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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
GO" UNT .f LlHllff 3X c' VOL. XVIII DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 1906 NO 44 ID Y It II 14 . ii ' V Ei 1 f REAT RE G DUCTION Of Steel Ranges SALE in order to reduce our stock of Steel Ranges, we .will give I $6.50 Worth of Goods Free ..,itU cnfh ranee sold durins this sale. All tliA with each range sold during this sale. All the stand ard makes, "Quick Meal," "Bridge-Beach" and "Moore" Steel Ranges. SALE NOW ON. WM. Main Street, Dallas, Oregon 44444444lllil4llll4tllllilil4ll4lill4llllL -FULL LINE OF- Columbia Phonographs &t0k Big StocK of Records and Supplias L. D. Daniel's Wall Paper Store, Main Street. Dallas, Ore., HPhone 225 t TTORNKY AT LAW. .Oscar Hayter, j i Upstairs In Campbell building, Mill St : DALLAS, OREGON. TT0RNEY8 AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set or Abstracts In Polk county. Office on Court St. DALLAS, OREGON. TTOKNEY AT LAW Ed. F. Coad, Office in Courthouse DRINK WITH ME! All the flavors of Fountain and Bottle Soda: Saksapaeilla and Iron, Orange Cider. Mineral Water, Iron Brew and Welch's Grape Juice, SMOKE! YES All the leading brands of Cigars and Tobacco kept in stock. CONFECTIONERY Constantly receiving a fresh supply of 'Fruits, Chewing Gum, Nuts, Aldon's Candies and Lunch Goods. DALLAS, OEEGON. JTTORNEY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW J. H. Flower, Office next door to Postoffice. DALLAS. OREGON Tracy Staats Main St., Dallas, Oregon Some Five Cent Bargains BUSY TERM OF COURT County Judge and Commissioners Perform Great Amount of Work at January Term. The January term of the County Commissioners' Court was, as usual, a busy one. Judge Coad and Com missioners Riggs and Riddell were all in attendance, and the session lasted from Wednesday until Saturday. In addition to the regular routine busi ness, a list of names from which the circuit court juries will be drawn was prepared, judges and clerks of election were named, road supervisors were appointed, and the tax levy for 1905 was made. Orders made since the last issue of the Observer are as follows : Ordered that the sum of $90 be transferred from the General Road Fund to Road District No. 21. Ordered that the sum of $83.40 be transferred from the General Road Fund to Road District No. 11. In the matter of four petitions of the Oregon & California Railroad Company for refund of taxes and cancellation of certain written nota tions on tax roll ordered that prayers of petitioners be granted, except for the year 1898 and two tracts of land described therein. Ordered that the sum of $9.85 be transferred from General Road Fund to Road District No. 9 ; that the sum of $5.08 be transferred to Road District No. 19. Permission granted to Sheridan Lumber Company to constructlumber flume over and across certain county roads ; such flume to be water-tight at each crossing, and to be in every way safe for public travel; the first crossing to be not less than 14 feet 8 inches from the ground; the second, 23 feet 4 inches ; the third 18 feet 4 inches, and the fourth 18 feet 2 inches. The passage-way between the bents to be not less than 24 feet in the clear, and at the Buell crossing not less than 32 feet ; said flume to be kept in good repair at all times, and in case such repairs are neglected the Court may order the removal of the flume. TAX LEVY. In the matter of the tax levy for the vear 190S ordered that the levy be made as follows : State, county, indigent soldier and library 15 mills School fund 5i mills Road fund 2J mills F J Morrison, clerks. North Monmouth R M Sraitb, J F Powell, J J Russell, judges; M Arant, L W Riddell, C Lorence, clerks. Falls City J B Teal, S H Tetherow, George Siefarth, judges; H C Sey mour, H E Starr, Ira Mehrling, clerks. CLAIMS ALLOWED M Mulkey, road supervisor.... $240 00 Becker, same '. 117 50 E Chamberlain, same 75 00 R R Riggs, same 100 00 James Boydston, same 15 00 J D Slagle, same 8 00 J M Farley, same 15 00 N Jones, same. 117 50 Henry Voth, same 6 25 J A Hannum, same 11 25 J H Mulkey, same 82 60 B Teal, same 45 00 E M Smith, courthouse acct 2 85 R M Smith, road acct 3 00 Jasper Ellis, same 5 45 Wm Faull, supplies 3 33 A S Locke, pauper acct 16 90 Seth Riggs, salary 13 60 Wnv Riddell, salary 13 00 Married. SHEPARD WOODS-At Corvallis, Oregon, Wednesday, January 3, 190G, by the Rev. Charles Hurd, Ralph C. Shepard of Zena, Polk county, to Miss Lela Woods, of Corvallis. After a brief sojourn in Portland the happy young couple arrived in Zena in time to enjoy the congratula tions of almost the entire community, which was assembled to receive them, at the residence of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Shepard. The good people of the Zena neighbor hood are all splendid entertainers and know how to make their social gather- ngs enjoyable. They have had frequent opportunities of late to dem onstrate this, there being no less than six couples present who have been recently married. The newly married pair were the recipients of many use ful and beautiful presents. They will reside in the neighborhood near the groom'sboyhood home. Salem States man. jTTORXEY AT LAW J. L. Collins Main Street, Near Postoffice DALLAS, - - OREGON Attorney at law B. F. JONES Office in Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON 5 CIs. Egg Beaters Cooky Cutters Stove Pokers Plate Handles Glass Cutters Oil Cans Paring Knives Granite Spoons Potato Mashers These are but a few of many articles for the kitchen at this price, our window shows many more. Meiser & Meiser Dallas, Oregon. 5 Cts. J)ENTI8T. M. Hayter, Office over Wllson'B Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. PHYSICAN AND 8T1BGKON. L. N. Woods, M. D., Does general practice In any part of the county. Office on Main street DALLAS, OREGON. Physiciax and scbgeox Dr. R. C. Hunter Boom 6. Uglow Building Neighborly Kindness. Voio-hhnrs and friends to the num ber oAwelve gathered at the home of E. Kimball, near Oakdale, lasioaiui iav ana held a good old-fashioned DiLLiS.OBEGOSjS;; ua p.hnmrincr" All present, experienced woodmen, and in a few hours enough wood was cut to last the ,ii th remainder of the winter. Mr Kimball has long been a resident of the Oakdale neighborhood, and is fc-M in the highest esteem by the people of that community. Having passed the age oi bci. needless to say that he was deep appreciative of the kindness of hi, neighbors in voluntarily gathering a. hla home and relieving him of the labor of providing a several months of firewood, ine muu - - m,-,iotA surmise nds aS a UUmF'"" r- Total 23 mills ELECTION OFFICERS, Judges and clerks of election for the several precincts in the county were appointed as follows : Douglas D T Hodges, T B Stone. NM Dickey, judges; Lee Rowell, Ira Yocom, Glenn O Butler, clerks. Jackson J A Baxter, Peter Cook, N F Gregg, judges ; J K Guttry, Mac Syron, George McCulloch, clerks Salt Lake-D L Keyt, H B Flauery, frNTownsend. iudees; H J Elliott, G S Nelson, B F Jones, clerks. Spring Valley J R Shepard, W B Duncan, T J Jennings, judges; Sam Phillips, Lorin Walling, Wayne Henry, clerks, Eola-J W Allen, A J Brown, L D Gibson, judges; J R Chapmau, R E Pearce, Alfred Vernon, clerKs. Rickreall Samuel Orr, I A Allen C A Miller, judges; Frank Gibson J E Yoakum, T S Burch, clerks. Smith Tndonendence M W Mix J M Stark, A Huston, judges; C TTiintipv. Geonre Conkey, Asa Robin son, clerks. South Monmoutn lvan w-aus. Reese McReynolds, J B V Butler, J u ,J B ' A J Shipley, clerks. Buena Vista-A J Richardson, G C Bolter, James Prather, judges; W J Bevens, Harvey Nash, W S McClain clerks crW W Collins. J A Withrow; U Ll 1"- " .T T .Tames, judges; J J Thurston ii,t TVthfirow. O H DeArmond ill'" i w - ' clerks. Luckiamute-M Scrafford, F W -r v v staats. iudcres; J JjOUgUiUjr, Bagley, Jesse Yost, George Bronson clerks. Bridgeport-W N Yeater, R R Riggs, r-i nnr nor nuitrea : -u SQUARE DEAL HIS MOTTO c. A. Johns Advocates High Sense of Honor and Sound Business Principles. FRY WILSON At the home of the bride's aunts, the Misses Beider linden, in Springfield, Missouri, on December 20, 1905, Mr. O. E. Fry and Miss Sarah Katherine Wilson. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Mary Wilson, and was a resident of Dallas for several years. She was a bright student of Dallas College, and an active worker in the young people's society of the Presbyterian church. During the last few years, she has been making her home with relatives in Missouri. It invigorates, strengthens and builds up. It keeps you in condition physically, mentally and morally. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mount ain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Belt& Cherrington. Messrs. E. C. DeWitt& Company, of Chicago, 111., are sole owners ana publishers of the Kodol Almanac and 200 Year Calendar, and will be pleased to mail a copy of this booklet to any one enclosing a two-cent stamp with a request for same, provided this paper is mentioned. C supply W. V. FULLER. REAL ESTATE Timber Lands a Specialty If you have patented landa or relinquishments to sell, list same with me. Dallas, Oregon Celiu PmMto PoMfflwOa asing to me uiu 6. a - T o TTi AC The neighbors present we.c Hubbard, Joe Wright, George Robin II Joe Murphy, Charles Bird, John Robinson, Chauncey Butler, Mehin Greene, Lena Butler, ShranejndBenThomP". ofPoIk county, ana on . meters of the Angora -!S Salem, Monday.-St.wman. n I You will not find beauty In roujje Office in Crider Building j or complexion a;,h;t TJke ; beauty comes to i""' " It ...t-i-r mountain Tea, u i HoUiswr a . -n,.t;ter. i3 a erful cher. SSoentsTeaorTableU rington. Frink, Scott Campbell, W J Burns, clerks. East Dallas-C L Hubbard, H ii Plummer, G W Myer, judges; II G Campbell, R R Hill, E V Dalton, clerks. McCoy-T J Graves, I N Mulkey, G Shields, judges; C L Hawley, Clyde Kelty, Bud Frazer, clerks. South Dallas-H B Cosper, A J C E Shaw, juages, y Grant, waiter imams, -F A Patter- Martin, Avres, C S clerks. x:h independence- tt w Pprcival. J W Kirkland, . r trirvine. J A Byers, Wil- inni Craven, clerks. North Dallas F J Coad, H Holman, , h wrk. iudKs: B L Chapman, i Ashbaujrh, Walter Muir, clerks. Rock Creek-J L Morrison, George Y ltterstroiu, juu-.o, Clarence AiKman, Horsfall, W Hamt't-jD, Chamfcsrlain's Cough . Remedy Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good w ith the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be fore you expect it We will KiKi jroa tample free. Be lure tkit thU picture in ihe form of a label is on the wrap pet of every bottle of tmukion yon buy. Scorr & Eowwe Chem'ut 409 Pearl St. , N. V. $oceaaa&4 $1.00 Formal announcement of his candi dacy for the nomination for Governor of Oregon atthe Republican primaries in April has been made by Charles A. Johns, who is serving his third term as Mayor of Baker Ciiy. Mr. Johns is very popular in his home town and no person has a stronger indorsement from his fellow citizens. In his platform the candidate puts himself on record as favoring a business administration of the state government, that the state school fund should have laws enacted for protec tion, for a tax on corporations, for state bank examiner, fair trial for primary law, with Roosevelt on the labor question, education of Oregon youth at home. The platform in full is as follows : "The affairs of state should be con ducted with a high sense of honor and on sound business principles and a broad plane of equality, and to that end there should be a watchful care and vigilance over every department. The high and the low, the rich and the poor should receive the same courteous treatment, The laboring man has the same right to be heard as the railway magnate or the million aire. "The state school, fund should be treated as sacred, and there should bo no juggling with school lands. A law should be enacted, preventing specu lation in, or the sale or assignment of school land certificates. The Land Agent should not be allowed to have any favorites or speculate through knowledge obtained by "virtue of office. There should be no adjuncts to or around this office and it should always be above suspicion. "All kinds of property, including franchises, should be required to pay a just and reasonable tax. and express and similar companies should pay a tax on their gross earnings in the state. "A law should provide for a State Bank Examiner with conservative plenary power. 'The primary law was enacted by a vote of a large majority of the people and is entitled to, and should be given. a fair trial and should be respected both as to its meaning and intent. "From sentiment and couviction, i stand with President Roosevelt on the lanor question, and am in thorough accord with him on the question or railroad legislation. "I am 'a firm believer in, and an ardent supporter of our public school system. Favor liberal support to, and a high standard of, education; and with rare exceptions think our our own boys and girls should be educated within the state of Oregon. "If successful, in my administration the needs and wishes of the people will be tho only boss and the only machine, and there will be no favorites and nobody will have a pull, and I will eive the state an honest, clean, conscientious and vigilant adminstra tion, of the people, by the people and for the people." CHARLES A. JOHNS Ik df IU7 Wmm Are delicious and wholesome a perfect cold weather breakfast food. Made in the morning ; no yeast, no set ting" over night; never sour, never cause in digestion. To make a perfect buckwheat cake, and a thousand other daintv dishes, see the " Royal Baker and free to any address. Pastry Cook." Mailed ROYAL BAKING! POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. STATE PRINTING OFFICE ANOTHER PLATFORM Amendment to Constitution Provid ing for State Ownership and Regulation of Pay. Claude Gatch Declares His Candidacy for Nomination as Secretary of State. James E. Godfrey, foreman of the state printing office, who is the oldest practical and union printer still In active service in the state, has been engaged for some time past in formu lating an amendment to the state con stitution providing for the regulation of the state printing and binding, to be submitted to the people by means of the initiative petition. Mr. Godfrey represents the wishes of Capital Typo graphical union, which appointed him a committee to consult with other unions and obtain such action as would best subserve the interests of the state and be fair to all parties. Through his labors, the members of Multnomah union No. 58, have taken the matter up and the result of their joint deliberations has been the draw ing and adoption of an amendment to article XII. section 1. of tho constltu tion in the following terms: "Section 1. That article XII, section 1 nf the constitution of the state of Orecron be and tho same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Kor. i Thorn shall bo elected a Claud Gatch, of Salem, a Republican candidate for nomination to the office of Secretary of State, issues the follow ing statement addressed "To the Re publicans of Oregon ;" Prompted by what I trust is a laud able ambition and at the request of friouds, I declare my intention to make honorable effort to become your chosen candidate for the position of secretary of state, and therefore ask your good will and assistance in the ensuing primaries. The duties of this office being ad ministrative, the views of a candidate on the larger questions of general and state government would not pertain to the conduct of that office. Leaving the discussion of the tariff, t trusts and other national questions to tho candidates for oongresa whose business is to deal with such subjects, and the manner of raising state reve nues to tho legislative candidates, not presuming upon tho province and business of that body and not doubt inar the members will prove competent to discharge the duties incumbent up- state printer for the term of four on them, I deem it sufllciont to say at nr until his successor is elected at this time that I am a Republican and qualified, who shall be ex- and have been a Republican ever since thAnrt nf nrintinor. He castlncr mv first vote for James A. shall perform in a printing plant Garfield; and that I have ever heartily ivi,ori mfl maintained bv the state of supported the nominees of the party. , - . . . Oreeon all the public printing ana uut wtiat occurs to me as oi more iui- i !,n c,- tuc atntn " in st.fito nnrtnnnfi to r.nn state on me uan ui IllllllllliZ ItIL bllV O.I...'-'. . . Cure Ci!2. ill Charles A. Johns was born in Mis souri, on June 25, 1807 ; came to Ore gon in December of following year, and has been here ever since. Re ceived early education in the public schools at Scio. Linn County; A. U. degree from Willamette University at Salem in 1878 and the A. M. degree in 1882. Was admitted to the bar in 1881 and commenced to practice law at Dallas Oregon. Served as county udge of Polk County by appointment Lived here until ho moved to Baker City in 1888, where he has resided since. Is an attorney by profession. Has never held a political office. Formerly twice mayor of Baker City and is the present mayor, being elected by the largest majority any one ever received for that office. Is serving fourth consecutive term as School Director and received every vote cast at last election. Drinter shall receive such compensa tion as may from time to time be pro vided bv law." This has been printed and win ne circulated for signatures at once with tho ernnKMinn nf submitting it to a vote at the June election. The Spirit of Winter. ThA Snirit of Winter is with us. candidate for the secretaryship is the question, What are his ideas and capabilities relative to the conduct or that office? While I recognize the fact that the office has been greatly modernized and systemized, I hope, if elected, that my large experience in dealing with the public in the trans action of important business will en able me to still farther Increase tne efficiency of its service, and I pledge xi.v. ki.... - -- olUCieucy OI iia tu v ouu jwv.B making its presence known in many mygclf lf j ara faVored with the nomi different ways-sometimes by cheery nation and elected by the people to give the public faithful service ana to manage tho office economically. Ana, sunshine and glistening snows, and sometimes by driving winds and blinding storms. To many people it seems to take a delight in making bad thintrs worse, for rheumatism twists harder, twinges sharper, catarrh becomes more annoying, and the many symptoms of scrofula are de- ireinnprl and acrtrravated. There is not much poetry in this, but there lstrutn, and it is a wonder that more people don't get rid of these ailments Falls City Knights Install. Cascade Lodge, No. 92, K. of P., in atallnrl officers in their castle hall at Falls City last Thursday night. The installation was followed by a sump tuous banquet, prepared by Mrs. Montgomery. The occasion was one of feasting and good-cheer, and a most enjoyable social hour was spent at the tab e. The officers instauea by Deputy Grand Chancellor W. B McKown are: C. C, L. T. Murphy. V. C, A. F. Courter. P., William Hinshaw. M. of W., S. S. Cook. K. of R. and S., J. V. DcDnis. M. of F., C. E. Dill. M. of E., J. O. Chamberlain. M. at A., W. B. McKown. 0. G., P. Platner. 1. G., John Breuschadler. Cascade Lodg, while among the younger lodges of the state, is making a rapid growth, and is one of the prominent factors in the fraternal and social life of our enterprising neigh bor town. The Obsebveb office wants the print ing you are particular about too, that every one doing Dusiness with the office shall, in the words of the president, have "a square deal." CLAUD UAlUii. Granted. The petition sent from tue towns ftlnntr the Yamhill division to ine The S. P. Company, asking for the estab- Petitlon Not mivllcine that cures them Hood s Sarsaparilla is easily obtained and there is abundant proof that its cures are radical and permanent. Mrs. Waldo Appointed Mrs. Clara B. Waldo, of Maeleay, r, rVi nmut intellectual women in - .t . . It A AM n hum the Willamette vai.y ..m .u. - uu... f he compaDy, ber of years known as a pro nlnent v member of tho Patrons oi Husbandry and the errand lecturer of the has the distinction of being the llrst lishment of additional train service from Jefferson street via McMinnvllle to Union depot and return will not be granted. Traveling Passenger Agent J. P. Jones was in McMinnville Wed nesday and Thursday, aud stated that while the S. P. is anxious to accom modate the people of the Valley, that such a service would prove a losing He averred that as soon as sufficient traffic is in . i-i x . j. i. n aorvlpA will r,ivW Sign. W jusiuj " order, n ,, . . ,,mri.,(i!a Tui. be estaonsneu, aiciii.iuuw . .. T-!. ....... woman to be appointed on the board pnoHe-xu.b of regents of the Oregon Agricultural j $ Cooer of Independence was in college of Corvallis. Mrs. Waldo sue- Albany Wednesday afternoon, having eeeds W. E. Yates, who resigned, and acC0mpanied his daughters, Misses her term of office is for only one year. Muix.i and Frances Cooper, to tms Mrs. Waldo is the wife of Judge J. B. L.if.v thevountr ladies being on their Waldo, a former justice of the supreme way t0 Eugene to re-enter the state court, wnicn posiuuu c ""i"1-" university ior mo from 1880 to 188G. The adoption of the direct primary law has eiven Orecron such a compli cated system of elections that not even the accomplished politician can carry in his mind all the details or tne pro ceedings leading up to the general election of state, district and county officers. Jefferson Review. Cheat Hay For Sale. Choice cheat hay, f 8 a ton. Ckidek, Dallas, Or. Legal Blanks for sale here. D. C.I Albany Herald. ' , Three little babes were nestled in bed, "I'll name them William, Willie and Bill." mother said ; Wide was her smile, for triplets they She lays her good iucK to itocKy Mountain Tea. (Great baby med icine.) But & Cherrington. Office stationery, the right kind, at the Observer office. top G9t3 dJ