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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
.3 hi Vol. xviii DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 3, 1905 NO. 34 Pol COUN TJBSERVER Y f GREAT UCTION SA Of Steel Ranges In order to reduce our stock of Steel Ranges, we give. CITV LIBRARY NOTES !$6c50 Worth of Goods Free ! with each range sold during this sale. All the stand- ard makes, "Quick Meal," "Bridge-Beach" and 2 IS ard ' "Moore 1 4 if ! J It S Main Street, Meal," "Bridge-Beach' SALE NOW ON. WM. FAULL, Dallas. Oree-on :r - ' Q 1 M. Wake -Up and Read This!! OUR BIG CLEARANCE SALE IS CLOSED We still have Four or Five Thousand Dollars worth of gooas that must be sold regardless of cost to make -room for new goods. You bet we are not going out of business but we are selling goods at the right prices. To prove this notice the people that are buying. We keep everthing you want and buy anything you have to sell in our line. THE IMG STORE F. A. LUCAS, Proprietor FALLS CITY, - - OREGON Books, Magazines and Papers Donated by Friends Are Gratefully Appreciated. The City Librarian will be glad to receive criticisms or suggestions on the management of the library, and hopes every one in town will feel pride and interest in this helpful institution. Many friends of the library have generously donated magazines, new and old, and these are used to good advantage on the reading-table, for the permanent reference files, or for distribution among the men in the logging camps. Gifts of books have been received, and R. L. Carter, local agent for the Portland Journal, contributes his paper, daily and Sunday. It has been found necessary to put up "No Talking" signs in order that the many who want perfect quiet whe n reading may not be disturbed. Everv one will appreciate the justice of this rule, and help the Librarian by keep ing perfect order. The Library Association is greatly indebted to Mr. Thompson, of the Dallas Electric Light Company, for his generosity in putting in the wiring free. No More Stripes. Within the next few days the pris oners at the penitentiary at Salem will be garbed in new uniforms of a blue gray color - minus the stripes. The new uniforms are now being made in the prison tailor shop. The solid color uniform is an innovation and at the same time a concession to the well behaved prisoners. Hereafter only refractory inmates will be obliged to wear the stripes. Fraternal insurance com panies have no graft, but give protection at the lowest possible cost. See Capt. Fiske about joining the Woodmen. FISCHER COMPANY COMING Wiil Play Three Nights' Engagement at New Woodmen Hall Next Week. REMEMBER.... I We have the only exclusive Shoe Store in g town. Our fall line of Shoes are here and they are the best that can be had in the market. $ Hj We have the Famous Walk-Over Shoe for Men at $ S3.50 and $4.00 I I The St. Cecilia Shoe for women at g3.50 g jjj Also a full line of Boys', Misses and Children's School 2 Shoes. Yours for Good Footwear vauas dooi ana onoe oiore g dil MRS. J. C. GAYNOR. Proprietor. m 4 1 jfeji Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. The Margarita Fischer Company will play a three nights' engagement at the new Woodmen Theater in Dallas, commencing Thursday, Nov ember 9. They will present for your approval on the opening night "The Great Bl ue-Grass Derby. " The story concerns the fortunes of an interesting group of people representative of the blue-grass regions of Kentucky. The lonely, half-savage life of the mountaineers, with their strong loves and stronger hates, their bitter feuds rivaling in vindictiveness the Corsican vendetta, yet elevated above blood thirstiness by a sense of religious duty, is clearly set forth and seems all the more unique and strange in contrast with the peaceful, pastoral characteristics of the blue-grass country. Numerous opportunities are given for the display of the strongest passions. The new Woodmen Hall is one of the most complete playhouses in the Willamette Valley. The Woodmen of the World deserve great credit for their enterprise in putting up this splendid building, and the theater patrons of Dallas will doubtless show their appreciation by a crowded house. Prices : Adults, 35 cents ; children, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents, on j sale at Belt & Cherrington's drug, store. I Consumption J There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. if From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no cil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by th system as cod liver oil in the . form of Scott's Emulsbn, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. I We will send you a sample free. J Be sure rhat this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott & Bowne Chemists 409 Pearl Street New York 50c. and$l; all druggists BACK TO OLD SCHEDULE Evening Train From Portland Wiil Arrive Two Hours Earlier Hereafter. Beginning Monday, November 5, the Dallas-Portland passenger train will leave Portland daily at 4 :15P. M., and will arrive in Dallas at 7 :20 P. M. This order will practically re-establish the schedule that was in effect before the opening of the Lewis and Clark Fair, and will prove highly satisfac tory to a great majority of people living along the Yamhill division. The motor will leave Dallas for Inde pendence at 7 :25 o'clock, Ave minutes after the arrival of the train from Portland. The early morning motor from Independence will be dis continued. The change in the time-card in effect during the Fair was greatly appreciated by the people of Polk and Yamhill counties, as it gave them a long summer day hi which to view the sights at the big show, but now that the Fair is over, the change back to the old train schedule will be welcomed. The Independence Motor Company operated an early morning train be tween Independence and Dallas dur ing the Fair, but as this early service was given for the accommodation of the people of Independence and Mon mouth rather than for profit to the company, the morning trip will be discontinued. The travel on the early motor was not heavy, even dur ing the busy Fair season, and with conditions back to their normal state, the company says it would be im possible to make the train pay ex penses. The excellent noon and eve ning motor service will be continued. Hello, Newport! The Mutual Telephone line is becoming very popular, considering the short time it has been in operation The line now reaches from Newport out through Kings Valley to Inde pendence and Monmouth, and to Cor vallis, Albany and as far south as Harrisburg. It is a thoroughly well constructed line and is giving splendid service. -Newport News. Pain may go by the name of rheu matism, neuralgia lumbago, pleurisy. No matter what name the pains are called, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive them away. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cherrington. B. F. Jones is preparing to work his gold claims on the beach near Otter Rock. Toledo Leader. Many children inherit constitutions weak and feeble, others due to child hood troubles. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure children and make them strong. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cherrington. I $25,000 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE RETIRING fW BUSINESS $25,000 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE Our Grand Closing Out Sale Is a Howling Success. 'HE PEOPLE ARE QUICK TO SEE KEAL VALUES IN MERCHANDISE, and quick to see that our sale is a real closing out sale and that our prices are what we say, new first-class mer chandise at wholesale prices. Never before have you had such an opportunity. Follow the crowd buy of us and get your goods at cost price. Everything at Cost Standard Calico 4c per yard. Good Outing Flannel 4c per yard. A better one at 6, 1 and 8c per yard 1 o School Hose, per pair Children's Underwear, 30c a suit. Ladies' ribbed fleeced drawers and vests at 20c each. m .'' K ft -AC TAT rn CMJCr.O.KEN05H hosiery coPtir Swf--B. Wis. A full line of Press Goods all the new shades and stylish weaves at Cost Price mm mmm WMmmm all? tm)m ; Copyright 190J fcy Hart Schaaner cV Marr JHIS GREAT SALE IS A SUCCESS because we do as we say. Entire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, etc., at cost. Don't forget about our line of Ladies New F.all Coats and Skirts all the new stylish patterns at cost. Wool Blankets, grey and white, at cost. Cotton Blankets, prices range from 40c up. Everything at Cost Men's Work Shirts, at 40c Men's and Boys Clothing Good Clothes for Men from $5.00 a suit and up. Boys' 2-piece Suits from $2.75 to $4.45 Boys' Long-l'ants-Suits for $3.95 Going Out of Business FIXTURES FOR 5ALE, STORE FOR RENT. o JAC0B50N & GO $25,000 Worth of Merch andise. Must be Sold. C 6 T7"f eves Health ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK GREAT RUSH FOR SEATS Record-Breaking Attendance Promis ed for Opening of Wood, men Hall. The advance sale of seats for "A Texas Steer," the comedy with which the new Wood men Hall is to be opened by home talent next Wednes day night, has so far surpassed all expectations that it is now certain that not a vacant seat will be left in the house, and that standing room will be at a premium. Three hundred and fifty seats were reserved for this performance, and are selling at a rate that insures the largest audience ever in attendance at a public performance in Dallas. The play itself is so well known that it is not necessary to say any thing in its praise at this time. "A Texas Steer" has been played by noted companies in every leading city in America, and is among the greatest comedies ever written. The play will be in good hands Wednesday night, considering the fact that the players are amateurs, and an enjoyable entor tainment is promised. Reserved seats are now on alo at Belt & Cherrington's drug store. While it is customary to charge high prices for seats at the opening perfor mance in a now theater, the young people have decided to place the admis sion at 60 and 25 cents in order to give everyone in Dallas an opportun ity to see this famous play and the handsome new playhouse. The cur tain will rise promptly at 8 o'clock. Following is the cast : CAST OF CHARACTERS, Maverick Brander J. K. Sibley Captain Fairleigh Bright F. H. Muscott Major Yell A. N. Holman Colonel Fepper Bert Teats Colonel Bragg Halph Hill BrasseyGall, Esq Dr. H. L. Toncy Colonel Blow George Morton Christopher Columbus Jr. Fishbnck . . Fred B. West Knott Innitt Walter Critclilow Lieutenant Green i G. Whlttaker Bellows Louie Muscott Press Button J Sergeant-at-Arms Anatolo Chet. C. Coad Green Woodheadj Crab10 Mre Henry Williams k J- Lester Butler Mrs. Brander Miss Viola Martin Mrs. Major Campbell. Mrs. Fred West Dixie Stile Miss Maude Robertson Bossy Miss Frankie Hayter Street band, waiters, Indians, greas ers, and general riff-raff of a frontier town, etc., by artists peculiarly adapted to their various roles. THE PROLOGUE. Door yard of Mr. Brander's house. The Congressman-elect. (The rest of it in Washington.) Act I. Private reception room at the Arlington. The Congressman arrives at the Capitol. Actll. Ante-room and dining room of Mr. Brander's suite at the Arling ton. The Congressman investigati'd. Act III. Mr. Brander's parlors. The Congressman endorsed. Legal blanks for sale at this offlce. Maro, the magician, will give an entertainment in Independence next Tuesday evening. If you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, sour stomach, or any other pain, Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will drive them away. 33 cents, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cher rington. The women of , the Christian church cleared something over f50 on the chicken-pie supper given in the church basement last Friday evening. The suppers given by these women are becoming very popular, and are always well patronized. J. M. Stark, of Independence, Ore gon, an old friend of L. C. Gilmore, is in the city and may eiend the winter here. He came with Mr. Gil more and is already much pleased with San Pedro. San Tedro, Cal., Times. DANGEROUS ROOF BLAZE Ciisiiibsrlsin s CcUgh RsmCu Cure Cold. Croup S d Wbuopisg Cough. Methodist Church Building in Dallas Narrowly Escapes Destruction by Fire. The Methodist Episcopal church building in this city uarrowly escaped serious damage, and possible destruc tion, by fire last Suuday afternoon, at 3 :30 o'clock. A spark from the chim ney fell ou the dry roof, setting Are to the shingles aud starting a blaze that was extinguished only by the prompt action of members of the congregation in attendance at the afternoon service. The flames were making good head way when discovered, and had the church been vacant at the time, much damage would undoubtedly have re sulted. The fire was first seen by Karl Shultz, whose home is directly across the street from the church building. The lad ran to tho building and gave the alarm, and a moment later the fire-bell at the City Hall was calling the fire department to action. The members of the church attending the afternoon meeting were greatly agi tated when they found that their building was burning, but the best of order prevailed and the crowd passed quietly through the aisles and into the street, while a hnstily-formed bucket brigade was fighting the flames from the inside of the building. The hose companies arrived promptly, and soon had a heavy stream of water playing on the burning roof. The Are had already been gotten under control from the inside, however, and little aid .was needed from the hose companies in extinguishing it com pletely. The damage to the building is nominal, and is covered by in surance. The M. E. Church building Is one of the largest and best structures of its class in Dallas, and its destruction by fire would have meant a serious loss to the congregation and the .city. The building was completed in 1890, and was the first church edifice of modern architectural design to be erected in Dallas. Automobile for sale, $195; steam, in good condition, top and lamps. Box 4C1, McMinnville, Ore. FREE! FREE! Rogers Silver Plated Ware WARRANTED A Coupon With Every Dollar's Worth of Goods You Buy for Cash. V You are invited to inspect these goods. Crider's Grocery MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. Carpets and Mattings frfrH; Carpet -tLM (to. A fine new line of Carpets, Mattings and Linoleums just in. -Very best quality at the very lowest price. A complete line of Furniture and Furnishings at Kerslake's Furniture Store. PHONE MAIN 64 Main Street, Dallas, Ore. ;SFis,vXvjiv..''-'