Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 01, 1906, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
tVioltahed Weekly at 11.50 per Year.
Strictly in Advance.
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronize Dallas people.
those who elected him. A vote for Dr.
McCalloD is a vote for a man who is
in heaity and complete accord with
all the principles that Republicans
hold dear. A vote for his opponent is
a vote for one who is in every way op
posed to Republican doetrtnes, and
who holds dear not the principles of
Democracy, but the vagaries of Mid-dle-of-the-Road
Populism. CertaiDly
no true Republican will hesitate long
in choosing between these two candi
dates next Monday.
With a prejudice amounting to
fanaticism, Editor Lyon of the Inde
pendence West Side, attacks every
candidate who is not shouting himself
hoarse for Statement No. 1 of the
direct primary law. It matters not
what his qualifications for the Legis
lature may be, If he will only fsdorse
Statement No. i he is capable of repre
senting the people nd no other man
will fill the bill, according to the
Independence editor's idea. Honesty,
ability, position on questions of
National and State importance, and
all other qualifications that go to
make a suitable candidate for the
Legislature, cut no figure with this
frenzied writer, who is riding one lone
hobby in the present campaign.
Pretending to edit a Republican
newspaper, he has steadily fought the
nominee of his party, and has given
every aid and comfort to those who
are seeking the defeat of the Re
publican candidate His loud boasts
of conducting a straight party paper
fall flat before the course he has
pursued in the campaign justdrawing
to a close. Without a shadow of an
excuse, he has steadily fought Dr,
McCallon, merely because that gentle
man did not sign Statement No. 1,
which the primary law leaves to the
candidate's judgment to sign, or not
sign, as he may see fit. With abso
lutely no regard tor the honest
opinions of those who do not happen
to agree with him, he has sought to
force his own opinions upon the party,
with the threat of helping to defeat its
candidate if it does not bow down in
submission to his will.
In his blindly prejudiced fight for
the people's choice, ho has really been
guilty of fighting against the people's
choice, for it must be remembered that
Dr. McCallon was nominated by the
votes of the people in a free and fair
contest. Had the people been opposed
to the nomination of Dr. McCallon,
they would have defeated him at the
primarios. The very f&ct that he was
chosen, proves beyond question that
he was the people's choice. Had the
people desired otherwise, they would
have voted him out of the race. Mr.
Lyon does ill when he opposes the
man chosen by his party, in a fair
contest, for this office.
No one will blame Editor Lyon for
his belief In the righteousness of
statement JMo. 1. This Is a rrco
country, and every man has a right
to his personal opinions. But after
making an Inglorious failure in his
effort to induce some candidate to run
on his pet platform, and after the fair
and square nomination of a worthy
and competent candidate by his party,
he should have ceased his attacks and
lined up in support of the people's
nominee. No mart-Is bigger than his
party, especially when his party has
expressed its will by just and honor
able methods.
Hon. B. F. Jones, who favors State
ment No. 1, was a candidate for Joint
Representative, and was successful in
the primaries.'' The writer of this
article was opposed to Statement No.
1, but at no time did ho ever think of
saying a word against Mr. Jones'
candidacy on that account, or any
other. Nor did ho ever hear from the
large element in the Republican party
opposed to Statement No. 1 a single
word against Mr. Jones because of
that gentleman's position on this
Statement. No one questioned Mr.
Joiies' sluoorlty for an instant, and
all freely accorded to him the right to
his belief. Knowing him to bo an
honorable, capable man, and a repre
sentative citizen, a sufficient number
of voters gave him their support to
place him in nomination. Mr. Jones
handsome vote came from the ratiks
of those who favored Statement No. 1
and those who did not favor it, for the
reHsou that the voters recognized in
him a man who was capable of repre
senting them creditably and honor
ably. Statement No. l was not the
tost then, neither will it bo in the June
election, when Mr. Jones will receive
the unanimous voto of his party.
Dr. McCallon is a loyal and able
Republican, standing squarely for the
principles of the party as practiced by
that peerless Republican leader, Theo
dore Roosevelt, and, as such, is en
titled to every Republican vote in
Polk County. He is a clean, able
man, and will represent his county
with credit to himself and credit to
John Teal's record as an officer dur
ing the four years be was County
Commissioner is his best recommenda
tion for re-election to that important
position. The reHiilts of his good
work are seen in every precinct in the
county in the shape ol good bridges
and improved roads, and the evidence
of bis financial ability is manifested
in the fact that the county debt was
reduced $100,000 during his term,
without neglecting any important im
provement or materially increasing
the burden of taxation. A great big
whole-souled, honest friend of every
body that's John Teal ; and the voters,'
irrespective of party, are going to put
him back in the County Court again
just to show that they appreciate what
he did for the county when he was in
office before.
M. D. Ellis, the Republican candi
date for Sheriff, has made a fair,
honorable campaign for the office, and
should be given the solid vote of his
party. He pledges himself, if elected,
to enforce the laws as he finds them
on the statute books, justly and with
out favoritism. He has lived in Polk
county since his earliest childhood,
anil his record has been that of an
enterprising citizen and an honest
man. He is in every way qualified
for the office to which ho umpires, and
would give the people a capable, busi
ness-like administration, and the
people of Polk county would never
have cause to regret the election of
Mark Ellis to the office of Sheriff.
While Governor Chamberlain is
making his claim that he has reduced
taxes, it should be borne in mind by
the taxpayers that the amount levied
this yeat for state purposes is $623,000,
to all intents and purposes as much
as at any time in the past indeed
more, if the amounts which the stale
is now receiving from indirect sources
are deducted. Facts are stubborn
things, and the figures do not back
up the Oovernor'sextravagantclaims.
Woman's Trials.
The bitter trail in a woman's life Is to
bp ciii!fi!os. Who can Ml how hard the
Ptriijrirle mil v have ! n ore she loitrnt to
its1"!! liiT-'i'lf to hor lonely lot? The ab
SMM.ee -of liiis link to bind marital lifo
togi'ilier. the aiweiipe of this one pledgo
to mutual alTection is a common iii.-ii'r-poiiiMnent.
Manr unfortunate couples
become pstrancecl thereby. Even if tl
do not drift apart, one may read the whole
extent of their disappointment in the eyes
of such a childless couple, when they rest
cn the. children ol others, lo them the
largest f a mil v does not seem too numerous.
In many cases of barrenness or child
lessness the obstacle to child-bearing is
easily removed by the cure of weakness ou
the part of the woman. Dr. 1'ierce's la
vorite Prescription has.Wn the means of
restoring health and fruitfulness to many
a barren woman, to the great joy of the
household, lu other, hut rare cases, tho
obstruction to tho. bearing of children has
been found to lie of a surgical character.
but easily removable by painless operative
treatment at the invalids' Hotel and .sur
gical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y., over which
Dr. Pierce of the " V avonto Prescription'
famo presides. In all cases where chil
dren are desired and are absent, an effort
should be made to lind out tho real cause,
since it is generally so easily removed by
proper treatment.
In all the various w eaknesses, displace
ments, prolapsus, miianimation and ue
bilitating, catarrhal drains and in all
cases of nervousness and debility. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the most
eihcient remedy thatcan possiblv bo used.
It has to its credit hundreds of thousands
of euros more in fact than any other
remedy put up lorsale through druggist:
especially for woman's use. The ingredi
ents oi winch the "favorite rrescription
Is composed have received the most
positive endorsement from the leading
medical writers on Materia Medina of al
the several schools of practice. All the
ingredients are printed -in plain Emjlinh
cn tho wrapper enclosing the bottle, so
that any woman making use of this
famous medicine may know exactly what
she is taking. Dr Pierce takes his pa
tients into his full confidence, which he
can afford to do as the fnrTnil.a after
which tho "Favorite Pnw-riiifion" is
made will bear the most careful exam
ination. a
Dust ana Sdicst laxative ii vomea.
The Biggest Busiest and Best Piano
Dealers on the Coast
Will open temporary sample und
store room on Mill street, next to the
Cottage Hotel. Their agency mana-
ger.Mr. Wm. F.C. Krull will be in and
about town for a few days, and will
offer you the finest and most beautiful
instruments at prices that will sur
prise you. Profits are out of the
question ; its money we need.
We are being forced out of our
spacious and beautiful quarters in
Portland by a frenzied landlord who
advanced the rent to a prohibitive
figure. And then don't forget that
the burning of our San Francisco
house compels us to turn our pianos
into cash.
Easy terms for those who want to
buy on time.
Willamette Valley Company Now
Owns Light Stations at Dallas
and Independence.
ine Willamette vauey (Jompany
took formal possession of the Dallas
electric light plant yesterday, having
purchased the property several weeks
ago. The company also took over the
Independence electric light and water
plants at the same time. The con
trolling interest in the Willamette
Valley Company is owned by the
wealthy brokerage and banking firm
or Rhodes, Slnkler & Butcher, of
Philadelphia. The Dallas office will
be in charge of C. B. Rhodes
This company owns electric light,
gas and water plant3 at Eugene; the
light and water plants at Springfield
the light and water plants at Albany ;
tho light plants at Cottage Grove and
Corvallis, the lightiug and telephone
system at Seaside; the gas plant at
Spokane ; the electric railway at Boise
City, and the electric light and gas
plants at Baker City.
Mr. Rhodes says he will begin the
enlargement of the Dallas plant at
once, in order that the very best
lighting service possible may be
given. New machinery will be in
siaueii, ana me system win be ex
tended to all parts of town' to furnish
lights to all families desiring them
Plumbing at Guy Bros.
Notice to Contractors.
Bids will be received for redecking
about GOO lineal feet of the main span
and the east approach of the Steel
Bridge at Salem, Oregon, with good
sound red or yellow fir lumber four
inches iu thickness, the same to be
securely spiked with No. 70 spikes,
putting a spike in each board at every
crossing of each joist.
Also, for putting in four lines of
joist in the main span four inches
thick and of the same width of the
joist that are now in said span, also to
replace any defective joist that, in the
judgment of the overseer iu charge
of said work, should be replaced with
new ones.
We also ask In a separate bid, bids
for the cleaning and repainting all of
the iron and steel work in said bridge
with one coat of best red or black
paint, specifying the price of each.
Said bids will be received at the
office of the County Clerk for Marion
County, Oregon, and will be opened
upon the 8th day of June, 1900, at 2 :00
p. m.
By order of the City of Salem and
the County Courts of Polk and Marion
County, Oregon.
Mill Hands and Yard Men wanted;
$1.75 to $2.50 per day.
Willamette Valley Lumber Co.,
Dallas, Ore.
Plumbing at Guy Bros.
Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon.
Wagon For Sale.
One new 2V wagon for sale. N.
Hughes, Dallas, Or.
For Sale.
One good buggy and one bicycle for
sale. Dr. M. Hayter, Dallas, Or.
Hay For Sale.
Nice, loose cheat hay for
barn on my farm, one mile
per ton. H. G. Campbell.
men Wanted!
Saw mill and lumber yard laborers
$2.25 per day. Woodsmen, $2.25 to
$3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth
Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore.
Pasture for Rent.
' I have excellent pasture at my Polk
Station farm for rent at the rate of $1
per month per head, strictly in ad
vance, for either cattle or horses ; also
limited pasture in Dallas. Call at
once as to city pasture.
Girl for general housework. Address
Box 137, Dallas, Or.
For Sale.
For sale, a bunch of horses at
Fuller's stable, Friday and Saturday,
at all prices.
Girl to assist in general housework
and help with care of baby. Address
Box 222, Dallas, Ore.
Wagon and Harness For Sale.
Good wagon and set of harness for
sale. Ben Thompson, Dallas, Oregon.
Rural Phone Black 4.
Wood For Sale.
Good 4-foot grub oak and voung fir
wood ; also 16-inch rick wood, oak and
fir, for sale by Ed Cochrane, Dallas,
House and Lot For Sale.
Six-room house and lot, less than
one block from courthouse vard.
for sale cheap. Pantry and bathroom
supplied with hot and cold water. In
quire at Observer office.
Gasoline Wood Saw.
We have a gasoline wood-saw. and
are prepared to saw all kinds of cord
wood on short notice.- Reed & Hayes,
Dallas, Or. Bell phone 333.
"Lambert Boy 4192."
The noted 'Morgan horse "Lambert
Boy 4192" will make the season of
1006 as follows: Independence, Wed
nesdays and Thursdays: Dallas. Fri
days and Saturdays; remainder of
time at iurner s near Airne.
J. W. BROWN, Owner.
Stallion "Hercules."
Commencing April 1. the Percheron
stallion, "Hercules," will make the
season of 1906 as follows: Mondays
and Tuesdays at Rickreall ; Wednes
days at Independence: remainder of
time at Black's stable, Dallas. Terms,
$12.50 to insure.
Horsemen, AttentionI
The imported German Coach
stallion "Albon" will make the season
of 1906 at the Farmers' Feed Shed in
Dallas. Terms, $10, $15 and $20.
W. H. McDaniel is prepared to furnish
pasture for mares,
Dallas, Oregon.
A Bargain.
Having given up farming, I offer
for sale my threshing outfit consisting
of one 24 horse-power Traction engine
with round tanks, pumps, and hose
complete; one 32x54 inch 20-bar large
cylinder Separator, with patent ad
justable riddles and wind stacker,
together with cook-house, cook stove,
tanks, cooking utensils, etc., and a
full set of wagon racks and forks, all
ready for li rat-class work. All the
machinery and wagon-racks have
been carefully housed and kept dry
when not in use. Although this
machine has onlv worked nhnnr. rq
days, I offer the whole outfit for cash
or on time at much less than one-half
the first cost. JAMES ELLTOTT
Dallas, Oregon.
K 111 II hill
We have now had time to look over the stuck, and find tlcr(J
rt .1 A. ,. I 1 itjt i i- 1.
are many things lelt that we nm buu ivc ai uargain
Come and help yourself to them while they last. For
we still leave on sale at prices as follows:
A Large Line of Boys' Shoes at . .
A Line Misses' and Ladies Shoes at
A Line of Shirt Waists, old
and new at $i.oo
We have left our Clothing at sales prices for a time,and many
other things are remarkably cheap. All goods the kind you
buy the year round.
Our Dress Goods Department and Dress Trimmings are re
markably fine this year. All the beautiful shades in the Soft
Woolens and in the Fleecy Soft Summer Goods the like we never
had before.
Come and See Them.
fa i
damaged by moving out of reach of fire will be sold at a
sightly I
Reduction. We will sell everything at Fire Sale Prices to
make room for a New Stock.
Come in and see the Bargains
we have in Carpets, Rugs and
every line of House Furnishing.
Next Door to the
Frank I
(erslake Xe H0USE furnisher
A Capable Company.
Lee Willard and his capable com
pany are giving the theater goers the
worth of their money at Woodman
Hall this week. It is no exaggeration
to eay that the company is the best
that has ever visited Dallas. Not a
poor performer in tho entire cast, and
tho plays are all of a high order of
merit Last uight's performance of
"Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hydo" was a rev
elation to tho people of Dallas in the
line of superior acting. Touight Mr.
Willard and his players will present
a comedy, "The Gay Deceiver." They
should be greeted by a crowded house.
Th only way to get rid
of pfcsples and other erup
tions is to cleanse the Mood,
fcnprove the digestion, stim
ulate the kidneys, liver and
skin. The medicine to take is
Which Ins cured thousands.
Hawley Speaks Tonight.
W. C. Hawley, republican candidate
for congress, will address the voters
of Polk county in the courthouse at 8
o'clock this evening. Ho is one of the
most scholarly men in Oregon, a pro
found thinker and a fluent speaker.
Come out and hear him. lie will
entertain and enlighten you at the
same time.
we Are well Armed
To meet every requirement of the
with the latest styles and best makes of. $
Ladies', Gents' and Children's
. . Shoes. . .
rri : . i . i
i ueju 15 uonesi value in
every pair, and v
guarantee that they will give good satisfaction.
We believe that a personal inspection will make
you a customer. Trices? The 1
for good footwear.
lowest possible
Republican Candidate for
Street Improvement Notice.
at Wood ir. an
"A Gay Deceiver
Hall tonight
lhe annual reunion of Tolk county
pioneers will beheld in Dallas on
Saturday, Juue 23.
Some farmers wanting the rain to
quit ; others In other parts of the state
wanting more raiu. 'Twasever thus.
Notice to All nop Men.
Why not save from $1 to $2 per cord
on your wood? Weenn help you do
this. Write for quotations and state
amount required for old-growth fir
slab wood. Will make you prices
delivered or at the mill. Now is the
time to buy.
Willamette Valley Lcmber Co.,
Dallas, Oregon.
To J. C. Morrison, John Wolf and George W.
Con Key:
Notice is hereby sriven. That the City Council
of the City of 1m11, lireeon, contemplates Die
passare of in Ordinance requiring the improve
ment of Uioecortnin ureets or parts of streets
aescriueu. as ioiiows. to-wit: Ail tna; part
of Court street lying Kast of Jefferson street in
the city of Pallas.
That said improvement will consist in freneral
in gradine and gravelling said part of said
street and will be made at the lime and in the
manner to be hereafter prescribed by said Ordi
nance: Tint the coat of said improvement will be
assessed to the real property fronting and
ahuttinir thereon :
That the Citv Council of said City will sit in
the Council Chamber in said City ou the 6ih
day of June A. D. at 7 :;i o'eloi k in the eva,
ninp. to hear and 1etermi!:e ot-jeetions auj re
monstrances thereto, if any there be: and
That all on nor, and other peraonsiu interest,
may attend at said time and place and show
cause, if any thev have. hv said improvement
should not be made.
lMtie by order of the City Council of the Citv
I of halias. made on the '.'Istdav ot Mav A. 1. liOi.
V nne rnr hand and the official seal of the
said City of Halb e, this imd day ot Mv A. l.
Auditor and Police Juueof the
City of Dallas, Oregou. ,
Mrs. J. C. Gaynor, Proprietor.
am an.
I nam street, . . Dallas. Oregon. 1
Street Improvement Notice.
To Anna Craven: !
ijotice is hereby given, that the City Council
of tlie City of Dallas, Oregon, contemplates the ' Rnv'c T.., a
parage of an ordinance requiring the improve- "O" S 1 WO aild ThrPP Pioro
ment of those certain streets or parts of streets c lcerieCe
w;oum, regular values at $4.00
to $6.00 at almost half the
XlCture framoc i-
a new line
just received handsome pat
terns at reduced prices.
"or Boast that
i 11 I i .' , A new
" J , 7. ' incnes in wmth on the Sim
.mi, .i mm. jiri oi t iay sirxtt an.l on the
swe ot Main street ad.iacent to and adjoin
........ .... ,., v lul or parCt,j c
gnnind, described as lt No. nd
in Block So. 3, in the Gem addition to the citv
of Dallas. ( Invfin J
That said sidewalk will be coniriiM.i
lumber at the time and in the manner to be
m.t, f.iTOiiuiu ai.i vrtiinanee
That the cost of said sidewalk will
w.-r-.i iu me anuve ueserioed pr.'pt-rty
That theCiiy Council oi said citv will vit in the
(ouncil Chamber in said Citv on the 6:h dsv of
June, A. D. V.M at 7::t o cl.H-k in the evening to
hear and determine otvjevu.ns and remon
strances thereto, ii any tlieretie: n.i
That all owner and other persons in intervst
may attend at said ti:e and piaee and sn.Tw
cause li any they have, why said sideuaik.
should not be coi structed.
I one by order of the Citv Council of the Citv
of Dallas, made on the Ist day of Mav A i"
lv " '
W itness my hand and the oifleidl seal .f (V
said City of Dallas, this i.'nd day of Wsv A ii
.iu. hut aim i i. in la.ire .i ihe
City of DaUas, Oregon.
our line of
pecialh- worn'
and fhii.irt.'o V
' -iv... 0 never
been equalled in Dallas.
HackeL Store
Main Street, Dallas, Oregon
Bell 'Phone 44.
Mutual 'Phone 63
AND EACH PRTT1AV vm t nxuTKn met will $'i
some good article of our stock at
Startling Prices.
5. Loughary's
Hlgh Service and
Low RatP:
v. -v. v7 !
W. KIXON, Proprietor, '
- a M
Ltw in A rnr nf
1 Ul Jdic d.-:-:
any length, pipe of 7
and size, machinery s
write for prices on ?;.
scrap irca and all fji
machinery bought ana .
Corvallis, Ore
Do7Itt's 3
For Pile Burns,-'