Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 15, 1907, Image 4

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    Polk County Observer
J. C. HAYTElt,
Published Weekly at 11.50 per
Strictlv in Advance.
C. W. Matthews and M. W. Walker
Are New Owners of Pop
ular Hostelry.
DALLAS, OREGON, Fibedaby 15. 1907
The way to build up Dallas ts to pat
ronize Dallas people.
Tbe anti-pass bill adopted by the
people last Spring has been laid away
by indefinite postponement by a
Legislature elected by the people last
Good news from Salem: The Sen
ate has indefinitely postponed 38 bills,
and the House has disposed of 25
more by the same swift and painless
The valley farmer who is Industri
ously engaged in pruning and spray
ing his old orchard will take fresh
courage in his work when he learns
that Southern Oregon growers are
Just now receiving an average net fig
ure of $2.38 per box for their choice
Yellow Newtons.
Newberg pays her night watchman
$50 a month, and the business men
add $35 more to his salary. Such an
arrangoment should be made in Dal
las. The merchants and property
owners stand ready to do their part,
and it only remains for the city coun
cil to appoint a night man. Dallas
has absolutely no need of a salaried
marshal in the daytime.
C. W. Matthews has sold his inter
est in the Belvedere saloon in this city
to his partner, D. A. Madison, and, In
partnership with Moss W. Walker,
has purchased the interest of William
Cbaddock in the hotel at Falls City.
The transfer of property has already
taken place and Messrs. Matthews
and Walker will go to Falls City to
Extensive changes and improve
ments in the Falls City hotel are
planned by the new proprietors, chief
of which will be the addition of ten
rooms and a large new kitchen. The
house will be refurnished throughout
with the most modern furniture, and
the building will be repainted Inside
and out. The bar will be moved out
of the building, thus providing much
needed room.
The Falls City hotel is doing a
thriviug business, and those who
know the new proprietors best do not
doubt that they will build up a greatly
increased patronage. Colonel Mat
thews is a progressive business man,
and enjoys a wide acquaintance
among the traveling men of the state.
Mr. Walker has few equals as a cook,
and his good work for his brother-in-law,
J. B. Thompson, in the kitchen
and dining room of the Hotel Qaii has
done much to make Dallas' big hotel
popular with the traveling public.
Messrs. Matthews, Walker and Chap
pell will give the people of Falls City
a hotel second to none in the Willa
mette Valley.
Tn Eotlcsty of Women
fatnral'y makes thorn shrink from th
Iri'lelicato q':etions, the obnoxious er
Biiiinations, and unpleasant loJ treat
ments, v.hich some physicians cons.Jer
essential in the treatment of diseases of
women. Vet, If help can bo had, it 18
better to submit to this ordeal than let
the disease prow and spread. The trouble
Is that so often the woman undergoes all
the announce and sharao for sjthinj.
Thonsand"sNf women who have been
cured bDr. THerce's Favorite Prescrip
tion wriiK In aWeciation of the cure
which dis'rftJSXjJi the examinations
and local trtmmitThpre Is no ot!vr
mr.l'flni' w euro md aff for rlelirnte
Former Polk County Boy Becomes
Member of McCredle's Aggre
gation of Ball-Tossers.
women as "ravorno i-rescriptim;..
cures debilitating Oiaiiis. irregularity and
female weakness. It always helps. It
almost always cures. It is strictly non
alcoholic, non - secret, all Its Ingredients
being printed on its bottlo-wrapuer; con
tains no deleterious or habit-forming
drugs, and every native medicinal root
entering into iU composition has tho full
endorsement of those most eminent In the
several schools of medical practice. Some
of these nuru rous and strongest of pro
fessional endorsements of its ingredients,
will be found in a pamphlet wrapped
around tho bottle, also in a booklet mailed
free on request, by Dr. It. V. Pierce, of
Buffalo, N. Y. These professional en
dorsements should have far more weight
than any amount of the ordinary lay, or
non-professionul testimonials.
The most intelligent women now-a-days
imlst on knowing what they take as med
icine instead of opening their mouths like
a lot of young birds and gulping down
whatever Is oifered them. "Favorite Pre
scription "is of KNOWN COMPOSITION. It
makes weak women strong and sick
women well.
Lr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sentrce
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing onhi. Send to Dr. It. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. V., 21 one-cent stamps for paper-covered,
or 31 stamps for cloth-bound.
If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge
by letter. All such communications are
he'd sacrediv confidential.
Dr. I'lerce's Pleasant Pellets Invigorate
and reiulate stomach, liver and bowel,
Extra Special Values in Men's
Suits and Overcoats.
1 Are to'be had here every day in the week-values .that are
t unmatchable. You will find upon investigating that our
8 prices are appreciably lower than other stores ask for the
same class garments and that our style assortment is larger.
But it is not the saving of money that should interest you in
our offering of
8 As much as its snappy, original style, superior hand-tailoring
and excellent fit-all of which will convince you beyond
I question that this noted clothing is the peer of the Best to-
I order-made garments. Come see the distinctive styles and
exclusive fabrics we offer in
Men's and Young Men's Winter Suits at
$12 to $30.
Single and double-breasted Sacks of approved fashion in
ultra or conservative cut, made of beautifully patterned
worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres, "fully worth $15 to $35.
Men's and Young Men's Overcoats at $12 to $20.
MViHT IM tt tot HutHN
HiCM.tii. Tim 4 c.
M.HI.TU, ft
Many newspapers in the United
States share the opinion of a writer in
this week's Observes that the time is
not far distant when the automobile
will prove the popular means of loco
motion between the town and the
country home. Such a change in
conditions may be brought about
some day, but there will have to be an
all-fired big lot of road work done be
fore these benzine buggies will find
any great amount of favor with the
Oregon farmers in the winter months
That was a hot shot Senator "Ike"
Bingham handed the members of the
Oregon Legislature, when the joint
resolution raising the salary of legis
lators from $120 to $400 was being
debated In the senate, Tuesday. "I
want to say," remarked Senator
Bingham, "that if you do not stop
this foolish wasting of time, and get
to work on some of the legislation the
people are demanding, it will not
matter to you whether the salary is
$500 or 30 cents, for you will not be
sent back here." Perhaps 30 cents is
as much as you are entitled to."
I he sporting editor of the livening
Telegram has the following to say of
Jimmy Shinn, a former Polk county
boy, who has signed to play with the
Portland baseball team tbis year, and
who recently spent several days visit
ing relatives in Dallas :
"James Shinn, the first of the 190'
Portland baseball team to strike town
came in on the boat from The Dalles
yesterday. He had been visiting
orotner at surapter, and was tied up
by the slides on the O. R. & N. Jim
my Shinn is the California busher
that Manager McCredie has picked up
on recommendation or Pitcher
O'Brien, of San Jose.
"Shinn is really an Oregon boy. He
formerly lived at Independence, Or
egon, but moved to Healdsburg, Call
rornia, witn nis parents, eignt years
ago. He is 24 years old, he says, but
looks to be about 19 years. He is of
slight build, a good deal like Jerry
Kane. Jimmy stands 5 feet 8 inches
and weighs 150 pounds. He made
great recora witn tne wiuow ana on
bases while playing a few games with
San Jose last fall. He certainly is
active, and if he can find the horse-
hide as hard and as often as he did
last fall, he will make good with Mc
Kerslake and White Are Building
Large Auditorium
Oak Street.
Dallas is to have a new auditorium
and skating rink. Ground for this
purpose was purchased by Frank
Kerslake and W. J. White from J. B.
Thompson, Monday. The new build
ing will be located at the corner of
Oak and Jefferson streets on the site
of the old Chinese laundry. Messrs,
Kerslake and White also purchased
from Mr. Thompson the Schneller &
Sears livery stable building and
grounds, giving them a froutngeof
43 feet on Main street and 90 feet on
Jefferson street.
The new building, which is to be
rushed to completion as rapidly as
carpenters can do the work, will be 8
by 100 feet in size, with an entrance
on Oak street A hardwood floor CO
by 90 feet will be put down, and a
gallery will extend along both sides
or the buildinsr.
The building will bo used for
skating rink in the winter mouths,
and will be open to all kinds of public
gatherings In the summer. It is the
intention of the owners to conduct
first-class rink, and to this end they
have contracted with T. C. Stockwell
to furnish a band for the opening
month at least With good music
and a good floor, the new rink should
receive liberal patronage from those
who are fond of the popular sport of
roller skating.
Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
Get Rid
of Scrofula
Bunches, eruptions. Inflammations, sore
ness ot the eyelid and ears, diseases of the
bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting,
are only some ot the troubles it causes.
It Is very active eTll, making havoc of
the whole system.
Indicates It cares all Us manifestations,
and builds np the whole system.
. Accept no substitute.
Music Store Would Pay.
w. r. v. Jvruii, agency manager
for the Eilers piano house of Portland,
was in lianas, Saturday. He says
Dallas is the largest town in Oregon
without an exclusive music store, and
is of the opinion that such a business
would pay here, if properly managed.
Mr. Kruli says that, to show his faith
In such an enterprise, he will assist
any worthy and enterprising young
man with a limited amount of capital
In establishing a neat and up-to-date
store. His business on tho road do
inands so much of his attention that
it would be nocessary for his partner
to manage the Dallas store, and for
this reason be would want none but a
wideawake and reliable man to join
him in the enterprise.
Rural Carrier Resigns.
Bert Wells, carrier on Rural Mail
Route No. 1, leading out from Dallas
into the Salt Creek country, has
resigned his position, his resignation
to take effect March 15. His only
reason for giving up the work is that
the salary is insufficient to pay his
actual expenses, ne laughingly de
clares that he has bad to make his
living for two years by trading horses,
and says he is getting tired of it.
Uncle Sam will have to do some tall
rustling if he finds a more faithful
and obliging carrier than Bert Wells.
and it is to be regretted that Congress
Is pursuing such a niggardly policy
toward the postofflce department as to
deprive the people of the services of
such men.
Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon.
For Sale.
Three good lots, G-room house and
new barn ; three blocks east of court
house, on Court street, in Dallas. For
particulars apply toS. R. Kennedy.
Wanted to Rent.
Wanted to rent, a 5 or 6 room modern
house for one year. Best of references.
Address "A" care of Observer. "
Walnut Trees For Sale.
English walnut trees for sale.
Beezley, Dallas, Or.
J. E.
In Dallas, long
The man'who discards night shirts for Pajamas, is glad, as a rule, he made the
change. Pajamas are becoming more popular from year to year as a sleeping
garment for Men. It would be difficult to find better Pajamas than ours.
li?e Uglow Clothin;
Please return to this office.
fur boa
Fir Wood Wanted.
From 200 to 500 cords or dry fir wood
wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City
& western Railway Co.
Dry Slabwood For Sale.
The Willamette Valley Lumber
Company has some fine dry slab wood
for sale cheap ; also lG-inch slabs and
block wood.
I have an old orchard one mile from
town that I want grubbed out by con
tract. H. G. Campbell.
Farm for Rent,
.tarm or 250 acres to rent at once.
0. J. Guy, Dallas. Or.
Fine Chickens for Sale.
I have a few fine White Wyandotte
cocKerels for sale which are from the
Dustou-Hallock stock. Come to J. C.
Stingley for them, Dallas, Ore.
For Sale or Trade.
uouseanu lot In Salem to sell or
trade for Dallas property. Harris
the Jeweler.
Oats lor Sale.
Clean gray oats for sale or will
trade some for clean white oats. John
Orr, Rickreall, Oregon. Thone, Mon
mouth 213.
Cow For Sale.
For sale, first-class milk cow. In
uire or L. Rogers, Mutual Phone
Former Resident of Polk.
James O. Lamb died near McMinn-
ville on Tuesday, February 5, 1907,
after a short Illness. He came to Or
egon in 1898, and resided In Polk
county for a time. He left a wife and
three sons. Burial will nottake place
until after the arrival of his son, S. R
Lamb, from Wisconsin.
For Sale.
White Leghorn roosters and two
Turkey hens. W. P. Miller, Dallas.
Piano For Sale.
A $500 piano for sale for $285. Used
but little, and practically as good as
new. Call, or write to Mrs. Lottie
Hedges Dorris, Independence, Or.
Notice to the Public.
On and after February 18. we will
close our places of business at G o'clock
every evening except Saturday. The
buying public will please take notice.
Wm. Faull,
Guy Bros.,
F. J. Chapman,
Gt?Y Bros. & Dalton.
We, the undersigned grocers of the
city or Dallas, Oregon, agree that on
and after February, 18, we will close
our stores at 6 o'clock p. m. each eve
ning, except Saturday. Signed
C. L. Crider,
W. R. Howe,
Simostox & Scott.
J. A. Lynch's
Barber Shop
flain Street
We have installed
and are" now prepared to
in quicker time than ever
I Jewelry
Cut Glassware
Your friends are getting
married; give them a
handsome, high-grade
Also a full line of
...Now Is The Time...
For you to decide what you want for
We have a fine line of Men's Women's
and Children's SHOES in the latest
styles. Also a nice line of Slippers at
the right prices. We know they are
what you want, but we want you to
know it.
Repairing Neatly Done.
The Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- jynor
Jeweler l
One door west of Stafrin 1
Dallas Harness
When you want printing that
right, come to the Obsrrver office.
Is in shape to sell Harness
and Horse Goods at lowest
Prices. Call and get prices
and save money.
Plush Robes, Blankets,
Whips, Etc.
Electricity for Lighting
Is only expensive to people who are
wasteful and careless. "To you, who
are naturally careful, it does not '
come high.
It is economical because- it can le quickly turned off wnen not needed.
With gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let light burn when
not needed to save bother or lighting and adjusting. In some homes
ttie electric light bills amount to only one or two dollars per ,n0Dth
ou can probably get some kind or artificial light for less money
than electric light, but does it save you anvthing when it limits op
portunities for work and recreation ruins your eyesight-smokes
your walls mars decorations and increases household work. Yon
could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without your meals
but it wouldn't be economy. It Is not so much what you save, but
how you save that counts.
WILLAMETTE VALLEY CO. RATES-Residence on meters, K
mJS75?01Q8?lRS?idence' flat per month, lflcp 50c. RATES FOB
BLSINESS IIOUSES-25C per drop and 5c per Kilowatt up to 10 drops;
aVT ,n 1rops 21 drPand 5c per Kilowatt up to 40 drops; over 40
flrops 17Jc per drop and 5c per Kilowatt. A drop figures lficp or less.
if or power rates apply at the office. We are alwn's ready to explain
the ins and out3" ol the lighting proposition to you. call on us or
phone to us, we are never to busy to talk busluess.
Willamette Valley Company
E.W. KEARXS, Manager for Dallas.
Office on Mill street, just north of the Court House. Phones Be" 21
Mutual 1297.
Cocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Bediolns for lair Psopls.
Brings GoUsa Hlth and Renewed Vigor.
Blood. BaRh Ec7?m?, Impur.
fnd Backache. KTM.?fh
n't rorm, 85 cents a hn ri. "
teacher of
- i IT
AND OKttiui
Studio, Room No. 2, Wil1"
Caret Coldsi PrivwU r
i !