Polk County Observer Legal blanks at this office. Earl Wlaecarver spent Sunday in jleMinnvlUe. . Easter novelties at Loughary's grocery store. For the best cigars and freshest candles, call on Horace Webster. , L D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary public; typewriting. Isaac doodell, of Itickreall, was a Dallas visitor yesterday. ; Don't throw away your old umbrella u0ti you see Lee Smith, The Obhkbveb office wants the print ing you are particular about. J H. Dunn, of Portland, visited relatives In Dallas over Sunday. Mrs. M. Q. Flynn, of Philomath, visited friends In Dallas, Monday. , When you want printing that Is right, come to the Ouskbver office. T, T. Notson la visiting his nephew, Edward Notson, In Lexington, Oregon. Take the little folks to see the Easter novelties at Loughary's grocery store. If you want to see something fine in silk waist patterns, go to the Racket store. Complete stock of Myers' spray pumps just received at Guy Bros. & Dalton's. Hon. N. P. Gregg and daughter, Azora, of Uallston, were Dallas vis itors, Saturday. : Hon. W. 0. Brown is down town, shaking hands' with friends this after noon after a several months' Illness. Warren Smith, who has been doing relief work at the Southern ; Pacific depot has been . transferred to Cor- vaiiis. ;,; i:'j'f '.. Hon. G...W. Myer, of Smithfield, Seth Riggs", of Crowley, and H. G. Keyt, of Perrydale, were in Dallas, Saturday. 1 Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist ; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to S. Examinations free. Phone 45. Pour more new flat-cars have ar rived for service on the Dallas and Falls City railroad and fourteen more will follow as fast as the makers can send them out. John Diehm has purchased 40 acres of the old Reddekopp farm near Smithfield from Mrs. Katie Roth, of Salem. He will move his family there in May, when Isaac May, the present tenant, will move to the Row cllffe farm. L. B. Downer, foreman of the Ob server office, met with an accident Sunday mora lug that will Incapacitate lilm for work for some time. While splitting kindling at bis home, the stick of wood slipped off the chopping block and the axe came down on his left hand, cutting the flesh to the bone and making an ugly gash from one side of his wrist to the other. Dr. Bollman was hastily summoned and found it necessary to take several stitches in dressing the wound. Luckily, none of the tendons were severed ami Mr. Downer will suffer no inconvenience other than a very sore hand for the next few weeks. SPRING GOODS- We cordially invite you to call and inspect our display of Spring Merchandise. NEW ARRIVALS in Ladies' ready-to-wear Tailored Suits and Jackets. NEW ARRIVALS in Underwear and fancy Hosiery. IMMENSE SHOWING of Wool and Cotton fabrics . at all prices. NEW ARRIVALS in Laces and Embroideries. NEW ARRIVALS in Negligee Shirts and Men's Furnishing goods. NEW ARRIVALS in Boys' and Young Men's Clothing. Wg c:'C2l in high grade andf medium-priced goods THE A Reliable Place to Trade. I. 0 . 0 . F. Duildins. DALLAS, OREGON B. & M. flour at Howe's grocery. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Williams are visiting relatives in Alrlie and Lewls villo. Mr. aud Mrs. Ben Harris, of Seat tle, are visiting at the home of Airs P. A. Harris. , . Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on wfrll-improved farms. JiiAEIN, Hon. H. V. Gates came up from Hlllsboro on a business errand yes terday and will remain in the city a lew uays. Wood choppers and wood contractors wanted to cut wood for the Salem Palls City & Western Ry. Co. Apply to the General Manager's office Dallas, Or. . A. C. MeKlnnon, a former well known resident of McCoy precinct, was up from Amity on a business visit yesterday. The marriage of Miss Mabel Guy and Mr. Elbert Parrish is announced to take place at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ellis on Wednesday, April 3. The Epworth League social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Browne. Eriday evening, was largely attended. a good program, games and refresh ments all contributed to make an en joyable evening. The district convention of the Re- bekah Lodge is in session in the Woodman Hall this afternoon, with Mrs. Emma Galloway, state vice- president, presiding. A special motor brought a large number of delegates from Independence at noon. The sixth annual contest of the Dal las College Prohibition Association will be held In the college chapel Fri day evening, March 22, at 8 o'clock. Five orators will take part In the con test. Special music will be rendered. All are cordially Invited. Admission free. Paul S. L. Johnson, a converted Hebrew of Allegheny, Pa., will speak in the Woodman Hall Thursday eve ning, at 7 :30 o'clock. His subject will be "Election and Free Grace." He will show you the time for each and how they are to be dispensed. Seats free. Positively no collection. The largest hop sale of the season was made in Independence, Saturday, when the Hirschberg & McLaughlin crop of 987 bales was sold to Lach mund & Pincus. The exact price was not given out, but it was better than llj cents. The same firm bought 254 bales grown on the Krebs place at 12 cents. Mrs. E. J. Metzger desires to an nounce to the ladies of Dallas and vicinity that she has moved her mil linery store to the Uglow building on Mill street, where her new spring stock is on display. All the late cre ations of the milliner's art are shown in this beautiful line of Spring hats. Call and see them. Secretary H. L. Fenton desires to iuform the mohair growers that the grading of their mohair for the 1907 pool Is not compulsory. The hair will be sold In one pool as usual. The only object In asking the growers to grade their product Is to raise the standard of the hair and thus obtain the best possible price. HEADQUARTERS FOK EE HIVE Legal Blauks for sale at this office. All the news In the Twiee-a-week Observer. For lota in Ellis Addition, see II. G. Campbell. Printing, the kind that pays, at the Observer office. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Cherrington are visiting In Portland. C. L. Hopkins, of Falls City, was a business visitor In Dallas yesterday. H. G. Campbell, agent for lots In Levens 3rd Addition to Dallas. New addition just on the market. Patronize the new barber shop on Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, guarantees first-class work. County Clerk K. M. Smith granted license to wed to Curtis A. Gorden and Nellie E. Gardner, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Amity, visited friends In Dallas over Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Martin returned to her home In McMinnville, Friday, after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Uglow. Mr. and Mrs. San ford Shultz left for their home in Eastern Oregon, Friday, after a few days' visit with relatives in Dallas. Roller skates, umbrella repairing, Petaluma Incubators, poultry food and supplies, "Lilly's Best" Willa mette Valley garden seeds, at Lee Smith's Cyclery. Fine tract of 12 or 15 acres for fruit or poultry for sale; fenced, fine living water, one mile or city ; have sold five 10-acre tracts adjoining lately; only one left. H. G. Campbell. Ralph Carterhasfinishedhls course In pharmacy in Portland and Is again in his old place at Belt & Cher rlngton's drug store. His many friends are pleased to welcome him home again. If you like the Observer In its new form, tell your neighbor about it. The favor will be gratefully appreci ated by us. The more subscribers we add to our list, the better paper we can give our readers. ' Miss Bertha Collins desires to an nounce to the ladies of Dallas and Polk county that her opening of Spring millinery will be held Friday evening and Saturday, March 22 and 23. All the new styles of millinery will be shown. James M. McFee Dead. James M. McFee died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Cobb, at Black Rock yesterday, aged 77 years. He had been in falling health for a longtime. Mr. McFee came to Ore gon in 1899 from Perry, Iowa, and had lived in Polk and Tillamook counties continuously since that time. His wife died In Iowa many years ago. A son, Plato McFee, was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun about one year ago. The two surviving children are Lanada McFee, of Tilla mook, and Mrs. George Cobb, of Black Rock. Mr. McFee was a qutet, inoffensive citizen and had many friends. Girl Wanted. Girl wanted for dining room work at Dallas Hotel. 3-19-lt. STORE FIND RATES REASONABLE State Railroad Commissioners En. dorse Schedule of Dallas and Falls City Railroad. In response to a "request of the officials of the Dallas & Falls City Railroad Company, the Railroad Commissioners of Oregon came to Dallas and held a meeting last Satur day afternoon. The meeting was held fr the purpose of adjuctlsg any rates not satisfactory to the board aud to discuss matters of mutual Interest. Commissioners Campbell, West and Altchison were all present at the conference. A trip of inspection was made In the forenoon and the officials were taken through to the terminus at Black Rock , frequent stops being made to permit a thorough examination of the roadbed, bridges and equipment. The afternoon was spent In the general office in Dallas, where the subject of rates was given a full and carerul consideration. At the close of the meeting, the Com missioners expressed their entire satisfaction to General Manager Ger lingerand complimented him upon his management of the road. They assured him of their surprise in find ing the road so thoroughly equipped for the handling of passengers and freight, and commented most favor ably upon the substantial character of all construction work. The vast industrial development that is being made possible by the extension of the road into the forests of the Coast Range was also a revelation to the visiting officials. The rates charged by the company for handling the various classes of freight were entirely satisfactory to the Commissioners, who declared them fair and reasonable and fully justified by existing business condi tions. ....... OFFERED for immediate sale, the Asa Shreve farm of 221 acres, located about 5 miles southwest from Dallas, which will be sold as a whole or in parcels as de sired. Excellent location for the grow ing of apples and other fruit. Has a 10-acre hop yard and good hop house. Suitable for raising goats and other live stock. All enclosed with good fence. Has old house and barn. For terms of sale and other par ticulars inquire of A. B. Muir, at the Dallas Tannery, or'of Oscar Hayter, Attorney, Dallas, Oregon. !tat3 cf Onto, City ofTolbdo Wvfjtr .1. I'HKMEv make oth that ha In the itmur ,artiwr uf the linn of V. J. Chenby&Co., loin,? buaiuuBS in the City of Toledo, County Hid Stale aforesaid, and that said firm will pay ho mini of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for .aoh and ev-y cae of Catarrh that cannot be liured by the mo of Hall's Cvtarbh Cobb. mrea ujr mo FRANK J. CHENET. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my preatsuue, this Uh day ot December, A.0. IBM. GBAL. I A. W". QLEA80N, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally and acta Jirectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the ayateni. Bend for teatimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. tt inM V.T DrnBfisU, 76c. Hall's Family Pills ara the best. It is not Economy To do the family washing at home. When you figure up the cost of water, . soap, starch, extra fire and time, and most of all the mess and trouble that it makes, and compare it with our price of 6 cents a pound, washed, starched and dried and 25 cents a dozen for flat pieces, you will see that you can t afford to wash at home. Send your washing to the Dallas Steam Laundry Phones: Mutual, 197, Bell, 203 from Factory Therefore oar CCS arc lowest. rtnjBma.(tBS Summons. tn the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon for polk County, Department No. 2. Hertha H. Woodin, Plaintiff, ys. Leon A. Woodin, Defendant, Summons. To Leon A. Woodin, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, too are nereoy requires ..r.. .u.. - - plaint filed against you lu the shore entitled court and cause within six weeks from the nrnl publication of this Mirnmons, to wit, on the 'Art li day of April, 1907, and If you fail so to sppear . : . .... 11 wimnlaiiil thm l.lMllltin aim . " r - r will spply to the eourt for the relief demsnded tn her complaint, to wit: For a deeree of divorce diiwilvlu the bonds ot matrimony now piloting between ber and yourself, and aluu per mitting the plaintiff to reitnme her manteu or former name. Bertha H. Hubbard, and lor such further and other relief an may be equitable. You are nereoy lurwicr uwuc. .. mom ia served upon you by publication thereof in tne -run ui; - : rz iZ published weekly at the city of Dallas. ' ( ouniy Oreiron, puntusnl to the older of tlie Honorable Oeorae H. Burnett. Judtce ot tins court. Bisde tbU th day of lie.'ember, I., and this summons was lint published ou tlie MU ta",""'MM- CAKSOK4CASKON. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notk to Creditors. N has mice IS UWtruj ----- -- heen ilnlr appointed aiimiiiialratrli ul the lie of Kre.1 M. MrKlfrenh, deoeaae-1, fcy the . . . . . . 1 ; . . t f h nn1..rMlpnl estate Cou "f! A? rxx " unoa-ru" Co i .Jr,iu havinr elaims sralimt the ai1 I eale II ere wrrwi . i . -. - ... i . ,... n..- hi if h , m,m nntiM Viift(-lM"rS dill l jei i um , ' . i ......... r reliir, in the oudersirtied wiiIiib si I Hjombs n. it.e dute of liiis Dirfsi e lb (ro baled sua tm pr.Witfted PrlirnurT r. l7. Ill K 1 Ml It a r. r.--, A'injlninrslrii ot the ewala if tied al. JtiLmtsa, aeteaned. I Yitruy WILL OPEN WITH DANCE Kerslake & White's New Skating Rink Will Be Thrown Open to Public Saturday Night. - Kerslake & White's big skating rink in Dallas will be opened with a social dance Saturday evening. Invi tations are being sent out for the event, and Indications point to a record-breaking attendance for a o.-"t r, Of.. 1 . t ... . Tl,, p. . owviui Ul luia.iuu, Ml tlon Club will postpone Its regular semi-nionthly dauce and the members will attend In a body. The dance will be open to all, and the managers wish It understood that all young people in the county will be welcome, whether an invitation Is received or not, as it will be impossible for the committee to secure the names of every dancer. Fine musio will be furnished by the Dallas orchestra of seven pieces. A large force of carpenters Is en gaged in putting down the maple floor, and it Is expected that this work will be finished by Friday morning. The polishing machine will then be put in operation and the big floor will be made as smooth as glass for the use of the dancers. The musicians' stand was finished yesterday. The management desires to announce that tickets purchased for Saturday night will also be good for Tuesday, March 19, the opening skating night. A large crowd of people Is expected from Independence, Kickreall, Falls City and Monmouth at the Saturday night hop. W. J. STOWE, TriicEtniais, Does hauling- of all kinds at reasonable rates. ' : DALLAS. OREOnw Dallas Harness Shop Is in shape to sell Harness and Horse Goods at lowest Prices. Call and get prices and save money. Plush Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. . - F.SALFICKY There j no satisfaction keener than be'ino dry and comfort abl when out in th hardest storm. vrouAKt siit op ms U- YOU WEA2 ,01UD CLOTHE MACXORYCUOW' B CHMUtVEarWHtM. A.J.TOWtl CO.MSTOHHASJU.S.A. TOWtt (ANADI AM COlLiBiUiTOt&NTO, CAN. Cut Glassware Silverware Your friends are getting' married ; give them a handsome, high-grade present Also a full line of OPTICAL GOODS C. H. MORRIS Jeweler We are now moved into our New ' Quarters in the COLLINS BLOCK and would be glad to have everyone come and let us show you our new store. 7e are getting in new Goods all the time. nmiv. A TIT) SEE THEM. 7. II. ROY Q CO. Dallas, Oregon. Jeweler l 1 One door west of Stafrin Drug Co. II V Su? L a 4 Vj Was Saturday, SCOTCH DRUSSELLS RUG 9 x Regular Price $1C. They go at $11.50. illsics as cheap as Ingrain lings. No phone orders accepted. Chapman's Largest Stocll on West Side. Watch our Ad for Saturdays. S y i A SfA .A'HiA' A.'.AiaHS'.'VTIAri",A.n'r'nA.- p.vl. A ? Si ..JJov-Is Tlie Time... For you to decide what you want for THE HEW YEAR Pi We have a fine line of Men's Women's and Children's SHOES in the latest styles. Also a nice line of Slippers at the right prices. We know they are what you want, but we want you to know it. Repairing Neatly Done T5i Dallas Shoe Store, rirs- i!ri?ncr' i h . e; -a i jfif frs w -Nif -"f - HOLLiBTtR'8 Kscky fountain Tea firsts A Batf Undlolas for Busy Ptopls. ' Brlugs QeUsa Halth and Bwswad Vigor. A apsclfto for Oonstinatloa, Inillirestlon, I.W. ud Kidney Troubles. Flinples, Kezsnia, Impure blood, bad Breath, HIiiKKinli Bowels, Headauli. aud Uackaehe. It's Hooky Aloiintain Tea In tab let form, 8ft cents si box. Uenulna made by BobUSTKS Daua Cosipamt, Uadtson, Wis. GOLDEN NUQQETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Electricity for Lighting Is only expensive to people who are wasteful and careless. To you, who are naturally careful, it does net come high. It Is economical because It can be quickly turned off wnen not needed. With gas or kerosene there Is the temptation to lot light burn when not needed to save bother ofllghtlng and adjusting. In some homes the electric light bills amount to only one or two dollars vet month. You can probably got some kind ot artificial light for less money than electric light, but does It save you anything when it limits op portunities for work and recreation ruins your eyesight smokes your walls mars decorations and increases household work. You could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without your meals but it wouldn t be economy. It Is not so much what you save, but how you save that counts. WILLAMETTE VALLEY CO. EATES-Eesldence on meters, per Kilowatt 15c; Residence, flat per month, 16op 60c. BATES FOR BUSINESS HOUSES 25o per drop and 5c per Kilowatt up to 10 drops; over 10 drops 20o per drop and 5o per Kilowatt up to 40 drops; over 40 drops I7jc per drop and 6o per Kilowatt. A drop figures 16ep or less. For power rates apply at the office. We are always ready to explain the ''ins and outs or the lighting proposition to you, call on us or phone to us, we are never to busy to talk business. Willamette Valley "Company E. W. KEARNS, Manager for Dallas. Office on Mill street, Just north of Mutual 1297. Groceries and Provisions WE carry all the leading brands of Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in season. . Crockery and Queen's Ware. SIMONTON & SCOTT, Dallas 0rg 08F1EI.D OLD STAND WAN '$1000 Worth of . Second-Hand Furni ture. Highest Market . . Price Paid . . RALPH ADAKG Next Doer to the Observer C.T.cc. K5L g ' ,J March 23ril ftly 12 feet i i i f f I ( f jy ' - ' ' " ' OCCIDENTAL HOTEL High Service and Low Rates C. W. NIXON, Proprietor, ' Corvcllh, Ore03 ': the Couvt House. Fhones Boll 421, 3& ii roj) ; t 5 f i