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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1906)
COURT HOUSE NOTES. PROBATE Estate of Plato McFee, deceased resignation of Lydia McFee accepted and W. W. Miller appointed adnaiu istraior; Dona or 600 niea and ap - proved; administrator authorized to sell certain personal property. Estate of James M. Allen, deceased -petition to sell real estate granted. Estate of Frank Brown, deceased petition to sell real estate granted. EQUITY COURT DOCKET Judge Galloway's Department of Clr cult Court Will Convene Tues day, June 5. M Judge William Galloway will con vene Department No. 2 of Circuit Court in Dallas on Tuesday, Juno Following is the docket: 1 J W Brown vs J L McTimmonds et al, suit in equity; Sibley & Eakin for plff ; Oscar Hayter for deft. 2 Henrietta Knowles vs Byron Knowles, divorce; Oscar Hayter for plff. 3 Set!) Riggs vs Polk County and J T Ford, Sheriff; W. H. and Webster Holmes and Oscar Hayter for plff ,, J. H. McNary for deft. y - 4 Nancy C Brown vs Granville Brown, divorce ; Oscar Hayter for plff. '" "6 Peter Schindler vs Emil Schlnd ler et al, accounting ; J K Kollock and M A Zollinger for plff. 6 J W Conner vs Mary Conner, divorce ; Frank Holmes for plff. 7 Falls City Lumber Co vs E H Watkinset al, suit in equity; Teal Minor for plff; A F Flegel for deft 8 Maude Hemphill vs J M Hemp hill, divorce; J F Yates for plff. 9 R T Pierce vs Margaret A Mc- Carter et al, suit to quiet title; J H Flower for plff. 10 Preston Richardson vs Annie S Griggs, suit in equity; B F Jones for plff; Bonham & Martin for deft. 11 Dora Herren vs J H Herren divorce; Bonham & Martin for plff. 12 L F Tharp vs Lydia A Tharp divorce ; W O Sims Tor plff. ia wuiiam Macoetn, trustee, vs Thomas Rand et al, suit to quiet title George W Joseph for plff. li Rolla Waterhouse Waterhouse, divorce; N L plff. 15 Jacob Schnebli vs Peter Schind ler, suit In equity; George A Shepard for plff. 10 Dan Wachino vs Vick Wachino, divorce; G O Hoiman for plff. 17 Ella Quirk vs John Quirk, divorce ; W O Sims for plff. 18 L E Knapp vs Dallas City Bank, suit for accounting; B F Jones for plff. 13 Phy Simpson vs O & 0 R R Co., a corporation, specific performance of contract; Ed F Coad for plff, 20 Rose M Stephens vs Radway Stephens, confirmation ; A O Condit for plff. vs Ren a Butler for A couple recently married at Silver ton were aged 81 and C'J years respectively. Ties are at a good price. One Clack amas county man has just shipped 30,000. Streetcars in Forest Grove next month. Why take a dozen things to cure that cough f Kennedy's Laxative Honey unci Tar allays the congestion, stops that tickling, drives the cold out through your bowels. Sold by all druggists. Fine grain prospects around Willa-mina. I and CURE the LUCSf WITH L:ocov'.;rv rONSUMPTION OUGHSand OLDS Price 60c & $1.00 Fico Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY SACS. Tal1$ City note$ Superintendent C L. Starr visited in the city last Monday evening. Several from here will attend the picnic at Ballston next Saturday. M. D. Ellis, Republican candidate for sheriff of Polk county, visited our voters the first of this week. Miss Ruby Reese, who has been sick several days anil out of school, is again able to take her place in the school room, much to the pleasure of the children. Ira Mehrling has a contract for the building of a bi idge near Airlie. and has several teams hauling lumber from the mills here. They make one round trip each day. Fred Crowley, teacher of the Rick- reall school, who has been elected principal of the school here for next year, spent last Monday in visiting the school. At the opening exercises he made an excellent talk to the children and teachers. The ball game here last Saturday between the school team and the Tribunes of Dallas, resulted in a score of 15 to 6 in favor of the Tribunes. It was a close game up to the 5th inning when the Falls City boys went to piocesand the Tribunes won the game. A return game will be played next Saturday on the Dallas grounds. The Ramblers of Dallas, a team of little fellows, played a team of small boys from this place with the result of 17 to 9 in favor of Falls City. feee tbat your druggist gives you no imitation when you ask for Kennedy's Laxative irlonev and lar, the only original Laxative cough syrup. An automobile stage line will prob ably be established in Klamath county. Best for Women and Children. On account of its mild action and pleasant taste Orino Laxative Fruit Syiup in especially recommended for women a;.l children It does not nauseate or giipe Jike pills and ordinary cathartics. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels without Irritating them. Remember the name Orino and refuse substitutes. Belt & Cherrington. Ball games everywhere in Oregon. War Against Consumption. All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white plague that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs mid colds perfectly anil von ate in no danger of consumption. Do not link your health by taking sonic unknown preparation when Foley's ilonev and Tar is sale and certain in re suits. Ask tor Folev's ' lionev and Tar and insist upon having it. Belt & Cher rington. Legal Blanks for sale at this office. Was Wasting Away. ''I had been troubled, with kidney disease for the last five veats," writes Robert li. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with leading physicians and tried all remedies suggested without re lief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles com pletely cured me and I am now sound and well." During the summer kidney irregularities are often cruised by ex cessive drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Uure. belt&Uiiernngton. All Oregon rejoiced in the rain. A Mountain of Gold could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, ot Caroline. Wis., as did one 2i)e box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tortured her 23 long years. Giealest antiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. 25c at Belt & Cherrington's drug store. HERBINE Will overcome indigestion and dj'8' pepsia; regulate the bowels ana cure liver and kidney complaints. it is the best blood enncher and in vigorator in the world. It is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and should you be a sufferer from disease, you will use it i' vou are wise. R. N. Andrews, Editor and Mgr. of Cocoa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fla. writes; 1 have used your Heroine in my lamily and hnu it a most excellent med icine. Its e'Jects upon myself have been a marked benefit. Don't forget Made in Oregon wher ever you live. Sore Nipples. A cure may be effected bv applying Chamberlain's Salve as soorr-as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. Salem will have a fruit cannery. The Cloverdale cheese factory is re ceiving over 10,000 pounds of milk per day. A Positive Necessity. Having to lav upon mv bed for 14 days from a severely bruised leg I only tounU relief when 1 used a bottle of Bab lard's Snow Liniment. I can cheerfully recommend it as the best medicine for bruises ever sent to the ifllicted. It has now become a positive necessity upon mvseif. D. R. Byrnes, Merchant, Doversville, Texas. 25c, 60c. and $1.00. Sold by htitlnn Drug uo. Stomach Troubles. Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly respected resident of laisoma, Miss. was sick with stomach trouble lor more than six months. Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets cured her. She says: "I can now eat anything I want ard am the proudest woman in the world to find such a good medicine. tor sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Samples tree. Citation. In the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Polk County. , , , . In the matter of the BinirrtianHliip of the estate of Miirquis L. KobWiifl, an incompetent PtTo'l"ucy A. Bobbins, John R. Robliins, Ci. It. Robblnn, Mary Dennis, Oliie Farley. Curjie bklt -ton, Italpli Casey, Maud Muhlif?, William 1 atom, Georsie Walker, May Campbell, hlla kraber, W. K. Ellis, Bertha Kills, Cora Miser, Kate Klllott, Fred Tatom, Thomas Tatom, Mark Tatom, Wayne Tatom, Jessie Tatom, Mellaril P Tatom, the next of kin and all persons Interested in said guardianship, knowu and unknown, ureetinK: In the Name ol the State of Ores on : ou are hereby cited and required to appear in t r County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Polk, at the Court room thereof, at Dallas, In the County of Polk, on Saturday, June the 10, I'M), at 10 o'clock ir. the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause if u n v vnn havp w hi' Urn nrnvernf the petition of the guardian in the above entitled trust, sskine that an order be made authorizing him to sell the hereinafter desi iibed real property belonging-to said ward be not granted, to-wit: He pinninp at a point ;.0 links Host and ii.01 ehs. North of the 8. W. corner of the I), I,. '. of Asa shreve, Not. No 2252, Claim No. 02. in T. 7 S , H. 5 W. of the Will. Mer. thence Knst bi 83 chs. thence South 11.82 chs. thence North 78 degrees ID minutes East 20.52 chs. thence Konth 8 SO chs. thence West :'9. chs. thence North 15.37 chs. to place of bepinniiiR, excepting therefrom the cemetery and road thereto, described as begin ning at a point 2.09 chs. South and 6.00 chs. Kant of the Southwest corner of said Shreve J). L. C. thence East 2:i2 feet, thence .South 118 feet, thence West 2.12 feet, thence North M8 leet to plane of beginning, said roadway beginning frr.m the nort hwest corner of the last above d( - scribed tract South 57 1 4 feet to North side of said road, thence South 45 degrees est K. 50 chs. .South M0 0I chs. to middle of the County road running from Dallas to IMxie; the land herein to be sold being ;!5.S! acres, more or less. Also the North half of the Northeast quarter of Sec. 26, the East half and the northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of See. 23, and lots 3. 4 and 5 and the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of See. 14. Also beginning at the Southeast corner of the John Paukey 1), L. C. Not. No 5510, Claim No 44, thence North 3.81 ehs. tlienci West 52.50 chs. thence South 3.81 chs. thence East 52.50 chf. to place of beginning, excepting and reserving therefrom the following: Heginning at a point 3.H1 chs. North and 6 25 chs. West of the South east corner of said Pankey I). U C. thence South 13 chs. thence West 7 ehs. tfience North 13 chs. thence East 7 chs. to place of beginning, all of last described lands being in Township 7 South of Kange 6 West of the Will. Mer. in Polk County, Oregon and containing in all 718.10 acres mote or less. Witness: The Hon. Ed F. Coad, Judge of the County Court of , , the State of Oregon, for the L.L..T ' nf I'.aII.- it). tin. cmtil ' of said Court allixeri, this 10th day of May, A P.. PKlil. Attest: E. M. SMITH. Clerk. Corvallis will rejoice in new mountain water in about a month. Cattle are getting fat on all the Ore gon ranges. Fortunate Mlssourians. When I was a druggist, at Livonia. Mo.," writes I. .). Ihvyer, now ol Grays- ll its, Mny "three of my customers were permanently cured of consumption hy l)r. King s Piew Discoverv, and are well and strong today. One was trving to his property and move to Arizona. nut after using JNew Discovery a short time he found it unneot'ssarv to do so. regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the most wonderful medicine in existence. Surest Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Belt & Cherrington, Druggists. 60c and $1.00. trial bottle tree. It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold How often do we hear it remarked It's only a cold, " and a few davs Intel leai n that the man is on his back will) pneumonia. Thi9 is of such common occurrence that a cold,, however slight, should not he disregarded. Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency ot a cold to result in pneu ininiia, and has gained its great popu larity and extensive sale ly its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and is pleasant to take For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Observer printing. None better. Four hundred ncres Adams sold for $30,000. of land near tor a painful burn there is nothiiitt line Den itt'8 w itcn liazel Salve. There are a host of imitations of DeWitt's Hitch Hazel halve on the market see that you get the genuine. Ask for De- Witt s. Good. too. for sunburn, cuts. bruises, and especially recommended for piles. The name E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, is on every box. Sold bv all druggists. It is possible to obtain relief from hronic indigestion and dyspepsia hy the use of KUDOL run 1) YSl'Kl'SlA. ime of the most hopeless cases of long standing have yielded to it. It enabled you to digest the food you eat and exer ises a corrective innuence, nuiiding up the efficiency ot tne digestive organs. The stomach is the hoiler wherein the steam is made that keeps up your vital ity, health and strength. Kodol digests hat you eat. .Makes the stomach sweet puts the boiler in condition to do the work nature demands of it gives vou relict trom digestive disorders, and puts vou in shape to do your best, and fee your best. Sold by all druggists. Raise more alfalfa. Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the same ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and Ining quick and painless release from consti pation and the ills growing out of it. Strength and vigor always follow 'heir use. Guaranteed bv Belt & Cherrini'ton Druggists. 25c Trv them. Coquille creameries are doing a big businsss. Lakeview expects a railroad ill surely get it before long. and M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS OREGON HARNESS SADDLES If you desire to groom your horso In the proper style.a har ness shop is tho proper place to buy your outfit I carry a complete stock of : : : HARNESS, ROBES. BLANKETS WHIPS and can fit you out in short order. Also carry a full line of Driving and Working Gloves, at from 75c to $2.00. ALWAYS READY TO DO YOUR REPAIRING. Frank A Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE HOLLiSTER'S Cacky fountain Tea Nuggets A Bay KedioiM for Eatj Pcp!. ' BHoft GolJes E!;h kid FfsewM V!por. A wifl frCvnt)rwtlon, In HrHtkn. I.It rid Kliner Tmuiiie-. I'implea. Kerf mi, linpnra blood, Bad Breath, Muirgiah Bowel. Headache and Backache. Iff Kocky jlountaio Te In lb l"t farm, ceata a box. Uenuine mJ by lioLU(TKB Dlt'9 CQXFAXr, Sld.0, Wis. iZUlH RUSSETS FOR. SALLOW PEOPLE Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar. roley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless imitations have similar sounding names. I'.eware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best, remedy for coughs and colds. Relt c t hemngton. Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of Torture. For more than twenty vears Mr. J. R. Massey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minneapolis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica. The pain ana Buttering which he endured during this time is beyond comprehen- : v - i- . oion. coining gave mm permanent re lief until he used Chamberlain's Pain Halm. One application of that liniment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less than one bottle has effected a permanent cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent bottle of Pain Halm and see for yourself how ouicklv it relieves the pain. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Salem, Falls City; & Wes ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE Effective Mny 1. Dailj except Sunday, West-Bornd: A. M. P. M. Lv. DALLAS 7:30 1:20 Teats' Siding 7:46 I:!iO Gllllams 7:49 1:39 Bridgeport 7:51) 1:45 Ar. FALLS CITY' 8:05 1:55 EastBound: A.M. P.M. Lv. FALLS CITY 10:00 4:00 Tenth' Siding mi stops Citllianis 10:10 1:10 Bridgeport... 10:10 4:17 Ar. DALLAS 10:3") 4:35 Trains Stop on Signal only. L. GEBI.IXUKK, Jr.. General Manager. R. C. Cmven, Pres. W. G. Vassall, Cashier Dallas li;;1 Sank. Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to collections. $2. 00 Pays tor the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. a 'm ' t m i '.-I W this $60 Machine for $25 FREIGHT PREPAID. " js ,a h'sl'-iyi", drop lieail, ball lii'iinmr. lock stitch, double fit'J, self threading thutile: has automatic bobbin winder and other lateM improve ments. This is the ANTI TRUST MACHINE. It is the same machine agents are askingyou t"'0 for. All attachmentsgowith each machine. Sold for only $5 cash and ?:i monthly. Write TODAY for free FURNITURE CATALOGUE sliowiii elegant household oiods we will i-hin (Freight Prepaid) on Easy Payments our new CREDIT plan. Cevuptz Furniture Company 173-175 First St., PORTLAND. OK. W. J. STOWK, Truck eh a es, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. Guardian's Notice. In the mutter of the enanlbmshin nt m r Robbing, nil incompetent person. ' ' Notice is hercbv pivn tht il,,, , ..I..-..;.. i has been by the County Court of l.,IL- i ,',,- Oregon, duly appointed guardian of the above named M. L. Bobbins, incompetent. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby notitieit to settle same at oni'e. anil imy i.r, i,..i.i,-..,. . claim against said ward is hereby notilic-tf to present the same to ihe undersigned as re quired by law. Dated the yth day of May, l'.HHl. J. D. SMITH, Guardian as aforc-aid. Guardian's Sale. Lane county stockmen will probably form an association for mutual bene fit. Tho Klamath very rapidly. basin will develop Postmaster Robbed. U. V. Fouts, rostniaster at Kiverton, la., nenrly lost his life ami was robbed of till comfort, according to his letter, which eays: "For -JO years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a se vere case of jaundice that pvcii mv fintr- er nails turned yellow : when mv doctor preecriled Electric Hitters; .which cured nit tun! have kept me well for eleven years." uie cure for Ililiousuess, Neu ralgia, Vk eaknees ami all Momach, Liv- er, Kidney and lihvlder derangements. A wonderful Tonic. At I'elt A Cher- rinitton'a drug store. 60 cents. Not if as Rich as Rockefeller. If you had all the wealth of Rockefeller. the Standard Oil magnate, yon could not bnv a wtter medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physician can not pre scribe a better preparation for colic and diarrhoea, both for children and adu ts. The uniform success of thi9 remedy has shown it to be superior to all others. It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened, is pleasant to take. Every farnilv should be sunnlied with it. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. Notice is hereby given that by virtni. a, i.l I.. pursuance of a license and order of sale duly made and entered in the rnnmv i ,,rt f Mate of Oregon, for Polk County, on Monday Mar 7. laoti, ill the matter of the estate and guardianship of HattieGill, a minor. I, David JI. Metzger, as guardian of the said minor win on ' SATCRDAY JUNE 9, l'XV, at the hour of one o'cloc k p. m. of said d,iy Rl the front door of the County court House in Dallas, in said County, sidl at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on day oi sale, subject to confirmation by said Court all the rt'al estate belonging to said minor which is described as follows, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2 in Block Ji in Kills Addition to the City of Dallas, in Polk Couiuv. Sti'te of Ore gon. Together with all and singular the tenement hereditaments, and appur.etiances thereunto belonging, or in anywbe appertaining listed at Dallas, Oregon, this 11th day of May FOR COUGHS I THE WONDER WORKER cat FOR THROAT m n r n 9 if lungs CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, III., writes: "I paid out over $160 to local phv sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. afterward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of this one bottle I was entirely cured." Price 50c and $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! SOLD JiD REGOiHEIlDED BY BELT & CHERRINGTON Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, Robert I'oulkes, have been duly appointed administrator of the ebtate of Morris Jones, deceased, by the County Court of l'olk county, Oregon. All persons having claims against the said estate are here by required to present the same, duly verified, to the Dallas City Hank, in Dallas, Oregon, within six months from the date ol this notice. D;ited tliis 4th clav of Mny. l'.Kul. KOBEKT KOt'l.Kl'S, Administrator ol snid estate. N. L. Butler, Attorney. Notice for Publication. Administrator's Notice. Land Office at Portland. Oregon. April 2S, l'.Kni. Notice is hereby given that the following nained settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before E. M. Smith, County Clerk at Dallas, Oregon, on June la, l'.lliii, viz: H. E. No. l.'iOW by Elmer Clarence Burroughs, for the S. E. a of N. VV. ;. of Hec. Ill, T. HS. R.6W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol siiid land, viz: J. A. Iliinuuin, oi Airlie, Oregon; .lule llanuiim, of Airlie, Oregon: lieubeii Hastings, of Airlie, Oregon; Kichard Tavlor, of Airlie, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Nathaniel llolinan, deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for l'olk County, and that Saturday, the 2d day of June, l'JOii, at the hour of 1(1 o'clock in the fore noon of said day has been appointed bv the Judge of said Court as the time, and the Court room of said Court as the place, for the hearing of objections to the said final account, and the settlement thereof. JOHN D. IIOI.MAN, Administrator of the estate of Nathaniel Ilolman, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated and first published May 4, lHOli. Notice is hereby given to whom it may con corn, that the undersigned has by order of the County Court of l'olk County, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on tho li'th day of May, l'lwl, been duly appointed administrator ol the estate of l'lato McFee, late of said l'olk County, deceased, and nil persons having claims" against the said estate are hereby noti lied to present the same duly verilied within six months from the date hereof and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to settle the same at once with the undersigned. Dated at Dallas, Folk County, Oregon, this 20th day of May, I'.Wfl. W. W. MILLER, Administrator of the estate of i'lato McFee, deceased. Sibley & Eakin, Attys. for estate. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1S78. United States Land Ollice, Portland, Oregon. I.iarch 20, 1900. Notice i3 hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, IsTH, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, ls'.ij, Joseph C. Allen, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this ollice his sworn statement No. OS44, for the purchase of the South one-half of S. W. Yai Section No. X in Township No. 7 South, Rnngc No. (i West, and will otter proof to show that the ,and sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before thu Register and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Thursday, the 21st day of June, WOO. He names lis witnesses: A. W. Fletcher, of Htiell, Oregon ; I. McCallister, of Dallas, Ore gon: Carl Clinc, of Portland, Oregon; Jacob Smith, of Huell, Oregon. Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands aro requested to Hie their claims in this ollice on or before said 21st day of June, l'.KO. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. TTORNEY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter, Upstairs in Campbell building, Mill i DALLAS, ORE00S. TTORNKYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set or AbstracU u Polk county. Office on Court St. DALLAS, OREGOK TTORNEY AT LAW Ed. F. Coad, Office in Courthouse DALLAS, Hi. y 1 I'M tit vj ;j"cTV, 11 mil IIIHilllii".,-"-W r-mr V""-"" 1 I u TTORNEY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Banfc DALLAS, OREGO! TTORNEY AT LAW J. II. Flower, Office next door to Postofflce, DALLAS. TTORNEY AT LAW B. F. JONES Office in Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, TTORNEY AT LAW J. L. Collins Mai a Street, Near Postofflce DALLAS, PERMANENTLY CURES C0NASJi'ZlLTJ0"' cOUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS WHOOPING COUGH AND CROUP DO NOT rFi av KhS. i?? Permanent disability. Tha human u.: 'Is wonaanui system of tubes and r.u TV. ca health h must to tint rlJV and?!Ils- tance, vet if it was knVTT V. -v- s .considered of no impor- ciated. When a rnM m.i,.. a. . vunn,Wr wouia do appre- Ballard's HoreCund Sma tf r ?hest gives wonderful relief, while eoughing. IT IS THE 1ONLV "rSfuto&lSJio,ent V of POSITIVELY CU Rl? Hoo"p I NiP COUCH AND C R 0 U P. WLL BEST FOR CHILDREN 'fS-l have usea Ballard', cold. W SAFE AND SURE The Children! FAtt. Ballard Snow Liniment Co quickly cures. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c, Every Bottle Guaranteed St. SOLD AND RECOMMIT wncn bv STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY $1.00 f JENTIST. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, ' OREGON JIIYSICIAN AND SrROEOK. L. A. Bollman, M. D Uglow Building, Booms 7 Mi' Mutual Phoue Main 36. Bell m Maio 541. DALLAS, - - OEEGOi. TheGenyiMTO POMMB SLICES! jrrp THE NEW r i i y '-i v-t bk IDEA Koves the Bowels 3 THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE X fir1 Best for Gbildren For Sale by Druggists. OKI C uy MA WW M n El M HAS BEEN JUWBWj AND5OLDF0BAJ QUARTER OFA tt , LIKE ALL ! ti5mndeof tlieW I fully ewrwttei Mi OF THE H ; TOWER CANADIAN CO- limitti. AMJI0THK ! G I! G H SYRUP Red Clove.' Blossom on m DAVID M. MKTZCKR. As PHRrili.m u,'..r..-..i i Osciir Hnyter, Attorney. Notice For Fublicatlon. (""""',,,,,,,,,,,,.., , 1 XewbtTg business houses will prob ably close during the summer at 6 :;'0 m. A Mj-rtle Point man has 20,000 straw berry vines in floe condition. J. Q. VanOrsdl & Son DEALERS IS A torpid, inactive liver can proiluce more Lxxlily ills than almost anything else. It is uool to clean the system out occasional I r. Stir the liver lip, and gt t into shape trenerallr. Ihe liesf results are derived fnm the use of PeWitt's Little Karlv Kisvrs. Keliable, effect ive, pleasant pills with a reputation. Never gripe. Suld by all druggists. A good complexion is impossible with the stomach out of order. If pastv sallow people would pay more attention to their stomachs and less to the skin on their faces, thev would have better complexions. KODOL FOR nYSPKP SIA will digest what you eat ud put vour stomach back in right share to do its own work. Kodol relieves palpita tion nf th hpart. ttn"pni hrt l,urn. I sour stomach, etc Sold by all druggists. TIMBER LANO. ACT JI NK 3, lsrs. I I nilinl Stairs I.h.hI miiee, PortlaiKt. Oivpo;i.' v- . . . April .4. Wn. I No'.n-e is tu-re,y (riven that in compliance ' with llie provisions of the nt of t ..tier. of ' Jnne : lTS..titli "An art for the talo oi i timber lan,i in the Siatea of Ca, norma, lire- ...... ,m iiHKiantnn lerntnrv ai exu inll to all the PiiMie I n I Stta t,v"a t of Ausnst 4. Allen Forward, of .vs!t.ra' county of Marion. of , imtoii. . a v ii day tile.1 in this ortioe bis sworn -ItiroMH o" ttfj, tor the purchase of th s K ' ..f v., n,.,; w n,V ' Rnce No. tt .. ,n,l m nl I . V, V "if wn.i M-.eht is more valnahle for na timht-r or sior. m., .. ... I cnllnral purposes, an.i n establish I is c aim to aanl land heiore the Revisur Ketvuer of1 thisotiu-eat lA.rt'.an.t, Urecon. on ln,l,r ti I 10! h day of Julv. He name witnesses: Alonro Gesner. of cwisii ii. learner, of a Col. J I' of ael!l. tireroti Any ami a. I persons c.a.mme a lveraelv te hove-oesorihe,! l.ns are re-juested to f 'their clHims in t his otta-e ou or beu re a:,l i,.;a Of J UiJ, lAXv. ALGERNON I Kl's-l R, kcf'.S'.er. n3 farm Lands and City Property. Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. i rvi i ml 11 r S S V 7 7 r , , , t sa;em. i'n'e.-n : Cures Pilious-ess, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Tor-M Litvr and Chronic Cc 4 nrSiGi"8. quickly 'ti.i c" oP'ii u CJ hiTentlon Is probrt r J? 'u8i,;:; tions strictly r'irTfor-frrre1 sent free. Oldest MW.?. t tpr rial notice, wirhoot cbaw ptcial notice, "" aw!" 1 A handsomely ilW" r," jorel J: culation of ny"e;rJiaMiif!-4 ye,.r; four montM. Ik V'fiJ mm StMk -1 n e j y I I I 1 T.w? i menses the sy5 o-hlv as3 SaliOW wr- vj, :5 1.,. 4 i Laxative Fmli-Svnjn r uu.i CHERRINGTON