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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1907)
3k County Observer MMl blanks at this office. n & tf. flour at Howe's grocery. j ' i Blanks for sale at this office. rla blanks at this office. For lots in Ellis Addition, see H. G. ,,mpbcll. Born, January 29, to Mr. and Mrs. , o HiU. a son. William Ellis, of Palls City, was in ;lIo9 yesterday. L D Brown, for Abstracts., Notary llb,lC; typewriting. Don't throw away your old umbrella ltl you see Lee Smith. The observes office wants the print gyou are particular about. Charley Bell will leave today for .visit to his old home in Ohio. MissNaana Forbes visited friends 9 Portland the first of the week. Jliss Fannie Detupsey went to Port ed, Sunday, for an extended stay. George Gerlinger left for southern alifornia for a brief visit this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eakin and son, tck, were visitors m roruana, aaiur ay. Charles Bilyeu and Mrs. I. V nm visitinff- relatives in ortlaod. Rif?fffl. ex-Commissiooor of UUWl ---OCT ' ilk county, was a Dallas visitor, aturday. ThA skatine rink in the Crider uildiog on Oak street is liberally dtroDized. Rnrn. January 26, 1907, atWrangoll, laska. to Mr. and Mrs. George nvder, a son. Money of private parties to loan at per cent on well-improved ranns. ibley & Eakin. Miss Bessie Splawn, severely ill in ;. Portland hospital, is reported lightly Improved. H. 0. Campbell, agent for lots in evens' 3rd Addition to Dallas. New idition just on the market. Tatronize the new barber shop on lain street. T. W. Eeel, the proprietor uarHntees first-class work. Travis McDevitt,of Corvallis, visited l the home of his parents, Mr. and lis. Charles McDevitt, Sunday. Mrs. B. Casey left for Roseburg, Wlriesday, in response to a message fiformlng her of the serious illness of er father. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Staats will leave r Gilliam county iii a few days. Mr. ml Mrs. C. O. Tennis will occupy the ,ouse vacated by them. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Kelty, of IrCoy, were in Dallas, Friday, on ieir way home from a visit with riends at Bridgeport. Miller of Marion and Linn has atroduced a bill to create a new udicial district consisting of Polk, 'amhill and Tillamook counties. , Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate if Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up turn TJglow building. Hours 8 to 12 ;ndlto5. Examinations free. Phone "Tiilli, r .. . tonight. " -Wooflraa Hall V.mvni-t- n ... 1r:: r"w,Dnisoiing iQ Eni8 "b"' atom, E.Goodell,0f Itickreall, was ' Wallas visitor yesterday. Kuford Stone, of Buell. was a bus ness visitor in Dallas, Wednesday. uui mil to near President Mulkev . OUUuii vacsar" tonight Tlnth rl. . . , , ,,D "BM ana passenger trains on the Yamhill division are now ourning oil. senator Loughary was absent from the senate a few days this week on uwount or illness. A. N. Hohnan. denntv rwir r ru. 00 int.V voaa nn t . . i 'uieiesieu spectator at . rwn hao ... . , v """" tm games in Portland I nut Ilranlr ...uu n iv, J "a JJilUieH Alii Knnnfn .1 . . . . '"-"j ui me lueuiouist Church will meet nome or Mrs. W T afternoon. Clmuncev firiilnr or.!..,i i . -j ,u uiurcu nome irom a five weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crider, in San Jose, Sunday. Guv Brothers ft Tlnit i, .. their furniture stock into the room laieiy vacated by the Dallas Mercan tile Company. Several Dallas business men will go to Dayton tomorrow to assist in organizing a merchants' mutual in surance company. President E. D. Bessler has pur chased the Normal bookstore at Mon mouth and has placed a Mr. Bogert in charge of the business. E. Jacobson has resigned his posi tion as operator in the local Western Union office and has purchased the Willamette Valley Company's store at Black Rock. The musical recital given by Pro- at the Miller this Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mothershead, .f Burns, are visiting at the homes of 1. J. Coad and D. C. Crider. Mr Jothershead is the clerk of Harney ounty. Wood choppers and wood contractors sauted to cut wood for the Salem, falls City & Western Ry. Co. Apply o the General Manager's office, Dallas, Or. Hon. H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, was n Dallas a few hours, Tuesday. He s interested in water legislation at klem and returned to that city in the afternoon. Don't buy an oil can that will over ail your lamp and spill oil over every thing in sight. The Delphoscan never over-fills your lamp. Only $1 and $1.60 at Howe's grocery. Mrs. M. S. Goff, of Independence, :nd Mra. George Dickinson and little laughter, of Parkers, were guests at Ae home or Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bawkins, Monday and Tuesday. ; P. A. Finseth arrived home from Sorth Bend, Tuesday evening. He has disposed of his branch store at Aat place, and will devote his entire attention to his big store In Dallas. f E- D. Cosper, a traveling salesman for the Pacific Coast Syrup Company. alled on the Dallas merchants and Visited a tew hours at the home of his mother, Mrs. Martha Cosper, Satur day. I The Dallas Woodmen held a pleasant social session In their hall Tuesday evening. Lunch was served in the banquet hall and a smoker and Musical program was enjoyed in the lodge room. The mid-year commencement at the Mate Normal School will be held Feb ruary 12. The graduating class of 14 members represents nine - counties. be enrollment of students this year is nearly 300. A young lady or a bright, active boy Wishing to learn the trade of a com positor can obtain employment at this ffiee. Must have 8 fair knowledge or Pelling, punctuation, etc. Wages w"i be paid from the start. Apply at once. . Pollock, of Dallas, at Woodman Hall on Wednesday evening was well attended. A program of rare merit was rendered.-. A young lady or a bricht. active boy wishing to learn the trade of compositor can obtain employment at SECURES NEW QUARTERS LaCreole ciub-W-Qccupy Entire rloor of oddfellows' Building. selnrl f. 6,Club has ased the n7for ftT,t le "ows' build lg for a term of Ave years, and will o;e 'rom its present quarters VVoodman Hall about, 1 Jan8 s decided aponata meeting or tne members iof o..j ... ouuuav aiier- noon. The new r, . . n . 'U, "i iurnisu " ome ror the club, and the r ,Bre Pleed with tnelr good fortimn in hi u,. " "vsiufj nine cu secure the nw innt; mi , I. . "vu"". me memDer- ! Bwiug rapiaiy, and as a re -u ui me cnange, ten application! having been received since Sunday. FOR POULTRY SHOW Breeders of Fine Chickens Will Meet iu cueci permanent Organ! nation. DROPS TO SECOND PLACE Dallas College Loses to Multnomah by Score of 13 to 8. The especial attention raisers Is called to the meeting tn ho iu mo uounty court room in Dallas, tomorrow. fSaturdavv u o O'clock p. m. The niirnnan nf thi meetina is to efTrt n mrm,. w - u ujuuuu organization of a Polk county poultry association. This AnsnniflHnn mill V... 1.. -. . ....I tjyj (I UUUUtJf affair, and everv man. woman nnrl child interested i - l j wu.i..i, either for pleasure or profit, is urged to co-operate. Be present at the meet ing if nnaaihla hut i do not fail to avail yourself of the first opportunity to become a member and ueip tne good cause along. It is believed that a first-class poultry show, held alone or in con nection with some other orcanizatinn. rrn itu , i tt--. t . such Ha tile ETOat slinw or ft nnnnt.v iicntage uuu vou tiessen, 01 , . ' Salem,' assisted by Miss Elizabeth M I rair' would greatly stimulate the pwMniij luiAjtV'Oti iu tuia unguilty, vllt3 good show, where the scoring is done by a competent judge, would teach the noultrvmen morn than t.hw frmhl learn in many years of experimenting anu reauing waat otners t.ninK on tne subject. Polk county is noted for its fine so let n. m i u . , , j mk county I9 noted Tor 1 thisoflice. Must have a fair knowledge horses, cattle sheep and goats, of spelling, punctuation, etc. Wages all ,end a heInin n!im, ftn(1 will be paid from the start. once. The sale of land for delinquent taxes will begin at the courthouse at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Maov delinquents paid while the roll was being advertised, and the amount un settled up to yesteiday noon was only $479. The Observer is not wasting its time in telling what a business it is doing or how its circulation is grow ing. Those fast presses, electric motor, nnd other modern new machinery tell the story better than we could tell it, anyhow. Superintendent Kearns was over from Dallas, Monday, looking after the interests of his company. While here he closed a deal for a 10-horse power motor with K. C. Eldridge who will install the motor at an early day for general purposes around tne creamory. Independence west oiae. R. L. Fox, a recent arrival from Payette, Idaho, has secured a position as head filer in the Willamette Valley Lumber Company's mill. He has purchased one of the Cutler cottages in East Dallas and will make his permanent home here. Mr. Cox and family are boarding with Mrs. Martha Cosper at present. The newspapers of Oregon and Cali fornia contain none but good words for Dr. John Merritte Driver, who is to lecture in the Woodman Hall, Tues day evening, February 5. Every town where he has lectured is trying to secure a return date for him. The advance sale of seats for his lecture In Dallas will open at Belt & Cher rington's drug store tomorrow morn ing. The sales department of the Falls City Lumber Company has been ansrorrflrl to Portland where the company has offices in the Mohawk building. G. A. unswoiu win wUU in nharre of this department and divide his time between here and Portland. W. T. Belcher wno is now r-Wk will have added to his duties the local work in connection with the sales department.-!? alls wiy News. nil 1 ..... 1 n t. .. I ., : .. u 1 1 I - . . K Apply at p0ij County Poultry Association a success. llcn.vU.0i ..... i larse number of additional Umbrella repairing Lee Smith. Public school benefit, Woodman Hall, tonight. . The following people from Dallas registered at Portland hotels this week: Portland C. R.Campbell. Im perialMr. and Mrs. H. L. Fenton, W. E. Critchlow, A. N. Holman, Carl Fenton, Aivie Morton, Edgar Craven, Edward Shaw, Tracey Savory, Cbet Coad, Lloyd Launer, Verne Launer. Perkins Dr. B. H. McCallon, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eakin and son, George Kerr. St, Charles J. Boydston, G. Clanfield, G. B. Lyie, J. J. White, J. R. Russell, Mrs. Thomas. The young man who reports the basketball games for the Observer says that after the contest with Mult nomah in Portland, "the clubmen took the Dallas team to a splendid banquet at the Oregon grill." We wish to re mark right here, for the benefit of our young friends, that if they really de sire to win tho basketball champion ship for Dallas College, they will refrain from eating at the Oregon grill or any other grill, until after the close of the season. No man Is much of an athlete when ho is filled with pie. R. Robinson, owner of the Dallas cheese factory came up from Portland, Wednesday, and paid the farmers tor all milk furnished to date. He says the factory will resume operations about March 15, or as soon as enough milk is offered to justify him in mak ing the start. He is ready to begin operations at any time, and says that the resumption or worn win reai altogether with the farmers. Mr. Robinson hopes that the number of patrons will constantly increase tnis spring and that he will have a heavy season's run. OFFERED fnr immediate sale, the Asa Shreve farm of 224 acres, located about 5 miles southwest from Dallas, which win oe ani,i as a whole or in parcels as de- ,,, comethinover sired. Excellent location for the grow The new mail boxes , sometnin0 ove Hag ft The new man Doxes, other fruIt 400 in number, arrivea juo..ujr -u- - hou90 were placed "-JSStonew iSS- raising goats and other office Monday night. The new dox enclosed with good are of neat design, and will accommo- live stock icuw. For terms of sale and otner par- Muir, at tne date a patrons. The "ew arrange, - rf A B mi t the Postmaster Coad and his assistant . n r Havter, h npled room for the hand- uau i-- ; " " mo inuv.. . .. mho ittnrnev. uauua, uiw. j t!...iKt nn nr man. " " ling ana uisuiu""" n-na nostoffice now ranks among the best equipped in the valley. Messrs. J. M. and S. D. Sinkler, hankers and capitalists oi delphia and also heavy stockholders in the Wiuameiie ...r . W. S. Anderson, of Spokane, aw stockholder, and A. We.en, maua of the company, were in Dallas, Fri day The party isonatourof inspec Uon of the company's numerous light Lnd water plants in the valley, and snuSayin looking over the new electric power station in Dallas. ,TATa o? Ohio, Crrr o Toledo, I . . k oath iLt U iU Frank CHEWKr iu fUKvnY.Co.. i,i,iir busm in lae w f .. c-,. n "a S,.ui atorwaid. ana in "" . ,B9 - iv the uae of 11 all Lf- tji?v'kT j c::al. ! A notary Publie. . ,..lUen internally ndri Hall's Catarrh "j8 .d mucou. .urtce. of Jirectly on the imonj!, free. . - - i we- WON tOST PER CKNTAGK Multnomah 5 0 1000 Dallas College 5 1 m Willamette 4 1 aiO Portland Y. M. C. A....4 3 572 Salem Y. M. C. A 2 6 2S6 Newberg College 1 4 200 Monmouth S. N, S 0 6 000 By losing the game to Multnomah last Saturday night, the Dallas Col lege basketball team dropped to second place. The boys are not discouraged by their defeat, but admit that they will have to play a gilt-edged article of ball from this time on in order to stand a show for the pennant. The game with the Y. M. C. A. All Stars in Portland on Friday evening was somewhat rough, but rather one sided, and ended with a score of 23 to 10 in favor of Dallas. On the following night, however, the collegians were up against it at the Multnomah Club. Both sides played fast ball, but could not score rrom tne field, and the first half closed with a score of 5 to 3 in favor of Multnomah. Soon after tho beginning of the last half, Dallas succeeded In tying their opponents, and the score stood 8 to 8 until the last three minutes of the game. The clubmen tlien threw a foul and followed it by a rush that rairly swept the Dallas boys off their feet. Two field eoals were thrown in less than two minutes, and Multno- had won by a score of 13 to 8. The game was clean and the best of feeling prevailed. After the game, the clubmen took the two teams to a splendid banquet at the Oregon grill. WAS PIONEER OF 1845 Jonathan Williams Passes Away at His Home in Portland, Aged 80 Years. Afteranalmosteontinuousresidence In Oregon for more than CO years, Jonathan Lafayette Williams died early Thursday morning at the North Pacific Sanatorium in Portland. He was 80 years of age and well known throughout the state, in several por tions of which he had resided. Mr. Williams was born in East Tennesee in 182C, where he lived until 1844, when he moved with his parents, to Missouri. He remained in Missouri only one year, when he came to Ore gon, settling in Polk county. In 1852 he went to Salem, where he lived, with the exception of a few years spent in Tacoma, until 10 years ago, when ho removed to Portland. Mr. Williams was married in 1847 to Miss Lydia King, a member of one of the best known families In the state. Mrs. Williams is still living, as are also a son and daughter, Lafayette Williams, of Lewiston, Idaho, and Mrs. Lena McCoy, of Seattle. The re mains were sent to Salem for interment. Mr. Williams was a brother of J. J. Williams, of this city ; T. B. and W. E. Williams, of Airlie, and Wes Williams ofRanier. He had many friends in Polk county who will regret to hear of his death. Stet Cook met with a serious acci dent while helping to break a jam of lumber in the FalisCity Lumber Com pany's flume yesterday afternoon. His hand was so badly crushed that the amputation of a thumb and prob ably one finger will be necessary. Everyone should subscribe for his home paper, in order to get all the local news, but'to keep in touch with the world's daily events should also read The Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon, The leading evening newspaper of the Pacific Coast, which has iom plete Associated Press reports and special leased -wire service, with correspondents in important news centers and in all the cities and principal towns of the Northwest. Portland and suburbs are covered ty a bright staff of reporters, and editorial, dramatic, society and special writers. Saturday's edi tion consists of 26 to 28 pages, and has colored comic pages, as well as a department for children, colored fashion page, an interesting serial story and other attractive features in addition to all the news of the day. Subscription Rates: One month, 60 cents; three months, ?1.35; six months, $2.50; twelve months, ?5. f Sample copies mailed free. ( ICILLthi COUCH and CURE ths LUNGS w,TH Dr. ling's low Qiscouery TnNSUMPTIOFI FDR I 0UGHI and WL0 Price 60e ft$1.00 Free Trial. Surest and ttuickeat Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACSL Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. United Slates Lxnd Otlice, Portland, Oreiron. December )i, iwXS. Notice It hereby given that In coiuplinnce with the provmioiia of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the Bale of timber landa in the States of California, Ore iron, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the 1'nblic Land States bv act of August 4, 18h, Walter V. Fuller, of Dallas, county of Folk, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this oliive his sworn statement No 7146, for the purchase of the Northeast of Section No. 14 in Township No. 9 8., Kange No. 7 W., and will ofter proof to stiow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of Polk County, nt Dallas, Oregon, on Friday, the 16th day of March, 1907. He names as witnesses: Paul Ronco, of Pedee, Oregon; John Cline, of Pedee, Oregon; D..J. Kiley, of Dallas, Oregon; U. S. Urant, of Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this otlice on or before said 15th day of March, l!W7. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. Administrator's First Notice. Notice Is hereby given that C W. Beckett has this day, by an order of the County Court for Polk County, Oregon, been duly appointed ad ministiatoroi the estate of kirs. Jane tteckelt Thompson, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against estate arc hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at his residence near Lincoln, in Polk County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated January 11, t!H)7. C. W. BECKETT, Administrator of the estato of Jane Beckett-Thompson, deceased. Carey F. Martin, Attorney for estate. Salem, Falls City & Wes ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE Effective May 1. Dail except Sunday, WeBt-Bornd: A.M. P.M. Lv. DALLAS ...7:30 1:20 Teats' Siding... 7:46 . 1:30 Ollliains 7:49 1:39 Bridgeport 7:55 1:45 Ar. FALLS CITY 8:05 1:55 East-Bound- A.M. P.M. Lv. FALLS CITtf 10:00 4:00 Bridgeport ......10:10 4:10 Uilliams... 10:10 4:17 Teats' Siding no btops Ar. DALLAS '.,...10:33 4:35 Trains Stop on Signal only. L. GERLINGER, Jr.. General M Hunger. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH Railway. FROM INDEPENDENCE. FOB DALLAS. Leave Independence, daily ex. Sunday, 7:50 a.m.; lv. Monmouth, 8:00 a. in. ; ar. Dallas, 8:25 a. in. Leave Independence, daily, U:05 a. m.; lv, Monmouth, 11:20 a. m.; ar. Dallas, 11:45 a. in. Leave Independence, daily, 6:15 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 6:30 p. m.; ar. Dallas, 6:55 p. m, FOR AIKI.IK. Leave Independence, daily, 7:30 a. m.; lv. Moiinu.uth, 7:40 a. m.; ar. Airlie, 8:11: a. in. Leave Independence, daily, 8:30 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 3:50 p. m.; ar. Airlie, 4:25 p. m. FOR MONMOUTH ONLY, Leave Independence, daily, 2:15 p. m. FROM DALLAS. FOR INDEPKNDKNCK. Leave Dallas, daily ex. Sunday, 9:45 a. in,: lv. Monmouth, 1015 a. m.; ar. Independence, 10:25 a. m. Leave Dallas, daily, 1 p. m.; lv Monmouth, 1:25 p. m.; ar. Independence, 1:40 p. m. (This truiu connects at Monmouth for Airlie.) l eave Dallas, daily, 7:35 p. m.; lv. Monmouth, 8 p. in.; ar, Independence, 8:15 p. m. FROM AIRLIE. Leave Airlie, daily, 9a. in.; lv, Monmouth, 9;35a. m.;ar. Independence, 9:50 a. m, (This train connectB at Monmouth for Imllnh.) Leave Airlie, daily, 5:05 p. ni.; lv. Monmouth, 5:40 p. m.; ar. Indejiendeiice, 5:55 p m. , FROM MONMOUTH ONLY. . Leaves Monmouth for Independence, daily, at 2.50 p. in. W. V. FULLER. REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specilaty If you have patented landa or relinquishments to soil, list same with me. Office in Crider Building Dallas, Oregon TTORNBY AT LAW. Oscar Hayteiv Upstalrg in Campbell building, Mill St DALLAS, OREGON. TTOBNBYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set of Abstracts la Polli county. Ofllca on Court St. DALLAS, . OREGON. TTOBNEY AT LAW Ed. P. Coad, Office In Courthouse DALLAS, OREGON. jATTORNBY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW B. F. JONES Office in Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON TTORNEY AT LAW J. L. Collins Main Street, Near Postofflce DALLAS, . - OREGON J)bNTI8T. M. IIayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW L. D. BROWN Notary Public; Abstracts Mill Street opposite Uglow Bld. DALLAS, OREGON. HICIAN AND SURGEON. JHYI L. A. BOLLMAN, M. I)., . TJglow Building, Rooms 7 and 8. Mutual Phono Main 30. Bell Phono Main 541. DALLAS, - - OREGON. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned un administrator of the estate of Klenor S. Levens, deceased, lias filed his final account In the County Court of the Htute of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Saturday, the 2nd day of Kehruary, 11K)7, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Court room of the slid County Court, in the city of Dnllas, Oregon, has been appointed by siiid Court ns the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said Una I account and the settlement thereof. FRANK ROW ELL, , Administrator of Hie estate of Elenor H. Levens, deceiised. Oscar Hayler, Attorney, bated Mini first published Jauuary 4, 1007. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of John W. Keas, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for 1'olk County, and has qualified. All persona having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verilied, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at her residence near lluell, in said County, within six months from the date of this notice. listed and first publiBhed February 1. 1907. FANNIE L. KEAS, AdmluiKtratrix of the estate of John W. Keas, deceased. Oscar IIayter, Attorney. t O 00 Pav8 tor the OBSERVER tJ)2 and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. . r ..CLEARANCE SALE.. From now until February 1st. we will make substantial re ductions on nearly all lines. If you want good, clean, and new merchandise at right prices, come and see us. On a few lines cannot make any reduc tion, but almost everything in Stock will be on Sale. Yours for business, KWLl ill LI! 3 LaiUi U WILSON BLOCK Dallas, - - Oregon