Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 26, 1907, Image 3

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    hk County Observer T.! I Marot i Ta,Mm.ttM. TZ - -s- o
i'lfaro tonight.
fll blanks at this office.
; Wo 1.11- Arl.lltlnn boo W n
lots in ,M"0 ilu"''"v'"
i For
iCJt your Glucose for Candy at Cri
,,. Grocery.
f Printing, the kind that pays, at the
r ,.0dveb office.
'-!tftmMcHar(1y was
1 "" n.dinlnV.
' isitor, oi"k " '
. vred Oberer, of Black Rock, is
.n.. In f!nrvnllla thla
a Portland
'visiting reiauv-
f Falls City, passed
trough Dallas, Hunuay, on iiib way
to CorvfiHlB.
uMs Leta Wolverton returned Mon
w from her visit in Dallas.-Mon-joiitli
njjsa MauJe nawley, of Monmouth,
' feturned home from a visit at the
"me of Professor and Mrs. B. F.
Kulkoy in Ashland.
Mrs Jennie Smith, who is studying
1 hortliand in Portland, cameup Frl-
ay and visited her mother, Mrs. E. L.
D'Lashmutt, until Monday.
pj, h, L. Toney, dentist; graduate
'j Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up
stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12
md i to 5. Examinations free. Phone
I Don't buy an oil can thnt will over
fill your lamp and spill oil over every
thing in sight. The Delphoscan never
Wr-flU9 v0,ir Iamp- n,y $1 and
$1 so at Howe's grocery.
f Senator Loughary and Representa
McCalloB have returned from Salem
'anil are again at their places of busi
ness. Both are tired from the long
Jslon, and are glad to be at home
P. C. Mclteynolds, teacher of violin
Kti other string instrument classes,
1 at the Oregon Agricultural College,
was a visitor in Dallas, Saturday.
Professor McReyuolds was formerly a
, Monmouth boy.
I Hon. B. F. Jones came over from
t Independence on a business errand
jesterday afternoon. He is greatly
fatigued from his forty days of hard
work at the Legislature and will go to
Newport today for a few days of rest
' and recreation.
1 Mrs. Isabel Cressy will leave today
' for an extended visit -at the home of
her niece, Mrs. Nettie Shafer, in Oak
t land, California. Mrs. Cressy is still
I very weak from the effects of her re
i cent Illness of pneumonia, and goes
1 south in the hone of regaining her
1 health.
Maro tonight.
L D. Brown, for Abstracts.
Public; typewriting.
Da't "row away your old umbrella
until you see Lee Smith.
School Superintendent C. T, Hi.
accompanied bv his mtw ......., .'
Salem, Friday.
Money of private parties to lonn Bt
V well-,mPrved farms.
Sibley & Eakin.
viiftV' D'. Belt 01 IndePendence,
visited her sister, Mrs. J. H. Lawton
In Dallas, Friday.
Mrs. D. M. Metzger visited her
parents, Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Hoberg,
in McMinnvllle, Friday.
Engineers and conductors are given
authority as sheriffs on trains by a
bill that was passed by the recent
JaBper Bales, who is bookkeeping
for the Dallas Lumber Company, has
been at home during the week visit
ing with his
Wood choppers and wood contractors
wanted to cut wood for the Salem,
" is uuy western Ry. Co. Apply
to the General Manager's office,
uanas, ur.
Mrs. Lee Smith and Miss Caroline
Burch are in Portland attending the
millinery openings and selecting
stock of spring and summer goods for
Mrs. Metzger.
l he Impression is abroad that the
mon mourn basketball team has not
won a game this year. This is incor
rect. The Normal boys defeated the
Salem Y. M. C. A. team by the decis
Ive score of 41 o 18 a week ago Friday
The city of Independence and the
Willamette valley Company have
reached an agreement on water for
fire protection. The city will contract
for 16 hydrants for a period of five
years, paying therefor the sum of $480
per year.
Professor A. M. Sanders, of Albany,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Abel Uglow, Saturday. Professor
Sanders recently resigned his place as
a member of the Ashland Normal
School faculty and is now in charge
of the Albany public schools as City
Superintendent, a responsible and
lucrative position.
The estate of the late Harry Bur
ford, who was accidentally killed at
the Willamette Valley Lumber Com
pany's sawmill on February 18, was
admitted to probute yesterday. The
property consists of 53 acres of farm
ing land one mile east of Dallas. J.
M. Burfordi father of the deceased,
was named as administrator.
Legal blanks at this office.
F. A. Koser, of Rickreall, was in
town, Monday.
Don't forget F. J. Chapman's spec
ial Saturday sale.
Mrs. B. F. Lucas, of Rickreall, vls-
Maro tonight.
Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
The Observes office wants the print
ing you are particular about
Remember 3 cans Evannrti rw
for 25 cents at Crlder's Grocery.
rrank Wortman. of MnMinnviiio ited In Dall
-r riuay. i) rank Butler, of Falls Citv, was a
hvcud u .Lewis. Of Riekreftll wa o countv spat visitor vstprtlv
K,,Di . " ' -
' V,S"T ln yesterday. F. J. Morrison came out from Rocca
it you want to see something fine in on a business visit this week
"tt natal, UiUbemB. trn t tha RanWf xrir,, D-l, n,.ui i i T.1.,,1
selecting a stock of choice Spring
rrofessor A. F. Camnhpll. of th millinery,
.... . "
mou.uoutn Normal School faculty, Prices cut in two on all bamboo fur
tnna In T 1 1 . I
...u cairns yesterday. nitureat Chapman's furniture store
A 50-gallon oak syrup barrel, also next Saturday
j, . . ...
eanay DucKets for sale at H. A. Web- H. C. Eakin has been confined to the
sier s confectionery store. house by illness for several days, but
Patronize the new barber shoD on Is convalescent.
. . . i
man, buwi. x. w.iwei, the proprietor, W. V. Fuller and D. J. Riley are
guarantees first-class work. cruising timber near Cape Foul-
H. G. Campbell, agent for lota In weather this week.
lievens' 3rd Addition to Dallas. New The Dallas College basketball team
audition just on the market. will play a game with the Crescents
Mrs. Charles Hubbard is retiring " Evauston, Illinois, next Wednesday
rrom tne millinery business and will n'Snt.
sell her entire stock regardless of cost. Pearl Hedges, of Independence, was
Roller skates, umbrella repairing. a Dallas visitor, Saturday. Mr,
Petaluma incubators, poultrv food Hedges has sold his cigar store to the
and supplies, "Lilly's Best" Wllla- Whiteaker brothers of that city and
mette Valley garden seeds, at Lee wl11 engage in other lines of work.
Smith's Cyclery. The material is on the ground for a
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lane, of Port- new cement walk In front of the Ho-
land, visited Mrs. Lane's parents, Mr. tel Gail- Mr- Thompson is entitled to
and Mrs. William Grant Sundav. credit for his enterprise in making
Mrs. Lann will viath in Tniiia imtu this permanent and attractive im
the end of the week. provement.
No legislative enactments of the Miss Bertha Collins has returned
rewwnt wiainf iro D.mn,ki. ftwin from Walla Walla and win open ner
the school laws of Oreson will be in millinery store again naay morn
u . A . 11
force until Mav 25. 1907. at whieh time mg. ine laaies are invitea to van
State Superintendent Aekerman hones and see tne beautirui display 01 new
to have a copy of the revised school BPnn nals
laws ln the hands of all school boards The Independence Athletic Club
in the state. won its seventh victory at basketball
A S Tkn hns Rnlri his rpsidonfifl this Winter, without a single defeat,
inst, wost of t.hn.ihliP. school hnilninff by taking the University of Oregon
toT,nn,iir,rHTroannrofthAT,ittiPl. first team' in tow Friday night by a
ace hotel. While we are not informed score r 15 10 13
unon the Bubiect. it is hoped that Mr. The Rickreall Masonic lodge will
Tpltn has not. flenlrlfid to Ipavn Indfl- confer the-ihird degree on two canai-
pendence. Mr. Treanor. by the pur- dates on Saturday night of this week
chase, secures a handsome home and A 'number of members or Jennings
valuable property. Independence Lodge of this city are making
West Side. -a arrangements to attend
Encouiaged by the success of his Tracy Staats Is assisting Sheriff
first Saturday Sale, when hundreds of Grant and Deputy Richter while the
rolls of 10-cent wall paper were sold at rush of taxpaying is on. Mr. Staats
2i cents a roll, F. J. Chapman, the has had much experience IntheSher-
enterprising furniture dealer, has de- iff's office and his services are greatly
cided to continue these special Satur- appreciated at this busy time,
day sales until runner nouce. uui Work nn Kerslake and white's new
Saturday, some line of goods in bis . Mn r,nb la nrnc,rina ranidlv.
store will be sold at a mere fraction or The ffame work ifj up and the bull(1
original cost, in order to Know wuai , m be UQder roofIn a few dayli
. , i l urt ftnaA If will no I . . .
aruuies aio iu uc ottii.., Thn hrd wood floor has been ordered
necessary foi you to watch for his ad f Porlland and wiU put down
aanh wfipk. An announcemeni wi
A -A
HA? r
mwmm ' j
for next
No phone orders - accepted.
Largest StocK on West Side.
Watch our Ad for Saturdays.
3tatb eff Ohio, City of Toledo, J Mi
Lucas County. 1
Fbane J. Uhenby nmkes oath that tM
icnior Vruw'of the tirm ot i , J. ChknbyCo. ,
tohiK busineM in the City of Toledo, County
ind Stato aioi-esaid, and that said Arm will pay
ich and evrv case of Catarrh that cannot bo
by the ua of
Bworn to before me and subscribed in rny
presence, titu Cth day ot Uecember, A.D. 1889.
next Saturday appears elsewhere in
this paper.
Remnants and. odds and ends of
every description must be sold in the
Next Two Weeks
to make room for our New Spring
GOODS. Bargains in every Depart
ment. :
i. u. 0. r. iiunamg,
next week.
Miss Edith Bagley Is being ex
amlned a3 to her sanity before County
Judge Coad and Dr. W. S. Cary this
afternoon. The young woman is
daughter of O. J. Bagley, of Alrlie,
and is 19 vears old. She has been in
failing health for nearly a year.
County Assessor Graves has ap
pointed as field deputies W. A. Ayres,
of Dallas: A. M. Arant,or won mourn
A. ft. Southwick. of Eola: Charles
McPherron, of Independence, and J,
K. Guttrv. of Mill Creek. The assess.
ment of the county will be commenced
some time next week.
- A. W. GLEASON, tt.
Hoiary Public.
.... . i. t. Intern &1K' ami Acta
S Z blSd mou. .urfaoe. ot
the .yatem. Send for ttimonmU,.
Ball' Family mis are ins ue.
It is not Economy
Leave Independence, daily ex. Bunrtny, 7:!S0
a. in.; lv. Momnomn, a:uu a. in.; ar. inimn, a.ai
a. in.
Leave Independence, daily, 11:05 a. m.: lv.
Moninmith, 11:20 a. m.j ar. Dallas, 11:45 a. m.
Tjv Tndenendenee. daily. 6:15 p. m.; lv.
Monmouth, 6::W p. m.;ar. Dallas, 6:55 p. n.
ravA Indenendence. dailv. 7:30 a. m,; lv.
Monmouth, 7:40 a. m.; ar. Airlie, 8:1E l. m.
Leave Independence, dally, 3:30 p. m.; lv.
Monmouth, 3:50 p. m.; ar. Alilie, 4:25 p. m.
Iave Independence, daily, 2:15;p. m.
Leave Dallas, dally ex. Sunday, 9:45 a. in.: lv.
Monmouth, 10:15 a. m, ; ar. Independence, 10:&
a. m, .
i... nulla., dully. 1 n. m.: lv Monmouth,
1:26 D. m.; ar. lndeiieiidunce, 1:40 p. m. (This
train counects at Monmouth lor Airtle.)
Leave Dallas, daily, 7:i p. m.i lv. Monmouth,
g p. m.i ar. Independence, 8:16 p. m.
Leave Airlie. daily, 9a. m.; lv, Moiimoiith,
9 :i5a. m.; ar. Indeiendence, 9:50 a. m. (Hill
train connects at Monmouth (or Dallas.)
Leave Airlie, daily, 5:05 p. m.; lv. Monmouth
5:40 p. m.i ar. Independence, 5:55 p. m.
Leaves Monmouth for Independence, daily, at
2.50 p. m.
To do the family washing
at home. When you figure
up the cost of water, soap,
starch, extra fire and time,
and most of all the mess and
trouble that it makes, and
compare it with our price of
6 cents a pound, washed,
starched and dried and 25
cents a dozen for flat pieces,
you will see that you can't
afford to wash at home.
Send your washing to the
Dallas Steam Laundry
Phones: Mutual, IS7, Bell, 203
Dallas Harness
A. Williams, Aged 79 Years,
Joins Silent Majority.
John A. Williams died at the home
of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gertie
Williams, near Dallas, on Friday,
February 22, aged 79 years.
Mr. Williams was born in Indiana,
February 4, 1828. He married Miss
Luclnda Price, December 20, 1848, and
was the father of nine children, four
of whom survive him.
He moved from Indiana to Iowa
and from there to California. In 1883
he settled in southern Oregon and in
iR7 name to Polls' county where he
Mail ii until the time of his death.
! He joined the Christian cnurcn in
Iowa in his early raannooa anu u
an upright, consistent life.
Is in shape to sell Harness
and Horse Goods at lowest
Prices. Call and get prices
and save money.
Plush Robes, Blankets,
Whips, ECc.
Knights Give Ball.
Knights of Pythias'
Groceries and Ptoviskmis
WE carry all the leading brands of Canned
finnda. Coffees. Teas and Spices. Also
a eood supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in
t hall at Falls City last Friday evening
was a highly successful and enjoyaDie
social affair. Over 100 couples were
nreaent all sections of Polk county
hfiin represented. Dancing was en
joyed until 4 o'clock Saturday morn
ing Excellent music was furnished
hv th Dallas orcnestra. oiv..
train was run from Dallas to accom
modate the visitors.
for immediate sale, the Asa Shreve
farm of 224 acres, located about5 miles
Hailas. which will be
sold as a whole or in parcels as de
sired Excellent location for the grow
ing of apples aud other fruit. Has s
,n hnn vard and eood hop house,
Suitable for raising goats and other
ii Etnrk. All enclosed with good
fon Has old house and barn.
torm of sale and other par
! ticulars inquire of A. B. Mulr. at the
Dallas Tannery, or of Oscar Hayter,
' Attorney, Dallas, uregon.
bad the we&thcc
You cannot
afford to be
without ft
When you buy
took for the
O Kl O
0lM j(mflKliMfr,
Rordln and d aobool (or TOUDS ladl.
Muaio (Lchl(k7 mtthod). Art; CenpUt
Acadamlo Cour: aptclal lnducnU. Wl
Infurmnlon kddnis SUtsr Superior.
$ 1000
Worth of Second-Hand Furni
ture. Highest Market
. . Price Paid . .
Next Door to the Observer OOce.