Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 08, 1907, Image 3

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    Polk County Observer
Belshazzar tonight.
B. & M. Roat at Howe's grocery.
Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
Country cured hams and bacon and
country lard at Crlder's Grocery. ;
When you want printing that is
right, come to the Obskrver office. ,
It la reported that a grocery store
will be ope nl m ir rars aumuon
Tf vou want to see something fine in
silk waist patterns, go to the Racket
A 60-gallon oak syrup barrel for
sale at II. A. Webster's confectionery
OrvilleShultz and family are pre
narlng to move to Falls City, where
he will have charge of the Fen ton hop
yard the coming spring and summer,
Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate
of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up
stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12
and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone
Wood choppers and wood contractors
wanted to cut wood for the Salem,
Falls City & Western Ry. Co. Apply
to the General Manager's office,
Dallas, Or.
Boiler skates, umbrella repairing,
Petalunia incubators, poultry food
and supplies, "Lilly's Best" Willa
mette Valley garden seeds, at Lee
Smith's Cyclery.
Faster and faster the pace is set,
By people of action, vim and get,
So if at the finish you would be,
Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
Belt & Cherrlngton.
Add these names to your Pacific
States telephone directory : 334, A. W.
Palmer, residence ; 836, Clarence
Brown, res. ; 333, Will Hayes, res. ;
384, Henry Stump, res.; 421, Willa
mette Valley Light Co., office.
Mary Dark circles under the eyes
indicate a sluggish circulation, torpid
liver and kidneys. Exercise and Hol
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
make you well and beautiful. 35
cents, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cher
rlngton. Mrs. Edgar J. Bryan, who has been
visiting friends in Dallas while her
husband was absent in the East on a
business trip, left for her home in
Portland, Wednesday afternoon. Mr.
Bryan was expected to arrive home
from New York yesterday morning.
Lorow's famous Bohemian Glass
Blowers will exhibit in the old Kers
lake building on Main street every
day next week. Glass blowing, weav
ing and spinning will be among the
attractions. Glass dresses, engines
and hammers will be exhibited. The
doors will be open both afternoon and
evening, ;
Miss Mernie A. Hug, of the gradu
ating class of the Willamette Univer
sity's musical department, will sing
the solo, "Savior, Blessed Redeemer,"
by Dana, between acts at the perform
ance of Belshazzar tonight. She is
conceded to be one of .the best sopranos
In Oregon and has completely capti
vated the people of Salem with her
strong, rich voice. Don t miss this
musical treat.
We cordially invite you to call and inspect
our display of Spring Merchandise.
NEW ARRIVALS in Ladies' ready-to-wear Tailored
Suits and Jackets.
NEW ARRIVALS in Underwear and fancy Hosiery.
IMMENSE SHOWING of Wool and Cotton fabrics
at all prices.
NEW ARRIVALS in Laces and Embroideries.
NEW ARRIVALS in Negligee Shirts and Men's
Furnishing goods.
NEW ARRIVALS in Boys' and Young Men's Clothing.
We excel in high grade
and medium-priced goods
A Reliable Place to Trade,
i n n t? n.,,rf DALLAS, OREGON
Jm J & WUMif
Belshazzar tonight.
Milch cow wanted. H. Q. Campbell.
Belshazzar at Woodman Hall to
night. For lots in Ellis Addition, see H G
Printing, the kind that pays, at the
Observer office.
A. N. Holman lias sold his resi
dence property to Mrs. OIHe Cook.
, Complete stock of Myers' spray
pumps just received at Guy Bro &
Dalton's. ;
Justice B. Wilson, or Independence,
transacted business at the courthouse,
Money of private parties to loan at
6 per cent on well-improved farms.
Patronize the new barber shop on
Main street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor,
guarantees first-class work.
Senator Loughary, A. F. Toner and
Joe Craven enjoyed a successful duck
hunt yesterday afternoon.
G. A. Griswold. sales manager of
the Falls City Lumber Company, was
up from Portland, Tuesday.
Remember Guy Bros.' special Bale
on graniteware for Friday and Satur
day, March 8 and 9, also the offer to
sell a high grade shovel for 40 cents
on Saturday, March 9,
Fine tract of 12 or 15 acres for fruit
or poultry for sale; fenced, fine living
water, one mile of city ; have sold five
10-acre tracts adjoining lately; only
one left. H. G. Campbell.
The State Bank of Independence
was incorporated yesterday, by A. E
Hofer, C. C. Patrick, W. A. Mesner,
F. N. Stump,' William Riddell, and
M. Merwin. Capital, $25,000.
Miss Ednelle Collins has received
an announcement of the marriage of
Miss Marguerite Longacre, a former
Dallas girl, to Mr, John J. Connell,
in Shanghai, China, December 19,
Mrs. E. J. Metzger desires to an
nounce to the ladies of Dallas and
vicinity that she has moved her mil
linery store to the Uglow building on
Mill street, where her new spring
stock is on display. All the late cre
ations of the milliner's art are shown
in this beautiful line of Spring hats.
Call and see them.
Jack Matthieu has a new line df
sheet music comprising all of the
latest hits, such as "If the Man in the
Moon were a Coon," "Since You Have
Called Me Dearie," "In After Years,"
"Clover Blossoms," etc. Popular
prices. Special price of five pieces for
$1 for next 10 days, Uglow Building,
with Mrs. Metzger.
Rev. Joseph Hoberg, the veteran
Methodist minister of McMinnville,
visited his daughter, Mrs. D. M.
Metzger, in Dallas this week. Mr.
Hoberg has reached the advanced age
of 79 years, but is as active as many
men twenty years younger. He
attended his first basketball game at
the College gymnasium Tuesday
night and entered heartily into the
spirit of the sport. He expressed great
admiration for the, popular winter
game, but regretted that the final
score was not in Dallas' favor. Rev.
Hoberg has many friends In Dallas,
to all of whom his occasional visits
are a source of pleasure.
Belshazzar tonight
Legal blanks at this office.
Remember Chapman's carpet sale
Ail the news In the Twice-a-week
L. D. Brown, for Abstracts. Notary
ruuuc; typewriting.
Don't throw away your old umbrella
until you see Lee Smith.
A. R. Southwick, of Eola, was a
Dallas visitor, Wednesday.'
The Observer office wants the print
ing you are particular about.
Petite Prunes, 3jc per pound while
they last, at Crider's Grocery.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Collins arrived
home from Walla Walla last night.
H. G. Campbell, agent for lots In
Levens' 3rd Addition to Dallas. New
addition just on the market.
The Dallas steam laundry will run
a wagon to Independence weekly, de
livering laundry there on Friday.
The initiative bill will put it
squarely up to the people as to which
Normal schools shall be retained and
which abolished.
The Observer wants a good, live
correspondent at Ballston and also
one in the Pedee and McTimmonds
Valley neighborhood.
Mrs. Charles Lane, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Grant, will return to her
home in Portland today.
The party who desired to advertise
two milch cows and a set of second
hand harness for sale Is requested to
call, or telephone to this office.
F. S. Ramsey is moving his family
into the Conkey home, the VanOrsdel
family having moved into their
beautiful new home on Jefferson
Walter Dyke, the local agent of the
McMinnville Mutual Insurance Com
pany, has been appointed agent for
the Bankers' and Merchants Mutual
Fire Insurance Company of Forest
Grove In Dallas.
Are you tired, fagged out, nervous,
sleepless, feel mean? Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea strengthens the
nerves, aids digestion, brings refresh
ing sleep. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.
Belt & Cherrington.
H. C. Eakln left on Wednesday for
Yaquina Bay for a week's stay. He
has been suffering from the effects of
a cold for several weeks, and hpes to
find relief in the salt sea breezes that
blow over Newport way.
The Dallas school district should
extend westward to the Polk county
line. There is no reason why several
square miles of timber land should
escape school taxation entirely, and
the outlying territory naturally be
longs to Dallas. The school board
should take up the matter witn the
proper officials without further delay.
Start a petition. r
Mrs. Lottie Hedges-Dorris will be
heard in the role of Queen Nitocris in
the sacred opera, "Belshazzar," at
Woodman Hall tonight. Mrs. Dorris
has been studying with Mrs. Walter
Reed, of Portland, and has a clear,
sweet soprano voice well adapted to
the part she will represent. Dr. R. A.
Heritage, well known throughout the
Northwest as a teacher and soloist,
will assume the role of Belshazzar.
Morning Motor-From Independence
Will Connect With Portland
Train at Dallas.
Through the enterprise of President
Hirschberg,of the motor company, the
people of Independence and Mon
mouth will hereafter be able to visit
Portland and return home the same
day. Two days are required for the
journey at prcsont, but sucii will not
be the case after next Monday, when
connection with the morning train at
Dallas will begin.
The motor will depart from Inde
pendence daily at 6 a. m. and from
Monmouth at 6:15 o'clock, reaching
Dallas at 6:40 and connecting with
Traiu 5 on the Yamhill division, which
departs from Dallas at 7 o'clock and
arrives in Portland at 10:15. On the
return trip the passenger leaves Port
land at 4:15 o'clock in the afternoon,
and by the same route reaches Inde
pendence at 8 :15. The new time card
will go into effect, Monday, March 11.
The morning motor will leave Dallas
for Independence daily at 8 :30 o'clock,
except on Sunday, when it will leave
at 6 :55. This change will be greatly
appreciated by the traveling public,
as the motor will connect with the
Corvallis train at Independence.
The people of Independence and
Monmouth have for years been
clamoring for a train service that
would enable them to visit Portland
and return home the same day. Mr.
Hirschberg has solved the problem
for them by putting on the early
motor, and has, at the same time, im
proved the service for the people of
Dallas by giving them direct train
service to Corvallis and all southern
points on the East Side.
In addition to connecting with the
Corvallis train at Independence, the
morning motor will also connect with
the daily morning boat for Salem.
The afternoon boat from Salem will
arrive in Independence in time to en
able passengers to take the evening
motor for Dallas. Tickets for the
round trip between Dallas and Salem
will be placed on sale in Dallas next
Monday at $1.50.
Concerning the new schedule, Wil
liam McMurray, general passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific Com
pany writes : "I am glad indeed that
satisfactory arrangements have been
made to give the people of Inde
pendence this improved service. You
may rest assured that this depart
ment will do everything possible to
make the new service a success in
every respect."
Salem, Oregon, March 5, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that The
Salem, Falls City & Western Railway
Company, a corporation, has filed
with the Railroad Commission of Ore
gon application for permission to
advance certain rates for the trans
portation of property in Its schedules
on file with said Commission, as pr6-
vided by Section C2 of an act filed
February 18, 1907, and that the same
has been set down for hearing and
will be heard at the office of said com
pany, In Dallas, Polk County, Ore
gon, at 1 p. m. of March 16, 1907, when
and where all interested persons may
appear before said Commission.
Railroad Commission of Oregon,
(Seal) By Geo. O. Ooodall,
A Competent Opinion.
I want to say that the chorus is
especially good and the solo parts
well taken in "Belshazzar," to be pre
sented in Dallas on Friday evening.
It is simply wonderful how perfectly
an amateur chorus can be drilled in
so short a time by Prof. M. E. Robin
son. The performance will be a
delight and a surprise to all who
attend. No one can afford to miss it.
The solo work, part songs, choruses,
acting, costuming all la exceedingly
good. R. A. HERITAGE.
Horticultural Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the Polk
County Horticultural Society, Satur
day, March 16, at the court house at 1
p. m. Business of Importance will
come before this meeting and we
would like to see all of the members
present and also those interested in
horticulture. W. K. Newell, president
of the State Board of Horticulture,
will be present and deliver an address.
Do You Want To Sell?
If you want to sell your timber
claim, and sell it quick, see B. Gild-
ner. He has connections that has
enabled him to buy every claim so far
offered for sale at a reasonable figure
He does not want options, but will buy
your claim if you desire to sell. Call
on him, or write Dim at v&u&a.
If you like the Obsebveb in its new
form, tell your neighbor about it
The favor will be gratefully appreci
ated by us. The more subscribers we
add to our list the better paper we
can give our readers.
tcr Immediate sale, the 'Asa Shreve
farm of 224 acres, located about 5 miles
southwest from Dallas, which will be
sold as a whole or hi parcels as de
sired. Excellent location for the grow
ing of apples and other fruit Has a
10-acre hor vard and good hop house.
Suitable for raising goats and other
live stock. All enclosed with good
fence. Has old house and Lam.
For terms of sale and other par
ticulars Inquire of A. B. Muir, at the
Dallas Tannery, or of Oscar JIayter,
j Attorney, Dallas, Oregon.
M. M. Oils Makes Present of Several
Valuable Books to Free Read
ing Room.
The public library has lately re
ceived from Hon. M. M. Ellis, one of
its loyal friends, a number of valu
able books on practical topics. It is
hoped that the young men of the town
will be especially interested in these
books and will find them of much
everyday use. The titles of the books
Complete Practical Machinist
Essentials of Business Law.
The Home Mechanic.
Free-Hand Lettering.
Christianity and Social Law.
Ethics for Young People.
Inside One Hundred Homes.
Model Houses for Little Money.
Handbook on Sanitation.
Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines.
Briefs for Debate.
The Modern Bank.
Mechanics of Daily Life.
Grateful acknowledgment is made
for several contributions of magazines
which hava been received during the
past two weeks. Will not other friends
bring in any periodicals they can
Sheriff Grant was allowed a credit
of $52.10 for double assessments.
The appointment of Tracy Staats as
a Deputy Sheriff was approved.
The bond of Road Supervisor J. H.
Mulkey was approved.
Treasurer J. E. Beezley presented
the appointment of I. N. Woods as
Deputy Treasurer. The appointment
was confirmed, Mr. Woods to Berve
without compensation. .
The resignation of A. N. Holman as
Deputy Clerk was accepted, to take
effect March 15.
Ed F Coad ... $ 66 65
J M Grant... 137 48
J T Ford 12 50
JE Rlchter.. 60 00
Tracy Staats. ' 17 60
EM Smith 14123
AN Holman 6500
HB Cosper... 4500
J E Beezley...... .... 62 50
O S Graves.................... 101 36
H Holman....... 7 30
JBNunn 27 00
RL Chapman. 34 40
B Wilson 38 30
CL Starr.. 83 34
Mrs F H Morrison .. .... 15 00
OA Rice 16 00
William Riddell....."..., 20 00
J B Teal.. 13 80
D P Stapleton...... ,.....$ 74 75
Salt Creek Lumber Co ....... . 33 67
Dallas Lumber Co... 4 37
O & W Sewer Pipe Cor. ........ 45 20
Spauldlng Logging Co........ 143 40
JKNeal 3 60
Beall& Co 63 00
A Kershaw, trustee 35 00
Jim Foster. 10 00
Pierre Traglio 15 00
G W Chapman 725
William Ray 16 30
Ira Mehrling 16 00
CE Huntley .".$34 30
P M Kirkland 4 60
J K Neal 10 50
RL Chapman 25 00
MrsS E Robinson 12 00
D G Meador n 00
E E Paddock 215
RH Knox 90
J C Smith, tax rebate... ..$. 6 66
S L Stewart tax rebate 4 47
Itemizer. printing 6 70
Remington Typewriter Co 3 00
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies.. 42 91
Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies low
O G Coad, postage. 65 10
Observer, printing 94 00
Weldon Black, tax rebate 1 00
Monthly Weather Report.
U. S. Weather Bureau,
Falls City Station.
The following is a summary of
weather conditions for the month end
ing February 28, 1907 : '
Maximum temperature, 60 degrees
on February 19. '
Minimum temperature, 30 degrees
on February 18.
Precipitation, 9 inches.
Greatest precipitation in 24 hours,
1.78 inches on February 6.
Co-operative Observer.
We are now moved into our
in the
and would be glad to have
everyone come and let us
show you our new store.
We are getting in. new
Goods all the time.
Dallas, - Oregon.
To every customer buying a CAEFST cf 15
-- ---- -- - , -
we will present a
Bissell Carpet Sweeper
No Extra Charge for Cutting and Sewing
No phone orders accepted.
Largest Static on West Side.
Watch our Ad for Saturdays.
. aSUA &S& 4 vsS'4ji
i i
...Nov Is
For you to decide what you want for
We have a fine line of Men's Women's
and Children's SHOES in the latest
styles. Also a nice line of Slippers at
the right prices. We know they are
what-you want, but we want you to
know it. y
Repairing Neatly Done.
Ihe Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- i"5nor'
mSV .V IMV MkViCl .V
Uzzky tMmtmn Tea Nuggets
A Bur Hedioln for Buy PoopU.
Brings Golden Health nd Renewed Vigor.
Jl tpcciflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Live
nd Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure
Blood, Bad Breath, HHiKi?ili Bowels, Headache
and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab
let form, BIS cents a box. Genuine made by
Hollibtki Daua Company, Madison, Wis.
Electricity for Lighting
Is only expensive to people who are
wasteful and careless. To you, who
are naturally careful, it does not
come high. ,
It la economical because It can bo quickly turned off wnen n6t needed.
With gas or kerbsene there lathe temptation to lot light burn when
not needed to save bother of lighting and adjusting. In some homes
the electric light bills amount to only one or two dollars per month.
You can probably get soma kind of artificial light for less money
than electric light, but does it save you anything when it limits op
portunities for work and recreation ruins your eyesight smokes
your walls mars decorations and increases household work. You
could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without your meals
but It wouldn't be economy. It Is not so much what you save, but
how you save that counts.
WILLAMETTE VALLEY CO. EATES-Eesidence on meters, per
Kilowatt 150 ; Eesidence, flat P6r month, 16ep BOc. IlAl'KH FOR
BUSINESS HOUSES 25c per drop and 6c per Kilowatt up to 10 drops;
over 10 drops 20o per drop and 5o per Kilowatt up to 40 drops ; over 40
drops 17Jc per drop and fio per Kilowatt. A drop figures 16cp or less.
For power rates apply at the office. We are always ready to explain
the ,rins and outs' of the lighting proposition to you, call on us or
phone to us, we are never to busy to talk business.
Willamette Valley Company
E. W. KEAENS, Manager for Dallas.
Oflioe on Mill street, Just north of the Court House. Thonos Bell 421,
Mutual 1227.
I' Groceries and Provisions
U 1UE carry all the leading brands of Canned
N " Honda. Coffees. Teas and Spices. Also
a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in
' season. .'. Crockery and Queen's Ware.
Worth of Second-Hand Furni
ture. Highest Market
. . Price Paid . .
Next Door to
March 9th, caiy
Kii ici !fcN V s
The Time...
High Service
Low Rates
C. W. NIXON, Proprietor,
CorvGllis, Oregon,
the CLscrvcr CT.cc.
1 1
t -3
f I