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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
o m I NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE FOR TAXES. LIST OP DELINQUENT REAL PROP ERTT TAKEN FROM THE 1905 TAX ROLL. By virtue of a warrant Issued out of the county court of the State of Oregon for the County of Pollc. on the 24th day of December. 1906, under tne nana nu seal of the county clerk of said county and ex-offlclo cleric of said court, to me directed, commanding me to Bell the sev eral tracts or parcels of real property of the delinquent taxpayers named In the delinquent list of said county for the year 1905. or so much thereof as will satisfy the amount of said taxes charged therein, together with costs and accruing penal ties thereon, which list of delinquent taxes fcthtr with a description of said real nrooertv. situated in the said County of Polk, and State of Oregon, upon which the same Is levied, and the name of the respective persons to whom the aforesaid real property Is assessed Is hereunto an nexed and made a part of this notice, and more particularly described as follows, to wlt: James Buchanan Lot 1, block 3, Alrlle; tax. .24; Interest. .02; penalty, .02; printers costs, .60; total... I 0.88 N. A. Chandler Beg. 18 chains W. and 2.75 chains N. of NW. cor. of NE. Vi of Sec. 25. E. 31.25 chains. N. 6.75 chains. E. 19 chains, N. 4.25 chains, W. 40.25 chains, S. 10 chains to place of beginning, Sec. 24, Tp. 6 S. R. 6 W con taining 40 acres; tax, 2.80; in terest .25; penalty, .z; printers costs, 82.00; total Thos. C. Chandler SWVi of NWH and NWVi of SWVi of Sec. 10. Tp. 9 S R. 8 W., containing 80 acres; tax, $3.68; Interest, .33; penalty, .37 ; printer's costs, $1.20; total 5.33 5.58 C. A. Clark Beg. at the SE. cor. of H. English D. L. C W. 39.83 chains, N. 24.53 chains. S. 75 deg. 32 mln., E. 13 chains. N. 36 chains, E. 27.85 chains. S. 60.60 chains to place of beginning. Sees. 7 and 18, Tp. 7 S., R. 3 W., con taining 196 acres; tax, $21.54; in terest, $1.94; penalty, 2.15; print er's costs $2.00; total 27.63 Margaret A. Clark Beg. 13.69 chains N. of SW. cor. of E. Da vidson D. L. C. S. 4.56 chains, E. 8.72 chains, N. 4.56 chains, W. 8.72 chains to place of begin ning, Sec. 34, Tp. 8 S., R. 5 W., containing 4 acres; tax, $1.15; in terest, .10; penalty, .12 ; printers costs, $1.80; total Bertha Clodfelter Lots 6 and 7, and W. lot 8, block 4, Catt ron's Sub. of out lot 6, Mon mouth; tax, $3.40; Interest, .31; pen alty, 34; printer's costs, $1.00; total.... 3.17 6.05 W. O. Cooper Beg. 9.90 chains W. of SW. cor. of J. Phillips' D. L. C, S. 28.51 chains, S. 74 deg. 30 mln., W. 23.79 chains, N. 15 deg. 30 mln., W. 21.66 chains, N. 14 chains, E. 28.68 chains to place of beginning, Sees. 35 and 26, Tp. 6 S., R. 4 W., containing 87 acres ; tax. $5.98; Interest, .54; penalty, .60; printer's costs, $2.00 9.12 P. T. Cooper Beg. 16.98 chains S. of NE. cor. of east boundary line of I. Hedges' D. L. C, at post, which Is SE. cor. of Viola Sloper's land, W. 14.50 chains to E. side of county road, S. 8 deg. 30 mln., W. 8.23 chains, E. 15.56 chains to ,E. line of said claim, N. on said line 8.14 chains to place of begin ning. Sec. 33, Tp. 8 S., R 4 W., containing 12 acres; tax, $5.76; Interest, .52 ; penalty, .58 ; printer's Cottl, $2.60; total 9.46 D. A. Coovert et ux. Beg. at SE. cor. of block C, West Salem, N. 10 deg., E. 129 ft., W. 300 ft., S. 10 deg., W. 129 ft., E. 300 ft. to place of beginning, West Salem; tax, $3.45; interest, .31; penalty, .35; printer's costs, $1.40; total.. 5.51 Martha B. Davidson One-third Int erest In following: Beg. at SE. cor. of C. O. Davidson D. L. C, N. 68.54 chains, W. 39.91 chains, S. 68.55 chains, E. 39.91 chains to place of beginning, Sec. 28, Tp. 9 S., R. 4 W., containing 91 acres; tax, 31.03; interest, $2.79; pen alty, $3.10; printer's costs, $2.00; total 38.92 D. M. DonauBh SEVi of Sec. 14, Tp. 9 S., R. 7 W., containing 160 acres; tax, $11.04; Interest, .99; penalty, $1.10; printer's costs, $1.00; total 14.13 P. H. Drexler Lots 1, 2, 3, block 5, Hill's Add. to Hill's Add., Ind pendence; tax, $2.00; Interest, .18: penalty. .20; printer's costs. $1.00; total T. L. Dunsmore EVi of Lot 6, block D, Falls City, Montgomery's Add.; tax, $2.70; Interest, .24; penalty, .27; printer's costs, $1 ; total J. R. Ford Lots 7. 8, block R, First Add. to Falls City; tax, $2.02; Interest, .18; penalty, .20; printer's costs, .80 Clotllb Helns NJ of S. Vi and SI of N. Vi lots 7 and 8, block 1, Catt ron's Sub. Dlv. of out lot 5, Mon mouth; tax, $1.02; Interest, .09; penalty, .10; printer's costs, $1 ; total Rosalie James NWVi of Sec. 24, 3.38 4.21 3.20 2 21 Tp. 7 S., R. 7 W., containing 160 acres; tax, $11.04; Interest, .99; penulty, $1.10; printer's costs, $1 ; total H I E. C. Johnson Lot 2, block 13, Thorp's Add. to Independence; tax, $5.00; Interest, .45; penalty, .50; printer's costs, 80; total... 6.75 Clarence Kuhin Beg. 254 ft. W. of SE. cor. of out lot 19, Monmouth, N. 330 ft., W. 1271 ft., S. 330 ft., E. 1271 ft., to place of beginning. Sec. 25, Tp. 8 S., R. 6 W.. con taining 1 acre; tax, .81; Interest, .07 ; penalty, .08 ; printer's costs, $1.60; total Emma B. Ijee Beg. at SW. cor. of Illram Eddy D. L. C, N. 15.75 chains, R 12.70 chains, S. 15.75 chains, W. to place' of beginning. Sec. 14, Tp. 9 S.. R. 4 W., contain ing 20 acres; tax, $4.64; Interest, .42; penalty, .46; printer's costs, $1.60; total 7.12 Chan. H. Lovett SW V4 of SEV4 and EVi of SW14 and SWVi of SWVi of Sec. 6, Tp. 7 S., R. 6 W.. con taining 163 acres; tax. $10.25; In terest, .92; penalty, $1.02; print er's costs. $1.20; total 13.39 John Lucas NVi of SWVi and SVi of NWVi of Sec. 29, Tp. 9 S., R. 8 W., containing 160 acres; tax. $9.20; Interest, .82; penalty. .92; printer's costs, $1.00; total 11.94 R R, and L. A. Liggett . V, oi iu. Kiswtir i Ruena vista ; lax. $1.74; Interest. .16; penalty. .17; printer's costs, .80 ; total . . . . C. O. Major Lot 5, block 16, Tal mage; tax, .32; Interest, 03; pen alty. .04 ; printer's costs, 60 ; total Geo. W. Mann Beg. 9.50 chains S. of NE. cor. of block !. Burley's Fruit Farms. W. 29.07 chains. S. 11.64 chains. N. 82 deg.. E. 28.66 2.87 .99 chains, N. 8.65 chains to piace oi beginning. Sec. 20; Tp. T S., R. 3 W.. containing 28 acres; tax, $8.05: Interest. .72; penalty. .81; nrlnter's costs. $1.80; total. 11.38 Oregon & Cal. R. R Co. Contract with R. B. Duncan, W. Vi of NEVi and WVb and NWVi of SEVi of Sec. 23. Tp. 9 S., R. 7 W., contain ing 440 acres; tax. $30.36; Inter est. $2.73: penalty, $3.04; print er's costs. $1.40; total 37.53 Unknown Lot 1 of Sec 33. Tp. 9 S., R. 6 W. ; tax, .46 ; Interest, .04 ; penalty, .05 ; printer's costs, .80 ; total Unknown Lots 5 and 6, block 11. Thorp's Add. to Independence; tax. $8.00; Interest, .72; penalty. 1.35 ..80: nrlnter's costs, .80; total 10.32 Unknown E. two-thirds of lots 7 and 8. block 1 S., 2. E., Buena Vista; tax, $2.61; interest, .23; penalty, .26; printer's costs, $1 ; total Unknown Lots 2 and 3. block 31, frac. lot 4, block 31, Thorp's 4.10 Add., Independence; tax, fl.w. Interest. .18 ; penalty, .20 ; printer's costs, $1.00; total 3.38 Unknown Lot 8. block 26, Thorp's. Independence; tax, $1.20; Inter est, .10; penalty, .12; printer's costs, .(SO; total C. E. Heyn EVs of NE Vi of NE Vi and 8EV4 of NEVi of Sec. 13, Tp. 6 S., R. 8 W., containing 60 acres; tax, $4.14; Interest, .37; penalty, 41; printer's costs, $1.00; total.. J. C. Rose and M. F. Rose Lot 6, block 2. Cattron's Subdiv. of out lot 2, Monmouth; tax, $1.70; In terest, .15; penalty, .17; printer's 2.2; 5.92 costs, $1.00; total 3.02 J. W. and Ida M. Scott Lots 3 and 8, block B, Damon & Haley's Add. to Monmouth; tax, .68; in terest, .06 ; penalty, .07 ; printer's costs, $1.00; total 181 John Sealey Lot 1, block J ; lot 1, block K, West Salem ; tax, .92 ; Interest, .08; penalty, .09; print er's costs, .80; total Elizabeth Shipley SWVi of NWVi Sec. 15, Tp. 7 S., R. 6 W., con taining 40 acres; tax, $2.30; In terest, .21 ; penalty, .23 ; printer's costs, $1.00; total Geo. W. Shriver Beg. 15.39 chains E. of SE. cor. of T. L. Kimsey D. L. O. N. 61 deg. 50 mln. W. 13.24 chains, S. 28 de. 20 mln., W. 4.12 chains, S. 7 deg. E. to placo of beginning, except 1 acre sold to H. B. Tingle, Sees. 14 and 23 ; Tp. 6 S., R. 5 W., 3 acres ; also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, block 1, Ryan's Add. to Perry dale; tax, $2.07; interest, .18; penalty, .21 ; printer's costs, $2.60; total Feeman Smith, Heirs of Lot 5, block , 1 N., 1 E., Buena Vista ; tax, .29 ; interest, .03 ; penalty, .03; printer's costs, .80; total...' S. Smith NE. Vi of Sec. 26, Tp. 9 S., R. 7 W., containing 160 acres; tax, $11.04; Interest, .99; penalty, 1.89 3.74 5.06 1.15 $1.10: printer's costs, .80; total. 13.93 C. R. Smith Lot 24, block A, West Salem ; tax, .69 ; interest, 06 ; pen alty, .07 ; printer's costs, .80 ; total Alinlra Sparks Lots 7 and 8, block 6, White's Add. to Independence; tax, $6.00 ; Interest, .54 ; penalty, .60; printer's costs, 80; total Frank and Nora Tatom Beg. at NE. cor. of Sailing's Add. to 1.62 7.94 Ballston, W. 2.35 chains. S. 4.56 chains. E. 2.35 chains. N. 4.56 chains, to place of beginning. Sec. 8, Tp. 6 S., R. 5 W., containing 1 acre; tax, $4.60; Interest, .41; penalty, .46; printer's costs, $1.80; total 7.27 D. Tatom Lot 6, block 5, Mon- mouth; tax, $1.70; Interest, .15; penalty, .17; printer's costs, .80; total 2 82 Gilbert Tyson Beg. 348 feet W. of SE. cor. of T. C. Thorp D. L. C, W. 180 ft., N. 1.96 chains to right bank of Lucklamute River, down said river to a point N. of place of beginning, Bthrough said place of beginning to N. side of county road, northwesterly to S. line of said D. L. C. (except a strip 60 ft. wide fronting on county road). Sec. 21. T. 8 S., R. 6 W., contain in 1 acre; tax, $8.48; interest, .76; penalty, .85; printer's costs, $2.80; total 12.89 Mary Price SVi of SVi of (except that portion lying E. of Luckla mute River), Sec. 2 Tp. 10 S., R. 7 W. ; also beg. at Vi sec. line bet. Sees. 2 and 3, S. 20 chains, E. 43.14 chains, to Luckiamute River, up said river to point due E. of place of beginning, W. to place of beginning, Sec. 2, Tp. 10 S., R. 7 W. ; also heg. at SW. cor. of Sec. 3, E. 160 rods, N. 33 Mi rods, W. 160 rods, S. to place of beginning, Sec 3, Tp. 10 S., R. 7 W., containing in all 113 acres; tax. $10.81; interest, .97; penalty. $1.08; printer's costs, $3.20; total 16.06 J. Quivey All of block A, Baker's Add. to Independence; lots 7, 8. 9 and 10, block 2. Baker's Add. to Independence; tax, $5.76; In terest, .62 ; penalty, .68 ; printer's costs, $1.20 ; total 8.06 L. C. Rawley Lots 3 and 4, of Sec. 2, Tp. 7 S.. R. 7 W., 129 acres; tax, $5.52 ; interest, .44 ; pen alty, .55; printer's costs, $1.00; total 7.51 II. M. Reese Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, block 16, Eola; tax. $3.22; Inter est, .28 ; penalty, .32 ; printer's costs, .80; total 4.62 C. L. Rodgers Lots 1, 4. 5, 8, block 4, Saling's Add. to Ballston; tax, $3.45; Interest, .31; penalty, .35; printer's costs, .80 ; total 4.91 W. P. Tucker SVi of SWVi and SWVi of SEVi. SWVi of NWVi Sec. 16. Tp. 7 S.. R. 7 W., con taining 160 acres; tax. $10.20; Interest, .92: penalty, $1.02; print er's costs, $1.20; total 13.34 E. W. Cooper Lots 1 and 2, block 12, Thorp's Add. to Thorp's Add., Independence; tax. $12.00; Inter est, $1.08; penalty, $1.20; printer's costs. $1.00: total 15.28 C. Blechsclimldt Beg. 612 ft. N. of SE. cor. of Sec 7. S. (12 ft., W. 884 ft., thence In a northeasterly direction to placs ot beginning, Sec 7. Tp. i " ing 6 acres; tax. $2.15; Interest, 19; penalty. .23 i primer. 4.16 $1.60: total t Abbie M. Boocty noi - - - Sec 22. TP. 6 8.. K. "'" taining .37 acres; tax, $2 0 , in terest. .18; penalty, .zi; 3.46 costs. $1.00 ; toiai , . , 1 ' anil Eugene Brown tVt oi i-"?. - NVi of NEVi of Sec is. n- R 6 W, containing 160 acres; tax $9.20; Interest. .82; penalty, 11.94 09- -lnlr' COStS. Il.UU", lUiai . . " ' . .... . .! 8 E. H. Cattron ft. oi ui - - block 1. Cattron's Subdiv. oi out lot 2. Monmouth; tax,, in terest, .09; penalty. .10; printer's costs, $l.o ; ioiai - W A. Wann Beg. at NW. cor. o. block 6. Hill's Adit, to run Independence, E. 58V4 f. -ft. W. 58 Va N. 132 ft. to place of beginning; pa ",,s ' block 6; tax, $1.20; Interest, .n. penalty, .12 ; printer s costs, . 3.03 tntnl Marlon Welder Estate Beg. at SE. cor. of Sec 24, N. 44 cnains. 20 chains. N. 6 chains. . - chains. N. 1 chain, W. 14.75 chains. S. 26.67 chains, S. 19 deg., E 8 25 chains, S. 28 deg. 30 mln.. E. 18 chains. E. 43.27 chains to place of beginning. Sec. 24. Tp. 7 S.. R 4 W., containing 250 acres; tax, $46,001; interest, $4.14; pen alty, $4.60; printer's costs, $2.40; total ' 57.14. F. A. Wester, Heirs oi tw-s. - chains N. 1 deg. E. of SW. cor. or A. Davidson D. L. C. E. 5 chains. N. 5.10 chains. W. 5 chains, S. 5.10 chains to place of beginning. Sec. 8. Tp. 6 S., R. 5 W contain ing 2 acres; tax. $1.61; interest. .14; penalty, $1.80; total 16 ; printer s costs, 3.71 G. W. Wilcox- Lots 2 and 3, part 1. Ballston; and all tax, $3.68; Interest. , .37 ; printer's costs. lot 4. block of block 7; .33 ; penalty $1.00; total E. Wilson Beg. and 14.16 chains 5.38 20.75 chains E. S. ot NW. cor. of T. L. Btirbank D. L C, E. 28.25 chains, S. 7.08 chains. W. 28.25 chains, N. 7.08 chains to place of beginning; also beg. 20.73 chains E. and 20.24 chains S. of NW. cor. of T. L. Burliank D. L. C, E. 28.25 chains, S. 7.08 chains, W. 28.25 chains, N. 7.0S chains, to place of beginning. Sees. 16 and 17, Tp. 8 S., R. 4 W., containing 40 acres; tax. $24.32; interest, $2.19; penalty. $2.43; printer's costs, $3.00; total 31.94 R. O. Woodard N. Vi of NEVi and SEVi of NEVi and NVi of SE',i and SEVi of SEVi Sec. 16, Tp. 7 S., R. 7 W., containing 240 acres; tax, $16.56; interest, $1.49; pen alty, $1.66; printer's costs, $1.40; total 21.11 W. P. Wright Lots 7 and 8, diock 20, Thorp's Add. to Independence, tax, $1.60; interest, .14; penalty, .16: orinter's costs. .80; total.... 2.70 Oregon & Cal. R. R. Co. Contract with R. B. Duncan, EVi of EVi and SWVi of SEVi of Sec. 13, Tp. 9 S., R. 7 W.. containing 200 acres; tax. $16.20; interest, $1.46; penalty, $1.62; printer's costs, $1.40; total 20.68 C. C. Markes Lots 1, 2, 3 anil 4, block 35, Talmage; tax, $3.70; in terest, .33 ; penalty, .37 ; printer's costs, .80; total 5.20 W. L. Mason Lots 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, block E, Damon & Haley's Add. to Monmouth; tax, $6.78; Interest, .61; penalty, .68; print er's costs, $1.00; total 9.07 Andrew Nelson Beg. at Vi sec. cor. on E. line of Sec. 6, W. 80 chains, S. 19.25 chains. E. 74.62 chains; thence on a straight line to place of beginning; also beg. at center of E. line of S. Staat's D. L. C, E. 5 chains, S. 4 chains to SW. cor. of E. A. Shirley's land, W. to land of L Damon, N. to place of beginning, all in Sec. 6, Tp. 9 S., R. 4 W., containing 160 acres; tax, $69.58; Interest, $6.26; penalty, $6.96; printer's costs. $2.80; total 85.60 R. P. Osburn, Heirs of Beg. at NE. cor. of H. W. Evans' D. L. C, W. 11.13 chains, S. 9Vi deg. E 6.23 chains, N. 7 Va deg.. E. 10.72 chniin N to place of beginning, Sec. 32, Tp. 8 S.. R. 5 W., containing 4 acres; tax. .92; Interest, .08; penalty, .09; printer's costs, $1.80; total 2.89 . F. Oviatt Two acres, deed not recorded. Sec 28, Tp. 6 S., R. 6 W. ; tax, $1.62; interest, .15; pen alty, .16; printer's costs, $1.00; total 2.93 Arthur G. Porter West Vi of lot 5, 1 N., 2 S., Buena Vista; tax. $1.74; Interest, .16; penalty, .17; printer's costs, .80; total 2.87 Prescott and Veness Lot 8, block A, Damon & Haley's Add. to Monmouth; lots 5 and 6, block 24, Talmage; tax, $1.45; Interest, .13; penalty, .15; printer's costs, $1.20; total 2.93 F. L. Price SVi of SEVi and SVi of SWVi of Sec. 3, Tp. 10 S., R. 7 W. ; also beg. at SW. cor. of Sec 2, E. 40 chains, N. 8.375 chains, W. 40 chains, S. 8.375 chains to place of beginning, Sec. 2, Tp. 10 S., R. 7 W.; also beg. at SE. cor. of Sec. 2, N. 25.75 chains. W. 38.50 chains, S. to center of Lucklamute River, down said river to section line bet. Sees. 2 and 11, E. to place of beginning. Sec. 2, Tp. 10 S., R 7 W. ; also beg. at NE. cor. of See. 2, W. 40 chains, S. 64 chains, E. 1.50 chains, N. 5.75 chains, E. 38.50 chains, N. 58.25 chains to place of begin ning. Sec 2, Tp. 10 S.. R 7 W.. containing In all above descrip tions, 582 acres; tax. $43.09; in terest, $3.88; penalty. $4.31; printer's costs, $4.40; total 65.68 And on Saturday, the 2d day of Feb ruary, 1907. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the courthouse in Dallas. In said state and county, I will sell the above described property, or so much thereof as will sat isfy said warrant, at public auction, sub ject to redemption for cash in hand, to the person who will pay the taxes thereon, respectively, with accruing penalties, to gether with the costs and expenses of sale, and take a certificate therefor at the lowest rate of interest provided per cen tum, per annum. Witness my hand this 24th day of De cember, 1906. J. M. GRANT. Sheriff. Chamberlain's Ccngh Cares Colds, Croup sad Whooping Cough, . i fvnndrft v kVpt iu order to insure good health. Ballard's Horehound Syrup AND ALL PULMONARY DIShASES. Cured of a Chronic Cough. J- d 11H 4tlil ItJllWlilt a i ... " II" v . ill. SSI SKllate 1 .1.1 IdJt U 25c, 50c Ballard Snow 500-502 North Second Street, v.. ..;.;. .oh. 1 sunvivu ior ytuiiB Sold and Recommended by STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY Executor's Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby Riven, that the iiiNlersUiied Executor of the estate of Mary Ann uen. uue Polk County, Oregon, has lileil his Imal ':'l with the clerk of the County Court of Polk County, Ori'Kon, ami uie sum iu ...-. the ft.h day of January, 1M07, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. of saiil day lor hearing objections to the same. All persons iiiiert-Hw.ii moulshed, to appear at the Court House, In the room where said court Is boldcn, on the day and date last aforesaid, to show cause, if any. why said account snonni not ue iimn, said executor be discharged. Executor of said estate. Administrator's Notice. K-nii,.o i. I.nrhv trlven that the underslnlied has been appointed, by the County Court of Folk County, uregon, aamunsvrauir u mc estate of A.J. Dyers, deceased, and an persons havinpr claims against Bant esiaie are reuuireu to present the sume to the undersigned at las home known as the "Spring Hrook Farm" near Eola. County and State nloresum, uuiy veriuuu, as required by luw within six lnonlliB iroin date hereof. . . Dated at Dallas, Oregon, tins aist nay oi De cember, 1UU0. IHUWA3 n. rirvu.M, Administrator of the estate of A. .1. ByerB, deceased. C. L. McNary, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby iriveii that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Robert Met calf, deceased, has tiled his Until account in the ( on ii lv Court of the State of Oregon, for I'olk County, and that Saturday, the tilth day of January, 1H07, at tne nonr oi ten o eiocn in me forenoon of said the Court room of the said County Court, in the City of Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed by the Juuge oi sinu i;onri as the time and place for the hearing of objections to tne sain nnai account aim tne sememcm thereof. OSCAR HAYTElt, Administrator of the estate ot Kotiert Metcalf, deceased. Dated and lirst published December ill, l'joti. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, Department No. 2. Bertha H. Woodin. Plaintiff, vs. Leon A. Woodin, defendant. Summons: To Leon A. Woodin, defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the first publication of this summons, to wit, on the 7th day of February, 1907, and If you fail so to ap pear and answer the said complaint the plalnllh" will apply to the court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to wit: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between her and yourself, and also per muting tne pialnti rt to resume her maiden or former name, Bertha 11. Hubbard, and for such further and other relief as may be equitable. i ou are nereny inrtner notinea mat mis sum mons is served upon you by publication there of in the "Polk County Observer a newspaper untisnea weekly at tne city ot lianas, in polk 'ounty, Oregon, pursuant to the order of the Honorable Ueorge H. Burnett, judge of this court, made this 26th day of December, 1900, and thlB summons was first published on the 28th day of December, 190ti. CAKMU. IV CAIN iNUiN, Attorneys for plninlih". n7 r J. Q. VanOrsdel 6a Son rl timber and Tarm Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take For WINTER roLDS nff . m - fA not fear - Ihem if you vise, BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP It 1 I a mil .r. . "I caoeritmy iucom- all people atllictod with a chronic SVuP to all people affllcUHl i irilll Ballard' h Hornhound WlllltU. and ponnanout cure and $1.00. Liniment Co ST. LOUIS, MO., Administrator's Notice. v.,u..u iu hi.n.liv irivBit. that the undersigned administrator of the estate ol 1'lato McKee, de ceased, hai tiled his tiiiBl account in said estate in Hie I'Ollllty UOUn OI linnu; ui i-f""i Polk County, anil saiu i iniri nan m-v mo for hearing on Monday, February 4, 1!H),, at the i.mir of in o'clock a. in. at which time nil per sons Interested are hereby notltled to apjiear and file objections, If any they have, to said linal account ami upon vneir ihihud m "li near and tile objections thereto that said estate be Dually closed and said administrator (lis- Dated 'at Dallas, I'olk County, Oregon, this 27th day of December, 1w mii i kRi Administrator of the estate of Plato McFee, deceased. Sibley & Eakin, Attys. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE S, 1878 United States Land Olllee, Portland, Oregi n, November 20, 1900. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the aet of Congress or June 3, 1W8, entitled "An act tor the tale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Edward F. Blessing, of Dallas, county of Polk, State of Oregon, haa this day tiled in this nftlce his sworn statement No. 7121, tor the purchaseof the N. of 8.K. of Sec No. 12 lu T. No. 7 8., R. No.7VV.. W. M., and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and toestabliah his claim to said land before tlie County Clerk of Polk County at Dallas, Oregon, on Friday, the 15th day of February, 1907. He names as witnesses: J. D. McDonald, of of Diillas, Oregon: Arthur L. Hayes, of Dallus, Oregon; U. P. Conlee, of Dallas, Oregon; m. Meliardy, of Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims iu thlsotlice oil or bef ere Bald 15th day of February, 1907. ALGKRNON U, DRKHSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3. 1878. United States Laud Oltiee, Portland, Oregon, December 8. 1900. Notion is berehv irlvcn that in eomnliance with the provisions of the act of Congress or June 3. 1878, entitled "An aet for the snleot timber lands in the Htates ol California, eon. Nevada, and Washington 'territory, extended to all the Public Laud States by of AiierusL 4. 1892. Edward W. White, of Portland county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, bus dav tiled in this otllce his sworn statement 7135. for the purchase of the hi of N. E. V, and E. Ki of 8. K. K o Section No. 22. lnTowiibhii)No.7 8. of Range 7 W., and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its limber or stone than for atrrlcultnral uiirnoseR. and to establish his claim to said land belore the Register Receiver of this ottice, at Portland, Oregon, Thursday, the 2lst dav of February. 1907. He names as witnesses: Robert Louden, Portland, Oregon; W. H. Pelrie, of Portland Oregon; R. F. Louden, of Portland, Oregon George Connelly, of Dallas. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claimB in this ottice on or before said 21st day February, 1907. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER. Register. For Sale by Druggists. DSA1.ER8 IN Dnd$ and City Property. Laxative Fruit Syrup Sale by BELT & CHERRING TON TIMBER tV-- 0, . A(:Tjl!N8. Noll, ... 1. I wit i the ,,rovl,l0;,eMI.M 1U June tin, l,er Unan' iu" " 2 '' n act ciAiruueu in u ii. .. .""Kion tv..,-' 'idea to all ti e P.r V, BoM, ," 11 ; nty of .rW! f- ConlJ "? k k Oi A Mti:i;;!'iS dihi-tii, He iimnoK mi,, lain 1,. Dallas, Uncoil; Willi,m -nV,"U" H,, Orenon; K. W. HliiliS 0,n, ol William Any aim all iwrso,,, rl ".'"," "1. -al)ove di'8iTllJ Intnl. Mi 'n 'etwi,,, etalm. in this ul' ?,ffil.M ol March, 1W7. ' Ucl0 hid ALUEHNON 8. fcllne'i Ouardlan'i Sale. Pursuant to an order nt n, u i Court lor Polk U.iw.ftWWlk, ;, the guardianship f .Willi.W" person, made on the 5t, d.y of't"' , the undersigned KUardlan Jl nd after January !il.t, wo7 w J'"U lor cash In hand, to theiagn, i'7,'i'ii and Huhject tocoiiHrmation i b lh 'W'l;. title, i.ilereM S iSjfU W Uliain Hparr, an li,8ail(! u.rn f ,; thai certain tract of land lyinW1I,f,lul,i County, tlregou, and desVK .. '' wit: iieglnning at the H S11 1 Donation I d claim of 1 "WU t 2 !" 0111 licallon No. iwf,, (Maim NiUMn ' (h), nine (). ami ten (111) in Tom 'h' 17) South of Kange three :l C" ' lamelle Meridian, it Pulk. VJiimi. . u...1 ' gon. and ruuiiing uKUa North i'ZrT 2.1 chains: thence North L4 : ininutcB West chain, wrtaffiLWU North M degrees ami j mliuiteil , ,? i thence North -a degreei snd 3u rata J : chaliiBand & links; thence C fa j "1 ' and 110 iiiiuuies West 2 chili,, , , ; the North boundary line of ' TIS M East along the North line of W & ft' ! Northeast comer of laid cluhn ,? ih " Soutli on the East boundary line ol itllfr i lo tlie place of U'gimiinir. ,i.i! Ti,d" I of la nil, more or less. 5"-is Bids for said premise! should be mtmnii". f Caiey F. Martin, Attorney at Uw.ffirZL ' undersigned at Tlgardville,WaBliin,umc, Oregon. , . Dattnl DecemlH'r 17th, 1900. " MARY F. 9PM (mardUn of W illiam Sun an inutile Benun. n ' Carey F. Martin, Attorney for gnardUa Notice For Publication. TIM HER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, ffil I United HlatMUndOli, f , Portliml, Offjm' October , iu ' Notice ia hereby Riven that in compiuw i with the provisions of the ait of Coii(tan June 3, 1878, entitled "An let lorttaai. limber lands lu the Htntea of California, Unf. Nevada and Washington Territory," ueite lo an me i-iioiic ijiini niaiea ny in ol auiik 1892, Olga M. HolinHii.of Dallas, county oi r State of Oregon, has this day tiled In tbliof her sworn statement No. 7085, for the puw of the 8. W. i of 8, W. of 8ecthM No. Hj Townsnip no. ., niiiigeno. v nest w. h.,k will otter proof to show that the land aoutbtv ' more valuable for Its timber or none thank agricultural puriioseH, and to etubluh k claim to said land before E. H. Smith, Cos i :lerk at Dallas. Polk county, orenon. onl f day, the 15th day of January. 19U7. She names as witnesses: tiara? tiomis i Dallas, Oregon ; Peter McNeil, ol falls On, Oregon; 0. U Coad, of Dallas, Oregon; l) ! Keynolils, oi uauas, uregoii. Anv and all persons claiming advernelT Ua above-described lands are retiueitedtolltM claims iu this olllee on or before laid Uo sa) of January, 1907. sti Al.lJE.liVO O, Ufttootll, fcpiw Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE J, 178, l' lilted Statea Land 0Bk, Portland, Oregon, Decern bei 20, lw. VlltPA III hereby elven that in tompluw with the provisions ol Ihe set of CongnJ June 3, 1878, entiiieu limber laiulB In the States of UllfornUjOtiBt Nevada, and vvasningiou """)' "-. f tended to all the Public Laud Siatei b; f s August 4, 1892, John H. Dart, of For lland H of Multnomah, State of Oregon, bss this to tiled in this ottice his sworn statemeiil S. i 7148, for the purchase oi uie of Section No. 3, in Township No. It a n ge No? 7 West, and will offer proo I to hat the laud sought is more Va usUe limber or stone than for agrlcul ural pi am , and to establish hisclaiui loss Wto4Wf Register and Receiver t,J''"l'i0lf Saturday, the 9th day of March 1907 He names as witnesses: HU wn &n7fohn M. SiUi.o. .01 Ore - claims In this office on or belore mid 9th dsj " as act March, 190,. ALGERN0N 8. DUSBft this No. East Notice to Creditor. Notice Is hereby'ptven that the i fcJ ! has been duly PP" w E ot William McD. Turner, deewsta. ") , County Court of the 8 ate of Oregon, County, and has q"""":. (!,lnlt tg ill All persons having cla Im ' ,be estate are hereby notllled)1w,KoW ll( duly verille.1, together with the PP therefor, to the undwalgned at be ' Uwisvllle, in said Com y. from the date oi this n.0''c?-Nnwmbelj),1 Dated and first V'v i -KtS. No, and on of of . . ' lh. Mlllt 1 Executrix ;;Lfue. William McD. Turner, dem Hotmail, Attorney. CO. IYSPEPS1A CM DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT j Th$l.00bottlecontaln2HtimesthtrlalslM,whlchallaW1' J FRSPAKBD OMLV AT THI LABORATORY Of . E. C. DeWITT & COMPANY. CUICAGau . saAf V jT rBinf 1 .MmaHT jtnyons ""' - , ropinion ir r' itttai a I aentfree. Oldest gJJJJi MoW A . PV?nWf iiuhoul oharg Is l4 l,iuiii y-jfyu tft M O C thoroughly ana -sallow comply It is Ea v i the syst (Jo pALL ( )SineBS aple bi e farm the f iole cc A in ailv P oil ro X( 1 juld b t av i to wi ;183, a 38 a Jsed. : the at da the v the a rei )od rc Kprc sad i s on me a !ie bu