Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 08, 1907, Image 2

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    .vms"vj yct 5cJ
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By George Barr McCutcheon.
Author of "Graustark"
Copyright, 1904, DudJ, Mra4 & Co.
I U 1J1 .J.i LU J . V. I ' V u -
Baron Dangloss rode beside the coach
until It passed through the southern
gates and Into the countryside. A
company of cavalrymen acted as es
cort The bright red trousers and top
boots, with the deep blue Jackets, re
minded Beverly more than ever of the
operatic figures she had seen so often
at home. There was a fierce, dark cast
to the faces of these soldiers, however,
that removed any suggestion of play.
The girl was In ecstasies. Everything
about her appealed to the romantic
side of her nature. Everything seemed
Two men rode up to the carriage.
so unreal and so like the story book."
The princess smiled lovingly upon the
throngs that lined the street. There
was no man among them who would
not have laid down his life for the
gracious ruler.
"Oh, I love your soldiers," cried Bev
erly warmly.
"Poor fellows, who knows how soon
they may be culled upon to face death
In the Dawsbergen hills?" said Vetive,
b shadow crossing her face.
Dangloss was to remain in Ganlook
for several days, on guard against
manifestations by the Axphalnlans. A
corps of spies and scouts was working
with him, nnd couriers were ready to
ride at a moment's notice to the castli
In Edelweiss. Before they parted Bev
erly extracted a renewal of his promise
to take good care of Baldos. She sent
a message to the Injured man, deplor
ing the fact that she was compelled to
leave Ganlook without seeing him as
she bad promised. It was her Intention
to have him come to Edelweiss as soon
as he was In condition to be removed.
Baron Dangloss smiled mysteriously,
but he had no comment to make, lie
had received his orders and was obey
ing them to the letter.
"I wonder If Grenfall has heard of
my harum-scarum trip to St. Peters
burg," reflected Yetlve, making herself
comfortable in the coach after the gates
and the multitudes were far behind.
"I'll go you a box of chocolate creams
that we meet him before we get to
Edelweiss," ventured Beverly.
"Agreed," said the princess.
"Don't say 'agreed.' dear. 'Done' is
the word," corrected the American girl
Beverly won. Grenfall Lorry and a
small company of horsemen rode up In
furious haste long before the sun was
In mid-sky. An attempt to depict the
scene between him and his venture
some wife would be a hopeless task.
The way in which his face cleared It
self of distress and worry was a joy In
Itself. To use his own words, he
breathed freely for the first time in
hours. The American took the place
of the officer who rode beside the coach
and the trio kept up an eager, interest
lng conversation during the next two
It was a warm, sleepy day, but all
signs of drowsiness disappeared with
the advent of Lorry. He had reached
Edelweiss lute the night before, after
a three days' ride from the conference
In Duwsbergeu. At first he encoun
tered trouble in trylug to discover what
had become of the princess. Those at
the castle were aware of the fact that
she had reached Ganlook safely and
sought to put him off with subterfuges.
lie stormed to such a degree, however,
that their object failed. The result was
that he was oil for Ganlook with the
earliest light of day.
Itegarding the eonferenee.wlth Prince
Gabriel's representatives, he had but
little to say. The escaped murderer
naturally refused to surrender and was
to all appearances quite firmly estab
lished In power once more. Lorry's
only hope was that the reversal of feel
ing In Dawsbergen might work ruin for
the prince. He was carrying affairs
with a high hand, dealing vengeful
blows to the friends of his half brother
and encouraging a lawlessness that,
sooner or later, must prove his undoing.
Ills representatives at the conference
were an arrogant, law defying set of
men who laughed scornfully at every
proposal made by the Graustarkians.
"We told them that If he were not
surrendered to our authorities Inside of
sixty days we would declare war and
go down and take him," concluded the
There was method In that ultima
tum. Axphain, or course, win sei up
a howl, but we can forestall any ac
tion the Priucess ohja may under
take. Naturally one might suspect
that we should declare war at once,
Inasmuch as he must be taken sooner
or later, but here is the point: Before
two months have elapsed the better
element of Dawsbergen will be so dis
gusted with the new dose of Gabriel
that it will do anything to avert a war
on his account. We have led tnein to
believe that Axphain will lend moral
If not physical support to our cause.
Give them two months in which to get
over this tremendous hysteria and
they'll find their senses. Gabriel Isn't
worth It. you see, and down in tneir
hearts they know It. They really loved
young Dantan, who seems to be a
devil of a good fellow. I'll wager my
head that In six weeks they'll be wish
ing he were back on the throne again.
And Just to think of It, Yetlve, dear,
you were off there In the very heart of
Asphaln risking everything!" he cried.
wiping the moisture from his brow.
"It is Just eleven days since I lert
Edelweiss, and I have had a lovely
journey," she said, with one of her
rare smiles. He shook his neaa ge-
y. and she resolved In her heart never
to give him another suen cause ror
"And in the meantime, Mr. Grenfall
Lorry, you are blaming me and hat
ing me and all that for being the real
cause of your wife's escapade," said
Beverly Calhoun plaintively. 1 ui
awfully sorry. But you must remem- j
ber one thing, sir I did not put uer
up to this ridiculous trip. She did it
of her own free will and accord. Be
sides, I am the one who met the lion
nnd almost got devoured, not Yetive.
If you please."
"I'll punish you by turning you over
to old Count Marlaux. the commander
of the army In Graustark," said Lor
ry laughingly. "He's a terrible ogre,
worse than any lion."
"Heaven pity you, Beverly, if you
fall into his dutches:" cried Yetive.
"He has had five wives and survives to
look for a slxtu. You see how terrible
It would be."
"I'm not afraid of him," boasted Bev
erly, but there came a time when 6he
thought of those words with a shudder.
"By the way, Yetive, I have had
word from Harry Anguish. He and
the countess will leave Paris this week,
if the baby's willing, and will be In
Edelweiss soon. You don't know how
It relieves me to know that Harry will
be with us at this time."
Yetive' 8 eyes answered his enthusb'
asm. Both had a warm and grateful
memory of the loyal service which the
young American had rendered his
frieud when they had first come to
Graustark In quest of the princess,
and both had a great regard for his
wife, the Countess Dagmar, who as
Yetlve's lady In waiting had been
through all the perils of those exciting
days with them.
As they drew near the gates of Edel
weiss a large body of horsemen rode
forth to meet them. The afternoon
was well on the way to night, and the
air of the valley was cool and refresh
ing despite the rays of the June sun.
"Edelweiss at last," murmured Bev
erly, her face 'aglow. "The heart of
Graustark. Do you know that I have
been brushing up on my grammar? I
have learned the meaning of the word
'Graustark,' and it seems so, appropri
ate. 'Grau Is gray, hoary, old; 'stark
Is strong. Old and strong, Isn't It,
"And here rides the oldest and stron
gest man in all Graustark the Iron
Couut of Marlaux," said Yetive, look
ing down the road. "See; the strange
gray man In front there Is our greatest
general, our craftiest fighter, our most
heartless warrior. Does he not look
like the eagle or the hawk?"
A moment later the parties met, and
the newcomers swung Into line with
the escort. Two men rode up to the
carriage and saluted. One was Count
Marlaux, the other Colonel Quinnox of
the royal guard. The count, lean and
gray as a wolf, revealed rows of huge
white teeth in his perfunctory smile of
welcome, while young Quinnox's face
fairly beamed with honest Joy. In the
post that he held he was but following
In the footsteps of his forefathers,
bince nistory Degan m uraustark a
Quinnox had been In charge of the cas
tle guard.
The "Iron Count," as he sometimes
was called, was past his sixtieth year.
For twenty years he had been In com
mand of the army. One had but to
look at his strong, sardonic face to
know that he was a fearless leader, a
savage fighter. His eyes were black,
piercing and never quiet; his hair and
close cropped beard were almost snow
white; his voice was heavy and with
out a vestige of warmth. Since her
babyhood Yetive had stood in awe of
this grim old warrior. It was no un
common thing for mothers to subdue
disobedient children with the threat to
give them over to the Iron Count
."Old Marlanx will get you If you're
not good," was a household phrase In
Edelweiss. He had been married five
times, and as many times had he been
left a widower, it no were discon
solate in any instance, no one had been
able to discover the fact. Euormous.y
rich, as riches g in Graustark, he bad
found voting women for bis wives who
thought only of his gold and his lauds
m the trade they made with Cupid.
It was said that without exception
they died happy. Death was a Joy.
The fortress overlooking the valley to
the south was no more rugged and un
yielding thau the man who made his
home within Its walls. He lived there
from choice, and It was with his own
money that be fitted up the comman
dant's quarters In truly regal style.
Power was more to him thau wealth,
though he enjoyed both.
Colonel Quinnox brought news from
the castle. Yetlve's uncle and aunt, the
Couut and Countess Haifout, were
eagerly expecting her return, and tne
city was preparing to manifest its joy
In the most exuberant fashion. A9
they drew up to the gates the shouts of
the people came to the ears of the
travelers. Then the boom of cannon
and the blare of bauds broke upon the
air, thrilling Beverly to the heart. She
wondered how Yetive could be so
calm and unmoved in the face of all
this homage.
Past the great Hotel Kegeugetz and
the tower moved the gay procession
into the broad stretch of boulevard
that led to the gates of the palace
grounds. The gates stood wide open
and Inviting. Inside was Jacob Fraasch,
the chief steward of the grounds, with
his men drawn up in line; upon the
walls the sentries came to parade rest;
on the plaza the royal band was play
ing as though by inspiration. Then the
gates closed behind the coach and es
cort, and Beverly Calhoun was safe
luside the castle walls. The Iron
Couut handed her from the carriage
at the portals of the palace, and she
stood as one in a dream.
HE two weeks following Bever
ly Calhoun's advent into the
royal household were filled
with Joy and wonder for her.
Daily she sent glowing letters to ter
father, mother and brothers in Wash
ington, elaborating vastly upon the
paradise into which she had fallen. To
her highly emotional mind the praises
of Graustark bad been but poorly
sung. The huge old castle, relic of
the feudal days, with its turrets and
bastions aud portcullises, impressed
her with a never ending sense of won
der. Its great halls and stairways, Its
chapel, the throne room and the armor
closet; its underground passages and
dungeons all united to fill her imagina
tive soul with the richest, rarest joy9
of romance. Simple American girl
that she was, unused to the rigorous
etiquette of royalty, she found embar
rassment in the first confusion of
events, but she was not long in recov
ering her poise.
Her apartments were near those of
the Princess Yetive. In the private in
tercourse enjoyed by these young wom
en all manner of restraint was aban
doned by the visitor nnd every vestige
of royalty slipped from the princess.
Count Haifout jind his adorable jvlfe,
the Countess Yvonne, both of whom
had grown old in the court, found the
girl and her strr.nge servant a source
of wonder and doli.;ht.
Some days after Beverly's arrival
there came to the castle Harry An
guish and his wife, the vivacious Dag
mar. With them came the year-old
cooing babe who was to overthrow the
heart and head of every being In the
household, from princess down. The
tiny Dagmar became queen at once,
and no one disputed her rule.
Sad fallen. True, there was ltteor
nothing to distress the most timid In
Ke first days- The controversy be-S-een
the principalities was a . a Btan
still although there was not an hour in
which Reparations for the worst were
neglected. To Beverly Calhoun it
Sieant little when sentiment was laid
aside To Yetive and her people this
probable war with Dawsbergen meant
'Dangloss. going back and forth be
tween Edelweiss and the frontier north
0, Ganlook, where the . best o the police
and secret service waicu ---sleepless
eyes of the lyux. brought .un
settling news to the ministry. Axphain
roops were engaged In the annual
maneuver, just across the border In
their own territory. Usually these
were held in the plains near the capi
tal and there was a sinister signifi
cance in the fact that this year they
were being carried on in the rough
southern extremity of the principality,
within a day's march of the Graustark
line fully two months earlier than
usual. The doughty baron reported
fnf lmrse and artillery were en
gaged In 'the drills, and that fully 8,000
,.,, . massed In the south of Ax
phain. The fortifications of Ganlook.
Labbot and oilier iuwu m
nmnaturk were strengthened with al
most the same care as those In the
south, where conflict with Dawsbergen
might first be expected. General Mar
laux aud his staff rested neither day
nor nleht The army of Graustark
was ready. Underneath the castle's
gay exterior there smoldered the fire of
battle, the tremor of aeuance.
Late one afternoon Beverly Calhoun
and Mrs. Anguish drove up in state to
the Tower, wherein sat Dangloss and
his watchdogs. The scowl left his face
as far as nature would permit, and he
welcomed the ladies warmly.
"I came to ask about my friend, the
goat hunter." said Beverly, her cheeks
a trifle rosier than usual.
"He Is far from an amiable person,
your highuess," said the officer. When
discussing Baldos he never failed to
address Beverly as "your highness."
"The fever Is gone, and he Is able to
walk without much pain, but he is as
restless as a witch. Following instruc
tions, 1 have not questioned bim con
cerning his plans, but I fancy he is
eager to return to the hills."
"What did he say when you gave
him my message?" asked Beverly.
"Which one, your highness?" asked
he, with tantalizing density.
"Why, the suggestion that he should
come to Edelweiss for better treat
ment," retorted Beverly severely.
"ne said be was extremely grateful
for your kind offices, but he did not
deem it advisable to come to this city.
He requested me to thank you in his
behalf and to tell you that he will
never forget what you have done for
"And he refuses to come to Edel
weiss?" Irritably demanded Beverly.
"Yes, your highuess. You see, he still
regards himself with disfavor, being a
fugitive. It is hardly fair to blame him
for respecting the security of the
"I hoped that I might induce bim to
give up his old life and engage in some
thing perfectly honest, although, mind
you, Baron Dangloss, I do not ques
tion his Integrity iu the least Ha
x. luuui promised rnitnruiiy, even
eagerly. Colonel Quinnox, trained as
he was in the diplomacy or silence,
could scarcely coneenl his astonish
ment at the conquest of the hard old
Although the afternoon wns well
spent before Beverly reached Ganlook,
she was resolved to visit the obdurate
patient at once, relying upon her re
in cue ctistiB fftui .... .
'''8 laugh MrprlHc" t
1 urunn
1,1 1
rude, ungrateful
pumsumeut instead 0 ua'W
proposal was tn :, r ."van 1
8otmy8elfco -thttl;
Whereunon nD(.,,, .teMl
1 . t r r -
trite mood, she bcC , luftH
- ..(.u.usi a u , , -men-
hour 8b devotftd WWj. y
Bum io ltle tft . ueatt,,.
prejudices, C3 , wXrl
ally, unconscious of th?y 6,
very enthusiasm wB8L tt!lw
him. Th0firta,:"8b.etl'aw:
Mred ber afresh
Anguish the paiutcr became Anguish
the strategist and soldier. He planned
with Lorry and the ministry, advanc
ing some of the most harebrained proj
ects that ever encouraged discussion In
a solemn conclave. The staid, cautious
ministers looked upon him with won
der, but so plausible did he make his
proposals appear that they were
forced to consider them seriously. The
old Count of Marlanx held him in great
disdain and did not hesitate to expose
his contempt. This did not disturb
Anguish in the least, for he was as
optimistic as the sunshine. His plan
for the recapture of Gabriel was ridic
ulously Improbable, but it was after
ward seen that had it been attempted
much distress and delay might actually
have been avoided.
Yetive and Beverly, with Dagmar
and the baby, made merry while the
men were lu council. Their mornings
were spent in the shady park sur
rounding the castle, their afternoons in
driving, riding aud walking. Often
times the princess was barred from
these simple pleasures by the exigen
cies of her position. She was obliged
to grant audiences, observe certain cus
toms of state, attend to the charities
that came directly under her supervi
sion and confer with the nobles on af
fairs of weight aud importance. Bev
erly delighted In the throne room and
the underground passages. They sig
nified more to her than all the rest
She was shown the room in which Lor
ry bad foiled the Viennese who once
tried to abduct Yetive. The dungeon
where Gabriel spent bis first days of
confinement, the tower In which Lorry
had been held a prisoner aud the mon
astery lu the clouds were all places of
unusual interest to her.
Some of the people of the city began
to recognize the fair American girl who
was a guest in the castle, and a certain
amount of homage was paid to her.
When she rode or drove In the streets,
with her attendant soldiers, the people
bowed as deeply and as respectfully
as they did to the princess herself, and
Beverly was Just as grand and gra
cious as If she had been born with, a
scepter In her hand.
The soft moonlight nights charmed
her with a sense of rapture never
known before. With the castle bril
liantly illuminated, the balls and draw
ing rooms filled with gay courtiers, the
should have a chance to prove himself
worthy, that's all. This morning I pe
titioned Count Marlanx to give hltn a
place In the castle guard."
"My dear Miss Calhoun, the princess
has" began the captain.
"Her highuess has sauctloned the re
quest," Interrupted she.
"And the count has promised to dls
cover a vacancy," said Dagmar, with a
smile that the baron understood per
fectly well.
"This is the first time on record that
old Marlanx has ever done anything to
oblige a soul save himself. It is won
derful, Miss Calhoun. What spell do
you Americans cast over rock and met
al that they become as sand In your
fingers?" said the baron, admiration
and wonder lu his eyes.
"You dear old flatterer!" cried Bever
ly so warmly that he caught his breath.
"I believe that you can conquer even
that stubborn fellow in Ganlook," he
said, fumbling with his glasses. "He
is the most obstinate being I know,
and yet in ten minutes you could bring
him to terms, I am sure. He could not
resist you."
"He still thinks I am the princess?"
"He does and swears by you."
"itien my niind is made up. I'll go
to Ganlook and bring him back with
me, willy nllly. He Is too good a man
to be lost in the hills. Goodby, Baron
Dangloss! Thank you ever and ever
so much. Oh, yes; will you Write an
order delivering him over to me? The
hospital people may be er disoblig
ing, you- Know."
"It shall be in your highness hands
tnis evening."
The next morning, with Colonel Quin
nox and a small escort. Beverlv Cal
noun set off In one of the royal coaches
for Ganlook, accompanied by faithful
Aunt Fanny. She carried the order
rrom Larou Dangloss and a letter from
xeuve to the Countess Rallowlti in
surlng hospitality overnight in the
northern town. Lorry and the royal
uuuseuoiu entered merrily Into her
project and she went away with the
godspeeds of all. The Iron Count him
self rode beside ber coach to the city
gates, an unheard of condescension.
"Now, you'll be sure to find a nice
place for him In the castle guard, won't
you. Count Marlanx V she said at the
parting, her hopes as fresh as the daisy
In the dew, her confidence supreme
lie dropped to tils knee.
sourcefulness to secure his promise
to start with her for Edehyelss on the
following moruing. The coach dellv
cred ber at thehospltal door in grand
style. When the visitor was ushered
into the snug little uuterooui of the
governor's office her heart was throb
bing and her composure was under
going a most unusuul strain. It an
uoyed her to discover that the ap
proaching contact with a humble goat
hunter was giving her such uninlstak
able symptoms of perturbation.
From an upstairs wludow lu the nos
pital the convalescent but unhappy pa
tlent witnessed her approach aud ur
rival. His sore, lonely heart gave
bound of Joy, for the days had seemed
loug sluce her departure.
lie had hud time to think during
these days too. Turulug over In his
mind all of the details in connection
with their meeting aud their subse
quent Intercourse, It began to dawn
upon him that she might uot be what
she assumed to be. Doubts assailed
him, suspicious grew into amazing
forms of certainty. There were times
when he laughed sardonically at him
self for being takeu lu by this strange
but charming young woman, but
through It all his heart and mind were
being drawn more and, more fervently
toward her. More than once he called
himself a fool and more than once he
dreamed foolish dreams of her, prln
cess or uot. Of one thing he was sure
he had come to love the adventure
for the sake of what It promised, and
there was no bitterness beneath his
Arrayed in clean linen and presenta
ble clothes, pale from Indoor confine
ment and fever, but ouce more the
straight and strong cavalier of the
hills, he hastened into her presence
when the summons came for him to
descend. He dropped to his knee and
kissed ber band, determined to play
the game notwithstanding his doubts,
As be arose she glanced for a flitting
second Into his dark eyes, and her own
long lashes drooped.
"Your highness!" he said gratefully,
"How well aud strong you look!" she
said hurriedly. "Some of the tan
gone, but you look as though you had
never been 111. Are you quite recov
They say I am as good as new," he
smilingly answered. "A trifle weak
and uncertain In my lower extremities,
but a few days of exercise In the moun
tains will overcome all that. Is all well
with you and Graustark? They will
give me no news here, by whose order
I do not know."
"Turn about is fair play, sir. It is a
well established fact that you will give
them no news. Yes, all Is well with
me and mine. Were you beginning to
think that I had deserted you? It has
been two wefks, hasn't it?"
Ah, your highness, I realize that you
have had much more important things
to do than to think of poor Baldos.
am exceedingly grateful for this sign
of Interest in my welfare. Your visit is
the brightest experience of my life."
"Be seated!" she cried suddenly,
"You are too 111 to stand."
"Were I dying I Bhould refuse to be
seated while your highness stands,1
said he simply. His shoulders seemed
to square themselves Involuntarily, aud
his left haud twitched as though ac
customed to the habit of touching
sword hilt Beverly sat down Instant
ly. With his usual easy grace he took
a chair near by. They were alone in
the antechamber.
"Even though you were on your last
legs" she murmured, and then wonder
ed how she could have uttered any
thing so inane. Somehow she was be
ginning to fear that he was not the or
dlnary person she had Judged him to
he. "You are to be discharged from
the hospital tomorrow," she added
"Tomorrow V he cried, his eyes light
ing witn joy. "I may go then?"
"I have decided to take you to Edel
welss with me," she said, very much as
if that were all there was to It He
stared at ber for a full minute
though doubting his ears.
"Nor he said at last, his Jaws set-
ujg rjcTs gnsiening. it was
terrible setback for Beverly's confl
dence. "Your highness forwta that 1
have your promise of absolute free-
"But you are to be free," she protest
- iou nave nothing to fear. It is
not Compulsory. XOU know. Tnn Ann'
have to CO unless rnu rcnllv trmt
" "'"J I . U I IV.
But my heart is set on having you in
' nun 1 rikni
herself could not 1
servants. In th '... " n
spirit of adventure aud a dTP
near her. he aorB,i ....... :re 19
ed inducements tlmtZ
camea out, although Inh ,
did not know It toV 0 IT
such pictures of ease, 'Z
ij uiu nut exennnmi i ,,,
. ... .. "ov r'lwi m k
w, aKii-t-u to Antanti .
ior six niouttis, at the einir,,?
which time he was to be
all obligations ifhesodeJr V
"But my friends In the oaa .
highness," be said iu
"what Is to become of them? tu"
wnltlnif tnr mn nut . ..
.. vul luere 1D
ness. I am uot base enough tod,
them." rofct
"Can't you get word to iw
asked eagerly. "Let them come
the city too. We will provide fo
"That, at least, Is unnosslM, ,.
highness," he said, shaking bu
sadly. "You will have to slav ti.
before you can bring them within.
city gates. My only hope U that hi
may. be here tonight. He baa
Blon to enter, and 1 am expecting fe I
xouay or tomorrow.
"You can send word to them to
you are sound and safe, and yoms
tell tnem that Graustark soldiers
be instructed to pay no attention ts
them whatever. They shall not be fci
turbed." He laughed outright
enthusiasm. Many times during ;
eager conversation with Baldos h
had almost betrayed the fact that
was not the priucess. Some ot l
expressions were distinctly unrer
and some of her slips were hope
as she viewed them lu retrospect
"What am I? Only the humble gr
huuter, hunted to death and eager In
a short respite. Do with me as p
like, your highness. You shall be it
princess and sovereign for ill Xiwk
at least," he said, sighing. "Petlufii
is for the best."
"You are the strangest man l'vens
seen," sue reniameu, puzziea neyoK
That night Franz appeared it Is
hospital and was left alone with Si ;
dos for an hour or more. What paI
between them no outsider ta
though there were tears In theejestf
both at the parting. But Franz iM
start for the pass that night, as s
had expected. Strange news had cot ,
to the ears of the faithful old follow '
and he hung about Ganlook he ;
morning came, eager to catch tbe ;
of his leader before it was too late.
The coach was drawn up In froatif
tbe hospital at 8 o'clock, Beverlj ttl
umphaut in command. Baldos tin ;
down the steps slowly, carefully, a t
vorlng the newly healed ligaments,
his legs. She smiled cheerily at bit
and he swung his rakish hafloi. 1
There was no sign of the biact paw .
Suddenly he started and peered j
teutly into the little knot of m
near the conch. A look d
crossed his face. From the crowd tl :
vauced a grizzled old beggar 1
boldly extended his Land. BaW .
grasped the proffered hand andfes ;
stepped into the coach. No one saw tte ,
bit of white paper that passed fra ,
Franz's palm Into the possession i
Baldos. Then the coach
Edelweiss, the people of Ganook ;
Joying the unusual spectacle of i W
ierious and apparently undlstln
stranger sitting In luxurious ease .
side a fair lady In the royal coach i ;
1 Vjl
mT was a drowsy day, w
sides, Baldos was notM :
communicative frame of J
Beverly put forth her W ;
forts during the forenouu, -the
basket luncheon had be ;
ofintheshadeattberoadsld ;
content to give up tbe strugg J
render to the soothing ta
of the coach as it bowled . mt.
dozed peacefully, consclou
and more worthy of e,"" m
Of benefaction. -Baldos was oot
tionally disagreeable, he wu
and unhappy because
It Was he not leavl.yg W ' "
wander alone 1"
he drifted weakly Into tbe co
and pleasures of an envla We
His heart was not in full J
with the present turn ot
he could not deny that a 2
was responsible for his act ,
the all too human eagerness
beauty; the blood and fir '
were strong in this way."
man of the hills.
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