Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, August 10, 1906, Image 2

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    PolH County Observer
Published Weekly at 11.50 per Yer.
Strictly in Advance.
DALLAS, OREGON, ACGl-fT 10, 1906
The way to build up Dallas u to pat
ronize Dallas people.
Dallas Lawyer Frightened Away From ;
Town by Gathering of Enraged ,
.v r.T
With our lumber mills and logging
camps running at their greatest
capacity, our grain fields yielding
bumper crops, and the price of hops
such as will make the yards a paying
proposition, Tolk County can justly
look for such prosperity this Fail as
has hever been equalled in the history
of the county. Money will be plentiful,
and the merchant, mechanic and
farmer alike will have the smile of
good times on their faces.
After reading the story of the dis
honest failure of the Milwaukee Ave
nue State Bank in Chicago, the
Chinese custom of chopping off the
heads of dishonest bankers doesn't
seem so heathenish after all.
The market quotations on prunes
are not encouraging to the growers.
The market has dropped from a 2J
basis early in the season to a lj-cent
basis now. The present price will
scarcely pay the cost of picking and
drying. Some of the heaviest growers
in the Dallas district were so fortunate
as to contract their crops at a higher
figure early In the season, and those
who have not sold believe that the
price will be better after the new crop
is harvested.
The report of the expert accountant
on the financial condition of Polk
county, printed elsewhere in this
paper, cannot beotherthan gratifying
to every taxpayerin thecounty. With
the big $100,000 indebtedness wiped
out, the county has a cash balance of
over $17,000 on hand, and all warrants
are cashed promptly upon presentation
at the Treasurer's office. The faithful
officers who have had a part in bring
ing about this desirable condition of
affairs are entitled to the thanks of
every citizen of the county. The ex
pert's report furnishes interesting
reading, and the County Court does
well in having it published In all the
newspapers of the county, thereby
giving it the greatest possible
The executive committee of the Ore
gon Press Association met in Portland,
Monday, and decided upon Newport
as the place, and September 22, 23 and
21 as the time, for holding the annual
meeting of the association. Arrange
ments practically completed with the
railways will permit leaving Portland
on Friday, September 21, at 8:30 A. M.,
going direct to Newport on that day,
returning the following Tuesday. By
meeting late in September, the summer
rush to the beach will bo avoided and
the editors and their families will be
able to secure the very best hotel
accommodations at this popular sea
side resort. Every effort will be put
forth to make this a business meeting,
and the members of the executive
committee are at the opinion that
butter results will bo secured by wait
ing until the annual rush of visitors
is over. An excellent program is
being prepared for Ihe meeting, but
the greater portion of the time will bo
dovoted to the discussion of needed
legislation and uniform advertising
rateB for local papers throughout the
state. A profitable meeting and an
enjoyable time is anticipated, and
the attendance of newspaper men
promises to be large.
Miss Agnes E. Shepard and Mr.
J. H. Lewis were married at tho resi
dence of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Shepard. at Zena, on Wed
nesday, August 8, 190C.
The bride is well known here, hav
ing attended the Willamette Uni
versity and taught in. the public
schools in this city and in the high
school two years ago. Last year she
taught in the Pendleton high school.
The groom is the state engineer, is
very highly classed in his profession
as a mining and irrigation engineer,
and has a large circle of friends in
this city. Salem Statesman.
Aged Veteran Dies.
Alonzo Swartz, a veteran of the
Civil War, died from the effects of
paralysis and cancer at the home of his
son-in-law, Taylor Dunn, Wednesday
evening, at 7 o'clock. He was a native
of Pennsylvania, and was 70 years of
age. He came to Dallas from the
Soldiers' Home at Eoseburg about
three weeks ago. The remains were
taken to Salem for burial yesterday.
The only way to get rid
of pimples and other erup
tions is to cleanse the blood,
fcr.prove the digestion, stim
ulate the kidneys, liver and
ikti. The medicine to take is
Ho o cPs Sarsaparilla
Wiich hzs cured thousands. 1
The orderly and law-abiding town
of Dallas has been enjoying a little i
notoriety of the unpleasant sort daring j
the last "few days. The existing state j
of affairs was caused by the arrest of
J. H. Flower, charged with corominicgj
a statutory crime, and the unfortunate!
incidents growing out of his pre-j
liminary hearing and acquittal. j
Flower was arrested Friday morn-j
icg upon a complaint charging him j
with having committed rape upon the ;
person of the 8-year-old daughter of;
James Boss, owner of the White Fiont j
livery stable. The alleged crime was j
said to have been commuted in
Flower's law office on Sunday after
noon, July 22. The preliminary hear
ing was held in Justice Hardy Hol
man's court, Friday evening, and
resulted in the discharge of the de
fendant The hearing was conducted
behind closed doors, and a large
number of witnesses gave testimony.
At the conclusion ot the hearing,
Justice Holman decided that Flower
had proved a clear alibi and was
entitled to be set free.
After the hearing bad been con
cluded, a number of citizens, who
were dissatisfied with the action of the
court in discharging the prisoner,
gathered on the street and organized
to take Flower's case into their own
hands. They went to his house in the
west end of town and made a thorough
search of every room, but were unable
to find him. It appears that Sheriff
Grant had warned Flower earlier in
the evening that the enraged citizens
might do him some injury, and
Flower, being thoroughly frightened,
had left town. Just what action the
midnight visitors had decided to take,
in the event that they should find the
suspected man at home, is not known,
After completing their, search and
satisfying themselves that Sheriff
Grant had told them the truth con
cerning Flower's flight from town, the
men withdrew from the bouse.
Flower is about SO years of age, and
has a wife and two children. Hecame
to Dallas from Salem about two years
ago and opened a law office next door
to the postoffice. He was a candidate
for the office of Representative from
Polk county last spring, but was de
feated at the primary election.
1 f V'Tl
Children and Grandchildren of Mrs.
H. L. Veazie Had Pleasant Gather
ing on Old Homestead.
No more pleasant gathering has
ever been held in Polk county than
the reunion of the Veazie family at
the old homestead in North Dallas
last Saturday. Mrs. Harriet L. Veazie,
her brother William Lyle, who has
charge of the farm, and her four
children and ten grandchildren, to
gether with a few old-time friends of
the family, gathered on the shady
lawn and spent the afternoon in re
newing home ties and recalling events
of former days. Delicious refresh
ments were served, and an afiernoon
of unalloyed happiness was enjoyed
by all present.
Tho members of the Lyle family
have been numbered among Polk
county's first citizens since the pioneer
days. John E. Lyle, father of Mrs.
Veazie and William Lyle, was one of
the founders of Dallas. He was a
firm friend of all educational institu
tions, and gave liberally of his lands
and means in helping to establish the
LaCreole Academy, now Dallas Col
lege. Early Oregon had no more
worthy or hospitable people than Mr.
Lyle and his good wife. Mrs. Veazie's
children are Arthur and Clarence
Veazie, prominent lawyers of Port
land j Mrs. Julia Glenn, wife of Prof.
Glenn, of tho Oregon State University,
and Mrs. Editli Bryson, wife of E. J.
Bryson, a leading attorney of Cor
vallis. Those present were: Mrs. Harriett
Lyle Veazie, William M. Lyle, of
Dallas ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Veazie
and four children, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Veazie and child, of Portland ; Mr.
and Mrs. Irving M. Glenn and three
children, of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin It. Bryson and two children, of
Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Muir,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hayter, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Howe, Dr. and Mrs.
T. V. B. Embree, Mrs. William Grant,
Mrs. Martha Cosper, Mrs. A. E. Powell,
Mrs. Alice Dempsey, of Dallas, Mr.
Joshua McDaniel, of Rickrcall.
I. N. Woods Resigns.
I. N. Woods has tendered his resig
nation as a director of the Dallas
public school, his work ns local agent
of the Southern Pacific Company
having increased to such an extent
that he is not able to give the office
the attention he believes it deserves.
Mr. Woods has been a faithful, con
scientous officer and his retirement is
regretted by the patrons of the school.
The board will meet next Tuesday
night to elect his successor.
New Oak Sawmill.
Messrs. Harold Strong and J. W.
Forsyth, of Corvallis, have moved the
Knapp sawmill to the woods near the
Robert Grant place, southwest of
Falls City, and will begin cutting oak
lumber in a few davs. They have
added a large amount of new j
machinery, and will operate the plant
to its full capacity.
11. n
are c.vJ w
sr.J y-'-.-,-.':
WO.'. t;iiatM.
wars :n ?t ot.;.v ,.r f
st iht iTivriicr or
or lr 1ka v Ikvj. h..l.s 5 rr.-n. nA
lv,.,r:iMi,.n has rwvfn f
and s-m-nssh-fivins ivvvrs.
A a Avihin a;xi su-'fcr'.Nir.ivr
in. 'Favoriw rrvx-r.j t.. n 5 ;
fins!od asi is JnYsJr.aH? tr.
suUduins nervous eeit.tiijj. srr.-.i! s
Is v. nervous -baiiti n. jni.s j 7,-! ra
tion, jyuraiffia. hykTi.i. ohij. i!.e.!.''S.
or M. Vitus' danofi. an-.i ' r i:i
nervon srmptonis cwtv.ov'.y ti:v.iri
uwn fisnotioaai an-.i r;:. .- c'.s ol
tlie womanly oJvans. 3i '.. .".;', ivtp...
int slvp and rci; "aos . nuu i.vk;j c-
seripiion is a rvi..eoiw f r t,.et
ccioplioat'Ki and .V::n.ii ;.
male weakness." paiiifi:! prr. :rr
lariiips. iir.ii;ip-!i r vjvl the i ;v;c
ortrans. weak bacK. u..r.
tii.hs. chronic eoncv-stK'n. iuta
and iikv-ration.
Dr. Pierce's ine1ioine arc mad tiy
harmless but c-f;icier.t cv5ical f.v
fimml irmwins in our Ani'-ncsvi fr
The Indians knew of tho ir..- '
tive value of som of t-n-se a:.v1 r
nanM that know!idce to svr,e of t
friendlier whites, ami craduaiSy Sxme
the more proirressive phys)e;;::,s cr:
test and use them, and ever since
liav ffrnwn in favor fcv reasin o
superior curative virtue and their saf(
anil harmless qualities.
Yourdrncrsist S('U the'FAVOKrrr It-e-kt.iitiox
" and also that lamou altera
tive. Wood purifier and stoaiacU ur.c, the
Goi.ws Mi incAi. Discovert." Nriie
to Dr. Pierce alumt yoi-r case. He is an
experienced physician and will treat ytr.r
case as conndemial ani without charge
for correspondence. AJ.iriss Liui at the
Invalids' lFitel and Surgical Institute,
r.uflalo, X. Y., of which he is chief con
sulting physician.
All who do not pay switch-board
services will be required from thi
date to pay for telephone service out
side of the city limits.
Dated August 10, 1906.
mKrMrcc lOCALS.
r Kav.er. IVnnst. Ovovor
Wiln 4 D'ru Sum DaUas, Onn.
Help W anted, (is
Wann-si a wan M cneral house- j
. yj
keal Folate,
n n
Wafon For Sale.
One new iJ wairon for
Ki-gkes, Dallas, Or.
I ist v.Mir rrrty with me. I want i fi
farms,' ranches, timber claims andj
c iv rvivrtv Have who bargains
in Sviiiv that are snaps. L- ! Bkox.!
Dai:?, Or.
a!e. X. !
Cnicken Feed For Sale. i
W beat for chicken feed for sale at a :
:r.able price. W. P. MtuxK,;
Da'.lss, Or. jj
Lifht Wagon For Sale. f
' Ore light coast ira?oc. also buggy ;
i and harness for sale at a bargain.,
M. D. Et-us Dallas Or. j
1 Lof frers W anted.
i Wantoi lowers to put in 125.000 ! X
feet of oak. before October 15. Apply ;
:toMu;TiN- Pi,oi.ftt. Dallas, Oreg.jW
W anted to Trade. ;
; Watted, to tra3e a young fresh cow
;for vetch hay. D. A. Ckitchlow, ; W
I Dallas, Or. ! (
For Rent or Lease. j j)
i good buildinc. close to town, j A
suitable for a fruit preserving plant
, plentv of water. For particulars, in- j i
jquirecf H. G. Campbell or J. B. Nunu. i
Horses For Sale. ! (ft
Tbave a f-e lot of horses, which
5 caii be seen at the Robert Howe place, ' Ai
at reasonable prices. My address in j W
Palias is tte ieed aoie. iba sun-; jj
House and Lot For Sale. : (ft
Manager Dallas Independent Tele-! Si5.riXi:2 bouie ancj ou less than
phone Exchange. I one blc-ck from courthouse yard, ' iji
IVl .11 1 V iiv ( i ..
Men Wanted. I sutmlied with hot and cold water. In-
We have now had time to look over the stock, and find there
.iit .
left that we must still leave at bargain prices.
nn manv thin S
Come and help yourself to them while they last,
we still leave on sale at prices as follows:
A Large Line of Boys' Shoes at. .
A Line Misses' and Ladies Shoes at
A Line of Shirt Waists,
and new at $1.00
We have left our Clothing at sales prices for a time, and many
other things are remarkably' cheap. All goods the kind you
buy the year round.
Our Dress Goods Department and Dress Trimmings are re
markably fine this year. All the beautiful shades in the Soft
Woolens and in the Fleecy Soft Summer Goods the like we never
had before.
Come and See Them.
Men wanted to work on pole line
quire at Observek office.
construction. Apply to
Willamette Valley Co.,
C. B. Ehodes, Mgr.,
j Fir Wood Wanted.
1 From 200 to 500 cords of dry fir wood
in-anted 4nnlvto Salem. Falls Citv
Dallas, Oregon, j & Western Eailway Co.
Farm For Kent.
Good farm of 160 acres, ii miles
north of Dallas, for rent; 60 acres
good farming land, 90 acres of pasture,
and 10 acres of hops. Will rent for
one or three years. Peter Hassex,
Dallas, Or.
Call For Bids.
The County Court of Polk County,
Oregon, asks for bids to be opened at
10 o'clock a. ui. on Saturday, August
Stock Ew es W anted. ;
About 50 or CO stock ewes wanted.;
Write or call up Samuel Ore, Phone n
50, Kickreall. !
Bull For Sale. i
The fine thoroughbred registered yA
Hereford bull "Salem" is
Call on or address. J. T,
Falls City, Or.
for sale.
Aen Wanted!
Saw mill and lumber vard laborers
18, 190G, for the construction of two 60- $2.25 per day. Woodsmen, $2.25 to
foot span bridges; one known as the ' $3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth
Molson bridge, and one over the ' Kelly Lcmbeb Co., Eugene, Ore.
Bidders re-
Gasoline Wood Saw.
slough north of Ballston
auired to deoosit certified check for 5
per cent of bid. Plans and specifica- ! We have a gasoline wood-saw, and
: ... ..-.i .u. ,u i are prepared to saw all Kinds ot cora
uons to ue iouuu ai ui uiu ui tuc , woo8 0 ghor(. EeD & HayeS(
County Clerk. The right is reserved j Dallas, Or.- Bell phone 333.
to reject anv or all bids.
E. M. SMITH, Found.
County Clerk. Found, in one of my carriages,
about two weeks ago, a purse contain-
Not ire nf tht Meptino- of the Board i Ing a sum of money. Owner can
of Fnuaiization. i hav? sae by proving property and
paying tor this notice, james noss,
notice is hereby given that on Mon- j White Front Livery Barn
day, August 27, 190C, the Board of
Equalization will attend at the office
of the County Clerk of Polk County.
Oregon, and publicly examine the
assessment roll and correct all errors
in valuation, description or qualities
of lands, lots, or other property, and
it shall be the duty of persons inter- j
ested to appear at the time and place
appointed, and if it shall appear to
such Board of Equalization that there
are any Iand3, lots, or other property
assessed twice or in the name of a
person or persons not the owner there-
Horsemen, Attention!
The imported German Coach
stallion "Albon" will make the season
of 1906 at the Farmers' Feed Shed in
Dallas. Terms, $10, $15 and $20.
W. H. McDaniel is prepared to furnish
of, or assessed under or beyond it3 ; Pastu'pf J
actual value, or any lands, lots or
other property not assessed, said
"Lambert Boy 4192."
The noted Morgan horse "Lambert
Boy 4192" will make the season of
19o6 as follows : Independence, Wed
nesdays and Thursdays; Dallas, Fri
days and Saturdays; remainder of
time at Turner's near Airlie.
J. W. BROWN, Owner.
Board shall make proper corrections.
Dated at Dallas, Oregon, thi3 3rd
day of August, 1906.
Assessor for Polk County.
Street Improvement Notice.
To Oeorire W. Cnnkey:
Notice is hi'rt'by K'ivun, that the Cily Council
of tlie t tty of Dallas, Oregon, contemplates the
putoaueot an onliiiance requiring the improve
ment of tlioso certain strectB or parts of streets
herein described, as follows, to-.wit: A new
siileualk i ft. 4 in. in width on t lie North side ol
ihut part of I'ourt ctreet and the Vet side of
Lyle street and the South side of Mill street
adjacent to and adjoining that certain lot or
part ol ; lot or parcel of ground, described as be
inniiip !MJ feet North and U) feet Went from the
Northwest corner of Uloi k No. 9, Conkey's 1st
addition to Dallas, Oregon, and running thence
North .M feet; West :W feet: South iioOfeet;
Kast feet to place of brninniiifr.
That said sidewalk will be constructed of
lumber at the time and in the manner to be
hereafter prescribed by said Ordinance.
That the cost of said sidewalk will be
Messed to the above described property front
i 1 1 ir and abutting thereon;
That thel iiy Council of ssid pity will sit In the
Council Chamber in said City on the -MtU day of
August, A. 1). l'.iflOat 7::su o'clock in the evening,
to hear and determine objections and remon
strances thereto, if any there be; and
That all owners and other persons In Interest,
may attend at said lime and place and show
cause, if any they have, why said sidewalks
should not be col structetl.
1 one by order oi the City Council of the City
of Dallas, made on thefth day of August A. D.
1 .'..
itness my hand and the official seal of the
said . lly of Dallas, this Ulll dav of August A. D.
Auditor and I'olice Judge of the
City of Dallas, Oretrou.
Purse Found.
Found, a pur?e containing a small
sum of money, ray for this notice,
prove the probity, and tuke it.
rc-.T-.r; cf C'v.unts for Catarrh thai
contain Mercury,
.-. : -.:rn:-.y v. ill carc'y destroy the tense ol
t.r.t.l a;.J cowplctey derange the whole system
. j. a catering it through the mucous surfaces.
'a -nicies should uevsr be nsed except on
, : rocriptions from reputable physicians, as tht
t.-.raa 'iiey will do in ten fold to the good yon
c n pebbly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Tire, manufactured by F.J.Cheney A Co.,
Toledo. O. , contains r6 mercury, nn is taken
i -tcmally, acting directly upon the blood and
i itioMis surfaces of tne system. In buying Hall's
t alarrh l ure Ns sure you gf t the genuine. It is
taken internally and is made in Toledo, Ohio,
t K. J. ( honey & Co, Testimonials free.
t j- .oid by Driiegists, price T.h-. per bultio.
li Ail's Family Pi Is are the best.
Ctk KidMr ciadder Eifiht ' F op Coughs, Colds and Croup.
Dallas, Oregon.
Stallion "Hercules."
Commencing April l, the Percheron
stallion, "Hercules," will make the
season of 1906 as follows: Mondays
and Tuesdays at Rickreall ; Wednes
days at Independence; remainder of
time at Black's stable, Dallas. Terms,
$12.50 to insure.
For Sale.
2 Wagons, sizes 3i and 25,
1 Buggy.
1 Set double buggy harness.
1 Set single buggy harness.
1 Set good team harness.
1 Work horse 1200 lbs.
1 fine yearling eolt.
3 Plows 10, 12, 14.
2 Double shovel plows.
1 Single shovel plow.
1 Disc reversible.
1 Mower and Rake.
1 Harrow.
Dallas, Oregon.
We Offer Thorough Instruction in Complete
Courses at Minimum Rates.
We have just concluded an agreement with Prof. G. B. Hardin of the Eclectic
Correspondence Schools, whereby our students may take a course in the
most modern method of
at greatly reduced rates.
Our corps of teachers is particularly efficient and we give to our students a
practical, thorough education. For further information address
C. A. MOCK, A. M., Ph.
Neat Line of
added to my
Stock of
Ballston - -
- Oregon
A Bargain.
Having given up farming, I offer
for sale my threshing outfit consisting
of one 24 horse-power Traction engine
with round tanks, pumps, and hose
complete; one 32x54 inch 20-bar large
cylinder Separator, with patent ad
justable riddles and wind stacker,
together with cook-house, cook stove,
tanks, cooking utensils, etc., and a
full set of wagon racks and forks, all
ready for first-class work. All the
machinery and wagon-rack3 have
been carefully housed and kept dry
when ' not in use. Although this
davs. I offer the whole outfit for cash I .. 1 e the . 01(33 the best Gaso'
or on time at much less than one-half llne nSine ln the market. Just the
the first cost JAMES ELLIOTT, ! thinS fr ood Sawing, Tumping
iauas, uregon. ; spraying, iced Mills, Churning, Etc.
Come and See the best gaso'
The Olds Gasoline Engines
High Service and
Low Rates.
C. W. NIXON, Proprietor,
Corvallis, Oregon
R. C. Craven, Pres.
W. G. Vassall, Cashier
Dallas Gil; Sank.
Exchanges bought and sold on all
points. Special attention paid to collections.
Notice ol Final Settlement.
I have this day filed in the County Court for
i'o:i v ouiiiT, vineon, my hnal account a an
nillliSlralor Of Ihc estHtp MariM..
ileceiiwHl. ami Hon. E i K. CoaJ, County Judce!
uaan-t A '.IKIISI i:m. at I tie pour often o clue
a. m. ior me nnai ueartna: oi the same
B. r. MU.KEY.
line engine made for farmers'
Ed. Diddle, Agent
Dallas, Oregon.
Timber Lands a Specilaty
If you have patented lands
or relinquishments to sell, list
same with me.
Office in Crider EuildiDg
Dallas, Oregon
Spend your Vacation at
Ocean ParV
An Ideal Resort j
on the famous j
Nestucca Beach j
Fine CampingOforff
Excellent Pasture
Ocean Park is under
management, and a
ing will be left unco
that will add to the con
fort and pleasure oi
AH prices K'
L. D. BK0W
Notary Pubuc;
Early lllscrs I FnTPYHn'riTYVn?rAT
The farma. little I - t
Cures Cold si Fraveota Pncumosla
Ilcdcl Dyspepsia Curo
Cjgots what you eat.
Mill Street oppoi
... rfl"
lie -e-
tOP til