Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 08, 1907, Image 4

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    . . y
. " Shoeing the Horee. '
Tlio owner should supervise the shoe
ing of his horses, and lu addition to
tlie use of shoe of proper weight and
form the following points should he at
tended to: The frog la to he left un
touched by knife or other Instrument;
only that portion of the sole which lb
dead and loose is to be removed; the
bars are to be left alone; the heels are
not to be "opened" by a couple of deep
notehys; the outer surface of the walls
is not to be rasped, with the exception
of a alight depression under each nail
point to allow of proper clinching; the
shoe Is to be fitted to the foot and not
the foot to tbs shoe; the shoe Is not
to be applied to the sole when redhot
unless a light touch Is necessary to
show where the horn must be rasped
away to furnish a proper seat for the
shoe; the rasp Is always to be used In
preference to the knife or buttress;
shoeii should be reset or replaced once
a mouth; nails should be of the best
quality, not too large and not driven
too high or too close to the sensitive
structures within the horny box of the
foot; the feet are to be kept as truly
level as possible, and while keeping the
toes comparatively short, the heels are
not to be unnaturally lowered. A. 8.
Alexander, Dane County, Wis.
Saved Her Son's Life.
The hnppieet mother in the little
town of Ava, Mo., is Mrs. S. Rnowe.
bhe writes : "One vear apo in v son whs I
.1 ... . . - . ' ; . i
uown witn each serious lung trouble
thai our physician was unable to he!
mm; when, by our lriigiit's a! vice
began giving him Dr. King's New Dis
covery, and I goon noticed imnrovemen
I kept this treatment np for a lew weeks
wnen ne was perfectly well. He has
worked steadily since at carpenter
Or. Kirg's New Discovery saved
life. ' Guaranteed beet cough and cold
cure dv jseit t U hemneton. DrtieiriBt
ow aru i.uu. Trial bottle tree.
Albany Is to have a new flour mill,
Olven Up to Die.
B. Spiegel. 120-1 X.' Virginia 8.,
ansville, Ind., writes: "For over
years 1 Hs trotil.lfd with kidney
Miidcler affections which caused
cb pHin and worry. I lot flesh am
was nil rim down, and a year ago had to
abandon work entirely. I had three of
the beet physicians who did me no good
anu i was practically given np to die.
Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended
and the first kittle gave me great relief,
and after taking the eecoiul Itotlle I wac
entirely cured." Whv not let it help
your neu x (jrierrinirtnn, (alias ; Al
L. Thompson, Falls City.
Harm Again.
Recently a cattle salesman in the
Stockyards showed us a load of steers
and said: "I had to take 25 cents per
nuudredwelght less than that load of
eattlo Is worth simply because they
have horns. I have tried every buyer
on tke market, ond all of them bid be
low their valuw on account of the horns.
You can't put It too strong when you
urge feeders to dehorn their cattle oi
feed, hornless ones." The load mention
ed weighed over 20,000 pounds, so it
seems that It cost this particular feed
er over $50 for his failure to have the
horns taken off. The discrimination
may not be so great as this in all cases,
but it will be on a bad market, and in
any case it Is sufficient to pay very
well for dehorning. National Stock
man and Farmer.
Crop prospects
are good.
in Morrow county
Don't Complain.
If your chest pains and you are mi
able to sleep because of a cough. Buv a
bottle of Ballard's Iioreiiouud Syrup,
and you won't have any coiikIi. Uet a
bottle now and that cough will not last
long. A cure for all pulmonary diseases.
Mrs. J., Galveston, Texas, writes: "I
can't say enough for Ballard 'a More
hound Syrup. The lelief that it has
given me is all that it is necesearv for
me to say." Sold by Stafrin Drug Co.
A new sawmill
will be built near
Always Keeps ChamC-s Cough
Remedy in His House.
"We would not be without Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy- It is kept on
hand continually in our nome,"says V.
W. Kearnev, editor of the Independent,
Lowrv Citv. Mo. That is juist what
every family should do. When kept on
hand ready for instant use, a cold may
be checked at the outset and cured in
much less time than after it has become
settled in the system. This remedy is
also without a peer for croup in child
ren, and will prevent the attack wnen
eiven as soon as the child becomes
hoarse, or even after the cronpy cough
appears, which can only be done when
the remedy is kept at hand. For tale
by Stafrin Drug Co.
Tillamook may pave Its main street.
You should be very careful of your
bowels when you have a cold. Nearly
all other cpiigh syrups are constipating,
especially thosu containing opiates.
Kennedy s Laxative uough ryrup moves
the bowels contains NO opiates. Con
forms to National Pure Food and Drugs
Law. Bears the endorsement of moth
ers everywhere. Children like its pleas
ant taste. Sold by all druggists.
vs. Leon A.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Polk County, Ik'pnrtment No. ii.
Hertha II. Wooilin, rialntlir,
Wooiiiii, tefendHi)t,Siiniimiiii.
To l.on A. Wooiliii, Defendant:
In the name of Hie Stale of Oregon, you are
herebv required to appear and answer the com
lUini Hint iriiinnt vim iu the above entitled
court and cause within nil weeka from the II ml
linblleatinii of thii Minimum!, to Wit, on me win
day of April, 1M07, and If you fail so to appear
and answer the mm coinpiaini
will anulv to the court for the relief d
In her complaint, to wit: For a decree oi
divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
eximiinr between her and yourself, and alaoper
milling ine planum 10 resume ner inanieiir
former name. Henna II. nuniiiirii. ana lor aucii
further ami other relief an may be equitable.
You are herebv further notlned mat tins sum
mona is served upon you by publication thereof
in the "Hoik County Observer," a newspaer
uubllstuHi weekly at me city oi iniiias, in, rom
County, Ore on, pursuant to the older of the
Honorable lieorae II. uurneii, jiuiire oi mis
court, made thia Silh day of Iieceinber, !!, and
I h Ik summons whs nnil puniisiieii on me am
day of March, I'M.
Attorneys for I'laiuUtt'.
Notice of f inal Settlement.
Falls will have a cigar
It will not cost you a cent to try
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets, and they are excellent for stomach
roubles and constipation. Get a free
sample at Stafrin & Co.'s drug store.
About 2,000 acres of beet9 were raised
this year near Nyssa.
A severe cold that may develop into
pneumonia over nigtit, can tie cured
uickly by taking Foley s Money and
ar. it will cure the most obstinate
racking cough and strengthen your
ungs. i ne genuine is in a yellow pack
age. Belt Sherrington, Dallas: M. L.
Thompson, Falls City.
Notice is herebv Riven that the undersiiHied
as administrator of the ehtiue of Morns Jones,
deceased, ban tiled his final account iu the
County Court of Hie .state of Oregon, for Polk
County, and lln.t Saturday, the !rd day of
March', 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock iu the
forenoon of xaiil day at the Court mom of said
County Court, in the city of Italian, Oregon,
has been appointed by said Court as the lime
and place lor hearing of objections to the sai
mill account anil me sciucuieni iiieieoi.
Adininintrator of tlie cat ale (if
Morris Jones, deceased.
N. L. Butler, Attorney.
"l'i;t'gl',toiMt'ili'""J',"'VM ff,T-.-A..:.-tetw.'.,inMiM.rtwwaN iiwfcwiiiwi.irtrimiiwi
g s ' I ' ."' " " ' " ' 1X
Notice to Creditors.
Clover Splendid Feed For Sheep.
Have you saved a nice lot of clover
In a place by Itself in the barn, where
you can get at it this winter for the
sheep? If not, can you not cut
piece of second growth yet? Splendid
feed. Nothing better.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new
remedy, an improvement on the lax
atives of former years, as it does not
gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed. Beit & Cher
rington Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Falls
A Pointer for Pigeon Breeders.
Those who grow for the fancy and
the exhibition hall always divide the
males and the females Into separate
rooms during the winter months. This
is thought to strengthen them and Im
prove their health and producing qual
ities. However, this Is not the best
for squab breeders, as they should be
continually mated and kept together as
long as they are constant one to the
other. Whenever they grow tired, one
of the other, they will drift apart and
select other matings If the opportunity
presents Itself.
Many horse deals are being made in
Benton county.
Worked Like a Charm.
Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that
spicy journal, the Enterprise, Louisa,
a., says "I ran a nail in my foot last
week and at once anplied Bucklen's Ar
mca kalve. fco inflammation followed
the salve simply healed the wound
Heals every bum, sore and skin disease
Guaranteed at Belt & Cherrintrton
Druggist, zoc.
Newport will be well prepared for
visitors next summer.
Some work horses are selling for
S300 in Linn and Marion counties.
Soft Roasters.
The soft roaster Is becoming quite
an attractive feature with the best
growers. Thousands of these roasters
are grown throughout New England,
fatted, dressed and sent to market
about the same time that the capons
are In demand. Some claim that some
of the best finished Brahma cockerels,
dressed capou fashion, as it Is balled
that Is, leaving the neck feathers and
the feathers around the shanks will
sell for as much as the capons.
Little globules of sunshine that drive
the clouds away. DeWitt's Little Earlv
Risers will scatter the gloom of sick-
headache and biliousness. They do not
gripe or sicken. Recommended and
sold here by all druggists.
Woodburn business men are talk
ing of organizing a board of trade.
and remember the next time vou suffer
from pain caused by damp weather-
when your head nearly bursls from neuralgia-try
Ballard's Snow Liniment.
It will cure you. A prominent business
man of Hempstead, Texas, writes: "I
have uaed your liniment. Previous to
iiscing it I was a great suflVrer from
Rheumatism and Neuralgia. ' I am
pleased to say that now I am free from
these complaints. I am sure I owe this
to your liniment." Sold by Stafrin
Drug Co.
Found At Last.
J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore. West Va..
says: "At last I have found the perfect
pin inai never uisappoitits me; and for
the benefit of others afflicted with tor
pid liver and chronic constipation, will
say: take Dr. King's New Life Fills."
Guaranteed satisfactory. 2ot: at Belt &
Cherrington, Druggist.
A San Francisco man offered Eugene
$1,000 Tor its fire team, that cost $500,
This Is Worth Remembering
Whenever yon have a cough or cold,
just remember that Foley's Honey and
cure It. Do not risk vonr
health by taking any but the genuine,
It is in a vellow pm-kage. Bell & Cheri
rington, Dallas; M. L. Thompson, F'hIIs
Harry W. Melsnn, of Salem, and
Miss Ina Patterson, of West Salem,
were marrlod in the courthouse, Tues
day, Justice Hardy Holman officiating.
To remove a cough you must get at
the cold that causes the. cold. There is
nothing so good for this as Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Syrup. The liquid cold
relief that is most quickly ellective, that
stills and quiets the cough and drives
out the cold. Sold by all druggists.
Ducks and geese are returning to
eastern Oregon valleys in large nam-liers.
How to Remain Young.
To continue young in health and
length, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Mc
.lonotigh, Ua., did. She says: "Three
bottles of Electric Bitters cured .me of
chronic liver and stomach trouble, com
plicated with such an unhealthy condi
tion of the blood that my skin turned
red as flannel. I am now practically 20
years younger than before I took Elec
tric Bitters. 1 can now do ail my work
w ith ease and assist in my husband's
store." (iuaranteed at Bert A Cher
ington's Drug Store. Price 60c.
People on Coos Bay are planning to
buy a dredger and run it Independently
of the government machine.
Notice to Our Customers.
We are pleased to announce that Fo
ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds
mid lung troubles is not. atrected by the
National I'tire Food and Drug law as it
contains no opiates or other harmful
drugs, and we recommend it as a 8nfe
remedy for children and adults. Belt &
Cherrington, Dallas; M. I. Thompson,
Falls City.
Afflicted with Rheumatism.
"I was and am yet afflicted with rheu
matism," says Mr. J. C. Bayne, editor
of the Herald, Addington, Indian Terri
tory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's
Pain Balm am able once more to attend
to business. It is the best of liniments."
If troubled with rheumatism give Pain
Halm a trial and you are certain to be
more than pleased with the prompt re
lief which it affords. One application
relieves the pain, For sale by Stafrin
Drug Co.
A large coloDy of Dunkards will
locate near Central Point.
Notice is hereby given that the iindcri-lgned
has la'en duly apiolnled administratrix of the
esiaie 01 rreu si, wcr.nrt'Mi, deceased, uv in
County Court of the State of Oregoii, for Polk
County, and has uualilied.
All persons having claims against the said
estate are hereby untitled to present the same
duly veiilied, together with the proper vouchers
therefor, to the undersigned within six months
Iroiu the date ol this notice.
Dated and first published February 15, 1907.
Administratrix of the CBIate of
Fred M. McClfrcsh, deceased.
KODOL digests what you eat and
quickly overcomes Indigestion, which is
a forerunner of Dyspepsia. It is made
in strict conformity to the National
f'ure Food and Drugs Law and is sold
on a guarantee relief plan. Sold by all
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undesigned
as guardian of the person and eatale of A. J
CrOBiar. a person incapable of conducting his
own attain), has tiled his final account in the
county Court of the state of Oregon, for folk
County, and that Saturday, the 30lh day of
Aiarcn, ivu, ai me nour oi lea o Clock In ine
forenoon of said day, at the Court room of the
nam county court, in the city or Dallas. Ore
gon, has been appointed by tlie Judge of said
Court as the time and place for the hearing of
oojecuous io uie ainu nnai account and the
settlement thereof.
Guardian aforesaid
Oscar Hay tor, Attorney.
Paled and first published March 1, 1907.
Notice For Publication.
A 50,000-feet-a-d ay mill will le built
at Austiu, in Grant county.
No Case on Record.
There is no case on record of a coiieti
or colli resulting in pneumonia or con
sumption after Foley's Honey and Tar
lias been taken, as it will ston vour
cougn ami nreak up your cold qmcklv
Keiuse any but the sen nine rolev
II ; rr, . - .. . -
itoney ami lar in a vellow nackaire
Contains no opiates and is safe and sure
neit. & Sherrington. Dallas: M. L
Thompson, Falls City.
Prospects are good for a fruit and
vegetable cannery In Grants Pass.
A Favorite Remedy for Babies.
lis pleasant "aste ami tiromnt cures
have made Chamberlain's Couiih Rein
edy a favorite with tlie mothers of small
hildren. It qmcklv cures their coui-hs
and colds and prevents any danger of
pneumonia or other serious conse
qnences. Jt not only cures croup, but
w hen given as soon as the croupy cough
appears will prevent the attack. For
sale by Stafrin Drug Co.
One enthusiastic mining man pre
diets that it will not be over a vear
before Union will be as great or a
greater mining town than Baker.
Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch.
Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers'
All of these diseases are attended bv
ntense itching, which is almost instantly
reneveu ny applying Chamberlain
naive, aim oy us com lulled use a per
manent cure may ne enectetl. it has.
i . . 1
i inn, eiiren tunny cases mat hail re-
sisted other treatment. Price 25 cents
per Iwx. ror sale by Stafrin Drug Co.
The Eastern Oregon Poultry Asso
ciation has been organized in Baker
"In 1897 I hail a stomach disease.
Some physicians said Dystiepsia, some
tkiusumption. One eaid I would not
live until Spring. For four years I ex
isted on boiled milk, soda biscuits, and
doctors' prescriptions. I could not di
gest aaything 1 ale; then I picked up
one of your .almanacs and it hapjened
to be my life-saver. I bought a tiftv-
cetit oouie ot kuikji, and the benefit I
received trom that bottle all the gold in
Georgia could not buy. In two months
I went back to my work, as a machinist,
anil in three months I was well and
hearty. May you live long and prosper."
C. N. Cornell, Roding, Ua., lHOtt. The
above is only a sample of the great good
that is daily done everywhere by Kodol
for Dyspepsia. It is sold here by all
Union will probably have one of the
largest sawmills iu eastern Oregon
jiti Uiix't .
la tftenMiof March have no terror to
form ulijf CRrboliwd Witch
It quickly heals chapped
a. orUK.,u Good too, for boils
r jndoubleJly the best re
UUARA. 1 fcere Ly jj,, druggists, j
you need
noE Tear
them if you
A cough or cold is generally a torerunuer of many serious
nick spells. It should not be neglected, the human breathing
system is a combination of tubes and cells, w hich must be
kept id order to insure good health.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup
Cured of a Chronic Cough.
J. H. Ellis, Butte, Mont., writes: "j cheerfully recom
mend Ballard's llorehound Syrup to all people afflieted
with chronic coughs. I suffered lor years with a chronic
cough which would last all winter. Ballard'a IlortJiound
Syrup effected au immediate and permaueut cure."
25c, 50c and $1.00.
Balkrd Snow Liniment Co.
5OO-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.,
. S United .States Laud Otlioe,
Portland, Orcuon.
December 11th, 1916.
Notice is hereby (riven that in compliance
with the provisions of the art of Con ureas of
June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
limner lands in the States of California Ore
gon, nevaaa, ami nasmngton Territory," as
ex-ended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 18!2, Ueorge P. Coulee, of Dallas,
county of Polk, Hate of Oregon, has this
nay men in tiilsotliee his sworn statement No.
i.ri, lor ine purcnase of the N. of the S w.
of Sec. No. 8 in Township No. 7 S., R. No. 6 VV.
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
man lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land tx-fore the County Clerk
at Dallas, Oregon, ou Friday, the l.Mh day of
March, 1907.
He names as witnesses: William Hayes, of
I'niins, Oregon; imam i inoisoii, ol Huell
Oregon; K. W. Hinshaw, of Dallas, Oreaon;
viiuniu aivi any, oi punas, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claims in iiiisomce on or belore said l.ith day
of March, 1907.
Notice For Publication.
' TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. ,
t'liited Htatea Land Olllce,
Portland. Oregon,
December 20, 1'KKl.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of CongreBsof
June ;l, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber hinds in tlie Stales of California, Oregon,
Nevuda, and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public LMnd .States" by act of
August 4. 1892. John H. Dart. of Portland' nonniv
of Multnomah, Slate of Oregon, has this day
riie-j in mis onice Ills sworn statement No.
71 If, for the nuichiise of the Enal of the Fum
Yt of Section No. 8, iu Township No. 8 South.
Kange No. 7 W est, and will oiler proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable for Us
timber or stone than for agricultural ,nr,u,u..u
and to establish his claim to said laud before the
Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon ou
Saturday, the 9th day of March, 1!SJ7.
ne mimes as witnesses: Kdward T. Walts, of
Portland. Oregon : Charles V. Khmim of i,.
hind, Oregon: George E. Barrett, of Pnrtlmni
Oregon; John M. Snead.of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to Hie their
claims iu this otlice ou or belure said th day of
mm i u. itvi.
Notice For Publication.
United Slates Land onice,
Portland, Oregon,
lleceinlM.!- IU liuit:
Notice la herebv eiven that i
With the provisions of the act of l',,,,.,.. ..,
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
miiuer mini, in me. siaies ot California, Ore-
nun, nniui anu n aaiiington t erritory ," as ex
tended to alt the Public Land Slates by act of
August 4, 1892. Walter V. Fuller, nf n.n.u
county of Pol It, State of Oregon, has this day
tiled lu this otlice his sworn statement No 714ti
.... ...... F. , mjiiueasi li ot
Section No. 14 in Township No. 9 S., Range No
7 W., and will oner proof to show that ih iu.i
sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone
iii.ii iur agricultural purposes, and to establish
Ilia claim to said land before t ha
of Polk County, at Dallas, Oregon, on Friday
the 15th day of March, 19U7.
He names as witnesses: Paul Rnnon nf Po.i.,
Oregon; John Cline, of Pedee, Oregon; 1) J
Riley, of Dallas, Oregon; U. 8. Grant, of Dallas
Oregon. '
Any and all neraona rlainilns iHvi. n..
above-described lauds are requested to tile their
claims in thia otlice on or before said lfih dav
of March, 1907. '
F". II T
My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble nr.
doctored some months without improvement. Then I hean i , 8
Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for Z& Z
I kept this treatment up for . few weeks and no Ty8 i t&
well and works every day. MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE,
60c AND $.oo
irM3-ri-ru-rr ti
Study teleginplu anil fit your
self fnr "ihirlMl po'spbin. with
iinni'ml'iled opnorliiuily fornd
vuiicimih'M H.iilro:id constiiio
Hon now under way m:ik eu
meat demand for tr:tined oper
ators. Takes only S to 5 months
to learn. Tuition. 3 mos.. $4(1.
Write for cnlulog. Pncltic Tel
igraph Institute, Sth floor. Com
monwealth bids., Portland. Or
..4 L You buy from Factory
W ; ". DlrectS Therefore our
, uuh 3
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is herebv iriven that the nnileiBicned
has been dulv aiiiiointcd adininislrattix of the
esiaie 01 joun . Keas, deceased, by the County
1 ou n 01 1 ne tate 01 Oregon, lor Pom county
anu uas quaiiiieu.
All persons having claims against the Btil
estate are Hereby notified to urescut tlie same
duly verllied, together with the proper vouchers
increior, 10 ine unnerKigned, at tier residence
near Bnel), In said County, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated and lirst published February 1, 1907.
Administratrix of tlie estate n'
John W. Keas, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the nndersiifued
has been duly appointed administrator of the
estate 01 riieuc A. . Johnson, deceased, bv the
County Court of the State of Orctron. for Polk
Viniily, and has qualified.
All persons hnviiigclaims apniust the said
state are hereby nolilicd to present the same
uly verllied. together with the nrouer vouchers
mereior, ui uie undersigned, at 111s resilience
near Airlie, lu suid County, within six months
110111 tlie uale ol tills notice.
Dated and first published February 13, 1907.
Administrator of the estate of
Phcbe A. Johnson, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to whom It may con
cern, that the undersigned, administrator of the
stale of Irene Zumwalt. deceased, lias this iluv
filed with the County Court of Polk Countv.
Oregon, his duly verified linal account in tlie
hove entitled estate and said Court has set. the
same for hearing 011 Saturday, March 21, 1!K)7. at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. of said day, at which
lime all persons interested are hereby notilied
to apiiear in said ( Olllilv Court . at Dalian in the
County Court loom, and present obiectioiiM. if
11V there lu' to fluid Html u, ,!, u,.,1 tr .1.....
... , u , t,ii tiicry
fall so to do. said administrator will amilv In
suid County Court for an order approving said
nnai account and ordering that said adiniiiis.
tuition be closed, the administrator dim htirireil
ml his bondsmen released
Dated this Kiln day of February, l'7. '
' Administrator ol the estate tj-
Irene Zuuiwalt. deeehseil
Sibley A Eakin, Attys.
' I
Oscar Hayter,
Upstairs In Campbell building:, Mill St
Sim.KY & Eakin,
The only reliable Bet or Abstracts tit.
Polk county. Office on Court St,
El). F. Coad,
Office In Courthouse
N. L. Butler,
Office over Dallas City Bank.
Office In Cooper Building.
J. L. Collins
Main Street, Near Poatoftioo
M. Hayter,
Office over
Drug Store
Attorney at Law
Notary Public; Abstracts
Mill Street opposite Uglow Blilg.
L. A. Bollman, M. D.,
Uerlow Buildinpr. Rooms 7 and 8.
Mutual Phone Main 3(1. Bell Phone
Main 541. t
I tltiftrm
t j .riwLj. r s
A055EI k DVK5
teacher of
Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block
uilo (Lcachtlikv maih.Mt 1.1. ."
Aeadsmlc Coursa; special Induceoitnu. Jaf
Infurniation aJdr.. Blitar tiuu.rlir
Timber Lands a Specilaly
Tf you have patented landa ,
or relinqiiishmenta to sell, Hat ,
same with mo.
Office in Crider EuilJira
Dallas, Oregon
00 Pays fr the OBSERVER
and the weekly uregonmn
one year. In order to take
advantage of this lilieral offer, your
subscription to the ('iservf.r must be
paid up to date. Ruhsorilie nmv. j
Notice For Publication.
United Statei Lund Office,
Poriland. Oregon,
. January 9, 1W7.
Notice Ii herebv r vra tht i n..m:.ii...-
with the proviali.ii of the act of Ci.ner.-M of
June S, 1878. entitled "An act for IV tale of
..u.c. ..,, me siaieaot California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory," aa extended
. im hd ward C. Ki. hmond. of Dullaa. eomity of
Polk, Slat of Oregon, haa thia dav tiled in this
othre hiKBWorn atalement No. 7170. for the imr
rnaae nf ihe Sonttieaat of Southeast U of Seo
No. 2u in Township No. 7 Sonth, Kauge No. 7
West and will otter proof to sho that i he land
ought U more valuable for ita timber or atone
than lor agricultural i.urposea, and to elabl'h
Ins claim to said laud before K.-giKWr and Ke
i .T wrejsou, on rrutay.the iNih
dar of March. 14(i7.
He natneaaa witiieaea: N. R. Dale, of Dal-
la Oregon; U K lonlee, of D.llag, Oregon;
of' Italia t)rVgoiK,,e 8" 1 T' U- K'"hu'"j:
Any and all iieraoua rlaimiur adveraelv the
laima in thia om.-e on or ia-h.re aaid sth da. ii
No. 7 N. O .No. 11 No. 1 No. a No..-,
, , . Pa. & Pass. &
Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight
A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M.
7:15 11:10 3:20 Lv.
7:34 No Stop 3:39 Ar.
7:38 No Stop 3:43 Ar.
Lv. Lv. Lv. 7:43 No Stop 3:48 Ar.
6:00 9:00 1:30 7:55 11:50 4:00 Ar.
6:30 9:30 2:00 Ar
No. No. 4 Xo, H Xo. H No. 10.No.lS
Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight
A. M. P.M. P.M. A. M. A. M. P.M-
Ar. 9:30 1:45 6 15
Ar. No Stop No Stop No Stop ' .
Ar. 9:02 No Stop 4 47
Ar. 8:67 No Stop 4 42 Ar. Ar. Ar.
Lv. 8:45 1:00 4:30 , 8:30 11:45 4:15
Lv. ; 7:45 11:00 .
Tralna Will Stop Signal Only. N AgtM. Dally Except Sunday.
SchaduU Subject to Chae Witheut Katitt-
The $1.00 bottle cosine 24 time, the trial alze, which fella for SO cam
itnn awiv AT Tun I AAOKATOKV Of
For Sale by Druggists.
. h, l;o7
Sold and Recommended by
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice la hereby alven
that thi. n ,,.l...u w. .. 1
anu ii.iair.UMr of Ihe eM.te of Thomaa f
kin . iece.,, ft.. 6M hlg , , ti
Ihe l ounty t o.irt of the huu? of c.rUon fo
ol Simn h, 11,. at the h.mr of ten oVlook in ill
forenoon ot day at the t'onrt r.a.i o Le
'! "' "J "io Court a the time
IT. . U" r"" of '')-tu.n. to nt
aei4 t.u.1 account anJ the eitirini tl,w(
FAI L B. AU A K, '
Adn.iuuiraior ol ttie e,l,ie 0f
laomaa C. king, dcac4.
J. G. VanOrsdel & Son
al 60 YEARS'
timber and Tarra Eands and eity Properly.
Office on Court Street.
Dallas, Oregon.
InTeni'on I probabl jr I1 t.V: oaf,'f
tlona airictly eonadeiitliU. W Jr - J( paW
aent free. Oldeal aeency for W nwplrt
Patema taken tnroo" -",-Ul
wruil tiotict, witnoui - . .t ,4
Scuniifie Jic r ti
ealatim. ..f any aciontllle J. umaL ns,erJ.
year: J.or moniua. . - !,
branch Offioa. etTj!A" "V
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver and
Chronic Constipation.
Pleasant to take
Laxalive Fniit Syrup
cieanses the sy
thoroughly and
ciw complex3
pimples and blotch
It is guarantee
For Sale by BELT & CHERRING YOfl