Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, July 06, 1906, Image 4

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    Notice to Creditors. (Z ' " " ""..
II - m jm rrst CTZM rC U Fl rTPN r .
Estate of Mod a Day, deceased
Joseph Day appointed administrator;
Andrew Kershaw, Frank Quenelle and
J. B. Hudson appointed appraisers.
Estate of Ruth Day, deceased same
order as in Mona Day estaie.
Estate of E. G. Heath, deceased
Howard G. Heath appointed admin
istrator ; bond fixed at if 2'j00.
Guardianship of William Sparr, an
insane person petition of Mary F.
Sparr, praying that she be appointed
guardian, wi for hearing July 20 at
10 a. m.
Guardianship of Hattie Gill, a
minor report of sale of real estate
Estate of Nathaniel Holman, de
ceasedhearing of testimony on final
account closed; written argument to
be submitted by respective attorneys.
John A Em mitt to WH Matthews,
lot in Falls City, $150.
Jackson, i int in same, $100,
Title Guarantee & Trust Co to R E
William?, 880 acres, t 7 s, r 6 w, $4,400.
Francis M Murrell and husband to
Mary O Conner, lot in Dallas, $850.
A C Thomas and wife to O G and
Emma L Savage, C3.56 acres, 1 7 s, r 3
w, $2500.
United States to Yaquina Bay Mill
tary Wagon Road Co, land in Polk,
Benton and Lincoln counties, patent,
F G Murrell and wife to W J White,
lot in Dallas, $200.
State of Oregon to Eli S Eaton et al,
040 acres, 1 6 s, r 7 w, $800,
C J Graham and wife to B F
Boughey, land in t 8 s, r 6 w, $700.
C S Graves and wife to R E Wil
Hams, lot in Dallas, $1685
Contracts at Low Figure.
A hop contract was yesterday placed
on record at the courthouse by which
Charles W. Liggett and Everett Lig
g tt agreed to sell to the Kola Neis
Hop company 20,000 pounds of hops
each year for a term of five years, be
ginning with the crop of 1906, at 10.6
cents per pound. The Liggett farm
is two miles south of Peoria on the
Willamette river, and the owners are
said to be experienced and capable
growers of hops. Albany Herald.
Makes the Liver Lively.
f.'riuo Laxative Fruit .Syrup givi-s
perm meat ifrlit'f in rates u( haliii mil
(:oiitiiition as it stitnulatfs (he liver
and restores t'ie ualuial action of the
bowels without irritating these organs
like pills or ordinary athartics. Does
not nauseate or gripe and is mild and
pleasant to take. Remember the name
Orino and refuse substitutes. Belt &
Burns will hold a lively and profit
able fair.
With its companions, heart burn,
flatulence, torpidity of the liver, consti
pation, palpitation r( the heart, poor
blood, headache ami other nervous
symptoms, sallow skin, foul tongue,
offensive breath and a legion of other
aliments, is at once the most widespread
and destructive malady among the
American people. The Jlerbine treat
ment will cure all these troubles. 50e a
bottle. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co.
Alfalfa and vetch are highly profit-crops.
Not ic is herebv Riven that the untlt-raiRiieil
tins beta duly iHiMl a.liuiinetrmor ol t lie
estiiteof AniTSvlveKUT. defeased, by the t'ounly
Court ofthe State' ol Oregon, for l'olk County.
All persons liavine claim" aeHitist the said
entate are lier.'bv iioliiied to present tilt- same
tiiilv verified, lo'setlier with the prtir vouchers
therefor, to the iindersinifed at his residence in
the City of Dallas, in said County, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated and first published June LID. 1!KW.
Administrator of the estate of
Ann Sylvester, deceased.
Oscar Unyter, Attorney.
Administrator's Notice.
Don't Be Backward.
Do not hei-itata to ask for a free samp'e
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. We are uliui to give them to
anyone who is troubled with biliousness
constipation, or any disorder of the
stomach. Many have been permanently
cured by their use. Stafrin Drug Co.
Asthma Sufferers Should Know This.
Foley's Honey and Tar hw cured
many cases of asthma that were con
sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Hueeing,
701 West Third St., Davennort, Iowa,
writes: "A severe cold contracted
twelve years ago was neglected until it
finally grew into asthma. The best
medical skill available could not give
me more than temporary relief. Foley's
Honey and Tar was recommended and
one fifty cent bottle entirely cured nie
of asthma which had been growing on
me for twelve years. If I had taken it
at the start I would have been saved
yeais of suffering." Belt & Cherrington.
The number of business houses in
Med ford is increasing.
et al, land in 1 8 s, r 5 w, $1.
Will Interest Many.
Every person should know that good
T C Smith and wife to Sarah F Jack t)ealth is. '"'Possible if the kidneys are
oerangeti. Foley's Kidney (Jure wi
cure kidney and bladder disease in every
form, and will build up and strengthen
these organs so they will perform their
functions properly. No danger of
Bright's disease or diabetes if Foley's
Kidney Cure is taken in time. Belt &
Rainier is deservedly getting a great
reputation asa lumber manufacturing
Old Chronic Sores.
As a dressing for old chronic soie6
there is nothing so good as Chamber
lain's Salve. While it is not advisable
to heal old sores entirely, they should he
kept in a good condition, for which this
salve is especially valuable. For sore
monies Chamberlain's Salve has no
superior. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co.
Tillamook Herald: Campers are
due to arrive and many may be ex
pected in from the valley soon.
Children like Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar. The pleasautest and
best cough syrup to take, because it con
tains no opiates. Sold by all druggists.
Breathes there a man with soul
Who never to himself has said :
"My trade of late is getting bad ;
I'll try another ten-inch ad."
If such there be, go mark him well ;
For him no bank account shall swell,
No angel watch the golden stair
To welcome home the millionaire.
The man who never asks for trade,
By local line or ad displayed,
Boat building is becoming quite an
industry in Klamath Falls.
Feel Impending Doom.
The feeling of impending doom in the
minds of many victims of Bright's disease
Cares more for rest than worldly gain, ! diabetes has been changed to thank
And patronage but gives him pain
Tread lightly, friends; let no rude
Disturb his solitude profound ;
Here let him live in calm repose,
Unsought except by men he owes,
And when he dies go plant him deep,
That naught may break hisdreamless
sleep ;
.Where no rude clamor may dispel
The quiet that he loved so well.
And that the world may know its loss,
Place on his grave a wreath of moss,
And on a stone above : "Here lies
A chump who wouldn't advertise."
fulness by the benefit derived from
taking Foley's Kidney Cure. It will
cure incipient Bright's disease and dia
betes and even in the worst cases gives
comfort and relief. Slight disorders are
cured in a few days. "1 had diabetes in
its worst form," writes Marion Lee of
Dunreatb, Ind. "I tried eight physicians
without relief. Only three bottles of
Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well
man." Belt & Cherrington.
Many carloads of horses have been
shipped out of Harney county.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Walter, of
Dallas, were visiting friends in Amity
last week. Amity Enterprise.
Modest Claims Often Carry the M6st
When Maxim, the famous gun in
ventor, placed his gun before a com
inniee ot judges, ne stated its carrvmg
Ira West moved his family to Dallas power to be much below what he felt
last week, where they intend to sure the gun would accomplish. The
permanently reside. Miss Gertie West result of the trial was therefore a great
is visiting relatives and friends at surprise, instead of disappointment.. It
Dallas and Falls City and will stay is the same with the manufacturers of
until after the Fourth. Baker Creek
Item in McMinnville Reporter.
A Hard Lot
of troubles to contend with, spring from
a torpid liver and blockaded bowels,
unless you awaken them to their proper dysentery,
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. They do not publicly
boast of ali this remedy will accomplish,
but prefer to let the users make tne
statements. What they do claim, is
that it will positively cure diarrhoea.
pains in the stomach and
The Bridal veil Lumber company
of Portland has added 7,000 acres of
fine limber land to its holdings.
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is
the original laxative cough syrup and
combines the qualities necessary to re
lieve the cough and purge the system of
cold. Contains no opiates. Sold bv all
Bids have been opened for the con
struction of a canal 20 miles in length
to take its water from the Umatilla
It is always well to have a box of salve
in the house. Sunburn, cuts, bruises,
piles and boils yield to DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Should keep a box on hand
at all times to provide for emergencies
For years the standard, but followed by
many imitators. Be sure you get the
genuine Hewitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Sold by all druggists.
Large crowds are daily going to the
beaches, and Seaside, below Astoria,
is getting its share of the summer
Does evil still, your whole life fill?
Does woe betide?
Your thoughts abide on suicide?
Yon need a pill !
Now for prose and facts DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are the most pleasant and
reliable pills known today. They never
gripe, bold by all druggists.
Fhe Eastern Oregon counterfeiters
have been held in enormous bouds to
await the action of the United States
grand jury.
Notice is hereby Riven to w hom it in uy con
cert!, that the undersigned h;.s been by the
H"U. County Court of the Stute id On-fou, for
I'oili County, by an order duly made and entered
of record therein on the Slrd day of June. I'M.,
duly appointed administrator of the estate of
Irene .iiiiiwalt, deceased. All persons having
claims against jtid estate are hereby notified to
present the same duly vended within six
mouths from the dale hereof and ail persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate aie
notified to settle the saniewita the undersigned
at once.
Dated at Dallas, Toik County, Oregon, this
-.Villi day of June, 1:KV..
lil.EXX B. Z I'M WALT,
'Administrator of the estate
of Irene Zumwalt, deceased.
Sibley i Eakin. Attys. for estate.1
Notice of Guardian's Sale.
Notice is hereby eiven that in pursuance and
by virtue of au order and license to sell, duly
made arid entered by the Countv Court of Polk
County, Oregon, on the l.'th day of Mav. l'.HHi, in
the matter of the enardianship of Kdiia Lena
lirin n, a minor, I, J. N. Hart,' us guardian of
said minor, w ill proceed to sell nt private sale
fur cash in hand (subject to eoniirniulion of
suid court) on and alter
SATUKUAY, AL'til'ST 1th, I'M,
at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., nil the right,
title and interest of said minor in and to the
following described real property, to-wit: Ail
of Lot No. nine !' in Block No. eiht (S in
Kiverside Addition to the City of Salem, Marion
county, Oregon. Also an undivided one-third
interest in and to Lots one 1, two JJ, three
and four (-1) in Block nine C) iu the town of
Talinadge, Polk county, Oregon. Bids for said
pioperty are to be made for each tract separately,
and presenled to me at the otlice of the Countv
Judge of Polk county, Oregon, at Dallas, iii
said county and state.
Dated and first published June a Jt It, IMG.
J. IS. HAKi,
Guardian of said minor.
Notice For Publication.
I'nited States Land Otlice,
Portland. Greet n,
April 24. 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in eomulianr.e
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June o, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, jevaua, ana nusnington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4, 1892, Allen Forward, of ' Salem,
county of Marion, Slate of Oregon, has this
aay meet in tmsomce his sworn statement No.
(ihtfi, tor the purchase of the S. E. li of Section
No. 32 iu T. No. 7 3., Range No. tj V.. and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
10th day of July, 19o6.
He names as witnesses: Alouzo Uesner, of
Salem, Oregon; Daniel W. Tarplev, of Salem,
Oregon; Basil H. Wagner, of Salem, Oregon;
Col. J. Olmstend, of Salem, Oregon.
Any and all Dersons claimin? advprsplv tim
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claims in this otlice on or beftre said loth dav
of July, l'JOfi.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby eiven thaf the nniWuiamirf
has been duly appointed administrator of th
estate of Robert Metealf, deceased, bv the
County Court of the State of Oreuon. fnf PoiL-
All uersons having claims against the snid
estate are here by notified to present the same
duly verified, together w ith the proper vouchers
therefor, to the undersigned, at his law otlice in
the City of Dallas, in said Countv, within six
months from the date of this notice.
uateu ana nrst published June 8, ISOH
Administrator of the estate of
Robert Metealf, deceased.
Administrator's Notice.
action with Dr. King's New Life Pills;
the pleasautest and most effective cure
for constipation. They prevent Appen
dicitis and tone up the system. 25c at
Belt A Cherrington 's drugstore.
bowels and has never been known to
fail. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co.
Ihe recent fire at St. Johns is said
to have been caused by fire crackers,
Big harvesters
nearly ready for
Baseball Players and Foot Racers!
Louis J. Kruuer, ex-champion long
distance foot racer of Germany and
Holland, writes, Oct. 27, 1901 :
"During my training of eight weeks'
A Tragic Finish.
A watchman's neglect permitted
leak in the great North Sea dyke, which
a child's finger could have stopped, to
become a ruinous break, devastating an
entire province of Holland. It like
manner Kenneth Melver, of Yancehoro,
Me., permitted a little cold to go un
foot races at Salt Lake City, in April noticed until a tragic finish was only
last, I used Ballard's Snow Liniment to
my greatest satisfaction.
"Theiefore, I highly recommend Snow
Liniment to all who are troubled with
sprains, bruises or rheumatism." 25c,
50c and $1.00. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co.
Prosperous times in Bohemia min
ing camps.
averted by Dr. king's New Discovery.
He writes: "Three doctors gave me up
to die of lung inflammation, caused bv a
neglected cold; but Dr. King's New Dis
covery saved my life." Guaranteed best
cough and cola cure, at Belt A Cher
nngton's drug Btore. 50c and $1.00 Trial
bottle free.
Saved His Comrade's Lite.
"While returning from the Grand
Army Encampment at Washington
City, a comrade from Elgin, III., was
taken with cholera morbus and was in
a critical condition," says J. E. Hough
land, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave him
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Kemedy Hnd believe saved his
life. I have been engaged for ten years
in immigration work ami conducted
many parties to the south and west. I
always carry this remedy and have used
it successfully on many occasians." Sold
by Stafrin Drug Co.
The mills
can't cut lumber fast
Bowel Complaint In Children.
During Ihe summer months children
are subject to disorders of the bowels
which should receive careful attention
as soon as the first unnatural looseness
of the bowels appears. The best medicine
in use for bowel complaint is Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and I'iairlioea
Remedy itr it promptly controls any un
natural looseness of the bowels. For
eale by Stafriu Drug Co.
Hood River is growing fast and the
national bank in that city is to have
its capital doubled.
Only 82 Years Old.
"I am only 82 years old and don't ex
pect even when I get to be real old to
feel that way as long as I can get Elec
tric Bitters.' savs E. II. Brunson. of
Dublin, Ga. Surely there's nothincr
else keeps the old as young and makes
the weak as strong as this grand tonic
medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, in
flamed kidneys or chronic constipation
are unknown after taking Electric Bit
ters a reasonable time. Guaranteed by
Belt A Cherrington, druggist. Price 50c.
Try a little Kodol for Dyspepsia after
your meals. !ee the elleet it will pro
duce on your general feeling by digest
ing your food and helping your stomach
to get itself into shape. Many stomachs
are overworked to the point where they
refuse to go further. Kodol digests your
food and gives your stomach the rest it
needs, while its reconstructive properties
get the stomach back lr to working order.
Kodol relieves flatulence, sour stomach,
palpitation of the heart, belching, etc.
Sold by all druggists.
Andrew Nelson, a logger, is lying
in the hospital at Eugene, suffering
from a serious injury received iu one
of the Booth-Kelly camps a few days
A sweet breath adds to the joys of a
kiss. You wouldn't want to kiss your
wife, mother or sweetheart with a bad
breath. You can't have a sweet breath
without a healthy stomach. You can't
have a healthy stomach without perfect
digestion. There is only one remedy
that digests what you eat and makes the
breath as sweet as a rose and that
remedy iB Kodol for Dyspepsia. It is a
relief for sour stomach, palpitation of
the heart, ami other ailments arising
from disorder of the 6tomach and diges
lion, zane a nine jvouoi alter vour
meals and see what it will do for rou
Sold by all druggists.
Notice is hereby given to w hom it
cern, that the undersigned has hv order ni ih
County Court of Polk Countv.'Oregon, duly
made and entered of record on "the 19th day of
May, 1906. been dulv anoointed n.lminuir'at,,.
of the estate of Plato McKee, late of said Polk
County, deceased, and all persons having
claims against the suid estate are herebv nr.ri.
tied to present the same dulv verified wit hi n
oja jnumiJH irom tne uaie iwrnot unrt n noriom:
indebted to said estate are hereby notified to
acme me anuie ml unce wiin tne unaerMgneu
Dated at Dallus, Folk County, Oregon, tl
bviu uuj yj i .'in, tJUU.
Administrator of the estate of
Plato McKee, deceased.
Sihley & Eakin, Attys. for estate.
Notice For Publication.
Attorney F. J. Heuey is expected to
be in Portland this week to take up
the land cases in the federal court.
DoV7iit's ffi? Salvo
Fcr riles, Curn$f Sores.
Twenty Year Battle.
"I was a loser in a twenty year battle
with chronic piles and malignant sores,
until I tried Bueklen's Arnica Salve;
which turned the tide, by curing both,
till not a trace remains," writes A. M.
Bruce, of Farmville, Va. Best for old
I'litTS, Cuts, Bums ami Wounds. :'5c
at Belt A Cherrington, druggist.
Deiwirtment of the Interior,
Land Otlice at Portland, Oregon.
. June M. m
Notice is herebv eiven that the foil DU int.
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before tlm ivimn
Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas. Oreeon. on
aokusi n, viz: Horace S. Chase H. K. No
ior me nasi ' ol East ol See T
South, R. 7 West.
He names the following witnesses to prove
uie ii'imiiumis resilience uoon Hon r nvunmi
saui lano, viz: l . 11. iae. of Salem. Oreiron
(.eorge u-k, of Kalis City, Oreeon: Frank
Hubbard, of Dallas. Oregon: Jnm. R,n ni
I'Hiias, Oregon.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cure Cold, Croup and Whooping Cough.
Buy en OraditF
this $60 Machine for $25
stitch, double feed, self
threading shuttle: has
automatic bobbin wiuder
and other latest improTe
ments. This is the ANTI
the same machine agents
are asking you JO f.r. Al
attachments go with each
machine. Sold for only
(A rh and Si monthly.
Write TOMT for free FURNITURE MT110CUE showing
elegant household goods we will fhtp (freight
Prepaid) on Et fijmenrs our new CREOit plan, i
Cavurtx Furnlturo Company i
1T3-WI First St. PO&TLAM). OB.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Polk County, Department No. .
Koderic T. Pierce, Plaintiff, vs Margaret A
McCarter and Henry McCarter, her husband-'
David J. Riley, Andrew i. I,ovelady and JIary
Lovelady, his wife; John T. McCarty, Koseannie
M. Waters and M. L. Waters, herhusband; Alice
v.. rnSiii, uuu jumi i. rHjrin, ner Husband
noma c. iiage, Amanda J. Simmons, and Wil
liam D.Simmons, her husband ; Elijah A. Mc-
nnj, Oman r. v.ruier, anu aiiaunicu B. under
her husband; l.evina Loveladv, Oetavia Badger'
and Ephraini Badtrer, her husband: .',irmi t.,t!
neyand Matney, his wife: Sarah J. Cochran,
v..,,,lnu. ncr ousuauu, ueiemv
ants, Summons:
To -Margaret A. McCarter and Henry McCarter
her husband; Devid J. Riley, Andrew J Love'
laciy, and Mary Love adv. his wife .l.i,n t i
vitrij, nuoeiiunie .11. aters, and M. L. Wutpra
her husband; Alice G. Kagin aud John T. Earin
ner nnsDanu; Konia E. Gage, Amanda J. Sim-
iiiuiisnuu niiimui v. oimmoiis, her husband'
Elijah A. McCarty. Sarah F. Gri,ler,n,H h.,.i,. k
S. Grider, her husband; l.evina Lovelady Oe
tavia Badger, and Ephraiin Bi. ,ger ' her
husband; Carrol Matney, and Matney, his
wifej Sarah J. Cochran, and William Cochran
her husband, the above-named Defendants- '
In the name of the State of Oregon : You are
hereby required to armour nnrt .1.,. .
plaint filed against you iu the above entitled
suit, within ten days from the date of service of
this summons upon you, if served within this
rT v ' r" nuJ ouier county within
his S ate then within twenty davs from
the date of service of this summons npou you
"'J 1 y?n .''' V swer, for want thereof the'
planum will take a decree against you for the
relief prayed for in his complaint, which is as
follows: That plaintiff is the owner in f"
simple of the following described real proocrtv
to-wit: v
That portion of the Donation Land Claim of
Thomas .!. Lovelady, and Mary Loveladv. his
w ife, Claim No w . Notification No. l7, in Twp
7 S., of Range I West of the Willamette MerV
rhan, in Polk County, Oreson, and described as
follows, to wit: Beginning at a point 3 rods
hast, ana 13 !16 chains S. of the Southwest cofner
of the D. L. C of Asa bhreve and wife, No 62, in
said Twp. aud Range; thence South 2..& chains
thence East 3D. 13 chains, thence North '5v!
chains, thence West :w.43 chains to the place 'of
beginning, containing 100 acres of land, and
that the Defendants or cither of them have no
estate or interest whatever in or to the land or
premises above described; and that the title of
plaintrtl thereto is good and valid: that the De
fendants and each of them be forever enjoined
and baried irom assorting or claiming anv ritbt
title or interest in or to the said real premises'
or any part thereof, and for such other and
further relief as to the Court n.- J
equitable in the premises.
i nis summons is published Wit a period of six
weeks, bv order of Hon w uuT.i " LX
Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore' I
.1 V wiii ii l , " "lMrl. niaue Juue 5, 1906,
at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, and the date of
the first publication thereof is June S, Mti and
the date of the last publication thereof will be
Attorney for Plaintiff.
MmaaMa ?
is! 1
CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, 111., writes: "I paid out over $160 to local phy.
slcians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. afterward
bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents
of this one bottle I was entirely cured."
Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY CUARAfJTEEPl Trial Bottles Fret
zzz ZH
. n
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to whom it may con
cern, that the undersigned bus been by the
Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon for
l'olk County, by au order duly made and entered
of record therein on the 2nd day of June, llKlti,
duly appointed administrator of the estate of
Marquis b. Robbins, deeeased. Ail persons
holding claims against caid estaie are hereby
notified to present the same duly veiilied to t lie
undersigned, within six months from the date
hereof and all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate are hereby notilied to call
and fettle the same at once.
Dated at Dallas, l'olk County, Oregon, this
2'itli day of June, l'.KJii.
J. 1). SMITH,
Administrator of the estate of
M. h. Kobbins, deceased.
Sibley & Eakin, attorneys for estate.
Salem, Falls City & Wes:
ern Railway Co.
TIME-TABLE Effective Way 1. .
Dailj except Sunday,
West-Bornd: A.M. P.M.
Lv. DALLAS 7:: 1:20
Teats' Siding 7: l(i l::;o
Gilliains 7:19 l;:!j
Bridgeport 7:55 1:45
Ar. FALLS CITY 8:05 1:55
East-Bound: A.M. P.M.
Lv. FALLS CITY 10:00 4:00
Teats' Siding no stops
Uilliams 10:10 4:10
Bridgeport.... 10:10 4:17
Ar. DALLAS I0:.'l.i 1:35
Trains Stop on Signal only.
General Manager.
Than Any Other Liue in the Woi'lu
The Only Line Passing Through
En route to or from the East
Choice of 2 Routes Through
the Heart of the RocKies
Equipment and Service Unsurpassed
Oscar Hayter,
Upstairs In Campbell building, Mill st
Sibley & Eakin,
The only reliable set ot Abstracts li
Polk county. Office on Court St
El. F. Coad,
Office in Courthouse
Write or call on the undersigned for
information and descriptive literature.
W. 0. MeimiDK, General Agent
124 Third St.
00 Tays tor the OBSERVER
and the Weekly Oregonlan
one year. In order to take
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I ill iifnri irl
N. L. Butler.
Office over Dallas City Bank.
J. II. Flower,
Office next door to Tostofflce.
Office in Cooper Building.
J. L. Collins
Main Street, Near Postoffice
The Popular Liver Medicine
Will Keep You Well
with Arsenic, Calomel and Quinine. They act as rank d2
5t,btoi,deUIit!lte th "3 leavVaXl
INF to y mpt,oms wh'cLh, rec5ulre years to obliterate. HERB
' . ls .Purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic
nX3' abs!utely H1? and is the simple remedy of
t 1 'J'A' Hi?ts lrede11. Texas, says: " I was
sick in bed for eight months with liver trouble, the
doctor seemed to do me no good. I was told to try -tlerbine,
and it cured me in a short time. I cannot
recommend this wonderful medicine too highly."
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
w jj . n n
M. Haytkh,
. Office over Wilson's Drug Store
L. A, Bollman, M. D.,
Uglow Building, Rooms 7 rand 8.
Mutual.Phoue Main 38. Bell Phone
Main 641.
Positive, Comparative, Superlaiive.
" I have used one of your Fish Brand
Slickers for five yeais, and now want
new one, also one for a friend. I
would not be without one fortwice tne
cost. They are just as far ahead of a
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ahead of nothing."
( Njiiiij on appll'-arion.)
Be sure you don't get one of the com
mon kind -this Is the QWuj
mark of excellence.
Makers of Wet Weather Clothing
The $1.00 bottle co-Ubs 2 tiroes th trial Hm. which sells for 50 caA
E. C. DeWlTT rriMDirvrv. CHICAGO. H1
1-1 . -
cor bale by Druggists.
teacher of
Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Blook
ttf Ciam SIMMs s4 Boot See ta Era? Btult,
J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son
and farm Eanas ana City Property.
Office on Court Street.
Dallas, Oregon.
qriUly ascertain our on" "'corrj"
Invenrloii Is probably pat-"'p An onP'-J" t
tions strictly confidential.
sent free. Oldest agency for sew" "CA ,
ratentj laxen io.;" - into
nxriol notice, without cbree, Wi"
wriol notice, wlthoulcn.- . 4j J
Scientific mBh
ion of any c'e""uA Mall t
: finr months, (1. SolaBJ',,,,. if,jr
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach. Torpid Liver and
Chronic Con
Pleasant t
ISis S !l i i
Cleanses the sysKS
t-,3 Laxative nm byrup