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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1906)
Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, DITOR ANU PTJIJLJSIIKR. Published Weekly at $1.50 per Strictly in Advnnce. Year. DlU,AS. MiEiiOX. Mabch 16, im The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronise Dallas people. The object of Mr. L. Qerlinger and other proralneut Oregon capitalists la reorganizing the business of the Dallas & Falls City railroad and the Cone sawmill in Dallascan besummed up in a single word Development. Polk county has an untold wealth of timber, and the development of the lumber industry will mean much, not only to Dallas, but fo all the sur rounding country. Walter Lyon is worried about the Observer hoodoo. Never mind; it isn't a marker to the long-tailed hoo rfoo bird that will be found perched on the roof of the West Side building after April 2i. tfalls City llote$ The candidacy of Judge H. M. Cake for the long term as United States Senator is meeting with marked favor in the Willamette Valley counties, as Is also that of Fred W. Mulkey for the short term. They are clean, abb men, and, as such, would represent Oregon at the National Capitol with credit to their state and honor to themselves. Each Is . In the very prime or an active and useful life, and no two men could be selected who would lie more enercretio and loyal In working for the development of all Oregon. While both men have, as good citizens, taken an active interest in the affairs of state, neither has been prominently identified with party factions, nor is either a confirmed office-seeker. So far as the writer's knowledge extends, neither has been a candidate for state or national office before. It is also to the credit or tnese men that they have never been connected in any way with a legislative hold-up and the disgraceful proceedings Inci dent thereto. For this reason, the sincerity of Mr. Cake's declaration that ho favors the election of United States Senators by the vote of the people will not be questioned. The term of office asked by Mr. Mulkey will last only a few weeks, and in the very nature of things he would not be expected to accomplish groat results, but the voters may rest assured that if ho is elected and of his eloction there seems no doubt he will give a good account of himself. Oregon has no truer gentleman or better citizen than Fred Mulkey. Mr. CaKe asks for the long term, and It Is rofreshiug to observe that his candidacy is meeting with en thusiastic favor la every portion of the Btate: The Nation needs such men at Washington, and needs them as never before. Had former United States Senators been composed of men like Henry Cake, the demand for the election of Senators by a popular vote never would have arisen. The Southern Pacific Company's new book, "The Road of a Thousnnd Wonders," is worthy of a place on the parlor table in any home. It is the finest publication that has ever been sent out by a railroad company, and while gotten up for advertising pur poses, is a genuine work of art. The splendid colored views of scenes in Oregon and California follow each other in bewildering profusion, and the descriptive reading matter is not less interesting than the illustrations. The book will prove strongly attrac tive to tourists, and, taken in connec tion with the extensive advertising campaign now being conducted iu the leading magazines, should result in a large emigration to Oregon this year. The weather of the last few days has been somewhat "freakish," but it really doesn't seem worth while for the city papers to make such a noise about it. Twonty-four degrees above zero may be a little uncomfortable to Oregonians, who are accustomed to balmy winter weather, but such weather In the Eastern states in March would be considered bracing nnd pleasant. Calling a storm like that of Saturday a "blizzard" is extremely silly, and savors much of yellow journalism. Any man or woman that can't stand a half inch of snow and a temperature of 21 above zero is tender flower. J. G. VanOrsdel was a Falls City visitor, Wednesday. Mrs. Ora Murphy visited Mrs. J; E. Beezley, of Dallas, last week. Mrs. Siefarth and ;Mr3. Lucas have been very sick with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. W. Southwell were Dallas visitors the first of the week. The Bryan mill has been closed a few days on account of the cold spell. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mover have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Russell Davenport, at Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Starr, of Dallas, have ben visiting relatives and friends in Falls City. Miss Jessie Crawford, who has been in Salt Lake City for the past year, has returned to her home here. E. Liptoni who recently sold his mercantile business here, has moved into the property of Mrs. Wolfe. V. Hinshaw, proprietor of the Mc Minnville feed shed, has been visiting his brother, Zim Hinshaw, of this place. Superintendent Starr visited our schools here in the interest of the In dustrial Fair to be held next Fall by the school children of the county. Walter L. Tooze, Republican candi date for the nomination for Congress man from this district, spoke to a crowded house here Saturday evening cpex publicity t;tb rr.-r OVTHfAXTY OP RiCniT. When the maker of a medicine, sold through druggists for family use, take9 nls p; 'Men is luuy into ftiS commence o Irani. iy and fcarloiisly publishing broati cast v. well as cm lis bottle wrappers. a full of all its iii;;nii(iiil in jtlnln Emjlbth, tliii action o:i his part is the best possible evidence that he Is not afraid to have thn search light of inves tigation turned full tinon his formu and t'l.'tt It will Ix'ar the fullest sorutin arid lilt most i:ioronrji mvi'.-lmai icnt. lit. Fi 'ivn's Favorite 1'rt ii rip:!oii for the cure (.f the v.o:il;n s es, periodical pains and functional clfrni'irenx nts of the or gans distinctly feriii;:inc. is the only medi cine put up fur sale th-ough dniRsi.sts for woman's special ii '-e. the r ialcer of which i:i not sifru'-l to take his atients into his full confidence by such open and hone t publicity. A planco at thn published ingredients on nacli bottle wrapiwir, will show that it Is r.v.iil whoily from native, American, medicinal roots, that it contains no pol soiioiis or liamt-ionniiiff drill's, no nar cotics and no alcohol pure, triple-refined glycerine, oi proper strengta ueinjr useu Instead of the commonly employed aleO' hoi, both for e.ttraetin and preserving tne active mcicuiai properties iounu in the roots of the American forest plants ctnployed. It i3 the only medicine for v.'otaeii's nocular diseases, sold by drug' Cists, that does not contain a largo per centage of alcohol, which is in the long run so narm mi to woman a delicate, nerv ous system. Now, glycerine is perfectly harmless, and serves a valuable purpose bv possessing intrinsic value all Its own and besides it enhances the curativo eii'ect of the other ingredients entering into the "Favorite Proscription."' Homo of the ablest medical writers and teachers endorse these views and praise all several ingredients or which "t a vorite Prescription" is composed ree ommendlng them for the euro of the very same diseases for which this world- famed medicine is advised. No other medicine for women has any such pro- fr.fixUmiil endorsement worth more than any number of ordinary testimonials. If interested, send nnmo and nddress to Dr. It. V. Pierce. Buffalo. X. .. for his little book of extracts from the works of eminent medical writers and teachers ciKlorsinor the several insredients and teliintr just what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. It's free for tho asking. BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon Hop Yard For Rent. Hop yard for rent. Inquire of Fat Bhown, Dallas. R. F. D. 1. For Sale. A good peddling wagon, af this office. Enquire INDEPENDENCE NOTES Evangelist H. Wyse Jones is hold ing revival meetings at the Baptist ch u rch. Mrs. E, E. Paddock returned from a visit with relatives in Albany Wednesday. Miss Bertha Davis returned to Cor vallis, Saturday, after a visit with her cousin, Mrs. O, D. Butler. Mrs. Walter Hembree, of McMifin vine, attended the tuneful or her grandmother, Mrs. Irvine, Friday. Mrs. M. E. Hendrick and little daughter, of McMinnville, visited over Sunday with relatives nnd friends here. Hugh Shelley, conductor on the L & M. Motor Hue, has resigned that position to go on the Southern Pacific as a brakeman. Rev. Vincent, of Corvallis, will fill the pulpit of the Presbyterian church Sunday, both morning und evening, The pastor, Rev. Thompson, will preach in a Portland church Sunday The Athletic club basketball team played the Meteors of Chicago, Fri day evening. The game resulted in a victory for the visiting team by score of 22 to 20. The Independence boys played tho Corvallis boys, in Corvallis, Tuesday evening, the score being 22 to 7 in favor of the Iudo pendence team. The Eastern Star lodge field a special meeting Wednesday evening, at which time the Worthy Grand Matrou, Mrs. Inez Ryan, of Oregon City, made the order an official visit. After the work of the evening, a dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Kirkland enter tained the Social whist club Monday evening. Mrs W. R. Allin and O. W. Kutch secured first prizes, and to Mrs, P. M. Kirkland and L. Damon, fell tho boobies. C. A. Johns grows stronger with the voters of hts party every day. One may differ from Mr. Johns politically, but cannot help holding him in high esteem as a man. As a candidate for a municipal office be polled every vote In his home town. It takes a mighty (rood man to do that Jefferson Re view. The more we look the bills and amendments to the constitution over, the more we are satisfied that the safety of the people lies in voting "no" on all of them. Salem States man. Tretty safe plan. Is rcspcnsSIa for most of tho diseases and ailments of tho husisa system. It se riously affects every organ end function, causes catarrh, dyrpcpda, rheumatism, we&a, tired, languid feelings czi worso troubles. Tcke Hood'sSarsaparilla which purifies end enriches tho tlood cs nothing else cca for testimonials of remarket! cum tend far Book on th UocxL. No. 3. C.Litec4CoLow2, Mass. Embroidery Designs. Ladies, please call at the Studio for designs for embroidery, shirt-waist patterns, or anything desired. In struction in painting and drawing given very reasonably. Tyio-etehing a specialty. Thono, Main JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. Governor Will Speak. Governor George E. Chamberlain will attend the fruitgrowers' meeting at the courthouse in Dallas tomorrow, and at 11 o'clock will speak on "The Development of Oregon." A large number of fruitgrowers are expected to be in attendance, and a pleasant aud profitable meeting is anticipated. Notice. Customers can secure lamps at the Stafrln drug store and at Ellis' con fectionery store. Ask for one of our 20-eeut lamps. Dallas Electbic Liuut Co. Direct Primaries. rienty of blank petitions for candi dates, at the Observer job office. Office stationery, the right kind, at the Observer office. A great deal of Interest Is being taken in raising English walnuts and filberts in various parts of Oregon. In the spriug tune you renovate your nouse. vny noi your oooyr Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea drives out impurities, cleanses aud enriches the blood and purifies tho entire sys tem. 35 cent-'. Bolt x l lierrington. CfiamtsrlEin's Cough RsmsSjf Curta Cold Croup sod WLoopinf Cocgh. Lost.. A sack of hides and furs between Dallas and Salem. Daixas-Salem Stage. House For Rent. House for rent. Apply to Guy Bros, For Sale. White Seed Oats for sale by SAMUEL ORR, Riekreall, Or. Household Goods For Sale. Household furniture, stoves and carpets, almost new, for sale at a good discount at George Rowcliffe farm. Write For Sale. Choice Italian Prune trees for prices to F. M. CRABTREE, Washington Co. Laurel, Or. Building Material. I am now dealing in brick, lime, sand, cement and shingles. Also carry a good supply of land plaster. Call and see me at the new warehouse In Dallas. W. L. SOEHREN, House and Lots For Sale. Good eight-room house and two lots in choice location in Dallas for sale at a bargain. Terms to suit purchaser, Apply at this office. Eggs For Sale. Fine white Wyandotte eggs, Duston strain ; first pen, $2.50 per setting of 13 second pen, $1.50 per setting of 13 Address J. C. Stingley, Dallas, Ore- gou, R. F. D. 1. Estray Notice. Strayed from my place at Airlie, March 2, one black horse, with bald face, aged 12 years, weight 1150; also, one bay driving horse, aged C years. weight 1050. Liberal reward for in formation leading to their recovery Henby Dorton, Airlie, Or. Farm For Sale. 1G0 acres, 2i miles from Riekreall 80 acres for sale, and 80 to rent for six years, with option of purchasing at end, if desired. Rent of 80 acres, with house, barn and orchard, $125 per year. This property is for sale at a bargain and on good terms. Samuel Orr, Riekreall, Or. ' Personal. If Daniel Haley, who about twelve years ago lived In Southern Oregon, and who once had a brother living in Pasadena, Cal., by the name of Michael Haley, will correspond with the undersigned he can learn of something to his advantage. WM. FORBES, Clerk of Woodmen of World, Pasadena, Cal. FOR SALE My place of 340 acres, 5 miles north west of Airlie, well adapted for goats or sneep, all goat renee. 40 acres slashed and seeded, fair house and barn, finely watered, plenty fruit. tillable soil sufficient for feed, worth $12 per acre, will take $6 per acre. SeeE. C. BURROUGHS. Owner, or H. G. Campbell, Agt, Dallas. Catarrh Cannot be Cored with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thej cannot rt-Hch t.i6cat of l'..e disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to Cora ; ou must tut a internal remedies. Ball' C&urra tura ii takca Internal:; and acts -rrt'? en th blooj and ma' on rnrfaws. - r&t&'rh Curs is not aquack medicine. It os orriixfti by one oib beat physicians in Ms i-ouuirjf for years, and is rega ar pre scription. It is composed of best tonics;, combined m itb. the bent blood pnririers, ct;: uirvctiy en tho mucous surface. The rvrfect eomo nation of the two inirredienta is v a it i rou jus sncu wonderful result in curing Catanh. fvnd for testimonials, free. r. J. CilFNtY A CO., fro pi , Toledo, O. Sold br dmn'tts, pr -e 7V. Ilia's i aualr l-iiu are the best. M D. ELLIS, OF DALLAS, Republican Candidate for Sheriff. The candidacy of M. D. Ellis for nomination for the office of Sheriff of Polk County is meeting with de cided favor among the voters, irres pective of locality, und every day brings new pledges of support. Mr. Ellis is well quali fied for the office to which he aspires. been one of Plk successful business 1 having long county's most men. He received his business train ing in the practical school of ex perience, and the people cau count upon it that if he is elected, the books of the office will be kept in first-class shape. Practically every citizen of Polk county has business to transact in the Sheriff's office in the course of a year, and with M. D. Ellis in charge, the people could count upon fair and courteous treatment at all times. He has a wide acquaintance throughout the county, and knows nearly every man within its borders personally. He has always been a loyal Republi can, and has rendered good service to his party. He asks your vote at the primary election, pledging a faithful administration of the affairs of the office if elected In June. WILLIS S. DUNIWAY l"H 'J "AT. f.TTTTV' ? If A ' f ' 4 f x V - -1 t " i ' f f $H si X" 3." V S ? CANDIDATE FOR STATE PRINTER at Republican Primary, April 20, 1906. "I hereby pledge the people of Ore gon a great reduction of theenormous cost of tho office, if elected, and I declare upon my honor that I shall seek neither to perpetuate old abuses of the office or engage In new schemes to loot the treasury" Willis S. Dun wav. Willis S. Dunlwav is a man of sterling integrity and thorough knowl edge of the printing business." Portland Labor Press. U. L. FRAZER, for Sheriff . A 1 AU 1 ' v . '.v In U. L. Frazer, the republicans of Polk county have an opportunity to select a young man for sheriff, who has the qualifications, and unques tioned honesty to make an official that will be an honor to his party and an officer that will be appreciated by every one having business with the sheriff's office. U. L. Frazer is a native of Polk county. He is a graduate of the Mon mouth State Normal School. He has taught school in the county, has been successful mercantile man anil farmer and is thoroughly qualified for the office. Ho is a life long re publican having been a delegate to county conventions for a number of years past. Not a word can be said against Mr. Frazer as a man, nor against his qualifications for the office oT Sheriff. He is that character of man who elevated to office strength ens his party. We lea me made nianv homes d that this store is happy this Christmas time the best place to traae. otin" After-Holiday Prices before Christmas brought the crowds of . , . . i - -1- - . happy shoppers here. We wish to inarm oui many pairons and friends for their liberal patronage in the past and wish them all "A Happy and Prosperous New Year" We know you will have a pros perous year if you continue to buy your Dry Goods, Clothing, Fur nishings, Footwear, etc., at ' V f to Us to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 'PHONE 246. at Low Prices and hundreds Our plan of i THE 81 G STORE be our aim to sell the best goods at the most and courteous treatment to all. Remember when want genuine bargains come here. For it will ever reasonable prices you Many New Articles Arriving Every Week. Our Stock is Alvays Up-to-date and Reliable. ELLIS & KEYT 1 i t flAIN STREET FISHING RODS and TacKle. BRIMOL kj I A til f Guns, Ammunition and Cutlery. UMRRELLAS I make umbrellas, and do first-class umbrella repairing. C. RISSER, Dallas, Ore. DRINK WITH ME! All the flavors of Fountain and Bottle Soda: Sarsaparilla and Iron, Orange Cider. Mineral Water, Iron Brew and Welch's Grape Juice, I SMOKE! YES All the leading brands of Cigars and Tobacco kept in stock. CONFECTIONERY Constantly receiving a fresh supply of Fruits, Chewing Gum, Nuts, Aldon's Candies and Lunch Goods. Bell 'Phone 44. Mutual 'Phone 63 GROCERIES We sell more and better Groceries than anj? other store in Dallas. We buy the best values that can be had for Cash, and save the Discounts. We move our Groceries quick and fast, (at cash values) hence our goods are always new and fresh. We are headquarters for M. J. B. COFFEE, FOLGER'S TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES AND EXTRACTS, FAMOUS RALSTON BREAKFAST FOODS, QUAKER PUFFED RICE, H. B. AND ROYAL CLUB CANNED GOODS, WALTER BAKER'S COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. Everything Good and New in Groceries at U. S. Loughary's .DALLAS, OREGON j We Are Well Armeoi! 8 Tracy Staats Main St., Dallas, Oregon 1 ? W. V. FULLER. ! REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specialty If you have patented lands or relinquishments to sell, list same with me. 8 8 8 8 18 8 umce in Crider Buildine' 8 Dallas, Oregon To meet every requirement of the purchaser, with the latest styles and best makes of. Ladies', Gents' and Children's . Shoes. . . There is honest value in every pair, and we guarantee that they will give good satisfaction. We believe thata personal inspection will make you a customer. Prices? The lowest possible for good footwear. DALLAS SHOE STORE W. J. STOWE, Truck ins: e:, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. nu.l.AS. nwrjri-M Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. T1MK-TAW.K Effective lH-cvmbrr 1. Ditilj fxcept Sunday. West-Bornd: A.M. Lt. DALLAS 7:S0 UUims 7:49 BrUlteport 7:55 r. FALLS CITY S:05 East Bound: X. FALLS CITY... Briderport iiillUmu Ar. DALLAS A.M. 10 :00 10:10 10.16 10:So P. M. 1:20 1:39 1:45 1:5J P. M. 4:00 4:10 4:17 4:35 I STOVES AT COST Trains Slop ou Signal only. . GFRUVGER. Jr.. tinrsl M.n.eer. rolEYSECTAS j . nrs. j. c. Gaynor, Proprietor. Tl. . A1 1 r . 'all ' V ine urns uasoiine Engines If nain Mreet - - Dallas, iwi ; I handle the "Olds" the best Gw ! 532 I line Engine in the market Just the thing for Wood Sawing, Pumping Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, Etc. Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers' purposes. Ed. Diddle, AgenL Dallas, Oregon. M. OLIVEMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN ?t.niio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block PALLAS OREGON" James Withycombe U' CORVALLIS Republican Candidate for Governor An honest and fearles lormaiue of public greater and united Ore per- duty a; (Ton ' Complete line of "Universal" Stoves must be sold in the next 60 days to make room for another line. A Guarantee Bond with Every "Universal" Range. Vaughn Weaver Wiseman's Old Stand, DALLAS, . . . OREGON