The Olds Gasoline Engines " .A A Af A A MfwAAA' W ... I r. r. . a t-w fituuri-Ll fiii Car v4 .. .MfSS jSt. ts; EwbVwWV J (, 'w ,.' a J - - ' ;VwVW'iiia'V. in,! a lonL.tiv mu I had lniwtl to v ' " tL..i win the afret-tions of an innocent girl I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine In the market Just the thing :for Wood Sawing, Tumping Si-raj ing, Feed Mills, Churning. Etc. FOR coughs PR I 5,-3 to Fc.i r 11 What I saw last n'ght shocked me be Toad expression." "Well, you shouldn't have looked," BEVERLY OF GRAUSTAM. Sti v. ? 11 be retorted, tossing ber chin, and th red feather In her bat bobbed angrily. I am surprised that one as clevet as you are could hare carried on "an amour to Incautiously," be said blandly. "What do you mean?" "I mean that I saw everything that occurred." "Well, I'm not ashamed of it," obsti nately. "Goodby, Count Maria ni." "One moment, please. I cannot let THE UOilDEEI VORKER Come and See the best gaso- . line engine made for farmers' purposes. .. Ed. Diddle. Agent Dallas, Oregon. By George Ban McCutcheoa. Author tot IkaKsrark" ft w n r fi n m. AriD a HROAT mm wx Copyright, 1904, Dcdi, Mai Sc Co. r" ai "mm ff'v ff r - r t I t " " 1 r t 11 ; 1 1 J 1 I i ) i ; . IT. Mil . U I vMv'it.vvtvMvMvitMMVMikVMvMVMvi "1 am exiling ta a jiiji-e m u. won't get tiiijijjiiig mt." he tailed softly. There nas a dait-rous ring in bis voice, and she drew buck In a panic. Ton most notT she cried desperate ly. "This Is madness: Go down, sir." "I am bappy enough to fiy. but can not So I do the nest best thing I climb to you." His arm was across tbe stone railing by this tune. &L.& be was panting from tbe exertion, not two feet from where she croat-bed. "Just one minute of heaven befire I go back to tbe shadows of earth. I am happy again. Marlanx tokl me you had dis missed me. I wonder what be holds In reserve fr me. I knew be Ued, but it Is not natll now that I rejoice. Come, you are to sLieU ce from the rain." "Oh, ofc!" she g;eJ. overwhelm by bis darts? passion. "I should die If any oe saw you here." Vet she epasm-odioal-'y extended the umbrella so that it covered bUn and left her out la tbe drizzle. "And so should I," responded he softly. -Listen to me. For boors and i boors I bare been longing for the dear okl bills In which you found me. I wanted to crawl ont of Edelweiss and lose myself forever in the rocks and crags. Tonight when you saw me I was trying to say goodby to you for ever. I was trying to make op my mind to desert I could not endure the new order of things. Too had cast me off. My friends out there were eager to have me with them. In the dry every one Is ready to call me a spy even yon, I thought Life was black and drear. Now, my princess. It la as bright as beaTen Itself." "Yon most not tali like this,'' she whispered helplessly. "Too are mak ing me sorry I called to you." "I should hare beard you If yon bad only whispered, my rain prineess. I bare no right to talk of love I am a Tagabond, but I bare a heart and it is a bold one. Perhaps I dream that I am here beside yon so near that I can touch your face but It Is the sweetest of dreams. But for it I should bare left Edelweiss weeks ago. I shall nev er awaken from this dream. Ton can not rob tre of the Joys of dreaming." Underlie spell of bis passion she drew nearer to him as be clung strong ly to the ralL The roses at her throat came so close that be could bury bis face in them. II er band touched bis cheek, and be kissed its palm again aud again, bis wet lips stinging her blood to tbe tips of her toes. "Go away, please, she implored faintly. "Don't yon see that yon must not stay here now? "A rose, my princess one rose to kiss all through the long night" be V at i. 1 1 ii... 11 - - - " should die if any one taw you here." whispered. She could feel his eyes burning Into her heart With trem bling, hurried fingers she tore loose a rose. He could not seize it with bis hands because of tie position be held, and she laughed tantalizlngly. Then the kissed it first and pressed it against his mouth. His lips ami teeth closed aver the stem, and the rose was his. "There are thorns," she whispered ever so softly. They are tbe riches of the poor," he murmured, with difficulty, but she un derstood. "Now, go," sbe said, drawing reso lutely away. An Instant later his bead disappeared below the rail. Peering over tbe side, she saw bis figure spring sanity to tbe ground, and then came tb rapid, steady tramp as be went away on his dreary patrol. "I couldn't help It," she was whisper ing to herself between joy and shame. Glancing instinctively out toward the solitary lamp, she saw two men stand ing In Its light One of them was Gen eral Marlaax; the -other she knew to be tbe spy that watched Baldos. Her heart sank like lead when she saw that the two were peering intently to ward tbe b la cony where she stood and where Baldos had clung but a moment before, CHAPTER XXIL HE shrank back with a great L dread In her heart Marlaax. 3 of all men! Why was be In tbe park at this hour of the night? There could be but one answer, and the very thought of It almost suffocat ed ber. He was drawing the net with Ms own bands, he was spying with his own eyes. For a full minute It seemed to her that her heart would stop beat ing. How long had be been standing there? What had be seen or beard? Involuntarily she peered over the rail for a glimpse of Baldo. He had gone out Into tbe darkness, luUoig the Eisa mm 01 at the lamp post etmer uy choice tiirough port good fortune. A throb of ti ackfulcess assailed ber heart She was not thinking of her position, bat Again she drew s!.t:u,:!r ..v iv ttmu the rait lax-e.s1.! -f a ! "''-- lug that nr for::i v.v. - ;;i :t t the vision as if it wetv ! r ml .1 ty!;s'..t. The tread of a man larked her U glance below once w.rfv U fr feeing o her room. Marhiux was cou-n; toward the veranda. She fled swiftly, pausing at the window tj law or the friendly but forgottea uuibrel-'a. From below came the sibilant b: of a nun seek ing to attract her attentio n Once mare she stopped to listen. The -Ills:: was repeated, and then her o vo name was called 'softly, but Imperatively. It was j beyond the pjwer of womsu to keep from laughing. It struck her as lrre- j sisnbly funny that the Iron count should be standing out there In the rain, sienalins ta her like a lovesick boy. Once she was Inside, however, 11 did not seem so anmsing. Stilt it gave her an Immense amount of satisfaction to slam tbe windows loudly, as If In pure defiance. Then she closed the blinds, shutting out the night com pletely. Turning up the light at her dressing table, she sat down In a state of sud den collapse. For a long time she stared at her face in the mirror. She saw the red of shame and embarrass ment mount to her cheeks, and then the covered her eyes with her bands. "Ob, what a fool you're been" she half sobbed, shrinking from the mirror as If It were an accuser. She prepared for bed with frantic haste. Just as she was about to scram- ble In and hide her face in the pillows nek!ng thought came to her. The next instant she was at the windows. and tbe slats were closed with a rattle like a volley of firearms. Then she Jumped Into bed. She wondered If the windows were locked. Out she sprang again like a flash, and her little bare feet scurried across the room, first to tbe windows and then to the door. "Now I reckon I'm safe," sbe mur mured a moment later, again getting Into bed. "I love to go to sleep with the rain pattering outside like that Oh, dear, I'm so sorry he has to walk ail night hi this rain. Poor fellow! I wonder where be Is now. Goodness! It's raining cats and dogs!" But In spite of tbe rain she could not go to sleep. Vague fears began to take possession of ber. Something dreadful told her that Count Marlanx was on the balcony and at ber window, not withstanding the rain pour. The fear became oppressive, maddening. She felt tbe man's presence almost as strongly as if he were In plain view. He was there; she knew It. The little revolver that had served her so valiantly at tbe bin of the Hawk and Bar en lay upon a stool near the bedside every night Consumed by the fear that tbe window might open slow ly at any moment she reached forth and clutched the weapon. Then she shrank back In the bed, ber eyes fixed upon the black space across the room'. For hours she shivered and waited for the window to open, dozing away time and again, only to come back to wake fulness with a start The next morning sbe confessed to herself that ber fears bad been silly. Her first act after breakfasting alone Isx her room was to seek out Colonel Quinnox, commander of tbe castle guard. In ber mind sbe was greatly troubled over the fate of the bold visitor of the night before. There was a warm, red glow in ber face and a quick beat in her heart as she crossed the parade ground. Vagabond though he was be had conquered where princes bad failed. Her better Judgment told ber that she could be nothing to this debonair knight of the road, yet her heart stubbornly resisted all the argu ments that her reason put forth. Colonel Quinnox was pleasant, but he could give Beverly no promise of leniency In regard to Baldos. Instruc tions bad come to him from General Marlanx, and he could not set them aside at wllL Iler plea that be might once more be assigned to old time duties found the colonel regretfully ob durate. Baldos could not ride with her again until Marlanx withdrew the or der which now obtained. Beverly swal lowed ber pride and resentment diplo matically, smiled her sweetest upon the distressed colonel and marched de fiantly back to the castle. Down in ber rebellious. Insulted heart sbe was con cocting all sorts of plans for revenge. Chief among them was the terrible overthrow of the Iron Count Her wide scope of vengeance even contemplated the destruction of Graustark if her end could be obtained in no other way. Full of these bittersweet thoughts, she came to tbe castle doors before she Aiw who was waiting for her upon the great reranda. As sbe mounted the steps, a preoccupied frown upon her fair brow. General Marlanx. lean, craf ty and confident, advanced to greet her. Tbe ear!y hour was responsible for the bright soiltui!e which marked the place. But few signs of life were in evidence about tbe castle. Sbe stopped with a sharp exclama tion of surprise. Then scorn and indig nation rushed In to fill tbe place of as tonishment Sbe faced tbe smiling old dan with anger In ber eyes. XXtod morning," he said, extending bis hand, which she did not see. She was wondering bow much be had seen and heard a midnight "I thought tbe troops were naasslng this morning." sbe said coldly. "Don't you mass too?" There Is time enough for that taj dear. I came' to have a talk with you In private," be said meaningly. "It Is sufficiently private here. Count Marlanx. What have you to say t me?" "I want to talk about last night Too were rery reckless to do what yoa did." "Oh, you were playing th spy, then?" she tsked scornfully. , To rate tnflt uao into your room, a place sacred In the palace of Grau- stark? Answer me. Miss Calhoun." Beverly drew back in horror and be wilderment "Into my room?" she gasped. "Let us waste no time In subter fuge. I saw bini come from your win dow, and I saw all that passed between you In tbe balcony. Love's eyes are keen. What occurred in your chamber I can only" "Stop! How dare you say such a thing to me?" she fiercely cried. "You miserable coward! You know be was not In my room. Take It back take back every word of that lie" She was white with passion, cold with ter ror. "Bab! This Is childish. I am not ' , . j j I arms. It's useless to deny it And to think that I have spared him from I death to have It come to this! You ' need not look so horrified. Your se I cret la safe with me. I come to make terms with you. My silence In ex I change for your beauty. It's worth it to you. One word from me, you are j disgraced and Baldos dies. Come, my fair lady, give me your promise. It's a good bargain for both." Beverly was trembling like a leaf. This phase of his villainy bad not oc curred to her. She was like a bird try ing to avoid tbe charmed eye of the serpent "Oh. you you miserable wretch!" she cried, hoarse with anger and de- nalr. "What a enr Ton Vnn kno r, ,rp nnt snAflk, tha IIow caa you saj sudl t0 me, . harft r.. almost in tears. Impotent with shame j and fear. j "It has been a pretty game of love I for you and the excellent Baldos. You i hare deceived those who love you best t and trust you most What will the ' prineess say when she hears of last i night's merry escapade? What will ! she say when she learns who was bost- j ess to a common guardsman at the j midnight hour? It is no wonder that j you look terrified. It Is for you to i say whether she is to know or not : Yon can bind me to silence. You have j lost Baldos. Take me and all that I ! can give you In his stead, and tbe world never shall know the truth. You lore him, I know, and there is but one way to save him. Say the word and he goes free to the hills; decline and bis life Is not worth a breath of air." "And pretending to believe this of me, you still ask me to be your wife. What kind of a man are you?' she de manded, scarcely able to speak. "My wifer be said harshly. "Oh, no. You are not the wife of Baldos," be added significantly. "Heavens!" gasped Beverly, crush ed by the brutality of it all. "I would sooner die. Would to heaven my fa ther were here. He would shoot you as be would a dog! Oh, bow I loathe you! Don't you try to stop me! I shall go to the princess myself. She shall know what manner of beast you are." Sbe was racing up the steps, flaming with anger and shame. "Remember, I can prove what I have said. Beware what you do. I love you so much that I now ask you to become my wife. Think well over It Your honor and his life! It rests with you," he cried eagerly, following her to tbe door. "You disgusting old fool," she hissed, turning upon him as she pulled tbe big brass knocker on the door. "I must have my answer tonight or you know what will happen," he snarl ed, but be felt in his heart that be bad lost through his eagerness. She flew to Yetlve's boudoir, consum ed by rage and mortification. Between sobs and feminine maledictions she poured tbe whole story, in all its ugli ness. Into tbe ears of the princess. "Now, Yetive, you have to stand by me in this," announced tbe narrator conclusively, her eyes beaming hope fully through her tears. "I cannot prevent General Marlanx from preferring serious charges against Baldos, dear. I know be was not in rour room last night You did not have to tell me that because I saw you both at the balcony rail." Bever ly's face took on sucb a radiant look of rejoicing that Yetive was amply paid for the surprising and gratifying ac knowledgment of a second period of eavesdropping. "You may depend up on me to protect you from Marlanx. He can make it rery unpleasant for Baldos, but he shall pay dearly for this insult to you. He has gone too fir." "1 dont think he has any proof against Baldos," said Beverly, think ing only of the guardsman. "But it Is so easy to manufacture ev idence, my dear. The Iron Count has set his heart upon having you, and be Is not tbe man to be turned aside eas ily." "He seems to think he can get wlvet as easily as he gets rid of them, I ob serve. I was going back to Washing ton aoon, Yetive, but I'll stay on now and see this thing to the end. He can't care a Calhoun; no sir-ee! I'll tele graph for my brother Dan to come over here and punch his head to pieces." "Now, now. aon't be so high and mighty, dear. Let us see how rational we can tie." said the princess gently, whereupon the hot headed girl from Dixie suspended hostilities and became a very demure young woman. Before long she was confessing timidly, then boldly, that she loved Baldos better than anything in all the world (TO BE X3tTlKCED.) Mary Dark circles under the eyes Indicate a sluggish circulation, tnrpid liver anl Vidceys. Exercise and Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make yo-i well and beautiful 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cher riegton. . Cures ColdM PravaaU Paeawaola Street Improvement Notice. To The Stiem, Fail City ii Western lUiiway Cou)'nt. a oirj.rmioii, tbe Ulamoti Vall-y Lumber Cni(iir, a corjioralioa, the Orwron ami California Railway Company, a rorporatioii, Krtwanl K. (ierliiifrer anil L. trt-riinrer: Kolioe ia hereby iveo. That the 1 ity Council ol the I'ilv of Kallaa. Orwruii. rn.ntempSalrt the (jaataxe of an Ordinance requiring the improve ment ul thou certain reela or rta ot a-.reeu herein d-crt!jetl as follows, to-wil: A new side aaik 5 feet 4 inehea in lllh on tbe Knot suie of the! part of Main itreel a)jaeent U and ad joining that certain KM or rt of lot or l-arrel of rrouiuS lieM-rified aa Untuning al tbe s.ulh- el corner of out lot 1. 1I1, Oreaun, thence Korth to tbe Oregon A California. Kailna? t orn panv'e nitiiH.f ; thenee southeasterly atonic aid'rielit-of-tiay to the snth boundary of Mid out-lot 4: thence West to place of be in nine; aiso Lou 1. i, ::. i and .i in block No. 2 and Lou 1. 2 and 3, in block So. A, .Shulti a addition to Italian, Oregon, aud a!ao arnr-i tbe right-of-way of said Oregon A California Kaiivray Company. That men aidewalk will be constructed of lumber at the time and in the wanner to be hereafter prescribed by inch ordinance; That the cost of inch sidewalk will beaaaeSM1 totheaoore dereribed real roperiy frontin and abniunz thereon; That the City t'ouucil of &atd City will ait in the I'oiiE.-il Chamber In Mid City on the brat day of April A l. I'.v:. at ?:. o clock in the evening and at time and place ill tsear and determine objection! ami remonidraiicva thereto, if any there be; and That ail owner, aud other -rsoin in intens'. may attend at raid time and place and tin-n raane. if any they hare, hy aueh aidewalk should not be eonairucied. Unite by order m the I uy Cotmefl of Ihe City j of Dallas." made on the lMli day of March A. 1'. 1 j WHnfwn uiv hand and the official s-l of the ' Mid Citv of iiallaa, lhi. !-uii day ol March A. It. 1Su7. (."calf PAS P. STOl'FFEK. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Pallas, Oreiron. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hi reby riven that by an order ol Ibe Honorable William ".allcwaj. Jnii?e of the Circnit I'onrt of the Stale i.i Oreiron in aud for Polk County, nuu'e at Chambers at McMinn ville, Oregon, on the 1Mb day of March. ISK, in a certain suit then pending in said Cert, in which E. A. Meyer is plaintiff and F. J. Mix rvr is defendaut, the said planum. E. A. Meyer, was duly appointed receiver of all the eo iartnenhip propeity, assets and effects of tbe said E. A. Meyer and F. J. Oberer. partners doing business al Polk County, Oreeou, under the firm name and l . leof Oberer-Meyer Lum ber Company, and that tbe said Uintift has dnlv qualified and entered njon the discharge of his duties as such receiver. All person navine cla:ma against the said plainUif and said defendant as par.ner asafore said are hereby notified to forthnith present the ame, dulv veriticd. to Ihe sid receiver at Fll City. Pulk Connty. Male ol Oregon, for adjustment and enl-menl. hated and lira! pnbhahed March 19. !'.i7. t. A. MtVKK, Receiver aforesaid. Oscar Hayter,' Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the nndrYtigned. as guardian of the person and extate of A. J. Croeiar. a Hereon incapable of conducting bis own affair, has filed his tiual account in Ibe County Court of the tilate of Oregon, for Coik county, and that Saturday, the ;Hh day of Mnrc-b, Ivu;, at the hour ol ten o'clock in tbe forenoon of said day. al the Court room of tbe aaid County Court, in the City of Imliaa, Ore gon, has been appointed by tbe Jodpe of mi id Court as the lime and pla for tbe bearing of objections to the uid final account aud the settlement thereof. N. CP.OSIAR. (iuardian aforesaid. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. paled and brut published March 1, 1907. Summons. in the Circuit Court of Ibe State of Oregon for Polk Connty, Department No. 2. bertha H. VYoodin, Plaiutin", vs. Leon A. Wood in, Defendant, Snmmous. To Leon A. Woodin, Defendant: In the name of the .Stale of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled agHinat jou iu tbe above entitled court and cause within fix weeks from the first Sublication of this aummons, to wit, on the Jut h ay of April, IsOT, and if yon fail so to appear and answer the said complaint, the plaintirt will apply to the court for tbe relief demanded in her complaint, ta wit: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between her and yourself, and alwo per mitting the plaintiff to reanme her maiden or former name. Bertha H. Hubbard, and for such further and other relief as may be equitable. Yon are hereby further notified that this sum mons is served upon yon by publication thereof in Ihe "Polk County Observer," newspaier published weekly at the city of Dallas, in Pi, Ik county, Oreiron. pnrviiant to the older of the Honorable George H. Burnett, judge of this court, made this JfAh day of December, 1m. and this summons was firat published on the Mb day ol March, IWi. CAR.SON A CANNON, Attorneys for PiaiulitT. Notice r or Publication. United States Land Office, Portland. Oregon, January 9, lauT. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with tbe proviaioua of the act of emigre of Juiie A, 18TM, entitled "An act for tefaleof timber lands in the rStab-a ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public ljuid .States by act of August t. 1W2. EdwsrdC. Richmond, of Dallas. county of Polk, State of Oregon, has thUdav tiled in Ibis office hi" sworn statement No. 170, for tbe nur t base of the Southeast of Southeast of See. No. 26 in Township No. 7 Month, Rauge No. 7 West, and will oiler proof to show thst ihe land sought is more valuable for ita limber or stone ihsn lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before K.-eitter and Re ceiver at Portland, Oreou, on Friday, tbe :Sth day of March. Iyu7. . He names as witnemes: N. R. Dale, of Dal las, Oreon:U. P. Coulee, of Pallas, Oregon: M. A. Conlee, of Bnell, Oregon; T. Ii. Richmond. Of Dallas. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands sre requested to file their claims in this office on or before said jyth day of Marih, 1MU7. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Kegisler. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAXD. ACT JUNE X 1S7S. l ulled -States IjiikI omee, fortlaiKi. Oregon. March 11. 1jT. Noiife is hereby flvi-n that in eotnpiianre arilh lht nrntialmi. . .f i K. .m. ., t . . i . r - v. Mv t .viip; nra 111 June 3. 1T, entitled "An apt for the sale of limber laixls in the States of lalifornia, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Termor," as ex tended to sit the Knblie Land States" bv aft of AnKiist 4. lr. John H. art.of Portland. eoontr of Multnomah. Slate of Oreeon, has this 1sy riled in this oftire his sworn statement So "14. fur the purchase of the East of the East U of Section No. a, in Township' No. 8 Sonih I-Unee No. 7 W est. snd will otter proof to show thst the lsiid sought is more vaianhle for its timber or stone than lor aericultoral purposes, and toestablish hu. claim to sai.f land before the Recisterand Keeeiver at Portland, Oreeon oil Monday, the 7th day of May. I;!. He name a witimae: Edward T. Watts of Portland, tireeon: Charles V Ebman, of P.'irt- iuu, tfrvrou; teorve fc. Brrett. of Portland vrnrgwn; jonu n.Min.i.oi forlljn.1. Oreeon Any and all wkim cUiininc adverst-lr the' above-desci strlt1 latida are reitieifl in til 1... : elaims in this 01 ou or before said ;th dor of f May, tHC. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Registry. HOtXiSTCR-3 Cocky fountain Tea Ktj-sts A Bmr KsdiaiBS ta Easy P sop's. GUa E-uaim ks4 Rsaewai 7!f. . A. Jrifl ' C.TnsrJrtio, 1 !.(- loo. U- od Kicn-v Troubles Pimplea. Eeienw. lmrrara .ZVi- IJ,Bre,!!V flu" Bowel. Hea4aob f.rm, M eenis a bos. ien,110e msda fc tU.CE4 fcUGGET FCS SAUC FESPLE 1 LiTCTWTfflll FOR all sound and well MRS.- I tad the most debtHtatlcg cough a mortal was ever aSicted with, and my friends exoect a when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my cas im- If1 but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's Hew Discovery cured me so comnier'".?!"18' Prise 50s mi $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUAHASTTf-ED! Trial Be OaS&sniDii t) IIMOTITUTB y U 8rudy telegraphy and fit your self for salaried position, with unparalleled opportunity for ad vancement. Railroad construc tion now tinder way makes great demand for trained oper ators. Takes anljr I to 5 months to learn. Tuition, t mos..$. Write for catalog. Pacific Tel egraph Institute, 8th floor. Com monwealth bld.. Portland. Or. n&W0MENtM Robertine glvea what every woman most desires perfect complexion. It brings that soft, smooth, fresh, clear tint to the cheek that denotes youthfulness. It will bring beauty to those who lack it; It will retain It for those who already possess it; It wlil enable you to successfully combat the ravages of weather and time. Don't doubt don't argue. Just try Robertine. Tour druggist will give you a free sample. All drug gists keep Robertine. X' -a vi. an ri&j,m MAGAZINE READERS SUNSET MAGAZIHE beautifully illustrated, good stories and articles about Calif orais and all tU Far Wed. CAHTBX CRAFT devoted each nooiii to the ar tutic reproductioa ol the bed work of amateur and professional pdotographers. Sl.50 year $1.00 a year fiOAO OF A THOUSAHD WOHDKKS book ol 75 pages, containing 120 colored photographs of $0.7j picturesque spots ia California " mod Oregon. ' Total . w3-25 $1.50 All for . Addreai SUHSET Flood BuOdiag all orders to MAGAZINE SaaFi SALK.M, FAIJi No. T X. O o. 1 1 No. 1 So. 3 No. fi Pass. A Pas. & Freight Freiirht Freig-ht Freight Freight Freight A. at. A. at. P. M. A. at. A. M. P. M. 715 11:10 3 20 Lv. 7 31 No Stop 3 39 Ar. - 7:38 No Stop S: Ar. Lv. L. Lt. 7 43 No Sto 3 48 Ar. 6:00 00 1:30 7 55 11:50 4 00 Ar. 630 9 30 2 00 Ar. Traias Will Su aa Slsaal Oaly. Mm J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son DKALIR8 TX- Cbfcer ts3 Tarn V.I Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. . hi Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to talle COUGHS A MP F0EVET1TS PKEOUIA EVA UKCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. SOLO AND GUARANTEED BY BELT & CHERRINGTON. A ttobxsv at law. Oscai: Hayter, Upstairs In f'amf.twll building. Mill St DALLAS. OREOON , TToHSKVjt AT LAW. SlBI.KV KaKIN, The only reliable set or Abstracts Ii Polk county. Office on Court St, DALLAS. OREGON TTORNEY AT LAW Ed. F. Coad, Office In Courthouse DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNgY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank. - DALLAS. OREGON. TTORNF-r AT LAW B. F. JONES ORlce in Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON , TTORNEY AT LAW J. j. Collins Main Street, Near Postoffice DALLAS, - - OREGON JJgUTIST. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. jiTTORNE? AT LaW L. D. BROWN Notary Piblic; Abstracts Mill Street opposite Uglow B!dg, DALLAS, OREGON. Physician and surgeon. L. A. Bollman, M. D., Uglow Building, Rooms 7 and 8. Mutual Phone Main 36. Bell Phone Main 541. ' (DALLAS, - - OREGON. CITY & WKSTKRN RAIIa'AY CO.MlANY. TI I E TA RLE NO. ti EFTrECTIVE FnilHt'ARY 1, IOOT. No. a Paaa. A STATIONS Freig-htl A. at. 9 90 DALLAS TEATS (JILLlAMS Ar. Ar. Ar. No Stop 02 857 BRIDGEPORT Ar. FALLS CITY Lv. BLACK ROCK Lv. 845 AeM. Daily Except Smaaar. IYSPEPSIA CUffi DIGESTS Taa J100 bottUco- ta!-s rssraaso E. C DeWITT Sc For Sale by Druggists. asi CUy Prcrcrty. rj rr n n n rz Laxative Fruit Syrup COLDS I MTJ lilefb coffee""! TEA- SPICES Baking powder JUST RIGHT CLOSSEIoDEVEK , wtruMo. out. M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND 0EGAJ, Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Elori DALLAS OREGON Boardtna and day aehool for imi mu sfuale (Lax-hlltky niethod). Art; CoaipHi Academic Couraa; special indurmnu. tn tnformatloa addraaa Suter Suixrtar W. V. FULLER REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specify If you have patented lands or rt'linquisbnienia to sell, list same with me. Office in Crider Buildip? Dallas, Oregon $2.( aq Pays lor the OBSERVER and tne eewy orcj.. one year. In order to talis advantage of this liberal offer, jour subscription to the Observes Bust to paid up to date. Suhseribe now. ,k H 'No. Itl N'i. 2 No. -4 No. Pass. A FrewhtJ Freighti FreiKht. Freiirht; Freiglit P.M. P.M. 1:45 P. at. 515 A. M A. H. 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