Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, April 13, 1906, Image 3

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    County Observer
j B coffee, 25c at Howe's.
einZ sweet pickles at Howe's.
;ght wagon for sale. N. Hughes,
aplete line of Ashing tackle at
D. M. Metzger was a Portland
or. Monday.
akes and wood tor sale at
Gary's grocery.
vrney's chocolates and bon bons
R. Ellis.'
j you know that Guy Bros, will
you any stove on the installment
e Methodist people of Dallas have
ftrded $10 to aid the starving
7 neighbor, this is fine coffee ; do
"t it at Howe's? Sure I Where
:ould we get it?
s. George T. Gerliuger left on
rday for a two months' visit with
ives in California,
errlngton's new Dallmeyer lens
eat for family groups, as well as
angle pictures. Try it.
9 have decided to sell any stove
,Dge at our strictly cash prices on
asy installment plan. Guv Bros.
m. B. F. Jones, candidate for the
ination for joint representative
Polk and Lincoln counties, was
alias visitor, Saturday.
t H. L. Toney, aentlst ; graduate
nn Arbor, Michigan. Office up
rs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12
I to 5. Examinations free. Phone
aude Lewis, a well-known stock
er of the Luckiamute country, was
Dallas, Saturday. Mr. Lewis and
partner, George Boothby, shipped
rload of sheep to the Union Stock
is in Portland yesterday. Last
they bought 30 head of four and
year old steers in the Siletz
aers of coffee should not be misled
vffera of dealers to sell "M. J. B."
at 25c. No dealer sells the
uine "M. J. B." brand at this price.
i Brandenstoin puts out a cheap
le of coffee that can be sold for
, but it is not his "M. J. B." brand
h is always sold at 40c, or 3
ads for $1. None genuine unless
up in tins with the initials
J. B.," ("not M. J. Brandenstein")
Dly marked thereon. Get the good
at Loughary's grocery.
Famous IM-tfon Brenkfat.
, "v nt
Lougtmry s grocery store.
Mrs. M. 0. Pickett, of Newberg, i8
visiting relatives In Dallas.
Ask your grocer for Bluestem
Blend the famous hard-wheat flour.
Every wife should try Bluestem
Blend flour, made by the Rickreall
Milling Co.
Something new at Guy Brothers
ranges and stoves on the Install
ment plan.
Table peaches, two cans for 35o. at
Crider's grocery; fine, solid pack
Try a glass of Hot Tomato Bullion
or Hot Chocolate at W. R. Ellis' con
fectionery. Use Bluestem Blend flour once, and
you will use no other. For sale at
your grocers.'
County Clerk Smith issued license
to wed to Robert Allen and Eliza
Allen, Saturday.
Bring your bucket acd get Pure
Maple Syrup for 75c. per gallon at
Crider's grocery; just as good as the
J. A. Buchanan, a former principal
of the Dallas public school, is a candi
date for the legislature from Douglas
W. R. Ellis, agent for the Oregon ian
and Telegram. Yoh can have them
delivered by special carrier at your
door by the day, week or month.
Mrs. H. L. Toney, of Dallas, visited
a couple of days this week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grover.
McMinnville Telephone-Register.
M. G. Flynn, manager of the Benton
County Lumber Company's sawmill
near Philomath, was a business visitor
in Dallas, Tuesday. He reports a
rushing business at the mill, with
lots of orders ahead.
Hon. J. S. Cooper and family, of
Independence, attended the annual
reunion of the Cooper family at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cooper,
In Albany, Wednesday. The nine
brothers and sisters are residents of
Oregon, and all are over 50 years of
Charles Snelling, local representative
for Singmaster & Son, sold the im
ported English shire stallion "West
Fen Combination" to Nachtigall &
Friesen, of Dallas this week. This
splendid horse is 3 years old, weighs
19U0 lbs., and was imported from
Uppingham, England, last August.
He is one of the best animals of his
class in the United States.
The Observer office wants the print
ing you are particular about.
Arch Linten will leave next Mon
day for Alberta, Canada, to take up a
Money of private parties to loan at
6 per cent on well-improved farms.
Sibley & Eakin.
I can save you money on youi
magazines. Come In and let me figure
with you. W. R. Ellis.
Ralph Carter, agent for Portland
Journal. Leave orders at Belt &
Cherrlngton's drug store.
Don't forget to clip the coupons out
of the Oregonian and vote for Dallas'
candidate, Miss Nola Coad. The
ballot box is at Ross Ellis' store.
The annual conferenceof the United
Evangelical Church is being held In
Portland this week. A large number
of delegates are attending from
Advertisers are requested to hand In
their copy befote Wednesday noon of
each week. Local notices will be re
ceived up to 4 o'clock Thursday
An auxiliary to the Columbia River
branch of the Women's Foreign Mis
sionary Society was organized in the
M. E. Church of Dallas recently, with
20 charter members.
Mrs. M. C. Wire, president of the
W. F. M. S. of Oregon, will speak In
the M. E. Church next Suoday morn
ing. The Easter exercises will take
place in the evening.
Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Becker, Mrs.
J. G. Van Orsdel, Mrs. J. C. Gaynor,
Mrs. M. M. Ellis, Mrs. H. E. Kozer
and H. Boals attended the session of
Willamette Presbytery in McMinn
ville this week.
Conrad Stafrin has purchased for
his mother the D. J. Riley residence
property south of the Christian
church. Mrs. Stafrin is now living
in Nebraska, but will come to Dallas
to make her home next Fall.
The concert given by the Williams
Colored Jubilee Singers in Dallas,
Monday night, was largely attended.
This organization gives a better enter
tainment than does the average colored
concert company, and the program
was greatly enjoyed by all present.
The funeral of the late Mrs. C. D.
Walker was held at the Presbyterian
Church in Independence, Saturday,
byDr. E. J.Thompson. The Women's
Circle had charge of the services at
the grave. Mrs. Walker left a hus
band and four daughters.
ill the latest
styles in
foung Men's
!br Spring
Spring Gar
ments now
ready for
''fW$- n
I 0i.VV.T.' Hvu?
It - :W' I
am i j- J
'f!: ' ft -'f;,!7
? f 'Wj
r i: 1 4
The Makers of the
Clothing we sell stand
at the top' of the list.
The name is in each
suit. Want you to
come to see how
well clothes are
made when talent
shapes the cloth
See how thoroughly in
earnest we are in our
determination to make
this a store where par
ticular and tasty young
men can secure the
season's newest and
best styles.
For the Latest
Styles Come
ee Hive
fiEdemcimer Stein k Co.
T fl n r t.,:1,1
Falls City will celebrate the Glor
ious Fourth.
Smoke "Our Own" mixture. Frank
Kersey sells it.
Read Frank Kerslake's clearance
sale ad in another column.
All the late popular music In phono
graph records at L. D. Daniel's.
William Bohle, of Forest, Cal., was
a business visitor in Dallas yesterday,
R. M. Fowle, of Luckiamute, was a
business visitor in Dallas, Wednes
day. Sol Blessing came over from Albany
and visited his family a few days this
C. L. Hubbard is in Portland, set
ting up the machinery for a large
barrel factory.
F. J. Morrison and family, of Rock
Creek precinct, visited relatives In
Dallas this week.
J. D. Smith has been confined to
the hou se by a severe attack of stom ach
trouble this week.
All the late styles in millinery at
Mrs. Charles Hubbard's new parlors
in the Uglow building.
The students of Dallas College are
preparing to present a drama at
Woodman Hall in the near future,
Coming and going all the time,
always new and fresh, and the best
value In coffee offered in Dallas that
20-cent coffee at Loughary's grocery.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Wagoner, of
St. Johns, visited at the home of Mrs.
Wagoner's parents, Judge and Mrs
N. L. Butler, Tuesday. Mr. Wagoner
and his brother, Clarence, are now
conducting a large drygoods store at
St. Johns.
W. H. McKee, a prosperous farmer
of Salt Lake precinct, was in Dallas,
Friday. He has purchased the A. C.
Taylor farm, one of the finest country
homes in Polk county. Mr. Taylor
will probably move his family from
Perrydale to Salem.
If the people of Polk county want
an able, clean man for United States
Senator, who has lived in Oregon all
his life, and who is deeply interested in,
and perfectly familiar with the needs
of this state, they will vote for Judge
E. B. Watson, whose number on the
ballot is 17.
The Soottish Rite Masons held their
annual banquet at the Hotel Gall last
night. Covers were laid for twenty
five guests. Members of the order
were present from Dallas, Monmouth,
Independence and Falls City, and a
fine social time was enjoyed.
Mayor Biddle is recovering from a
severe attack of lagrippe, and now
Mrs. Biddle is critically ill with pneu
monia. Her condition was very
serious last night, and fears are enter
tained that she may not recover.
D. E. Gilmao, formerly of Dallas,
now a prominent real estate dealer of
Heppner, was looking after his
property interests here, Tuesday. Mr.
Gilman says Morrow county 13 highly
prosperous, with real estate moving
lively, crop prospects good and sheep
"out of sight." He has built up a
large real estate business in Eastern
Oregon, and is well pleased with his
new location.
At this, the most joyous of all the seasons of the year, we extend to our patrons an $
Easter Greeting. We know every man likes to be attired well on Easter Sunday U
and now is a splendid time to select that New Spring Suit, Top Coat, and other j
dress accessories for your Spring and Summer wear. $
Tha Svcllcst of the Swell are Here ft
Shapes are new weaves of silk are new. We've many a Spring fancy ;that you'll
not be able to find in other stores. As a gentleman said the other day, "Your
Easter Ties are just dreams." Something "different" that's it.
Every Man wants a new Spring Hat. And, whether or
not he agrees to it in public, every Man will acknowledge
to himself that it is just as important for him to have a
new Hat for Easter, as the most smartly dressed woman
to have a new bonnet.
T hoiehv announce myself as a
candidate for Representative from
Polk County, subject to the will of the
Republican voters at the primary
election on April 20, 190C, and I appeal
to the voters exactly as I stand a
farmer candidate, looking to the bene
fit and welfare of the agricultural
and laboring Interests.
Farmer and Sheepman.
Foreman of Bryan Sawmill at Falls
City Looses Footing and Falls
in Path of Rushing Waters.
H. R. Tracev. foreman of Bryan &
Son's sawmill near Falls City, fell
from the toD of the mill dam to the
bottom of the crib 30 feet below yester
day afternoon at 4:30 o clock and it is
believed that he was instantly
Tracev was enffaeed in tripping the
dam at the lower end of the mill pond
to let out some accumulated drift
wood when the accident occurred
Just as he sprung the lever he lost
his footing in some manner and
fell between the Iok cribbing
outside the sluice-gate to the rocks
below. A boy who was working near
by clambered down the logs to rescue
htm, but was driven back by the flood
of water that was rushing through
the gates and spreading into tne criD
bins on each side.
E. J. Bryan, manager or the mill,
was in Dallas when the accident oc
curred. He received a telephone
message at 6:30 o'clock saying that
the body had not been found.
The victim of the accident was about
45 years old, and had a family in
fLATEK : The body of the drowned
man was found shortly before dark
yesterday evening a few feet from
where he fell from the dam.
As the primary election approaches,
it is eenerally conceded throughout
the county thatM. D. Ellis is in the
lead for the nomination ror nenn.
He has made an active campaign,
and word comes from every precinct
that he has steadily gained ground
with the voters from the day ne
announced his candidacy. He has
a wide acquaintance throughout the
county, is well qualified for the office
of Sheriff, and has always been a
staunch and consistent Republican.
Mr. Ellis is popular wnerever ne la
known, and hia friends predict that
if he is nominated he will be elected
by the largest majority ever given a
candidate In Polk county oo his first
term. With Mr. Ellis In the Sheriffs
office, the business will be faithfully
and honestly looked after.
Cures Coldu mmU rumtUt
Gloves They're Swell
There has never before been shown such an attractive
line of Men's (iloves in this town as we are now showing
our friends and patrons. We've Gloves for every pur- g
pose a gentleman needs Gloves. $
Come Here for Your Easter Tog-
gery and They'll Be Correct.
Uglow Clothing House
If elected State Treasurer, I pledge
myself to pay over to the state every
dollar of the Interest earned on state
funds. This would result in a saving
to the taxpayers of from $10,000 to
$20,000 dollars per annum. I will
reside at Salem and give my personal,
undivided attention to the duties oi
the office. No state funds shall be de
posited in any institution in which I
have a pecuniary interest.
These are matters of interest and
importance to the people of this state.
Tt each candidate for State Treas
urer express himself clearly regarding
them. ,
ji. v. VAHir.ii.
J. A. Lynch's
Barber Shop
with three first-class barbers
and two up-to-date Bath
Rooms, is kept neat and clean
at all times. His Newberg
Laundry is also first-class,
and 'so is his curly-headed
Dallas, Oregon
For Joint Representative.
To the voters of Lincoln and Polk
I hereby announce myself a re
publican candidate for the office of
Joint Representative for Lincoln and
Polk Counties, subject to the will of
the voters at the nominating primary
to be held April 20th, 1906.
, i - r - .
Council Removes Marshal.
The committee from the city council
appointed to investigate the charges
made against City Marshal Newton,
asking for his removal from office,
reported at the regular meeting of the
council Tuesday evening. Two of the
committee reported they had found
that the charges warranted bis re
moval. The council then voted 4 to 2,
the Mayor not voting, in favor of his
removal. A. Murpby was appointed
as his successor.
As I am unable to visit the different
sections of the county In the Interest
of my candidacy for the nomination
for Sheriff, my occupation as a farmer
requiring my special attention at this
season of the year, I beg the privilege
of submitting for your consideration
a fow words in regard to myself. I
was born in 1854, near Oak Grove,
this county, where I have lived all
my life. Have been a taxpayer 30
years, and have endeavored to dis
charge my duties as a citizen. If, in
your judgment, I am entitled to the
nomination, your support at the pri
maries will be appreciated.
April 10, 190G. Rickreall, Oregon.
A. C. Miller came overTuesday from
Dallas to arrange for moving his
family back to this city. -Jefferson
In Hayter's First Addition to
Dallas, for Sale. For prices
and terms, enquire of
Dallas, - - Oregon
t ' 1
Saturday, April 14
U. L. Frazer has endeavored to
makehimself known to the Republican
voters of Polk county. He has not
and will not make nor attempt to
make nolitical combinations witn any-
one. Should ne be seieciea, iue ie-
publlcans of Polk county can rest
red thev have no shady record to
defend nor candidate of Incompetency
to apologize for. Mr. t razer is ampiy
qualified to step Into the sheriff's office
and take charge in person any day.
He Is a graduate of the Oregon State
Normal school, and has business
training. He is a young man, obliging
and courteous, the kind of make-up
that strengthens the party that puts
his kind in public places. He will
appreciate the nomination If the Re
publicans see fit to select him, and If
they should not be will still remain
the steadfast Ppublicaa be has
always been.
Cfcanrlaia's Cough ?.zz:l
Care CokU, Croup d Whuoping Couga.
We will place on Sale 2000
yards of Ribbons plains
and figured at prices never
before dreamed of. . This
will be the bargain event
of the season. Just in time
for Easter.
PoEcclfs Cask Store
v. u, r. uuuuAii