Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 21, 1906, Image 2

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    Folic County Observer
Published Weekly at 1.50 per Year.
8trictlv in Advance.
The -way to build up Dallas is lo pat
ronizf Dallas people.
F. J. Chapman Adds Carpet Sewinj
Machine and Other Needed
It is rumored that W. 8. U'Een will
be a candidate for United States
Senator when a successor to Charles
W.Fulton is to lie chosen. Ifhoisacan
didate, he will doubtless go before the
people on his record as an initiator of
legislation vesting greater powers of
popular government with the voters.
Should Mr. U'Ken enter the race, he
would prove a formidable candidate.
The people of Oregon have already
seen enough or hls.work to make them
know that he usually gets what he
wants. The fact is, Mr. U'Ren is the
biggest man in Oregon today. He
secured the adoption of tho initiative
and referendum ; he wrought an entire
change in the manner of holding
elections in Oregon ; he secured the
adoption of no less than a dozen im
portant state laws and constitutional
amendments in the last election, and
he made Jonathan Bourne the people's
candidate for United States Senator.
With the popularity and influence
gained in brinerincr about those re
sults, it is doubtful if any man in
Oregon is strongor than W. S U'Ren.
Senator Fulton has done nothing to
strengthen himself with the people
during his term of office, and it is
certain that he will have strong oppo
sition if he asks for the nomination a
second time. Mr. Fulton, it is true,
announced hi8 indorsement of many
of U'lten's Populislic measures, after
they had become laws, but this late
hour approval will avail him little in
the event that the next Senatorial elec
tion narrows down to a contest between
himself and Mr. U'llen. Tho Oregon
City statesman has not been working
up his game all these years for
nothing. He can give Fulton cards
and spades and still beat him at it.
An Eschweiler carpet sewing ma
chine is the latest addition to F. J,
Chapman's well-eriuinned furniture
factory and store in this city. This
interesting little piece or mechanism
does it work quickly and well, the
sewing being far superior to the old-
style hand work. It is the only
machine of its kind on the West Side.
and cost its owner $125. It is a ereat
time saver, and its purchase was
made necessary by a rapidly in
creasing carpet trade.
Mr. Chapman is steadily adding to
his stock to meet the demands of a
growing trade and now occupies two
floors of the Campbell block, in addi
tion to two large warehouses back of
the store. AVith the increase of his
business he has steadily added to his
facilities for manufacturing furniture,
and his output now includes nearly
all classes of house furniture. He
also does a large amount of up
holstering, his work in this iineleiug
of the very best quality. His next
addition will probably bo a machine
for the manufacture of bed springs,
of which lie sells several hundred
each year.
The axe-handle factory run in con
nection with his business is operated
to its full capacity, and more orders
are received for these useful articles
than he can fill. The handles are of
a superior quality of oak, and cannot
ue surpassed for shape and finish.
Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon.
Cook Wanted.
. Wanted, a cook, to commence work
not later than September 24: cood
wages. Da. C. A. Mock, Dallas, Or.
Bath Tub For Sale.
Good porcelain bath tub and 40 gal
ion tank for sale at a bargain. Sam
t KLDiiii, Riekreall, Or.
Wanted to Trade.
Wanted, to trade, five coats and one
cow for sheep. Ei Plaster, Dallas,
Lost or Strayed.
Lost or strayed, from Falls City.
my pointer dog; white with liver-
colored spots. lie ward for informa
tion leading to his return. Milt
Grant, Dallas, Or.
Teams Wanted.
Teams wanted to haul wood ; $4 a
day. Ld Cochrane, Dallas, Or.
O. R. & N. and S. P. Book Tells
About This Country.
President Roosevelt wires congratu
lations to Prosocutor Heney upon his
success in securing the conviction of
bo many land fraud operators in Ore
gon. The President might have
added a word of commendation for
the law-abiding peoplo of Oregon who
nave made these convictions possible.
Just a little word of confidence in
Oregon and her people would have
been gratifying, especially to those
Oregon politicians who have called so
loudly upon the voters to "Stand by
Roosevelt" every time there has been
a constable to elect. The voters have
"stood" all right, but the President
doesn t seem to appreciate it. Is it
possible that Strenuous Teddy looks
upon all Oregon people as scalawags?
rerisn the thought!
If possible, the Tassenger Depart
ment of the Oregon Railroad & Xavi
gation Company and Southern Pacifit
(Lines in Oregon) lias surpassed itself
in tne I'JOG issue of its new publication,
"Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
their resources."
The purpose of the publication is to
attract homeseekers and investors to
the Pacific Northwest and this publi
cation is undoubtedly the best mes
senger that could be sent by residents
of Oregon, Washington and Idaho to
their friends in the East and Middle
Beautiful half tones, printed on
superb book paper, make the publica
tion, which contains 88 pages and a
map of the section, a work of art, but
far superior to tho typographical
make-up is the contents of the book.
Under many heads covering practi
cally all the resources of the states
aro short, pithy stories of what has
been accomplished, not what might bo
done, but actual facts and ficrures ae
companied by names and addresses
or well known farmers, who aro dailv
laying aside an income that would be
a fortune to an Eastern Agriculturist
Wm. McMurray, General Passenger
Agent of tho O. R. & N. Co. and S. 1
Lines in Oregon has favored the
editor with a copy of this publication
and informed him that readers of this
paper by sending the names and
addresses of friends in tho East and
four cents in postage for each address.
may have tho book promptly mailed
to tho address given.
For Sale.
Seventy acres of land, improved, near
Bridgeport. 1 nam re of D. D. Bell.
Falls City, Or.
Angora Bucks For Sale.
Registered Angora Bucks for sale
at farmers' prices. II. S. Butz,
Dallas, Or.
Money to Loan.
LoansatG percenton First Morterace
Security. L. D. Biiown.
Wheat For Sale.
Wheat for chicken feed or seed for
sale at farm near Dallas. Clarence
State Superintendent Ackerman Will
Deliv er an Address on Friday
For Sale.
105 acre hill ranch, 3 miles north
of Dallas with buildings and stock.
Chas. Rheude.
The Polk County School-Children's
Industrial Fair, an event awaited
with impatient eagerness bv the
school-children all over the county
will be held in Dallas next week, be
cinnmff at noon on Friday. September
28tn, and closing at 3 o ciock .Satur
day afternoon. On Thursday and
during the forenoon Friday, the ex
hibits will be installed in the college
gymnasium, which has been secured
for that purpose, reople generally
are manifesting inteiest in the Fair.
and the business men of Dallas have
been very liberal in their contribu
tions of cash and other prizes. Dur
ing the progress of the fair there will
be interesting sports, and coo J music
will be provided for the entertainment
of visitors. State Superintendent
Ackerman will be present, and give
an address Friday evening.
Tomorrow morning in the office of
the county superintendent, tho men's
and women's committees on tho fair
will meet with committees from the
city council and LaCreole club to
make arrangements relative to the
coming event, and it is a foregone
conclusion that nothing will be left
undone that might contribute to the
success of this most worthy enterprise.
Two More Teachers.
The board of directors of the Dallas
public school met Wednesday night
and elected Miss Naana Forbes and
Miss Inez Allen members of tho teach
ing corps. Grades will be assigned to
all the teachers tonight. The board
decided to furnish a room in the
school building for the new oth and
10th grades and instructed Clerk
Campbell to purchase the necessary
furniture. The two new teachers
chosen are highly competent and their
selection will be pleasingto the patrons
of the school.
Wagon For Sale.
One now 2J wagon for sale
H nouns, Dallas, Or.
Principal Reynolds Urges Parents to
Interest Their Children in
School Fair.
Are you taking the interest in the
industrial Fair that will enable this
district to make a creditable showiug
September 28th and 2!th? Encourage
your children to do something to help
in making a fine display. You can
have the girls preparo jellies, canned
fruits, bako bread and cake, and
gather up their flowers and exhibit
samples of sewing. You enn havo tho
boys bring in their popcorn, sweet
corn, field corn, pumpkins, cabbage,
beets, onions, potatoes and any other
garden product that they may havo
raised. Boys and girls if vou havo
raised or prepared anything, bring it
in, even if you think you cannot get a
pi lzo. it may Help your school to win
the prize offered by Superintendent
Starr for the best district exhibit, a
Do not leavo the work for someone
else, for if you do the district will not
bo represented as it might havo been.
Of course it is too late to grow any
thing, but it is not too late to gather
what is grown and to make jellies,
etc. Bring garden truck, potatoes,
cabbage, etc, mid canned fruits Thurs
day, September 27th. Flowers, bread,
cake, on Friday morning, very early.
There are many valuable prizes offered
by the County Superintendent, as well
as the $100 in prizes offered by the
district. Yours truly,
Principal Dallas School.
Rye Grass Seed.
English rye grass seed foi salo nt 5
cents per pound; won first prize at
htate l-air. C. D. Nairn. Amity
R. F. D. 2.
Liver and Kidneys
It is highly Important that those organs
suouia properly perform their functions.
When they don't, what lameness of the
lde and back, what yellowness of the skin,
what constipation, bad taste in the mouth,
sick headache, pimples and blotches, and
loss of courage, tell the story.
The great alterative and tonic
Gives these organs vifjor and tone for the
proper performance of their functions, and
cures all their ordinary ailments. Take It.
Grant Robertson has gone to Port
land to reside. ,
T. J. Fitchard was a Eugene visitor
the first of tho week.
Tho last of tho big log drive passed
hero lastSunday. There was 12,000,000
feet of lumber in the drive.
Dean Goodman, of Pendleton, is
visiting friends here, on his way to
Corvallis, where he will enter the
O. A. C.
Mrs. Willard Ireland returned to
her home in Corvallis, Wednesday,
alter a weeks' visit at the homo of her
parents, Mr. ami Mrs. R. J. Taylor
There was a special meeting of the
city council Saturday night for the
purposo of considering police icgula-
IIOIIS. A. Illlsfnn xi'iici.I.int n( !.
council presided, and tho council
voted that tho marshal be instructed
to carry out all laws on the city ordi
nance books. This referred especially
to tho Sunday closing law, in con
sequence of which ail saloons kept
closed doors last Sunday.
Hop picking is progressing rapidly
in most of the yards. A number of
pickers havo returned to their homes
and several yards are working with a
snort crew, and in fact most all of the
yards could use more pickers. Tho
Hops aro being affected by tho lice
and mold and all growers are anxious
to complete tho harvest. Tho rains
and wind or last week caused many
vines to be down, which is provinsr a
fistray Notice.
Strayed, a buck kid: button in
right ear, No. no. Finder will please
nntuy iMRs. W. J. Farley, Dallas, Or,
Loggers Wanted.
Wanted, loggers to put in l2r,.onn
icet or oaK, belore October 15. Apply
10 niAiiTiN & JJlodgett, Dallas, Oreg
Fir Wood Wanted.
From 200 to coo cords of dry fir wood
wanted. Apply to Salem, Falls City
cv western Railway Co.
Gasoline Wood Saw.
We havo a gasoline wood-saw, and
are prepared to saw all kinds of cord
wood on short notice. Reed & Hayes,
Dallas, Or. Boll phone 333.
House and Lot For Sale.
Six-room house and lot. less than
one block from courthouse yard,
ioi sale cnonp. Pantry and bathroom
siif.pl ied with hot and cold water. In
quire at Observer office.
For Sale.
Winter oats and vetch seed: also
one large work mare, one colt, set of
rami Harness, ono farm wagon anrl
one light road wagoi. Dr. M. Hav
teu, Dallas, Or.
Farm For Rent.
Good farm of ifio acres. 41 miW
north of Dallas, for rent; (10 acres
good farming land, 90 acres of pasture
and 10 acres of hops. Will rent for
one or three years. Peter Hansen
lianas, ur.
Want Public School.
People living at tho sawmills and
logging camps in the mountains above
Falls City have petitioned Superin
tendent Starr for a public school. The
Willamette Valley Lumber Company.
the Oberer-Meyer Mill Company, and
others interested generously offer to
build a schoolhouse and nav a part of
the teacher's salary. Superintendent
Starr hopes to make arrangements
wnerehy the school will be provided
as a part of the Falls Citv district
About 40 children live in the leucine
camps and educational facilities are
badly needed.
60 Cents
We will pay you in trade
for every Hop Ticket.
II o P TIC K e t s
II O P T I 0 K E T 8
Our New Fall Goods are here, so
take advantage of this great offer
60 Cents
Horses For Sale.
I have a good gentle 1100 lb work
horse for sale; also good gentle mare
will weigh about 1050: also unhroke
o-year-old gelding broke to saddle.
Will sell all at a bargain.
H. G. Campbell
'oik County
Legal Blanks for sale at this office
Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable
DALLAS. nnTnnnw
I buv from Part
k Direct. Therefore our
prices are lowest.
a. tocKca
Auction Sale.
James Simonton. of Rirkreall. will
retire from farming this Fall, and uiii
sellhia livestock and implement al
public sale on Thursday, September
in is win ne your opportunity to
secure some line b ooded otrvt nt a
bargain. Don't forcet. tho Hnf
Timber Lands a Specilaty
If you have patented lands
or relinquishments to sell, list
same with me.
Office in Crider Building
Dallas, Oregon
School Children's Industrial
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28-29.
Come and see the Grand Exhibit prepared by Polk County's bright
boys and girls. Liberal Prizes in Cash and Merchandise, includ
ing a fine Howard M. Cable piano, will be awarded. : : :
Sept. 28-29
Sept. 28-29
g I -i
Two Majority for Water.
Only 45 votes were cast at the special
election held Monday for bonding the
town for $8,000 to put in a system of
water works. Ono ballot was marked
both yes and no, twenty-one against
and twenty-threo for bonding the
town. It is now up to the city council
to proceed in the matter of mni.nin.T
out the preliminaries and geUin?dottn
to business. Falls City Logger.
Handle Blanks Wanted.
K. Hill has leased thoDill
factory and wants to enntmnt f-
manks delivered at tho factorv n
win iiirnisii bolter and nav w
No. 1 nxe blanks and $10 for pin
blanks. In his absence, cnll mi n t
hwiter for particulars.
Auction Sale.
E. N. Branson will sell his livestock
and farming Implements at puLlie
auction nt the Silas Riggs farm on
Salt Creek, on Saturday. Sentemlier
29, at 10 o'clock a. m. The livestock
includes 15 fine dairy cows, choice
Berkshire hogs and Cotswold sheen
Freo lunch will bo served. Ei-member i
the date and be sure to attend if von i
wish to add some choice stock to your
A (ireat liar sain.
I have just secured a lot of very fine
cards at a great bargain, and until I
use them up I will make one dozen
flne:t finish cabinet photographs for
?j..u. i nave never used a finer card
on a ;l.oo per dozen nhoto. win
make groups and all kinds for ? nn
per dozen whilo thesecards last Don't
delay ir you want a bargain. All
iktn ti- ? 1 1 L.-v ... j. . i
. i w mane wiin my line
Dallmyer lens.
Neat Line of
added to my
Where Do You Buy Your
K w . -1 m
'A W
1 i
BallStOn - - - Oreonn
For Sale.
2 Wagons, sizes 3 and 2h
1 Buggy.
1 Set double buggy harness.
I Sot single bu ggy harness.
1 Set god team harness.
1 Work horse 1200 lbs.
1 line yearling colt,
3 Flows 10, 13. 11.
2 Double shovel plows.
1 Single shovel plow.
1 Disc reversible.
1 Mower and Hake.
1 Harrow.
D.illas, Oregon.
R. C. Craven, Pres.
W. G. Vassall, Cashier
3:11:: C i 1 7 lui
Exchanges boucht an .
in'iiiis. ssneciai attention tvoI .
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollar Ta -
-, ui cannot oe cored hi
F J.CHEXEYim.. tivo..,
we lae nnucisiened. hv k
'"mjtm, and believe him Ber
fectly honorable in all kn.;.. . .
and financially able to carry out aay obligv
tiona made by thrir firm.
n kst 1 rcax, w bolcsaleDrojrsista. TnW n
naii latairnt'orewtakenlnUni.n. -is
Should Buy them at the
Dallas Boot and
Shoe Store
Wq . it J"eraakeis. We make good a defective ;?hoe.. H
stor'es, bausowe0have"the mVLM newer aml bolter styles than general f
HMAMri. ... fWst ep then, e,;,nigaH tne.i, &
.r , Flm OHt we repaj.r them g
eryone. The long narrow g
a re
not a (m
4. We
congress, low slipp01"9 3
. and a g,,(1 H0 J, " ace, button, c
r . lir
1 W e can and do jrive hen ...i
-pair shoes .,,! tZ "
Yours for Footwear,
an general stoics ana
Dallas, Oregon.