Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 01, 1907, Image 4

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    Polk County Observer
Published Weekly at 1.50 per Yer.
Strictly to Advance.
- DALLAS, OREGON, Febecaby 1, 1907
The way to build up Dallas is to fat
rnnize Dallas people.
Senator Wright's bill providing the
death penalty for the holdup man is
one of the few really meritorious
measures pending before the Oregon
Legislature. It should pas9 both
houses and become a law.
Congressman-elect Hawley is active
in lobbying against the Jones canal
and locks bill, and says he wants to
carry the project back to Washing
ton. He wouldn't know what to do
with it after he got it there.
The bill appropriating $65,000 for
theJamestown exposition was killed
in the senate by a vote of 15 to 12.
Pretty tough on Hon. Jeff Myers,
Uncle Henry Dosch and a few others,
but no particular-loss to the state.
Printers' Ink, recognized the world
over as au authority on advertising,
says in a recent number: "It is now
pretty generally believed that one
large advertisement in one paper will
prove more useful than four small
announcements occupying the same
space in the aggregate in four pages."
Special investigating committees to
visit state institutions have been ap
pointed at Salem. As the members
draw no mileage this year, and have
no clerks to appoint, positions on
these committees were not in great
demand. Polk county members re
ceived places as follows : Senator
Loughary on Baby Home and lioys'
and Girls' AidSociety ; Representative
McCallon on Capital Building and
Grounds; Representative Jones on
Boys and Girls' Aid Society.
W. W. Percival has recently con
tributed some excellent articles on
sheep and hog raising to the Inde
pendence West Side. He tells what is
being done by enterprising Polk
county farmers in this line of in
dustry, giving facts and figures to
show the profits that are being made
by men who are handling livestock
in an intelligent and business-like
way. Such articles are of great prac
tical value, and more of them should
be published by the newspapers of
It seems almost impossible of belief
that while the people of the Willamette
Valley were enjoying mild, balmy
weather this week, the city of Portland
was experiencing the worst sleet and
ice storm ever known in Oregon. And
yet such was the case. It is believed
that the damage caused by the storm
will reach nearly one-half million
dollars. Telephone and telegraph
wires were wrecked, trees were up
rooted in the streets, traffic was block
aded, and business was brought to a
standstill. Such storms are almost
unknown in Oregon, and it is lucky
for the 6tato that they occur at such
in frequent. intervals.
Believing that many of the lime
stone deposits in Oregon will furnish
prime material for the manufacture
of cement, the Oregon Agricultural
College at Corvallis has added a new
automatic cement testing machine
and will make experiments with any
stone seat to the college free of charge
to the person sending it. Samples of
limestone sent for testing should
weigh not less than 20 pounds, and
should represent an average sample
of the deposit. It has long been be
lieved that the immense deposits of
limestone in the hills west of Dallas
would make an excellent quality of
cement, and it would be well for the
owners of these quarries to take ad
vantage of this opportunity to have
the stone given a thorough test. If
this stone is suitable for cement pur
poses, it will be the meansof establish
ing another important industry that
will add hundreds of thousands of
dollars to the wealth of Tolk county.
Dallas n eel s a night watchman.
Liver and Kidneys
It Is highly Important that these organs
should properly perform their functions.
When they don't, what lameness of the
Me and back, what yellowness of the skin,
what constipation, bad taste In the mouth,
sick headache, pimples and blotches, and
loss of courage, tell the story.
The great alterative and tonic
Gives these organs vigor and tone for the
proper performance of their functions, and
cum all their ordinary ailments. Take It.
Commencing February 1, Three Daily
Passenger Trains Will Be Run Be
tween Dallas and Falls City. j
The new passenger train schedule
for the operation of trains between
Dallas and Falls City, and also be
tween Falls City and Black Rock, has
been completed and will go into effect
February 1. By this schedule, the
running time of the present trains
will be changed and an additional
train will be added. General Manager
Gerlinger says that the operation of
an additional daily train will cause
the trainmen much extra work, and
he is not yet sure whether the trains
can be run on the time provided by
the new schedule. In order to deter
mine the practicability of the arrange
ment, the time table will be given a
week or ten days trial, and if it proves
satisfactory it will be permanently
According to the new schedule, the
morning train will leave Dallas at
7 :15 and arrive at Falls City at 7:35,
Returning, it will leave Falls City at
8 :45 and arrive in Dallas at 9 :30.
The next train will be a freight No
coach will be attached to this train,
but accommodations will be provided
for passengers in the caboose. None
but through passengers will be carried,
however, as the train will make no
stop3 between Dallas and Falls City,
either going or coming. Owing to
limited time, this train will not be run
to the Southern Pacific depot for
passengers, but will start from the
company's terminal grounds iu South
This new train will accommodate
Falls City people arriving in Dallas
on the morning train from Portland,
and will also connect with the after
noon train between Dallas and Port
land. It will leave Dallas at 11:10
a. m., and arrive in Falls City at 11 :50
a. m. Returning, it will leave Falls
City at 1 p. in., and arrive in Dallas
at 1 :45 p. m.
The last train in the afternoon will
leave Dallas at 3 :20 o'clock, and arrive
in Falls City at 4, Returning, it will
leave Falls City at 4 :30, and arrive in
Dallas at 5 :15 p m.
The daily schedule between Falls
City and Black Rock will be as
follows : Leave Falls City at 0 a. m.,
and arrive back in Falls City in time
to connect with the 8:45 train for
Dallas. Leave Falls City at 9 a. in ,
and arrive back in time to connect
with the 1 p. m. train for Dallas
Leave Falls City again at 1 :30 p. in.,
and arriveback in time to connect
with the 4:30 train for Dallas. Tins
schedule will give the people of Black
Rock three trains daily to the county
seat, and will be a great improvement
over the present schedule.
The road is now well equipped with
heavy locomotives and cars, and no
difficulty will be experienced in oper
ating all trains on time. The officers
of the company are entitled to much
credit for their efforts to furnish such
excellent service to their patrons, and
a greatly increased travel will doubt
less result.
W. H. Roy has purchased the
Meiser & Meiser crockery and notion
store and will move the stock to the
Collins building. He has also pur
chased the ladies' furnishing goods
department of Mrs. Metzger.the latter
retaining only her millinery business.
Judge Collins will put a modern front
in his building and a neat store will
be fitted tip. Mr. Roy is no stranger
in Dallas business circles and it is
certain that he will enjoy a paying
Street Improvement Notice.
To J. M. Sears :
Notice is hereby given, that the City
Council of the City of Dallas, Oregon,
contemplates the passage of an Ordi
nance requiring the improvement of
those certain streets or parts of streets
herein doscribed as follows, to-wit : A
new sidewalk 6 feet 4 inches in width
on the East side of that part of Robb
street adjacent to and adjoining that
certain lot or part of lot or parcel of
ground described as Lot. No. 8,
Academy Block, Dallas, Oregon.
That such sidewalk will be con
structed of lumber at the time and in
the manner to be hereafter prescribed
by Buch ordinance;
That the cost of such sidewalk will
be assessed to the above described real
property fronting and abutting there
on ;
That the City Council of said City
will sit in the Council Chamber in
said City on the 4th day of February
A. D. 1907, at 7 :30 o'clock in the eve
ning and at said time and place will
hear and determine objections and
remonstrances thereto, if any there
be; and
That all owners, and other persons
in interest, may attend at said time
and place and show cause, if any they
have, why such sidewalk should not
be constructed.
Done by order of the City Council
or the City of Dallas, made on the 21st
day of January A. D. 1907.
Witness my hand and the official
seal of the said City of Dallas, this
22nd day of January, A. D. 1907.
Auditor and Police Judge of the
City of Dallas, Oregon.
Are said ofwn to be burled six f.t imJ"
v . nmcn call On
mtiuiKi. Bi
liul manv .. .
their famiiv pnysioiaiiN 'y'"'-'?: ",rV .
hew dlU ull"r frum hV,?r "n
"deae. pother (rum nervous pr.
Mivsidans. sunerr... - "
ration,. t ,Hke w
nd In th.s ,v-Roi!(t or over-
uniil large di..s
lT- ri..i".
. tt-t. ;;ntr svmn-
prolonged B...;y: -- ::f$.'
tht "a di-va-e known u ha.f cured.
l)r Pierce. .- Favorite Prescription li
.& Wi cfullr
""."rW T. . rio!imt svstem.
fvwrt':ic;J ana sm.ui jiujo.v.-..,
ana auainw u v .,... n 1;: i
fi is maie of native American ; medicnul
and is j"'; i . i ;Tn .
effects ft o '
vorite Prescription" Imparts sm-ngiu i
tS whole fv-t'em and to the organs dis
tinctly fem!.i:i.e in particular, r or o e r
wnrk.kl, w..r:it.ut." run-down." d bil -tared
tach.-r. uiiHiners. dressmakers,
"amstr.-. " io-sir.s." house-kerptrs,
n-rr-i-mt' . ana f. et k women gVn
enl!v Dr puree's Favorite Prescription
U the gna-.t. earthly boon, temg n
naled as u:i appetizing cordial and re-
"as aKKi'. -sV and strengthening nerr
i'ie -Favori'.- l'reer'.piion is uiiMualcd
and is invaluable in allaying and sub
"...ing nervo ;s excita .'ii.v, trruability,
nervous el.-:a:stion, in " ous pwstration,
r.p.iralsria. bt-ria, pums. !St. Mtu
d nice, and "other distressing, nervous
svmutoms eoinmonly atteiuiant upi ..a
functional and organic urease of the
uterus. It induces refroslnng sleep and
fl'eves mental anxietv and desxmueuey.
Dr Picrc-"s Pleasant I'ell.'ts invigorate
the stomach, liver and U.wels. Ono w
thr. a doitt. Husy to uke as caudy.
Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Offiw over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon.
For Sale.
Three crood lots-. G room house and
new barn ; three blocks east of court
house, on Court street, Id Dallas. For
particulars apply to S. R. Kf.xxf.dy.
Wanted to Kent.
Wanted to rent, a 5 or C room modern
house for one year. Bcstof references.
Address "A" care of -Ousekver.
Walnut Trees For Sale.
English walnut trees for sale.
I5f.ezi.fy, Dallas, Or.
J. E.
Orjran F:or Sale.
Cottage organ, in good condition,
fur sale at a bargain. Apply to Mits.
O. L. Hawkins, Dallas, Or.
Fir Wood Wanted.
From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood
wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City
& Western Railway Co.
Dry Slabwood For Sale.
The Willamette Valley Lumber
Company has some fine dry slab wood
for sale cheap; also lG-itieh slabs and
block wood.
Estray Notice.
Strayed from my farm one dehorned
Jersey bull. Please notify W. D.
Calkins, Rickreall. Bell phone 458.
I have an old orchard one milefrom
town that I want grubbed out by con
tract. H. G. Campbell.
Farm tor Rent.
Farm of 250 acres to rent at once.
C. J. Guy, Dallas, Or.
Fine Chickens for Sale.
I have a few line White Wyandotte
cockerels for sale which are from the
Duston-Hallock stock. Come to J. C.
Stingley for them, Dallas, Ore.
Teams Wanted.
Several heavy teams wanted for
logging purposes. Will buy or hire.
Falls City Lumber Co. Camp No. 2,
Falls City, Or.
For Sale or Trade.
House and lot in Salem to sell or
trade for Dallas property. Harris
the Jeweler.
For Sale.
Elegant furniture of a modern six
room house, consisting of fine new
piano, sewing machine, parlor, sitting
room, dining room, bed room and
kitchen furniture; Brussels carpet
throughout the house. House for
rent First house west of R. C.
Craven's on College street F. Kers
lakf For Sale.
A fine carriage horse (pacer under
saddle and gentle tor either riding or
driving); a single harness and light
one-horse express wagon ; also, a pet
Billy goat. Address Edward Smith,
Box 203, Dallas, Or.
Cow For Sale.
first-class milk cow. In-
For sal
quire of L.
Rogera, Mutual Phone
Piano For Sale.
A $500 piano for sale for $285. Used
but little, and practically as good as
new. Call, or write to Mrs. Lottie
Hedges Dorrls, Independence, Or.
r ' - . ..... t.. iw snon. bw
be.auniinv y reaHtv,thoy are
of su;:o! .i, w "'A'.rsi.."!...
' t v J . 1 1 j Vi!!:I
Extra Special Values in Men's
Suits and Overcoats.
i wppvprvdavin the week -values that are r-C ffi4
S . v, will
1 ..MMr.4-kVioVln
. Uimia uu- ,
P , Fi! a
same class garment auu
But it is not the saving of
our offering of
- - - '
Hi As much asTts snappy, original style, superior hand-tailoring
1 and excellent fit-all of which will convince you beyond
1 question that this noted clothing is the peer of the best to-
order-made garments. Come see the distinctive styles and
1 exclusive fabrics we offer in -
Men's and Young Men's Winter bmts at
$12 to $30,
Single and double-breasted Sacks of approved fashion in
ultra or conservative cut, made of beautifully patterned
worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres, fully worth $15 to $35.
Men's and Young Men's Overcoats
The man who discards night shirts for Pajamas, is glad, as a rule, he made the
i change. Pajamas are becoming more popular from year to year as a sleeping
" garment for Men. It would be difficult to find better Pajamas than ours. ,
The Uglow Clothing House
...Now Is The Time...
For you to decide what you want for
We have a fine line of Men's Women's
and Children's SHOES in the latest
styles. Also a nice line of Slippers at
the right prices. We know they are
what ydu want, but we want you to
know it.
Repairing Neatly Done.
The Dallas Shoe
Electricity for Lighting
Is only expensive to people who are
wasteful and careless. To you, who
are naturally careful, it does not
come high.
It is economical because it can be quickly turned off wnen not needed.
Vith gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let light burn when
not needed to save bother of lighting and adjusting. In some homes
the electric light bills amount to only one or two dollars per month
You can probably get some kind of artificial light for less money
than electric light, but does it save you anvthing when it limits op
portunities for work and recreation-ruins your eyesight smokes
your walls-mars decorations and increases household work You
could probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without your meals
but it wouldn t be economy. It is not so much what you save but
how you save that counts. J '
TwLfAMETK VLLEJ C0- RATES-Residenoe on meters, per
58 a&tFT m.nth 16cP G0C- RATES FOR
in 5 HOLSES 2oc per drop and 5c per Kilowatt up to 10 drops ;
over 10 drops 20c per drop and 5c per Kilowatt up to 40 drops ; over 40
drops 17jc per drop and 5o per Kilowatt. A drop figures 16cp or less
Jor power rates apply at the office. We are always ready to explain
the "ins and outs" of the lighting proposition to you, elll on us or
phone to us, we are never to busy to talk business.
Willamette Valley Company
E. W. K EARNS, Manager for Dallas.
MutuaS.Street' 3"St nrth f thG CoUVt House- ""M 421.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Mediola for Eusy Peoplt.
Brlngf Golden Halti and Eenewed Vigor.
u ll roubles, timple Eo2em.-, Impure
Blood. Bad Breath, Sluegish Ilowels, Headache
and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea intab-1-
t form, 8J cents a box. Genuine made by
HoUJBTER Dttl'O COMP4NT. Maiiisnn Wi. '
i V?rlnc &r Jnstination, Indipeitlou, I.I
find uDon investigating that our U'-
w nnr cfvlp assortment is
."Tin' 4. 4-
money that should interest
& ; .
Mrs. J.C. Gaynor,
Pt oprict.r
uiay telegraphy and fit your
self for salaried position, "with
unparalleled opportunity for ad
vancement. Railroad construc
tion now under wav makes
great demand for trained oper
ators. Takes only J to 5 months
to learn. Tuition, S mos.. J40.
Write for catalog. Pacific Tel
egraph Institute. 6th floor. Com
monwealth bldg., Portland. Or.
f()r u
lare - er.
you in
t)RtM IW H TBI uut
at $12 to $20.
: 3JVU! ;
Pays SicK Benefits of $40 ;
$50 per month.
Pays Accident Benefits class
ified according to occupation!
Payj Surgeon's Fees J
Pays Funeral Expenses A
from $100 to $150.
No Medical Examination, i
Membership Fee, $5.00, pap I
able only once in a lifetime. ;
Dues,$f.50 and $1 per Month s
W. V. Fuller, Agent
Dallas, Oregon.
Doe hauling of all klnd '
rates. ons''
teacher of
Studio, Room No. 2, Wib
The OldsJGasoline Engines
I handle the "Olds" the best
thing '.for Wood jawing. V
Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning.
Come and See.the.best
line engine made forfar1
purposes. 4
Ed. Diddle, Age
Dallas, Oregon.
,J -.wCi.j-S? ij! -van
I 'llou buy from FtMj
X Direct. Therefore
4 Ni 1 price reloMt