Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 14, 1906, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
Published Weekly at $1.50 per Year.
Strictly in Advance.
DALLAS, OREGON, Decimbkb 14, 1906
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronize Dallas people.
The Dallas Observer, Dallas Item
lzerand Independence West Side each
submitted a bid of 20 cents a line for
publishing the notice of sale for de
linquent taxes, this being their
regular rate to all advertisers for
work of this class. The publishers
had no desire to ask an unreasonable
rate, but could see no reason whvthev
should engage in a cut-throat game
with each other merely to benefit a
few citizens who have been slow in
paying their taxes. The court ad
mitted the Justice of this view.
School Directors and Clerks Express
Unanimous Sentiment in Favor
of Higher Tax Levy.
Some papers have been publishing
an item with the glaring headline,
"Oregon out of Debt." but itisnothinff
new or remarkable. Oregon has been
out of debt for fifteen years and
more. Salem Statesman.
Immigration to Oregon during the
past year has broken all records. The
Lewis and Clark Fair was a great
advertisement for the state and its
good effects will be felt for many years
to come.
A prominent Eastern lumberman
predicts that stumpage will be selling
as high as $3 to $5 a thousand in Ore
gon within three years. It reallv be
gins to look that way.
C. F. Soule, editor of the Toledo
Leader, has been chosen Mayor of
his home city by a handsome majority.
A good man elected to a very un
desirable office.
Never mind that red Ink. The
Oregouian, Journal, and-other great
papers also make use of it occasion
The Eugene Guard and the Hllls
boro Independent have Issued
creditable holiday numbers.
President B. F. Mulkey Entertains
Large Audience With Scholarly
Interpretation of "Hamlet."
"More money and longer terms of
scnool was the sentiment expressed
by a unanimous vote at the school
officers' convention in Dallas last
Saturday. The meeting was well
attended by directors and clerks from
all parts of the county, and a re
markably successful and enthusi
astic session was held. The entire
day was devoted to discussion of
school matters, and excellent talks
were Riven bv several of the delegates
ana also by Superintendents Acker
man, btarr and Traver. The leels
lative committee appointed last April
suomittea resolutions which were
unanimously adopted, with the request
mat Superintendent Starr present
them to the Polk county delegation to
the legislature and urge their passage.
The resolutions are as follows :
1. Resolved that the county super
intendents be authorized to call an
annual convention of school officers
and that the representative or repre
sentatives from each district shall be
paid their expenses from the general
fund of the county provided that such
expenses shall not exceed f5 for each
2 That the county court levy a tax
at the time other taxes are levied,
sufficient to raise an amount equal to
$150 for each district and $7 per capita
for each child between 4 and 20 years
of age.
3 That each district shall have at
least five months of public school each
4 That the district receiving $500
or less from the general school f uud
shall not retain more than $50 at the
close of each school year, and that
districts receiving more than $500
snail not retain more than 10 per cent
or the amount of the irreducible and
county school fund at the closeof each
school year.
5 That we thoroughly appreciate
tne benefits derived from the school
children's fair and pledge our enthusi
astic support to its advancement.
6 That we heartily endorse the
suggestions of Superintendent Acker
man relative to elementary agri
culture iu the public schools, and we
recommend the adoption of such a
text book for the public school course.
Hon.O. W. Myer and Superintendent
Starr were re-elected president and
secretary, respectively, of the association.
What Eo They Corel
The ahow question Is often asked cwi
ceming Or. .'it-roe's two hiding miii
ciims "Goi.'-ri Mttlical Discovery" a id
"Favorite. l'i M-njauui."
The answer is that "Uolden Medical
Discovery is a most potent alterative or
blood-purilier. and tonic or iuviguriiior
and acts esjwvially favorably in a cura
tive way upon ail the mucous lining sur
faces, as of the nasal passages, thro:::,
bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels and
bladdeik-uriii3 a large per cent, of catar
rhal cavs vvlietherhe disease affects the
nasal payags, the throat, larynx, bron
chia, siomacitNfas catgrHiil dyspepsia),
bowels (as muorLShuj!i. bladder,
uterus or other pctvic orgalrw Even 'a
Hons, it. i nlti'fl successful in affect-
i iir " r "rite Prescription .' U ady's.
for the, i'iiv Liimi CKs of diseases Uio-it-peculiar
wetisiBl o'YarigL'niyfits ai.J
lrre''u aritie- i ! i i.i n t. to u i rntn on! v. if
1 1 i-w . . . I . 1. ... I a...Ti-i. I.', ,f ii-.i u L- u.irn
115 vf 11 iv- aim m:i i iiic & ,un j
out, over-worked women no matter what
nas causea wie, nreaK-aown, ravonie
. , I I jl.lUII IT 111 lAi IIIIIIIVI in v.- V . II . V ,1 1 V-
in building up the strength, regulating
the womanly functions, subduing pain
and briinrinif almut a linalthv. vigorous
iwmllrii.ii ..f tda ,i'l. ..I.. di'Cti.lil
wvimi ,1.111 111 ..ii.i 1. 11. 11. i n .1..
A Kuils i.f 1. 1 i4 1 , ii-r.i... 11.11.1, ili.tTill
1 1 uwn ui uai liv ui.ns n 1 u iio n,v i vuivn
1 ! 1 . x . J : 1
giving me luruiui.eoi uoui ineuiciiies aim
quoting what scores of eminent nied
irjil auLhors ulnisi urk ure consulted
by physicians of all the schools of practice
as guides in prescribing, say of each in
gredient entering into these medicines.
Tlitt Wiit-ilti .it' i.iiiitia ltiicti iU'I.H 1111 tin.
several Ingredients entering into'Doctoi
Pierce's wudiirim-s by such writers should
have more weight than any amount 01
rw. n ntiAfujoiiiiiiil li-1 im.ni i 11 1 J luui-i iiCii
ut11 ji kj 1 1 o.iuiiai bi'iiiiiuiiiaifi. i" v u " -v
anilk man m.t, tfmi tt.iw (.11 (lin niiirlnii.iij aI
011 (.11 ui7 n iniUK ivn tut; guiuaiat- ui
tneir meaicai oretnrea and Know waereoi
tuey speaK.
xv lii in' u 1 1 lira am uwuaii.iiitMii.t nun
iuinral' a ftil mnif nin w liurmlnl httViit
forming dr ues, ieUn composed o! glyceric
lQV iT'int j ti t.i r.u.tj nf r-i t tn A mirii-n n
medicinal fore;t nljiits Thev are both
sold by dealers in medicine. You can't
a nerd to accept as a substitute for one of
tuese ineuicines 01 known composition
any secret nostrum.
Ttr Pl.iri.i.'j li..ll.,to cmull oii.vif.h.imIu.I
easy to take as candy, regulaie and In
vigorate stomach, liver ai.d bowels.
Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon.
For Sale.
Three good work mares, weight 1300
lbs. each ; wagon and harness ; 50 head
wether goats; 12 head nanny goats,
and 12 shoats. F. K. Hubbard, Falls
City, Or.
For Sale.
Clean vetch and oats mixed to sow.
V. C. Lewis, liickreall, Ore.
Walnut Trees For Sale.
English walnut trees for sale. J. E.
Bf.ezi.kv, Dallas, Or.
D. W. Sears was a Portland visitor
this week.
Miss Grace Wallace has returned
from a Bhort visit in CoryallU.
The trirls' club was entertained bv
Miss Helen Cooper, Friday evening.
Miss Bertha Bohannon visited
friends in Salem the first of the week
Mrs. Charles McDevitt. of Dallas, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. W
Con key.
Uglow Clothing House Gives Dainty
calendars to All drown People
Calling at Store.
The few people in Dallas who were
unable to attend Professor B. F.
Mulkey's lecture on "Hamlet" at
Woodman Hall last Thursday evening
missed one of the greatest literary
treats ever given a local audience to
enjoy. Those who failed to attend
were few, however, as the big hall was
crowded to the doors with citizens of
Dallas and visiting teachers and
school officers. A. special train from
Monmouth brought a large number
of people, and the lecture was also en
joyed by many visitors from Falls
City and northern Polk county. The
speaker held his audience spell
bound for two hours with the story
of the melancholy Prince, handling
ins subject in amost scholarly
Professor Mulkey's ' lecture on
"Hamlet" is not so much a critical
analysis as a tale of the famous play.
Beginning with the opening scene on
the platform at Eisinore, he carries
his audience through the successive
acts to the tragic end of the drama
without a break in the plot, and so
realistic is his portrayal or the various
characters that one can almost
Imagine the tragedy is being pre
sented by all the players required by
the lines of the Immortal Bard.
Professor Mulkey has an easy stacre
presence, a pleasing voice, and a re
markable memory. Already noted
throughout the state as a polished
orator, he has won new laurels by
his scholarly interpretation of this
greatest of classical dramas.
Just as in clothing and furnishing
goods, "If It's from Uglow's it is the
best," so it is with Art Calendars. There
have been so many common calendars
issuea that we hesitated buying one
until we round some that measured
up to the standard of what we con
sidered the best The calendar we
have selected is unique in desicrn.
somethingentirelyoutof the ordinary,
and it is illustrated In the colors of
the original paintincr. bv Arthur.
being one of the most popular subjects
in the line of one of the leading
manufacturers of art calendars In the
United States.
This dainty calendar Is worthv of a
place in every home, and as it will
cost you nothing there is no reason
why you should not havo one. Thev
are too valuable and beautiful to be
given out indiscriminately, but if you
win can at on r store at any time be
fore December 20 and register your
name, we will reserve a codv for vou
This offer is limited to grown-ups
only. We cordially invite you to call
ana register.
Polk County Candidate for Speaker
Claims Enough Votes to
Win Out.
Enjoyable "S00" Party.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Casey gave an en
joyable party Saturday evening in
honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Bell, of Roseburg. Progressive
600 was the game of the evening, Mrs.
W. D. Bell and It. E. Williams re
ceiving prizes for the highest scores.
After the game delicious refreshments
were served.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Eakin, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirk-
patrick. Mr. and Mrs. L.Gerlinger, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bell, Miss Delta
Watson, of Portland; Miss Emma
Dempsey, Miss Rebecca Gates and
Mr. It. E. Williams.
Hon. B. F. Jones, the well known
Independence lawyer and representative-elect
for Polk and Lincoln
counties, was a Dallas visitor, Friday
A Dad Stomach
Lettens tht usefulness and man the bap.
plneii of life.
It's a weak stomach, a stomach that can
not properly perform Its function.
Among Hi symptoms are distress after
atlog, nausea between meals, heartburn,
belching, vomiting, flatulence and nervous
Cures a bad stomach, indigestion and dys
pepsia, and the cure Is permanent.
Accept no substitute.
Boomed for Speaker of the Oregon
House of Representatives, B. F. Jones,
of Polk and Lincoln Counties, spent
part of yesterday In Portland, said to
have been drawn hither by the claim
of Frank Davey, one of his rivals of
34 votes, or four more than required
for Republican caucus nomination,
and three more than enough to elect.
Mr. Jones looked over Davey's fences
and then his own, and announced
that he was unable to see 34 votes in
Davey's corral ; however, in his own
he counted 31. thouerh not so larn a
Davey's count, was enough for
practical purposes.
"I heard that Davey and Vawter
anu cnapin were doing business down
here, remarked Jones, "and there
fore I thought I out?ht to come down
I'm all fixed now to be nominated and
Asked to name his 31 supporters, he
declined, saying that they might not
oesire to be thus advertised any more
than Davey's 34. whom that candidate
abstained from "bawlinar out"
"Really now," remarked Jones.
growing more confidential, "I'll have
a good number of supporters. How
ever," turning toward his hobby,
i m more interested in river Improve
nient than in electing myself
speaKer." Oregonian.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hubbard enter
tained the Social Whist club at their
home Monday evening.
Mrs. Percy Dickinson and children.
of Parker, visited her mot her, Mrs.
P. H. Drexler, during the week.
O. A. Kramer has opened his new
clothing store and will soon move his
jewelry stock Into the same building.
Miss Maud Spurr, of San Francisco.
is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Flora
Spurr. She is a grand-daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mitchell.
The O. S. N. S. basketball team and
the Independence team played here
Wednesday evening. The score was
14 to 20 iufavorof the Monmouth boys.
The Independence football team
played the Reform School team at
Salem, Saturday. The game proved a
victory for the Independence bovs bv
a score or 5 to 4.
The Methodist church is beincr
Improved both inside and out. A ves
tibule at the entrance will prove a
great convenience as well as an im
provement to the building.
For Rent.
Farming land for rent Inquire of
Mrs. W. J. Farley, Dallas, Or.
Christmas Gifts.
Come and see my new goods for
Christinas. They are right. Will
have the largest stock ever curried by
me. Keep jour eye on them as they
come. att'h my window.
Falls City, Oregon.
Fir Wood Wanted.
From 200 to GOO cords of dry fir wood
wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City
& Western Railway Co.
Dry Slabwood For Sale.
The Willamette Vallev Lumber
Company has some fine dry slab wood
ror sale cheap; also 16-inon slabs and
block wood.
Chickens For Sale.
For sale, two dozen full-blooded
White Leghorn chickens; also In
cubator that will hatch sure. Address,
Box 222, Dallas, Or.
Estray Notice.
Strayed from my farm one dehorned
Jersey bull. Please notify W. D.
Cai.kins, Rickreull. Bell phone 458.
E respectfully invite all
our customers who
know they owe us to come
in now and settle. We have
had a fine year to make
money and we all ought to
be supplied with the cash
and no excuses to offer.
For Sale.
Horse, buggy and harness for sale
at a bargain. Inquire at this office.
House For Sale.
New house and two lots neai new
sawmill. Mrs. R. J. Kixnf.v.
I desire to notify my customers that
my millinery store will be closed from
December 13 to March 1, as I shall be
absent from Dallas during that time, j
Groceries and Provisions
WK carry all the leading brands of Canned
" Goods, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also
a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in
season. . Crockery and Queen's Warn.
lAWohjfc Purity. nnotFltvar.
MfrruMO, mum.
now's Tlilsl
We otter One Hundred Dollars llnnrit fn
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured h
uoii'B uatarrft cure.
F J. CHENEY CO., Propi , Toledo, O.
We the undcisicned. have known V. .T.
Bey tor the last 10 years, and believe him per-
lecuy Honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to carry out anv ohlirn.
tions made by their firm.
West A Thcax, Wholesale Drneplsts, Toledo, O
Wjxdino, Kinhan& Mabvix, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O. B
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, ctini
li l rnf 1 U limit. Hill Vll ..ml aniJ .
the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Bold by ail
wunuw. cBMiauiuaie tree.
Wall's Family Pills are the best.
To those who have orchards and
fruit trees: I am ready to do sorav-
Ing. and shall use the best spray that
has been tried. You can cct me bv a
call od mutual phone 351, or P. O.
Box 873, Dallas. G. W. Bowus.
The Way to make Oregon
grow is to patronize
home institutions!
Fire Relief
of McMinnville
Is a home inatitntiann
- " duiuuu mu
tual insurance company doing busi-
Whv nnt i
.. ........ j, inline in mis
Association, ftnvo nooil,. at,., . ..
and keep what you do pay in Oregon?
or Dallas is the agent for Polk county
and is ready to aitend to this matter
rr . n pi lildg., north
of Court House. Mutual phone 1294.
Largest Line of KID and Dressed
DOLLS in Polk County. . . .
Our ioc and 1 5c counters
are filled with attractions.
Fancy Dress Shirts at reduced prices
to make room for Spring stock.
The Racket Store
F. S. Ramsey, Proprietor.
Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable
The Willamette Valley Company offers
to rewire premises of present electric
consumers according to specifications of
the Board of Fire Underwriters, at a
cost to the consumer not to exceed
$1.25 per drop.
A better light will be secured and all danger from
fire will be entirely eliminated.
With the completion of the new power plant a twenty-four hour
service will be installed, thus allowing the citizens of Dallas to use
electricity for POWER as well as light.
Electric Irons
will be introduced and they will be given to the consumer for 30 days
trial, the consumer merely paying for the current consumed, aod ii
satisfactory to buy the iron at end of 30 days.
Willamette Valley Company
E. W. K EARNS, Manager for Dallas.
Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
New Umbrellas
Recovering and Repairing
Guns and Ammunition.
Cutlery, Fine Razors.
Hand Saws, Flashlights.
Dallas Harness
Is in shape to sell Harness
and Horse Goods at lowest
Prices. Call and tret Drices
and save money.
Plush Robes, Blankets,
Whips, Etc. .
The Olds Gasoline Engines
I handle the "OI.la, th ht
line Engine in the market. Jst the
thing for Wood Sawing, Tumping
Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc
Come and See the best gaso
line engine made for farmers'
Ed. Diddle, Agent
Dallas. Oregon.
Beautiful Gifts
C. H. MORRIS, The Jeweler,
One Door West of Stafrin Drug Co.