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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1906)
Pol Coi k UNTY -1 jczsszszrzssszss DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 11, 1906 NO 9 Don't Over Look TS? or these Low Prices. Ladies' New Skirts and Shirts waists, Gloves and Dress 4 Goods. The best, tn W 1IUU and from fashions leading 5 markets. In our Men's Department we have m any goods and snappy styles to show you. CLOTHING, SHIRTS, TIES, NEW STRAW HATS and ALL THE LEADING NOVELTIES v New Spring Line of Shoes for MenAll Styles. .ORTHOPEDIC 3iJ DALLAS MERCANTILE COMPANY I Dallas, Oregon as of ! i Get Your Fare Paid to Falls City We can save you your fare on a bill of goods amounting to ($5) FIVE DOLLARS. Besides you will be sure and get what you want. We are not offering any 10 days sale but 365 days of bargains out of every year. If you want new up-to-date goods, we have them. If you want bargains in broken lines, we have them. f In rearranging our enormous stock we have sorted out all broken . lines and all shelf worn goods these we are offering at a sacrifice. It is as important to save as it is to earn, if you fail to see our Spring line of ladies' ready to wear goods you are missing a chance to save. . We have Men's and Boys' Clothing in a range of prices that i- n xeaun an. . . We are after your trade and we 'aim to get it by honest and fair dealing and we only ask you to call and compare us with others. jWe pay the highest market prices .for farm produce. ! THE BIG STORE F. A. LUCAS FALLS CITY, ORE. We Are Well Armed To meet every requirement of the purchaser, J with the latest styles and best makes of Ladies', Gents' and Children's ; . . Shoes. - . I There is honest value in every pair, and we I guarantee that they will give good satisfaction. I We believe that a personal inspection will make I you a customer. Prices? The lowest possible j for good footwear. ! DALLAS SHOE STORE Mrs. J. C. Gaynor, Proprietor. ftain Street, - - Dallas, Oregon. 11 ,riff AViU OP PORTLAND, ORE. 'ys SicH Benefits of $40 to $50 per month. n Accident Benefits class ed according to occupation. Payj Surgeon's Fees iys funeral Expenses of 0ai 5100 to $150. ' Medical Examination. vembership Fee, $5.00, pay nly once in a lifetime. ,1.50 and$l per Month Y- Fuller, Agent Dallas, Oregon. SPECIAL SALE Boy's Two and Three Piece Suits, regular values at $4.00 to $0.00 at almost half the price. NEW LINE OF LACES Picture frames a new line just received handsome pat terns at reduced prices. Our Boast that our line of hosiery especially women's and children's has never been equalled in Dallas. Racket Store Main Street, Dallas. Oregon R. C. Craven, Pres. Vassall, Cashier hi!:: lit; SaaL lectioc SOME DO; SOME DON'T - . Many Women Desire Equal Suftrage Amendment, While Many Others Oppose It. As election day draws near, the women of the Oregon Equal Suffrage Association are bending every energy iu their efforts to convince the male population that the right of suffrage should be extended to members of the fair sex. Opposing them is a stroncr organization of women known n th Society Opposed to Equal Suffrage. ims miter organization is sending uut eircuiars to voters and doins everything in its power to defeat the proposed amendment to the eonstitu "vii. me latest circular reads follows: A PROTEST. We, American women, eitizfins the State of Oregon, protest against me proposal to impose the obligation of suffrage upon the women of thin State, for the following, among other reasons. 1 Tfnn,,n X . komudo Sumatra is to be re garded not as a privilege to be en joyed, but as a duty to be performed. 2. Because hitherto the women of tins State have enjoyed exemption from this burdensome duty, and no adequate reason has been assigned for depriving them of that immunity. 3. Because conferring suffrage up on the women who claim it, would im pose suffrage upon the many women who neither desire it as a privilege nor regard it their duty to seek it. 4. Because the need of America is not an increased quantity, but an im proved quality, of the vote, and there is no adequate reason to believe that woman's suffrage by doubling the vote will improve its quality. 5. Because the household, not the individual, is the unit of the State, and the vast majority of women are represented by household suffrage. C. Because the women not so repre sented suffer no nractical ini which giving the suffrage will remedy. 7. Because equality in character does not imply similarity in function, and the duties and life of men and women are divinely ordered to be different in the State, as in the home. 8. Because the energies of women are engrossed by their present duties and interests, from which men cannot relieve them, and it is better for the community that they devote their energies to the more efficient perform ance of their present work than divert them to new fields of activity. 9. Because political equality will deprive women of special privileges hitherto accorded her by the law. 10. Because suffrage logically in volves the holding of public office, in cluding jury duty, and office-holding is inconsistent with the duties of most women. PLAN FOR APPLE SHOW DALLAS DEFEATS INDIANS Polk County Fruitgrowers May De cide to Make Fruit Exhibit Next Fall. College Baseball Team Wins From Husky Chemawa Lads In Ex citing dame. As a result of the recent fruit growers' meetings, much interest has been awakened in the fruit industry among the farmers of Polk county. A permanent horticultural Society, The baseball fan who didn't fDjoy to the limit the game between the Dallas College team and the Chemawa Indian boys, last Saturday afternoon, would be hard to please. The contest Keep the Balance Up. It has been truthfully said that any disturbance of the even balance of health causes serious trouble. Nobody can be too careful to keep this balance up. When people begin to lose appe tite, or to get tired easily, the least imprudence brings on sickness, weak ness, or debility. The system needs a tonic, craves it, and should not be denied it; and the best tonic of which we have any knowlege is Hood's Sarsaparilla. What this medicine has done in keeping healthy people healthy, in keeping up the even balance of health, gives it the same distinction as a preventative that it enjoys as a cure. It3 early use has illustrated the wisdom of the old say ing that a stitch in time saves nine. Take Hood's for appetite, strength, and endurance. composed or progressive and wide- from start to finish was notable for awake growers, has been organized, the features that make baseball the and much needed work is being done greatest of American games, and there to place the fruit-growing industry on was plenty of amusement and excite a more profitable and business-like ment for the most exacting lover of basis. Sentiment is now strong the sport. among tne rai mers in favor of hold- wnue the pitchers for both teams ing an apple show in Dallas early did good work, the game was not a next autumn, and a meeting of the pitchers' battle by any means, and growers has been called by President there was plenty of hits and good H. S. Butz to consider the advisability base-running, features that are always or making such an exhibit. The enjoyed by the SDectatora. Several meeting will be held in the Courthouse costly errors were made by each team, in Dallas on Saturday, May 19, at 2 but these were more than compensated o'clock p. m. and a large attendance for by some exceptionally brilliant is expected. work on the part of individual players. Leading orchardists are of the The game Btarted out badly for opinion that an apple show would JLayas, and for the first two inniugs prove a valuable means of arousing it looked as if the college boys would interest among the farmers in putting stand no chance against the visiting their old orchards in better shape and team, but in the third inning the in engaging in apple growing on a collegians recovered from their streak more extensive scale. Former ex- of ill luck and fell upon the hapless hibits held in various parts of the Indian pitcher with might and main, state have demonstrated the fact that batting out seven runs and, inci- the Willamette Valley is capable of dentally, putting the game out of producing as good apples as can be danger of loss. The final score was grown in the Northwest, and that, 14 to 9 in favor of Dallas, with careful cultivation, frequent Myer was in good form and held the spraying, and progressive manage- inaians down to 9 safe hits. Ned ment, the apple crop could be made to bhaw, a new man behind the bat, yield large profits to the farmers each played gilt-edged ball. The work of year. It is believed that an exhibit of the outfield was excellent, while that choice fruit by the farmers who are of the infield left little to be desired taking care of their orchards would The Dallas team is practicing hard stimulate the people generally to join for the game with Willamette, to be in an enthusiastic and conoerted played here tomorrow afternoon. This movement to restore to the Willamette contest promises to be the best of the Valley its once proud title, "The season, as the Salem boys have not Home of the Big Red Apple." met defeat so far this year. The meeting of the growers one week The score of Saturday's from tomorrow is also called for the follows. purpose of determining what action chemawa shall be taken by the society in aiding Caiey ;ib A6B f " the County Fruit Inspector in enforc- Teabo', c. ...... i o ing the law against farmers who have Poland, rf p 4 2 1 3 2 near, ci 5 2 2 2 0 Washoe, p 4 0 0 0 1 Baysnell, eg 4 0 1 1 1 David, 2b 3 12 2 3 Snealpohma, lb 4 0 1 0 0 Sorton, If 5 1 1 1 0 Does your baking powder contain alum ? Look upon the iabei. Use oniy a powder whose label shows it to be made with cream of tartan NOTE Safety lies in buying only the Royal Baking Powder, which is the best cream of tartar baking powder that can be had. WILL ROLL NO MORE Cref field, the Self-Styled "Joshua Shot Dead by a Victim's Brother. game PO 3 & 3 neglected or refused to spray and clean their orchards when notified to do so. Other matters of interest will come up for discussion, and a liyely and profitable meeting is anticipated Good Crushed Rock Road. In the Sweet Home country last year, a road that had for years been the terror of travelers and the despair of the local road supervisors was drained and put in as good condition as possible, and with the aid of the rock crusher, rock was broken and placed on the road according to the best advice obtainable. This road is in excellent condition, as good as a paved street, and the past winter, dur ing the season that the ordinary country road in this section is bottom less, it was high and dry and probably the best piece of highway in the county. Albany Herald. 40 9 DALLAS AB R J. Boydston, 2b 5 Teats, as 6 C. Boydston, rf 5 Shaw, If 6 Myer, p a N. Shaw, o 5 Sibley, cf '. & Fenton, lb 5 Morton, 3b 5 45 24 11 9 II 1 3 1 1 1 2 a o 3 17 PO 6 1 0 1 1 13 0 W. A. Martin came up from Dallas, Tuesday, to work at the Strong saw mill for a week. Corvallis Gazette. The bottom has dropped out of the chittim bark market. Peelers have received no offers better than three cents this season, and there is a pros pect that the price will go still lower. Have you pains in the back, inflam mation of any kind, rheumatism, fainting spells, indigestion or consti pation, Hollisters xiocKy iuouutaiu Tea makes you well, keeps you well. 35 cents. Belt & Cherrington. Mr. Sears, lately liveryman of this place is reported to have formed a copartnership with George Schneller, of Dallas, in the same line of business, and will remove his wife and family to his new home in Polk county in a few days.-Sherwood cor. in Hillsboro Independent It pours the oil of life into your evet'm. it warms wu uy au the life blood circulating. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain lea aoes. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cher rington. Mrs. A. V. R. Snyder returned borne on the Humboldt alter a seveu ujuuma visit among friends and relatives in ni.i Oregon. She wa3 accompanied home by her niece, Miss Ethel Rowel!, who will make her home here, gell (Alaska; Sentinel. -Wran- 3 1 0 0 1 3 3 0 2 14 SUMMARY Two-base hits Sibley 2, Morton, Teats, J. Boydston, Poland, Stolen bases Teats, Bear 2. Sacrifice hit Teabo. Hit by pitched ball by Mver. 2. Struck out by Myer, 9; by Washoe, 3; by Poland, 1. Time of game one hour and 40 minutes. Umpire H. J. Campbell. Have you weakness of any kind- stomach, back, or any organs of the body? Don't dope yourself with ordi nary medicine. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the supreme curative power. 35 cents. Tea or tablets. Belt & Cherrington. The Mutual telephone system has been extended to Newport and other Yaquina Bay points, connection hav ing been made at Corvallis, Tuesday. Notice. Owing to the total destruction of the wholesale houses of San Francisco, with many of which firms I have been running an account, it becomes neces sary that they collect very closely from all of their customers in order to establish themselves in business again. Therefore I am offering, dur ing the month of May, everything I have for sale at a liberal reduction. The line to the Bay will be a great everybody in vnd while the bargain convenience to the people of the valley days are on. Franz Edmund Creffleld, self-styled "Joshua," leader of the Holy Rollers, was snot and instantly killed in Seattle at 7:10 o'clock Monday morn ing by George Mitchell, of Portland. Mitchell made no attempt to escape after the shooting, but stood beside the body of his prostrate victim until placed under arrest. He told the police that he shot Creffleld because he had ruined his two sisters, Mrs. Burgess Starr and Miss Ethel Mitcholl. The shooting of Creffleld was wit nessed by his wife and a few other pedestrians. It took place outside the Quick drugstore in the heart of the retail district. Mitchell had been in Seattle since Wednesday looking for Creffleld. Mitchell was walking up First ave nue when he saw Creffleld coming down First avenue with his wife on his arm. Mitchell stepped in closo to the drug store and as Creffleld and his wife went by he drew a .38-caliber revolver, sending a ball through Cref fleld s head. The bullet came out above the right eye. Creffleld fell to the sidewalk and was carried into the drug store and Dr. Bories was sum moned. Croffield's wife threw herself down by tils side and wound tier arms around his neck, kissing his lips and hysterically exclaiming at the same time : "He cannot die, he cannot die; ho did no harm to George Mitchell." Dr. Bories lifted her to her feet saying, "But he is doad, madam." The woman was taken to police headquarters with her husband's slayer and held as a witness. Mitchell is 23 years old and gave his occupation as a laborer. At police headquarters he said : "I killed him ; I have been looking for Creffleld, and I got him. I have no regrets. I am willing to take any punishment that is meted out to me without a whimper. I did not kill a man, I killed a brute. He obtained a devilish influence oyer my two sisters and ruined them and I did only what any true brother would do." "The police agree with Mitchell and gave him the best quarters in the jail making his imprisonment as comfort able as possible. Portland Journal towns during the summer season. Mrs. H. V. Gates is iu the Northwest sanitarium in Portland, recovering from a surgical operation performed last Friday. Mr. Gates states that she is getting along fine and expects to be able to return to her home here by the middle of the mouth. Hillsboro Independent A. H. HARRIS, Jeweler and Optician. FOR BOTH Will Furnish Electricity. C. J. Edwards and the C. K. Spauld- ing Logging Company have formed a company and incorporated for $25,000 under the name of the Yamhill Elec tric Company. The capacity of this plant is to be 300 horse power, exclusive of the lighting capacity, and they ex pect to furnish light for Amity, Day ton, Lafayette and other towns in Yamhill county. Amity Enterprise. New Patterns in Bluestem try it. Blend flour buy it and One disease of thinness in children is scrofula; in ndults, consumption, tfotii Dave poor blood : both need more fat These diseases thrive on Jean- ness. rat is tne uest means 01 delivered or at .a ii ! I . . - overcoming tnem : coa liver on tne time to buy. makes the best and healthiest fat and Notice to All Hop Men. Why not save from $1 to $2 per cord on your wood? We can help you do this. Write for quotations and state amount required for old-growth fir slab wood. Will make you prices the mill. Now is Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas, Oregon. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that shows why .Scott's Emulsion is phone-Register. of so much value m all cases of scrofula and consumption. More fat, more weight, more nourish ment, that's 'why. C. fl. Fisher, formerly of the Rose- burg Review and later of the Boise News, has purchased a haff interest in the Eugene Guard. Mrs. J. C. Uglow, of Dallas, visited Wednesday and Thursday with her mother Mrs. Mattie Martin. She goes from here to South Bund, Wash., her former home, where she will spend a week with friends. McMinnvilleTele- 00 Pays tor the OBSERVER Ci) andthe Weekly Oregonian one year. Iu order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your Subscription to the Observes must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. ATTENTION!! WHAT? WHY? BALLSTON HAS A Hardware Store SUBJECT TO INSPECTION. Handling everything necessary to complete this lino. Also, Paints, Oil, Gasoline and Turpentine. Call and look over ray stock. THE EYE CAN SEK BETTER THAN THE TONGUE CAN TELL. Ballston Hardware G. W. HAYNES. ....Dinner Sets i English Semi-Porcelain Sets, Poppy decoration, a neat pattern in 3 colors, fl0 7 A 00 pieces P0.IU Gold Decorated Edges, gold band on inside, handsome new shapes, 5G Q A( piece, only vvw American Sets, all white, fancy shapes, 42 1M 1C pieces, only Blue and Brown decoration, gold trimmings, some thing different, 42 i 7c pieces, only itLd Many other worth new patterns seeing. MEISER MEISEIt Dallas, Oregon BEST GOODS!! I carry a complete line at all times of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Libbey Glass. Every article is of high quality and best workmanship that the market affords. C. H. MORRIS Jeweler and Optician Main Street. - Dallas Oregon Bicycle Supplies If you need new tires for your wheel, come and 6ee me. I handle "THE RACYCLE" the best wheel made. Come and examina it and convince yourself of its superiority over other bicycles, and you will save money. C. RISSER, Dallas, Oregon. W. V. FULLER. REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specilaty If you have patented lands or relinquishments to sell, list same with me. Chamberlain's Cocgli Remedy Care. Cola, Croup fld Wb-opin Cocgh. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist 409-415 Pal Street, Nw York The annual session of the Oregon State Grange will be held at Albany, beginning Tuesday, May 22. The session will continue four days. Frank Butler, of Falls City, is a member of the Education and Good Roads committees. Mrs. Eutler is a member of the committee on Resolu tions and the committee on Woman's Work. BoothbyS Lewis STOCK BUYERS Highest Market Price Paid for SHEEP, HOGS, CATTLE, and GOATS. Bell Phone, Farm 228 LIOIIIIOUTH, OREGON Office in Crider Building Dallas, Oregon The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine in the market. Just the thing for Wood Sawing, Tumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. .. Ed. Biddlo, Agent Dallas, Oregon.