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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1906)
I Polk County Observer A vote for Dr. B. H. McCallon for Representative will be a vote for a man who is in every way worthy of it. It will be a vote for an honest, capable c'tizen, well qualified to represent Polk NO ..... , T . I XI , WWW- His BUMJNt25 LUUU.O. T as us a r gains Le u J'r -Cir;,:V .'l ll7 a I Dr. Kyr. Dentist- OfSce over n.-5.; - -r -;i 4 sjna. I w?!.n" Dn: Store. PUa.Oivgon. J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. :.t. .1: : . A 1 tr If ' " - J Many t - I i I I Published Weekly t 11.50 per Year, etrictlr in Advance. DAM AS- OREGON. JUT 4, 1S06 The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. Senator, short term, F. W. Mulkey Senator, longterm, Jonathan Bourne Conerressman. First District, W. C. Hawley. Congresaman.Second District, W. R. Ellis. Governor, James Withycombe. Secretary of State, F. W. Benson. State Treasurer, G. A. Steel. Supreme Judge, Robert Eakin. Superintendent Public Instruetioa, J. H. Ackerman. State PriDter, W. S. Duniway. Attorney-General, A. M. Crawford Labor Commissioner, O. P. Hoff. Joint Representative, B. F. Jones. Representative, Dr. B. H. McCallon. Sheriff, M. D. Ellis. County Clerk, E. M. Smith. Treasurer, J. E. Beezley. Commissioner, John B. Teal. Surveyor, J. P. VanOrsdel. Coroner, R. L. Chapman. If press reports are true, Senator John M. Gearin will not be in any hurry hereafter to urge a special ses sion of the Oregon Legislature. A dispatch from Washington says that after Senator Gearin had joined with Senator Fulton in sending a tele graphic message to Governor Cham berlain urging an extra session of the Legislature to make an appropriation fortheSan Franciscosufferers, friends called his attention to the possibility that if such a session were called it would have the power to elect a United States Senator, and, being a Republi can body, would probably terminate Gearin's official term. It is said that the Democratic Senator almost fell over himself in hia haste to send a second dispatch, asking the Governor to disregard the former message. The Senator has been compelled to hear many joking references to the matter from his colleagues. conducted his preliminary campaign' --'t U i t iu in a clean and couneous manner, f SflS ; treating his opponents with deference' iv- .. cr : f :a!rs5n K Liv j and respect, and won his nomination cfT I fairly. He is entitled to the loyal r.. n u:, ., ,j "jt-if-.-r-j r duty, j wtt. . .wj f 1 ,...,,, If th Wnf-iV county. The people will make not i: WjVwi:i'"V?i; :Wv fc-oaus' It is mistake when thev elect Dr. McCallon j 3?.-a th'j s'-mich tV Kf ri f its to represent them in Salem cext I , j,;, js Baj rjp wni winter ! t aud orrtis. m tr. urea!- 01 im I ii' will bet ti;-lr;Uu.i aa A deserved promotion is that of: whi.-Ii o.aijw.- ?h- i.xSy. If th Harvey E. Lounsbury, who has been , lhaj phy.-K-al wfikm os-I l f i;r24 :a made district freight agent for the j sli ih " -.:nf ?s -an. !:tt. kU-rs- I he liv.r wt.l t trvjJ a:4 ir.a!V. Hou For Rent. House fcr rett. Arply o Grv Bros. . 1 Moroe Wanted. wintd for liJ-ytar-oU App!ytcH. L. boy. Femos, Dallas, Or. Cow For Sale- Gocd cow tcr sa!e. X. stoa- Dallas, Onfgon. tv !-r- i Southern Pacific Company with head quarters in Portland. In his capacity as traveling freight agent, he made 1 . 1 1 1 ! many inenas among me suipjxrrs oy j Vf. his courteous manners and fair treat Wagon For Sale. Ore i.ew wac.-:: for Hi.ees Dallas. Or. HrGHES, sile. X. ho:'.rt. palpiuiion. ti::-. i. -s'ca--':.- Mckaeiio and kiadred d:furbcaces asd j;r. Lxu.i rzj of Q'j.Vv. trim: Tor meet to all patrons. Mr. lunsbury: crvwiay. rsi-'Mxi c. e-y has also done invaluable work forj ?ciiL'ett'tt'i:Vilf.: western Oregon in helping to develop; arf.T.i'i,to-. Handle Timber Wanted. Wasted. tfJC cord, or more, of 03k i t:iber. VTesteen- handle; , Dallas, Ore. . handle !Mr. C the dairyiog and stckraising in-J dustries, carrying out the work so ably begun by C. H. Markham a few ! years ago. His many friends ares glad of his promotion, and predict ! still better things for him in the future. Those wb know Willis Duniway best know that he meant just what he said when be promised to cut off all useless expense in the state printing office. The people took him at his word, and they will not be disappointed. ' Til U' lii' IK"' Kkt ivld aril pr--r 'i-u f. r r.v. tr.U i!:!xtv?i 1 US iln-ir Kwnit-ri t-)T.-.iatly jvt ' K-li i hctirr. j !;. t-i.V iv..i nv.' 10 try It. Pi rw'Sx liwa 3ii-u.ral i'i.v.v-iv sir-.ii n p takli l1 ooe- j tor s u.t-l:i !iii. Mie Umgia B i!:i? zi ; t.?m.ti f.-'Und ibai I Uvan lo tc-.pri'v. o I i k. ;n r.p the trk'stmcnt. I Kx k n fi.-?ji. ny s;TT;a'h lian: niTTal. Uh iipiTi i ve osfd j iwrki-i jTf.-tiy tnd 1 Sti Uin to kvk like iirtrn-iit pcion. I cm m rerirfW j be praTtful for what yonr tk-ine has dmse 1 fvr m and 1 w'nsirly rive it hiirbot praise- dea! r into takSns ir.fcrior suitttutcs fur Dr. 1 -'it-roe's mf-:!oines, recommesded to be- j'it as ir.: " T :-".'n ! :M-r v.-iTOv-nhry- in - - :--;:...: ,.: r l?co- r.!.-"-C':.-tr.: ;i S r. e Mi-. ;.vl AC r. A Milk Cow W anted. Wanted, to trade, baled choa' for a xd fres!i milk cow. Bfiows. Dallas, E. F. D. 1. hav j FaiI IS IT WORTH THE MONEY? The primary nominating election law was tried for the first time last Friday. As a measure conceived in the interests of the people as against the bosses, it did not receive the sup port that it should have received. Of the 3,200 voters in Yamhill county, only about 1,500 cast their ballots. The lack of contesting candidates on the Democratic ticket may account for the indifference displayed by the members of that party ; but such was not the case with the Republican ticket. Whether better men have been selected ascarididatestofill the various state, district and cour.ty offices, than would have been selected bv the old buj ; of ljfy pases. iid CI tun--cent; fr pafKr-covc-nxi. or 31 stam; v r chith-lvit:nd or.r.y. Aalir-ss ur. II Pit rot', ''& raii! fcjt, IJu ilo. X. Y. COURT HOUSE NOTES. CLAIMS ALLOWED Goats Wanted: Watted, to buy 500 goats; state grade, age. and price; also, how many nannies. Address, C. M. Giddixos, Albany, Or. Cow For Sale. Extra fine 3-year-ol I fresh cow for sale. R. Hatios, Dallas, Or. Beli Phone 213. Men Wanted! Saw mill and lumber yard laborers $2.00 per day. Woodsmen $2.23 to $3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth Kelly LrMEEB Co , Euirece. Ore. We have now had time to look over the stock, and find there are many things left that we- must still leave at bargain prices. Come and help yourself to them while they last, bor we still leave on sale at prices as follows: example, m r i! A Large Line of Boys' Shoes at. . A Line Misses' and Ladies Shoes at ALL OF THEM WORTH TWICE THE. MONEY. A Line of Shirt Waists, old and new at $1.00 We have left our Clothing at sales prices for a time, and many other things are remarkably cheap. All goods the kind you buy the year round. Our Dress Goods Department and Dress Trimmings are re markably fine this year. All the beautiful shades in the Soft Woolens and in the Fleecy Soft Summer Goods the like we never had before. Come and See Them. KEYT FiT2-s For Sale. POADS ASD BEIDOES j TV,- WT Eakin, 111; X Hushes, $3.50. r ce uue KV'ZZ Vaughn & Weaver. $11.70; 6 & W stral" ' firit . 3 ' R Sewer Pipe Co.. $13.45; gpaoldine Jtig. Iv J gon, E. F. D. 1. j j Logging Co., $3.70; Beall & $14.75 ; R M Wade & Co., $2.60. flAIN STREET, DALLAS, OREGON SALARY AND FEES B L Chapman, $13; A N Holman, $65; A M Trent, $60; E M Smith, $133.83; A 51 Arant, $31.25; C S Graves, $100; F J Morrison. $17.50; W A Ayres, $55 ; Ed F Coad, $06.65 ; J T Ford, $143.78 ; M A Ford. $50 ; H B Cosper, $6'i; J B Xudd, $29.50; Mrs Governor Chamberlain aDd the Democratic party pose as the great friend3 of the "direct primary." Yet Governor Chamberlain aDd all the candidates of the Democratic party ignored the direct primary iu point of fact, aa did all their friends. The con ventions of the Democratic party made the direct primary but a matter of form, used for the purpose of rati fying the work of the former. Salem Statesman. The Polk County registration books were opened again Wednesday, and voters will be given until May 15 to get their names on theofllcial register. Citizens who failed to register before the primaries and desire to vote at the June election should enroll their names now, and not impose upon the time and good nature of their friends in getting their blanks filled out on election day. The choice of Dr. James Withy combe as the Republican nominee for governor at the recent primary elec tion In Oregon is distinctly a victory for the farmers. Dr. Withycombe became known to the people through work directly relating to agriculture. He stood out as a candidate represent ing agriculture to a degreo which rarely happens. Rural Northwest T - A T I An . - T T T 1 conveotion method is for the people to j Aun"'irJ. Jjeeziej, is-iz.ou; v 1 rtarw, ; o ij oiarr, decide. Whether the benefits derived from the law are at all commensurate with the outlay, is also left to the judgment of the people. The cost has been enormous. In this county the expense account that must be paid from the public funds will amount to not less than $1200. McMinnville Telephone-Register. INDEPENDENCE NOTES Mrs. Frank VanDuyne and I. Van Duyne returned to Portland, Monday. L. Robertson, of Portland, is visit ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Craven. Tom Zeiber, formerly of Monmouth, received his degree in Medicine in Portland this week. Mrs. John Alexander, of Anaconda, Mont., ha9 arrived here for a several weeks' visit with relatives. Miss Dorothy Cooper has returned from Chehalis, Wash., where she spent the winter teuching school. Miss Emma Ohms, formerly of Monmouth, and Mr. George Heck, of this place, were married in Portland, Saturday evening, und returned here Monday to make their home. The Social Whist Club held its last meeting of the season at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. P. M. Kirkland, Monday eveniDg. The members of the club, twenty-two in number, weut from there to the Little Palace Hotel, where an elaborate banquet was served. After spending a pleasant hour and a half at the table, the club returned to the Kirkland home. Mrs. Dr. O. D. Butler and P. M. Kirkland secured the first prizes for the year and Mrs. P. M. Kirkland and L. Damon the boobies. The Linn county prohibitionists have decided not to put a ticket in the field, and will support the best men for office on the other tickets accord ing to the judgment of the individual voter. By pursuing this course, they will doubtless accomplish results. The Republican state central com mittee did well when it elected G. A. Westgate to the position of State Chairman. He Is a clean, honorable and capable man, free from all cliques and factions, and will perform good service for the party. The primary Is a poor man's law; that is, it will make him poor if he runs for office, remarks the editor of the Junction City Times. The primary election cost the tax payers a neat bunch of money. Was it really worth the price? Hood s Sarsaparilla is unquestiona bly the greatest Hood and liver medldna known. It positively and permanently cures every humor, from Pimples to Scrofula. It is tha Best j DIood Medicine. I Notice. Owing to the total destruction of the wholesale houses of San Francisco, with many of which firms I have been running an account, it becomes neces sary that they collect very closely from all of their customers in order to establish themselves in business again. Therefore I am offering, dur ing the month of May, everything I have for sale at a liberal reduction. Everybody Invited while the bargain days aro on. A. H. HARRIS, Jeweler and Optician. MEN WANTED. Mill Hands and Yard Men wanted; $1.75 to $2.50 per day. Willamette Valley Lumber Co, Dallas, Ore. Organ for Sale A fine second-hand organ, elegantly finished, good as new, for sale at a great bargain at Cherringtou's photo gallery. First one takes it. Committee Elects Officers. The Tolk county republican central committee met in the courthouse Sat urday afternoon, pursuant to the call Issued by acting chairman G. L Kelty. and elected officers for the ensuing two years. Mr. Kelty pre sided over the meeting, with J. L Hanna, of Independence, as secretary. R. E. Williams was elected state eotu- oiitteeman ; R. II. Knox, chairman of the county committee, and E. M. Young congressional committeeman. U. L. Frazer was chosen for secretary Of the county committt e. $33.33. ELECTION Af'COCXT. Glass & Pruhomme, supplies, $2.10; R M Smith $2.50; Judges and-clerks, $385.20; C W Butler. $2.50; B Wilson, $8; H Holman, $fi; West Side, print ing. $G0.75; Observer, printing, $5. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE. C G Coad, postage $10.60; George Schneller, livery, $10 ; Dr. T V B Em bree, examining insane, $5. PAUPER ACCOUNT DrO D Butler, $38; Gertie Williams $6; C E Huntley, $58.75; Mrs S E Robinson, $12 ;D G Meador, $11. COURTHOUSE ACCOUNT. Dallas Electric Light Co., $15; Roy Plummer, $1.50; Dick Elder, $1.50; Dallas Water Co., $10. MEN WANTED. . Alill Hands and Yard Men wanted; $1.75 to $2.50 per day. W. W. Johnson Lumber Co., Dallas, Ore. "Down in Dixie." Students of Dallas College presented the war drama, "Down in Dixie," to a fair-sized audience at Woodman Hall last night. The play was well staged, the costumes were appropriate, and a very clever production was given, taking into consideration the age and experience of the performers. Of the play itself, little can be said In praise. Like most war dramas, it is clumsily constructed and poorly written. Many of the characters are highly improb able, and some of them are totally impossiDie, notning like tnem ever having been encountered in real life, -Lown in .Dixie' wouia be a poor play even In the hands of the best professional taleut This much should be sajd in justice to the young people, the greater number of whom played their parts in a highly creditable manner, and all of whom are entitled to great praise for their faithful efforts to furnish an enjoyable eve ning's entertainment. House and Lot For Sale. Six-room house and let, less than three blocks from courthouse yard, j for sale cheap. Pantry and bathroom supplied with hot and cold water. In-: quire at Obsep.vee office. Notice to All Prune Grower. Why not save from Si to $2 per cord on your wood? We can help you : this. Write for quotations aid state amouut required for oli-grcwth r slab wood. Will make to a p livered or at the mill. Now is' to buy. Willamette Valley Lumens Co. Dalia?. Or. ce de- Horsemen, Attention! The imported German Coach stairion "Albon" will make the season of 1906 at the Farmers' Feed Sbed in Dallas. Terms, $10. $15 and $20. W. H. McDaniel i? prepared to furcish pasture for mares. HUBBARD & McDAXIEL, Dallas, Oregon. Notice to All Prune Growers. Why not save from $1 to ?2 per cord on your wood? We can help you do this. Write for quotation? and state amount required for ol -'-growth fir slab wood. Will make x.i prices delivered or at the il:::. N" . is the time to buy. Willamette Valllt Lokiis Co., Dallas, Or. "Lambert Boy 41 92." The noted Morgan horse '"Lambert i Boy 4192" will make the season of; 1906 as follows : iGdepecdenee, Wed-! nesdays and Thursdays ; Dallas, Fri- days aud Saturdays; remainder of time at Turner's near Airlie. J. W. BROWN, Owner. I HARD TIMES SALE SAY, WE NEED THE MONEY! Now, if you need anything in the Furniture line, we can surely strike a bargain. How do these prices strike you? Quarter-sawed Eastern Oak Extension Table regular $18 $13.00 0-ft Extension Table $4.50 Fine Steel Constructed Couch, regular $18, for $14.00 Othe s as low as . .'. $6.00 $9 Dressers $0.50 $5.50 " " 3.75 $15.00 Dressing Table, Golden S15 " 11.50 $15.00" " .' 10.95 Oak 10.51 $19.50 " 15.50 $16.00 Dressing Table, Birds- 50c bottle Liquid Veneer St $3.50 Iron Bed 2.45 eye Maple ...11.75 10c bottle Liquid Veneer.. 5c Carpet Department Best all-wool Ext. Super., regular 90c for 75o Best all-wool Filled C.C.. reg. 80c. .65c Best half-wool Melrose, reg. 65c. . . .50c A like reduction ou Rugs & Art Squares Straw Matting from 12Jc per yard up. About 70 yds. D Grade Linoleum, regular 70c, will be sold while it lasts for, per yard ' 50c A liberal discount on every article in the house. House Cleaner Here is the chance for the house cleaner to mane money. A choice lot of Framed Pictures, $2.50 to $5 now $1.85 25 per cent reduction on all Bamboo Furniture-Same on Rockers and Stand Tables. Come Early and Get First First Choice. . Frank Kerslake HOV?5 NJSHB DALLAS, OREGON Aged Pioneer Passes. Mrs. Mary M. McLaughlin died at uie nomeorueraaugnter, Mrs. Martba Tctherow, in Independence, Monday, aged 87 years. She was born in Pike county, Missouri, November 1, 1819, ana was married to liobert McLaugh lin in Illinois 19 years later. The family crossed the plains in 1853 and took up a claim near Buena Vista, Polk county. Mr. McLaughlin died many years ago, and the widow has made ner home at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tetherow, for 15 years. Mrs. McLaughlin was the mother of the McLaughlin brothers, well-known residents of Buena Vista precinct The burial took place at Buena Vista, Wednesday aftornoou. Esrly fibers The fcrrc:? I'itJvJ ps. A street sprinkler has been badly needed the last week. Thomas Campbell, of Linn county, visited relatives in Dallas this week. Attorneys W. II. and "Webster Holmes, of Salem, were Dallas visi tors, Wednesday. Joel Shaw and II. M. Gorke are preparing to open a meat market in the ice factory building. G. B. Hardin, president of the Com mercial Correspondence School of Forest Grove, is in Dallas this week. He has several students in shorthand here. Dallas College and the Chemawa Indians wt, play a game of baseball in Dallas tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. A preliminary game between the Dallas Tribunes and Saleiu High School will be called at 12 :30 o'clock, j Stallion "Hercules." I Commencing April 1, the Percheron i Of f IHFMT A I stallion, "Hercules," will make the j vWWIlLH 1 All season of 1906 as follows: Mondays and Tuesdays at Bickreall ; Wednes days at Independence; remainder of time at Black's stable, Dallas. Terms, $12.50 to insure. WILLIAM TATOM. HOTEL High Service and Low Rates. Notice to All Hop Men. Why not save from $1 to per cord on your wood? We can help you do this. Write for quotations and state amount required for old-growth fir slab wood. Will make you prices delivered or at the mill. Now is the time to buy. Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas, Oregon. Percheron "Tafia." The famous Percheron stallion, "Tafia" will make the season of 1906 as lollows: Dallas, Monday, Tues day and Wednesday; Independence, Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Service, $10; $15 and $20 to insure. A. H. HOLMAN, Manager. C. W. NIXON, Proprietor, Corvallis, Oregon Bell 'Phone 44. SPECIAL Mutual 'Phone SALES, DRINK WITH HE! All the flavors of Fountain and Bottle Soda : Saesapakilla and Irox, Orange Cider. Mineral Water, Iron Brew and Welch's Grape Jcice, SMOKE! YES All the lendingbrands of Cigars and Tobacco kept in stock. CONFECTIONERY supply of Fruits, Chewing Gum Nuts, Aldon's Candies and Lunch Goods. Tracy Staats Main St, Dallas, Oregon ATTENTION! WHAT? WHY? BALLSTON HAS A Hardware Store SUBJECT TO INSPECTION. Handling everything necessary to complete this line. Also, Paints, Oil, Gasoline and Turpentine. Call and look over my stock. I THE EYE CAN SEE BETTER THAN 1 ixix. CAN TELL. Ballston Hardware G. W. HAYNES. Boothby&Lewis STOCK BUYERS Highest Market Price Paid for SHEEP, HOGS, CATTLE, and GO ATs anv Unv new and second hand. RollDl, anLig3 f-,pe of ay description Bell Phone, Farm 228 ZtT2 anybody; MONMOUTH, OEKaONrKSSS o.., rortiand, Oregon FRIDAY THIS WEEK AND EAflTT VRTrtAv tpht t nwTNft we will $ some good article of our stock at Startling Prices. COME AND SEE. FRIDAY EACH WEE ! U. S. Loughary's DALLAS Fnr il a r MISCELLANEOUS I UI JUlC LOT of wire cable v. J. Mllr'w'' hp .fasts4 0 Does hauling of all FOXETSIflKJEYCDrs HakM Kidney. M4 BladdM. pw rates. DALLAS. DcVitt's Kg salvo rorp,Jes, Durns, Sores. THE ORIGINAL UAXATTVE C0','S !'-V. . - -...Tr.'L t i KEHKEDY,SIWA!'; Be4 Ckwer B1m il is il II