Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 19, 1907, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
J. C. HAYTEll,
Published Weekly and Semi -Weekly
$1.50 per Year. Strict! In Advance.
DALLAS, OEEGON, Mabch 19, 1907
The way to build up Dallas ts to pat
ronize Dallas people.
The Polk County Mohair Association
has taken a long stop forward this
year in arranging for the division in
to a number of grades of the mohair
to be included in its pool. It does not
go as far in this direction as it will be
necessary to do in the future, but the
fact that a good start has been made
in the right direction is encouraging.
When all uiohalr in a pool is sold at
the same price, there is no incentive to
improve thequalityof mohair. Rural
A Polk county uaper Bays that
county Is one of those which will have
to pay its share of the four million
dollar appropriation and get abso
lutely nothing in return. Linn county
is in practically the same position as
Polk. Of course, each county baa to
help keep up state institutions thoagh
not having any themselves, and yet it
ts not always a pleasant task when
one sees a spirit of local gain and not
one of general public good in the ini
provements paid for. Linn county
sends about $55,000 down to Salem
this year for the benefit of Salem,
Eugene, Corvallis and a few other
places, and of course, to help keep the
machinery of the government run
ning. It is willingly seut so far as
the just and legitimate expenses of
the state are concerned, but when
extravagance is seen in some of the
items, and graft crops out, it pinches
some. Albany Democrat.
Good newspapers always indicate
that they are published in good towns.
And the way to make good newspapers
is for business men to patronize them
instead of billboards and dead walls
when they want to reach an intelligent
reading public, Eugene Guard.
It is believed in educational circles
that President E. D. Bessler, of the
Oregon State Normal School at Mon
mouth, will be chosen to succeed Pres
ident Gatcb of the Oregon Agricul
turil College, whose resignation will
take effect in June. Mr. Ressler is a
strong man and is in every way qual
ified to manage the big school at Cor
vallis. His appointment would be
generally satisfactory to the people of
It is to be regretted that the Oregon
state fair will be held again this year
at so early a date that a large share of
the farmers cannot attend. The week
of September 16 to 21 has been selected.
While there are some farmers whom
the time will suit very well, there are
a large number, especially In the Wil
lamette valley, who will be in the
midst of prune or hop harvesting. It
is too early, also, for making a good
display of apples, grapes and late
pears. Rural Northwest.
Yes, but just think what a fine sea
son of the year it will be for the
nual horse races!
The news from Washington that
applications for patents to public
lands are to be hastened with the
greatest possible expedition will bring
gladness to the hearts of the settlers
who have complied with the land laws
and are anxiously awaiting title to
their lands. By this order, it Is esti
mated that the greater part of 1,000,000
acres of the public lands in this state,
that have been regularly settled upon
by home-seekers, will proceed at once
to patent. Of this large acreage, fully
30,000 acres are located within the
Portland Land Office district.
Council Proceedings.
At a regular meeting of the City
Council on Monday evening, the City
Attorney was instructed to prepare an
ordinance providing that all side
walks to be built in the business dis
trict hereafter shall be constructed of
concrete. The district embraces both
sides of Court and Mill streets from
Church to Jefferson.
Frank Kerslake's offer of $25 for
the chairs in the City Hall was re
jected. V. P. Flske was granted permission
to build a concrete walk in front of
his residence property on Mill street.
Attorney Hayter handed in an
opinion to the enoct that property
that cannot be drained by a sewer Is
not subject to a sewer assessment.
Marshal Palmer reported that he
bad secured polling places for the
annual city election as follows : First
.ward, Dallas Flouring Mill office;
second ward, City Hall ; third ward,
Kerslake's old stand on Main street
Gets Early Start.
Dallas is making preparations to
celebrate the Glorious Fourth. Noth
ing like geuing in on the ground
floor. Amity Enterprise.
Dallas has decided to make ' the
eacle scream in a creditable manner
on the Fourth of July. Monmouth
The Dallas Observer says that the
Polk county capital is going to cele
brate the coming Fourth of July with
fitting pomp and circumstance and
urges its people to begin preparations
at once. That's right Nothing like
prompt action. Salem Statesman.
Dr. Hayter. Dentist Office over
Wilson's Drugstore. Dallas. Oregon
Lai most KielMgont people to use onfy
metroes of iiown composition. There
fore ft Is thai Dr. Pierce's medicines. th.
maksT- Veh print every Ingredient
p?rii!g1-'-heai upon the bottle wrap-
snd aia-l itseoireciness unccruj,
are daily grvlng in favor. The coo-
portion of fcv 'Pierce- medicines is cp
to every bod yi. Pree tMliff lrc:
,7Ti,.rrw.l f V U K'l Til lurilHH .r
r!itM-ii that tl.e t-Urr u,? coiil
n ni.ojicitfs known
in mow
ive, men isiiervjc
For Sate.
Two good milch cows for sale ; also.
a set of second-hand harness. D. A.
Cb itch low, Dallas.
For Sale.
Some fine thorough-bred Poland
China boars; also some early seed
F. D. 1, Independence, Ore.
Fine Pups For Sale.
For sale, two fine puppies; half
Scotch collie and half Australian
shepherd ; only $3 each. M. A. Con
lee, Buell, Or. tf.
n.. .1 Ueiltlf klu.ll uiauc
uSiuiul wrlucipli-i extracted from n
live forest ixU, by exact processes
original with Dr. Pierce, and without the
use of a drop of alcohol, triple-rcuncd and
ehen.it'allv i.iiru rlycerine befn Used tn-
4trsA In i-x'ractiiiS and preserving the
piirativa virtm-jj re-Mclin in the roots
employed, tUese medii-ibes are entirely
freti from the objection of doing harm
h tTcfctiiiir au appetite for either al
coholic beverages or habit - forming
druL'3. Emi:is the formula on their
hf.tt! wTaotv.rs the same as sworn to by
Dr. Pierce, uud you will And that hi
Golden Medical Diicovcry," the great,
blood-uuridr, stomach tonic and bowel
regulator the medicine which, while not
reL-oiaiueiided to cure consumption In Its
advauced stages (no mt-diclne will do that)
yet due curt all those catarrhal condi
tions of head and throat, weak stomach,
torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak
luuirs and hang-on-cougUs, which, if Beg-
lei-led or hauly treated lead up to and
finally terminate in consumption.
Take the "Ooldeii Medical Uiscovery"
In time and It is not likely to disappoint
utorvuuit ana
you if only you giv
fair trial. TJoii t
ive It a
expect miracles. H
won't do supernatural tilings, l ou must
exercise your patience and persevere In its
use for a reasonable length of time to get
iu full benefits. The Ingredients of which
Dr. Pierce's medicines are composed have
the unqualified endorsement of scores of
medical leaders better than any amount
of lav, or non-professional, testimonials.
Thev" are not given away to be exieri
nented with but are fold by all dealers in
medicines at reasonable prices.
Horses Wanted.
Five teams of horses, heavy teams
for logging. Will buy or hire. Ap
ply to Camp No. 3, on the LaCreole.
Fir Wood Wanted.
From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood
wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City
& Western Railway Co.
Dry Slabwood For Sale.
The Willamette Valley Lumber
Company has some fine dry slab wood
for sale cheap; also lfi-ineu slabs and
block wood.
For Sale or Trade.
House and lot in Salem to
trade for Dallas property,
the Jeweler.
sell or
Help Wanted.
Wanted, an active mar-ied man and
his wife for farm and dairy work,
F. E. Lynn, Amity, Or., It.' F. D. 2.
Eggs For Sale.
Full-blood Buff Leghorn eggs for
sale at $1 per setting. E. M. Smith,
Dallas, Or.
Died of Consumption.
Charles A. West, the 18-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. West, died at
the family home In North Dallas
yesterday morning at 4 o'clock, after
a long illness of tuberculosis. The
family came to Oregon from Wash
ington four years ago, and have' lost
three sons with the dread disease since
moving to Dallas. Charlie West was
an honest, industrious young man,
and his death Is a sad blow to his
family and friends. The funeral was
held at 10 o'clock this morning and
interment was riiade in the Brown
Hay For Sale.
For sale, clean vetch and
grain hay. W. C. Lewis,
Bell Phone 60.
grain, or
Rick real I ;
For Sale or Rent.
Six room house, good outbuildings
and four acres, in South Dallas.
quire of F. M. Jackson. tf.
Wagon For Sale.
Good 3 farm wagon for sale.
Mark Hayter, Dallas, Or.
Express Wagon For Sale.
Second hand light express wagon
and single harness for sale cheap.
Address Ed Smith, Box 2G3, Dallas.
Phone Mutual No. 1209, tf.
Qirl Wanted.
Wanted, girl to go to Portland for
general housework. Apply to J. H.
Hoi lister, at Campbell & Holllster's.
Piano For Sale.
A $500 piano for sale for 1235. Used
but little, and practically as good as
new. Call, or write to Mrs. Lottie
Hedges Dorrls, Independence, Or,
Spoi&Dg El HO DID 0
- Impure or effete matters accumulated
in the blood during the winter cause in the
spring such disfiguring and painful troubles
as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also
weakness, loss of appetite, that tired feeling.
The best medicine to take is Hood's
Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the
blood, and effects permanent cures by giving
healthy functional activity to the stomach,
liver, kidneys, bowels and skin.
" r r "Tt im T 4
CkraaUhl m.rm KcKd I larmanarins in
,.,, ,.!..!,. I ti'-t f.-rm. ThfT hn Mmxi" My
th asm ruralivo prolrtit a Hi liquid form,
Uasities n-eurwy of lf ronvenieiw. ronouiy,
no loss l' evauoinnirti. Livnk. or jetka.
1 .it-twi.t. nr Lniiuiitlv of us Lr mail.
... jauud Co- .u, Ma.
Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, Jane 30, 1906.
Mrs. L, Blrkford. Uosv)!le. N. H.. yi:
"Kvery xpriiiK 1 ws roiupirU'ly prostrated,
run down, from dyspepsia and tbat tired fwl
liiir. Hut I have fouud Hood's Sarsaparilla
helps me from tbe Brst dose, completely
restores gtwd lie&lUi aud streutflh."
No. 324.
For Sale.
For sale, a good 2-seat hack, or will
trade for cord wood or a cow. What
have yon to offer? L. A. Dickinson,
Shakes For Sale.
Shakes for sale at Pedee mill, on
good county road. Inquire of J. V.
Roxco at the mill.
Brick For Sale.
Thirty, thousand second-hand brick
for sale cheap. Inquire of Willamette
Valley Co., Dallas.
For Sale.
Five room house, In good repair,
two large lots and barn in Dallas.
Good terms. Apply at this office.
Desks Wanted,
Twenty-five second-hand
desks wanted.
C. L. Starr, Dallas.
For Sale.
Stump puller, complete with pul
leys and hooks, and about 300 feet of
English plow steel cable for sale at a
bargain. Call at Dallas Hotel, tf.
For Sale.
180 acres of land, fine for fruit,
grain, stock and dairying. C. W.
Boyle, Dallas.
Cows For Sale.
Five cows for sale; three giving
milk ; two fresh in a few days. C. E.
Wheelock, one mile west of Mon
mouth. 3-194L
Lost, in Dallas, a purse containing
two keys and a small amount of
change. Finder will please return to
this office. 3-19-2t.
For sale, a full-blood Jersey bull,
16 months old ; also, full-blood Jersey
bull calf, one week old. Mutual
phone Black 615. Mrs. Mary Dennis,
Dallas. , 3-19-3t.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice li hereby Riven that the nnilersiBned
has been duly appointed administrator of the
estate of fhebe A. Johnaon, deceased, by the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk
.County, and ha qualified.
All peraoni huving claims against the said
estate are hereby notified to prexent the game
duly verified, together with the proper vouchers
therefor, to the undersigned, at his residence
near Alrlle, in said County, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Hated and first published February 15. 1I07
Administrator of the estate of
.. . Fhebe A. Johnson, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to whom it may con
cern, that the undersigned, administrator of the
tl Jre2,e nmwalt, deceased, has this day
tiled with the County Court of Polk Conntv.
Oregon, his duly verified final account in the
above entitled estate and said Court lias set the
same tor hearing on Saturday, March 23, 1J07. at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at which
lime all persons Interested are hereby notiled
to appear in Said County Court.at Dallas, in the
County Court room, and present objections, if
any there be, to said final account, and if they
rall s) to do, said administrator will apply to
said County Court for an order approving said
final account and ordering that said admiuis
. L",1 'J cl:,"!d' "e administrator discharged
and his bondsmen released
Dated this 18th day of February, NOT.
Administrator of the estate of
Sibley i Eakiu, Attys.
Notice is herebv given that by an order of the
Honorable William Wallowa). Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon ill and for
Polk County, in'e at Chamleni at McMlnn
vllle Oregon, on the lMh day of March, 1'7, in
a certain suit then pending In said Court, in
which K. A. Meyer is plaintiff and Jh. J. Ob. rer
is defendant, the said plaintiff. E. A. Meyer,
was duly appointed receiver of all the co
partnership property, assets and effect of the
slid K. A. Meyer and F. J. O be rer, partners
doing bUhiueas at Poi County. Oregon, under
the firm name and swle of Oberer-Meyer Lntn
i ....... ii, at ih aaUl nlaintin has
duly qualified and entered upon the discbarge
OI his oulles as sucp rei-eni-r.
Ail persons having claims against the sold
plaintiit and said defendant as partners as afore
said are hereby notified to forthwith present
iMiiirn dnlv verified, lo the said receiver at
Falls City. Polk County, State ol Oregou, for
adiustmei)l and aettlemeut.
. . . . . i . i ,i 1. n 1 . . p
Daleo anu nrsi puoiusneu aimi ii, ixi.
. A. ilfcVKrt,
Receiver afurestiJ
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
Notice For Publication.
United States Laud Otlice,
Portland, Oregon,
January . 1HU7.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress!
June 3, 1878, entitled "Au act for feealeof
timlier lanili in the States ol California. Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory," esextended
lo all the Public Laud titatea by ai l of August
1ST' Kdwsrd C. Richmond, ol Dallas, county or
Poik. State of Oregon, has IhiB day tiled iu this
otlice his sworn statement No. 7170, for the pur
chase ol the Southeast !i of Southeast -i of Hec.
i- 1.. T..-n.1,in V.. U,i,tli U.iiuu Nit 1
West, and will oiler proof to ghow'that the land
sought is more valuable for its limber or stone
til ail lor agricultural purposes, auu 10 esiaui:su
Im claim to said land before Register and Re
ceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, tbe Jih
day of March, 1HU7.
He names as witnesses: r. rt. naie, oi iai
laa. Orenon:U. P. Coulee, of Dallas. Oregou
M. A. Coulee, of Buell, Oregon; T. li. Richmond
of Dallas. Oregon.
Any auu ail persons Claiming adversely me
above-described lauds are requested to hie their
claims iu this otlice on or before said mm nay oi
March, IHU7.
Notice For Publication.
Ini ted States Laud Otlice,
Portland. Oregon,
March 11. l'.o7.
Notice ii hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
June .1. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and v asniuglon territory, as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by act of
August -1, 185U, John H. Dart, of Portland, county
if Multnomah, stale of Oregon, lias this (lay
tiled in this otlice his sworn statement No.
7 1 -18, for tbe purchase of the East i of the East
; , ol section jio. 8, in lownsnip no. o onin,
Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show
that the laud sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes.
and lo establish his claim to said laud before the
Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on
Monday, the 27th day of May, la07.
He names as witnesses: r.awara t. vtatts. oi
Portland, Oregon ; Charles F. Eh in an, of Port
land, Oregon; Oeorge E. Barrett, of Portland,
Oregon; John M. Snead, of Portland, Oregon.
Any ana an persons Claiming adversely tne
above-described lands are requested to iile their
laims in this oltice on or be lore aald 27th day of
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed administratrix of the
estate ot John vt . Keas, deceased, by the county
Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County,
aud has qualified.
All persons having claims against the said
estate are hereby notified lo present the same
duly verilied, together with the proper vouchers
tnereior, to tne uuuersignen, at tier residence
near Buell, in said County, within six months
from the date of tins notice.
Dated and tirst published Hebrnary 1. 1907.
Administratrix of the estate o'
John W. Keas, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
Notice For Publication.
United Slates ljind Ollice,
Portland, Oregon.
December 11th. l'Jitt.
Notice is hereby given thai iu comtiliHiice
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June it, WIS, entitled "Au set for the sale of
imber lands in the states of California Ore
gou, Nevada, and Washington territory. ' as
extended loall the Public Laud States by act
oi August 4, mvz, oeorge r. coulee, of Dufias,
r-ounty oi poik, Male of Oregon, lias this
lay filed in this ollice his sworn statement No,
1 'X I ... ,Ka k .... . . I I I . . . XT ! . . , ,1... U U' 1
,l .lie uuiiubk Al. - Ol IIIC a ?1 .
of See-. No. 8 In Township No. 7 ri., R. No. 6 VY.
and will oner proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timlier or atone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the County Clerk
al Dallas, Oregou, on Friday, the loth day oi
Aiarcn, i'.xjv.
He names as witnesses: William Haves, of
lianas, uregon; William iinoison, of Buell,
Iregon: K. W. Htnshaw, of Dallas. Oreson:
William McCarty, of Dallas, Oregon.
Any ana an persons claiming adversely the
above-described lamia are requested to Hie their
claims in this otlice on or before said 1 th day
of March, HW7.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Portland, Oregon.
December 19, 1H06.
Notice is hereby given that In comiilinnce
with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands Iu the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada aud Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4. IWl, Waller V. Fuller, of Dallas,
county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day
nted In this office his sworn statement No 7110,
for the purchase of the Noitheast 1 oi
Section No. 14 in Township No. 9 S., Range No.
VY and will offer prool to show that the laud
sought Is more valuable for its timber or atone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
is claim to said land before the County Clerk
of Polk County, at Dallas, Oregon, on Friday,
tne tain nay oi Marcn, rjov.
He names as witnesses: Paul Konco. of Pedee.
Oregon; John Cline, of Pedee, Oregon; D. J.
Kliey.ot Uh I las. Oregon: u. S. Urant. of Dallas.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claims in this office on or before said lot Ii day
of March, l'.J7.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
aa administrator of the estate of Thomas C.
King, deceased, has filed his final account in
the County Court of the Slate' of Oregon, for
Polk County, and that Satnrday, the loth day
of March, 1HU7, at the hour of ten o'clock iu the
forenoon of said day at the Court room of the
said County Court, in the city of Dal las, Oregon,
has been appointed ,y said Court aa the time
and place lor the hearing of objections to the
said final account and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the estate of
Thomas C. King, deceased.
To Builders and Contractors
Also do a General Storage Business.
For prices, write or call on W. L. Soehren
Both Phones.
Extra Special Values in Men's
Suits and Overcoats.
Are to be had here every day in the week values that are
unmatchable. You will find upon investigating that our
prices are appreciably lower than other stores ask for the IU
same class garments and that our style assortment is larger.
But it is- not the saving of money that should ! interest you in
our offering of ,
As much as its snappy, original style, superior hand-tailoring
and excellent fit all of which will convince you beyond
question that this noted clothing is the peer of the best to-;
order-made garments. Come see the distinctive styles and
exclusive fabrics we offer in .
Men's and Young Men's Winter Suits at
$12 to $30.
Single and double-breasted Sacks of approved fashion in
ultra or conservative cut, made of beautifully patterned
worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres, fully worth $15 to $35.
Men's and Young Men's Overcoats at $12 to $20.
The man who discards night shirts for Pajamas, is glad, as a rule he marta tka
I change. Pajamas are becoming more popular from year to year as a sleeping
garment for Men. It would be difficult to find better Pajamas than ours
r ' S
5 i I
Y, ' j j ; J
1: I
ItoJ"-'! J
mmsu, mm ft c
He Ulow
To every Lady of Dallas, a package of
Something New! !
Try a bottle of Strained Sage Honey
Fancy white Burbank Potatoes, per bushel,
Seed Potatoes for 60c to $1.80 per bushel.
per sack.
J. A. Lynch's
Barber Shop
flain Street
We have installed
and are now prepared to
in quicker time than ever
SUITINGS, new plaids and checks.
WASH GOODS, latest fancies.
CORSETS, new forms.
LANG GLOVES, silk, lace and lisle.
SHOES and OXFORDS, latest shapes.
One block south of S. P. Depot. DALLAS, OR.
CLOTHING, new cuts and patterns.
SHOES, the famous Packard and Flintstone. f
HATS, latest shades and shapes. '
Come in and look our goods over. The prices are right.
s.- N. lmf ,
- .
s r w