1 OLIK V)il? WEEKLY AND SEMMVEEKLY VOL. XVIII JJAPOLK COUNTY, OREGON, .MARCH 1 1907. NO. 5U I JL J 2-L il i 1 f NEWS OF COUNTY TOWNS. r 9 i mi ic i ; Percy Hadley baa a brand splinter sne nack- Seal Hiilgbt Is spending the winter California with his slater. ! p jjadloy went to Independence 'after ft load of lumber last Friday. I gj erry took the train for Salem, Way, and will be gone all week. I Ab Byerley, of Dallas, spent part of ?b!s week with hia son, Roy, near here. c Guyer has the Tarter hop 'vard all cleaned up and ready for the plow.. I ff. L. Phillips was laid up for 'several days,' with a badly sprained "ankle. I Our teacher, Miss Hudson, spent Saturday and Sunday with her 'parents at Tangent. . . f jji, Staats will build a large saw mill for John Bulo, near Kings fVatloy this spring. J Martin Ititner, of Chicago, is visit ing relatives in this locality. Ho Is a f cousin of the older Ritners. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Arnold took the train Monday for Independence, re turning Tuesday evening, i Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, of Mon 'mouth, are spending several days fWith relatives and friends here. J A. C. Staats killed nine fine porkers, : Monday. Some were shipped to Port land, and the others kept-for his own I . U96. I Two centlemen came In on the mo tor ft few days ago and were takon to I King's Valley to look at some vacant ' land. I Tommy Brlnkley, who Is attending F one of the business colleges of Port- land, was home for a visit the first of ; the week. I Frank Lindcman has returned from the logging camp, and is now ?9nisf.inff I. M. SimDson with his ,i - o ; Spring work. I Brooks & Son, of Carlton, have shipped quite a number of fruit trees I to this place, and the farmers are now calling for them. I H. D. Staats was In town, Tuesday, I making arrangements to ship his ! 35W) non nds of clover seed, which he r - ! sold for 12 cents a pound. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Archie Riser left for ! California lust Saturday. Thev will f spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs J J. W.Wilson, parents of Mrs. Riser, f The school board in this district is highly elated over the passage of the fcompulsorv pass bill, believing, 01 I course, that all the members will be entitled to a free pass. They have 2 already made application to Road i Supervisor Had ley for them, and are J now making great preparations for a i visit to the headwaters of the Luckia- mnte, where a good time will be en- I joyed on the Presedtt logging trains. 1 The manager has tendered them the I use of an observation car, which oou 1 slats of a nair of trucks and a sawlog. Mr. Newbill, who happens to be a i Photographer as well as a director, I has consented to take his camera I along, and if he gets any good views, which we doubt, we will surely supply i tho Observer with a lot of them. They I will return via Black Rock. . BRIDGEPORT. Mrs. Dressier is quite sick. Tommy Guthrie win 1 .. t" Card s mill. Clarence Lee and JneOnru , a new shearing machine. Miss M. E. Guthrie "wu nuiso tnis week, but Is reported some better at this writing. Will Miller and Sam Bnvia h... purchased one of Mr. Hewitt's thor oughbred Poland China hogs. Mrs. Nancy Wise, of PerrvrUlo u visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. W Planklnton. Elmer Guthrie hnnrrht horse of Will Brown for $200, and Chester Gnthrle has a young team for wmcn no paid $350 Mrs. A. W. Teats Is at. tho hpiai,in n ner daughter, Hattie. who has been dangerously ill in Tortland, butts slowly Improving. BUENA VISTA. William Steele has been quito 111 Mr. Tyler was in Independence. Saturday. J. M. Prather has returned from Portland George Wells sold a shipment of hay recently. A. J. Hall delivered a shipment of oats to Parker station. James Hanna, of Indepandence, was in town last week buying horses. Mr. Hanson, of rhilomath. visited at the home of Ira Rowe last week. A shadow social will be given by the Circle In tho Woodman hall, Thursday evening, William Adams, one of the promi nent citizens of this place, has sold his residence to Mr. Dixon, of Salem. Newt Prather has in keeping a White Cheek Pippin apple that was gathered from the tree three years ago next apple-picking time. I BLACK ROCK. ! 0. W. Cone was a business visitor 1 to Dallas, Saturday. i George Barr, one of our local sports I men, went to Salem, Thursday. ! Couqty Superintendent Starr made I aiptoourclty, Wednesday. " I E. E. Mendenhall left on Wednesday ? for his home in Tillamook. I The new. school house . is being ) erected and nnhnnl will onen in a ; short time. . - I A number of our young folks at I tended the ilnnm In Plla Citv last i Friday night. All report a pleasant i lime. 5 The Willamette Valley Lumber .: Company will soon have another mp started. N.ithlncr slow about i Black Rock. G. T. Gerlinger, secretary and gen ial manager of the Willamette ai i "7 Lumber Comnanv. was a visitor i in Black Rock, Wednesday. Thirteen carloads of logs went out ; n one train, Wednesday. Three log trains now leave here dally. We log rain or shine at Black Rock. E. Jaeobson will move Into his new "ore building the last or this week. Tte roof is now OI1 an(j the carpenters ir putting in the front. was summoned to attend him and at asw reports he was on the road to recovery. William north end of T. W. Brunk's farm has Fuuaseu a tine span of fillies from Mr. Clanfleld. of chase price being $450. George Mittv has retnrnpH fmm hla claim near Toledo. While there he set out quite a patch of ginseng. He reports a very heavy rain storm,, the hardest they have had for years. remember the basket social March 9th. O. G. Savage lost a valimhle last week. Mrs. Kruze. of MrMi nnvtlln is via. iting his father, O. G. Savage. John Burton, of T nr1prwnrinnra Vina four teams hauling trellis poles to his hopyard. The fruit buds in this section are not as far advanced now as thev were at this time last year. Owing to the blastiner loi nf? rt nri w O D around here, several of the women folks have set their incubators and hens in vain. ,. . Mr. Holman has been put to a lot of extra expense and labor by the large amount of drift which has lodged on tus hopyard. Bartoll Tiinmonds, age 87 years, father of Mrs. R. Brunk, is making preparations to run over an acre of garden truck this season, and is en tering Into it with more vim than most meu of 35. Scarcity of hands and good wages here are causing some of our larger boys to quit school, and from indica tions now when hop-training begins evory woman and girl who wishes to work will have a chance. Mrs. Zosel and children, of Salem, visited at the old home place. Satur day and Monday. Miss Carmen Sears, of the Mon mouth Normal, is at home for a few weeks' rest from her school work. ' Boyd Shields, of Salem, is quite ill at the home of his parents. He is suf fering from an abscess in his side. . Among those who were present at the Legislature the last of the week were J. D. Kelty, G. L. Kelty and J. K. Sears. BUTLER. Lloyd Wallace has been to Salmon river. MissReta Rowell is visiting rela tives in Sheridan. Charlie Rowell. of Sheridan, has been visiting his brother, Lee Rowell. Mrs Elmer Yocum has been dan gerously ill, but is reported some bet ter. nvioatpr Ellis and George Elgin passed through here on their road to their claims at Salmon river. Afr and Mrs. Fred McKlnley, of Dolph, have been visiting at Mr. Row- ell's and at Sheridan the past weeis. unmAii hna been trapping along iJCC " " , the Yamhill river and Saturday night was successful in catching an otter, E0LA. Hands are very scarce around here now. B. I. Ferguson has finished spray ng his orchard. Our merchant, J. J. Swanson reports business increasing. Rev. Bvers will preach hero next Sunday evening at 7:30. ,ori. Whalev. of Rickrcaii, on rented the Byers hop yard. xf,a n G. Savage vlsiteu mi mother in Turner last week. O..roi around here planted eany gardens during the nice weather. George Chapman B b -stantialimprovementsabouthisarm Miss Hattie Grice aumjuj . taking a toacnem - Knapps' at Salem. The party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gosser on the 13th oninvable affair. Miss Bessie Frogtey. order, good Prto! the nnnr lipaitn. tlnnon accouniui v FALLS CITY. Mrs. V. Quick is on the sick list. Mrs. Ben McDowell Is sick with la grippe. H. L. Fenton was a Falls City vis itor, Tuesday. V. H. Bocirt and Charles Watts have cut nearly 100 ricks of wood this month. A. N. Robinson & Sons' building is nearing completion and will be one of the best in town. C. Vashaw has commenced building a general merchandise store on the hill in north Falls City. Mrs. Dr. McMurdo experienced a lively ride with a runaway horse last Saturday. She fortunately escaped injury. C. J. Pugh's jewelry, confectionery and telephone building on main street will be ready for occupancy soon. w V. -Rnncroft fell from a scaffold while working on C. J. Pugh's build ing last Saturday and was badly shaken up, No bones broken. G. M. Graham and Edmund Florla are cutting timber in the Falls City park. The city contemplates making the park a fine summer resort. Willis Frink is slowly recovering from the Injuries received in the col lapse of the Dayton street bridge. Jonah Lowe and Samuel Lackey, who were hurt at the same time, are able to be on the streets. McCOY. J D Kelty is in Portland this week. Mr. Boch'e made his usual trip to Monmouth, Friday evening. School Is closed again, all tho pu pils having the mumps. Lewis Macken spent several days in Monmouth last week, visiting Normal friends. MONMOUTH. Ellis Collins, of Suver, was In town, Sunday. John Nichols left for California for his health, Tuesday. , : " R. C. Craven, of Dallas, visited friends in Monmouth, Saturday. David Hampton, of Dundee, visited his daughter's family over Sunday. Charles Herrin has purchased a span of fine colts, paying a good price for them. Uncle Ira F. M. Butler is nearly 95 years old, but walked up town: Tues day, a distance of half a mile. Mrs. Otto Nelson, of Uphollow, Wash., is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hewitt. Hon. Isaac Simpson, a leading farmer and hopgrower, of Lewlsvllle, was In town on business, Saturday. August Peterson, of Dallas, was In town this week. He formerly lived here, and still owns property here. There is every indication of an early Spring. Prospects are bright for a good fruit year and for all other crops. Rev. D. G. Goode, of Springfield, preached in the Evangelical church one night last week. ' He is the father of the local pastor. Grant Wolverton, of Spokane, is visiting his brother, Postmaster Otis Wolverton, and friends. He reports a hard winter In Eastern Washington. Mr. Drewey, of Independence, has rented the Barnett property and will enEraffe In the poultry business - for C? " D " five years. He has a fine lot of blooded Plymouth Rock chickens. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Olson and daugh ter, who have been visiting for the past year at the home of Mrs. Olson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Graham, left for their home in South Dakota, Monday. Miss Bowden, of the class of mid year graduates, has secured a position in the Independence public school. As fast as students graduate here, they get. a position somewhere. Truly, the Normal graduates are in demand. The revival meetings at the Evan gelical church will continue over Sun day and perhaps all of next week. Rev. Morris Heverling, of Salem, is assisting. Mrs. Jennie Hutchlns, ol Salem, is the soloist. You will enjoy hearing her sing. All are invited. most of it, using 500 pounds of new wire. Martin & Blodgett started up their sawmill on J. S. Macomber's place Monday afternoon. Soon the road to Dallas will be lined with teams, taking the output of the mill to that place for shipment to the markets or the world. We are blest with a health-giving climate and plenty of pure mountain water, but are cursed with almost im passable roads. We have plenty of material right at hand to make first- class roads. When will we get the relief we ask for and that Is our just due? Echo answers, when? We think, about tho year 2007. PERRYDALE. Alfred Enes U confined to his home with the mumps. Lee Nelson is at home from La Grande on a visit. VesterTownsend, of Portland, visited his grandparents last week. Mr. Roetz Is Improving his home by pruning the grove near the house. Mr. Dulgnan has moved his family Into the house vacated by Mr. Watts Uncle John Townsend and wife have been visiting at the home of their son, Jesse, near McMinnvllle. Mr. and Mrs. John Foster will spend a week In California on their return from Tennessee, arriving home about the middle of March. Our teachers. Professor Stine and Miss Eva Wash, observed Wash incton's Birthday at their respective homes, Monmouth and Dallas. In honor of the Quarterly Meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Mrs. E. t Keytand daughter, Fanny, will enter tain the members and their husbands Saturday evening. An interesting nrnnrnm ishfiincr prepared for the r-c - ' 7 social event. --- - : Active Interest is being taken in the literary society. Elmer Enes, the president, led and won the negative side of the following question tor ue bate last week: "Resolved, That man has done more for the advancement of civilization than woman." ; A Jennings Lodge, fo. 9, stated ,r communications. Second and V Fourth Fridays of each month. It. Xj. X1AWKIN8, W. JU. J. C. Haytkr, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, First First and third Fridays of each month. Oscar Hatter. H. P. U. S. Grant, Sec. fA aomi Chapter, No. 22. 0. E. S., stated meetings Second and Fourth Tnei days of each month. Mrs. Maggik Haytkr, W. M. Mrs. Libbib Muir, Sec. Dallas Camp, No. 209, meets in their hall in Ihn Wnnilnmn hiiildillS BverV Tuesday evening. B. M. Uuy U. J. W. G. Vasball, Clerk. Mistletoe Circle, No. S3, W. C. W., moot a in tlifir Hall, in tllO Woodman building every Wednesday eyening. Mrs. Hei.kn urkknwood, u. a. B. M. Guy, Clerk. OAK DALE. Oakdalel Oakdalel Oakdale is the stuff; We've got a sawmill, And are feeling big enough 1 Dial Tate ha3 moved to Falls City and will work In a butcher shop there, r.harlev Hubbard has moved out to his father's ranch, and will run the part of the hop yard that is on poles, consisting of about 7 acres. George Robinson will leave Satur- Aav March 2. for Junction City, Lane county, where he will attend the wed ding of bis niece, Martha Robinson. Messrs. Hubbard and Wright have wn nnttinflr a good deal of worK on their hop yard. They have re-trellised POLK. Farm work is progressing rapidly The grip sufferers are getting better. A tramp has been lodging-in the schoolhouse. Some of the boys ordered him to vacate, Sunday. TTonrv Vot.h shlnDOd tWO hOKS tO Portland last week, for which he re ceived 10 cents a pound. For the month of February, G. J Remrjel made from four cows 129 pounds of butter, amounting to $38.70 or $9.68 per cow. From loo cnicitens, he sold eggs to the amount or . $ 16.15 Rev. Isaac Dyck returned from his trip to Sask, Canada, this week, and aavs Oregon is good enough tor him He visited in Washington on his way back and reports snow everywhere east of the Cascades. , tTniman and me - inoiu - hftve eom hi3 'IZ rTLt Tnow Mr.Hol- n Urown was tauu lMt week. Dr. Robertson, ill of Salem, A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabbyj He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scoffs Emulsion, NOW: v To feel that boy's arm you WOuld think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. .. .,r..iQTSt 60o. AND SI.OO. o ZENA AND SPRING VALLLY. The farmers were all pleased to see the rain come. Bird Walling is seriously sick at his home in Lincoln. , .t Tt Rhenard and Mr. Wyatt were shipping hay last week. Mrs. Patrick has returned home from Newberg after a two months rj-tc with her daughter. Mrs. Joe v loiu " v Bigsby. .TrtA Bicsbv. of Newberg, passed through this vicinity last week In the Interest of the New itoyai ewing Machine Company. - Miss Mae Smith, formerly of Zena, but now a teacher In the Oregon City snhools. made a few calls on hor old friends last Saturday. We were all i,i tn oaa her and to learn of her gKtMl V J'r - success In her work. Ttorn. at the home of her parents In RalAm. February 24. to Mr. and Mrs E C. Crawford, a son. 'lhe lortunaie .,r,iA in the above event were . w-m r formerlv residents or -ona. Airs. nrnwfnrd was Miss Maudula Marsh. The mother and baby are doing well LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Woodmen of the World. Knights of the Maccabees. Dallas Tent, No. S, meets Second and Fourth Thursdays of each month in I. O. O. F.hall. Mioif Haytkr. 8. K. Com. I. N. Woods, R. K. T wilao Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M., meeti -on Second and Fourth Thursday after noon of each month. Mrs. Kittib N. Miller, L. O. Mrs. Robb Fidlkr, R, K. Knights of Pythias Marmion Lodge, No. 96, K.oPl'. Moofa vArt Mnnrlnv pvenlncr III W. 6. W. building. Visiting Knights are welcome. M. A. Ford, C. V. ,G. L. Hawkins, K. of R. S. Fraternal Union of America T Lodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday of finfih month. W. J. Wagnbr, F. M. -Mrs. S. E. Morrison, See. A. O. U. W. Union Lodge, No. 36 Meets First n,i Th wf wail nituidv fit nncri month. H. L. Fknton, M. W. John E. Smith, Fin. Crystal Lodge, No. 50, D. of h., meets First and Third Wednesday of each month. Mrs. C. G. Coad, V. of 11. Mrs. EdF. Coad, Fin. I. O. O. F. Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meet! , ' ievery Saturday evening in I. o. O. F. Hall. W. L. Sokhrkm, N. G. W. A. Ayrks, Rec.Sec. meets each UaCreole Encampment, No. 20, Second and Fourth Monday of month. W. A. Ayrks, C. P. A. W. Tkats, Scribe. Almira Lodge, No. 20, P. of R., meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Miss Mabel Holmes, H. U. Miss Ollis Howe, Sec. United Artisans. AMembly No. 40 meets First and Third Tuesday of each month. Willis Simokton, M. A. Business Men Protest. It is rumored that an effort is being made by certain Interested parties to Induce the Government to abolish the Dallas-Salem dally mall route. A remonstrance against the abolish ment of this route has been signed by every business firm In Dallas, and many citizens will write to the Sen ators and Congressmen protesting against the change. The Dallas-Salem mail route Is one of the oldest In the state and Its abolishment would ntiv inconvenience a large number fffvf what every woman moat 3-lre-A jw-rfect compl" Ion. It brlnisa that soft, smooth, freih. clear tint to the cheek that denote. jouthfulnew. It will bring beauty to those who laek It; It will retain It for those who already poes H: It -will enable you to uocevsfu!!y combat the ravage of weather nd time. Don"t doubt-Jon't srgue. Jut try Ilobertlne. Your drugslst will give you free aample. All drug ciMta keeD Bobertlne.