Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 12, 1906, Image 4

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Petition of J. W. Kiusey, of Pedee,
for the location of a public gateway
granted; ordered that County Sur
veyor VanOrsdel, J. D. Smith and
H. B. Cosper be appointed viewers to
meet October 18 and locate such public
Ordered that the sum of $75 be
transferred from the General Fund to
Road District No. 12.
A mother'. worries are many. Sht
sometime f rg'-ts her own bodilj ills-con-forts
because "of her overpowering
I' ve fc r tuo. child. . She becomes broker.
-i.--.-ii, sUvpless, nervous, irritable an.
.,iis tire; from moruhig until nifeh'
M;my mothers of experience can tell yov:
at "ich a time they have beer re
lieved, Y,ei-e!iteil and strengthened anu
iiii.i proner health 'jy talcing a jre
iiitiiM -vliieli tlieir mothers had toK:
tii.:m was tin- (nly woman's tonic to be
tiiii-n at .-un-li times. Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite I'resvi 'piion has enjoyed an envi
able svjMii.i; on for cvsr a third of a cen
tury, la all that tinio it has sold more
largely in (h) United States than any
other tonic for woman's needs, and to
ri ;iy its s:ili;.s are greater than ever.
In favor of Dr. Pierce's medicines is the
frm'.c, con!' 'in?, open, honest statement
of their full en'noTJition, giving every In
ire.lient in pi un Eiujlixh, without fear of
jiiec--.nfnl criticism and with confidence
that the good sense of the afflicted will
load them to appreciate this honorable
manner of confiding to them what they
are. taking Into their stomachs when
tr.akins use of these medicines.
Ai.uotnuc toxics.
A preat many women feeling the need
of a toni,; take a cocktail, whisky, or
what is just as bad. some widely adver
tised compound, containing a larcro per
centage of alcohol. Doctor Pierces
m-diciun are guaranteed to be entirely
free from V.r!iol or narcotics made of
ro its whioli enanot harm the most deli
cate system but have a wholesome, life
giving, toM' -effect upon the system.
Ton it male largely of alcohol interfere
with the dit'estion of certain foods, and
a doses iner.sa-'O the alcohol absorbed gets
Into the blood and shrinks the red biood
corpuscle. As the blood feeds the nerves
the nerves g.-r. improper nourishment and
the mother becomes nervous. As th-.
nerves sutler- so does the skin.
Jetter stick to a health-giving ton'''
t.ii t, I) -ts in the past third of a century
Aoid moio wi.iuly than any other.
V'hat Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presctip
(it) is male of. Its ingredients m'e:
; pn'ieu Seal root. Lady's Slipper root
I!lnck CdIiIi root. Unicorn root, lilee
C-'ioih root, Ctieiuica lly Pure (jlycerine.
liolurt A. ilttru. M. D., University of
Pi., cays of !oldnn Soul "Good in till
o-.tatihal conditions, as uterine catarrh,
le'ieorrhma, etc.." Prof. John King in the
.Vnerie.an Dispensatory says of libick
Cohosh root another Important Ingre
dient In " Favorite Prescription:" "liyits
special iiihuity for the female organs, it Is
an eitieient agent In suppression, in dys
menorrhea it is HuriMWMd by no other
dnej, being of greatest utility In irrita
tive and congestive conditions of the
aotiendages, characterized by dragging
pvn-t, etc."
Prof. King says of Unicorn root, "have
found this plant to possess a decidedly
tie-ielical Iniluence In cases of lassitude
with weakne ser anil pain in the renal,
or him bo-sacral (small of the back) region.
It Is one of our nt'it't valuable agents,
acting as a uterine tonic, and gradually
removing abnormal conditions, whilo at
the same time It imparts tone-and vigor
to the reproductive organs. Hence, it Is
much used in Icucorrluat, wiwnarrtwca,
a PAivncur.An phase
removed by It Is the Irritability and de
spondency that often attends these troub
les. In thoso cases In which there Is
pelvlce fullness, the aching, bearing
down organs f-el m if they would fall
out of the body. Its action here is very
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bili
ousness, sick and bilious headache, diz
ziness, costiveness, or constipation of the
bowels, loss of appetite, coated tongue,
sour stomach, windy belchings, "heart
burn," pain and distress after eating,
and kindred derangements of the liver,
stomach and bowels.
Persons subjected to any of these
troubles should never bo without a vial
of the "Pleasant Pellets" at hand. In
proof of their superior excellence it can
truthfully be said that they are always
ftdopte I ns a household remedy after the
first trial.
One little "Pellet" Is a laxative, two
are cathartic. The regulate Invigorate
and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels.
As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion,
take one each day. To relieve the distress
arishig from overeating, nothing equals
one of these little " Pel' ts." They're
tiny, sugar-coated, antl-hliloiis. granules,
scarcely larger than niutiird seeds, r
l)r. Pierce's Common Sense Modlcfil
Adviser w ill be. sent free, paper bound, for
il one-cent sti.miis, or clwth-boend for M
si amps. Over PKKi pares and iliustra ;-((,
Address Dr. U. V Pierce, liull'aio, N. V.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Not iee in hereby given that the nndor.siened,
un executrix of t ho i-Htntc of Charles It. 1-iirlev,
ileeenaed, Iihr tili-d her limit account in I lie
County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Polk
County, mill that Saturday, the loth day of
November, l'.KKi, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the
fureinvoii of anil) day, at the Court room of the
KHitl County Court, liiiH ht-eii appointed ly the
.lud--o of an id Court an the time ami place for
me Hearing ni ouii-ciions 10 me gam until ac
count h ml me noli lenient therein.
Executrix of the estate of
Charles It. Kiirlov, deeeased.
linear Uayter, Attorney,
Dated and first puliliBhed October IS, 1906.
Notice o! Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that C. (i. Coad and
F.J. Coad exiciitiirH of the estate of Samiiri
Coad, deceased, have tiled in 1 lie County Court
of Hie Stair ol On-iron, foi l'olk enmity, their
lilinl aceoiuit as sueh executory and that Sntur
ilay, October l.S, LHnl, at the hour of III o'clock
a. in. of Niid day, has hei-n appointed by the
.iniiirc ol Mini court as tin- tune lor the hem iiiu
of olijections to t he said tinni account and I lie
Kelllenient therein. All la-rami are therefore
required to apm-ar at mid time and show cnin-v.
if any exist, why aid aeount idioiild not he
Hpprovee ami Hie sale executors illscharued.
Haled this 1 Ith day ol September, l'i.
C. u. COAD.
F. J. I OA D,
Kxecutors of tin- estiitt
olSaninel Coad.deceased.
K. u miller. Attorney.
If you tlesiro to groom your
horse in the proper style.a har
ness shop is the proivr place
to buy your otitllt. I carry a
complete stock of : : :
nmlcan fit you out in sbort
cnler. Also carry a full line
of Irivii) and Working
Gloves, nt from 75c to $2.00.
Frank A. utiles
The Royal Month and the Royal
Sudden changes of weather are
especially trying, and probably to
none more so than to the scrofulous
and consumptive. The progress of
scrofula during a normal October is
commonly crieat. We never think of
scrofula its bunches, cutaneous erup
tions, and wasting of the bodily sub
stance without thinking or the great
frood manv sufferers from it have de
rived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, whose
radical and permanent cures of this
one disease are enough to make it the
most famous medicine in the world.
There is probably not a city or town
where Hood's Sarsaparilla has not
proved its merit in more homes than
one. in arresting and completely
eradicating scrofula, which is almost
as serious and as much to be feared
as its near relative, consumption.
Keep the bowels open when you have
a cold and use a good remedy to allay
the inflammation of the mucous mem
branes. The best is Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar. It contains no opiates,
moves the bowels, drives out the cold.
Is reliable and tastes good. Sold by
all druggists.
Real estate is booming in Hood
River valley.
A cold is much more easily cured when
the bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxa
tive Honey and Tar opens the bowels
and drives the cold out ol ttie system in
young or old. Sold by all druggists.
A Salem factory will have shipped
this year about 100 carloads of tile.
Trnfi And tried friends of the familv
npWit.t.'n T.ittlp Knrlv Risers. Best for
results and beet to take. Rosy checks
... .ii . i r
ard eparklinu eyes loiiow me use oi
these dependable little pills. They do
not gripe or sicken. &oiu uy an drug
The Medford mayor has forbidden
saloons of that town to sell liquor to
When a horse is so overworked it lies
down and in other ways declares its in
ability to go further, you would consider
it criminal to nee force. Many a man
of humane impulses, who would not
willingly harm a kitten, is guilty of
cruelty where his own stomach is con
cerned. Over-driyen, overworked, wnen
what it needs is something that will
digest the food eaten and help the stom
ach to recuperate. Something like Kodol
For Dyspepsia that is sold by all drug
gists. '
Cottage Grove is steadily improving,
one evidence of which is several new
and many repaired houses.
If an article is imitated, the original
is always best. Think it over, and when
you go buv that box of salve to keep
around the house, pet DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It is the original and the
name is stamped on every box. (.iood
for eczema, tetter, boils, cuts and bruises,
and especially recommended for piles.
Sold by all druggists.
A largo golden eagle was captured
near Ashland last week. The bird is
a rare one, and is seldom seen iu this
part of the world.
A Young Mother at 70.
"My mother has suddenly been made
young at 70. Twenty years of intense
Buffering from dyspepsia had entirely
disabled her, until six months ago, when
she began taking Llentnu Hitters, which
have completely cured her and restored
the strength and activity she had in the
prime of life," writes Mrs. W. L. Gil
patrick, of Panforth, Me. Greatest
restorative medicine on the globe. Sets
Stomach, Liver and Kidneys right, puri
fies the blood, and cures Malaria, Bilious
ness and Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve
Tonic. Price 50c. Guaranteed by Kelt
k Cherrinjjton s drug store.
Fuel problem becoming serious in
many towns.
Doctors Said He Would Not Live.
Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes:
"After doctoring for two years with 'he
best physicians in Wavnesburg, and
still getting worse, the doctors advised
me if 1 liad any business to attend to 1
had better attend to it at once, as 1
could not possibly live another month
as there was no cure for me. Foley's
Kidney (Jure was recommended to me
by a friend, and I immediately sent my
son to the store for it, and after taking
three bottles I began to get better and
continued to improve until I was entirely
well. licit oi Gherrington.
Springfield is more prosperous than
ever before.
Don't Be Imposed Upon.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine. These worthless imitations
have similar sounding names. Beware
of them. The genuine Foley's Honey
and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask
for it and refuse any substitute. It is
the best remedy for coughs and colds.
Belt oi Cherrington.
An Echo man has made some maple
syrup from watermelons at least it
is ns near maple syrup as a good deal
sold as sueh.
Nothing to Fear.
Mothers need have no hesitancy in
continuing to give Chamberlain's Cousrh
Itemed v to their little ones, as it con
tains absolutely nothing injurious. This
remtiiv is not only perfectly safe to trive
to small children, but Is a medicine of
great worth and merit. It has a world
wide reputation for its cures of coughs,
colds and croup and can always be relied
upon, hot sale by Stafrin Drug Co.
Danger From the Plague.
There's grave danger from the plague
of Coughs and Colds that are so preva
lent, unless you take I'r. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. Mrs. Geo. Wlis, of Forest City,
Me., writes: "It's a Godsend to people
living in climates where coufhs and
colds prevail. I find it quickly ends
them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures
LaGrippe, gives wonderful relief in
Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes
weak lungs strong enough to ward off
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 50c
and f 1.00. Guaranteed by Belt it Cher
rington 'e drug store. Trial bottle free.
A Minnesota firm has purchased 100
lots in a Marshfield suburb.
At n stock sale near Halsey, Toland
China sows sold for $40 each; shoats
weighing 50 or 70 pounds brought $u
or $7, stock sheep $3 and $G, and cows
from $20 to $30.
An Awful Cough Cured.
"Two years avro our little pirl had a
touch ol pneumonia, which left her with
an awful comrh. She had spells of
coughing just like one with the whoop
ing cough and some thought Fhe would
not get well at all. We got a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which
acted like a charm. She etoped couch
ing and got stout and fat," writes Mrs.
Oraliussard, Brubaker, III. This remedy
is for sale by Stafrin Drug Co.
Makes Homely Women Pretty.
No woman no matter how regular her
features may be can be called pretty if
her complexion is bad. Orino Ijtxative
Fruit Syrup aids indigestion and clears
sallow blotched complexions by stimu
lating the liver and bowels. Orino Lax
ative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or
gripe and is mild and pleasant to take.
Remember the name Orino and refuse
to accept any substitute. Belt & Cher
rington. The apples from one orchard near
Grants Pass will bring $14,000. J
A Card.
This is to certify that all druggists are
authorized to lefin.d your money if
Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure
your cough or cold, it stops the cough,
heals the lungs and prevents serious re
sults from a cold. Cures lagrippe cough
and prevents pneumonia and consump
tion. Contains no opiates. The genuine
ia in a yellow package. Refuse substi
tutes. Belt & Cherrington.
Wild evergreen blackberries are
very prolific in the Alsea region.
A Badly Burned Girl
or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of
pain it Bucklen's Arnica Salve is applied
promptly. G. J. Welch, of Tekonsha,
.Mich., says: "I use it iu my family for
cuts, sores and all skin injuries, and find
it perfect." Quickest Pile cure known.
Best healing salve made. 2oe at Belt oi
Cherrington's drug store.
Chittim bark is up to 6 cents in Cor
vallis.when scarcely anybody has any.
Blood Poisoning
results from chronic constipation, which
is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They remove all poisonous germs
from the system and infuse new life and
vigor; cure sour stomach, nausea, head
ache, dizziness and colic, without grip
ing or discomfort. 2fe. Guaranteed by
Belt & Cherrington, druggist.
A Freowater man sold a large crop
of second crop strawberries for $3.50
per crate.
Cures Winter Cough.
J. E. Clover, 101 N. Main Str. Otiwa
Kansas, writes, "Every Fall it has been
my wile's trouble to catch a severe cold
and therefore to cough all winter long
Last Fall 1 got her a bottle of llorehound
Syrup. She used it and lias been able
to sleep soundly all night long. When
ever the cotign troubles her, two or
three doses stops the cough, and Bhe is
able to be up and well." 2oe, 50c and
if 1.00. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co.
In the Circuit Court of the Sute of OreROn.
forlVUk'oiily.lVpr.rtmnlNo.i .
Mnlvint Kel., J'laiuUtt. v. Henry B. KUm,
KTo lleury B. Kelto, the above-named defend
"In the imtne of the State of Oregon: Yon rt
heVet" p.i.tHl to .nJ er the com-
Court aiut suit within six eek. from the le
of the tina publication of llu. t lummons to wu.
On or before the I'Ttb d' of October. l'A. nl
If von ftiiw o nn.wer, for wnl thereof the
pliiiititf will PI'ly to the Court for
irve.1 for in Mid complaint, m wit : That the
mfrie contract now ami heretofore
bet wet n plaintiff ami defen.ian. be annulled
and dissolved, and that plnintiri may have ri l
other and further relief aa to the Court wa
seem meet and equitable in the premises.
This sammona. by an order of the Hon. td. 1-.
Coad, Jnrlee of the County Court of the Mate l
Oreeon for Polk Comity, made at tliamber at
Pallaa, Oregon, on the nth day of nember
1, is served upon you by the publication
thereof for a period of fix consecutive ami I mt
cessive weeks immediately prior to the ..lb da
of October, b', in the -Polk County Observer,
a newspaper of general circulation, published
weekly at lm'.las in said Couniv. The date ol
tne first publication of this summons u Septem
ber H, I. 0SCA jj UAYTER.
Attorney lor I'laintitt.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Portland, Oreeon,
September f.-l A.
Notice is hereby given that the followin?
named sealer has liied notice of his intention
to make final proof ia support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register ami
Receiver at Portland, Oreeon, on October -.-I.
ltWil, viz: Horace 0. Pavies, H. E. o. lo., . - for
the S. E. . See. T. sVmili of Ratifre S V. est.
He names fie followiue witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vii: Charles Applepate, of hocca.
Oregon: Andrew Blom, of R--eea, Oreeon:
Theodore Kairiucton, of Rocca. Oregon: tally
F. Hughes, of Rocea, Oregon. ,...
Notice For Publication.
l uited States Land Oflice,
Portland. Oreei n.
Aueust S, 1ft.
Notice is hereby (riven that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of
June S, If-TS, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' as
extended to all the Public Laod States by act of
AiiKUSt4, 1892. James M. Borkbesd. of Newport,
county of Lincoln, State of ureeon. bss this
dav tiled in this office his sworn Hatemenl No.
7027, tor the purchase of the Somhesst '4
Northeast '. and Lot 1 and 2 of Section
No. 2 in T. So. 7 S., Kanre No. " W.. and will
olt'er proof to show that the land socetii is more
valuable for its timber or none than for aeri
cnltural purposes, and to establish, his Cairn to
said lima before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, tte
8th day of November, 1Wi.
He names as witnesses: J.N Rice, of Clats
kHnie, Oregon; F. C. Whitten. of Portland. Ore
gon ; V. S. Bryant, of Portland, Oregon; H. A.
Uusean, of Iiigiis, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claims in this office on or beftre said 8th day
of November, l'JUti.
Notice For Publication.
A Eugene man killed two deer with
one shot, one of them dressing over
200 pounds.
Saved His Life.
J. W. Davenport, Wineo. Kv.. writes
June 14, 1902: "I want to tell yon I
tielteve liallard s bnow .Liniment saved
my life. 1 was under the treatment of
two doctors, and they told me one of
my lungs was entirely gone, and the
other badly effected. I also had a lump
on my sine. 1 don't think that 1 could
have lived over two months longer.
was induced by a friend to try Ballard's
hnow Jjiniment. The first application
gave me great relief ; two fifty cent bot
tles cured me sound and well.
It is a wonderful medicine and I
recommend it to suffering humanity.
sow ny Mai rin Drug (Jo.
Lake county has imposed the highest
school and public library tax of any
county in the state.
Sick Headache Cured.
Sick headache is caused hv derange
ment of the stomach and bv indigestion.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets correct these disorders and effects
cure. By taking" these tablets as soon
as the first indication of the disease ap
peals, the attack may be warded off.
Get a free sample and Iry them. For
sale hy btalrm Drug Co.
At the lowest estimate 20,000 bushels
of prunes were lost in the vicinity of
Canby, says the Tribune.
Torments of Tetter and Eczema
The intense itching characteristic of
eczema, tetter and like skin diseases is
instantly allayed bv antdvimr Chamber
lain's Salve and many severe cases have
been permanently cured bv its use. For
sale uy Malrm Drug t o.
A San Francisco meatman says the
best alfalfa iu the United States is
raised in Klamath valley.
Can you win? You realize that to
win in anything these (lavs, renuires
strength, with mind and body in tune.
man or woman with disordered diires-
tive organs is not in shape for a day's
worn or a (lav s piav. Jlow can they
expect to win? Kodo for Dyspepsia
contains the digestive juices of a'heallhy
stomach and will put your stomach in
shape to perform its important function
of supplying tbe body and brain with
strength building blood. Digests what
you eat. relieves Indigestion, Pysepsia,
Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart
and Constipation. Sold by all druggists.
Though Wallowa county is legally
"dry" there are four gallon houses
along the litieof railroad construction.
Wounds, Bruises and Burns.
By applying an antiseptic dressing to
wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries
Svefore inflammation sets in, they may
lie healed without maturation and in
about one-third the time required by
the old treatment. This is the greatest
discovery and triumph of modern surg
ery. Chamberlain's Pain Halm acts on
this ssnic rirmomli- Tt ia an mitKcnil-
g . .... ........ v,..,.
and when applied to sueh injuries,causes
mem loneai very quickly, it also allays
the nain and soreness and riroventa one
dmitrer of blood itoisnninc Ivpc-n a lu-t.
tie of Fain Balm in your home and it
will save you time and money, not to
mention the inconvenience and suffering
such injuries entail. For sale by Stafrin '
I'rug Co.
United Slates l aud otliee,
Portland, Oreeon,
Aueust 16, l'AKi.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the set of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tne Public Umd States by act of
August 4, lbW, Mary E. Hayes, of Dallas,
county of Polk, Slate of Oregon, has this
day riled in this oflice her sworn statement No.
70J1, for the purchase of the N. W.'4 of N. E. '4
Section No. 5 in Township No. 7 South, Ranee
No. 6 West, and will oiler proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable br its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
unit to establish her claim to said land la-fore
the County Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas,
Oregon, on Thursday, the loth day ot Novem
ber, lOGi.
She names as witnesses: CI. P. Conlee, of
Dallas, Oregon; Elias Hinshavv, of Dallns. Ore
gon; William Hayes, of Dallas, Oregon ; Millard
Conlee, of Dallas, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Hie tlieir
claims in this otliee on or before said 15th day
of November, 19ml.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed executor of the Last Will
and Testament of John Jay Smith deceased, by
the County Coiirt of Polk Couutv. Oregon. All
persons having claims against said estate are
hereby required to present the same dulv verl
fled as by law 'equired, at the office of Oscar
uayter at Dallas, rout county, Oregon, within
six months from this date.
Dated, September 21, 1906.
Executor of the Last will and testa
ment of John Jay Smith, deceased.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Portland, Oregon,
Bentember 12. Mlfi.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1K78, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
exienaeo to an tne Public Land states by act
of August 4. 1892, Nellie E. Grant, of Dallas,
comity of Polk, State of Oregon, has this dav
hied in this office her sworn statement No 7054,
for the purchase of the N.E. of S. E. of
Section No. 6. in Township No. 8 8. of Range No.
7 W and will otter proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and t ) establish
her claim to said land before the Reeister and
Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 5th day of December, 1;W6.
She names as witnesses: D. J, Riley, of
Kanas, viregon; a. r. toner, oi lianas, uregon:
W. V. Fuller, of Pallas. Oregon: VV. II. Besecker
of Dallas, Oregon.
Any and all persons claimine adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in tins ottice on or belore said 5th day of
uecemoer, rjim.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon for
iue vuuiiiy oi roix, lieparimeni r.o. I.
Joseph Fiona, Plaintitt'vs Era A. Floria, De-
leuuaiit. Summons:
lo l-.va A. Hons, the above named defendant:
In tbe name of the State of Oreeon: Y.ni are
nereny required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against yon in the above entitled
suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks
from the date ot the first publication of this
summons, to-wit : November 2:ird, 1906, that be
ing the date of the last publication of this sum
mons, the date of the first publication of this
summons being October 12th, 19t; and If you
fail to answer said complaint, for want thereof,
the plaintitr will apply to thecourt forthe relief
prayed for in his said comnlaint. to-wit: For a
decree of divon-e, dissolving the marrisee rela
tion existing between plaintir and d-i-ndant,
upon the erouuds of willful desertion on the
part of said defendant.
nils summons is published bv order of the
Honorable William (lalloway. Jndee of the
above named court and made and duly entered
at Chambers in the City of McMinnville, Yam
hill Comity, Oregon, on the 6lh day of October
A. D. 19UH.
Attorney for Plaintitr.
Notice For Publication.
United Slates Land Ortice,
Portland, Oregon.
October 5, pmfi.
Notice is hereby given that in romnliancr
with tha provisions of tbe act of Congress of
June S, l,s7S, entitled "An act for tha sale of
timber lands in the States of California Ore
gon, Nevada, and tVashlneUin Terriirrv "
extended to all the Public Ijtnd Siatea bv act
of August 4, lss2, Edward T. W atis, of Portland
county of Multnomah, Mate of Oreeon. has this
day Bled in this office his sworn statement No
7i3, for the purchase of the East Uof the W.
of Sec. No. 8 in Township No. 8 s.. R. No. 7 !
W. M , and will otter proof to ahow that the land
songht is more valuable for iu timber or stone
than for agricultural purpM, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Reeister and
Receiver at Portland, Oreeon, on Thursday
the 20th day of December,
He name s witnesses: John Dart, of Port
laud, Oregon: Charles . Ehman. nf Pnni.n.i
Oregon : Jesse E. Stewart, of Portland. Oreeon;'
Godfrey Khman. of Portland. Oregon.
Any and all persons claimine adversely the
bove-deaeribid lamia inrmnuvipii m tu i...
claims in this ortice on or before said 2olh day
of December,
iT-a Ain n vonr svstem produces permanent disability. Tht human
3 red o m low
tance, yet i if it was mown Djn v K flroua charaGter would be appre-
ho and Syrop which will speeauy overoonn, , . Mnw
WHOOP1N0 COUCH and CKOUl Require rrempi. u.
i imimfnt unnliad to the throat and cnest gives wonaonui imi
Mm. Maud Adams. Goldthwatte, Tex., writes: "I have used Ballard'
norSound Bvrus Tand I find U thbisstf medlolne for croup, oougha and
fSSmSvSuiaAU la pleasant to take and Quickly ourea."
SAFE AND SURE Three Sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00
Tha Children's Favorite Remedy Erary Bottle Guaranteea
Ballard Snow Liniment Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is lierebv ffiven that the ntiderniKned
n administrator of the estate of liary Ann
Metxear. deceased, has tiled his tinnl account
iu the Couniv Court of the -stute of Oreeon, for
P"ite County and that Sutin 'day, the Urd day of
November, Pah", at the hour of ten o'clock in
the I'oriiio.ui of s.ud day nt the Court room of
the si i County Court, has been appointed by
the .liniue of said Comt as the time and place
ior the lu ariue of obj ections to the said linal
account and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the estate of
Mary Ann Mctzear, deceased.
Dated and first published October It, l'JOii.
Notice For Publication.
United Slates Land Oilier,
Portland, Oreeon.
September 20, 1IKK1.
Notice is hereby (riven that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Conuress of
June;!, 18TS, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Wasliinetnn Territory," lis ex
tended to all the Public Laud States by ilct of
Aueust I. isi'2, Klim-r J. Reynolds, of Dallas,
county of Polk, State of Oreeon, has this day
tiled ill this otliee his sworn statement No 70ti:t,
for the purchase nf the N. V. ".i of N. V. i of
Section No. 10 in Township No. 8 S., Kanee No.
7 vV., and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land belore the County Clerk
of Polk County, at Dallas, Oreeon, on Saturday,
the Kith day of December, l'.HMi.
He names as witnesses: C. (1. Cond. of Dallas,
Oreeon; Ed l.auer, of Dalian, Oreeon; J. P.
Maeers, of Dallas, Oregon; A. N. Unlman, of
Dallas, Oreeon.
Any and all persons claimine adversely the
above-described lands are requested tu tile their
churns in this otliee on or before said l.'ith day
of December, Hmii.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby eriven, that by virtue of an
order of the County Court of the State of Ore
eon fur Polk County, duly made and entered
therein on the 22nd. day of September. 1 000,
authorizing and directing the undersigned ad
miuistrator of the estate of M. L. Kobbins, de
cei.sed, to sell the hereinafter described real
property of said deceased at private sale, he
will on or after the 27th dav of October, MHlti,
receive sealed bids for the following described
real property, to-wit:
Beginning at n point Ml links East and 2.01 chs.
North of the S. V. corner of the D. L. C. of Ash
Shreve, Not. No. 2252, Claim No. 02, in T. 7 8., K.
5 W. of the Will. Mer. thence East lll.Ma cha.
thence South 11.82 chs. thence North 78 degrees
15 minutes East '.11.52 chs. thence South 8.80 chs.
thence West :. ehs. thence North l.r.:!7 chs. to
place of beginning, excepting therefrom the
cemetery and road thereto, described as begin
ning at a point 2.0'J chs. Smith and 6.0(1 chs. Eust
of the Southwest corner of said Shreve D. L. (J.
thence East 2!2 feet, thence South 118 feet,
thence West 2:12 feet, thence North Ms feet to
place of beginning, wild roadway beginning
from the northwest comer of the last above de
scribed tract South 57'.; feet to North side of
road for starting point, thence S. 45 deg.W. 8.50
chs., S. :'.0iH chs. to middle of tlieConntv road
running from Dallas to Dixie; Uie land herein
described being :..; acres, more or less.
Bids lor the above described real premises to
be opened at 1 o'clock p. m. on Saturday
October 27, 11100, said sale to be for cash in hand
on day of sale, and lo be subject to confirmation
of the County Court of Polk Countv, Oregon.
J. D. S.v'llTII,
Administrator of the estate of
o.i , . M- '' Kobbins, deceased.
Sibley cvi Eakin, Attys.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed administratrix of the
estate of William Ruble, deceased, by the
County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Polk
County, and has qualified.
All iiersons having, claims against the said
estate are hereby notiUed to present the same
duly verified, together with the proper vouchers
therefor, to the undersigned, at her residence in
said t onnty. within six months from the date
of tins notice.
Dated and first published September 1 l'HIG
Administratrix of the estate
ol -William Ruble, deceased.
Oscar Hayter, Attorney.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Laud Otliee at Portland, Oregon,
September 8, 11100.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of bis intention
to make linal proof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on October
21, l'JUti. viz: Olive Reddiiway formerly Olive
May Hell, H. 12. No. H,;!02 for the S. U' of N. VV.
i and Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 1. T. 8 8. K. 9 W.
She mimes the following witnesses lo prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Conrad Kile, of Kails City,
Oregon; Edward Hell, of Kails City, Oregon;
W. V. Fuller, Dallas, Oregon; J. 1. McDonald,
of Dallas, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Polk Comity.
Mamie Johnson, Plaintiff vs. Frank Johnson,
To Frank Johnson, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled
Court mid cause, within six weeks from the date
of the lirst publication of thlHsninmoiis, to-wit:
On or before the 2:!rd day of November, 1IKK1,
and if you fail to answer for want, thereof the
plaintill'will apply for the relief prayed for in
said complaint, which is that a decree of divorce
be made dissolving the marriage contract here
tofore ar.d now existing between pliiintilf and
defendant; that the plaintitr may have the
future care and custody of tlu ir minor child
lioyod Johnson, and for such other and further
relief as to the Court may seem just and equit
able. This summons bv an order made October
0th, l'.KKi, by the lion William (ialloway. Judge
of the above entitled court, made at chambers at
McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon, isserved
upon you by publication thereof for a period of
six consecutive and successive weeks immedi
ately prior to the 2:trd dav of November, WOO, in
the Polk County Observer, a newspaper of
general circulation published weekly at Dallas,
in Biiid County and State. The date of the first
publication of this summons is October 12, P.KI6.
1$. K. JONES,
Attorney for Plaintitr.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Polk County.
Jacob H. Cook, I'laiutiir, v. Mary K. Kcyscr,
Edwin C. Keyser, Augustus Keyser. Ro3e Keys
er, Agnes Peterson, Evelyn Baroteau, Alfred
Baroteau, P. Jarott Watson, Temple Watson and
Levi 8. Keyser, Defendants.
To Augustus Keyser, KoBe Keyser, Agnes
Pcter3on, Evelvn Baroteau, Alfred Baroteau, P.
Jarott Watson, Temple Watson and Levi 8.
Keyser, defendants above named:
In the Name of the State of Oregon: Yon are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above-entitled
Court and suit within six weeks fioin the date
of the lirst publication of this summons, to-wit:
On or before the 24 th day of November, l'.KKi;
sr.d if yon fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintill'will anply to the Court for a judg
ment and decree that a certain mortgage given
by the defendant Mary E. Keyserand A. Keyser,
her husband, since deceased, to the plaintiff,
bearing dale the 12th of October, 1800, aud re
corded on the 2!tth day of October, 1800, on page
2;i4 of book "T" of the records of mortgages for
Polk County, State of Oregon, be foreclosed, and
that the lauds and premises therein described,
viz.: The Northwest quarter of Section 16, in
Township 7 South, of Range 6 West of the Wil
lamette Meridian, in said County, be sold by
the Sheriff of said County in the manner pro
vided by law, aud that the proceeds of such sale
be applied to the liquidation of the amounts
due plaintiff on said mortgage and the note and
indebtedness which said mortgage was given to
secure, together with costs and disbursements,
taxes paid, attorneys' fees and interest, all as
stated in said cimplaint, and the costs and ex
penses of such sale, aud further, the plaintiff
will apply to said Court for all and singular the
relief grayed for in said complaint.
This summons, by an order of the Hon. Ed F,
Coad, County Judge of said Countv, made at
Chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the Oth dav of
October, 1900, is served upon von by the publi
cation thereof for a period 'of six consecutive
and successive weeks Immediately prior to the
24th day of November, WOO, in the "Polk County
Observer," a newspaper of general circulation,
published weekly at Dallas, iu said County.
The date of the first publication of this sum
mons is October 12, 1900.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
n Campbell '
DALLAS. ""'"Mlii
ATT0Nm at uwT
Ii,LEY& Eakin
Attorney at i,aw
El- P. Coad,
Dallas" lnCo"
OmeeoverDallMClty; ;
J- H. Flovrr, i
Omeo next door to Postal '
Olloo in Cooper Building i
Attorney at law I
J. I . Collins I
Main Street, Near Postofflce !
M. Hayter,
Office over Wilson's Drug Store
Physician and sudgeon. I
L. A. Tollman, M. D,,
Uglow Building, Rooms 7 arW
Mutual rhouo Main 36. Bell Phot'
Main 541.
Attorney at Law f
Notary rmiLic; Abatracts j
Mill Street opposite Uglow Bltlg. j
FROM independence.
J nava Tmlnrierwlf-nee. dully ex. 8lllllllll. 1:? i
a. 111.; lv. Monmouth, 7:4f a. in.; ar. l)allu,B
a. 111. , j
Leave Independence, dally', 10:35 i. m,:li.
Monmouth, 10:51) a. m.j ar. Dallas, ll:l5.in,
Leave Independence, daily, 6:15 p. m.; It,
Monmouth, 6:l!0 p. m.; ar. Dallas, 6:55 p. m,
run airmk'. I
. ,..a .i.,...o amw i ai .! I
Leave i uuei-u-.i-."' '.-. "- - -
Monmouth. 7:40 a. m.: ar. Airlie. 8:l . m.
Leave Independence, daily, 8:30 p. m.; It j
MOlimOUlll, 3:ou p. ill.; nr. nil uc,
Leave Independence, daily, 2:15 p m.
n.llnd ilulllT n v HnnHftv. 9:15 8. 19.: lM
Monmouth, :40 a. m.; ar. lndepeudenw, ui
a. in. I
Leave Dulla.,, daily, 1 P- m. lv Memo.
l:25p.m.;ar. Independence, 1:40 p. m. (
train counecta at Monmouth for Airlie.) j
I cave Dallas, dally, 7 :S5 p. m.; lv. Nome f
8 p. m.; ar. Independence, 8:15 p. m.
' Leave Airlie, daily, 9a. nji
9;115a. m.; ar. Independence, 9:50 a . m.
train connects at Monmouth for Dallas.) t
Leave Airlie, dally, 5:05 p. m.i lr. M'4 1
5:40 p. m.;ar. Independence, 5:j6p j
Leaves Monmouth for Independence.dniW
2.M) p. m.
Salem, Falls Gty &
era Railway Co.
TIME-TABLE Ellective May 1
Dailj except Sunday.
i II F.l
Teats' Siding
.n.M .l
' 8:05
i M. f 1
East-Bound: ;
Teats' Siding
Williams.. ):,:f
Bridgeport t',
Trains Stop on Hignal only.
General M
t i-. s arm
L.J LJ yeves the Bowels
Best for Children Lj
For Sale by Druggists.
n . n ....
1 Roct far Phillrna r '-s r' - O.jrt -Bt...i Fven hr.nU LJ W
nru iiiuin uiuaauiii hip mwi - -
J. G. VanOrsdel & Son
Cimfccr ar.3 Tarn Hands and City Property.
Office on Court Street.
Dallas, Oregon.
aaCV. I-f -T-r-r rrr U iilUlM O Art 5RSBrOWJ'fwJr'
" ''f iyfusjQ j ' Brinch office. 626 F 8uW. "
l, atrlctly eoiiadeidW- fln,
aent free. Oldeat Jiiwt
Fatent taken throjenjgtM
tprrtoinotk. without cti-'. .
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver and
Chronic Constipation
Pleasant to talie
Cleanses the
thoroughly and
,n- Laxative Fruit Svran
f I
5 I