio 1551. tr. I change. Pajamas are becoming more popular from year to year as a sleeping 1 garment for Men. It would be difficult to find better Pajamas than ours . . I Ifae Uglow Clothing House Brick For Sale. Thirty thousand second-hand brick for sale cheap. Inquire of Willamette Valley Co., Dallas. It is funny to hear some of the can didates for re-election howling their heads off for a rock-crusher, who were working as strenuously for the defeat of the movement two years ago, The rock-crusher idea Is not new. It was started by the old council, but lost out by one vote, being savagely fought by some of the same men who are now asking for office on the claim that they favor street improvement, al though they have had two years In which to improve tho streets and have clone nothing (but raise taxes to the highest limit ever known in Dallas Now, of a sudden, they want a rock- crusher. Looks like a sort of death bed repentance, doesn't it? The Observer heartily favors the purchase of a rock-crusher by the city. The streets of Dallas have been neglected until they are a positive dis grace to our otherwiso beautiful town But remember, friends and neighbors, that tho undertaking is large and that tho financial end of the Improve ment will have to be most carefully handled at all times, else the already over-burdened taxpnyers will find it the heaviest load they ever attempted to carry. The improvement will be all right, if it is handled right. WHEAT 68 CENTS. We are offering G8 cents per bushel for good wheat delivered at the Dallas flouring mill, tf SWEENEY BROS. !tat3 oj Onto, City of Toledo, ( Lucas County. I Frank J. Chunky makes oath thftt he Is the :eiiior (.aruicrof the linn of V. J. Chkmby&Co. , luiiijj businuM in tho City of Toledo, County ind t:tto Uriiil. and that said firm will par he sum of ON U HliNDKEU DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannat ba jured by Uie uue of Hall's Catarrh Ci-rb. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in m presence, thu ulh day of December, A.D Jsbal. j A. W. GLEASOK. Aotary Public Hall's Catarrh Core is tat en internally sntl acts Jirectlr on the blood and mucous surfaces of Uie system. Bend for testimonials, free. '. J. CHKMKY CO., Toledo, O. Ct ''nlil V DravftsU, 7Se. Ball's Family Pills are the belt. KILLthi COUCH wo CURE thi LUNGS WITH Dr. Kin?', f.'ov; Dii w ONSUMPTIOM LOUGH! OLDS Price rUn I OUGKSand SOetSf.OO Fre Trial. Burest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Dry Slabwood For Sale. The Willamette Valley Lumber Company has some fine dry slabwood for sale eheap ; also 10-inch slabs and block wood. Eggs For Sale. Full-blood Buff Leghorn eggs for sale at $1 per setting. E. M. Smith, Dallas, Or. Hay For Sale. For sale, clean vetch and grain, or grain hay. W.C.Lewis, Rickreall; Bell Phone 6(5. tf. For Sale or Rent. Six room house, good outbuildings and four acres, in South Dallas. In quire of F. M. Jackson. tf. Wagon For Sale. Good 3J farm wagon for sale. Mark Hayteii, Dallas, Or. Dr. Cows For Sale. Five cow3 for sale; three giving milk ; two fresh in a few days. C. E. Wheelock, one mile west of Mon mouth. 3-13-4L LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS I MILL STREET. DALLAS, OREGON For Sale. One 24-horse power, jacketed Uni versal engine, burns straw, coal or wood ; oue 32x54 inch, large cylinder, OKa3S3 separator ana clover-n u i ior com oi neu, together with two large round water tj. j TTI AVV1Tr tanks, each with pumps and hose; 1L IS 110 1 JliCOnOlTiy cook-wagon, furnished with cook stove t nsl rsfr inn ntona! la VO n CTf n Yffz a and everything ready for the field. To do the family washing Although this machine has only af home. When VOU fienre ., i . i i- j J ...I v .a - urasneu uoout ou uuya bcu wucu uui in use has been well housed and is in UF UA wawa, .1 t f fine shape, i will sell the whole outfit starcn, extra nre ana for much less than half its first cost, as I have given up farming. JAMES ELLIOTT. soap, time, and most of all the mess and trouble that it makes, and compare it with our price of 6 cents a pound, washed, starched and dried and 25 cents a dozen for flat pieces, that you can't Wood Wanted. Notice is hereby given that by order of the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, sealed bids will be received cords of clean, straight, oak-grub yuu WIU bee wood and 20 cords of old-growth fir afford to Wash at home. wood ; grub wood to be not less than 2 inches . nor more than 10 Inches In diameter: all wood to be delivered at the same time, at the courthouse, not later than September 1, 1907. Bids will be opened Send your washing to the Dallas Steam Laundry Phones: Mutual, 197, Bell, 203 The Dallas Harness Shop Is in shape to sell Harness and Horse Goods at lowest Prices. Call and get prices and save money. Plush Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. F. SALFICKY FOLEKnoIIEFTAn tope Ua,e eoul nct bala langf J. A. LynchY Barber Shop on flain Street We have installed FOUR CHAIRS and are now prepared to SHAVE YOU in quicker time than ever before. A nrll O 1Qfi7 of 1 Vol-knlr t m WUn Court reserves the right to reject any CSS-y' and all bids. E. M. SMITH, County Clerk, to to ...Now Is The Time... For you to decide what you want for THE NEW YEAR We have a fine line of Men's Women's and Children's SHOES in the latest styles. Also a nice line of Slippers at the right prices. We know they are what you want, but we want you to know it. Repairing Neatly Done. Thi Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- Jymr' i EASTER RIBBON ..SALE.. .'. SATURDAY ONLY .v td w o 3 RIBBON RIBBON F op Cou;hs, Colds csd Creep To Builders and Contractors WE SELL CONGO ROOFING, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK AND FIRE CLAY,' "IDEAL" WOOD-FIBER WALL PLASTER LAND PLASTER AND DRAIN TILE LIME, CEMENT, SAND, BRICK, Also do a General Storage Business. For prices, write or call on W. L. Soehren Both Phones. " SOEHREN LIIUUJL One block south of S. P. Depot. DALLAS, OR. V7 hi? i m JiW o XfJSiu e have bought a double line of All Silk Taffeta and Liberty 77 Iwi ' -80 OTS to rive the public a chance to buy these Ribbons, ranging m width from No. 7 to No. 60, at the remarkable low price of 9c per yard. 23T SEE OUR WINDOW. All Silk Taffeta 9c per yard ELLIS KSYT Liberty Sift 9c per yard tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf C ;. -sj j HP -r .f .f .j?