Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, August 03, 1906, Image 4

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Estate of Morris Jones, deceased
petition for sulo of real estate set for
hearing August 31, at 10 a. m.
Estate of John E. Davidson, de
ceasedbond filed and approved ; S. H.
McElmurry, George Eeuf and D. P.
Stapletoa appointed appraisers.
Guardianship of Lebold minors
final account allowed and guardian
ship closed.
TCstnte of Snieev L. Emraitt, .de
ceased S. K. Irviue appointed admin
istrator; bond fixed at $300; F. C.
Reynolds, C. F. Smith and T. J. Fryer
appointed appraisers.
Guardianship of William Sparr, an
insane person bond filed and ap
M E Buraess and wife to Clifford
Wanless, land in 1 6 s, r 6 w, $700,
S R Withrow to W L Bristow, 1 acre,
1 9 s, r 5 w, $50.
W L Bristow to A H Baldwin,
acre, 1 9 s, r 6 w, $500.
U S Grant and wife to A J Martin,
acre, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $150.
Sarah C Irvine to Win Wright, 26J
. acres in Burbank D L C, $050.
D L Hedges et al to C A Gray, 10.12
acres, 1 8 s, r 4 w, $200.
Wm Wriehtto C A Gray. 26 acres
in Burbank D L C, $1.
Win Wright to C A Gray, 17.05 acres
In Burbank D L C, $1.
M H Shope and wife to J T Rowcliffe,
J int in 2 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w. $1.
O & C R R Co to Ladd & Reed Farm
Co, 18-100 acres, 1 6 s, r 5 w, $1.
An English walnut tree in Dayton
has grown 42 inches this season.
The song of the Bob White quail in
and around Amity makes us imagine
for the moment that we are once more
back in Old Missouri. They appear
to be plentiful and can be heard in
the evening about sundown, Amity
& in. and S. P. Book Tells
About This Country.
If Dossible, the Tassenger Depart
ment of ihe Ureston Railroad & Navi
gation Company and Southern Pacinc
(Lines in Oregon) has surpassed itself
in the 190G issue of its new publication,
"Oregon, Washington, Idaho ana
their resources."
The purpose of the publication is to
attract homeseekers and investors to
the Pacific Northwest and this publi
cation is undoubtedly the best mes
senger that could be sent by residents
of Oregon. Washington and Idaho to
their friends in the bast ana mwul
Beautiful half tones, printer! on
superb book paper, make the publica
tion, which contains 88 pages and a
map of the section, a work or an, dui
... u:,.1
far superior to tne typogrupuicai
make-np is the contents of the book.
Under many heads covering practi
cally all the resources of the states
are short, pithy stones or wnai ua
been accomplished, not w hat might be
done, but actual facts and figures ac-
companied by names ana aaaiesseh
of well known farmers, who are daily
laying aside an income that would be
a fortune to an Eastern Agriculturist.
Wm. McMurray, General Passenger
Agent of the O. R. & N. Co. and S. P.
Lines in Oregon has favored the
editor with a copy of this publication
and informed him that readers of this
paper by sending the names and
addresses of friends in the East and
four cents in postage foreach address,
may have the book promptly mailed
to the address given.
Renders the bile more fluid and thus
helps the Mood to flow ; it affords prompt
relief fim tiliouetH'P!, indigestion, sick
and nervous headache, and over-in-.hilL'cnce
in food and drink.
" . tr IT
G. L. Caldwell, Agt. i. - u
R. R., Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes, April
18, 1903: "I was sick for over two years
with enlargement of the liver and spleen.
The doctors did me no good, and I had
given up all hope of being cured, when
my drtiuaist a tl vital me to use llerbine.
It i.asmade me sound and well." 50e.
Sold by Stafrin Drue Co.
alfalfa, clover, vetcn
AdminIstratrlx Not.ce. f kr3 H ntRa " ...
. . l.icciiirnrwl
Notice is hereby ve tm.l i ue -
h.k been by the luiiy toiu ; o. i
OniKOn, appointed art""""1; r '.trlx ,"s ot ,).
of T. P. J "V ' , t her. AH
ministration n.i ye . eKla,
i ho from this
ii. .iu ' iriiirmi . Minim
,aiiuo. vt.f, 1
J)ated July 27, l'.HHi.
m With
Uregon, wiuuu
Diiitn V .1 AtMv.
Administratrix of the estate of
T. F. Jack, deceased.
Raise more
-and cows.
in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
KA,, the above,,,,,'
"t'lheName of the Bt,.te of Oregon: Yon are
,,laint tiled iipin j." "- ,,. .late
o he tiistpubliealion of tins f""""
on or before tlx, 25th day ot A
:i r..il ai l( IIIIKWIM. tut mv ...... -
Given Up to Die.
i) c: I .'(ftiV Vii.rini,i St.. EvailS-
viS;;: overfly, year.
I was troubled with kidney and bladder riatre , tract now and
affections which caused me much pain
and worry. I lost flesh and was all run
down, and a year ago had to abandon
work entirely. I had three of the best
physicians who did me no good and I
was practically given up to die. Foleys
Kiduev Cure was recommended and the
first bottle gave me great relief, and
after laking the second bottle I was en
tirely cured." Belt & Cherrington.
. numiiiii 1 1 1 ti v utiii.
ana aniiuiieu , i.m. ' " """, -n! , i,P minor
future care, cusioiry mm ' V 7nid de-
f tlie marrniKe oi e , i ,.,.,i
fe.idant, viz: (iladya May Ku'n' '
plaintill inay have such other an, Hurt er n.
as to the Court may seem meet with equity ami
RWThirrn. by an order of tho Hon M F
I as. itreKon, on me uiu
"of July, 1(10,1, if
ThSSaT jiriiSl LUMPS i
i :
j; i j
The intense itching characteristic of
salt rheum and eczema is instantly
allayed by applying Chamberlain
Salve. As a cure for skin diseasps this
salve is unequalled. For sale by Stafi in
Drug Co.
Grass fires have come near doing
much damage in several Oregon
Jackson county has three cream
,.iaa. inconhinp hus onlv one, but
CI I'O , t J -' , ' ' -
may have two more before next spring.
A Mystery Solved.
"How to keep off periodic attacks oi
biliousness and habitual constipation
was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life
l fnr mi'." writes John N.
1 ilia owiivn
Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. The only
pills that are guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction to everybody or money te-
fuuded. Onlv 25c at Belt & Cherrington s
drug store.
Some farmers have so much hay
that thpv fear thev will have to lease
ground on which to stack some of it.
served upon you oy int . . , .in.
,, period ofsik consecutive and successive weeks
mediately prior to the - th day of Al Bi is t,
1'iOii in the "Folk County Observer, a ui
paper of general circulati,,.; .Pi'WiBhed fy
at Wllas, in said County. '1 he date of the tnsl
publication ot tins gllu,H,"J!h(,' iKrrtii:,
Attorney for I'laiiiiiu.
Notice to Creditors.
xt..., hrohv iHvi.n that, the undersiRiied
i, i. Hniir oimiiiiitod adnilmstrator oi tlie
eBtate of AnnSylvester, deceased, by the County
Court of tlie Stole ol uivpon, mr i;m
All persons iihvuik i.:iiiiiiio fi......w .
estate are hereby notilied to present the same
dnlv verilied, together whii u.e propei
therefor, to the uii,lersiiu;ed at his residence in
the City of Dallas, in said County, within six
months troni tne oaie oi i, lunn c.
Hated and first published Y"-'.
Administrator of tlie estate of
Ann Sylvester, deceased.
Oscar Hnyter, Attorney.
Administrator's Notice.
writes: "1 paid out over $150 to local phy.
CHAS. EBY, 6h,oi without giving m any relief. I afterward
H,Ciaht' Ws? ST boWe DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents
of this one bottle I was entirely cured."
. -
Price 50c and $1.00
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby pi veil to whom it may con-
that the uml,
lion County Court ol the Mine u
v r, m Vv. bv an order duly made and entered
of record therein on the 22. d day ' ' ; ;'" '
duly appointed administrator ol the e slut, t
Manm s b. Kobbins, deceased. All V "
UoMn "claims atrainst said ;te lie n )
notilied to present the same dul; - venue to t m
uiidersisnefl.vvithi.. six mont i.lrom t te la e
. .,.1 ini.l .state are hereby notilied to call
debted to said estate are hereby
and settte the same a, nin e.
Ilf.led at Pallas, l'olk County
2."itli day of June, 100,
Oscar Hayter,
Upstairs In Campbell building, MUl St
Oregon, t Iiis
Galveston's Sea Wall
makes life now as safe in that city as on
the higher uplunds. E. W. Goodloe,
who resides on Dutton St., in Waco,
Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. He
writes: "I have used Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption the past five
years and it keeps me well and safe.
Before that time I had a cough which
for years had been growing worse. Now
it's gone." Cures chronic Coughs, La
Grippe, Croup, Whooping Cough and
prevents pneumonia. Pleasant to take.
Every bottle guaranted at Belt & Cher
rington's drug store. Price 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
Californlans have beeD in.vestiof;
considerably in Merrill, in southern
Klamath county.
Don't drag along with a dull, bilious,
heavy feeling. You need a pill. Use
De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous
little pills. Do not sicken or gripe, but
results are sure. Sold by all druggists.
Prices of livestock in Harney county
A word of truth in a few words;
"Nearly all other cough cures are con
stipating, especially those containing
opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Honey
and Tar moves the bowels. Contains no
opiates." You can get it at all druggists
The hop lice
have been properly
Why does the sun burn? Why does a
mosquito sting? Why do we feel un
happy in the Good Old Summer Time?
Answer: we don't.,' We use DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, and theBe little ills
don't bother us. Learn to look for the
name on the box to get the genuine
Sold by all druggists.
Another Good Man Gone Wrong.
He neglected to take Foley's Kidney
Cure at the first siuns of kidney trouble,
hoping it would wear away, and he was
soon a victim of Bright's disease. There
is danger in delay, but if Foley's Kidney
Cure is taken at once the symptoms will
disappear, the kidneys are strengthened
and you are soon sound and well. A. It.
Bass of Morgantown, Ind., had to get
up ten or twelve times in the night, and
hud a severe backache and pains . in the
kidneys, und was cured by Foley's Kid
ney Cure. Belt & Cherrington.
Seedless grapes are being experi
mented with near Central Point.
Unnecessary Expense.
Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea
come on without warning and prompt
relief mutt be obtained. There is no
necessity of incurring the expense of a
physician's service in gucli cases it
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-
rlir.oa Kempilv i at hand. A dose ol
this remedy will relieve tlie patient be
fore a doctor could arrive. It hits never
been known to fail, even in the most
severe and dangerous cases and no
family should be without it. For sale
by Stafrin Drug Co.
Week before last 41,000 head of sheep
were shipped east from Elgin.
How to Avoid Appendicitis.
Most victims of appendicitis are those
who are habitually constipated. Orino
Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic con
stipation by stimulating the liver and
bowels and restores the natural action
of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit
Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is
mild and pleasant to take. Refuse sub
stitutes. Belt & Cherrington.
More coastward travel than ever.
Prof. Tvler, of Amherst college, said
recently: "A man can live comfortably
without brains; no man ever existed
without a digestive system. The dys
peptic has neither faith, nope nor
charity." Day by day people realize the
importance of caring for their digestion
realize the need of the use of a little
corrective after overeating. A corrective
like Kodol for Dyspepsia. It digests
what you eat. Sold by all druggists.
The Southern Oregon fruit crop will
be unusually large.
There is nothing bo pleasant as that
bright, cheerful, at-peace-with-the
world feeling when you sit down to your
breakfaBt. There is nothing bo con
ducivetogood work and good results
The healthy man with a healthy mind
nnd bodv is a better fellow, a better
workman, a better citizen than the man
or woman who ie handicapped by gome
disability, however slight. A plight ilis
order of the stomach will derange your
body, vour thoughts and your disposi
tion. liet awav from the morbidness
and the blues. Keep your stomach in
tune and both your brain and body will
rppnond. Lttt e indiscretions ot over
eating can be easily corrected and ymi
will be surprised to see how much better
innn yon are. Try a little Kxlol For
Dypepsia after your meals. Sold by
all drnygists.
Notice is hereby given to whom it may eon
that tup lmilprsmned lias been by the
w' rninitv f'niirt. nf the State of Oregon, for
I'niir.rimit v bv an order dnlv made and entered
ihurnin mi t.hK-':ird dav of June, l'JWi,
duly appointed administrator of tlie estate of
Irene Zumwalt, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby notilied to
present the same duly verified within six
months from the date hereof and ull persons
knowing themstlves indebted to said estate are
notified to settle tlie same with tlie undersigned
at once. .. .
n,,td nt. Dallas. Polk County, Oregon, this
.1. II. SMITH,
Administrator of Ihe eslate of
M. I.. Kobbins, deceased,
iblev A Eukln, attorneys for estate.
When pains or irritation exist on any
part of the body, the application of
Ballard's Snow Liniment gives prompt
relief. E. W. Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan
House, El Reno, O. T., writes, June b,
1902 : "I take pleasure in recommending 2oth day of June, wou r zum walt
Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who are
afflicted with rheumatism. It is the
only remedy I have found that gives
immediate relief." 2oa, ouu ana sfL.uo. Notice of Guardian's Sale
Sold hv Stnfrin Drue Co. .
I Nntiee is hereby eiven that In pursuance and
' " . . , j a n by virtue of an order and license to sell, duly
Agents for outaideTirms aDd peddlers H;ade and enterei uy tbe county court of Poik
. ..... r. ,-....,... n 11Mi ,lor ,f Wav 1IIU In
are not doing so good a Dusiness in
some Oregon counties as formerly.
Administrator of tlie estate
of Irene Zumwalt, deceased.
Sibley fc Kakin, Attys. for estate.
Salem, Falls City & Wes-
ern Railway Co.
TIME-TAHfjK KU'ective May 1.
Dailj except Sunday,
The End of the World
of troubles that robbed E. II. Wolfe, of
Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came
when he began taking Electric Bitters.
lie writes: "Two years ago Kidney
trouble caused me great suffering, which
1 would never have survived had I not
taken Electric Bitters. They also cured
me of General Debility." Sure cure for
all Stomach, Liver ard Kidney com
plaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Diz
ziness and Weakness or bodily decnne.
Price 50c. Guaranteed by Belt & Cher-
rington's drug store.
Countv, Oregon, on the 12th day of May, l'JOG, in
tlie matter of tbe niiardianshiu of Kdna beni,
Brown, a minor, I, J. N. Hart, as guardian of
baid minor, will proceed to sell at private sale
for easli In hand (suoioct 10 coniirniaiion oi
said court) on and alter
oATU KOA l , AUUUOl 1U1, l'.niii,
nt. tbe hour of ten o'clock a. m.. nil tlie right,
title and interest of said minor in and to the
following described real property, lo-un: an
of Lot No. nine !i in Block .No. eight l in
Riverside Addition to tbe Cltv ot halem, Jiaium
county, Oregon. Also an undivided one-third
Interest in and to Lots one 11, two U , three
Mi and four (4) in Block nine (ti) in trie lown oi
"a lniioee. 1'olK couniy. urettoii. jius lur i
piopertv are to De made ioreu.cn traci paraieij,
and presented to me at the oiiiee of the County
in tre ot roJK county, uregon, uauas, in
said county and state.
Dated and l.rst piionsnea june znn, r.'uu.
Guardian of Baid minor.
Notice to Creditors.
Chittim bark is only 3 cents a pound
up the valley.
"Make Hay While the Sun Shines."
There is a lesson in tlie work of the
thrift v farmer. He knows that the
bright sunshine may last but a day ami
he nrenarea for the showers which are
I r
so liable to follow. So it should be with
every household. Dysentery, diarrhoea
ami nhnlnra morbus mav attack some
member of the home without warning
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Kemedo, which is the best known
medicine for these diseases, should
always be kept at hand, as immediate
treatment is necessary, and delay may
prove fatal. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co
Falls will have a new
Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold.
A. J. Xusbaum, Bateevillc, Indiana,
writes: "Last year I suffered for three
months with a summer cold so distress
ing that it interfered with my business.
I had many symptors of hay fever, and
a doctor's prescription did not reach
mv case, and I took several medicines
which seemed to only aggravate my
case. Fortunately I insisted upon hav
ing Foley's Honey and Tar and it
quickly cured me. My ite has since
used Foley's Honey and Tar with the
same success." Belt A Cherrington.
The hospital at Grant8 Pass has
v : .ttrtr olv mnnrha nnrl nnt, Countv
ut-Bii iu uiiu - .,, -ni,rm,.s ,,nvi,, nUnms against the sai,
a death has yet occurrett iu u.
Notice is hereby given that Ihe undersigned
has been du v aiiDointed administrator ot the
estate of Kobert We ten If, deceased, by tlie
County Court of the State of Oregon, lor Polk
Stomach Troubles and Constipation
No one can reasonably hope for good
digestion when the bowels are constt
pated. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Edwards
viile. 111., says: "I suffered from
chronic constipation and stomach trou
bles for many years, but, thanks to
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets, am almost cured?" Why not get a
estate are hen bv notilied to present tlie same
duly verilied, together with the proper vouchers
therelor, to the uriaersigiieo, at 1.1s raw oiuce in
the City of imllas, in Enid Countv, within six
months from tlie date ol this notice.
Dated and first published June s, l,i.
Administrator of the estate of
Robert Metcalf. deceased.
Notice For Publication.
Dentil tment of the Interior,
Lund Ollice at Portland, Oregon
June ;;o. I'.HKi.
Xln,.... to KoKul.tr ,,' tV,.,t th. r,l,,A,M,,,r
j. . .T lltltuj h1'-11 mill, niv lu.iwi.m,,
rvickiuTfi of these tablets and get well and named settler has tiled notice of bis intention
" i., ,aL.(, ,;..! ,.,,f i,, L,,nh,,rt ,,F Mo nl.iivii iitir.
wpli? I'rn-f! 25 cents, bamples r , ., '""! ",u ...i.,.; ,.,.c ,..,,'..,..
For sale by Stafrin Drug Co.
In Self Defense.
Major ilamm, editor and manager of
the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky.,
when he was fiercely attacked, four
vpnrs nsTo. bv Piles, bought a box of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he
says: "It cured me in ten days and no
trouble since." Quickest healer of
Burns, Soies, Cuts and Wounds. 25c at
Belt it Cherrington's drug store.
that said proot will be made before the County
Clerk of l'olk County, nt Lianas. Oregon, on
August 15, 1'.KKi, viz: Horace S. Chase H. E. No,
1354 for tlie East )i of East J ot See. 28, T.
South. K. 7 West.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
Haid land, viz: I. it. lue, ot hniem, Oregon
George Vick, of Falls City, Oregon; Frank
Hubbard, of Dallas, Oregon; Janus Ross, of
Dallas, Oregon.
Telephone lines are beingestablished
in Wheeler county, with Eossil as
Summer Diarrhoea In Children.
During the hot'weather of thesummer
months the tirst unnatural looseness of
a child's bowels should have immediate
attention, so as to check any disease be
fore it becomes serious. All that is
necessary is a few dosesof Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse
the system. Kev. M. O. Stockland,
Pastor of the first M. E. Church, Little
Falls, Minn., writes: "We have used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Kemedy for several years and find
it a very valuable remedy, especially for
Bummer disorders in children. Sold by
Stafrin Drug Co.
Notice For Publication.
Men Wanted.
Men wanted to work on pole line
construction. Apply to
Willamette Valley Co.,
C. B. Rhodes, Mgr.,
Dallas, Oregon.
Yamhill may have a water
DoWItt's Salvo
For Piles. Euros, Sores
In this state it is not necessary to
serve a five days' notice for eviction of a
cold. Use tne original laxative cough
syrup, Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar. No opiates. Sold by all druggists.
Considerable alfalfa meal, ground
from alfalfa hay, is being shipped in
to Oregon from California.
Cakss KJaoeys mat Claddar Bight
United States Land Otliee,
Portland, Oregon.
July lti, huti.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe net of Congress of
June 3, 1."TS, entitled "An act for tne sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore
jron, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tbe 1'ublie Land States by act
of August 4, In-', Mabala E. Hinshaw, of Falls
City, county of l'olk. State of Oregon, has this
dav tiled in this otlioe her sworn statement No.
6;.7. for the purchase ol the S. W. of N W. 4
of Sec. No. 4 in township No. 8 S., Range No.
7 W., and will otl'er proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than fur agricultural purp. , and to establish
her claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Friday,
the 5th dav of October, l'.tf.
Sh names as witnesses: Lee Humphrey, of
rhillns. Oregon; tieorge !'. ConU-e. of Dallas,
Oregon: E. W. Hinshaw. of Dallas, Oregon;
James Mager. of DaMa. Orveon.
AiiTand all persons claiming adversely the
sbove-descnU-a lauds are requested to hie their
claims in this office on or before said otb, day
of October, 1.1.
Teats' Siding
. Iirldgeport
A. M.
. ,.7::!0
.. 8:05
P. M
Than Any Other Lino in the Worla
Tho Only Lino Passing Through
Enroute to or from the Lust
Ensl-llound: A.M. P.M.
Ly. FALLS cm W.w i:uu
Tents' Siding V srocs
Uilliiuiih 10:10 4:10
Bridgeport 10:10 4:17
Ar. DALLAS 10:3") 4:i
Trains Stop on Signal only.
General Manager:
Choice of 2 Routes Through
the Heart of the RocKies
Equipment and Service Unsurpassed
Write or call on the undersigned for
information and descriptive literature.
W. C. McBEIDF-, General Agent
121 Third St.
Sibley & Eakin,
The only reliable set of Abstracti It
Polk county. Office on Court St
" Ed. F. Coad,
Office in Courthouse
rays lor the OBSERVER
and t he Weekly Oregonian
ono vear. In order to take
advantage of this liberal offer, your
subscription to tho Observek must be
paid up to date. Subscribe now.
f THE JOY ofTmSo l
1 1 f 1IL i 111
Mr -,r .,ag V
N. L. Butler,
Office over Dallas City Bank.
J. II. Flower,
Office next door to Postojfice,
Office in Cooper Building,
. J. L." Collins
Main Street, Near rostoffice
In the County Court ol the State of Oregon
for 1'olK comity.
In the matter of the estate of Marquis I.
Kobbins, deceased.
To Luey A. Kobbins, John K. Kobbins, O. II
Kobbins, Mary Dennis, Ollie Farley. Carrie kip
ton, Ralph Casey, Maud Muhlig, William Tatom
UeorRte mutter, -May lauipDeii, j-.na Krabe
V. It. Ellis, Bertha KUis, Cora Miser, Kate
Elliott, 1-red latom, lhomas latoni, Mark
Tatoni. Waitie latom, Jessie Tatom, liiehard II
Tatom, the next of kin and all persons interested
in said estate, known and unknown, Oreptiti(f:
In the Nanieot the State of Oreitou : ' 1 ou are
hereby cited and required to appear in the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of l'olk, at the Court room thereof, at
Dallas, in the County of Polk, on Thursday,
August 16, 1S06, at 10 o'clock in. the forenoon
of that day, then and there to show cause if
any you have why the prayer of the petition of
administrator of the above named estate asking
that an order be made authorizing hiin to sell
the hereinafter described real property belong
ing to said estate be not granted, to-wit: Be
ginning at a point oO links East and 2.01 chs.
North of the S. V. corner of the P. L. C. of Asa
Shreve, Not. No. J-J,", Claim No. tii, in T. 7 S., R.
5 V. of the Will. Mer. thence Ea.-t l;i S3 chs.
thence South 11. SJ chs. thence North 7S degrees
13 minutes East 'J,i."v chs. thence South 8.S0 chs.
thence West 39.-IS chs. thence North 13.:!7 chs. to
place of beginning, excepting therefrom the
cemetery and road thereto, described as begin
ning at a point 'J.U9 chs. South and 6.00 chs. Eust
of tiie Southwest corner of said Shrevc 1'. L. C.
thence East feet, thence South 148 feet,
thenee West feet, thence North Its feet to
place of beginning, said roadway beginning
from the northwest corner of the last above de
scrilH'd tract South 57'a feet to North side of
said road, thence South 43 degrees West 8.30 chs.
South 30 64 chs. to middle ol the Countv road
running from Dallas to Dixie; the land herein
to be sold being S3.:i3 acres, more or less. Also
the North half of the Northeast quarter of Sec.
26, the East half and the northwest quarter and
tlie North halt of the Southwest quarter of Sec.
23. and lots ;i, 4 and 3 and the South half of tlie
Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of
Sec. 14. Also beginning at the Southeast comer
of the John Pankev D. L. C. Not. No. ,VvK, Claim
No. 44. thence North 3.81 chs. thence West 32.50
chs. thence South 3.81 chs. thence East 52. 50ch9.
to place oi beginning, excepting and reserving
ihereirom tlie following: Beginning at a point
3M ths. North and 6 25 chs. West of the South
east corner of atd Pankey D. L. C. thence South
13 chs. thence West 7 chs. thence North 13 chs.
thence East 7 chs. to place of beginning, all of
last described lands being in Township 7 South
of Range 6 West of the Will. Mer. in l'olk
County, Oregon and containing iu ail 748.40
acres more or less.
Witness: The Hon. Ed F. Coad,
Judge of the Countv Court of
the State of Oregon, for the
County of Polk, w ith the seal
of said Court ailixed. this 14th
dav of Juiv, A 1.. p. 106.
Attest: E. it. SM1TU, Clerk.
The Popular Liver Medicine
Will Keep You Well
A GUARANTEED CURE for all diseases produced by TOR
PID LIVER and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill your system
with Arsenic, Calomel and Quinine. They act as rank poisons
which vitiate the blood, debilitate the system, and leave a trail
of bad symptoms which require years to obliterate. HERB
1NE is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic
poisons, is absolutely harmless and is the simple remedy of
nature. It carries off all poison in the system and leaves no
injurious effects.
Mr. L. A. Hicks, Iredell, Texas, says: " I wa9
sick in bed for eight months with liver trouble, tbe
doctor seemed to do me no good. I was told to try
Herbine, and it cured me in a short time. I cannot
recommend this wonderful medicine too highly."
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
Early Risers
The famous littla ci"s.
Ofllce over
Wilson's Drug Store
Physician and si roeon.
L. A. Bollman, M. D.,
TIelow Building, Booms 7 and J.
Mutual Phono Main 30. Jieu.iu
Main 541.
i BYALL t H Ev
... unnlt CHU.""- ....
' ( x (ft iOl s
.. . so aati
The $1.00 bottle co -tains 2H timestho trial U, wtiicn se"-
E. C. Be WITT 8c
For Sale by Druggists.
:. l s . . z . - I
J. G. VanOrsdel & Sof
CinilJcr ana Tariti Emtds ana gity Property.
Office on Court Street.
Dallas, Oregon.
. , , ; :r
z.s ::.
.cut free. Oldest "nn.ft.
til Kr,"w
H1I C ill
cnlation of ny cientlDo j W4l, 7e ,
mm coiVES
BraDCh Office, 625 V
Cures Eilieusns
Headache, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver
Chronic Ccnstication.
1 li
-3 V
axative riuit Syrup
Cleanses the
thoroughly and " rf