Polft County Observer J. O. IIAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Puulished Weekly nl 1.50 per Strictlv in Advance. Year. DALLAS, OREUON. June 22, l'JOfi The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. m. 1 - The proposal for a county High School was adopted by the voters of Wallowa county by an overwhelming majority at the recent election. The High School movement Is growing all over Oregon, and the town or county that fails to provide the highest pos sible free education for its boys and girls will soon find itself far behind its more progressive , neighbors. The people of Dallas never did a more profitable half-hour's work than when they turned out to the meeting, Monday, and authorized the district board to establish the higher grades. As a result of that meeting, It will not be many years before Dallas will have a large and well-equipped High School to which every citizen can point with pride. The movement for a first class free school is now under way and will grow in popularity with each succeeding year. Let's see, didn't that correspondent in last week's Itemizer say something about the Ouskrver man being "more zealous than discreet" because he ad vocated a free High School for Dallus? Seems like we remember having read something of that sort. Wonder how he feels about it now? If working for better free educational advantages for the children or the laboring men of Dallas is "more zealous than dis creet," we will have to plead guilty to the soft impeachment. The Oisseiiver has worked, for many important im provements for Dallas in the last 15 years, and expects to work for many more. Dallas needs a hospital ; not neces sarily a large hospital, but a well managed institution of its class. With the large number of laboring men employed in the sawmills, logging camps, factories, and in other hazard ous occupations, the demand for a hospital in Dallas is steadily .in creasing. There is no good reason for sending sick or injured men to Raletn or Portland, when they might be cared for at home at a much smaller expense. Nature's Way Is Best. ..1: :i BIG PRIZES FOR APPLES Liberal Cash Premiums Will Awarded for Best Displays at Dallas Apple Show. Be The burdensome raise of 25 per cent In insurance rates, made on all classes of property in Oregon as a result of the losses sustained by the companies In SanFrancisco, is causing wide spread dissatisfaction among the property-owners of the state. The Eugene Guard says that the business men of that ety are already taking steps to organize a mutual Ore la euraoco company. By organizing a iooaJ mutual company tne merchant) The postoffloe department iu Wash expect to secure insurance very much ington has issued the following new oueaper man an present, ana tne rules The cash premiums to bo awarded to prize-winners at the Dallas apple show next November wjll make it well worth the while of every farmer in Polk county to enter into the competi tion. While a few medals and prizes of merchandise may be awarded, by far the greater number of premiums will be paid in gold coin and in ex tremely liberal amounts. The committee on arrangements met in Dallas, Saturday, and dis cussed the matter of premiums at considerable length. It was decided to offer prizes for all the leading com mercial varieties of apples, both in boxes and on plates. While no premium list was definitely decided upon, it ts known that liberal sweep stakes prizes will be given for boxes and plates of four or more varieties of apples. The first prize will be $10, and the second $7.50. Prizes will also be awarded for the best displays of grapes, walnuts, and ether orchard products. The fair will be held in the month of November, the date to be decided upon at the next meeting ol the' com mittee in July. The display will be made in the City Hall and will be open to the public for two days. Ex cellent programs are being arranged for each evening, to be participated in bv prominent horticulturists of the state. The committee suggests thut the farmers who are preparing to compete for prizes should thin their fruit and spray their trees to obtain the best results. Now is a good time to do this work. With a reasonable amount of painstaking effort, the fanners of Polk county can demonstrate to the world that apples grown in the Wil lamette "Valley are fully equal to those produced in any other portion of the United States. The premium list will be publised immediately after the adjournment of the July meeting of the committee. ;-. by function sirenfttlienln!; and tissue irr ;!;ui of trusting i-Iii'. nu1. linirer :'l "!.' limit" e t.i' ii e;;si! at! pnr ' JVr ; f r.vtot aftoj -ii i- ; .... -.- -I.::.- ii:--- -. net tiv.l ret "" t U eti f roi i n.:,. ive t.i- . 1 i':ot.;. iro.l !.y pv.--itt wr.mtthi out bv X::'i:ui:'J!-' of l.llU'll U;.ie iil'...i v.tiio:st the use 4.f ah-:..:.,l. ai:i c;.-; filiation f:i ju.it the right IilMpomon:-. U.:'"d as i:i"T'"!iet!l:i of Dr. PierecV ColU -ii Medical DiV.roVTV. I.'l.ic!; Cherry i::r!:. Qiieen'.s root, Golden Senl root. Klo. -.!:-oot and Kto:;o root, specially exert their ialliienco in cases, of lutifj, bronchi;.! unj throat troubles, and this "Diseov i:nv " is. tlierefore, a sovereign remedy for bronchitis, bryii'tftis. chronic coughs, cutarrh and kmdrcd ailments. The abos-e native roots also have tlio sti'Diirfest possible endiii-seinetit from the leading lueiiical. writers. of all the severe! 'schools of pi-iictieo. for the cure not only of the di.;oa;es named above but also f.r Iiidi;;iv:tioi:. torpor of liver, or bilious ness obstinate con:;: .i',ition. kidney and bladder troubles ii:v.l "catarrh, no matter where located. You don't havo to tal;e Dr. Pierce's say-so til. me as to this: what he claim---for his "Discovery" is 1hv:m1 up by the vrKi;isof the i.iost eiainent men in the medic;:! profession. A ri.-quesl by postal ::nl or letter, addressed to Dr. H. V. ri'-roe. Diio'alo, N.Y., for a little bonk if -extracts from eminent medical au thorities ciidorsiit'f the ingredients of his medicines, will bring a little book free that is worthy of your attention if needing a good, safe., reliable, remedy (if .io,'-.i. I'DiHiKixiliui) for the cure of almost juy old chronic, or linierin malady. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con sti),:Lioii. One little "Pellet " Is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. The most valuable book' for both men and women is Dr. Picon's """X- Common Sense Medical Ad ; .- vise;-. A spk ud.d lOOS-pnge lv.' d volume, with engravings nirt co oreu n at.es. A conv. paper-covered, will be sent to c :n-ono send in1; cents in oii"-eeut stamps, to pay the cost of inn iliii'f on:, to Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth-bound, 31 stamp; mis. il INDEPENDENCE NOTES in MUST PUT UP SIGNALS Department Announces New Rural Delivery Rules Thut Go Into Effect Alter July 1. money on the policies will all be kept at borne. The members of the assoel- vi tiro emei prise. .... The Dalles Optimist is the latest candidate for public favor. It is a neat, six-page, six-column paper, and is brimful of news and spicy editorial matter. The editor is A. Bennett, formerly of the Irrigon Irrigator. Associated with Mr. Bennett in the publication of the paper is It. G. Davenport, for many years with The Dalles Chronicle, undone of the best all-around printers in Oregon. Mr. Bennett's famous Itabbitville letters, which made tho name of the Irrigator a household word in Oregon, ure a feature of the new paper. The Opti mist Is as bright as a new dollar, and its publishers are deserving of the greatest success. Tho passenger department of the Harriman Hues has issued a large amountof valuable advertising matter descriptive of tho Northwest iu the last four or Ave years, but it has put out no more attractive and well-written book than "Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Their Itesources, V.Mti." Tho book is from the pen of liiualdo M. Hall, who has few equals us a de scriptive writer, and contains precisely the information that a homeseeker in the middle and eastern states Is look ing for. Tho rcsouri.es and ad vantages of Oregon are set forth in a highly Interesting and attractive form, and the text is beautifully illus trated with views of Oregon scenery, farm products, mining and manu facturing scenes, etc. The condensed information about towns along the lines of the C). It. & N. and Southern raeiflc companies is au especially interesting feature of the new publi cation. Tho Harriman people are giving Oregon much valuuble pub licity, and, for the first time in the history of the state, the Willamette Valley Is being given its rightful Share of recognition. The result can not fail to bo beneficial to all con cerned. Girl farm. Girl W anted. wanted. Apply at the Lyle Get Rid of Scrofula Benches, eruptions, inflammations, ore nesn of th eyelids and ears, diseases of the bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, are only some of the troubles it causes. It is a very active evil, making havoc of the whole system. Ho o d's Sarsap arilla ! J Eradicates it, cures all its manifestations, i and builds up the whole system. Accept CO substitute. On and after July I, patrons of the rural delivery service will bo required to display signals on their boxes when ---, -mn'l in them for carriers to collect, us, after that date, ;t.v j when serving their routes, will not be required to open and examine any mail box except those to which they nave mail to deliver and those on which signals are displayed to indicate there is mail for carriers to collect. Those patrons whoso boxes are not provided, with signals must attach thereto some device which, when dis played," will plainly show carriers there is mail to be collected. It is not necessary that sueh devices shall be either complicated or costly; a very simple arrangement will answer the pin pose. Carriers must lower the signal on boxes niter making collections, pro vided no mail is left therein; and must display the signals when they deposit mail for patrons, unless the patrons have made request to the contrary. MRS. IDA TURNER DEAD Passes Away at Her Home in Cor. vallis, After Long Illness, Aged 49 Years. After many months of patient suffering, Mrs. Ida M. Turner, wife of B. It. Turner, died at the family home iu ("orvallis, Monday morning, at 1 o'clock. Her death was caused by heart trouble and dropsy. The re mains were taken to Ihiena Vista for burial. The news of Mrs. Turner's death was received with much sadness in J.'ullas, where she had many friends. The following brief sketch I or her 1 1 to is taken liom the Oorvallis Gazette: "Ida .Mae Baker was born in Loui.-d- ana, Missouri, January 8, 1S.17. When she was about 13 years of nge, her parents moved to Illinois, locating at Pleasant Hill. Here, on February 20, 1S77, she was united in marriage to Biehard Turner, ami together they later Miss Lottie Masterson visited McMinnvile during the week. Mrs. Edith Smith i3 visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. S. E. Owens, Oris B. Robertson will be the new manager of the Douty Clothing store. TbeO. S. N. 8. Al urn n al dance will bo given nt the Auditorium Friday evening. The sawmill has resumed operation after several week's lay-off for the want of logs. Logs enough for a good run will be provided this time. The graduating exercises of the Independence High School class were held at the Auditorium, Saturday evening. The graduates were Miss Loon a Hopper, Fred Suver, Earnest Peterson and Miss Jean Sliarman. Mrs. W. A. Messner entertained the members of the Social Whist Clut Saturday evening at her home. The The affair was a surprise to Mr. Messner on the occasion of his birth day anniversary. A delightful surprise birthday party was given Miss Mutfruroito Hodge at her home Wednesday evening by Misses Mildred Owen, Mabel Ellis and Lavon Leitch. Games, musicand dainty refreshments were provided for tho evening. fus A. Hurley, of Vale, Oregon, is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. M. Hurley, this week. Ac companied by his brother Julian, he will return to Vale next week where fbni'-n.rfl.io the newspaper business. "0 5. UIUU'J Will mv-,-c--.U.. place this fall to make her home. Was Pioneer of 1845. Mrs. Irene Zumwalt, who died at her home near Perrydale last week, was born In Indianapolis, Ind March 17,1831. She was a daughter of Canny Goodrich, who came to Ore gon in 3S43 and settled near Dayton. She was married to C. T. Zumwalt, August 3, 1S19, and was the mother of eleven children. Her husband died ses-eral years ago. Mrs. Zumwalt was a noble Christian woman, a kind mother, and a good neighbor. Her death leaves another vacancy in the rapidly thinning ranks of the. grand old pioneers of Oregon. L. Van Burkleo, the expert stamp photographer, will remain two weeks more. You will make a mistake if you don't have him take you some. He will move his tent next to the Post Office. BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. l-iayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. Many Bargains Left! Wagon For Sale. One new 2 wagon ' for Hlghes, Dallas, Or. sale. X, Wanted. ' Girl for general housework. Address Box 137, Dallas, Or, Hay For Sale. Nice, loose cheat hay for barn on my farm, one mile per ton. H. G. Campbell. sale out ; Wood For Sale. Good 4-foot grub oak and young fir wood ; also 10 inch rick wood, oak and fir, for sale by Ed Cochrane, Dallas, Or. Buggy For Sale. Buggy with shafts, pole, two good robes and a storm robe, for sale at a bargaiu. W. H. Kuabkh, Dallas, Or. Wanted. Girl to assist in general housework and help with care of baby. Address Box 222, Dallas, Ore. as m to ft to to to to to to to to to to to to to over the stock, and find there are We have now had time to look t still leave iii w'ti"'" i many things left that we Come and help yourself to them while they we still leave on sale at prices as follows: last. For example, A Large Line of Boys Shoes at . . A Line Misses' and Ladies Shoes at ALL OF THEM WOKTH TWICE THE A Line of Shirt Waists, and new at $1.00 MONEY. old We have left our Clothing at sales prices for a time, ami many other things are remarkably cheap. All goods the kind you buy the year round. Our Dress Goods Department and Dress Trimmings are re markably fine this year. All the beautiful shades in the Soft Woolens and in the Fleecy Soft Summer Goods the like we never had before. Come and See Them. flAIN STREET, DALLAS, OREGON w to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to t Fresh Cow For Sale. Fresh cow, kind and gentle ; a big milker. J. S. M.u.-oMiiEii, Phone Black 25. Dallas, Ore. For Sale. One pair Guinea 'owls pairs of Fautail i'igeons. Glenn Oku, Bickreall , Or. and two Apply to For Sale. One light (Last wagon; one horse, buggy and lJness; 50 head of iirst- elass ijanL i Jhs: all for sale at a bargaiu. M. 1H Ellis, Dallas, Or. W4 Cow? For Sale. Eight milk coivs and five 2-year-old heifers for sale. J. T. Bveble, Perry- dale, Or. i 5f 2i NEW BRICK BLOCK In order to secure a suitable building for our Rapidly in creasing business we are compelled to move out while a new brick block is being erected. Tall$ City Me$ a Dallas visitor, House and Lot For Sale. Six-room house and lot, less than one block from courthouse yard, for sulo cheap. Pantry and bathroom siiiinJied with hot and cold wtiter. In quire tit OBSEitvtn oiti. - . Frank Butler was Monday. Mrs. Boy MeMurpby and Miss Mamie Fngitt were Dallas' visitors, Monday. - Matty people from Fulls City will attend tho pioneer reunion iu Dallas, Saturday. Wednesday night a party of young people made a raid ou all the spring chickens to be found in tho neighbor hood and journeyed up the creek a short distance an. I enjoyed a good chicken supper. A merry timo was enjoyed until a late hour. Tarties owning adjacent chicken yards have all made purchases of new locks and keys. New Song Book. L. A. Mathews has secured one hundred copies of tho new song book entitled "Tho Good News in Story and Song." The songs are mostly familiar, and are easily learned by the children. It is desired that these books should be placed in tho homes or all the CMimlay School children of the town. The books are cloth bound and are neat and attractive iu appear ance. The regular price of the book is '25 cents. Tho price to Sunday School children is 15 cents. The books ate ou sale at the Stafrin drugstore. Neither Mr. Mathews nor Mr. Stafrin will receive any prolit from the sulo ot these books. If there should be any prolit above cost and freight, it will be used in Sunday School Gasoline Wood Saw. We have a gasoline wood-saw, and are prepared to saw all kinds of cord wood on short notice. Heed & Hayes, Dallas, Or. Bell phono 333. Uoing Out of Business. Notieo is hereby given that Guy Bros., dealers in Hardware, Paints and Oils are going out of business in all paints, except PATTON'S SUN PliOOF, sold under u 5 years' guarantee. For Sale or Trade. I have a few head of unbroke horses that I will sell cheap, or will trade for cows, goats or sheep one or all. II. G. CAMPBELL, Dallas, Oregon. Pasture for Rent. I have excellent pasture nt my Polk Station farm for rent at tho rate of $1 per month per" head, strictly iu ad vance, for either cattlo or horses ; also limited pasture in Dallas. Call at once as to city pasture. E. C. KIKKPATUICK. "Lambert Boy 4192." The noted Morgan horse "Lambert Boy 1192" will make the season oi 1'JUG us follows : Independence, Wed nesdays and Thursdays; Dallas, Fri days and Saturdays; remainder of time ut Turner's near Airlie. J. W. BBOWN, Owner. Partnership Dissolved. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between! Guy Brothers and Masury's and Bay 5 Jfv 2 m &a Ml m m m m m t s NO AVAILABLE ST0EE AT HAND We will Sacrifice Our Present Stock ANY OLD PRICE AT NO FAKE SALE, BUT FORCED OUT. Only a few weeks to Clean Out the ENTIRE STOCK We have many new and up-to-date things come in since the fire and others on the way, which MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Now is the time to get BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. YOU NEED SOMETHING NEW FOR PARLOR, SITTING ROOM, DINNING ROOM, BED ROOM or KITCHEN. DROP IN AND SEE HOW THE. LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU Franft Kerslak q TB HOUSE FURNISHER DALLAS, OREGON . - -Ar- lt N" rfi r. srr ' "sy - f ? l, rj -r-t r , -f , . ''J '.Vrf tWV, f.vi:3 A Bargain. ITaving given up farming, I offer for sale my threshing outfit consisting of one 21 horse-power Traction engine with round, tanks, pumps, and hose complete; one 32x5i inch 20-bar large cylinder Separator, with patent J Milk Cow Wanted. j Wanted to buy a first-class fresh ' milk cow, guaranteed to be perfectly gentle and to give at least 4 gallons Of milk per day. Will buy after due j trial. Address, Dk. Ed Smith, Dallas. ad- Or. Judges iLxchange Places. rcuit Judge George II. Burnett .id $ioa. moved to Colorado, where thovi reidMl tW1 VOJ1 r-i Tw.'lltv-.,.!!,, vnura ago they arrived in Oregon, residing ! ll,,ls "no to Kh"ath Palls, where he for a time in Albany, later in Dallas, j wi" P1'0'1''' "t the session of court for then coming to Corvallis. 'j Judge II. L. Benson, ami the latter "Deiva.-(d was a charter member of j wil1 eomu to All"'any and hold court iu the Ilebekah and Circle lodges of i Ju,lnv Uunu'tt's place. Dallas, and had been a faithful mem ber of the Methodist church since 1(5 years or age. She was a kind and gentle wife and mother, a loyal friend and obliging neighbor, und her pass ing is mourned by many simvre friends. "The immediate survivors are the husband, Biehard Turner, a son, Bert Turner, of Nevada, and Mis Lulu Turner, of thi citv. A father aid o ir brothers rcvlde iu Iilneis." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy- Cure Cold. Croup anil W'l;oopiug Cough. j aiHio i antes is uow aissotved, and in the future they will carrv aothing but PATTOX'S SUN PliOOF PAINT, sold under a positive 5 years' guarantee. ic ::i t-'.:t -. !, i tii.a i-u '.t.-o i.-' i.s -iv" 'y in 1. tis!fninv. (.. Mallion "Hercules." Commencing April , the rercheron stallion, "Hercules," will make the season of 190G us follows: Mondays and Tuesdays at Kiekreall; Wednes days at Independence; remainder of time nt Black's stable, Dallas. Terms, $12.50 to insure. WILLIAM TATOM. r will bo plca(d to ' 1 on drv dol liss .. ., a!ne to cure in ail iis ( ;u.krrh. Halfg Catarrh r.v,- ro known tother.ied- i.itrra ivm a cputitutionl t''i'i'. r,-iL:irv-.i a cv,!i--tLmtion!il troatnu-'iit. l. iii's (.'at:irr;i i n- i j u iiin-rnallv, ai-tiny ' i.ratlv upon I ho i-UvmI and muoini surfaces of j t:-o s torn, ihcrvhy !. stroring the foundation i of thcuwase, ana cirinethe twtiont strenmh : by b;i:l,imii nn the contitntion and assis!io , of 19iM at tile Farmers' Baturendoinri:work. The proprietor hata : ,, s.i m-.ii-h f;iL!li in it rurative Dowers, that thpr : JJallitS. lei tllS. SIO. lilts to cere. Semi for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo, 0, T "-f t Trnir(r!tg, 75e. ilaU'a Family 1'i.U are the best. ijustable riddles and wind stacker,1 together with cook-house, eook stove, j tauks, cooking utensils, etc., and a j full set of wagon racks and forks, all ! ready for first-class work. All the; machinery and wagon-racks have I been carefully housed and kept dry ; when not in use. Although this I machine has only worked about M j days. I offer the whole outfit for cash I or on time at much less than one-half j the first cost JAMES ELLIOTT, Dallas, Oregon Bicycle Supplies Horsemen, Attention! The imported German Coach stallion "Albon" will make the season Feed Shed in $!' and ?20. W. II. MeDaniel is prepared to furnish pasture for mares. IIU1SBAKD & Mc DANIEL, Dallas, Or. gjn. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL High Service and Low Rates. C. W. NIXON, Proprietor, Corvallis, Oregon If you need new tires for your wheel, come and see me. I haiuHe THE RACYCLE the best wheel made. Come and examine it and convince yourself of its superiority over other bicycles, and you will save monev. C. The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso-' hub engine in me market. Just the thing for Wood Sawing, Tumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. Ed. Diddle, Agent Dallas, Oregon. Dallas, RISSER, W. V. FULLER. K,AL ESTATE Timber Lands a Spccilaty If you have eaten tort in,?. or relinquiMirnetts to sell, list same with me. Office in Crider Buildipsj Dallas, Oregon Oregon. Chests hst you cat.