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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1906)
Polk OUNTY VOL. - m MArfKil idlirAmtAAAHm. . . 'yyaastB7iSim DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 25, 1906 NO 11 t V 4 LETTER TO FARMERS Great Summer Slaughter Sale Beginning Saturday, May 19 and continuing until WH.w June 2-Just 15 Days of Real Ba' ni ir mm iiar j Summer Sale of all Spring and Summer Goods. This is a few days earlier than regular for suchTsaleTbutwe are going to give yon the benefit of this GREAT SALE just when you need the goods for your spring and summer wear. ALL PRICES SLAUGHTERED. I I 1 I s 1 4 t t A wondrous way of Wash Goods, the like never before offered at such prices. New Fancy White Goods, Dimi ties, Lawns Batiste, Zeph yrs, Flowered and Plain Organdies, at Slaughter Prices. is We will include in this Slaughter Sale all our Col ored Dress Goods. In this line we show the greatest values ever. seen in Folk County, and our Slaughter Sale prices will be a won der to you. I M .a V fe ) $ ? - 4- 4360 I. wfe) A great line of Summer Shirt Waists, Skirts, and Spring and Summer Jackets, fresh from fashion's lead ing makers. All go at much less than their real value. You must see these good things to believe it. Remember this is an early Summer Saleof Spring and Summer Goods. Why wait longer? Come early and get your choice of the good things, and be ready for the Hot Days that are sure to come. s 3 i V Here will be found the greatest values ever offered to the buying public. Every one knows when we say SALE we mean a CUT IN PRICES THAT CANNOT BE EQUALLED Wondrous Values in all Summer lines. All are invited to inspect these goods, and our prices will do the rest. Dallas Mercantile Company, flain Street, Dallas, Oregon We Are Well Armed To meet every requirement of the purchaser, with the latest styles and best makes of Ladies', Gents' and Children's . . Shoes. . . we There is honest value in everv pair, and guarantee that they will give good satisfaction. We believe that a personal inspectionwill make you a customer. Prices? The lowest possible for good footwear. DALLAS SHOE STORE Mrs. J. C. Gaynor, Proprietor. nam street, - - uanas, uitrguu. 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S L. F. SAVAGE The new music man in the small goods department in the Allen & f Gilbert Ramaker Co's. Music Store has added many new features to f his business and prides himself in carrying the very best line otv 1011ns h Guitars, Banjos, etc., the market atfords. He is adding daily to n s S sheet music department, which he hopes soon to have complete, uur Sj repair department is now complete. Bring your repairs in. . . SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED 31 t. F SAVAGE, Proprietor. 247 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon fr J - . SPECIAL SALE Vs Two and Three Piece Suits, regular values at $4.00 to $6.00 at almost half the price. NEW LINE OF LACES Picture frames a new line just received handsome pat terns at reduced prices. 2ir Boast that our line of hosiery especially women's and children's has never been equalled in Dallas. Racket Store fainjtreet, Dallas, Oregon V. FULLER. REAL ESTATE Amber Lands a Specilaty orV ?ou have Patented lands elln.qiishment3 to sell, list samewuh me. OfSci n Crider Building Dallas, Oregon 1W xt" w m I to OF PORTLAND, ORE. Pays SicK Benefits of $40 $50 per montn. Pays Accident Benefits class ified according to occupation. Pays Surgeon's Fees Pays Funeral Expenses of from $100 to $150. No Medical Examination. The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine in the market. Just the thing for Wood Sawing, Pumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. Ed. Diddle, Agent Dallas, Oregon. Don't You Need Some of These Articles? Kettle Knobs, lc; Asbestos Mats, 5c; Clothes Pins, 3 doz., 5c; Paring Knives, 5c; Can Openers, 5c; Tack Ham mers, 5c; Picture Wire 50 ft., 5c; Candle Holders, 5c; Tracing Wheels, 5c; Picnic Plates, 1 doz., 5c; Stove Pokers, 7c; Iron Handles, 10c; Towel Rings, 10c; Towel Racks, 10c; Towel Rollers, 15c; Shelf Brac kets, 5c to 20c. Many other similar articles In our Tinware Department. MEISER $ MEISER Dallas, Oregon R. Robinson Otters Few Words Con cerning Handling and Care of Milk. DALLAS, Or., May 19 (To the Editor.) I wish, through you, to tell the farmers in the vicinity of Dallas that I will be ready to start making cheese in Dallas, Monday, May 28, unless something happens that is not looked for now. I hope every farmer that has milk will make up his mind to give me a fair trial, as well as to give the preference to his home town I also wish to say a word about the milking, and saving the milk, and It is simply this: Be cleanly in every thing connected with the milk and milking. This costs nothing. Attend to the cooling and airing of the milk during the first hour after taking from the cow in the evening ; then you will have very little trouble with it afterwards. Keep the night and morning milk in separate cans as much as possible. If you have a cold spring, set the cans of milk in it over night, but in any case, attend to it riffht away after milking, and you will find there is no need or excuse for having milk sour when it is only 15 or 16 hours old. Saving milk is like saving meat : If you neglect it till it spoils, salt petre won't make it good again. So with milk; airing, baling with a dipper, stirring it in any way, is as important as cooling, and do not cover it up, until it starts for the factory. Now that is easy, isn't it? Then I would say it will not hurt your milk to drive several miles. The shaking is a benefit rather than an injury, and if the top of the can is not air tight, all the better. If you have a separator, don't fret about not using it. If someone talked you into buying it, that is no reason that you should use it, if you can make more money by letting it lie idle. And I say, in all sincerity, if you will patronize the cheese factory for a year you will find you have no use for the separator. I have seen this proved in many cases, but all I could say along this line, would be too much for this writing, and I will speak of it again. After you try the cheese factory, you will find there is less trouble in getting the milk ready for the cheese factory, than in any other way of dieposing of it. The milk will be delivered at the factory in the morning. If you live a distance too great to deliver it by wagon, I will try and arrange to have it brought by train, especially on the Yamhill division, where it could be delivered every evening, and, if in good condition, I can save it till next day. In conclusion, the farmer with five cows will get the same treatment as his neighbor with fifty. I cannot do otherwise and expect to hold the business. Yours Respectfully, R. ROBINSON. Bicycle Supplies tt Membership Fee, $o 00 pay able onlv once m a lifeMne Dues.$r.50 and $1 per Month W. V. Fuller, Agent Dallas, Oregon. If you need new tires for your wheel, come and see me. I handle THE RACYCLE" the best wheel made. Come and examine it and convince yourself of it9 superiority over other bicycles, and you will save money. C. RISSER, Dallas, - Oren. Card Cold, Croop tad Whoopin Cough. To Repair the Bridge. A committee, consisting of County Judge Coad and Commissioners Kiggs and Riddell of Polk county and Councilmen Gesner, Downing and Steusloff. representing the city, and Judge Scott and Commissioner Needham, thoroughly examined the steel bridge and decided to make some needed repairs. It was agreed to ad vertise for bids for the repainting of the bridge with paint that will stand the exposure. It was also the concen sus or opinion to secure the services of a bridge expert to thoroughly ex amine the superstructure. Among the" immediate repairs will be the redecking of the main span of the bridge. Salem Journal. Have you weakness of any kind stomach, back, or any organs of the body? Don't dope yourself with ordi nary medicine. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the supreme curative power. 35 cents. Tea or tablets. Belt & Cherrington. Dallas Defeats Corvaliis. The Dallas College baseball team defeated the Corvalli9 team on the home grounds Saturday afternoon by the decisive score of 13 to 5. A large crowd witnessed the game and thoroughly enjoyed the many brilliant plays that were made by individual players of each team. Owing to a lack of space this week, we are unable to publish the tabulated score.' It pours the oil of life into your system. It warms you up and starts the life blood circulating. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cher rington. A. O. Foland, whose mind became unbalanced last week at Beaver, was committed to the asylum on Monday. He was brought to this city pending the arrival of the attendants from Salem, who left with hitn Friday morning. Tillamook Headlight Have you pains in the back, inflam mation of any kind, rheumatism, fainting spells, indigestion or consti pation, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well, keeps you welL 35 cents. Belt &CherringtoD. Hodol Dyspepsia Curo Cst what you cat INDORSE FRUIT INSPECTOR Polk County hruit drawers Urge Against Sale of Diseased or Wormy Fruit. A meeting of the Polk County Horti cultural Society whs held at the court house in Dallas, May 19, for the purpose of indorsing J B. Nunn, County Fruit Iuspector, in. his work of enforcing the law against fruit growers who have neglected to spray and clean their orchards, and also for the purpose of discussing plans for making a fruit exhibit in this county next Fall. The meeting was callod to order by President H. S. Butz at 2 p. m. The minutes of the meeting of March 17, were read and approved. The President then called for a re port from the membership committee. O. H. Cobb, chairman of the com- mitteee, made a verbal report, stating that he had secured 21 additional names since last meeting and thought he could secure at least 40 more. Talks were made by several mem bers praising the work of the County Fruit Inspector the past year in in ducing the farmers to spray and prune their orchards. Mr. Nunn then gave a synopsis of his work for the past year. O. H. Cobb introduced the following resolution: "We, The Polk County Horticultural Society, do hereby heartily endorse Mr. J. B. Nunn, County Fruit Inspector, in his work of compelling farmers to spary and prune their orchards, and also in pre venting the sale of diseased and wormy fruit, and that this Bociety will do all in its power to aid and en courage Mr. Nunn in enforcing the law, that the fruit of Polk County may be second to none in the United Stat." The resolution was adopted by unanimous vote. The matter of holding a fruit fair next Fall was then considered, with the result that the following committee on arrangements was appointed : Peter Kurre, of Independence, chair man ; D. L. Keyt, of Perrydale ; J. B. Nunn, O. H. Cobb and H. S. Butz, of Dallas. On motion of H. G. Campbell, the meeting adjourned to meet at the coll of the President. R. L. CHAPMAN, Secretary. 1 prx o ci m f,f- Results Prove Disastrous: At the June election, the Woman Suffrage measure will be presented once more for the consideration of the voters of Oregon. At the lastelection, this great menace to the prosperity of the State was defeated by but 2137 votes. Twenty-seven thousand two hundred and eighty-three electors dis played their ignorance or indifference to the measure by refusing to vote at all, for or against it. In the ntates where Woman Suffrage has been granted (Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho) the results have proven disastrous, not only to the prosperity of the States named, buttc the political conditions as well. Experience has demonstrated that the great majority of women do not want it and will not use it. The consequence is that the good American women do not use their right to vote, but the foreign born women and women of the brothels do, as this class is practically compelled to vote as dictated by "bosses" and police. The argument that Woman Suffrage purifies politics is false. On the other hand, experience has demonstrated the fact that Suf frage has made bad matters worse. Sons ot Dryads, Attention I By order of the Mighty Sycamore, there will be a session of the Sons of Dryads next Tuesday evening, at 9 o'clock, when great things can be ex pected in the jungle. All saplings will please be present. SLIPPERY ELM, Secretary. 0d6 Cold am flnottier The season's first cold may be slight may yield to early treatment, but the next cold will hang on longer; it will be more troublesome, too. Un necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as wen as a cure. iaKe SCOTT'S EPlijl when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Takeit when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. Send for free Simple, SCOTT & B0 WYE, Chemists 0-4I.J Prarl Street, w trk SOc and $1.00 - All druggist DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER It does not contain an atom of phos phatic acid (which is the product of bones, digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid) sub stances adopted for other baking powders because f their cheapness. STRONG COMPANY . COMING Mr. Lee Willard and His Capable Players Will Appear In Dallas Next Week. In the coming of Mr. Leo Willard and his company, the lovers of good acting and strong plays will have an opportunity to enjoy themselves. By the enterprise of G. N. Cherrington, this capable company has been secured for an engagement of three nights at Woodman Hall, commencing Wed nesday, May 30. In referring to Mr. Willard and his company, the most flattering com ments have been made by Oregon newspapers concerning this exceed ingly talented and romantic young actor. Neighboring towns that have had this company cannot speak too highly of the finished aggregation of artists. Mr. Willard has supported such leading actors as Frederick Warde, Richard Mansfield, Henry Miller, fance O'Neil and Bertha Galand. At his recent appearance at the Belasco theater in Portland, he received the highest praise of press and critics. The company will open its engage ment in Dallas with a border drama entitled "A Western Gentleman." Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. notice to All Mop Men. Why not save from $1 to $2 per cord, on your wood? We can help you do this. Write for quotations and state amount required for old-growth fir slab wood. Will make you prices delivered or at the mill. Now is the time to buy. Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas, Oregon. CHARLES V. GALLOWAY YAMHILL COUNTY TEACHERS ARE CHOSEN Dallas School Board Meets and Elects W. I. Reynolds Principal. Re- The Board of Directors of the Dallas public school met Tuesday evening and elected teachers for the coming school year. Professor W. I. Reynolds was re-elected Principal, and only one change was mado in the corps of assistant teachers. Walter Ford, who has been teaching in North Dallas, was elected to take charge of the sixth grade. The teachers for uext year will be: Principal W. I. Reynolds. Seventh grade R. R. Hill. Sixth grade Walter Ford. Filth grade Miss Dora Roy. Fourth grado Mrs. F. H. Morrison. Third grado Miss Lina Stouffer. Second grade Miss Evangeline Hart First grade Miss Ella Carpontor. Indians Purchase Tombstones. A short time ago a number of the Grand Ronde Indians received from the government an apportionment of $ 100 each on account of sales of lands in which they were Interested, and some of the uses made of the money give evidence of the effect of civiliza tion and education among them. Several of them have been to the city the past week and purchased neat tombstones to be placed at the graves of departed relatives. Few more com mendable practices could be adopted from the example of their white brethren than the care of graves of the departed. Salem Statesman. Were Also In Dallas. Two members of the fraternity of genteel beggars operated in Corvaliis, Wednesday. They claimed to have been rendered deaf and dumb by typhoid fever, and it was their desire, as stated on their printed postal cards, to secure sufficient funds to engage in some small business enterprise of their own. At a local confectionery establishment, they drank soda water, bought candy and bananas and seemed to be living in the upper story generally, which is the case nine times out of ten with well dressed, able-bodied beggars of their type Corvaliis Gazette. Bluestem try it. Blend flour buy it and Early ZUzcra Tbo famous LtUa v. v " ir i DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE, REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. DRINK WITH ME! .All the flavors of Fountain aud Bottle Soda: SAitsAPAitiLLA and Ihon, Orange Cidek. Mineral Water, Iron Brew and Wfxch's Grape Juice, SMOKE! YES All the loading brands of CIgarg and Tobacco kept in stock. CONFECTIONERY Constantly receiving a fresl supply of Fruits, Chewing Gum Nuts, Aldon's Lunch Goods. fresh i. Candies and Tracy Staats Main St., Dallas, Oregon FOUR CHOICE CORNER LOTS In Hayter's First Addition to Dallas, for Sale. For prices and terras, enquire of OSCAR IIAYTER, Dallas, - - Oregon BEST GOODS!! I carry a complete line at all times of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Libbey Glass. Every article is of high quality and best workmanship that the market affords. C. H. L10RRI3 Jeweler and Optician Main Street, - Ca"ai Oregon