Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, May 25, 1906, Image 2

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    Poll County Observer
Published Wee.lr.ly at $1.50 per Year.
Strictly in Advance.
DALLAS, OREGON, May 25, 1906
The way to build up Dallas ts to pat-
ronize Dallas people.
Senator, short term, F. W. Mulkey
Senator, long term, Jonathan Bourne
Congressman. First District. W. C,
Congressman, Second District, W. R
Governor, James Withycombe.
Secretary of State, F. W. Benson.
State Treasurer, G. A. Steel.
Supreme J udge, Robert Eakin.
Superintendent Public Instruction
J. H. Ackorman.
' State Printer, W. S. Duniway.
Attorney-General, A. M. Crawford,
Labor Commissioner, O. P. Hoff.
Joint Representative, B. F. Jones
Representative, Dr. B. H. McCallon
Sheriff, M. D. Ellis.
County Clerk, E. M. Smith.
Treasurer, J. E. Beezley.
Commissioner, John B. Teal.
Surveyor, J. P. VanOrsdel.
Coroner, R. L. Chapman.
Probably one of the worst mistakes
in the Chamberlain campaign was the
claim made by the Governor himself
that he is entitled to the credit for the
enactment of the corporation-tax law
and the Inheritance-tax law, which
have brought considerable sums of
money into the state treasury from in
direct sources, Bays Tuesday's Ore
gonian. This claim Chamberlain has
made not only from the stump, but in
pamphlets which are being sent to
every voter in the state. Chamberlain
has suffered from the effects of this,
because it is well known, and is proven
by the records, that Chamberlain had
nothing whatever to do with this legis
His claims have lost him some con
fidence among Democrats, for it is
well known that a prominent Republi
can worked for several weeks on one
of these bills before the Legislature
met and helped draft the bill that was
Introduced. Both the measures were
Introduced by Republican members
before Govornor Chamberlain had
been inaugurated, and therefore, be
fore he had uttered a word upon the
subject. It Is, therefore, utterly im
possible that Chamberlain could have
had anything to do with the onact
mentof this legislation.
Finding that he has at the very In
ception of his campaign laid claim to
credit where he Is entitled to none, the
people are Inclined to look with sus
picion upon some of his other claims.
Linn county has audited the ex
pense of holding the direct primary
election there, and finds that every
vote cast cost the county within a few
cents of one dollar. The state pays a
part of the expense, hence it is asserted
that the votes cost a dollar each. The
convention system was conducted with
out expense to the county or state.
Rosoburg News.
The best of feeling prevails in the
Republican ranks in Polk county this
year and there seems a general desire
to elect the ticket from top to bottom.
Republicans do not have to be urged
to "vota it straight" this year.
"A united party" Is the Republican
slogan this year, and it's going to be
a winner.
Notice to Contractors.
Bids will be received for redocking
about GOO liueal feet of the main span
and the east approach of the Steel
Bridge at Salem, Oregon, with good
sound red or yellow llr lumoer four
inches in thickness, tho same to bo
securely spiked with No. 70 spikes,
putting a spike in each board at every
crossing of each joist.
Also, for putting in four lines of
joist in the main span four inches
thick and of the eanse width of tho
joist that are now In said span, also to
replace any defective joist that, in the
judgment of the overseer in charge
of said work, 6hould bo replaced with
new ones.
We also ask In a separate bid, bids
for the cleaning and repainting all of
the iron and steel work in said bridge
with one coat of best red or black
paint, specifying the price of each.
Said bids will be received at the
offlce of the County Clerk for Mariou
County, Oregon, and will bo opened
upon the 8th day of June, UHXi, at 2 :00
p. m.
By order of the City of Salem and
the County Courts of Polk and Marion
County, Oregon. -
Annual Commencement Exercises
Will Begin Next Thursday
The commencement exercises of
Dallas College will be held from May
31st to June 6th, inclusive. The pro
gram of the week is as follows :
Thursday evening. May 31 Annual
program of the Eutopian Literaiy
Friday evening, June 1 Annual
program of Philadelphian Literary
Society. The exercises on Thursday
and Friday evenings will be held in
the College chapel.
Sunday, June 3 Baccalaureate ser
mon by President C. C. Poling, at 11
a.m. The annual sermon before the
Christian Associations will be de
livered by Rev. II. O. Henderson,
A. M., of Lents, Oregon.
Monday, June 4 Annual lecture
before the literary societies.
Tuesday, June 5 Graud concert,
conducted by Rev. D. V. Poling, of
The Dalles.
Wednesday, June G Commence
ment exercises at 10 :30 a. m. ; Library
Association meeting at 2 :30 p. m ;
Alumni program Id the evening,
followed by the annual banquet.
facts r:r
Mot Only T5o Wo c
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tho ::iornni;
come: nocos'.;
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.im-.!ov!i fi'id i.rrv-
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Miss Evangeline Kirkpatrick Becomes
the Bride of Frank S. Coates.
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Hyland, at 2G04 East Lake Avenue, in
Seattle, Thursday, May 17, when Mrs.
Hyland's sister, Miss Evangeline
Kirkpatrick, became the bride of Mr.
Franks. Coates, of Lewiston, Idaho.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Dr. Lloyd, pastor of the Episcopal
church, in the presence of near rela
tives of the contracting parties. The
bride was given away by her brother,
E. C. Kirkpatrick, of Dallas, Oregon.
The home was beautifully decorated
for the glad occasion. Many handsome
and costly presents were received.
Immediately after the wedding break
fast, the happy couple left for Victoria,
B. O, on their wedding tour.
Tho bride is a daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. J. E. Kirkpatrick, formerly of
Dallas, now residents of Los Angeles,
California. She is acharmingyoung
woman, and mis many friends in the
home of hor girlhood. Mr. Coates
was formerly a resident of Fresno
California, but for several years has
hold a responsible position with the
wholesale grocery house of Lang &
Company, of Portland. Mr. aud Mrs.
Coates will begin housekeeping about
June 3, in Lewiston, where he will
have the mauagoinent of a branch
house for the firm as a partner in the
;rv to turn l.o :uinio tumuor
wiiicii v.iil a.oist Nature
sir- if hi t. mv.i u :ti on t ion loot arm
put tho iitHfc- !'!t: i: J proper condition. It
Is becomiu-! n-Toru! :--ro npps.mit that
Katimt'a moiiS vt.iu I'.lo health Rivina
agents are to bo found ia forest plants
Noarly forty yoars ngo, Dr. R.V. Pioree,
nnw iTir-iti 1 1 i -n! i vsit-i:' ii to tho Invalids'
llnt.I ami So- -i I-uLituto. at Buffalo.
N. Y.. (liiictni n d th it by wioiuilioaily
extracting and ioi.i!ii;ii:irt certain medici
nal pniK'iil s from n;:t.iv roots, takon
iron our A:.u rioaii forests, ho could pro-
Inf( a rural 1:10 v.'Inoh vo.s r.iarvoluusly
o.'icient i:i irr'-.i'' of i i d disorder
rn:l liver :!.'! stomach trouble as well a,
mam ot'.u r ehronu'. or ldiyi-riii ail
ruiiiii. 'i'h'.i cone " iuvX-r.1 extract of
Nature's vit .iitv in ii;i ;:iod "('cl:i Mod
leal Di:!ovi; . I, puri.i-.4 the l-'.ood by
p:it'J:i the stomu.f.-.li and liver into
lioalthv condition, thereby helpliijj the.
tlh'o Jon and iv.T.lmil;v Joa of food which
f !."di tho blood. Thereby it cures weak
stomach. iii'ii.To.aion. toi-oid liver, or bil-
io!'-.'io.;s. and kindred doranwuinits.
If von have coated ton-;uo, with bitter
or bad tasto in tho morning, frequent
headaches, feel weak.earily tired, studios
or nain in side, back (rives out easily and
aciies. belohins of iras. cfmctipution, or
Irregular bowels, tool Hashes or neat al
ternating with chilly sensations or kin
dred svmptoras, they point to derange
mrvitof vour rtomacli. liver and kidneys
which tho "lioldon Medical Dhcovory"
vi correct more (moodily and perma-
ncntlv than anv other known asent. Con-
tsi'.is no alcohol or habit-forming drugs,
All its ingredients printed in i lain Eng
lish on wrapper.
Tho solo meU'i) for substitution Is to
norrviit tho i! ::!er to r:.:o a I'.tlo more
proiii. IIori'!:-!-.: youle . Aos-opt no sub-
stituto lor "(ioklon Jlouical Jj.scovery.
Constipation causes and aggravates
many soiious diseases. It is thoroughly
cured by in: t'leree's rieiuinnt reiiots,
Ono a laxative; two or three arc cathartic,
Corrects Mis-statements.
Charles E. Sumner, President of the
Home Telephone Company of Port
land, Oregon, writes to C. II. Morris,
manager of the Dallas mutual tele-
phono exchange the following self-
explanatory letter:
'It has been reported to me that
some one has circulated the report in
your community that the Home Tele
phone Company of this city, which is
now constructing the Automatic sys
tern in Portland and al30 independent
plants throughout tho valley, Is not
acting In good faith and Is irrespon
sible. I wish to assure you and to
relieve your mind from any effect this
may have, that the Home telephone
companies of Washington and Ore
gon are hero to stay. They are pre
pared to construct plants and to opor
ate them to tho satisfaction of the
people. No credit should be given to
any irresponsible statements as to our
condition or what we are doing. All
wish iu tho matter is a 'square
deal' for telephone business, and we
re in a position to get this."
Mrs. M. Manston Dead.
Mrs. Moses Manston died at the
family home in this city Tuesday
fternoou, after a brief illness. Her
death was caused by pneumonia,
complicated with dropsy. During the
few years Mrs. Manston resided in
Dallas, she made many friends, and
her death is deeply mourned. She
left a husband and one son, Fonso
Manston. The funeral was held from
tho M. E. church yesterday afternoon
and was attended by many friends of
the sorrowing family.
V 7
Republican Candidate for
Mill Hands and Yard Men wanted;
$1.75 to $2.50 per day.
W. W. Johnson Lumber Co.,
Dallas, Ore.
A Dad Stomach
Lessoni the usefulness and mars the hap
pinesi ot life.
It's a weak stomach, a stomach that can
Dot properly perform Us functions.
Among Its symptoms are distress after
eating, nausea between meals, heartburn,
belching, vomiting, flatulence and nervous
Ho o d s Sarsap arilla
Cures a bad stomach, Indigestion and dys
ffpsla, and the cure is permanent
Accept do substitute. 1
Work for School Fair.
The Mens' Committee of tho Tolk
County School Children's Industrial
Fair met in the ofllee of the County
School Superintendent Saturday to
further the plans for the fair. Many
prizes have been offered, which will
soon be assigned and ready for publi
cation. The committee has issued a
circular letter asking the co-oeration
of tho patrons and school oflicers of
the county.
Piano For Rent.
A good second-hand llallet & Davis
piano. Inquire at the homo or M. J.
Uallantyne, Dallas, Or.
A Bargain.
Having given up farming, I offer
for sale my threshing outfit consisting
of one 21 horse-power Traction engine
with round tanks, pumps, aud hose
complete ; one 32x51 inch 20-bar large
cylinder Separator, with pateut ad
justable riddles and wind stacker,
together with cook-house, cook stove,
tauks. cookiug uteusils, etc, and a
full set of wagon racks and forks, all
ready for first-class work. All the
machinery and wagon-racks have
been carefully housed and kept dry
when not in use. Although this
machine has only woiked about fi9
days, 1 offer the w'hole outtit for cash
or on time at much less than one-half
the first cost. JAMES ELLIOTT, j
Dallas, Oregon
Lambert Boy 4192."
Tho noted Morgan horse "Lambert
Boy 4192" will make the season of
190G as follows : Independence, Wed
nesdays and Thursdays; Dallas, Fri
days and Saturdays; remainder of
time at Turner's near Airlie.
J. W. BROWN, Owner.
Stallion "Hercules."
Commencing April 1, the Percheron
stallion, "Hercules," will make the
season of 1906 as follows: Mondays
and Tuesdays at Eickreall; Wednes
days at Independence; remainder of
time at Black's stable, Dallas. Terms,
$12.50 to insure.
Notice to All Hop Men.
Why not save from $1 to if 2 per cord
on your wood? We can help you do
this. Write for quotations and state
amount required for old-growth llr
slab wood. Will make you prices
delivered or at the mill. Now is
the time to buy.
Willamette Valley Lumber Co.,
Dallas, Oregon.
Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon.
Wagon For Sale.
One new 2J wagon for sale. N.
Hughes, Dallas, Or.
Handle Timber Wanted.
Wanted, 500 cords, or more, of Oak
handle timber. Western Handle
Mfg. Co., Dallas, Ore.
Milk Cow Wanted.
Wanted, to trade, baled cheat hay
for a good fresh milk cow. Fay
Bkown, Dallas, R. F. D. 1.
Buggy and Harness For Sale.
Good top buggy for sale ; also, set of
good wagon harness. Farmer's Feed
Shed, Dallas, Ore.
Men Wantedl
Saw mill and lumber yard laborers
$2.00 per day. Woodsmen $2.25 to'
$3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth
Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore.
For Sale.
One good buggy and one bicycle for
sale. Dr. M. Hayter, Dallas, Or.
, Wanted.
Wanted, a 3 to 6. horse-power engine,
without boiler. Dallas Ice Factory.
Wanted, farm for sale. Give de
scription and price. Address, Box
495, Salem, Ore.
Men Wanted.
Men for the yard and woods can
obtain steady employment with the
W. W. Johnson Lumber Co.
Dallas, Or.
For Sale or Trade.
First class dairy cow for sale; or
will trade for young wether goats,
Frank Rowell, Dallas, Or.
House and Lot For Sale.
Six-room house aud lot, less than
one block from courthouse yard,
for sale cheap. Pantry and bathroom
supplied with hot and cold water. In
quire at Observer office. !
Gasoline Wood Saw.
We have a gasoline wood-saw, and j
are prepared to saw all kinds of cord-
wood on short notice. Reed & Hayes, j
Dallas, Or. Bell phone 333. i
Notice to All Prune Orowers. j
Why not save from $1 to $ 2 per cord !
on your wood.' We can help you do
this. Write for quotations and state!
amount required for old-growth fir'
slab wood. Will make vou price de-i
livered or at the mill. Now is the time !
to buy.
Willamette valley Lumbkr Co., )
Dallas, Or.
Strayed or Stolen.
Strayed or stolen, a large yellow
hound half bloodhound and half
fox-hound. Wore new leather collar
about l inches wide. Liberal reward
for information leading to his re
covery. Leland Murphy, Falls City,
Horsemen, Attention!
The imported German Coach
stallion "Albon" will make tho season
of 1900 at the Farmers' Feed Shed in
Dallas. Terms, $10, $15 and $20.
W. H. McDaniel is prepared to furnish
pasture for mares.
Dallas, Oregon.
Notice to All Prune Growers.
Why not save from $1 to $2 per cord
on your wood? We can help you do
this. Write for quotations and state
amount required for old-growth fir
slab wood. Will make you prices
delivered or at the mill. Now is the
time to buy.
Willamette Valley Lumber Co.,
Dallas, Or.
W 1
We have now had time to look over the stock, and find there
a i-P manv things left that we nmt still leave at bargain prices.
Come and help yourself to them while they last. For
we still leave on sale at prices as follows:
example, j
A Large Line of Boys' Shoes at . .
A Line Misses' and Ladies Shoes at
A Line of Shirt Waists,
and new at $1.00
We have left our Clothing at sales prices for a time, and many
other things are remarkably cheap. All goods the kind you
buy the year round.
Our Dress Goods Department and Dress Trimmings are re
markably fine this year. All the beautiful shades in the Soft
Woolens and in the Fleecy Soft Summer Goods the like we never
had before.
Come and See Them.
damaged by moving out of reach of fire will be sold at a Great
Reduction. We will sell everything at" Fire Sale Prices to
make room for a New Stock.
Come in and see the Bargains
we have in Carpets, Rugs and
every line of House Furnishing.
Next Door to the
ICerslake Tc H0USE furnisher
Girl to assist in general housework
and help with caro of baby. Address
Box 222, Dallas, Ore.
Buggy For Sale.
New open, rubber-tired buggy for
sale at a bargain. J. J. Wiseman.
Dallas, Or.
Mill Hands and Yard Men wanted
$1.75 to $2.50 per day.
Willamette Valley Lumber Co.,
Dallas, Ore.
Wagon and Harness For Sale.
Good wagon and set of harness for
sale. Ben Thompson, Dallas, Oregon
Rural Phone Black i.
Beginning Wednesday, May 30
Wood For Sale.
Good 4-foot grub oak and young fir
wood; also 16-inch rick wood, oak and
fir, for sale by Ed Cochrane, Dallas,
Street Improvement Notice.
To J. C. Morrison, John Wolf and George W
Con key :
Notice is hort'ltv rivtMl. Tht thp Cilv Cnnnnil
of the City of 1'idlns, OrtMton. contemplates tlie
rw-ie ot an Ordinance requiring the improv
ment of thoerertain Mrveti or larta of streets
ueacnueu, as ioiiows, io-w: All tnat part
of Court sttvet lyinft East of Jefferson street in
me city ot lianas.
That said improvement will consist in eeneral
in Kradinir and Krareliinc said nart of said
street and will be made at the lime and in the
manner to be Iiereaiter prescribed by said Ordinance;
lh the coat of said improvement will be
assessed to the real property homing aud
sI'MUinc thereon:
That the City Council of sid Tity will Mt in
the council Chmler in said City on the tth
day of June A. D. Wii. at 7:;.0 o'clock iu the eve
ntne. to hcarand detertnine objections and re
monstrances thereto, if any there be: and
That all owners, and other pera.un in interest,
may attend at said time and place and show
cause, if any they have, why said improvement
should not lie made.
Ifcme by order of the C ity Council of the City
of lalia, ma le on the Slat day of Mxy A. l. lv
Vi line. my hand and the orhcial seal of the
said Citv of iall;:s, this 2.-nd day of May A. D.
eal) PAN P. STiH lFFR,
Auditor and Police Judge of the
City of IaJlaa, Orepon.
'Phone 44.
Mutual 'Phone 63
and His Comp
Comniifiiij; Wfdnesdav Niht
A thrilling story of Western
frontier life.
- 25c, 35c and 50c
on Sale Belt & Cherrington s Drug Store.
AND EACH FRTriAV pm TnwTwn will offer
--.A. A JL VUUV ft XII V4 '
some good article of our stock at
Startling Prices.
U' S Loughary's
High Service and
Low Rates.
C W. NIXON, Proprietor,
Corvallis, Oregon
hor iale
any length, pipe ol :
and size, machinery to w . r;
write for prices on anj
scrap iron and all knf Ji i;
machinery bought ana st.f.
m. Rnrd & Son. PortiaB
1 1
ForPi.es, Cartih-