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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1906)
COURT HOUSE NOTES. . PROBATE Estate of Mary S. Syron, deceased final account set for hearing October 6, 1906, at 10 a. m. Estate of William Ruble, deceased bond filed and approved; W. T. Pearce, Robert Glenn and Milo Lantz appointed appraisers of property in Polk county. Estate of Charles A. Mattison, de ceased F. S. Mattison appointed administratrix; bond fixed in sum of $15,000. Estate of Samuel Coad, deceased petition of Anna M. Coad, widow of deceased, to set oiT dower, set for hear ing October 8, at 10 a. m. Final ac count set for hearing October 13, at 10 a. m. NATURALIZATION. Francis Mercier, native of Belgium REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS W R Howe and wife to Ellen J Hub bard, lot in Dallas, $110. II B Flanery and wife to J J Matins, 8.25 acres in 1 6 8, r 5 w, $412.50 Glen O Grant and wife to J G Van Orsdel, land in t 8 s, r 7 w, $5. C G Coad and wife to J G VanOrs del, land in 1 8 s, r 7 w, $5. F J Coad and wife to J "tJ VanOrs- del, land in 1 8 s, r 7 w, $5. J M Grant, Sheriff, to T E Lyons, tax deed lot in Germantown, $1.28. United States to Geo T Hale, 1G0 acres in 1 8 s, r 8 w, patent. J G VauOrsdel and wife to Siletz Timber Co, 34G.10 acres in t 8 s, r 7 w, $500. J G Van Orsdel to Geo T Gerlinger, I int in 80 acres in t 8 s, r 7 w, $1. The Original A Clear Complexion and Bright Eyes In most eas!? a fallow, blotched eom- Folev A Co.. Chieairo. originated Honey and Tar ae a throat and lung I ph-sion aiid dull heavy eyes re due to remedy, and on account ol ttie great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are ol!ered for thegenoine. These worthless imitations j have similar sounding names. IVware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a vellow package. Ask for it and refuse any subftitute. It is the best remedy for coii?!i8 and colds. Belt & Cherrington. ixxir iiuiiirestion and an inactive liver. Orino Kruit Syrup aiils dijretim and stimulates the liver and tmwels and makes the complexion smooth and clear. Oriuo Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or grie and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. Dell A Cherrington. Notice I or Publication. Two 3-months-old pigs cost a Cor- vallis man $50. A Klamath county man complains of porcupineseating up his grain crop. SEND THIS BOOK EAST If possible, the Passenger Depart ment of the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Company and Southern Pacific (Lines in Oregon) lias surpassed itself in the 190G issue of its new publication, "Oregon, Washington, Idaho and their resources." The purpose of the publication is to uttract homeseekers and investors to the Pacific Northwest and this publi cation is undoubtedly tho best rnes senger that could be sent by residents of Oregon, Washington aud Idaho to their friends in tho East and Middle West. Beautiful half tones, printed on superb book paper, make the publica tion, which contains 88 pages and a map of the section, a work of art, but far superior to tho typographical make-up is tho contents of tho book. Under many heads covering practi cally all tho resources of the states are short, pithy stories of what has been accomplished, not what might bo done, but actual facts and figures ac companied by names and addresses of well known farmers, who aro daily laying aside an income that would bo a fortune to an Eastern Agriculturist. Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent of tho O. R. & N. Co. and S. P. Linos in Oregon has favored tho editor with a copy of this publication and informed him that readers of this paper by sending tho names and addresses of friends in the East and four cents in postage foroach address, may havo tho book promptly mailed to the address given. Pain From a Burn Promptly Relieved by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A little child of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn., was recently in great, pain from a bum on his hand, and as cold applications onlv increased the in flammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr. James N. Nichols, a local merchant, for something to Btop the pain. Mr. Nichols says: "I advised him to use Chamber Iain's l'u in Balm, and the first applicu tion drew out the inllammation am gave immediate relief. I have used this liniment myself and recommend it very often for cuts, burns, strains and lame back, and have never known it to (lis appoint. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Men Past Sixty in Danger. More than half of mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kidney and bladder disorders, usually enlargement of prostate gland. Tliis is both painful and dangerous, and roley s kidney Cure should be taken at the first sign of danger, as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rock Port, Mo., writes: "I Buffered with enlarged prostate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cme I feel lietter than I have for twenty years, although I am now 91 vears old." Kelt &. Cherrington. Starving to Death. Because her stomach was so weakened by useless drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary II. Walters, of St. Clair t., Coiumhns, O., was literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from useless ernes thai. 1 could not eat, and nit nerves so w recked that I could not sleep; anil not before I was given up to die was I induced to try Flectnc r.itters; with the womtertnl result that improvement began at once, 1 jos.t iHSW t l rl!n.l. Ort irii. A imoisI II. I'1 ..h. i Ii.'tvI- eivon Hii it' Ml.ittine i hi.'ii vi iit.ii.i- of liin init-inion l. ifco f.iml i-cwt i mpirl of lo 'wim. lh wl.l woof i;i ! N-forc kreiKU-r ntl Kmlifi at lVrtlnl.oriroii,oiici'U'iiiU r .v.. ismv. v.: K.twsrU If. r.. .. ivw to .1.. .,..)iu. ..iLitr ill N4. I. V. S., K. y " H- name ihe i..lioine wnnvn lo n' lus vi.mmo'is tv,.i.l.'iiee uiii ami I'li.tlv.illiMi f titt Uii.l. vu: otimd Kilo, of Kll t'lty. On uliv.. K.vl,l.iav. of Kails il". Otva.m tti.:irV Fuller, of "l hi lias, Orvson: Jolm MclK.iwI.t, of HalUs. OM.m. .U.i.KK.NON S. PKKin-KU. Keitl'lcr, I1 Notice For Publication. ard a complete cure follow!." health Tonic on earth. 50c. Guaranteed by IJvlt it Cherrington, druggist. TIMBFR LAN P. ACT .CE 3, l7 I'liitCil !( iKH'i OllilV, IVriianri. I'rrti'ii. AueuM li", l Xo!iii i horvliv eivi'ii Hihi in inmpliHiice Willi (lie irovisions of liio m l of l oiicnss 01 June K, l;S, riiliuot "An l (or I lie sale ol liinUr l in t-ill tin- Si des of California. Ore Ron, NVvada. a.i.l W a-htnition Territory." 'is ..Tumi. i, -I i.i ! nn I'uMii Uni'l Stale- tiy art ol Aut-iisi 4. !'. Murv K. Have, of I'all.-.s. ronniv of I'olk, Maw of Omron, has tins l:iv liltil in iliisottnv her sorn siaiciiionl No Next to Multnomah, Benton is the smallest county in Oregon. Klamath Falls merchants w ill pay out this fall approximately aiou.ikhi for freight. Dr. Finn's Testimony Interesting. Dr. Thomas Finn, of Boonsboro, Mo. who lias practiced medicine for 3'J years, says he has used every prescription known to the profession for treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, ami says he lias never found anything so effective in both chronic anil acute kidney and bladder trouble as Foley's Kidney Cure, It stops irregularities ami builds up the whole system. Jielt & Ulierrington. To Cuie a Felon" says Sam Kendall, of Phillipsburg, K in., just cover it over with liueklen s Arnica Salve and the Salve will do the rest." (Quickest cure for Burns, Boils, Sores, Scalds, Wounds, Piles, Kczema, Salt Kheum, Chapped Hands, Sore Feet and Sore Eves. Unlv I'm; at Belt A Cher rington 's drug store. Guaranteed. the itirliw of I In' N. W .' , ol V K. xvlion No. ," in Township No. T S.iuli. Kmiut No. 0 Wisl, aiM ttiH oiTer jirRi lo show thm the limit south! is more vnkiahlo for its timber or st.'iie thnii for nrn iiltiivai in:r'Ms. ami to establish heri 'aim to saui laiiil lielmo the founty t lerk of 1'o.k County, at Pallas, i irfeon. on' Tlmrsiiay, the l.-ili day ol Novem tier. liOi. She nanus as witnesses: i. I'. C niee. of I'alins. Oreeon: Klias Hmsliaw. of Pallns. Ore eon: William H;iyes, ol Pallas, .)rvi.'oii: Mili.inl Coulee, of p.-ilias. Orveon Any ii n. j all i'rins elamiine a.hersely the aliove ilesiTiUit laitis are rtsjiirsieil ti tile their I'liinns in this oilnv on or heiore s.ii.1 t'rtli Cay of November, l'A. Al.tiKUNON S. DRKSSKR. Keci?ier. On a little over a half acre of ground a Roseburg man raised 4,000 muskmelons. A second crop of alfalfa in Crook county went four tons per acre. WAS A VERY SICK BOY The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strongest animal of its size, the gorilla, also has the strongest lungs. Powerful lungs means powerful creatures. How to keep the breathing organs right should be man's chiefest study. Like thousands of others, Mrs. Ora A. Stephens, of Port imams, u., lias learned how to do this. She writes: "Three bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery stopped my cough ol two years and cured me of what my friends thought consumption. O, it s grand for throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed by Kelt & Cherrington. Iruggist. Price 50c and 1 .00. Trial bottle free. But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel com plaint, but by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy we brought him out all right," says Maggie Hiekox, of Midland, Mich. This remedy can be depended upon in the most severe cases. Even eholeia in fantum is cured by it. Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. The new creamery nearly completed. at Joseph is When two strong men come to blows. even it they are well matched, it la not pleasant sight, but if the man who gets the worst of it, will use De Witt's V itch Hazel Salve, he will look bette and feel better in short order. ISe sure you get DeWitt's. (.rood for everything a Palve is used for, including piles. Sold ny all druggists. Scores ofcar3 of sheep lieingshipped eastward from Ontario. In these days of rush and htirrv courtesy is often forgotten. In the mad pell niell rush of our life things are often done to ollend that we rather remained undone. A IiaHt.ily eaten meal and its reluctant headache may cause us social or iiuauciai loss. xne wise man or woman is the one who relieves little ills of this sort by a little dose of Kodol for I'yspepsia. It digests what you eat and puts your stomach back into shape. rioiu uy an druggists. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Orecon. for Polk County, )einrtiiieiit No. 2. JUUVina heiao. I'IhiiiIiii. vs. lleni v U. Kelso. IK'fcmlHiit. To Henry Ii. Kelso, the nbove-muneil defeinl ant: In the mime of the State of Oreiron: Von are hereby required to 0)ienr unit answer Ihe roin- iHHlnl nu n m'i-iiiiibi you in llie Hhove-enm leil Court nut Bint wit Inn 8ix weeks from the date of the lirst publication of this aminnons, to wit on or betore the JTtli (lav of October, 1VX; hihI if yon fail so to answer, for want thereof t lie plain Ii II will apply to the Court for n ileerei prayed for in said complaint, to wit: '1'hiit the marriage contract now and hereli f ire existing bet vvcin ii In I nl l II ami defeiidaiu be annulled n nd dissolved, and that plaiiitilt iniiy have s'ich nincr mm inri ner relict as to ihe court ninv seem meet and efpntnble in the premises. i ins summons, nv an orner ol tnu lion, i-.u Cond, .Inline of the County Court of the .Slate of Oregon for l olk Comity, made at Chiunhers lit nanus, Oregon, on the Mill day of Seiitcnil l!W(i, is served upon you by I lie publication increol lorn Iieiioitoi six consecutive and sue cessive weeks immediately prior to the ''7th dav of October, I'.HIC, in the 'Polk County Observer newspaper ol general (liculiition. nublishe.1 weekly at Pallas in said County. The (Into of tne Inst, publication of this summons lSKepiem tier 1 1. luuti. OSCAR HAYTEIt. Attorney for Plaintiff Citation. Notice for Publication. Dry-land farming becomes successful every year. more No one would buy a sailboat with sails that could not he reefed. There is always that possibility of a little too much wind that makes a cautious man afraid to go unprovided. The thinking man, whose stomach sometimes goes back on him, provides for his stomach by keeping a bottle of Kodol For Dy spepsia within reach. Kodol digests what yon eat and restores the stomach to the condition to properly perform its lunctions. oni nv all druggists. band Office at Portland, Oregon, September s, hum. Notice is hereby given that the following named sei tier has filed notice of his intention to make liinil proof in Mipport of his claim, and iiiaisinii prooi win bcinnilolM l ire Keeister am tieceiver til I'orlliind , Oregon, on October I'.IIHi, viz: Horace li. Pavies, H. K. No. Ki.777 for the S. 10. Sec. !;, T. S Kontli of tiinge y West He l oi 1 1 1 cm t'ie billowing witnesses to nrove ins coniinuoiis resilience iinoii unit eiilllvulioii oi nun mini, viz: t mines Appieeutc, ol liocca Oregon; Andrew Worn, ol Kocca, Oregon llicoilore I nn liigtou, of Kocca. Oregon; Cidlv r. ungues, oi j.occa, iiregon. AUIKKNON S. IIUKSSKK, Kcgii-ter. Notice For Publication. A considerable number of Jackson county fruitraisers aro boring for artesian water. Beautiful Women. Plump cheeks, flushed with the soft glow of health and a pure complexion make all women beautiful. Take a small dose of Herhine after each meal : it will prevent constipation and help digest what yon have eaten. Mrs. m. M Stroud, Midlothian, Tex. writes, May 31, 1001: "We have used Herhine in our family for eight vears, and found the best medicine we have ever used for constipation, bilious fever and malaria -Sold by Stafrin Drug (Jo. Fine apples of several varieties and some other Kinus or rruit were grown this year near Klamath Falls. Acts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy on Nature's Plan. The most success! ui medicines are those that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy acts on this plan. Take it when you have a cold nnd it will alh'.v the cough, relieve the lungs, aid ex pec toration, open the secretions nnd aid nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a wild o result in pneumonia. Price 'Jr cents Large size, f0 cents. For sale by Stafrii Drug Co. A Soap Creek farm bought a few years ago for $;1,CiH) was sold later for $11, GOO and more recently for $lG,ooo. Abscess. Abseesscss, with few exceptions, are indicative of constipation or debility. W. II. Harrison, Cleveland, Miss, writes, Aug. 15, 1!K)2: "I want to say a word of praise for Mallard's Snow Lini ment. I stepped on a nail, w hich caused the cords in my leg to contract and an abscess to rise in my knee, and the doctor fold me that I would have a still leg, so one day I went to J. F. Lord's drug store (who is now in Denver, O-olo.) He recommended a bottle of Snow Lini ment; I got a 50c size, and it cured my leg. It is the best liniment in the world. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. Two new storo buildinas will be erected in Dayton this fall. (rood for the cough, removes the cold, the cause of the cough. That's the work of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar the original laxative cough syrup. contains no opiates, .sold by all drug gists. J A lemon growing on a treo near McMinnvillo measures 12jxl3 inches. Department of the Interior, band Ollice at Portland, Oregon, September K, l'.KIl'i. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias tiled notice of Ins intention to make li mi I proof in support of disclaim, and thai said proof will be made before Ucjister and Keceiver at Portland, Oregon, on OcIoIht I. l!Ki. vi: Olive IteddawHV formerly Olive .May I'oll, II. K. No. l l,;:t-J for the S. of ". W. , anu i.ois ami I. sec. 1, r. s s. K. a w. Mie names the in lowing witnessed to nrnvp ner coin unions resit cl ee llnoii timl eu rivunon of said land, vi.: Conrad Kile, of Kails City, Oregon; r.uwani lieu, ol rails citv. Oregon V. V. Fuller. Dallas. Oregon: .1. D. McI),.iihI,I of Dallas, Oregon. ALoKKXON S. DKF.SSKK, Kegister. Y hen you have a cold it is well to be very careful about using anything that will cause constipation, lie particularly caret ul about preparations containing opiates. Use Kennedy 's Laxative I lom v and lar, which Btops the cough and moves the bowels. Sold by all druggists. ureal quantities or fruit vv 1 1 1 go to waste in various parts of western Ore gon. Well Worth Trying. V . H. Brown, the popular pension attorney, 01 I'll tsliehl, t., says: "Next to a pension, the best thing to get is Dr. King's New Life Pills." lie .writes: "They keep my family in splendid health." Quick cure for Headache, Constipation and Biliousness. IT) cents. Guaranteed at Belt t Cherrington 's ! urug store. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the nriilenii'neil ub administrator of the estate of Mary .1. Syron, oeceiiseii. nas men iiis Muni account In the l oiinly ( onrtof the State of Oregon, for Polk i oinity, and Unit aturdav, the tilh day of October, Intnl. at the hour of 10 o'clock in th lorenoon ol sum (lay. at the Court room of ih said CouutV Court, has liecli nnooiiileil l.v ilw. judge 01 saivl i ourt as tbe time and place for uie Hearing oi onieciions to the Mid In ml nc. count aud the settle men! thereof. JAMBS M. 8YROS, Administrator of the estate of Marv J. Svron.,1 Oscar Darter, Attorney, Dated and lirst published September 7, 90ti. Notice to Creditors. The spend house. t'aiiton school district will f3,000 improving its school The hixa ive effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree- able and so natural voii can hurdle realize that it is produced bv K medicine. These tablets also cure indigestion and biliousness. Samples free at Stafrin Drug Co drug store. Notice is hereby given that the nnilerii.ii..,l has been duly appointed adiiiinislriiliiv of rln esoue oi wnnani liuble, deceased, bv the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Folk County, and has oualilicd. All persons having claims against the s..t.l estate are hereby notified to present the same. uuiy vermeil, rogenier wim llie proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at her rvsiilciw.. in said t oinity. ilhiu m months from Ihe date oi i ins nonce. Dated and first published SeptemU-r 7 KI TH KCIil.K. Administratrix of the estate ol W illiam Kuble, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. l'.nx;. Notice For Publication. A bath cleanses the skin and rids the pores of refuse. A bath makes for lietter fellowship and citizenship. Not onlv should the outside of the lu cleansed, but occasional use of a laxative or cathartic opens the bowels and clears the system ol otl'ete matter. Best for this are Iei itt 8 Little Karlv Uisers. Pleasant little pills that do not gritie or sicken, old by all druggists. L You buy from Factory ' . X Direct. Therefore our t I prices are lowest. MT rnnTiiii).0l. TIMHEIt LAND. ACT JI NK S, 1S7S. 1'nited Stales Ijtnd Ollice, I'ortlaiid. Oreei n, A ugust ;!. pmtv. ot.iee is hereby (riven that in conipliamT with the provisions ol the act of Congress of June S, 7S. eiiliiliil "An act for the tale of timber lands in the Stap-s of California, Ore iron. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as exieiiueo loan r lie cnblie l and States by set of August 4. 1S'.'. James M. Ilurkhead. of Xew imrt, eoiiniy ol Mute of Oregon, bus ihit ray rneii in inisomce ins sworn slatement No. 7o.'7, lor the liurehsse of tbe .vnubeavt i. Northeast and lxil 1 snd 2 of SH'iion No. 2 ill T. .N.i. i S., Kange No. 7 W .. snd will onVr prool lo show Ihat the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural puriswes. and lo establish tin. i mini lo said land before llie Kegiier and Kei-eiver of Ibis ollice at Fori 'and, Oregon, on Thursday, Itv Mh day ol KfemlT. !.. He names w ilnes-es: J. X Kiee, of Clats kanie. Orevon; F. C. W bitten, of Portland. Ore gon; C. S. Itrysnt, of I'orlUnd, firegoti; 11. A. Utiggan, of Ingiis, Oregon. Any aud ail h i. us .aiintnr Iverselr Ihe alve--leTiUsl lands are ns)invnsl to tile Ihoir risims in lliiaoitiiT on or U fi re said Mh dav of Nort-iuber, 1:4.. ALGERNON li. PRFSSFR. I lirfllUT. In the County Court ol the Slide of Oregon, for the Comity "of Folk. In the matter of itie etate of Morris Junes, deceased, i its. ion. To Isaac Hugh. s. KlUui Morris, Charlotte Kolierts, Anna Roberts, Morris Hughes, David Foulkes. Mary W liwler. KoU-rt Foulkes, ( hirk Hastings. Cliarles Hastings, l.r Farr. Mary Carr, Thomas (ones. William I.. Joins. John F. Jones, J. II. Jones. Jennie K. 1'rii e. Kob Tt Jones, Cliarhs A. Jones, Ttionisis Jones, Pinn Jones, Louisa Howell. Mary Woolrieh, Lizzie Miller and Jennie iieidr. liret ting: in the Name of the Mate of tregon. You are hereby oiled and re.ptired to apj-ar in the County Conn oi the .-;a:e of Oregon, for the County of ihe Conn U.kiui iheieof. at Dallas in ihe lo. ntv of Folk on Saturday, the 2Jd day of epteu-.ivr. U.. at Id o'clock in I lie 1 fori noon of thai d:.y, then and there to show cause, if any there be. why Ihe petition ol the Adnliuitrator. praying n order directing htm to sell the life eiaie oi Tabitha Itugs. Idlin g ing to llie estate ol said Mom- Joiu-s, defeased, ill the nreinises deseiii-i ssfoie-ws: Bi ginning nt a Miint -jy.77 r iiains North of the Soinheiisl corner of the lonation IjukI Claim of S. A. Bow man. No. ol. in Township :t South, of Range f West of tlie Willamette Meridian, in llie Comity n( Polk and Slide of t ireg. m : Ihenee North :!. pi chains, with the Fast boundary line of said claim; thence West l'.i.'.m chains; thence North I3.!"0 chains: thence West l;f.;il chains to the Westerly boundary of said Donation Land Claim: thence skmth a dcg. :t! minutes Kast ss ion chains, to the true comer of said claim: thence South J? deg. e7 minutes Fast 17.1.'.' chains; thence East "d u'l chains, to the place of beginning, mid containing Mi acres, more or less, and that gale thereof may be made at private sale. Witness: The Hon. K.I F. Cos I Judge of the County court of the Slate of Oregon, for the Comity of polk with the Seal of said Court nllixed. this II day of August A. D. P.i. (Seal) Attest: K. M. SMI I II, Clerk. By A. N. Uolinau, lieputy. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the County Court for Folk County. Oregon, appointed ndininistr:.lrix of ihe esiaic of T. I'. Jack, deceased, and that .letters of ad ministration have beenoluly issued to her. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same with , vouchers, to mc ill the residence of K. X. Hall, Dallas, Oregon, within six mouths from this date. Dated July J7, lyofj. SARAH F. JACK", Administratrix of the estate of T. P. Jack, deceased. Notice For Publication. TIMBF.K LAND, ACT JFNE 3, PCS. United States Land Ollice, Forlhiiid, Oregon. July 1G, PkhI. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June a, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber hinds in the States of California Ore gon, iveviuia, anu vtasiinigion Territory, as extended loan the l'ublic Lund States by act of August 1, ism, Mahala E. llinshuw. of Fulls City, county of Polk. State of Oregon, haa this day tiled 111 this ollice her sworn statement No (ii, for the purchase of the 8. W. of N W. '4 of See. No. I 111 I ownsllip No. 8 S., Hnnge No. 7 W., nnd will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its limber or stone man lor agricultural purposes, and tu establish her claim lo said laud bo fore the Register and Keceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, the ,ith day of October, lmnj. hbe iiiiines as witnesses: Lee Humphrey, of lianas, Oregon: tieorge F. Coulee, of Dallas. ..)!. hi, 1-,. ti. niiisnaw, 01 :iauas, Oregon James Magcrs. of Dallas, Oregon. Any and nil nersoiis claiuiin.' adverselv ihe alHive-described IiiiuIb are recpiested to lile their ciuims 111 mis oniee on or lielore said fit 11 day of October, P'lKi. ALliERNON 8. DRKSSKR, Register. THE JOY OF LIVING CAN UK FUIXY F.EALIZED WHEN TOC ENJOY COOP HtAUin r n ll l Jt IJ If 6l..M.. r m nrY i r m 11 k c. .11 r The Popular Liver Medicine Will Keep You Well A GUARANTEED CURE for all diseases produced by TOR PID LIVER and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill your system w th Arsenic. Calomel and Quinine. They act as rank poisons, which i S the blood, debilitate the system, and leave a tral of bad symptoms which require years to obliterate. HEKB. INE is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic poisons! is absolutely harmless and is the simple remedy of nature It carries off all poison in the system and leaves no injurious effects. CURED BY HERBINE AFTER OTHER REMEDIES FAILED Mr. li. A. Hicks, Iredell, Texas, says: " I was sick in bed for eight months with ltver trouble, the doctor seemed to do me no Kood. I was told to try Her bine, and it cured me In a short time. I cannot recommend this wonderful medicine too highly. TAKE IT NOW! LARGE BOTTLE. 50c GET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. !0M, A'm,KVATUlv7 DALLAS, "M,,, ATTOKV AT WW J';i- CAB, , A J M'HNKY AT l,AW N- I, V Oflii DALLAS, p"vor Dalimc,.,, SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY ff- l y J ifS STAND FIRM 'Mien you buy an OILED SUIT ok SLICKER demand Tt s the easiest and only way to get the best Sold everywhere Boardlni; nnd day school for younir liiitles. Music tl.rsclitlzky method ), Art: Cnmplnt Academic Course: special imliicements. For inrorniation address Sister Superior. IrN-TITLJTE Slnily tck'srnpliy nml fit your self for saliuii'ii position, with iinpatTilli-lod opportunity for ad vancement, ltailroail cnnslrtio tion now under way makes crcat demand fur trained oper ators. Takes only 3 to 5 months to learn. Tuition, 3 mos., Write for rataloff. Pacific Tel irr.'iph Tnslitnte, 5th floor. Com monwealth bldy., I'ortlaiid, Or. LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Citation. In the County Court ol llie Stale r.f iiroirmi rniK i ouiiiy. In the matter of the estate of Marquis I. llolibitis. di'easi.l. lo l.ucy A. K.jIjWiik, John K. Rohhins, ;. II. RobliliiH, Mary llciinis. Ollif Karlev. Cnrrie skin. Ion, Kulpli CRHi-y, Maud Miililig, Williiim Tatiim, vit-.Hiu tiiuHi-i, .uny i.niiiiiiH'ii, r.uu Kraher. . K. hlliH, Iwrtha KUis. Cora Miser. Km.. Klliott, Krtil Tntom. Thomas TaLoni. MrL- Tiitoin, Wii. nc Tutoin, Jetwie Tatoni. Itiehanl Ii Taloin, the next of kin ami all persons interested in sain esiaie. Known ami uiiKnoivii. Hreetine : In the Nami'ol the Mate of Orpt'on : Von ,.r ncreny iiteu mill reiimreil lo ai.neiir in the County Courl of the Slate of On-fron, for the County ol I'olk. Hi Ihe Court mom thereof, i.l Unlhis, in the County of I'olk. on Satnrd.iv St'iiteinlM-r liHm, at IDo'clock ir. the fun of that day. then and there to show cause if any yon have why the prayer of the petition of administrator of the above named estate akinp inai an oroer oe iiuiiie aiiuioriziiiir riim to sell the hereinafter deserilied real properly beloii;. ing to said estate tie not granted, to-wit: He. ginning at a ioint ;ij links Kast and 'J.0I ehs. iNorth ol the W.rornerof the I). I.. C. nf Au Khreve, Not. No. Hit', Claim No. ii. in T.7S.U W. of the Will. Mer. thence Kat . i:i r, ni thence South 11. (ij cha. thenee North 7S degrees i minutes hat-l J...i2 chs. thence South s mi ... thenee West :w.l:t ehs. thenee North l.r).::7ehs tii place of beginning, excepting therefrom the emetery anil road thereto. dewrilaKt as begin ning ai a iNiiui 2.09 ehs. South ami c. noelm i.i ol 'the Southwest corner of said Shreve I). I,, c tbenw Knst .;. feet, thenee South 118 feet thenee West ifj feet, thenee North lis feet to place of iH'giiining, said roadway beginning from the north w-l eorner of the hist mI,i .1.;. serilied tract Hoiilh ,ri7'i feet to North side of said road, thenee South 4"i degrees W est S .SO ehs South :M'.I chs. lo miihlle ol the Conn'.i-rr.n.i running from linllas to Hixie: the Imnl fi..r..i to be sold being :.".X! acres, more or less. Also ine ioriii nan in me -Minncasi niiHrter of s.. -ii. Hie Kasi half and the northwest quarter nnd the North hall of the Southwest quarter of Sec SI, and lots :!, t and h and the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter ol See. 1-L Also Ia'i7iiiliiii.r at tl.e sl,uiili..aut ..... of the John I'ankey I). L. U. Not. No. .".Mo, claim .o 4i, llienee Mirth :t SI ehs. theni West .v ;) ehs. thenee South S SI ehs. then. e kki v ji.7r, to place of beginning, excepting and reirving therefrom the following: Beginning at a lKiini M clis. Norlh and h ii ehs. West of the South ast corner of aid I'ankev I). I. : tl.. ne 1. i:t ehs. thenee W est 7 eha. llienee .,rih i i -I,. thenee Hast 7 rhs. to place ol beginning, nil of last ileseriUM lands being in Townshin -. s..... i. of Hange i West of the Will. Mer. in P..U- onnty, Oregon ami eoiitaiiiinu in ail 7i m acres more or les. Witness: The lion. Kd F. Coad, Judge of the County Courl of the State of Oregon, for the Comity of I'olk. with the seal of said Court ailixeo. this pith till) OI AllgllM, A Ii . I'M, Attest: . M. SMITH. I lerk Jennings I-mle, Ao. !), stated eoniniiinii'titioiiH, iSecotnl unci Kmirili Friihivfi of each month OsfAlt J i S YTKIl, V. Ml J. 0. IIaythh, Sec. Ainsworth (Ilinpter, Xo. 17, R. A. M., Btateil W'.iiviHtiitmn, L'im First timl tliinl rridays of cnuli month. Ohoaii Haythii, II. P. Simoxto.n, Pen. Haomi Chaiiter, No. 23, 0. K. S., stated meetings .Seuond and Fourth Tues days of each month. ill(s. ,Iai!;ai:i:t IIayi'i-ii, V MltS. i'.U'l.INK Williams, Sch m! M. I. 0. 0. F. :-T5-' -. BrH'iitlshii) I.o.ltre,, meetF -Sf ''vcty Saturday evenin' in I. 0. tl. F. Hall. COXR.M) S'I'AKinx, N. ii. W. A. Ayhkh, Roe. Sec. IjaCreole Em-ainptnent, No. 20. meets "Second and Fourth Monday of each month. J. K. Siki.e y, C. r. A. V. Tkats, Scnhe. rrlmira Lod;e, No. 2(1 "every Friday evenin Mrss H. of R iy evenniL'. Fyiha ('amim'.i:i,i,, N. Q. .MlSS KvANiiKI.IXK IIaut, meets Sec. Woodmen of the World. fVlliis Camp, No. 20ft,. meets in Otstle hall ii their in tho Woodman Iniildini: every Tuesday evening. 15. M, (iuy J. U. W. G. Vassau., Wood man istletoe Circle, No. 33, W. C n I heir hiiildintf every Wednesdity eyennii;. Mkh. Kmma Kuiihi.akh, G. N. 15. M. Guy. Clerk. Knights of Pythias AliMION JjODOE, JNo. !)(!, Jv. Of 1'. Miots cvorv Mondiiv cvonintr in it Citstlo Hull in Woodman buililing Visiting Knicclits uro wolcoino. . M. A. Foil n, 0. 0. G. L. Hawkins. K. of It. S. yTTOItNi:YATuW Ofjfitv I DALLAS, -- LEGOS' Attohnky at law I B. F. JONES I OllK'oiiiCooppri,,, j .NDia-ENIlFNc,, . 01;EG! A TTOHNEY AT LAW ( " I Collins ! Mn,in SMvet, Near Postnfe JIALJiAS, I) KNTIHT. M, UBBGU : s IIaytri:, Wilson's Drug Sim Office over DALLAS, IIYNI(!IAN AND St HtlKON. L. A. 1(),!,MAN, Mi D1 j Ilfilow liiiildinp:, Rooms, 7 1,' Mutual I'liono Main 30. Boll flm Main 511. f DALLAS. OltEGO' A. 0. U. W. Union Lnds;t!, No. 35 Meets First j and Third Wednesdity of each month. L. Fenton, M. W. John K. Smith, Fin. frystal Lodure, No. 50, D. of ll., nieetir Fitstand Third Wednesday of eatth month. Mas. F. J. Coad, C. of II. Mits. Ko. F., Fin. kELIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIG1IT RIDE IZZY CI!A(!S FEEP CANONS United Artisans. rjpseiiilily No. 4(i meets Fir.-it "Third Tuesday of each month. Willis Simonton, M. A. and Fraternal Union of America Ijodge No. 141 Meets Third Tuesday uf each month. W.J. WAONKIt, F. M. Mrs. S. K. Morrtson. Sen. Knights of the Maccabees. MORE SCENIC ATTRACTION: Than Any Other Lino in the W, Tho Only Linn Passing Thronsb j SALT LAKE CITY En route to or from the East I Choice of 2 Routes Throu the Heart of the RocKies I Equipment, and Service Unsurpaw. Write or call on the tuiilersitfiied N information and descriptive literatnf W. C. McP.HI Di:, General Ageni 121 Third St. PORTLAND. - - OBIWi I'allas Tent, No. 3, meets Second 2ir a"d Fourth Thursdavs of eatih v month in I. O. O. F.hall. Dit. Mark IIaytkk. S. K. Com. I. N. Woods. K. K. Tila Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M., meets "on Second and Fourth Thursday nfler. noon of each month. Mrs. Kittib N. Milleii, L. C. Mrs. Hosb R. K. $2 00 fays tor the OBSERit. aiidtlie weeKiy urep"" one year. In ordertuta atlvnntago of this liberal offer, j subscription to the Observer must t paid up to date. Siihscribe'DOW. f this $60 Machine for $25 FREIGHT PREPAID. " js high-arm, drop iiuuu, unn oi'arins, mick stltoh, double feed, clf tlireadlng shuttle: baa automatic bobbin winder and other lateM improve ments. This is the ANTI TRUST MACHINE. It Is the same machine agents are asking you JC0 for. All attachment? go with each machine. Sold for only fS ranh nnri f;l mnnlhlv Write TDD1T for free FIIRHItiirp RiTiinnnc ahiiu inir elegant household goods we will i-hip (Freight Prepaid) on Easy Paymentt our new CREDIT plan. Gevurtz Furniture Comoanv 1Ta.7 Plrt St.. PORTLAND. OK. SalemFalls City & Wesj ern Railway Co. j TIME-TABLE I'.llective May 1. Dnilj fxi'i'pt Siiinly. I Wi'St-Ilotiitl: Lv. I1ALLAS Tents' .Siilinjr. (illliflins HridKcport... Ar. FALLS CITY .. East-Bon ml: LV. FALLS CITV... Ton lb' Siding. Uilliains Bridgeport Ar. DALLAS .... A.M. ' 7:30 l-i 7:46 ;- 7:19 i;i 7:55 ...8:05 l:l t A.M. f ...10:00 ... W W f .'.'..10:10 K ....10:16 'f ...10:1) 'i Trains Stop on Signal only ...,I?D If L (iEltUW'11"'' General W UI2 PSIA CUE J. G. Van Orsdel & Son ll DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT j Tho $1.00 bottle contains 24 timmthe trlalaize, which sells for 50 eatt f UrKBPAPED ONLY AT THB UBUMlon. 5 E. C. DeVVITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO. Di For Sale by Druggists. I DEALERS IN Cimicr and Tartn Cands and City Property. w. J. STOWE, Truckiusin, Dofs hauling or all kin Js at reasonable rates. HAIJJia. ORPnriM Uitla Early Hlsers Tho famous l.ttla pUls M N B . Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. ft i -.NS COPVBISK r DESIU"-. Anyone senrtlng "J' "f. nulekly aseertiuii cur op" r liiveiilion Is prnf"i,'TP? uiNPBPOJ i liniissirlctlycmithleii sent free. ( H.lest Jj-'e"rV ""unn f t-Bi eiu '"';,.',. -.hnrse, m L I A honrlanmp V I ii'"" i... .Midi. ' mm nn sBiBrMjiis. urmicu Cures Eiliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to talle ;tet3 . 1. CVS Cleanses i thoroughly andrf j Laxative Fruit Syroo pimples ana - It is guar Fo: r Sale bv BFT T Xr runr-, r- ,