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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1906)
0 eouttiy Observer flour buy It and ninorv butter tit lolvvoou j C. Uglow wftS ft Iortlan(1 vlsitor' ;STtcy's,ailt9 11,18 'lUkinl3 0r frult8 r,....i Tlclow was a l'ortiand visitor. Saturdny. " L D. Brwn' for Ab8trncta- Notftry 'rubiio;typ"writin?- If its cigars and tobacco you want, ,,,,11 on Tracy Staat9. c L Hopkins, or Falls City, was a t1Mrillvisitor'F,iday- : Fresh oysters for Bale ly the pint or !qllartattheralm Caro. : . freB, lino of Aldon's candies just 'received! Tracy Staats. ' Prof A M. Sanders left for his new ! bome in Ashland, Tuesday. Hon J E. Sibley was a buslnoss s visitor In Portland, Monday. How io yu lik0 yoar "rromotcr?" bo you think it will promote? The Observer office wants the prlnt- ing you are particular about. f Sheriff J. M. Grant Is attending the ! Sheriffs' Convention In Salem. penoche and nugate, also a full lino I of home-mado candies. Kersey's. ah kinds of soft drinks kept on ice atTrhcy Staats' confectionery store. I 9 your grocor for Bluostem j Blend the famous hard-wheat flour. Sol Blessing came down from I Albany and visited his family, Friday. I Wheat receipts, load checks and hop I tickets printed on short notice at this I office. fry litih of tho famous Wash- ington Ice Cream at Staats' Ice Cream parlor. George W. Haynes arru (. W. Clark, of Bullston, wore Salem visitors, Sat urday. A full line of Aldon's chocolates at Kersey's. A neat Ice cream parlor. Kersev's. 1 Every wifo should try Bluestem I Blend Hour, made by the Itickreall Milling Co. I Federal Judge C. E. Wolverton fvisited his aged mother In Monmouth over Sunday. Use Bluestem Blend flour once, and you will uso no other. For sale at your grocers.' Try our Sunday dinner. It Is es pecially good and only 25 cents. Tho Cottage Hotel. A, N. Holmnri, deputy clerk of Tolk county, was a. business visitor in Portland, Monday. Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-improved farms. Sibley & Eakin. C. B. Bhodos, local manager for the Willnmetto Valley Company, spent Sunday in Portland. Nut Frappo and crushed fruits served with ico cream at Traoy Staats' confectionery store. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hoi lister and Deputy Sheriff E. V. Dalton visited friends at the Krebs hop yard, Sunday. Ralph Carter. Journal. Leave orte 2 Cherrington'B drug store. TrI!,ieDinl)al.lll88t0Patthe Cottage ;.Z " "cia88 rooms. Excellent "u,Duro' wHsoDiibio rates. County Clerk E. M. Smith issued license to wed to A. B. Hubbard and Lola M. Whitman, Wednesday. KB. Conover, tho veteran editor of the Dayton Herald, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Fisko, Sunday. I will continue to handle Swetland & Son s Ice Cream. If yoil want the best call for Swetland's. W. R. Elus. For as good a line of fishing tackle wT:"1 for the at W. 11. Ellis confectionery and ciRar store. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick spent Sunday afternoon visiting the big hop Holds across tho river from Independence. The Dallas Steam Laundry has a wagon. A call from you over the telephono will bring it to your door for your laundry. Frank Lucas, a former Monmouth postmaster, was in Dallas, Wednes day. He Is engaged in tho real estate business in Portland. W. R. Ellis, agent for the Oregonian and Telegram. Leave your order and have it delivered to your door by tho day, week or month. I have just received a fresh line of "Lowney's" famous chocolates and bon bons in pound and hair pound packages. W. R. Ellis. Do you like to have your collars broken on the edges? If not, send them to the Dallas Steam Laundrv. They will do them right. Don't forget those fine photos on very fine cards, at $2.50 per dozen. Bust, full figure or group. This is a special. T. J. CHERRINGTON. Mr. and Mrs. Al Wegor, of Burley, Idaho, are visiting at tho home of Mrs. Nancy Brown. Mr. Wegerand Mrs. Brown are brother and sister. The Dallas Steam Laundry Is now at work in tho old laundry building on the college campus. Call and get their prices. They will please you. Ben Burnett, of Seattle, visited his mother, Mrs. Henry McCarter, and his sisters, Mrs. J. C. Shultz and Mrs. Charles Leman, in Dallas this week. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs TJglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. State teachers' certificates have been granted to Edward E. Coad, or Hood River; Mary Neal and Velma Ground, or Monmouth, and Harry B. Blough, or Ballston. William G. Dwight, editor or the Holyoke, Mass., Transcript, is making a tour or the Pacific Coast and was a guest at the home or Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barnes, Tuesday. Mrs. Clara Burson and Miss Josepha nolmes drove up from McCoy and visited rrlonds in Dallas, Saturday. Mrs. Burson will return to her home in Malheur county in a rew days. The OnsEKVER office received an order this week for a job of 210,000 copies tho largest single order ever booked by a Polk county printing house. The big fast press will make short work or it. v.!If3;W;F;Nichol8'or Falls .City, visited relatives in Dallas, Monday Miss Bertha Collins desires to an bounce that her new Fall and Winter street hats are now on display. Sho w 1 hold her Fall opening or dress hats on Friday and Saturday, Sep tember 21 and 22. Miss Opal Hall, who has been spending the Summer with rriends In Alaska, is at the North raciiic Sani tarium where she underwent an oper ation Tor uppendicitis Monday. At a late hour she was ronnrt.-ri uo comrortably.-Tuesday's Oregonian. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ormsby, or Port land, came out Saturday and spent Sunday with Mrs. Ormsby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Belt. Mr. Ormsby holds a responsible position in the general offices or tho freight depart ment of the Northern Pacific railroad. Independence West Side. Trofessor H. St. Hele n. nur Pinnrt piano tuner, will bo in Dallas a few days in the first and third week of each month. Person sdesirinir done will ploaso leave orders at L. D. camels store headquarters for Allen & Gilbert-Ramakor Co.'s pianos and organs. L. D. Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCarter. of Heppner. visited at the homo or his rather, Henry McCarter, west of Dal las, this week. He says business is lively in eastern Oregon and Heppner Is enjoying its full share of Drosneritv. Mr. and Mrs. McCarter will visit the State Fair berore returning home. Cleave Woods was sent up rrom the Independence Justice Court, Satur day, to the county jail for assault and battery aud for carrying a concealed weapon. For carrying the weapon the fine was $25 and the battery $10, for which ho is now doing time for the state at $2 a day. Fred J. Oberer, conerai manaeror of the Oberer-Meyer Lumber Company, passed through Dallas. Wednesday. on his way to Portland on a business trip, lie says the new sawmill is ready foroperation and that shipments of lumber over the Dallas and Falls City railroad will be commenced in the near future. The mill is located In a fine body of timber, and a market is awaiting all tho lumber that can be produced. Fire broke out in the frame building occupied bv the Palm Restaurant Monday night, and for a few minutes a bad blaze was threatened. The fire men responded promptly, but held their apparatus in readiness while C. W. Matthews subdued the flames with his chemical extinguisher. No water was thrown into the building, and the dainacre to the restaurant and Daniel's wallpaper store next door was nominal. The lire started rrom a gasoline range. A. H. Harris, the well-known loweler jinrl nnt.ieian. has added a fine line of pianos and organs from tho Eilers' 1'iano House at iortianu. Medium and high-grade instruments at the lowest possible prices. Old instruments taken in exchange. We have some good second-hand instru ments at bargain prices. William Caldwell will have charge of this de partment. A square deal for every body is our motto. A. H. Harris, Dallas, Oregon. On Main Street near Postoffice. If you want to see the Swell Styles in adies' Coats a n Walking Skirts Call now at any time. We are showing the largest line in the County and our Prices are far below city prices. We are opening up new goods daily, and we can truthfully state that better merchandise than we are showing this season can not be obtained in this vicinity. THE BEE HIVE STORE ..... AST Pl" ' " Council meeting nextMonday night. J. G. Van Orsdel was a Portland visitor, Wednesday. Rev. Chester Gates, ot Brooks, was a Dallas visitor, Monday. Falls City will vote on the water works question next Monday. Mrs. Glen Butler, of Butler, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaw this week. H. R. Patterson, or Portland, visited a rew days at his old home in Inde pendence this week. Not many Dallas peoplo have attended the State Fair this week. Too busy picking hops. Tracy Staats has almost entirely recovered rrom his recent illness and is able to be in bis store again. Miss Pearl Clark, or Portland, was tho guest or Mrs. J. E. Beezley and Miss Retta Campbell this week. Mrs. Lu Magruder returned to Port land this week after an all-summer visit with relatives iu Polk county. Hood Craven, tho Monmouth hard ware merchant, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Craven, Sunday. The heavy showers or rain havo not damaged the prune crop, .and good progress is being made in caring Tor the fruit. Mrs. Josie Trask, ot Falls City, is dangerously, ill with appendicitis. Mrs. Trask is a daughter or Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Moses, or Corvallis. Tho members or the Woodman orchestra are requested to meet in the Observer office next Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. J. C. Hayter, manager. The mail service on tho new Port land passenger train is a great con venience. No other town in the Willamette Valley has as good mail service as Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davenport have moved into one of Dr. Ilayter's cottages on Levons street, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lawton having moved from there into the east end of town. Charles Hayes, one of Dallas' skilled carpenters, has completed neat book shelves for Oscar Haytcr's law office. Mr. Hayter has added one hundred valuable books to his library which is now among tho largest in the Willamette Valley. The trial of State Senator Tierce Mays, W. N. Jones and George Soren- son for conspiracy against Gov ernment resulted in the conviction of the defendants. The jury was out less than two hours. A petition is being circulated ask ing tho city iatners to proniun tne operation or laundries within the con fines of the residence district, and is being generally signed. Or XT. m&i: iW; in f WAIT! (fh i -i 4. i r n mm M IcH A e'lS-'sTE R N -FINE CLOTHING MlCHMU. STCDH CO. ..Ml).... g. f We ask that you wait until you have seen our handsome Fall Suits before making your selection. DON'T BUY IN A HURRY Best we've ever seen for the money. Better than you've ever seen, unless you have already been in. They came out of one of the best Tailor Shops in this country, Tho Michaels-Stern Fine Clothing among the best in the world. Tho cut is new, the fabrics are handsome and if you look at these Suits, we'll get your Suit Money, sure. 8 r 8 s 3 3 3 it If you don't look at them you'll miss the BEST. In any event, it will be better to wait until you have seen our Fall Suit show. Uglow Clothing House LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING ' AND FURNISHING GOODS A New Arrival. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Starr are the proud and happy parents or a new nine-pound boy, who arrived this morning. Congratulations are in order. Makes Fine Record. At the semi-annual meeting Sep tembers, the directors or tho Inde pendence National Bank declared a dividend or 5 per cent, thereby making a total or $50,000 that has been paid out in dividends since the organization or tho bank. "The cap ital stock is $50,000; thus it will be seen that each stockholder has been paid back the full amount invested This has been the result under the careM management or H. Hirsch berg, president, who has served in that capacity since its organization, and C. W. Irvine who has been cashier for about 11 years. Independence West Side; For Sale. 2 Wagons, sizes 31 and 2;. 1 Buggy. 1 Set double buggy harness. 1 Set single buggy harness. 1 Set good team harness. 1 Work horso 1200 lbs. 1 fine yearling colt. 3 Plows 10, 12, 14. 2 Double shovel plows. 1 Single shovel plow. 1 Disc reversible. 1 Mower and Rake. 1 Harrow. FRANK ROWELL, Dallas, Oregon. ENGINE FOR SALE. Tho Observer office has for sale a Fairbanks-Morso gasolineengine, one and one-half horse power, with auto matic sparker attached. The engine has been used but little, and is in good condition. Our only object in selling it is that we desire to install an electric motor as soon as the new power station is completed. We cannot guarantee delivery of the engine berore October 15. The outfit cost new $155, but will he sold at a good bargain for cash. Here .is an opportunity for some country publisher who cannot obtain electric power to got away from the hard work or kicking his job presses and turning his newspaper press by hand. The machine would be suitable ior a rarmcr'a purposes or ror some small manufacturing concern. Call or write ror price. I 3 3 it it it it 3 3 it 8 it MILL STREET. ,.,,,-,-J..r-..wt-:-i- x-tt xr; s x-k c r is X a iJtxxx jcjrwm- " L. F. SAVAGE The new music man in the small goods department in the Allen & Gilbert Ramaker Co's. Music Store has added many new features to his business and prides himself in carrying tho very best line of Violins Guitars, Banjos, etc., tho market alVords. He is adding daily to his sheet music department, which he hopes soon to have complete. Our repair department is now comploto. Bring your repairs iu. .". SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED INJ r- ruriic u.nnrlntnr 0.17 f!rm niornln 1 fit .. Sulnm. Ol'ocron Attorney at Law I, D. BBOWN Notary Public; Abstracts Mill Street opposite Uglow Bldg. DALLAS, OllKOON. Ik 'am 7 lj n SIM) FIRM "When you buy an OILED SUIT or SLICKER demand Its the easiest and onry way to get tne best Sold everywhere ft ti s m 8 fi -8 fi fi fi fi fi fi fi 8 DALLAS, OREGON Are You Ready for that New Set of D1S1ES? We've got them from $2.75 to $20 a set We can also supply any part of a set from our Open Stock rat tern. We would be glad to give you prices at any time. MEISER $ MEISER Albany, Or. Dallas, Or. BEST GOODS!! I carry a complete line at all times of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Libbey Glass. Every article is of high quality and best workmanship that the market affords. C. H. MORRIS Jeweler and Optician Main Street. - Dallas Oregon 0 SPICES, o COFTEE.TEA. BAKING POWDER. flavoring extracts AbKhiK Purity. Riwrt FUwr. CL0SSET ft DtYtttS Ihe J. A. Lynch's Barber Shop on flain Street Will give you rirst CIass ttlorl; and ilice Clean Datbs PALM CAFE H. V. Andrews Meals Served at All Hours. Oysters Served Any Style. Main Street, Dallas, Or. FOUR CHOICE CORNER LOTS In Haytcr's First Addition to Dallas, for Sale. For prices and terms, enquire of OSCAR HAYTER, Dallas, - - Oregon HARNESS & SADDLES ir you dosiro to groom your horse in the proixTBtyle.a har ness shop Is tho projKT plao to buy your outfit. I carry a com plcto stock or : : : HARNESS, ROBES, BLANKETS 'd WHIPS and can fit you out in short onlcr. Also carry a full line or Driving ami Working Gloves, at rrom 75c to f 2.00. ALWAYS KKADY TO DO YOUIt KEPAIRINO. Frank A. SiiIes MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE GOOD NEWS! We arc better equipped this fall than ever before to take caro of our fast growing business. New lines added and every lino strengthened. New line of Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Coats Very latest fabrics and popular styles. Will show a snappy line of Dress Goods at popular prices. Our stock of Footwear is very complete, and sales increasing each year. There must be some reason for it. All lines at right prices. HOLLiSTEfVS Hocky Mountain Tea Nugget3 A Bmy Medioin for I, Paop!. Brings Goldea H"lth ad Renewed V'.gvt. A rpe:itia f'rOnfHiiarin. lnlirtlon. I.t rtl KHinry innniii"', i imu'. f.'--mh, h.ijmii . HI.kkI. hn'l BreH'h, Hupirmh liowin. HaiiK'lie ! and lim-'knlie. lt d K'jcky riminlain Tf a In uih i HoCUHTCR IR! U CoHPiST, Will. . B fifil nEN KliGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE V Polio cb's Casii Store WILSON BLOCK Dallas, Oregon U. U. r. DUllum&