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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1906)
olK County Observer 0BStvEB printing. None better. Bluestem Blend flour-buy it and rs. F- R- Rlch 19 viaitlng relafcivea a Brownsville. ' shakes and wood tor sale at toughary's grocery, jlr and Mrs. Dan Brown, of Salem, irfl visiting in Dallas. X W. Nordby, of Portland, was a visitor in Dallas this weeK. Cberrington is making life-like pic- iures with his new waiuueyer mus Cull a' Morris' jewelry store for e new city mutual leiepnone aireciory. Save one-half your money by buy ing tinware at Guy Bros.' May 9 to 12. : rrhe Guthrie baseball team defeated h nullus Tribunes by a score of 10 - 8, S'lt'irday afternoon. County Clerk E. M. Smith issued kense to wed to Judson W. Mitchell inil Miss Violet Digby, Wednesday. Jlrs. 0. A. House will do all kinds f dressmaking. Tailor-made suits a specialty. Call at F. H. Morrison's. 1 1 will continue to handle Swetland Son's Ice Cream. If you want the ies't call for Swetland's. W. R. Ems. W. K. Ellis, agent for the Oregonian lud Telegram. Leave your order and have it delivered to your door by ihe day, week or month. ! Don't forget to clip the coupons out of the Oregonian and vote for Dallas' candidate, Miss Kola (Joad. The ballot box is at Ross Ellis' store, looming and going all the time, ilways new and fresh, and the best value in coffee offered in Dallas that D-cent coffee at Loughary's grocery. f Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist ; graduate 'i Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 nd 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone iJ. Bruce Kaltz, special agent of the Norwich Union FirelnsuranceSociety las a business visitor in Dallas yes 5erdy. He is a brother of R. H. Kaltz, the well-known piano tuner whohasbeen visiting Dallas regularly kmany years. City Marshal J. M. Grant, who was member of the posse engaged in the lunt for Outlaw Smith, has returned tome. He pays the desperado was jot the man Smith who recently worked in a Falls City logging camp pd fled the country after cashing a auniber of checks belonging to a falls City merchant. It is thought that the dead outlaw had only recently arrived in Oregon from the eastern states. Famous Tfniot .uiuuKiast rood at Loughary's grocery store. ?nGnrge, Myer' 01 Smithfleld, was a Dallas visitor, Wednesday. Every wife should try Bluestem Blend flour, made by the Rickreall Milling Co. Over a ton of new tinware at Guy Bros.' and it will be on sale at special prices, May 9 to 12. Sewing machine needles, bobbins and shuttles of all kinds, sold by A. H. """"i me jeweler. T. A. Eigg8i tue grocerv merchant el Monmouth, was a business visitor In Dallas. Wednesday. For as good a line of fishing tackle a can be had for the money, call at W. R. Ellis' confectionery and cigar store. The Odd Fellows of Amity celebrated the 87th anniversary of the organiza- ""u oi me order with C. H. Morris and 0. J. Pugh, mana gers of the mutual telephone offices at Dallas and Falls City, respectively, ave completed all arrangements for commercial wire between the two towns, and work on the line will be jommenced today. The business has increased to such an extent that the aitra wire for strictly commercial use fias become a necessity. The addi tional line will be completed within ihe next ten days. Mr. Morris, J. M. Staats, of Airlie, and others will begin work on the commercial line between Dallas and Corvallis in the near future. appropriate exercises, Sunday. I have just received a fresh line of "Lowney's" famous chocolates and bon bons in pound and half pound packages. W. R. Ellis. Claude P. Fryer and H. E. Kelty, both Polk county boys, were eradu- . i - . - atea rrom the Medical Department of Willamette University, Tuesday. H. C. Eakin left on Tuesdav for the Freeland mines in the Cascade Mountains, where he will inspect the development work done during the past winter. W. H. H. Cary, a pioneer mill man of Amity, and who will be remembered by many Polk county people as a merchant at the Dolph tollgate, died at his home in Tillamook last Thurs day, aged 67 years. During the spring and summer months the evening services at the Christian church will be held at the following hours: Christian Endeavor at 7 o'clock ; preaching at 8 o'clock. A. D. Pettyjohn and son, of Hall's Ferry, are building a launch for the summer run between Independence and Salem. The boat is equipped. with a 12-horse-power gasoline engine, and will carry twenty pas sengers. The Carnation Clun gave another pleasant dancing party at Woodman Hall last Saturday evening. The attendance was large, and a merry evening was enjoyed. The club will give the last dance of the season one week from tomorrow night. Judge Ben Hayden, hale and hearty for one of his advanced years, was in Dallas a few days this week. The Judge has little use for the new pri mary law, and doesn't hesitate to ex press his opinion concerning it. He says nobody understands the law, and that Populist U'Ren didn't have any well-defined idea of what he was doing when he framed it. Users of coffee should not be misled by offers of dealers to sell "M. J. B." coffee at 25c. No dealer sells the genuine "M. J. B." brand at this price. M. J. Brandenstein puts out a cheap grade of coffee that can be sold for 25c, but it is not his "M. J. B." brand which is always sold at 40c, or 3 pounds for $1. None genuine unless put up in tins with the initials "M. J. B.," ("not M. J. Brandenstein") plainly marked thereon. Get the good kind at Loughary's grocery. Key. C. P. Gates, of Brooks, visited icituives in Dallas this week. The Observeb office wants the print ing you are particular about J. A. Baxter, a prominent farmer of tfallston, was a county seat visitor uuay. Second annual tinware sale at Guy Bros.' Wednesday to Saturday, May Use Bluestem Blend flour once, and juu win use no other. For sale at your grocers.' Money of private parties to loan at 6 per cent on well-improved farms. Sibley & Eakin. Ralph Carter, agent for Portland Journal. Leave orders at Belt & Cherrington's drug store. Mr. W. H. Weaver and Miss Myrtle Vaughn were married at the home of the bride's parents in this city last evening. Simon Bitner, a former student of Dallas College, was graduated from the medical department of the Uni versity of Oregon this week. . Will Rowell. returned this wk from Portland, where he has been working in the car shops, and entered the employ of the Willamette Valley Lumber Company. Mrs. Mary Morris writes to relatives in Dallas that her home in Palo Alto, Cal., escaped destruction by the recent earthquake. All the Salem students are making their homes with her temporarily. Dr. Paul Rader and Rev. F. L. Smith will address a mass meeting in the courthouse this evening on the proposed amendment to the present local option law. All friends of local option are invited to be present. literature will be distnbHted among the workers. C. N. (Pat) McArthur returned to his home in Portland, Sunday, after spending a few days on his Rickreall farm, recuperating from the hard ships of a strenuous political cam paign. He returned home refreshed both in mind and body, and ready to take up his law studies with renewed energy and zeal. He will apply for admission to the bar in June. Charles V. Galloway, Democratic candidate for Congressman from the First District, delivered an address on the political questions of the day at the courthouse, Wednesday evening. About forty voters wers present- mostly Republicans. The Democrats of Polk county do not appear to be taking much Interest in the Congres sional fight. Many of them did not take the trouble to express their choice for that office at the recent primaries. Hon. H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, was in Dallas a few days this week attend ing to business connected with the city water plant. While here he took up the matter of Are protection for the new sawmill with manager George Gerlinger, and it is probable that a system similar to the one installed by the Johnson Lumber Company will be put in at ouce. Mr. Gates spent the winter in southern California and is in much better health than when last in Dallas earlv in the year. The Dallas water system is being steadily enlarged, and many improvements will be made during the coming summer. HAWLEY WILL SPEAK Hon. W. C. Hawley will speak in the Auditorium in Independence to morrow night at 8 :30 o'clock. The Normal Cadet Band of 20 pieces will furnish music. All county candidates and citizens are invited to attend. L rn rf a r tr ' 11 iniAim A free motor win be run from Dallas. Come out and hear the issues of the day discussed by an eloquent speaker. R. H. KNOX County Chairman VAUGHN TEMPERS GOLD Wonderful Discovery of Former Dallas Jeweler Now In Practical Operation. We Have the Largest and Best Assorted StocK of Spring Goods in the City. Our new Wash Fabrics are simply grand, every new style feature for Spring is embodied in this broad showing. Full line of the best and most reliable weaves in Spring Dress (foods, in the New English Yachting Serges, Batisles Be.ges, Panamas, Etamine Eoliennes, Sicilions and Mohairs at from EOcyd. to $2.00. New Arrivals embroideries, laces, braids and trimmings-fancy silks, SILK ORGANDIES AND OTHER FANCY MATERIALS FOR WAISTS, ETC., ETC. BELTS, RIBBONS, FANCY HOSIERY, ETC. LACE CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES. Ladies' Waists in Silk and Cotton-very pretty styles, in long and short sleeves. E THE BEE HIVE STOR . . . . "ST PlMe ' ;US, OREGON A process for tempering gold and copper to the hardness of the finest steel is the wonderful discovery made by Zenas F. Vaughn, a former Dallas jeweler, now a resident of Los Angeles, Gold knives and surgical instruments capable of taking on a razor edge are now being turned out at his faotory in that city. The announcement of Vaughn's discovery a few mouths ago caused a great sensation in the scien tific world, and many would cot be convinced of its truth until a factory was established and the actual manu facture of gold instruments begun. While in Los Angeles recently, Fred Toner visited "Mr. Vaughn's factory and found him busy turning out surgeon's knives, needles and iustru ments of all kinds. Eight men are now at work in the factory, and seven more have been employed and are on their way from the east. Orders are received faster than they can be filled, although the plant has been in oper ation only a few weeks and little advertising has been done. Mr. Vaughn was recently offered $140,000 for his secret, but refused the money. The delicate surgeon's knives now being manufactured are as keen as any steel blades ever produced. Thrown poiut downwards they will stick into a hard table-top and stand there quivering. For surgical pur poses instruments of tempered gold are said to be superior to those of steel because of the keener cutting edge, and because no mlcroscopio speck of rust can harbor dangerous germs The hypodermic, suture and other surgical needles are perfectly aseptic and can be used in cases where the steel needle is barred. A surgeon's lance, presented to Mr. Toner by the inventor, is a beautiful piece of work manship and has been greatly ad mired by all who have seen it. Mr. Vaughn began his investiga tions 18 years ago, and has been tleadily at itever since. He does not claim to have discovered a lost art, but to have invented means whereby gold, silver and copper, either separ ately, or in alloy, can be taken through the various degrees of crys tallization which correspond to the several tempers known in the arts. Mr. Vaughn's invention has already brought him fame, and it bids fair to also bring him a fortune. Not Same Smith. The man who was killed at New Era on Tuesday morning was not the man Smith who was known in Linn and Polk counties, who married the daughter of Mr. Eckhart of Lacomb, and who committed some crimes of obtaining money under false pre tenses at Falls City and Dallas. Mr. Eckhart, the father-in-law of the Linn and Folk county Smith, went to Ore gon City to view the remains of the dead outlaw and at once declared they were not those of his son-in-law. The dead outlaw shows unmistakable evi dence of having considerable negro blood in his veins, while the other Smith did not show any mixed blood. This latter Smith was in Salem a little over a month ago, after he had com mitted the crimes in Polk county with which he is charged. The Polk county officers were on his trail and notified the officers in this city, who became aware of his presence here, but he managed to leave the city in time to avoid arrest He had over $100 in gold with him at that time, but where he went Is not known. The search for him will be resumed now that it is known be is not the man who was killed. Statesman. t flit V&S'isft; T'S tmvtt Vail Spring is with us once again and all the world seems full of gladness. We think it a most fitting time to thank our friends for their liberal patronage during the past season. Every effort has been, made to give each patron of this store the fullest measure of satisfaction possi ble. So well have our efforts to please you been ap preciated that it has encouraged us to do still greater things, and we hope to give our patrons better values this comine season than ever before. Socialist Mass Meeting. . Notice is hereby given that a Socialist mass convention will be held in the Courthouse, in Dallas, on Saturday, May 13. JAMES D.. BEARS ASD UXHfcns. Notice to All Hop Men. Why not save from $1 to $2 per cord on your wood? We can help you do this. Write for quotations and state amount required for old-growth fir slab wood. Will make you prices delivered or at the mill. Now is the time to buy. Willamette Valley Lcmbeb Co., Dallas, Oregon. $100 Reward $100. The reader of thin paper will be t1M4 to learn that there U at least one dreaded disease that science ha been able to cure in ail it :, and that ia CaUn-h. HaU'a Catarrh Cure i the only poiitive care known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional d' case. reuuirrs a constitutional treatment. Hull's Catirrh Care Is taken internally, cttnr c iHtl opon the bloc J and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby Gestroying; the foundation of the disease, and givins; the patient strength by buil'iinfnp the constitntioa and sitiuf nature id doin its work. The proprietors cava so ranch faith in its cnratWe powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that 11 faiis to cure, bend for list of teauoioniais. Address, F. J. CHEKET CO. , ToIedO.O. n- Bolri K TVrnaTW, We- Hail's Family Fill arc the bast. BUY YOUR CLOTHING AT THIS PLACE. v Stores don't own people now, as in the day gone by 3, now you rather own the store making that one yours which pleases you best. There is satisfaction in it all for you to invite your friends "to the store where J generally go." Our Clothes have made for us a mighty host of friends in this vicinity who will gladly testify to their goodness. There's just one thing we would like to have you do stop in some day and spend ten minutes looking over this Spring stock. That's all. Make this your store, and remember your presence is always a pleasure.. Very truly yours, Uglow Clothing II, ,! f House I MILL STREET, LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS . j . DALLAS, OREGON Mitchell -Digby. Mr. Judson W. Mitchell and Mlsa Violet Digby were married at the home of the groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell, in North Dallas, Wednesday morning, at 11 o'olock, Kev. D. Julian Becker, pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiating. The wedding was a quiet home affair, only near relatives of the contracting parties being present. The bride was prettily attired in white. After con gratulations, a bountiful wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are worthy, industri ous young people, and have many friends. They will begin housekeep ing in Falls City, where Mr. Mitchell has employment in a sawmill. Entertainment Course. A conditional agreement has been entered into by Dallas College for the strongest and most varied course of entertainments yet offered to the peo ple of this community. The attractions include Maro, the Magician and Musician, whom the College had hoped to secure last year, but failed ; the Lulu Tyler Gates Company, an exceptionally strong combination, offering a musical program of un usual variety and merit; Welburn, a wizard in electricity, who never fails to please, and Driver, of Chicago, who delivers his famous lecture on "Ulti mate America." A Bargain. Having given up farming, I offer for sale my threshing outfit consisting of one 21 horse-power Traction engine with round tanks, pumps, and hose complete; one 32x54 Inch 20-bar large cylinder Separator, with patent ad justable riddles and wind stacker, together with cook-house, cook stove, tanks, cooking utensils, etc., and a full set of wagon racks and forks, all ready for first-class work. All the machinery and wagon -racks have been carefully housed and kept dry when not in use. Although this machine has only worked about 69 days, I offer the whole outfit for cash or on time at much less than first cost. JAMES ELLIOTT, Dallas, Oregon. J. A. Lynch's Barber Shop with three first-class barbers and two up-to-date Bath Rooms, is kept neat and clean at all times. His Newberg Laundry is also first-class, and so is his curly-headed bootblack. YOU OUGHT TO TRY THEM Dallas, Oregon Bicycle Supplies If you need new tires for your wheel, come and see me. I handle "THE RACYCLE" the best wheel made. Come and examine it and convince yourself of . its superiority over other bicycles, and you will save money. C. RISSER, Dallas, - Oregon. W. V. FULLER. REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specilaty If you have patented lands or relinquishments to sell, list same with me. Office in Crider Building' Dallas, Oregon The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine in the market. Just the thing for Wood Sawing, Pumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. Ed. Diddle, Agent Dallas, Oregon. FOUR CHOICE CORNER LOTS In Hayter's First Addition to Dallas, for Sale. For prices and terms, enquire of OSCAR HAYTER, Dallas, - - Oregon Ask your grocer for Bluestem Blend the famous hard-wheat flour. Men Men Wanted. for the yard and woods can obtain steady employment with the W. W. Johksoh Lcmbeb Co. Dallas, Or. Good, harness and A. II. Lewis, Rickreall, Ore, For Sale. gentle driving horse; also buggy, almost new. Oak Grove; address, Now Oregon lumber mills will get busier than ever, if possible, and there will be more of them. San Francisco will need an immense quantity of lumber and Oregon has the timber to make much of it. Port land Journal. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby riven that I, Robert Foulkti, have been duly appointed administrator o( the entate of Morris Jont-a, deceawd, by the County Court -of Polk county, Oreiron. All persona bavin plalmn avatnst the Snid estate are here by required to Kr sent the anme, dniy verified, to the Imilat City Bank, in Lallai, On-tfmi, within sin months from the dale of this notice. baled this Uix day of May. l'.jfi. KOBKRT FOt'I.KKS, Administrator of aaid entaKs, N. L. Bntler, Attorney. Chamtcrlaia's CcugS Rsrr.ciy Cures Cold. Croup and Whooping Cough. WASH GOODS The sale on Summer Dress Goods to date, has far exceeded last year, but we have them yet in good supply and great variety; these lines we do not carry over from one season to another; right prices will move seasonable goods. TO INDUCE QUICK BUYING WILL SOME SMART CUTTING. DO 35e and 40c lines at 30c 20c lines at 15c 25c lines at iSc 15c lines at LARGE LINES OF RIBBONS, LACES AND EHBROIDERIES. IftJplf'Q (T aA r inn v vik m m M I H H 1 f BBWka. m0 w a W WILSON BLOCK Dallas, Oregon v. u. r. Buncnii