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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
k County Observer 3 Uffibiclla repairlng-Lee Smith. For lots in Ellis Addition, see II. O. llisa EJnollo Collins is visiting Natives atArlota. L D Brown, for Abstracts. Notary nibllc"; typewriting.. Don't throw away your old umbrella ul you sco. Lee Smith. j L wheeler, of Falls City, was a o'uDty scut visitor, Saturday, justice B. Wilson, of Independence, jl9 a Dallas visitor, Wednesday. When you want printing that is ,ght, come to the Obskkveh offlce. .'jfr' and Mrs. Edgar Collins, of : flet'aj are the proud parents of a new- m sD- Tohnson Brothers have added a lioch counter to their confectionery ;usiness. County Assessor C. S. Graves is (tendi!ig the assessor's convention fl Portland. H. A. Webster, agent for the Royal Wors of Chicago. Fall and winter amples now in. Money of private parties to loan at 3 per cent on well-improved farms. IIBMT & EAKIN. . Patronize the new barber shop on jiH street. T. W. Reel, the proprietor, uarantees first-class work. ' h. G. Campbell, agent for lots In Evens' 3rd Addition to Dallas. New ddition just on the market. Dwigbt Hoag, manager of a grocery tore in Hoquiara, Wash., Is visiting i the home of his uncle, D. A. Critch ow.' '" We desire to announce that after 'ebruary 1, we will have a complete iae of wall paper. Guy Bros. & htlton. Mrs! William Carter and son Harold turned home Friday after spending Christmas with relatives near Dallas. -Xewberg Graphic. On Wednesday of last week, Mr. falter Tuttle and Miss Hattie Herren, Monmouth, were united In marriage the M. E. Parsonage. i Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist ; graduate I Ann Arbor, Michigan. Offlce up tairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 itid 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 5. J The "Deestrict School" social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hawkins, Monday evening, furnished fluch amusemont for the young ;Kople. ; Wood choppers and wood contractors wanted to cut wood for the Salem, fulls City & Western Ry. Co. Apply to the General Manager's offlce, Dallas, Or. Clyde and Van Etnbree, sons of Dr. f . V. B. Embree of this city, are work ing with the Oregon Short Line sur veying crew on the desert south of fiineville. John Olin ha3 returned to Dallas from Washington and will remain lere permanently. Persons desiring instruction work In the brick or con crete lino are invited to give him a tall. James Moore, has purchased the residence property of Charles Whaley, sneand one-half miles north of Rlck reall. The tract comprises two acres of land, all planted to garden and fruit trees. ."Polk County ; Its Past, Present and Future," is the title of a contribution that will appear in the Observer at in early day. The article was written by one of Dallas' prominent pioneers, and is highly 'interesting from start to finish. I The following Dallas people regis tered at Portland hotels this week: Portland J. C. Uglow. Imperial E. Jacobson, R. L. Chapman. Perkins E. C. Reynolds, M. J. Wright, R. C. Craven, H. S. Butz, J. B. Nunn, Mrs. Q. N. Cherrington. Oregon C. L. Starr. j 1 Until February 1, we will sell all second-hand goods at any price they will bring. Must close out all of these goods by that time. They include cross-cut saws, a good cook stove, a good heater and other articles too tiumerous to mention. Guy Bros. & Dalton.- E. Jacobson is circulating a peti tion to have the WelU-Fargo express and Western Union telegraph offices moved to the business part of town. The proposed change meets with general favor among the merchants and the petition is being numerously f P. A. Finseth, owner and manager f the Bee Hive Btore, left on Monday for North Bend, Coos county, where u will have charge-of his branch 8,ore while his resident manager, R. Craven, makes a business trip to the valley. Mr. Finseth will be away from home about three weeks. Mr and Mrs. O. E. Fercruson and James Shinn, of Healdsburg, ' Cal., Revisiting at the home of Mr. and -urs. Blessing. Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. TUnaQi binn is a prominent baseball player p' iirornia and has signed with tne Portland league team for the coming OREGON'S BEST GOATSHOW Exhibit of Blooded Aneom Passes That of Any Former Year. Oregon's eighth annual Angora Kut snow onenmt m. . -rninglIiirgera;(rb way than ny that has been held One hundred ft Till mtf,.. heretofore. goats are on exhibition, im 50 than were shown lust year. A sic nlfieant feature of the show this year 'a the large number of registered animals on display. For tlfe nft time in Oregon, the thoroughbred exhi'l It iUtA'Umbt'r th BOBto exh bited. Goat breeders are in at- tendauce from all the Valley counties, and here are goodly delegations from California, Southern Oregon Polk Benton and Washington counties are the principal Oregon counties repre sented. John W. Fulton, of Helena, Mont., secretary of the American Angora Goat Breeders' Association, is in attendance and is taking an active part in tne meetings of the breeders, which are held in connection with the show. It was through Mr. Fulton's efforts that the sum of $200 was ap propriated by the National association for prizes at the Dallas show. Mr. Fulton's private collection of mohair rug3 is among the most Interesting features of the show. The judges were selected yesterday morning and began their work in the afternoon. The judges in the thorough bred class are : George Boothby, of Monmouth ; O. E. Focht, of Ballston ; L. D. Mulkey, of Amity; in the grade class, E. L. Naylor, of Forest Grove; W. Warfleld, of Alsea, and M. M. Nickell, of McMinnville. The judges are finding it a difficult matter to pass upon the comparative excellence of the animals, as competition is keen. The goats are all in good fleece, and the younger animals show the wonder ful advancement that has been made by the farmers in breeding up their flocks in the last few years. TheSanford Mills, of Sanford, Me., have a beautiful display of mohair goods, consisting of car seat plush, carriage robes, rugs and other materials woven entirely from Angora mohair. The exhibit of chickens, hogs and sheep is as large as usual, and divides interest to some extent with the goat show. A public meeting was held iu the Courthouse last night, and papers on the goat industry were read by prom inent and successful breeders of the Pacific Coast States. The night meet ings are a new feature of the Oregon show. The show will close this after noon. Legal blanks at this office. Tom Stockweli was a Portland visi tor, Monday. Mrs. B. F. Lucas, of Dorry, visited in Dallas yesterday. Born, January 4, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gerlinger, a son. Willis Simonton was a business visitor in Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Richmond visited relatives in Salem this week. Miss Elsie Ray left Saturday for Portland to enter Business College. The Carnation Club will give its regular semi-monthly dance tomorrow night. Mrs. May Woods and son, Gus, of Portland, visited friends in vaims, Sunday. Dr. M. L. Thompson, the Falls City druggist, was a Dallas visitor, Wednesday. nf- .n Mr W. n. Francis, of XUli 1J- ... Howell Prairie, are visiting men daughter, Mrs. J. J. Fuller. TTnrHtio Morrison came down from Waitsburg, Wash., this week and will Drobably remain here permanently. The last union prayer meeting will be held in the M. E. Church this eve- nine. All are invited to tne service. J H. Flower has moved to Falls ntt whftm he has been appointed town recorder to suceeed C. V. A verm, Uibji " - w- . . i Mr nd Mrs. George W. Brown re turned to Portland, Sunday, after a ..(i,t,nmnf Mr. and Mr3. U VISII aL Oerlinser, Jr. Aure Ford has resigned his position as express messenger on the Dallas- .. -nH i elerk ncr In a rortiauu urn" cuv.- Portland cigar store. another neat ,t for rent in East Dallas. Mr. Hall is a town-builder and every town neds more men liKe nun. DanieiSyron and sons Charles and ara called to Salem. Wed- rvvaniessageannouncingtbe prions illness of Mrs. Syron, Wood choppers and wood contractors wanted to cut wood for the Salem rtu .- Wpstern Ry U. H"J f ans " to the General Managers nilis Or. office, a,., those from Dallas attending hSchumann-Heink concert in ion. land. Monday night, were: air. a j Mrs J. C. Uglow, Mr. and Mrs B Oild'nerMrs. G. X. Cherrington, Miss Xca0iGer,1Cger' Cheat Hay. Baled cheat bay. $3 per ton. Howe, Dallas, Or. James MISS LOU LEWIS DEAD Although Blind for Over Fifty Years, was Cheerful to the End. After au illness of several rlnvs from PtleUmOnin Mlao T..I r. Lewis died at the home of her sister, Mrs Fannie Davis, at Philomath, Sunday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. 1'uneral services were held Tuesday morning and burial took place in the JNewton cemetery. Miss Lewis was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, early pioneers of Polk county She was a sister of the late James W. Lewis, of Oak Giove, and of John H. Lewis, of Salem. Speaking of her death, the Corvallis Times says : "Miss Lowis was CG years of age. She enjoyed a wide acquaintance, and, being a person of admirable dis position, held a warm place in the hearts of those with whom she became in any way associated. At the age of thirteen years she became totally blind from a slight accident, but this misfortune seemed not to interfere with an ambition to become a useful factor of society. Although the sun light of her life could not enter through the 'windows of the soul,' it nevertheless in some manner found its way thither and was refracted up on her surroundings with unusual beneficence. She was offered the ad vantages of schools for the blind, and her accomplishments in which the senseof sight is deemed indispensable, was remarkable in the extreme. Her life was a valuable object lesson for those to whom misfortune has come, as well as to those in possession of all their faculties." PROFIT IN DAIRYING Farmer Finds That His Cows Adding Neat Sum to His Bank Account. Are D. W. Sears returned to Dallas this week from a visit at the home of his brother L. A. Sears, near Dufur, Ore gon. His brother is a leading dairy man of Wasco county and finds the business highly profitable. He has a fine herd of cows, which are of mixed breeds, the Shorthorn blood predomi nating. His milk record for three months follows: September 7 to October 1 Milked cows; 255 pounds of cream: test. 31: butter fat, 79 pounds; price 27 cents. Received $21.33. October 1 to November 1 Milked 21 cows; 938 pounds of cream; test, 31; butter fat, 290.7 pounds ; price, 29 cents. Received $84.30. November 1 to December 1 Milked 1G cows ; 757 pounds of cream ; test, 30 ; butter fat, 227.1 pounds; price, 29 cents. Received $G5.85. Club Elects Officers. LaCreole Club, Dallas' business men s popular social organization, elected officers for the coming year last Sunday afternoon as follows: W. V. Fuller, president; Fred Rich, vice-president; Tracy Staats, secra tary ; W. G. Vassall, treasurer; E. C. Kirkpatrick, F. H. Morrison, H. C. Eakin, J. E. Sibley, T. J. Cherrington, board of trustees; D. J. Riley, Joe Craven, R. L. Chapman, house com mittee. The club is rapidly gaining in membership, and its financial affairs are in a highly prosperous condition. Improved Train Service. General Manager Louis Gerlinger Jr.. of the Dallas and Falls City rail road, informs us that his company is contemplating a still better passenger aorvinn hetween the two towns, ine plan is to put on an additional train to connect with the morning aua arcer- noon Portland trains at this place, and also with the 9 a. m. southbound motor. Such additional service would be greatly appreciated by every patron of the company. A 45-ton Mogual engine tor the company arrived from Portland last night. Newton Harris Drops Dead. Newton E. Harris, a former resident noiioa Hronned dead of heart Ul A'WMWJt I 1 - - disease in Goldendale, Wash., Wed A talpcrram conveying this 11 k nuuj . o-- - infnrmation was sent to Capt. W. Wash by the Sheriff of Klickitat county yesterday. Mr. Harris lived on a farm south of Dallas for many oouoral members of his family still reside there. Card of Thanks. monv kind friends and noirrhhors who so kindly gave us thei assistance and sympathy in the sad nnr dear motDer, we exieuuuu u-r.if thAnks and may Heavens richest blessing rest upon you. Kathebise Shreve, Lot L. Shreve, A. L. Shreve, H. W. Shreve, Marv E. Mcir. Nellie Jacobsos. Walnut Trees For Sale. English walnut trees for sale. Beezlet, DaHasOr. Fir Wood Wanted. J. E. From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood wSS. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Wbstern F.ailway Co. MARSHAL WHITE RESIGNS Council Elects C. F. Palmer to Fill Vacancy Also Passes Electric Light Ordinance. Charles F. Palmar was elected City Marshal to succeed William J. White, resigned, at the regular meeting of the city council. Monday eveninsr. Mr. Palmer has been lu the employ of the Willamette Valley Lumber Com pany since coming to Dallas a few months ago. Mr. White has been a satisfactory officer and his resignation was tendered voluntarily, as he is de sirous of engaging In another line of work. The council also took the new electric light ordinance from the table and passed it by a unanimous vote, all of the members of the board being present. The ordinance repeals the old lighting ordinance aud authorizes the city to enter into a contract with the Willamette Valley Company to furnish lights for the city. Other business was transacted at the meeting as follows : The quarterly report of the City Treasurer was approved and ordered placed on file. The insurance policy covering the City Hall property was accepted. The City Treasurer reported that A. O. Condit, of Salem, would sell two of the outstanding $inoo water bonds at a premium of $12.50 each. It was ordered that one of the bonds be called in on these terms. The claim of Elmer Guthrie for $7 damages for breaking his cart in a mudhole on Court street was laid on the table. A saloon license was granted to Bilyeu & Chitty for a period of six months. The hearing of objections to pro posed sidewalk Improvements on Ellis street was continued. . The City Attorney was instructed to prepare and submit an ordinance re- nealiner the existing ordinance licensing meat peddlers. Charles F, Palmer was elected City Marshal on the first ballot to succeed W. J. White, resigned. Councilman F. J. Coad nominated Charles F, Palmer and Councilman J. G. Van- Orsdel offered the name of J. P. Byers, The ballot was taken and Mr. Palmer was elected by a vote of 5 to 2. Freight Wreck Near Dallas. A heavy freight train, consisting mostly of lumber cars, was wrecked on Smithfleld hill, four miles north of Dallas, Monday morning. Three cars of lumber were ditched. It was fou nd necessary to bring a wrecking train from Portland to remove the obstruo tions. The track was notcleared until Tuesday noon, meanwhile the pas sencer trains were run by way of Independence. The wreck wascaused by the cars climbing the rails on a sharp curve. OFFERED for immediate sale, the Asa Shreve farm of 224 acres, located about 5 miles southwest from Dallas, which will be sold as a whole or in parcels as de sired. Excellent location for the grow inar of aDDles and other fruit. Has a u 10-acre hop yard and good hop house, Suitable for raising goats and other live stock. All enclosed with good fence. Has old house and barn. For terms of sale and other par ticulars inquire of A. B. Muir, at the Dallas Tannery, or of Oscar Hayter, Attorney, Dallas, Oregon. Administrator's First Notice. Nntloe la hereby Kiven that C W. Beckett has this day, by an order of the County Court for Polk County, uregon, Deenuiuy nppujnicu nu ini.i..inr M the eat.ittfl of bra. Jane Beckett ThompBon, dcceanecl, and ha duly qualified as such. All persona having claims against eatate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at his residence near Lincoln, in Polk County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated January 11. 1907. w Administrator of the estate of Jane Beckett-Thompson, deceased. Carey F. Martin. Attorney for estate. J. A. Lynch's Barber Shop on flain Street We have installed FOUR CHAIRS and are now prepared to SHAVE YOU in quicker time than ever before. W. V. FULLER. REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specilaty If you have patented lands or relinquishments to sell, list same with me. Office in Crider Building Dallas, Oregon Cut Glassware Silverware Your friends are getting married ; give them a handsome, high-grade present. Also a full line of OPTICAL GOODS C. H. M0IU1IS Jeweler One door west of Stafrin Drug Co. The Way to make Oregon grow is to patronize home institutions! He Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinnville is a home Institution a strong Mu tual insurance company doing busi ness in Oregon only. Whv not Insure your home in this Association, save nearly fifty per cent and keep what you do pay in Oregon? W. P. DYKE of Dallas is the agent for Polk county and is ready to aUend to this matter for vou. Office in Crider Bldg., north of Court House. Mutual phone 1294, The Dallas Harness Shop Is in shape to sell Harne'ss and Horse Goods at lowest Prices. Call and get prices and save money. Plush Robes, Blankets, Whips, Etc. F. SALFIGKY KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS DrJiing' WITH b low Discovery for C ONSUMPTION Prlca OUGHSand 60c $1.00 OLDS Fret Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. ..CLEARANCE SALE.. From now until February 1st. we will make substantial re ductions on nearly all lines. If you want good, clean and new merchandise at right prices, come and see us. On a few lines cannot make any reduc tion, but almost everything in Stock will be on Sale. Yours for business, , PoIlocK's WILSON BLOCK Dallas, Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United Slates Land Oflice, Portland, Oregon. December 19, WOO. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provinious of the act of Congress of June a, 1S7S, entitled "An act lor me saie oi timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lw, Walter V. Miller, o! lianas, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day nieu in tins oiuce ills sworn suueiueiib txw, for the purchase of the Noitheast i of Section No. 14 in Townsbir. No. S,, Rrii No. 7 W., and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ils timber or stone than lor agricultural purposea, ami vu rsmunnu his claim to said land beiorethe county Clerk ot Polk County, at Dallas, Oregon, on Jrrulay, the 15th day oi Maren, isot. He names as witnesses: rani ttonco.oi reuee, Oregon; John Cline, oi Pedee, Oregon; D. J. Kiley, ol Dallas, Oregon; vj.b. urani, oi uauns, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this oltice on or before said 15th day of March, 1907. AUttRIWB o. ulr.Mr,n, Kegiater, Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hercbv given, that the undersigned. administrator of the estate of Marquis L. Rob bins, deceased, has this day filed his final ac count in said estate with the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, and said court has nxeu Saturday. January lirtth, 1W7, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for hearing the same; all parties interested are hereby notilled to apjiear at said time. at. the ( ountv court room ill imas. in said County, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why taid estate snouiu noi oe finally ciosea anu saiu auniuiisirfcurvuBv.uni(sf". Dated this 2tith day of December, 1900, J. D. SMITH, Administrator of the estate of M. L. Uobbins, deceased. Sibley & Eakin, Attys. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator of the estate of Elenor 8. Levens, deceased, has tiled his final account lu the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Saturday, the 2nd day of February, 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock in the t'orenoon of said day at the Court room of the sstd County Court, in the city of Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said iinal account and the settlement hereof. i FRANK R0WELLi ' Administrator of the estate of Klenor 8. Levens, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. ' . Dated and first published January 4, 1907. , Sherltf's Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of ale duly issued out ot and under the hand and Beal oi the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, bearing date the 20th day of December, 1900, upon a juugmeill nnu uecrec uuijr chvkivu, enrolled and docketed in said Court on the 20th day of December, 1900, In a certain suit therein Sending, wherein Jacob H. Cook is plaintitl and lary E. Keyser, Edwin C. Keyser, Augustus Keyser, Rose Keyser, Agnes Peterson, Evelyu Baroteau, Alfred Baroteau, P, Jarrott Wataon, Temple Watson and Levi 8. Keyser are de fendants, and to me directed, commanding me to sell the hereinafter described real property to satisfy the amounts specified in said decree and execution, I will, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1907, at the hour of one oclock, p. m., of said day, at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Dallas, In said County of Polk, sell at pubho auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand on day of Sale, subject to redemption ill the manner provided by law, all the right, title, Interest and eBtate of the said defendants and each and every of them, and of all persona claiming by, through or under them, or either of them, subsequent to the dale of platntltl's mortgage, which is foreclosed in said suit, vis., October 12, 1890, of In and to the said mortuaged premises, described in said judgment, decree and execution as follows, to wit; The Northwest quarter of Section (l(i), lu Township seven (7) South, of Range six (0) West of the Willamette Meridian, in Folk County, State of Oregon, and containing 10J acres; together with the tenements, heredita ments and appurtcuanoca thertunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. ' Dated Dallas, Oregon, this 28lh day of Decern- b8r,lm . J. M. GRANT, Hhcrill of Polk County, Oregon. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNIr no matter how ?baathewe&ther. you cannot afford to be without & TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT ,OR SLICKER. When you buy look for the SIGN OF THE FISH AUMJ j mat co sofox oon co era TQowro cam Casli Store Oregon