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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1907)
Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Published Weekly at 11.50 per Year. Strlctlv in Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, JaNVaby 4, 1907 The -way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. POOR PROTECTION. The biennial report of Secretary of State Dunbar again reminds us that Oregon holders of fire insurance poli cies lost nothing by the failure of insurance companies which could not survive the San Francisco earthquake. Oregonian. Thev rtidn't, eh? Well no happen to know of a few business men right here in Dallas who failed to get a nickel of return premium out of one of the "busted" companies after the earthquake ; and, what's more, they haven't got it yet The writer knows whereof he speaks, for the very simple reason that he happens to be among the losers. Speaking further, the Oregonian says : "The Oregon law requiring foreign insurance companies to make a deposit of $50,000 in approved bonds gave the people of this state ample protection. The law was enacted not only to pro vide against dishonest insurance companies, but also against honest companies that meet overwhelming reverses." After lengthy correspondence with the state officers, and after having employed an attorney to thoroughly examine and interpret this greatly praised and little-understood insur ance law, we are firmly convinced that it isn't worth the paper it is printed on, when it comes to a matter of pro tection to small policy-holders. In stead of taking someone else's word for it that, this law is a grand pro tective measure, as the people generally have inclined to do, every policy-holder in Oregon should obtain a copy of the law and give it a careful reading. We believe that after giving it a close study, the majority would agree with us that the law could not have been made moie favorable to the insurance companies had they written it themselves, (which they probably did). The law sounds very fine, on first reading, but let the reader begin to plan how he would proceed under it3 provisions to collect a small claim and he will see what he is up against. The writer may possibly get his unearned premium returned some day by the "busted" San Francisco company, but he is not borrowing any money on the strength of his claim. Oregon needs a fair, sensible law for the regulation and control of in surance companies one that will really regulate and control them and it is hoped that the Legislature will do its duty and pass the law now being drafted by the business men of Port land, or some other effective measure along the same line. The existing law is nothing less than a farce. The Harriman surveyors have ceased work on the proposed Natron -Klamath Falls line on account of the deep snow in the Cascade Mountains. The preliminary survey has been com pleted and the permanent line has been located for a distance of 55 miles from Natron. The distance from Natron to Klamath Falls by the new route is only 157 miles, about half the distance now traveled by the Northern California route. The new road will chango the railroad map of Oregon, and will bring Portland and the Willamette Valley into close touch with an immense territory whose rich trade has heretofore gone to San Francisco merchants. Frank C. Baker, former State Printer and ex-chairman of the Ke publican State Central Committee, died at his homo in Portland, Wed nesday morning, after a short illness. He was a shrewd politician and a leader of the Mitchell wing of the Republican party. It is expected that his death will end the fight he had prepared to wage against State Printer- elect Duniway during the coming Legislative session. The Oregonian, Salem Statesman and Capital Journal all Issued credit able New Year numbers. These papers will be given a widecirculation in the Eastern States and will attract many homeseekers to Oregon. Polk County's share of the state tax this year will be $31,467.50, as against $19,187 last year. A levy of 3.6 mills will be required to raise this amount, even with the 100 per cent increase in property valuation In the county. Governor Chamberlain claimed all the credit for the low levy last year. Wonder if he will be willing to shoul der any of the responsibility for the high levy this year? While the Angora goat industry does not yet rank among the more important branches of farming in Oregon, it is of greater Importance than the average citizen supposes. It is a matter for the people of Oregon to be proud of that Oregon now holds annually at Dallas a show of Angora goats which surpasses in tne numoer of fine goats exhibited any other show in America. Oregon's enter prising Angora breeders are building up an industry which is bringing a stnadilv increasing amount of money into the state and giving Oregon good fame among the breeders of fine Angora goats everywhere. Rural Northwest flappy New Year! Dave you re ceived your annual railroad pass yet? Legal blanks at this office. ...'..Hood's SarsaparlUa is unquestiona bly the greatest blood and liver medicine known. It positively and permanently cures every humor, from Pimples to Scrofula. It is the Best Dlood Medicine. MERRY HOLIDAY PARTIES Christmas Week Proves Lively One In Dallas Social Circles. No merrier crowd of young people in Dallas watched the Old Year out and the New Year in than the guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Morrison on Monday eve ning. Games were indulged in and a good musical program was enjoyed. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Morrison, Misses Hallie Mor rison, Ruth Morrison, Rebecca Gates, Maude Hart, Evangeline Hart, Ollie Howe, Emma Dempsey, Nora Robert son, Fannie Dempsey, Mabel Holmes, Effie Brown, Naana Forbes, Elizabeth Pollock, Ella Carpenter, Olive Smith, Ednelle Collins, Messrs. Bert Guy, Ralph Hill, Walter Ford, R. E. Wil liams, Harry Gaynor, Dr. L. A. Boll man, C. L. Starr, Graham A. Grlswold and Hood Craven. WATCH PARTY. Misses Ruby Fiske and Ella Butler entertained about thirty of their young friends at a watch party at the hospitable home of Captain and Mrs. V. P. Fiske, Monday night Games and music made the hours pass most merrily to all, and at a late hour de licious refreshments were served. Those present were : Misses Hallie Coad, Claudia Coad, Mabel Guy, Jennie Muscott, Veva Burns, Alice Grant, Lydia Muscott, Georgia Mar tin, Bertha Foster, Ella Butler, Buena Fiske, Ruby Fiske, Nola Coad, Lulu Dempsey, Emroy McDevitt, Alta Savage ; Messrs. Lott Brown, G. De Haven, Alvle Morton, E. Parrish, Ned Shaw, Larry Aldrlch, Lester Butler, Jack Athey, Henry Williams, C, Chorpcning, Bert Elliott Leif FInseth, Vern Launer, George Bennett, Irwin Cone, Charles Chace and Mr. Moore, PARTY AT D ALTON HOME. Miss Lucile Dalton entertained a number of her young friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. V. Dalton last Wednesday evenlDg, in honor of her holiday guests, Miss Madge Groves and Miss Margaret Hodge, of Independence. The young folks enjoyed the evening as only young folks can, and departed at a late hour, after partaking of a dainty lunch served by the young hostoss. MISS BRANSON ENTERTAINS. One of the jolliest parties of the holiday week was given by Miss Emily Branson at the home of her uncle, County Assessor C. S. Graves, on Friday evening. Miss Branson proved herself a charming hostess, and the evening passed most pleas antly to all. Games and luncheon made up the evening's entertainment The guests were: Misses Ella Car penter, Fannie Dempsey, Elizabeth Pollock. Ollie Howe, Evangeline Hart, Maude Hart, Phebe Lamberson, Myrtlo Dellaven, Mina Hnghes, Lela Hevland, Effie Brown, Mabel Holmes, Florence Palmer, Belle Elliott ; Messrs. G. DeHavcn, F. Manston, N. L. Guy, B. M. Guy, C. Chorpening, Walter I. Ford, C. L. Starr, Dr. L. A. Bollman, R. R. Hill, Laurence Aldrich, W. H. Gaynor, B. Branson, Wes Elliott. Monthly Weather Report. U, S. Weather Bureau, Falls City Station. The following is a summary of the weather report for the month or December, 190G : Maximum temperature, 55 degrees on Dora be r 6. Misirauui tcinei'Miure, TJ degrees on December 1. Total precipitation, 13.01 inches. FRANK BUTLER, Co-operative Observer. Tolk county apple raisers will make an exhibit of their finest fruit in Port land while the State Horticultural Society is holding Its meeting. Funds to defray the expense of the exhibit were donated by Dallas merchants this week. Varsins Mothers and Over-burucnea tiomru I-j all stations of life, whose vigor and vitality may have bn undermined and &'n by over-work ng social duti.-s. the too -frequent tear ng of children, or other causes, will find In Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the most rr. . .i..- wimtln strensth- Elver ever dovised for their special bene- y valuable iK sustaining strength and promoting umdantWlshment for Che child. siVtantjpre too fini i nnViipssxiifi'to prepare t system for baby's coming and rJlxijing locate. c.t.u; . - b k; tressed seusation in stomach, dluy or faint spells, si-e imaginary specks or spots floating before eyes, have disagree e. Pelvic catarrhal drain, pro a psus bii Re version or retro-version or pthe dispUte ments of woManly organs from weaknosi of parts will, whether they experience manv or onlv a few of the above symp toms! find relief and a pe rma nent , cure by using faithfully und fairly persistently Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This world-famed rciUc for woman s weaknesses and peculiar ailments is a pure glyceric extract of tho choicest na tive, medicinal roots without a drop of alcohol In its make-up. All Ito 'K"; ents printed in plain English on Its .butt wrapper and attested under oath. ur. p'erce thus Invites the fullest investiga tion of his formula knowing that it ia be found to contain only the best agent known to the most advanced meuicoi science of all the different schools of prac tice for the cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments. If you want to know more about the composition and professional endorse ment of the "Favorite Prescription " send postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his free booklet treat ing of same. . .. You can't afford to accept as a substi tute for this remedy oj known composUUm a secret nostrum of unknown ooviport Hon. Don't do it. J BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Havter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon For Sale. Three crood work mares, weight 1300 CJ - lbs. each ; wagon and harness ; 50 neaa wether coats: 12 head nanny goats, and 12 shoats. F. K. Hubbard, Falls City, Or. . For Sale. Clean vetch and oats mixed to sow, W. C. Lewis, Rickreall, Ore. 8 New Ye Happy ai WE have had a most prosperous year, and wish to thank our customers for their pat ronage and to solicit a continuance of the same. Walnut Trees For Sale. English walnut trees for sale. J. E. Beezley, Dallas, Or. i lEe Uglow Clothing Hoi LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING , AND FURNISHING GOODS MILL STREET, j ' DALLAS, OKI, tJS5ajsMwwwi For Rent. Farming land for rent. Inquire of Mrs. W. J. Farley, Dallas, Or. Wanted. Gentleman or lady with good refer ence to travel by rail or with a rig for a firm of $230,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072.00 per year and expenses, salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, Jos. A. Alex ander, Dallas, Oregon. Fir Wood Wanted. From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Co. Dry Slabwood For Sale. Tho Willamette Valley Lumber Company has some fine dry slabwood for sale cheap; also lC-inch slabs and block wood. Chickens For Sale. For sale, two dozen full-blooded White Leghorn chickens; also In cubator that will hatch sure. Address, Box 222, Dallas, Or. Estray Notice. Strayed from my farm one dehorned Jersey bull. Please notify W. D. Calkins, Rickreall. Bell phone 458. Wanted. I have an old orchard one mile from town that I want grubbed out by con tract. H. O. Campbell. Farm for Rent, Farm of 250 acres to rent at once. C. J. Guy, Dallas, Or. House For Sale. New house and two lots near new sawmill. Mks. R. J. Kinney. House and Lot for Sale. Good 7-room house, with bath room and pantry; all modern improve raents; two blocks from courthouse well Improved lot, good lawn. Inquire at this office. Fine Chickens for Sale. I have a few fine White Wyandotte cockerels for sale which are from the Duston-Hallock stock. Come to J. C Stingley for them, Dallas, Ore. Teams Wanted. Several heavy teams wanted for logging purposes. Will buy or hire. C. A. BARNUM, Falls City Lumber Co. Camp No. 2, Fulls City, Or. ...Now Is The Time... For you to decide what you want for ' THE NEW YEAR l 1 We have a fine line of Men's Women's and Children's SHOES in the latest styles. Also a nice line of Slippers at the right prices. We know they are what you want, but we want you to know it. Repairing Neatly Done. The Dallas Shoe Store, Mrs- i;MTf Notice. To those who have orchards and fruit trees: I am ready to do spray ing, and shall use the best spray that has been tried. You can get me by a call on Mutual phone 351, or P. O. Box 273, Dallas. G. W. Bowles. SPECIAL 0FFE1 The Willamette Valley Company offers to rewire premises of present electric consumers according to specifications of the Board of Fire Underwriters, at a cost to the consumer not to exceed $1.25 per drop. A better light will be secured and all danger from fire will be entirely eliminated. With the completion of the new power plant a twenty-four hour service will be installed, thus allowing tbe citizens of Dallas to use electricity for POWER as well as light. Electric Irons will be introduced and they will be given to the consumer for 30 days trial, the consumer merely paying Tor the current consumed, and if satisfactory to buy the iron at end of 30 days. Willamette Valley Company E.W. KEARNS M o wen o AbMlullPw. fat!) Flll closet tra f New Umtat; Made Recovering and fcf Guns and Ammunition. Cutlery, FineRa Hand Saws, FU-- C. RISSE! DALLAS GUN SC.. W. J. stgWm Trucking Does hauling of all klndi1' rates. f DA-LLAS. m. olive sm;;'-, teacher ol PIANO AND Or Studio, Room No. PALLAS OREGOS ; HOLLiSTER'S Hocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Baiy Kediola for Baiy Peopl. Brings Golden Health ud Kenewod Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indlpwtlon, U !SiJfJi.Q7 routle8-, "mples. Eczema. Impure Blood, Bad Breath. Sluraish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by Holubtib Daco Company, Madison, Wig. flQLDEH NUGGETS FOR 8 ALLOW PEOPLE U Li INOTITUTK Study telegraphy and fit your self for salaried position, with unparalleled opportunity for ad vancement Railroad construc tion now under way makea great demand for trained oper ators. Takes only S to 5 months to learn. Tuition, I mos.. 40. Write for catalog. Pacific Tel sgraph Institute, tth floor, Com Hionwealth bldg.. Portland. Or. The Olds Gasoline K . - - I handle the "Olds" the V. line Engine in the market thing for Wood Sawing, , Spraying, Feed MilU. Come and Seethe e engine w"f purposes. " Ed. Diddle, AS Dallas, Ores81 ,